Innovative technologies in management in sports. Modern technologies in sports

Modern conditions of human life are intensive labor, educational and social activities. They are affected by negative environmental factors, emotional and stressful loads in society, technical progress, socio-economic cataclysms. Youth behavior becomes aggressive, which causes emergence of new social, psychological, spiritual and moral and physical effects on humans.

In the new conditions, physical exercises are divided according to their impact on a person according to the following criteria:

Biomechanical structure of movements (cyclic and acyclic);

Manifestation physical qualities(speed, endurance, strength, agility, coordination)

Features of locomotion;

Power performed work, the predominant source of energy, the level of energy consumption;

The nature of the load regulation;

The volume of active muscular masses;

character muscular work.

Physical exercises are considered according to the degree of their historical use in the system of health-improving physical culture and sports, i.e. as an innovative tool physical culture and sports education, health preservation, psychological state and social activity of a person.

Building contemporary recreational physical culture programs active sports involves the use of technology (forms, means and methods) that affects the life-supporting functional systems of the human body: cardiovascular, respiratory, immune.

Individually directed, complex, training effect physical activity on the functional systems of the body allows you to maintain human health at the optimal level of its development. The way to achieve this phenomenon in human development is extremely difficult, but possible.

Physical activity- a tool for the general socio-psychological development of a person, even with any deviations from the norm in the state of health, regardless of age and the nature of psycho-emotional and physical limitations. Physical effects on a person in the system of education, rehabilitation, labor, recreation provide for the development, restoration or compensation, development or improvement of lost or impaired functions. This means a purposeful psychological and pedagogical process, the ability to achieve an optimal physical and social level, taking into account the interests and needs of students.

Technology physical culture and health activity includes the following groups of exercises:

Respiratory, developing mobility in the joints;

Formative skills to maintain correct posture;

Increasing the strength of resistance;

With subjects, in balance and asymmetric;

Game and specially-applied;

with a given result.

These exercises can be used on land and in water, collectively and individually, under the guidance of a teacher, as well as independently.

Physical culture and health exercises are divided into groups according to the degree of their impact on the body human, indicators of the final result characterizing the effectiveness of the pedagogical tasks being solved at a specific stage of education and training.

Implementation innovative technologies of physical culture and sports education, health improvement of students is one of the main tasks of development training plans and programs of the university. To boost management in the system of physical culture and sports education, teachers necessaryconduct scientific research And put into practice positive experience.

The physical culture of a student must be interpreted not only as a set of physical qualities of a person, but also as a certain lifestyle. The decisive factor in promoting health is the position of the student himself, his attitude to his own social, psychological and physical health. This implies the essence of the concept of the formation of value-motivational attitudes of a person focused on healthy lifestyle, which becomes the basis of modern society.

The development of innovative means of physical activity has caused a certain socio-cultural demand, since there is already a certain motivation for one or another type of physical culture and health-improving work and sports activities.

The integration of various forms and means with the use of physical exercises can be effectively developed at the university within the framework of independent and mass complex events. It is necessary to include innovative tools in curricula to train teachers, promote all forms of physical activity, develop and implement methodical literature, as well as to carry out logistics, conduct research work on the problems of the effectiveness of innovative means of physical culture and sports.

An example is the following innovative physical culture and sports activities of students:

classical aerobics- a set of exercises that combines step-by-step, general developmental exercises and dance actions, performed to music, aimed at the formation of aerobic endurance, coordination of movements;

power aerobics- a set of classical aerobic exercises performed with dumbbells, mini-barbells, rubber shock absorbers, expanders, gymnastic sticks, directed on the formation of anaerobic endurance, strength, coordination of movements;

step aerobics- rhythmic walking (step training) using a step platform to the music, with frequent changes in rhythm and movements, aimed at developing general endurance, weight correction, forms of the lower leg, thighs, buttocks, as well as for the treatment of arthritis.

The cultivation of new types of physical activity among students is associated with the development of sports and recreation activities, the presence of a significant number of commercial clubs in various sports and health systems, the activities of "personal trainers", the organization of family sports, the adaptation of training programs to specific special groups, the convergence of the activities of sports and health clubs, medical and socio-psychological institutions.

At present, the lifestyle of young people has changed significantly. Their new image vital activity contributes to the achievement physical And spiritual development improving well-being, mental and physical health.

A new approach to physical activity is allowing more and more young Julys to incorporate exercise into their lives. schedule, using as a means of development, treatment for diseases or as a prophylactic.

Control questions and tasks

Application of modern innovative and computer technologies in sports.

As we know from the school curriculum, the term " Innovation" voiced from the Latin language is interpreted as - novelty, change.
Modern sport in its theoretical and practical development is inseparably linked to the development of innovative activity of human society.
All this is primarily manifested in the creation of a modern unique concept of physical and spiritual education. professional competencies of a trained athlete, improvement and renewal of the training system and the transformation of archaic training methods into advanced modern training processes at all stages of an athlete's training.
The use of modern sports technologies is typical not only for higher sports professional achievements but also applicable in the lessons of physical training of students and schoolchildren. By introducing methods of innovation and modern trends in physical education, the younger generation manages to instill perfect development of physical skills and awaken their understanding of the need and interest in sports and physical education.

The use of sports in the education of the younger generation.

