Proper warm-up in rhythmic gymnastics. There is no time for sweets and boys: how gymnasts train

Two-time Rio Olympic silver medalist, gymnast Maria Paseka told us what it's like to live all year round at the sports base, train three times a day and perform at competitions when your back hurts terribly and you want to quit everything.

I was six years old when I first saw a girl jumping on a trampoline. I saw her on TV and immediately told my mother that I want the same thing - I want to jump. Mom didn’t like the idea - she tried to dissuade me, but then, when I threw a tantrum, she had to give in and enroll me in the section. Actually, since then and for 15 years now I have been doing gymnastics. Yes, I had moments when I wanted to quit everything, there were even moments (more precisely, a moment) when I threw everything and went to jump on the track - however, I quickly got bored with this business. I returned to gymnastics and in 2015 I won the European Championship and the World Championship. And if before this year I was always told that I could do better, then in 2015 I gave my all one hundred percent. Showed up and won. It was the most amazing year. My mother was very supportive then, she said: “You are smart! You will succeed!” I trusted her and I really did it.

I am convinced that desire and incentive are two factors without which it is impossible to achieve anything, neither in sports nor in life. But you don't have to focus on winning. You just have to go out on the platform every time and do your job every time, without thinking about what place you want to take. If you set yourself up exclusively for “gold”, then you can simply “burn out” - and in the end nothing will work out. Or it will work, but not in the way you wanted. So do not bother yourself with unnecessary things - what you have trained is what you do in performances. All. And how exactly you did it, the judges decide.

My back has been hurting for a long time. But now, before the Olympics, the situation has worsened. I tried to ignore the pain, but against the background of general fatigue, I had a breakdown - my back hurt terribly, I wanted to quit everything and not go anywhere. It was hard for me, but in the end I calmed down, pulled myself together and flew to Rio.

Preparation for the Olympics is no different from preparation for other competitions - we have a ready-made program, which we simply “run in”. Yes and myself training process does not change - we train and rest as usual, just control training is getting bigger. If there is an error, then it needs to be worked out so that everything is perfect. At the same time, you can’t always be at the peak of your form. Before the competition, you put all of yourself into preparation and then, when everything is over, you walk like a vegetable for several weeks. No strength and no tone. But time goes by, you gradually recover and begin to re-gain shape. And then everything repeats.

At the beginning of the year, we discuss with the coach our main goals and think over how they can be achieved. Usually our day starts with a workout, it lasts until about half past eight, then we have breakfast, rest (most often sleep) and go to the second (main) workout - from 11:00 to 13:30. Then we have lunch, rest again, and at 16:30 the last, third training is waiting for us. At the same time, we always focus on our own feelings: conditionally, if today I understand that I can jump, then I jump, if not, then I do a “school”. For example, if I always jump “rondat - flyak - two and a half”, then “school” is when I only jump “rondat - flyak”. That is, I practice the first part of the jump so that it would be easier for me in the second part.

In this mode, we train until Thursday - then we have only one main workout, already without charging, and half a day to rest, and on Saturday we work only in the gym.

We call exercises in the gym "pumping" - the coach tells each gymnast what she should do. Usually we pull up, push up, jump rope, squat with a barbell, pump calves, abs and back. Sometimes the coach understands that for some girls these exercises are not enough - then he gives them additional tasks that they need to do on their own.

The main thing in gymnastics is technique and coordination, the athlete should not get lost in space during the jump. You need to be very well physically prepared and developed, but nevertheless you can’t swing too much, as the heavy muscle mass will only interfere.

After Saturday training in the evening we are allowed to go home. On the weekends (weekends are the one and a half days that we have to rest) I like to go out with friends, go to nature and go to the cinema. But my hobbies don't end there. It so happened that I spent all my childhood with my dad, who simply loves cars and motorcycles. It is easy to guess that his passion was transferred to me - I really love cars.

On Monday, you need to return back to the sports base - as you understand, it is very difficult to fully recover in such a short period of time. And a full-fledged vacation happens only after the Olympics and the World Cup, and since coaches determine its duration, we always have a rest in different ways. After the Olympics, for example, a vacation can last a year or a year and a half, and after the World Cup - a maximum of a month, but most often they give no more than two weeks. I can’t say about plans for the future yet. After Spain I will go to Germany - I will do my back. So in many ways my future depends on the results that await me in Germany - I will build on them. So for now, everything is in question. But I try not to get ahead of myself, because I think that first we need to solve the primary tasks. The top priority right now is health.

Before any workout rhythmic gymnastics it is necessary to carry out a warm-up, consisting of a set of exercises. Gradually warming up the muscles, the body prepares for the load. By warming up, you warm up the muscles, ligaments and tendons - this improves their elasticity and reduces the risk of injuries and sprains.

