Strikes in taekwondo titles. Theoretical questions for certification

Taekwondo (also called taekwondo) is a type of martial art that originated in Korea. Its characteristic feature is the frequent and active use of the legs in combat. The legs in taekwondo are used both for throwing punches and for blocking them. Have you always wanted to fight the way Asian films do it with dexterity and spectacularity? Or do you just want to understand where and how these or those unforgettable taekwondo strikes were delivered to you yesterday in training? In that case, this article can definitely help you. The meaning, history and description of the strike technique in taekwondo are discussed in this article.

What does the word "taekwondo" mean?

What is the meaning of the word "taekwondo" in translation from Korean into Russian? Let's look into this. So, "tae" in Korean means "kicks", "quo" is translated as "fist" or, in other words, "hand strikes", and the last part of the word "do" means "way". Thus, the word "taekwondo" includes two components. This is "taekwon", that is, the use of arms and legs for self-defense and its second component "do" - a life path that consists of the moral and ethical education of the individual, intensive mental training for the development of consciousness through the comprehension of the culture and philosophy of taekwondo.

This is the meaning of the definition of martial arts, where taekwondo strikes are applied with hands and feet.

ITF (International Taekwon-do Federation) - this is the name of the International Taekwondo Federation - aims to spread this martial art around the world and make it the most popular.

A bit of history

Taekwondo is a very young kind martial art when compared to the rest. But despite this fact, it quickly gained popularity and today there are about forty million people around the world who practice taekwondo.

Initially, it was created in order to form a defense system for the army. The founder is General Choi Hong Hi. The training technique is designed for both men and women of all ages. In addition, training requires a minimum investment of time and space, since in army conditions everything must be done quickly and accurately.

General kicking basics

The kicking technique is considered, according to many teachers, to be much more difficult than punching in taekwondo, and all because in this case your task is not only to strike the opponent, but also to maintain balance on one leg. Kicks can be applied to the head or torso of the "target" or your opponent. In order to practice perfect kicks in taekwondo with your feet, you need to achieve good (even ideal) stretch in the joints of the legs. For this, the taekwondo training program includes many effective exercises for stretching.

Types of kicks

In taekwondo, there are many kicking and punching techniques. But now we will consider only a few of them.

So, the first kick is called Ap Chagi. The arms are extended in front of you and slightly bent at the elbow. The knee rises forward, and the leg sharply straightens up. The blow should be applied to the point that is located at the level of your head. The blow must necessarily be fixed for some time in the position where the blow will be delivered to your opponent. The force of impact in taekwondo depends on this.

The second blow is called Tole Chagi. The starting position is the same as in the previous stroke. Hands are in front of you, slightly bent at the elbows. The knee rises in front of you, after which it turns around. At the same moment, be sure to turn the toe of the leg on which you are standing. Thanks to this, the rotation of the body should turn out. The leg that is in the air is thrown forward sharply and, just like in the previous blow, is fixed. After that, spinning on the toe of the supporting leg, we return to the starting position.

The name of the third strike is Nere Chagi. The initial stance is exactly the same as in the previous two strikes. Raise your straight leg up and then lower it down. At the moment when the leg rises up, its sock is pulled on itself, and when it goes down, its sock stretches to the floor. When the leg goes down, the body should be taken back a little.

The fourth blow is the blow of Ildan Ap Chagi. This blow is executed in the same way as the first blow of Ap Chaga. But at the same time, we raise the leg that was set back up with the knee, and on the other leg at this moment we make a jump and at the same time hit Ap Chagi.

The fifth blow of Nare Chagi is again a double repetition of the blow of Tole Chagi (the second blow we have considered). We make one blow to Tole Chaga, raising the knee and straightening it, and after that, without lowering the leg, a jump is made and another blow to Tole Chaga, only with the other leg. The difficulty lies in the fact that all this should be done very quickly.

Fundamentals of taekwondo punches

Before mastering, you should understand that in taekwondo there are two types of hand positions. The first position is a palm gathered into a fist. The second position is an open palm, in which the fingers are pressed against each other.

  • When a punch is performed, it is necessary to move the pelvis and area abdominals slowly when the movement starts. You should move faster when the movement ends.
  • In order for your hands to be as fast as possible, you need to rotate them.
  • At the moment when your body has begun contact with the opponent's body, you need to tighten the abdominal muscles with sharp exhalation.
  • In order not to be in the grip of the enemy, before starting a new action, each time you should take the initial position of the hands after the execution of the previous action.
  • If the attacked opponent is located in front of you, then your arms and shoulders should form an isosceles triangle.