Physical education lessons for both schoolchildren and students are an integral part of humanitarian education, a component educational the process of cultivating competencies and professional young person's skills.
With an amazing feature in education and improvement skills of physical culture and sports in the methods of school and university teaching fit the use of non-traditional sports in these learning processes.
One of the most famous non-traditional types of physical exercises is the Eastern technique - YOGA.
yoga can characterize as one of the most ancient religious-philosophical systemic currents in the basis of which are the skills of the ability to control the psyche and physiological regulation of the human body. Yoga exercises are based on the ability of the body and improvement skills of tension and relaxation of the muscular system - based on ordinary relaxation, the art of stretching and regulation of the depth and frequency of breathing up to the ability to influence the circulation of the circulatory system and blood flow rate and of course the concentration of both attention and the whole organism.
The use of yoga techniques helps
1. Development of strength qualities and flexibility of schoolchildren and students.
2. Possibilities of combinations of traditional Yoga exercises with other sets of exercises.
3. Ability to work with groups clinical examination and medical records.
4. A set of exercises has a sedative and relaxing effect on the body.
Particular attention should also be attributed to the increasingly popular sports such as - Nordic walking.
Nordic walking is inherent highly efficient in the perfection of the use of special techniques and walking techniques using unique auxiliary sticks when moving hands and their work. This sport gathers many supporters and pleases with its possible accessibility and applicable simplicity for practicing, including the one that does not require huge energy expenditures with the unique total work of the muscle carset.
Not unimportant factor in the growing popularity is the possibility of conducting training sessions almost anywhere under any climatic conditions, including with different physical preparedness training athletes or just doing.
Nordic walking promotes -
1 . The tone of the muscular corset of both the upper and lower parts of the body.
2. Almost 90% of the muscle fibers of the body are involved in the training process.
3 . The use of sticks helps to reduce pressure on the knee joint, including the spinal column, which is an important aspect for classes in health groups or dispensary groups of restrictions.
4 . There is an improvement in the work of the heart rate, pulse rate
5 . Carries out a correlation of posture and problem areas of the neck and shoulder joint.
6. Produces improved sense of balance and coordination of the body .

Modern innovative sports technologies in professional aspect.
Modern sport could not remain aloof from innovative implementations, scientific methods and developments. Let's consider this on the example of an innovative product used to achieve the effect of software automation of a sports process, including with automation capabilities. administrative component of any sports autonomous organization — Alfa Sport PA
This product is able to monitor and organize the training process of an athlete, to conduct a qualitative analysis of the performance of the training task, which made it possible for the coaching staff and the participants in the sports process, that is, the athletes, to achieve high plans and sports results.
Having adopted the method of control and analysis of big data, a modern innovative coach gets the opportunity to plan and predict the future results of an athlete in competitions, analyze the effectiveness of the training process in direct correlation with the training cycle and preparatory process .
As a result, the system enables the coaching staff to have long-term sports calendars or diaries of events based on the individual training schedules of a modern athlete. The innovative product has a saturation of photo and video with the possibilities of entering medical control cards, including promotion document flow within the members of a sports organization.
The medical component of this PAK "Alfa Sport" retains its full confidential reporting and storing the received data without making the information available to the public.
It should be noted about the module of resource distribution, which is of interest to many, in which the control of storage of inventory and various equipment of a sports organization is monitored.

Modern sport V last years has changed a lot and is developing at a decent speed.

These innovative sports solutions are of course known to you, but we will refresh again and look at developing trends.

1. Systems for monitoring the functional state of an athlete (GPSports-Alfa) - is an innovative software and hardware system proposed by Alfa Telecom, which helps an athlete and a coach in the training process and human overload in extreme conditions and preparation for them. The device combines the achievements of modern innovative technologies and sports as a science, it allows the coach to understand and urgently respond to the fact that the athlete is under the critical load of the impact of the sports regime .. Which is today a unique advanced technology for screening an athlete and preventing sports injuries as well.

2 Modern world a wave of use of video analytics programs, which we have repeatedly paid attention to on the pages of our website, has flooded. Modern analytical video surveillance systems and sports have not bypassed the attention. Let's bring to your attention a program for automating the recording of sports and training processes using analytics -RoboticEye. The program during the training process with the help of video surveillance cameras removes the game process, copies the received data, archives it into a database and, of course, subjects everything to possible analysis and comparison with past events and game moments. The program is easy to maintain and is currently adopted by many teams - Barcelona, ​​Bayern, etc.

3. Modern sport is haunted by a series of doping scandals and revelations about the use of illegal drugs by athletes. Humans have studied the possibilities of stimulation since ancient times. human body and hiccups and invented substances that help to perform and compete better. For the first time, medicine and sports encountered doping back in 1865 when swimmers from Holland used a prohibited drug.

We paid attention to the problem of doping in the innovative technologies of sports on the pages of our site.

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2. 2012–2014 Open innovations. Moscow International Forum of Innovative Development.

3. 2013-2014. Sport of high innovation. TOP 10 best examples of the fusion of sports and technology.

4. Peter Drucker. Business and innovation. - M.: Williams, 2007. - 432 p. – ISBN 0-88730-618-7.

Progress does not stand still and every day there are various innovations, and not least innovations in sports. Innovations are trying to improve the results of athletes, convenience for the athletes themselves, as well as for spectators and judges. And just having fun exercise. Objectives of the work: familiarization with innovative developments in the field of sports. Objectives: researching innovations in sports, studying the sports industry and identifying innovations in the field of sports. The object of the research is the introduction of innovations in sports activities. The subject of research is innovation in sports. Research methods - analysis of educational literature and theoretical data.