Warming up before a workout helps improve blood circulation in the body, which helps to saturate your muscles with oxygen and nutrients. This will help increase your endurance.

Stretching in rhythmic gymnastics is required for 2 legs

How should you warm up?

Warm-up should begin with warming up the body. Running will help us with this. For 5-10 minutes we do an easy run, adding rotations with our hands forward and backward. After jogging, you need to restore your breathing, continuing to run at a fast pace, gradually reducing the pace.
We continue the warm-up with inclinations and circular rotations of the body and head. To warm up the feet, you can use the following exercises:
- sitting * on the rises (exercise time 2-3 minutes)
- sitting on the rises, emphasis with hands forward, we rise into the fold 10-15 times.
- sitting on the floor, legs extended forward, pulling the feet to the floor.
- sitting on the floor, legs extended forward, feet towards you for 1-2 seconds, pull the feet to the floor for 1-2 seconds
- sitting on the floor, legs stretched forward, circular motions feet
- relevé
- walking uphill

* sit - this is the position of a gymnast who is engaged in sitting on the floor, or on a projectile with straight legs. The hands touch the support, or are in some other position.

Stretching in rhythmic gymnastics

Stretching for gymnasts is dynamic and static. For best result it is necessary to include two types of stretching exercises in the complex.

Static stretching is static exercises, which are aimed at stretching the muscles without movement.

Dynamic consists of controlled movements of the legs and arms. It can be both slow and fast. It can be like all kinds of swings, rolls from twine to twine.
First, we do the splits from the floor, then we raise the bar higher. Stretching in rhythmic gymnastics is required for 2 legs, devoting enough time. It also needs to be stretched. posterior thigh And cross twine. Stretching is very important correct twine. To avoid flared hips. The question often arises: “how are rhythmic gymnasts pulled?”. Everything is very simple. Either the gymnast stretches under her own weight, or with the help of a coach.

Stretching exercises:

- butterfly
- "frog"
- lunges
- twine
It is possible to stretch your back with the help of waves and slopes. In rhythmic gymnastics, there are many different waves (forward, backward, lateral, etc.). Tilts also need to be done in all directions. Exercises "bridge", "rolls" are great for warming up the back. Do not forget to do static exercises for back flexibility:
- ringlet
- lying on the stomach, grabbing the left leg with the right hand
- lying on the stomach, grabbing the right leg with the left hand
- back pleat
- basket

With the help of dynamic exercises, we continue the warm-up. Leg swings must be done in all directions and on 2 legs. Don't forget to include leg holds in your warm-up. This will increase your range.

Jump preparation

To prepare your body for jumping, you need to make a jump, starting with small jumps and ending with large ones. It is worth including acrobatics in the warm-up to develop coordination. For example: forward flips, back flips, wheel, “barrel”, somersaults, “shenet”, “crossover”, rolls. And be sure to go through all the elements of the exercises. Work out balance, static and dynamic. In order to easily make static elements in an exercise, it is necessary to include these elements in the warm-up and perform them for as long as possible. For example, set a stopwatch and stand in balance for 1-2 minutes.
Now you are ready to exercise to the music.

If a young gymnast does poorly, without proper aspiration, she is frightened by dancing and modeling. In the rhythmic gymnastics youth school they say that acrobatics, dancing, aesthetics are for failed gymnasts, real talents will pull their toes and bend their backs to the last. What is behind beautiful posture young gymnasts, Sputnik correspondents found out.

Toffees are no longer hidden from the coach

Children can be sent to gymnastics from the age of four, and at six, some of them go to the first competitions. And even for such kids, four-hour workouts take place at least four times a week, to say nothing of older gymnasts: all the time that is not devoted to school goes to gymnastics. Already at nine in the morning, they were pulling a sock in the hall and honed the program with subjects from a group of different ages.

© Sputnik Sergey Pushkin

The idea that a gymnast cannot afford an extra bun did not come true right there - coach Alexandra Dakimovich assured that now in sports morals are not as strict as they once were. She says that during her years of training, she had to hide toffees in her satchel to deceive the coach.

“Of course, you don’t need to abuse fatty and starchy foods, but basically little gymnasts eat what they want - they are bad eaters. These children themselves, in terms of physique, are not voracious at all. Another thing is the older ones, they already want a lot, and have a sweet snack. , and meet the boys, but there is no time," the group's coach told Sputnik.

It was said here that parents often bring kids to classes - the latter dream of a stellar future. But those who walk without desire cannot be detained, even if the children are talented.

Medal and make up

“When stretch marks begin, we turn from the game to loads, many leave. It is very difficult to endure it without the desire,” the coach assured.

