Exercises for muscle groups. The best set of exercises for all muscle groups A set of exercises for all groups

A commercial gym makes it possible to conduct the most diverse workouts and work out muscles from all sides. But this is by no means the only way to see significant muscle growth! Follow this set of exercises for all muscle groups at home, using a minimum of equipment, and you will get the best physical form while saving time and money.

When people talk about bodybuilding on forums or in fashion magazines, the dialogue and photos tend to focus on what's going on in gyms and health clubs. You won't hear about Jay Cutler or Kai Green working out in the basement. own house. If you are a competitive athlete, then a set of exercises performed in a fitness club remains the only option for stimulating various muscle groups.

Let's face the facts. Many of us who want to get great shape, build muscle or lose fat, just can't afford to pay monthly gym fees and take the time to get back and forth. We go to the store, buy a set of dumbbells, a barbell with pancakes and a bench. Now we have our own corner of the house where we can set goals and achieve them.

Despite the lack of simulators, you can effectively perform any of the sets of exercises at home, pumping all muscle groups, with only dumbbells and a barbell. This has been done for many decades in the past.

Before you start planning your iron stronghold, there are a few things you should consider:

  • Don't try to invent any new exercises to replace the ones you could do in a club.
  • In any case, you will need a partner who will insure and help you squeeze in a few extra reps.
  • Check the projectiles periodically to make sure everything is in good condition.

An effective set of exercises for all muscle groups

On each first exercise, do 2 warm-up sets of 20-25 reps. Try to rest no more than 60 seconds between sets. This grouping of exercises will help to focus all the load on specific muscles.

Monday - chest

Tuesday - back, press

Circuit training was invented by scientists at the University of Leeds back in 1953. Its principle is delightfully simple: you select 8-10 exercises and perform one after the other. Then you rest for a couple of minutes and repeat all over again.

The exercises take the basic ones: squats, lunges, twists ... Everyone can do them, and at the same time they make a lot of muscles work, so for a short time pumping the whole body. And if they are done without rest and at a fairly fast pace, this is also good workout for the heart, and the ability to lose weight - the pulse easily rises to the fat-burning zone, 60-70% of the maximum.

“Circuit training is wonderful because it is a kind of constructor,” says Yanina Sabirova, master of sports in bodybuilding, personal trainer fitness club Janinn Fitness. “You can choose the details of the exercises as you wish and combine them as you need, depending on your level of training and the goals that you are pursuing.”

If you are not in good shape yet and you can't do eight to ten exercises in a row, cut them down to five or six. “Rest between them for at least 30-40 seconds: for example, you can switch to walking so that the pulse does not drop sharply,” advises Yanina Sabirova. “But make sure that the total class time is no more than 45 minutes: circuit training is a serious load, it should not be long.”

If you feel like you're underperforming, on the contrary, add exercises - there can be up to 12 of them in a circle - and perform without a break. Play with speed. Forget about the number of repetitions and focus on time: try pushing up or sitting down for the maximum number of times in 30 seconds. Another option is to take dumbbells or put weights on your legs. But at the same time, do it at a calm pace: in a hurry it is easy to break the technique, and with weights it is more dangerous than with your own weight.

If you want to lose weight and have enough endurance, alternate strength exercises with cardio: 30-45 seconds, do not just walk, but run in place with a high knee lift or, for example, jump rope.

If you have a fitness goal put in a circle of exercises that will help achieve it. Let's say you want to strengthen your leg muscles so you can run a marathon or walk proudly down the beach in a swimsuit. “Then do side jumps, jumps from a squatting position,” recommends Yanina Sabirova. “I don’t know of exercises that would do a better job of this.”

But first, try to master the circuit training proposed by the instructor of the LIVE! Alexander Mironenko.

Perform all exercises 20 times, sequentially moving from one to another. Having done all 8 exercises, that is, having completed the circle, rest for 2-3 minutes and repeat all over again. Make 3 to 5 such circles. Perform the complex three times a week, but not day after day: you should have one day of rest after class.

1. Half toe squats

Initial position. To perform a lunge: one foot one step in front of the other, feet shoulder-width apart, knees bent. Arms bent at the elbows, palms above shoulder level.

Performance. Sit down while inhaling, straightening your arms. As you exhale, return to the starting position.

3. Push-ups

Initial position. Sitting on a chair, hands next to the hips rest on the edge of the seat.

Performance. Push your pelvis forward and slide off the chair. As you inhale, bend your elbows and lower yourself down. As you exhale, return to the starting position.