1. Innovation in sports

Innovation is an introduced innovation that provides a qualitative increase in the efficiency of processes or products demanded by the market. It is the end result of human intellectual activity, his fantasy, creative process, discoveries, inventions and rationalization. An example of innovation is the introduction to the market of products (goods and services) with new consumer properties or a qualitative increase in the efficiency of production systems. Innovations cannot be any innovations, but only those that seriously increase the efficiency of the existing system. The problem of innovation in sports is currently being given Special attention. This is due to the colossal changes in the economy, politics and spiritual life of different countries, which could not but affect the field of sports. Now athletes and coaches have to constantly work with innovations. The innovations that a trainer can use are manifold: new techniques sports training, problem-based learning, interactive teaching and much more. In sports, there are different categories of research, and in each there is always something new.

1. Psychological

2. Medical

New technologies of psychological support

In the process of sports competitions, sportsmanship, mental and physical abilities of an athlete are tested. Psychological preparation for a specific competition - The final stage of all psychological preparation carried out in the process of training and educational work. The most important task of this stage is the formation of an optimal mental pre-launch state, in which the athlete is not only able to show his best athletic qualities but also surpass them. Even long before the start, the athlete, as a rule, has tension, excitement, the heart rate rises, there is a change muscle tone. With the help of these reactions, the body functions are adjusted to all types of loads of upcoming competitions. This enables the athlete to mobilize all his qualities and capabilities by the time of the start. However, if such processes, especially emotional arousal, go beyond the optimal limits, then they adversely affect the actions of the athlete.

With the right stimulation, our brains can form new neural pathways, change existing connections, and adapt to and respond to our environment in different ways. Researchers at Lumos Labs Inc. found that the brain has an incredible ability to change, which is especially pronounced in learning and memory. Each person can use the enormous potential of neuroplasticity to improve cognitive abilities, increase the ability to perceive and remember new information, and improve memory. In 2011, the Human Cognition Project Lumosity was developed, which introduces a curriculum in which exercises ("lessons") contain combinations of movements designed to improve experiential understanding of how we act and use ourselves and our bodies. Completing these lessons allows you to find an alternative way to perform actions that is easier and more efficient. The result of such retraining is the elimination of unnecessary stress and related symptoms, a more efficient use of forces, a general feeling of lightness, an increase in sports results and improving the quality of life.

A new standard for emergency medical care for athletes

Athlete injury is a major threat to the success of an athlete or an entire team. Therefore, the main task of any coach is to reduce the risk of injury and damage. In the United States, the program for providing first aid to athletes (Sport Safety Training Program) has been revised. The new version of the program in 2007 was prepared by the American Red Cross and approved by the national Olympic Committee(United States Olympic Committee). The program establishes a minimum educational standard for coaches who are primarily responsible for the safety of athletes. Training courses have been developed to improve the effectiveness of prevention sports injuries. First aid, which is taught by coaches, is a set of simple measures aimed at helping the athlete before the arrival of medical workers. The main task is to prevent possible complications. If necessary, it is necessary to provide the most favorable conditions for the transportation of the victim. The objectives of the training are simple - to identify and eliminate potential hazards in various sports environments. The developers of the program believe that it is necessary to provide an atmosphere in which athletes can train in peace, knowing that their coach is in full control of the situation and they will be provided with timely assistance if necessary.

Flexible options are available, including first aid training using automated external defibrillation equipment. The training course includes videos, hands-on training, as well as interactive exercises, as well as a handy automated guide to accompany the coach during competition and training. for already certified and / or licensed sports coaches and other professionals, a special shortened course is provided. The revised safety standard has a convenient format and serves as an operational tool in a real emergency. Every coach coach and everyone who works with athletes should keep the manual in an easily accessible place - just like a first aid kit or gym bag.

3. Overview of technological innovations

The various inventions include, first of all, the athlete's clothing. In recent years, more and more types of sports equipment, equipped with sensors that should help track the physical condition and success of athletes during training and recovery. For example, sports bras have been created that use conductive fabric to register heart rate sportswomen. The "computing center" of such a bra on silicon chips is located in a miniature plastic case and transmits a signal to the receiving device. With the help of a system of sensors and a microprocessor, sports electronics can control many indicators physical condition human: the force of impact on the body, electrical impulses from the heart and nervous system, blood pressure, walking or running rhythm, stress on the joints. The data can be processed "on site" or transferred to another device. Often such developments are "by-products" of space technology. Thus, the Spanish company Emxys, together with the European Space Agency (ESA), developed the TrainGrid device, which is an “electronic T-shirt” for training. The device differs in that it not only measures and transmits to the computer the main parameters of the body and the location of the athlete, but also records blows, falls and average speed his movements. The TrainGrid developers are currently exploring the possibility of using this device in other areas of activity - such as monitoring remote workplaces, helping to fight fires or in emergency situations. Francisco García de Quiros, CTO of Emxys, emphasizes that this development has only been made possible by the policy of the European Union authorities, which place great emphasis on the conversion of technology from space to other areas of activity.

Also, some of the most common innovations in the field of sports are the following inventions:

Sports goggles Recon Jet. The Recon Jet is an interactive goggle designed primarily for outdoor sports. Technically, the Recon Jet glasses boast a camera that can shoot 720p HD video, 8 gigabytes of persistent flash memory, a 3D accelerator, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth wireless modules, and a wired Micro USB port.

iPod Nano - player for athletes. Sometimes not only technology affects sports, but sports also affect technology. One of the most striking examples of this is the emergence of a miniature audio player iPod Nano, which Apple created specifically for the needs of people involved in sports. After all, they needed a very compact player with quick and convenient access to music during training.