As a result, at the stage when desire Everyday life overshadows the thirst for a ribbon and a swimsuit, almost half of the children are eliminated. Until the stage when it is time to talk about gymnastics as serious sport reaches ten percent.

“We try to find an approach to the majority, but there are those who cannot be lured by anything - gentle children who love themselves. And it happens that parents play enough and take away their talented beautiful child,” the coach said about the reasons for leaving the sport.

By the way, it is not necessary to send the child to classes in early age, it all depends on how developed he is, including intellectually.

"Some are already smart at the age of five, while others do not understand anything. There are two five-year-old children, and one does everything, and the other does not understand how to stretch the leg. But, of course, it is easier for those who came earlier to do stretching," - said the choreographer of the school Alla Vladimirovna.

© Sputnik Sergey Pushkin

It is customary to talk with children here as with adults, especially without ceremony. True, the coaches say that the children are much better developed than their peers. The level of intellectual development is also taken into account when enrolling, along with innate physical data.

“Long beautiful legs, a pretty face – it’s all important. But I start asking questions with a simple “What’s your name?” It’s important how the child reacts.

Immediately, she demonstrates to one of the students of the school what a real gymnast should look like - twine, rise and the so-called fold.

When asked why you need gymnastics, little Danuta replies peremptorily "I want a medal," moreover, a gold one. In addition to the medal, the children want a swimsuit and a ribbon. The coach said that this is one of the main incentives. When children are capricious, they are invited to senior group, they perform in beautiful swimsuits - and the whims stop.

“I will endure, I want a swimsuit,” the coach laughs. In addition to the leotard, the gymnasts also want to wear makeup and a ribbon. The latter is a favorite subject not only of the majority of viewers, but also of the children themselves, however, they like to play with it rather than engage in it. Some parents buy items - a hoop, a ball, a ribbon, maces - at their own expense, the school provides the most gifted.

You have to pay about a million rubles for a ribbon, the same amount for maces, a little less for a rope and a ball. However, many parents are ready to give any money.

“I immediately realized that I would become a coach, and I have been working for 16 years - groups of juniors were left for me as a child. I still pay attention on the street if a girl with beautiful legs. They tell me - stop it already - but I can’t miss the legs that are made for training, ”the school coach shared.

First, it's beautiful. Second, very helpful. “Rhythmic gymnastics helps develop flexibility, plasticity, coordination,” comments Kristina Radikevich, master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics; champion of Russia, multiple champion of Moscow and international tournaments and an expert of the Gracia&Sport company. “They also improve posture and foot health, which has a positive effect on overall physical condition.”

Therefore, even if you don’t imagine yourself as the new Alina Kabaeva, it’s still worth a try - at least to improve your well-being, posture and figure.

How are rhythmic gymnastics trainings

Gymnastics lessons for adults are generally similar to what they do in classes in children's groups. “In training there are elements of fitness, stretching, dancing,” Kristina Radikevich explains. - So, for example, in each lesson, special exercises for the development of flexibility and stretching, for setting and correcting posture, feet, for strengthening the press, muscles of the legs and back. The training also includes mastering the elements with the ball, mace, ribbon, jumps, turns, acrobatic movements.

If you haven’t done rhythmic gymnastics before, and, in principle, you’re not very friendly with sports, you should first master all these exercises with a trainer in the gym. But some basic elements, such as stretching, foot exercises, you can try to hone at home. This will help you understand if you like such workouts. Moreover, even these simple exercises will be enough to improve stretching, relax the muscles of the back, develop plasticity.

We asked Kristina Radikevich to compose and show us a set of rhythmic gymnastics exercises for adults.

How to build an activity

* Start your workout with a warm-up. 4-5 minutes articular gymnastics help to warm up the ligaments. Then perform 100 jumps on the rope: 50 - rotating the rope forward, 50 - rotating it back.

* Do the exercises consistently.

* Do not chase speed: there are many stretching exercises in the complex, they cannot be performed in jerks. “Try to relax and make an effort to exhale,” reminds Christina.

* Focus on your feelings. Mild muscle discomfort is acceptable, but sharp pain is not. The first - indicates that the muscles are gradually stretching, the second - may signal an injury.

* Do this program 5-6 times a week. “Regularity is very important in matters of flexibility development: the more often you do the exercises, the faster you will come to the result,” says Kristina Radikevich.

To complete the exercises of the complex, you will need a mat and a rope.

Ready to get started? Repeat after Christina.

Scrolling with a skipping rope

Get down on your knees. Place your right leg in front of you, bending it to a right angle. Place it on the toe, pressing the bent fingers to the foot. Move your body forward, put right hand on the heel and slowly, as it were, push it forward. After 10-15 seconds, change the position of the fingers: straighten them, rest the pads on the mat and again, pushing the heel forward with your hands, stretch the foot. After 10-15 seconds, repeat everything with the other leg.