5. Twisting

Initial position. Lying on your back, hands behind your head, legs bent at the knees, feet on the floor at the width of the pelvis.

Performance. As you exhale, tighten your abdominal muscles, lift your shoulders, while inhaling, return to the starting position.

A beautiful body, a well-built figure of a man, this is exactly what has always and everywhere attracted women. Muscles were attractive, back in the days when the main job of a man was to get food and guard his home. By the way, even today the male sex should be able to stand up for himself, his home and family, but a sedentary lifestyle, a lot of various goodies turn a beautiful torso into “beer” bellies.

If a man does not have a handsome and slim body maybe it's not his fault. Now work and domestic duties take up too much time. There is simply no time left for gyms that you need to visit regularly, but you can always find a solution.

Home workouts for major muscle groups

Constant home workouts can give the body relief and strength. The main thing in this matter is follow the schedule, use only effective exercises, step up the intensity and follow general principles workout.

Absolutely all exercises for men can be divided into three groups.

These include:

The first two groups differ a set of physical exercises. The third group includes techniques for maintaining spirituality and psychological state.

Before starting training, you need to remember some rules that can help you achieve desired result for a short time.

  1. First of all, you need to stop drinking alcohol and smoking. healthy image life is the key to the success of all training and tone.
  2. Proper nutrition during exercise can help the body get all the basic components that are needed to build muscle tissue. Important components include proteins and carbohydrates. When building your diet, you need to take into account that there are as many proteins in food as possible, and less fat.
  3. Training can take place at any time of the day, but you need to maintain a time rhythm throughout all classes. That is, if a person chose evening time for training, then all subsequent classes should take place in this part of the day. The body adapts to this rhythm, which is why training in the future will become a habit.
  4. Before starting training, it is advisable to take a cool shower to maintain tone.
  5. Classes can be started only three hours after eating.

Exercises for the respiratory system

Training without exercises for the respiratory system will be very difficult and unpleasant diseases may even appear. This is due to the fact that most of the people living in an urban environment have hidden diseases of the respiratory system, which can develop when playing sports.

That is why exercises aimed at building muscle mass should also capture development of the respiratory system. Correct technique breathing, saturates the blood with oxygen, which will make you feel much better.

The best way to develop the respiratory system is running, and you need to do this on the street. Treadmill is not suitable for the development of the respiratory system, because the main thing here is Fresh air.

Incidentally, the most better time for running, it is the morning or evening when the level of toxic gases decreases. Plus, this is a good way to cheer up after sleep or in the evening to exhaust your body in order to sleep soundly.

Another option for exercises for the development of the respiratory system is cycling. Nowadays, using a bicycle to commute to work, school or just for business is very popular in European countries. This not only saves money and time, but also stimulation of the respiratory system and the whole organism as a whole.

Warm up before workout

Several factors influence a fruitful workout and the final result. First of all, this concerns proper nutrition, but warm-up is an important component. Warm up helps prepare the muscles before loads. Without warm-up exercises there is a high risk of injury or not completing the entire program due to lack of tone.

Most often, qualified trainers recommend using joint warm-up which helps to prepare the joints and muscles for stress. Such a small workout helps to increase blood circulation, stretch all the muscles, preventing injury during intensive occupation sports.

There is nothing difficult in articular gymnastics. First you need to stand in a straight stance with your feet shoulder-width apart. Further produced circular motions almost all parts of the body, to develop joints. You need to start from the head, gradually descending to lower parts body.

Particular attention should be paid to the back, arms and legs, because it is these areas of the body that are most prone to injury during training. When exposed to the articular parts of the knee, you can sit down a little to make it easier to make circular movements.

In the Chinese method articular gymnastics, there is one interesting point, namely the warm-up of such parts of the head as: earlobes, nose and crown of the head. Basically, these points are stimulated to improve tone. Blood rushes to the head and the person begins to feel more cheerful.

After the gymnastic warm-up of the joints is over, you can proceed to the slopes, waving arms and legs, lunges or squats. Such basic techniques are needed to increase blood circulation in the human body.

In some cases, it helps with the fight against body fat. Although men suffer less from subcutaneous fat than women, it's still such a way to throw off excess weight won't be redundant.

For example, side bends can help get rid of excess fat on the abdomen and side press. When warming up, it is better not to overdo it, because there should be strength for the main part of the training.