MiCoach Smart Ball - "smart" soccer ball. For several years there has been a soccer ball that automatically determines whether it crossed the goal line or not. miCoach Smart Ball from Adidas can do much more. He can act as personal trainer for a football player, helping him hone his skills in delivering a variety of kicks (penalty kick, free kick, long-range shot, corner kick, etc.)


History teaches that the development of physical culture and sports is an objective, natural process in the life of human society. The history of physical culture and sports shows how, at various stages of human development, the changes taking place in the field of physical culture and sports are determined by a certain way of production, politics, culture, and science. Leading public figures, teachers, doctors and scientists draw their ideas, means and forms from the spiritual creativity of the people, creating scientific systems and methods of physical culture and sports. Thanks to sports innovations, it becomes more interesting, easier and more accessible for people to play sports. And, perhaps most importantly, to achieve high results and enjoy. With the help of innovations, the sport will never stand still and will be in demand all over the world.

Bibliographic link

Cherepanov E.V. CURRENT INNOVATIONS IN SPORT // International Student scientific bulletin. – 2015. – № 3-1.;
URL: (date of access: 06/16/2019). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History" Professor, Doctor of Philosophy I. G. Gerashchenko,
professor, candidate of economic sciences Yu. A. Zubarev,
professor, candidate of pedagogical sciences A. I. Shamardin
Volgograd State Academy of Physical Culture Keywords: innovation, creativity, activity, formalism, productive learning, reproductive learning, criticality, dogmatism, problem learning. The problem of innovations (innovations, innovations) in pedagogy is currently receiving increased attention. This is due to fundamental changes in the economy, politics and spiritual life of our country, which could not but affect the education system. The topic of pedagogical innovations is being actively developed in foreign pedagogy. Monographic studies on this problem have been published [I].

The theory and practice of physical culture are also closely related to innovation. This is the development of a new concept physical education, creation of an updated system of methods educational process, the transition from monologue to interactive forms of conducting classes, the humanization and humanitarization of professional activity, the need to form a more creative and critical thinking among students of physical education universities in the conditions of modern competition. All this indicates the importance of further development theoretical foundations innovative and creative activity in the field of sports pedagogy.

Innovations, activity and sports and pedagogical creativity

Sports educators now have to work in a situation of constant innovation. This applies not only to purely sports activities, but also to fundamental changes in the worldview of students of physical education universities. Students have to be prepared for future competitive activities, therefore, the ability to innovate is also required from the teachers themselves. The professionalism of a modern teacher is largely determined by his penchant for innovation. Innovation happens different types. The French scientist E. Brunswick distinguishes three possible types of pedagogical innovations: Innovations are educational ideas and actions that are completely new and not previously known. There are very few such completely new and original ideas; The largest number of innovations are adapted, expanded or reframed ideas and actions that take on a particular relevance in a certain environment and in a certain period of time; Pedagogical innovations occur in a situation in which, in connection with the re-setting of goals in changed conditions, some pre-existing actions come to life, since new conditions guarantee their success and the success of certain positive ideas [I].
Innovations are closely connected with sports and pedagogical creativity. What are the criteria for creativity? Most often, the following are called: creating a new one, solving complex problems, etc. In our opinion, the most important criterion creativity is the degree of development of the essential forces of man. Where they will find their realization is another question, depending on many factors. Another criterion of creativity is the attitude towards contradictions. If the contradiction is not formulated in a pointed form, but is "smeared over" by any means, bypassed and becomes a criterion of delusion, then there can be no talk of any creativity. On the contrary, contradiction as a criterion of truth becomes the most important indicator of creative thinking. Creative abilities are expressed to the greater extent, the more sharply the real contradiction is reflected and formulated, and the more effectively the solution of the contradiction in thinking occurs in accordance with the logic of its formation.

Testing, which is often considered the main indicator of the intellectual and other activity of students, often does not reflect the real picture. The solution of artificially constructed problems cannot be the main criterion for creative abilities at all. The fact is that these tasks for their solution require not a meaningful method, but an algorithm. Consequently, they orient students not to the development of their own productive ability of judgment, but to its imitation. The solution of one class of problems does not give any guarantees that problems of another type will be successfully solved, since these latter require a new algorithm. "Creativity" in this case comes down to summing up the greatest number of algorithms, and any computer is able to do this with much greater success.

It is also difficult to agree with the definition of creativity as the highest form of activity. Creativity arises with the first manifestations of human activity and in the course of further learning can either develop, acquiring more pronounced quantitative indicators, or muffled as a result of the formalization of the learning process.

The complete underdevelopment of creative abilities coincides with the final reduction of a person's personality. If we take the point of view of a kind of "elitism" in the understanding of creativity, then it is completely incomprehensible, due to what significant reasons does activity turn into creativity? A similar difficulty arises in the case when one tries to determine the specifics of the teacher's creativity, deriving it from a certain psychological restructuring that accompanies the transformation of the student into a teacher. The changes here are really purely psychological, connected with the complication of the social role. But the essence of creativity changes in this case just as little as in the example of activity.

Creative thinking is the same as dialectical thinking, and at its core, all thinking is dialectical. The unity of form and content in education will be achieved if creativity becomes the norm of the educational process, and not a rare exception to the rule. For this it is necessary that real life demanded creative people as much as possible, and not simple executors of formal rules.