Leaning towards straight legs

Stand up straight, put your feet wider than your shoulders. Lean your body forward, touching the floor with your hands. Point your toes out to the sides. Shift 60% of your weight onto your hands. With an exhalation, slowly lower the pelvis down, slide your feet more and more to the sides. Fix in a position accessible to you. Start with 15-20 seconds, gradually bringing this time up to 3-4 minutes.

Longitudinal twine

Get down on your knees, stretch your right leg forward. Pushing the right foot forward, with each exhalation lower the pelvis lower and lower. Watch the position of the pelvis: both of his joints of the hips should be approximately at the same level. Fix in a position accessible to you for 15-20 seconds. Gradually, this time should be increased to 3-4 minutes. Do the same on the other leg.

Many spectators of championships and competitions in rhythmic gymnastics are fascinated by the flexible and plastic female athletes who really know how to control their bodies and even use various complementary equipment during their performance: balls, ribbons, and so on.

But few people know that such skill was preceded by long years hard training. Even one training session in rhythmic gymnastics requires complete dedication, diligence and coordination. Gymnasts from childhood get used to the fact that they must be strong, to the point that they do not perceive many minor injuries as such.

What is rhythmic gymnastics

A sport that combines the excellent physical training, movement aesthetics and a slight hint of choreography. Unlike gymnastics artistic involves a more dance performance of elements, including using additional equipment:

Training includes not only the study of gymnastic and acrobatic elements, good stretch, but also the development of plasticity and coordination of movements. Practice shows that strictness and strong discipline are important in this sport.

Rhythmic gymnastics training with children

Mostly they begin to do gymnastics in childhood, when the muscles are even more elastic, and the weight of the child allows him to hold himself during execution. strength exercises. Gradually, the child develops his sports data, and new exercises and elements are given to him much easier.

Basic principles of training:

  • Warm-up should be mandatory. This is a necessary element of any training related to physical activity, ranging from gymnastic training and ending with choreographic classes. Warming up prepares the body for more intense exercise.
  • The child should have all the necessary equipment for classes, and comfortable clothing is required. This is important so that the child can perform exercises efficiently and safely for himself and others, and also for training discipline. Forgetting the uniform at home, shoes in rhythmic gymnastics is unacceptable.
  • The trainer should supervise every child in the group, especially if it is a preschooler. For this reason, groups should not be overcrowded - this is a gross violation. Insufficient attention of the coach can lead to the fact that the child easily breaks the technique of performing the element and gets injured, accidentally or deliberately prevents another from performing the element, which will either lead to conflict or, again, to injury.
  • Safety is paramount. All equipment must be in good working order. The task of the coach is to check the log, horizontal bars, Swedish wall and other sports equipment used during classes for breakage and damage.

Individual training in rhythmic gymnastics

Usually they are held in two cases: before competitions, competitions and at the personal request of the child's parents or the child himself. Their undeniable advantage lies in the fact that the coach can pay more attention to a particular gymnast or gymnast, so there will be a more significant result from the training.

Workout Structure

Structure individual training in rhythmic gymnastics does not differ from the group. It includes:

  • Warm-up. A warm-up is necessary in order to warm up the muscles. This will help to avoid injury, as well as make learning and doing exercises more effective.
  • The main part of the workout. Working out elements, stretching. The coach determines what needs to be learned right now, and in this way they plan a rhythmic gymnastics training. Stretching is one of the most important elements, but during individual training it can be ignored if it is not necessary.
  • Exit. Muscle relaxation to avoid crepitus.

Why should a coach be a specialist?

Beautiful smooth movements, precise execution of acrobatic and gymnastic elements, skill with a ball or ribbon - the constituent elements of rhythmic gymnastics. The danger of injury is also rhythmic gymnastics. Children, training with which requires absolute attention from the coach, cannot always determine the line when pain during stretching is the norm, and when it is a hint of wrong execution exercises.

The task of the coach is not only to teach children gymnastics, but also to prevent the occurrence of injuries by competently warming up and accustoming their pupils to correct technique execution of elements. In addition, if a muscle strain did occur, or the child simply hit and bruised, the coach should be able to provide first aid if necessary, as well as advise on further actions.

A non-professional will not cope with all these tasks. Moreover, if a self-taught gymnast or even a non-gymnast undertakes to conduct gymnastics, this is primarily a risk to the health of the child.


Rhythmic gymnastics is an impressive sport that involves intensive training. Children have been taking classes since the age of four. Many elements of gymnastics - the wheel, the "barrel", the compasses, and so on - are also used in dances, which once again confirms its relevance and aesthetics.