Hit examples

Taekwondo punches have three levels. Are Chirigi - applied below the waist, Monton Chirigi - from the waist to the head, Olgul Chirigi - a blow to the head.

A stance from which punches are performed - legs are wider than shoulders, hands are placed at the waist, slightly bent at the elbows. The beat should always start with the left hand. The left hand from the belt goes forward and, striking, turns around. This kick is called Monton Chirigi.

Tu Bon Chirigi is two blows of Monton Chirigi, delivered one after the other. Se Bon Chirigi - these are the same blows of Monton Chirigi, only now their number increases to three. These are some of the strikes in taekwondo.

Kicks by themselves are the strongest both in the basic technique and in general in this martial art. Their advantages are strength and great distance. Name of kicks in taekwondo difficult to remember the first time, however, if this is your sport, start memorizing.

Basic kicks in taekwondo

It is not surprising that all taekwondo names of kicks in Korean. It was the Koreans, who founded the discipline, and defined the terminology. First, let's look at those basic taekwondo kicks, which are most often used in poomsae and in duels. By the way, taekwondo terminology calls them fingers. punches in taekwondo, korean masters call chirugi hit.


All fingers can be divided into: swings, strikes and a change in the position of the legs. So mahi:

  • Up olligi - foot forward;
  • An olligi - foot outside inward;
  • Bakkat olligi - foot from the inside out;

Kicks performed with legs:

  • Ap-pal - front standing foot;
  • Tit-pal - standing foot behind;
  • Ap-chagi - straight leg forward;
  • Dolio-chagi - with a foot from the side, side;
  • Yop-chagi - leg sideways, straight;
  • Nerio-chagi - foot from top to bottom;
  • Ti-Dvit (tweet)-chagi - with a straight leg with a turn;
  • Sewo an-chagi - foot from the side, "vertical" foot from the side thumb;
  • Hurio (Furio)-chagi - with a circular foot;
  • Thorn (thio tirro dora) dolio-chagi - side leg with a turn over the back (180 degrees);
  • Miru-chagi - pushing, straight leg;
  • Palchagi set-bon dari - combinations of three blows in a bunch;
  • Modumbal - the technique of applying two blows in one jump;
  • Dubaldan (two) - the technique of delivering two blows in one jump with a step.

And, changing the position of the legs is called Palbacco.

Given that the technique of kicks and knee strike in particular, this is the main highlight of taekwondo, Korean martial arts simply has no competitors here. Without a doubt, the spectacle is bright. Pupils of the Korean Academy of Taekwondo Kukkiwon demonstrate colorful knockouts at competitions, using kicks for this. They apply:

  • Nerio-chagi are blows to the head or chest, the so-called "axe" blow. It is performed from top to bottom with a heel or a completely whole foot.
  • Dvit-chagi is kick most often on the body, but can also be on the head. The blow is carried out from behind with a turn of the heel.
  • Dolio-chagi - a blow to the body or head. This is a circular kick with a raised foot. It is used most often (like a jab in boxing).
  • Mom-dolio-chagi - famous kick"turntable". Almost always applied in a boosting jump. Not only effective, but also very spectacular.

Well. of course, one cannot help but dwell separately on the mega-popular among the people "Tornado". Name of beats always describe the action as best as possible. This also applies to Tornado. Difficult to perform, he will undoubtedly submit to you if you deal with the basics martial arts together with us. Just one phone call and you will master kicks in taekwondo, become the "master of the tornado".

5 principles of taekwondo honesty perseverance self-control steadfastness

To understand the philosophy of taekwondo, you need to completely immerse yourself in the age-old oriental wisdom, let it pass through yourself, and realize it. Only then will you understand what it means 5 principles of taekwondo honesty perseverance self-control steadfastness.


A person not only must distinguish truth from falsehood, he, in the event of his own wrong, must sincerely feel remorse. Honesty is the first principles.


The second - perseverance leads to purification and perfection. It is this quality of an athlete that helps to achieve the goal, to ensure peace in your home. One can become a master of taekwondo only by applying perseverance and overcoming all the difficulties that arise along the way.


Equally important is self-control. And not only in gym but also in everyday life. The loss of self-control is fraught with serious consequences for both the fighter and his opponent.


As for steadfastness, it must always accompany a fighter. And, no matter how many opponents he has, if he is honest, sincere and defends justice, he has no right to retreat.

The Fifth Principle of Taekwondo

5 principles of taekwondo honesty perseverance self-control steadfastness tacitly contain one more, though not a written rule - courtesy. Courtesy includes mutual respect, the ability to put up with the shortcomings of others, to behave with others honestly, openly, ashamed of one's bad habits, to be polite, fair and humane.