It is often difficult for teachers who read the humanities to stir up students who have previously worked actively in gym, in the pool or on the treadmill. But the pedagogical process is impossible without bilateral activity: teacher-student. The principle of activity in pedagogy is closely connected with innovative activity. With a careful analysis, consciousness, independence and strength of knowledge assimilation are reduced to the activity of the subject of learning, which acts as a universal human ability that forms the starting point and result of the entire learning process. This ability, which arises under the influence of the social environment, initially assumes consciousness and independence as its subordinate moments. Therefore, consciousness, independence and strength of knowledge assimilation can be considered methodological rules rather than didactic principles. As for the very principle of activity, its content in pedagogy is often greatly narrowed. This content, as a rule, includes the active acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities, where knowledge forms the ultimate goal of the entire pedagogical process. It is precisely the universality of human activity that falls out of sight, when the mastery of one ability becomes a method of mastering abilities in general.

The universality of activity lies in the fact that it forms the core of the personality, which makes a person a person. Only as a result of this universality is the process of cognition and practical transformation of reality possible. Human activity constitutes only his own measure of existence in infinite nature. This measure remains universal even if it is personified in a separate subject of cognition. The ability to act "according to the standards of any kind", while maintaining its own measure, is the activity of the subject of knowledge.

In this context, it is important to compare the activity of the subject of cognition and the subject of learning. In the narrow epistemological sense, the difference here is fundamental. It is one thing for a scientist to discover a scientific pattern, and quite another for a student to discover this pattern only for himself. But from the point of view of the deep laws of cognition, the difference turns out to be not so significant. The relation here is approximately the same as between phylogenetic and ontogenetic development. As a result of training, the student's thinking goes through the same stages as in the field of scientific knowledge. Therefore, learning is not so much the lowest form of scientific knowledge as knowledge itself becomes one of the forms of learning. In fact, there is an interpenetration of cognition and learning, up to their specific unity: learning involves cognition from its very beginning, and cognition is a permanent process of learning and self-learning. From this it is clear that the subject of cognition and the subject of learning are, in principle, one and the same subject. The activity of this subject depends on the potential of his essential forces. Education in a sports university must be brought to true knowledge, i.e. elements of theoretical thinking must be present in learning, and knowledge must be raised to true learning, when the researcher realizes himself comprehensively in the course of cognition. It is safe to speak about the cognitive meaning of learning and the teaching meaning of cognition.

Learning tools play a certain role in the formation of activity as the ability to innovate. But the means of teaching must be considered not in simple coordination, in a side-by-side relationship with each other, but in subordination. The basis of training is formed by subject-based practical means, then visual aids come, and technical and verbal means are derived from the original ones. Such subordination corresponds to the actual logic of the formation of human activity. Its core, formed by practical teaching aids, is developed with the help of visual aids, and distinguishing feature true visibility lies in its theoretical meaningfulness. Technical and verbal means play an important role in shaping the subject's activity, but this role has its limits. One cannot, for example, exaggerate the importance of the computerization of modern education. Computer literacy will be useful only if the student already has the necessary activity, but if the latter is not formed or dulled during training, then the computerization of the educational process will be just an external form and will not be useful.

It is hardly legitimate to consider the cognitive activity of students as something higher than other forms of activity. Rather, the opposite is true: cognitive abilities are derived from other abilities, and above all from labor abilities. The difficulty also lies in the fact that elementary labor activity presupposes elementary cognitive activity. There is a situation similar to that when they try to solve the problem of the primacy of a person or society. One already initially presupposes the other, and the problem is far from being reduced to a puzzle like "what comes first - the chicken or the egg?". The statement "cognition is always work" is not just a comparison of spiritual activity with physical labor, but a statement of the real state of affairs, when cognitive and labor activities interpenetrate each other.

Intellectual activity cannot be reduced to verbal activity only. The latter is derived from extraverbal activity, therefore the limitation of intellectual activity only narrows the area of ​​manifestation of this activity. The most important indicators of intellectual activity are the cognitive level of the subject-practical activity of the student, the quality and quantity of objects of objectification of his intellectual activity; the degree to which the student's thinking corresponds to the objective logic of real life; the ability to see and resolve real contradictions; and, finally, the verbal forms of the objectification of activity.

Much attention is paid to the formation of students' activity in German sports pedagogy. In particular, G. Nol showed that gymnastics, game and sports, influencing a certain layer human soul, can give a person an activity that will make him happy. Developing this position in his works "Polarity in didactics" and "Competition at school", G. Nol determined the ways and features of pedagogical guidance in the education of this activity in children. Many German theorists of sports pedagogy see the merit of G. Nol in proving that competition can lead not only to the division of children into winners and losers, but with proper management physical activity- to a common worldview, unity and mutual understanding, a real sense of freedom and joyful cooperation [З].

Innovations that a teacher can use are diverse: new methods of sports training, business games, problem-based learning, interactive teaching, etc. But the use of innovation must be optimal. In this regard, it is necessary to dwell on the relationship between the principles of activity and the optimization of education. Activity can be brought up only with the optimal organization of the very process of upbringing, otherwise it simply does not arise. The principle of optimization refers to the form of organization of the pedagogical process. Education and training can be carried out in different ways, by different teachers, with the corresponding expenditure of effort, energy, and time. And here, of course, it is very important to optimally prepare for the lesson, rationally distribute forces in order to get as much return as possible in a unit of time. The essence of the principle of optimization is that the teacher uses the basic provisions of the scientific organization of labor, knows and is able to apply the appropriate methods, etc. Because of this, this principle itself becomes methodological recommendation, a set of rules for the most rational organization of the pedagogical process.