Workouts for the growth of pectoral muscles and abs

When forming a beautiful figure, a man should focus on all muscle groups, but thoracic part and the press rank first among them.

From exercises at home, which are aimed specifically at the formation pectoral muscles and press, fit push-ups or torso raises in a lying position on the floor.

These techniques are basic, but few people know that even push-ups can be performed in different ways, thereby developing different parts. chest.


Building chest muscles with push-ups is the best solution for home workouts. Push-ups do not require any special devices and even a technique for by and large may not be observed.

The main thing to do is to monitor the number of approaches and try to keep the body during classes parallel to the floor. You need to start this exercise with a small number of push-ups, gradually increasing the intensity, speed, number or number of approaches.

By the way, the chest consists of a whole complex of muscles, each of which can be strained using a different width of arms during push-ups from the floor.

At some stage, a person reaches his maximum. Muscles simply stop growing, even if you increase the number of approaches to 10-15. To continue to build chest muscles, it is best to reduce the sets and intensity, but use extra weight which is mounted on the back.

Exercises for the abs

Abdominal exercises can be done in two ways. In the first case, you need to lie on the floor and put your feet under the sofa or closet. Then, throwing your hands behind your head, you need to use the pressure of the abdominal muscles raise your torso.

The second option implies leg raise in supine position. In fact, such an exercise does not require special equipment or technique. It is only important to focus your attention on the press, so that at the time of training you do not strain your legs, because the goal is to pump up the abdominal muscles.

Abs exercises can be performed without a trainer at home. To complicate the workout, you can put dumbbells or other weights on your chest, and hold them with your hands.

Pumping the muscles of your body is quite simple if observe proper nutrition , use the necessary set of exercises and follow the training schedules. Even at home, there is a chance to see clear results in the form of body relief in a short period of time.

A properly selected set of exercises can help pump all muscle groups and not only increase their volume, but develop strength and endurance. In addition, playing sports is primarily a matter that improves health.

Every girl, and even a young man, dreams of a fit and beautiful figure. Achieving good results and then keeping them is not easy. It takes hard work on yourself. Let's see what effective exercises for losing weight at home can be easily performed.

Among the most effective, there are twenty exercises for weight loss, as well as for working out all muscle groups. They are perfect for doing them at home. For this, there is no need to have physical training. By doing these sport exercises, you will have to sweat well, because this complex Designed for heavy workload. By arranging home workouts for weight loss every other day, the result will not have to wait long, and the muscles will have time, not only to relax, but also to recover.

Some rules for doing exercises

Let's look at how to lose weight at home, and what recommendations should be followed.

Simple Tips:

  • training for weight loss at home, like any other, should begin with a warm-up and end with a stretch;
  • you need to eat at least 60 minutes before you start training at home for weight loss;
  • you should not eat food containing a lot of calories and fats;
  • during classes, you need to use exclusively pure water without gases, not exceeding two sips at a time;
  • also during the training period, it is necessary to monitor the correctness of breathing: inhale through the nose, and exhale exclusively through the mouth;
  • at the end of the workout, you should not drink for half an hour, and also do not eat for three hours, since everything eaten after the training will go into the accumulation of muscle fiber mass;
  • each of the exercises should be brought up to fifty times;

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Important! For a beginner, it’s hard and therefore you don’t need to overdo it, but increase the load gradually. It must be remembered that painful sensations in the muscles come from excessive filling of them with lactic acid, and the resulting microtraumas will not allow training complex next time.

  • if time is limited, then the exercises for weight loss at home included in the complex can be done, if necessary, in several periods to maintain shape.

Let's look at home exercises for weight loss.

The desire for a beautiful figure is always commendable, especially if you achieve results through sports. But, now people have less and less free time and going to the gym is not always real. In this case, well-chosen fitness exercises for weight loss will help. Most of them can be done at home. Let's figure out how to properly compose a complex and achieve a result.

Training complex for weight loss

Training for weight loss at home has little difference from the one that is carried out in a sports or gym. Exercises should affect all zones.

Let's look at twenty exercises that give a good effect if you want to lose weight.


This exercise provides study of the femoral, gluteal and spinal muscles. You need to squat so that the buttocks are strictly parallel to the ground or floor. Then you need to return to the original position.

Push ups

This type of exercise will help tighten the back muscles. In addition, biceps work, as well as triceps. When performing it, the hands should be placed on the gap closest to one another, and the wrists should be positioned so that they are one whole line with the elbows and shoulders.

Important! When doing push-ups, you should bend your elbows as close to the body as possible, and you should not bend.