All this can only be learned with time. Sign up for our classes and along with the training techniques taekwondo, the realization of the great oriental wisdom will come to you.

Learn how to reduce the time it takes to learn how to kick your opponent's face, neck, knee, etc. If you use the tips below for 2-3 weeks, you will have no problem kicking as long as your opponent is just swinging the leg. Unless, of course, he did not use the same technique as you.


Stretching, stretching and more stretching. When you wake up, start the day with a hot shower or bath, then stretch while your body is warm and relaxed. Focus on your legs and be sure to stretch your feet, ankles, and toes. Spend at least 10 minutes every morning stretching. Don't overdo it, just relax and stretch until you feel a burning sensation. Do more aggressive stretching throughout the day (but not when your body is cold) and then stretch before bed.


Build a high target for your strikes with a nail, thread, tennis ball and a small plastic bag. Put the ball in the bag, then tie a thread to it (with a margin). Nail the nail to the ceiling or, if you can't beat over 160 cm, to the door frame. Tie the string to the nail so that the bag hangs 15cm below your maximum hitting height.


Hit the ball at least 100 times a day. Don't hit him too hard; just relax and kick the ball as fast as you can using whatever type of kick you want and break up the day into multiple sets with a certain amount blows. Try to raise the target every Saturday by 2-5 cm.


Buy leg weights from a sporting goods store or department store. If you attend martial arts classes regularly, start with a 10 lb (4.5 kg) set, 5 lb (2.25 kg) for each leg. Otherwise, start with a 5-pound set (2.25 kg), 2.5 pounds (1.125 kg) per leg.


Don't kick at full speed while wearing weights; otherwise, you risk serious knee injury. Put on a thick pair of socks. Attach weights and wear all day long, even while driving and working if possible. If you get extremely uncomfortable and reach your limit, take them off for a couple of minutes and then put them back on.


While wearing weights, kick very slowly against a table or wall. Each hit should take about 10 seconds. Just practice every punch you know twice a day. Do it every day.


Once you've gotten good enough to control your movements, try placing a jar of Pringles or other unbreakable object on a table in an empty room and practicing your kicks, stopping your foot when only 5cm is left of the jar. Try not to drop your foot to the floor between strikes and touch the table or jar with your foot. Every day, do 20 kicks with each leg as fast as possible.


After 2-3 weeks of training, your strokes will become much faster (after you remove the weights). You can even try to wait until your opponent starts to swing his leg and still you hit first.

Video: Kicking technique

    When you hit the ball, try to hit faster, not harder. If you learn to relax, you will be able to increase the speed of the blow. When you are working to increase the power of the punch, just try to strain all your thoughts at the moment of the punch itself.

    By stretching, you reduce the risk of stretching the muscles involved in kicking. This means you can hit faster with less risk of injury and less resistance.

    By learning to control your punch, you can become faster because you don't have to worry about hurting your sparring partner. That's why you should train with a jar of Pringles.

    When you first remove the weights, your legs will feel incredibly light. A good chance to practice hitting the ball. (Remember that there is a chance of injury to the leg, since your muscles were tuned to a completely different load)

    The movement of the leg does not matter when it is not executed accurately and the muscles are not engaged in the correct way, or when you lose your balance. This is why slow strokes are useful.

    Do agility exercises every day outdoors.


    Be very careful when wearing weights for extended periods. If you're not careful, you risk serious injury to your ankles or knees. If you experience chronic joint pain, stop wearing weights and talk to your doctor.

    Consult your physician before starting any exercise program.

    Practicing kicks and punches with a partner can be dangerous. You risk serious injury during the training process.

To increase the effectiveness of training sessions in taekwondo, we strongly recommend that your child organize conditions for independent home training. This will contribute to the solution of several important sports and educational tasks at once:

  • additional training will contribute to intensive progress in development physical qualities and technical readiness of the young taekwondo player;
  • home workouts develop such an important quality as independence and a conscious attitude towards one's improvement in taekwondo;
  • doing a favorite sport with a child at home helps to create more trusting and close relationships in the family.

Based on the analysis of numerous taekwondo exercises that can be recommended for home mastering, we have selected 7 groups of the most effective and simple exercises for learning at an early stage.

1. Push-ups and pull-ups. First you need the child to pull up and push up in light conditions. For example, pull-ups with support, push-ups from a chair or bench. Of particular note are pull-ups and push-ups with milk rubber. If the child is on entry level, then rubber will be a great helper for him. Rubber takes some of the load, pulling it up. The effect of dynamics is preserved, the lower the body, the more the rubber helps with lifting the body up, the strength of the help of the rubber decreases and the muscles have to be included in the work. With the help of rubber, you can very quickly increase the number of repetitions that a child can do.