When in sports pedagogy they try to separate activity and consciousness, they usually use the following arguments: a student can actively carry out the teacher's tasks without accompanying this with a conscious attitude to the matter. The opposite situation is also possible, in which the student realizes the need for learning and mastering a system of knowledge, but there is no activity in mastering this knowledge, a peculiar phenomenon of Oblomovism manifests itself. If activity occurs before awareness, then this is not activity in the true sense of the word, but a simple set of motor actions that do not go beyond automatic behavior. If awareness precedes activity, then again there is no reason to consider this true awareness of behavior. Conscious mastery of knowledge becomes such only in the case of some, at least the most elementary, actions to actively incorporate new knowledge into the existing context. Thus, activity from the very beginning presupposes consciousness, they act in an inseparable unity.

Conscious and active acquisition of knowledge is cost-effective. Society makes sure that the investment in the education of personnel pays off, since an educated person in the process of his work returns to society the funds invested in him much faster. For example, a worker with a primary education in 16.7 years, and a worker with a secondary education in 3.6 years. Innovations are considered the most effective way and means to improve the efficiency of education, and therefore, literally all countries strive to introduce as many innovations into education as possible. In many countries today, the level of well-being is increasingly measured by the number of innovations and the degree of their application [I].

From the standpoint of innovative activity in sports pedagogy, it is important to find out the relationship between the principle of activity of the subject of training and the principle of lasting assimilation of knowledge. Here, the role of repetition in learning is often absolutized. Meanwhile, repetition is rather the stepmother of learning than its mother. In the course of repetition, the connections between different knowledge become more rigid, inactive. Where previously the work of thinking was required, now a simple recollection suffices. A paradoxical situation arises when the memorization of a large number of truths leads to a partial or complete loss of the ability to independently discover true knowledge. Good memory- rather an obstacle to the development of independent thinking of students, and not an assistant. This made it possible for I. Kant to introduce a distinction between learning as a work of memory and the ability to judge. The first does not replace the second at all, and most often even prevents its occurrence.

The principle of activity presupposes the "strength" of the activity itself, the "strong" mastery of the method of obtaining new knowledge. As for the knowledge itself, its strength depends on the frequency of demand for this knowledge, on the degree of its involvement in specific forms of human activity. The principle of lasting assimilation of knowledge is opposed by the natural ability of human memory to forget. This principle is associated in the history of pedagogical thought with the infamous practice of teaching with the help of "carrot and stick". It was this two-way influence that turned out to be most effective when it was necessary to firmly remember completely unnecessary information. Here are the origins of the so-called reproductive education, which in itself, in principle, is not capable of innovation.

Knowledge becomes really solid if it is required by real life, and not only by a teacher at a university. This fully applies to activity, which cannot be taught at a university if social reality does not need active people.

Demand creates supply here too. Education will remain abstract enlightenment until social practice is fully included in the theory of education. This means that the demands of life are the determining criterion in the formation of activity. Teaching all students active behavior is still only an ideal. The presence of alienation in society puts an insurmountable barrier to the comprehensive development of each individual. And the economic conditions of our reality do not yet give real hope for rapid changes in the current situation. This requires long and painstaking work.

The innovative role of the collective in the formation of activity is great. In this sense, the communal method of education and upbringing, developed by Professor I.P. Ivanov. Students are brought together as a result joint activities for the implementation of socially significant affairs. The value of the team is especially great in the initial periods of the formation of active behavior. In the future, its significance decreases and often turns into its opposite: it is not the team that forms the personality, but, on the contrary, the personality forms the team. The student team must be studied in the context of the entire social impact on a person. Such attempts are now being made, in particular, in the concept of lifelong education.

Innovation, criticality and problematicity versus formalism in sports education Modern foreign sports pedagogy is engaged in innovative activities in a number of areas. For example, on the pages of the German pedagogical press there is a lively discussion about new approaches to solving the following issues: The need for sports pedagogy in modern conditions of development of physical culture and sports; The subject of sports pedagogy, its interpretation and content; The structure of sports pedagogy; The tasks of sports pedagogy are theoretical, socio-political, ideological and practical, their connection and interdependence; Sports pedagogy as theory and practice, their correlation and conditionality; Basic concepts, facts, hypotheses, theories, principles, regularities, connection with other sciences; Research methods of sports pedagogy; Sports pedagogy as an academic discipline, its relationship with the science of education as a field of study [З].
Innovative activity is hindered by formalism in education. Formalism is inherent to a large extent in the understanding of learning as mastering the sum of knowledge, skills and abilities. This connection is external. True knowledge is always inextricably linked with skills and abilities, and this provision must be consciously implemented in training. The same applies to the systematic approach in pedagogy, which is often understood as an ever-increasing versatility in teaching subjects. In fact, consistency is a necessary form of entity organization. Therefore, one should contrast formal versatility and genuine systemicity in education. It is essential to distinguish between innovative teaching and formal teacher education. The first involves the introduction of social practice into the theory of pedagogy as a criterion for the truth of learning. The second is based only on the transfer of a system of knowledge, without taking into account the specific historical situation.