This exercise will perfectly help to tighten the spinal muscles, as well as the buttocks. When performing it, you need to try to push the pelvis as high as possible.

Forward lunges

Performing such an exercise makes the front zone of the thigh muscles, as well as the buttocks, work. Such lunges should be done alternately: first on one, and then on the second leg.

Important! A lunge is performed in such a way that the leg protruding forward is strictly parallel to the ground or floor.


This exercise allows you to work out all the muscles of the body. In it, you need to stand in a position similar to the position with male push-ups, only lower your hands to your elbows. Hold on for one and a half minutes.

Back kicks

In this exercise, you need to stand up straight. After that, move the body forward, and swing your foot back. After that, return to the primary position and make a similar movement only with the other leg. This will tighten the muscles in the back of the thigh as well as the buttocks.

Deep triceps

This type of exercise is done with the support of the hands on a piece of furniture that is stable: a sofa, an armchair, a chair, etc.


  • you should lean your hands on the selected object;
  • put your feet steadily;
  • bend your legs at the knees;
  • bending your arms in elbow joints, the body should move towards the floor;
  • then you need to return to the original position.

Important! Buttocks should not touch the floor, as otherwise the exercise will become ineffective.


This exercise is for effective elaboration back muscles. To perform it, you need to get on all fours and stretch exactly your left leg and right arm. After the opposite.

Important! In this position, you need to stand for a while, then change to the opposite hand, as well as the leg.

Twisting bike

You have to lie on your back. Next, alternately reach with your elbow right hand to the left knee and vice versa. This exercise is aimed at working all the muscles of the press, including the obliques. Important! You need to perform the exercise qualitatively in order to achieve the desired result.

Balancing above the floor

When performing this exercise, it is necessary to lie on your back and raise your legs so that they are close to the floor, but do not touch it. You need to hold them for one and a half minutes. This exercise has a positive effect on the muscles lower press as well as the back.

Girls strive for a great figure and know firsthand how difficult it is to achieve. good result. There are many sets of exercises for this. Let's figure out which workout program for weight loss at home for girls will be the best.

Side lunges

From a standing position, you should lunge to the side, then return to the starting position and repeat, but on the other leg. So alternating legs, you should perform 10-20 times for each. This exercise provides a load on the front zone of the thigh muscles, as well as the buttocks.

Important! The back must be kept straight throughout the exercise.

Burpee exercise

Stand up straight. Then sit down and lunge with both legs back. You should get a pose, as with male push-ups. After that, return to the starting position, pulling your legs back and standing again from the squat. This exercise is for all muscle groups.

Lunges forward and backward

Stand up straight. Then you need to lunge with one foot forward, then return to the initial position. Next, you should lunge with the same leg back. Then change legs. This exercise is good for the thighs and buttocks.

Pull-ups or as an alternative - a boat

In the presence of a horizontal bar, you need to perform pull-ups. Some different types performing this exercise will allow you to work out different muscles. If there is no horizontal bar, then another exercise can be performed. To perform it, you need to lie on the floor, face down and stretch to your full length. The arms as well as the legs should be straight. You should lift them at the same time and hold them in this position for a while.

Star Jump

In this exercise, you need to jump, spreading your arms and at the same time legs to the sides. This will relax and stretch the spinal canal.


This exercise forces the inner thigh area to work. For this purpose, it is necessary to do squats.

Important! Heels must not be lifted off the floor. Correctly perform squats should be spreading your knees.


To do this, you need to take a pose, as with male push-ups, and try to reach your chest with your knee. This exercise gives a load on the muscles of the arms, as well as the legs and back.

Important! Another variant of this exercise is to perform it from the same initial posture, but with the knee pulled towards the shoulder.

Overlap jump

To do this, you need to jump, throwing your legs back. This helps unload the lower muscle groups, and also stretches the front of the thigh. Also, active mode burns calories.

Tuck Jump

When jumping, the legs bend in knee joints and pressed against the chest. This exercise strengthens the abdominal muscles, as well as improves coordination of movements. In addition, it enhances the flow of blood circulation.


From a semi-squat position, a jump is made as high and forward as possible. Such an exercise affects the stimulation and makes the muscles of the legs, as well as the buttocks, work.

For effective reduction Weight loss requires not only training at home for weight loss, but also proper nutrition, as well as drinking enough fluids. This complex will help build both interval and circuit training. Physical exercise- this is the way to a beautiful and slender figure.