Formalism in teaching must be understood in all its variety of forms and manifestations. The formalism of the pedagogical process inevitably arises at a certain stage in the development of society, and it is characterized by a transformed form of transfer of experience from one generation to another. Real formalism includes a variety of such types: formal conditions of life, formal activity, formalism of thinking, formalism of institutional training and education; the formality of the beginning, process, result of learning, etc. The variety of types of formalism, the permeation of the entire educational process by them, lead to the fact that a talented person appears only as an exception to the rule.

Innovative activity in sports pedagogy involves overcoming formalisms of various kinds, including such a primitive one as the mechanical memorization of elementary truths. In addition to memory overload and unproductive waste of time, another danger lurks here: the most easily memorized is correct and intelligible knowledge that does not directly conflict with life. But in this case, a paradox arises: the assimilation of knowledge occurs due to thinking, but the acquired knowledge prevents the further work of thinking, since real contradictions are hidden under their array - this is the main source of mental activity. There can be only one way out of this situation - to subordinate the assimilation of knowledge to the development of the ability to think.

The absolutization of symbols and symbols becomes a serious obstacle on the way of innovative activity in education. Signs do not appear arbitrarily, they are always a designation of something other than themselves, and there is a fetishization of sign activity. Symbols can also have a negative impact on the material they represent. A symbol appears at a certain stage in the development of the object it designates and indicates a fairly high level his organization. The task of learning is to follow how the signs appear, what is the objective logic that led to their occurrence. A sign and a symbol are objective transformed forms of the objects they designate. In them, the subject is presented in a one-sided, truncated form. Therefore, to judge the subject itself only by its designations would be a big mistake.

Formalism in teaching is manifested where there is a fetishization of signs and symbols. The fetishized sign ceases to be a representative of itself. In this case, the learning process goes astray and begins to rotate in a vicious circle, where the objectively formal subject of learning is supplemented by the formalism of the learning process itself. Here are the origins of the so-called reproductive education and there is a watershed between pedagogical creativity and formalism.

The innovative process in sports pedagogy is closely connected with interactive forms of education. A modern methodology called the "school of dialogue of cultures" can be of great help here. A true dialogue presupposes the co-creation of a teacher and a student. The dialogue itself should be culturological, i.e. cover a wide range of issues, the history of the subject, the mechanisms of its origin and formation. Modern pedagogical dialogue is acquiring the features of humanitarian™ and humanistic™. Dialogue is not reduced to only one external form of the "question - answer" type.

Dialogue forms critical thinking in students. Before talking about various types innovative criticism in teaching, it is necessary to clarify the relationship between criticism and dogma. In everyday opinion, dogmatism is entrenched in the definition of something stagnant, negative, in need of destruction. " Common sense"here it does a disservice: the very concept of a dogmatic system is vulgarized. Meanwhile, in the history of philosophy and pedagogy, a dogmatic system is understood as a closed, integral system that cannot be supplemented by any elements.

The student's thinking in the course of his own development reveals his attitude to criticism in different ways. First stage in the formation of thinking can be called subcritical. Criticism does not arise at all in a situation where a person's consciousness is directly involved in the practice of his life activity. The statement about the initial criticality of the subject of cognition becomes illusory. At the initial moments of the formation of intellectual abilities, there is simply no mechanism that would make possible the emergence of criticism. Thinking at this stage has a criticality-in-itself that needs additional conditions to be recognized as criticality-for-itself.

Such conditions arise when objective-formal relations appear. The interest of the condition arises when objective-formal relations appear. Interest in the forms of one's own thinking is also realized in the criticism of these forms. This is a formal-critical stage in the development of thinking. Criticism acquires a one-sided character, as it is limited to looking for weaknesses in the object under consideration. In the development of the child, this manifests itself in a critical attitude towards everything and everyone, when a positive statement from an adult is perceived as a moralizing and dogmatic statement. The child strives to destroy the system of "dogmas", although outside of them the existence of society and himself is generally impossible. Often in pedagogy such a state of the child is considered abnormal, and attempts are made to combat it by introducing this "negative activity" into a formally positive channel. But later this can only lead to a decrease in intellectual activity. In age-related pedagogy, it is no coincidence that a number of stages in the development of a child's personality are called "critical". They well deserve such a definition.

The highest stage in the development of a student's thinking is content-critical thinking. It is no longer just something else that is criticized, but self-criticism arises, as a result of which the weaknesses of one's own concept are clarified. Self-criticism does not come down to a simple denial of one's position, it ultimately involves a positive decision. The real logic of the development of thinking proceeds precisely in this content-critical direction. The stage of "nihilistic criticism" in the development of the child sooner or later passes, and after that two variants of the formation of the personality are possible: formally dogmatic and content-critical. Pedagogical innovations are designed to contribute to the formation of content-critical thinking.

Criticism in learning can be external and internal. The first is connected with the analysis of the form, the second - with the consideration of the content. External criticism is always arbitrary, it has a pronounced subjective character and embodies the personal arbitrariness of the critic. So it is not difficult to criticize, it is enough to point out the inconsistency of any provision of theory with practice. Criticism will be effective only if it is possible to show the internal contradictions of the theory, which are not the source of its vitality, but an indicator of its collapse. Until then, the sum of the facts remains an "external critical mass" in relation to the given theory. Internal or immanent criticism takes the totality of facts in their necessary logic, and from this deduces the falsity of the theory.

In learning theory, vulgar criticism must be overcome. The latter is such an arbitrary criticism that reproduces only the form of meaningful criticism, adjusting to it in an external way. Vulgar criticism seeks out inconsistencies everywhere, sums up and piles them up one above the other and one next to the other, completely unconcerned about clarifying the genesis of these inconsistencies. The contradiction of any system is stated as an empirical fact, and hence the conclusion is drawn about the perversity of the system. This type of criticism abstracts from the way contradictions arise in the theory, takes only the final result outside of its formation, therefore it cannot indicate the way out of the current crisis situation. Vulgar criticism stops at a negative result, not even revealing the true causes of the contradictions that arise.

Vivid evidence of the connection between criticism and teaching practice is the activation of critical activity at the turning points in history. During these periods, students' thinking becomes wayward, disobedient, unwilling to perceive problem-free information. In a revolutionary era, and we are now experiencing such, the most favorable conditions are created for the formation of critical thinking among students. Tolerance does not exclude criticism, and vice versa. Both opposites reach their truth only when they are united in a concrete identity.

Criticism of tolerance and tolerant criticism form the necessary moments of this identity. Both points should be used in the course of training. They require a clear choice of position by students and a culture of interaction with their opponents.

Only self-criticism becomes meaningful - criticism of oneself as another, and another as oneself. Self-criticism is the most important component of self-education. Just as self-criticism is the highest point of criticism, so self-education is the most highly organized education. Education will never become true if it is not brought to self-education, and this latter presupposes a critical attitude towards one's own level of culture. This self-criticism becomes an impulse to master new areas of knowledge and improve the pedagogical method.

Pedagogical innovations are closely related to the problematic method of teaching. Problematic not only develops thinking, but also helps to increase the self-esteem of the educated. Problem-based learning can be defined as the cultivation of the ability to see and solve the problems that life itself poses. It goes far beyond the creation of artificial problem situations by means of verbal questioning or the clash of two opposing points of view. There is a large number real problems that require their solution in order to supplement them with speculatively designed for the needs of the educational process. In any case, curricula should not be self-sufficient, they should be subordinated to the solution of living problems of the "new life". It is very important here to pose the topical problems of our time, to penetrate the creative laboratory of outstanding scientists and thinkers, even simply to bring students to a paradoxical situation. The problem that the teacher poses must have some problematicness for him as well.

By the way a person relates to contradictions, one can judge the level of problematic nature of his thinking and his ability to innovate. If he is accustomed from his student's bench to see in everything only that which confirms the laws and general rules, which he was taught, then he will either not notice the real facts that contradict these laws, or they (if you can’t get away from them) will lead him to deep intellectual depression. Therefore, the task of true education is to cultivate the ability to withstand the tension of antinomy, not to fall into hysterics at the sight of the mutual transition of opposites, as is the case even in higher animals. Suffice it to recall the behavior of the dog in the experiments of I.P. Pavlov, when before her eyes the circle, which is a conditional signal for eating, began to turn and turned into an oval. The animal either broke into a hysterical bark, or fell into a state of deep inhibition.

The problem gives a starting point in the development of consciousness, so it can be defined not only as a form of thinking that is knowledge about ignorance, a transition from the absence of knowledge about something to its presence, but also a form of reflection in thinking of the contradictions of reality. As the main problems, it is necessary to choose those that would combine the features of theory and practicality. It is at this juncture that the most interesting and important problems arise. For example, the problems: "What is sport?", "What kinds of sports exist", "Define physical culture", although they can be used, they will not lead to a real dispute. Another problem is: "Does sport improve human health?", "Professional sport - is it work or play?" Here, even in the specialized literature, there is still no single point of view, so students find themselves, as it were, at the "forefront" in solving this problem.

A necessary moment of sports and pedagogical innovation activity is the sharpening of the identified problem to an antinomic form. The maximum sharpening of opposites in the course of learning will be the immediate stage preceding the resolution of the contradiction. The student's thinking should go in the same way. The more sharply the problem is formulated, the more free it is from the elements obscuring its essence (imaginary problematicness, verbal shell, etc.), the better the legitimacy of the correct statement of the problem, and hence the ways of its correct solution, are seen. The antinomic formulation of the problem in teaching to a large extent becomes a solution, and vice versa, after the solution is found, the problem for thinking does not cease to exist, but continues to "pulsate" in the answer itself, constantly reproducing as an antinomic relation. Unlike a formal problem, only one that exists along with the process of its development and solution will be meaningful.

But the statement of the problem does not have to be in the form of a verbal question. In teaching, the whole system of problems that arise in the course of a holistic pedagogical impact on the student's personality is important. The problem can be posed either by a gesture, facial expression, eye expression or exclamation of both the teacher and the student. In innovation, the whole system of problems is important.

Considered theoretical questions innovations in sports pedagogy unequivocally testify to the importance of this topic for the organization of the pedagogical process in a sports university. It is necessary to develop specific methods in relation to the profile of the university and to individual specialties. This will help improve the efficiency of the educational process.


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Physical culture and sports are an integral part of modern life. For modern people many new technologies in sports are becoming commonplace. Often you do not notice how life of both athletes and ordinary citizens is unthinkable without sports innovations.

For many, the technologies described are expressed in television, constantly improving sports broadcasts. Nevertheless, this is far from all, because there is an active development of innovative computer programs and systems. They help organize workouts with greater efficiency, adjust games, and even provide the necessary psychological relief.

Innovative technologies in physical culture for the younger generation

For students of schools and other educational institutions, an important section is classes in physical education. Today, innovations in physical culture are expressed in the use of non-traditional exercises and activities in training. The last one is yoga.