2. Jumping rope, squatting and jumping out of a full squat. Perfectly develop jumping ability, strength and endurance of a young athlete. Make small agreements with your child and reward him whenever he does a little more reps in an exercise today than he did yesterday. Use visibility - hang a large sheet of drawing paper and mark your child's progress in the exercises on it. Mark on the graph the level at which the child will expect a gift, albeit small, but (create positive reinforcement for your child's success).

3. Cross twine sitting against the wall and longitudinal twine standing against the wall. Two main types of stretching for taekwondo, which need to be constantly improved by a young athlete. Stretching the child sitting against the wall on cross twine make sure that the child makes dynamic tilts to the legs. Stretching the child longitudinal twine standing against the wall, alternate static pressure with a straight leg down for 10 seconds, followed by raising the leg a little higher. Such approaches should be done 3 to 5 times for each stretched leg.

4. Practicing techniques of racks, blocks and punches and kicks. Technical readiness young taekwondo is the most important side sports training future martial artist. In order to fully master the technique of just one technical element of taekwondo, you need to repeat it in practice about 10,000 times, only then the athlete’s strike technique becomes sufficiently perfect. There is not always enough time in training to fully bring the technique of strikes and defenses of an athlete to the required level of skill. Therefore, it is important in home individual training to devote most of the time to practicing taekwondo techniques in front of a mirror, on target paws and on a boxing bag.

5. Reaction exercises: throwing tennis balls, throwing a tennis ball into the wall and catching it (+ the same, but you need to learn how to throw and catch two balls at the same time), practicing defense techniques and avoiding hits with a soft stick or paws, practicing hitting a homemade pneumatic pear.

6. Pumping the muscles of the press and back. Strong back muscles and abs are of great importance in the ability to withstand heavy loads. modern sports without injuries of the musculoskeletal system, especially the loads associated with jumping and kicking techniques in taekwondo. Exercises for the muscles of the press and back must be performed every day regularly and persistently. There are many exercises for the muscles of the press and back.

7. Practicing the "Phumse" technique. Phumse (formal complexes) are certain sequences of defense and attack movements in taekwondo. Poomsae includes basic stances, blocks, punches and kicks. Poomsae is also used for WTF taekwondo belt grading. For students who have not yet received a black belt, there are Taeguk complexes (8 forms), which form the basis basic equipment taekwondo:

1. Teguk IL Jang
2. Teguk Yi Jang
3. Teguk Sam Jang
4. Teguk Sah Jang
5. Teguk Oh Jang
6. Teguk Yuk Jang
7. Teguk Chil Jang
8. Teguk Pal Jang

For students who have received a black belt, there are higher phumse:

1. Koryo (Koryo)
2. Kumgan (Kumgan)
3. Taebaek (Taebek)
4. Pyong won
5. Sipjin (Sipchin)
6. Jitae
7. Chonkwon
8. Hansu (Hansu)
9. Ilyeo (Ilio)

Videos of all poomsae can be viewed at


1. Basic commands:
chariot - quietly
künne - bow
junbi - get ready
si jak - start
bal baco - stance change
tiro dora - change of direction at 1800
mayo - lined up
callo - stopped
kaesok - continued
kyman, baro - stop, finished
brush - freely
haecho - broke up
gyo de - change

2. Main racks:
sogi - rack
naranhi sogi - parallel stance (short)
byeonhee sogi - free standing (short)
cuchum sogi - parallel stance (rider)
ap cubi - front long stance
up sogi - front short stance
dwit kubi - rear long stance
bom sogi - tiger stance
koa sogi - front "crossed" stance

3. Levels and directions of strikes and blocks:
olgul - upper (face, neck)
momtom - medium (chest, abdomen)
are - lower (lower abdomen)
up - forward
yop - aside
dwit - back
neryo - down
vein - left
orun - right

4. Main blocks:
makki - block, protection
en - outside (inside)
bakat - inside (outside)
are makki - lower level block
are hecho makki - lower level double block
momton an makki - mid-level block from outside to inside
momton bakat makki - mid level block out
olgul - top level block
hecho - breeding
gavi makki - scissors block
otgoro - cross
debi - double
khan - one limb
yang - two limbs
godromo makki - reinforced block
nullo makki - block with the base of the palm from top to bottom
santul macchi - a block in the form of a "mountain"

4. Basic beats:
jirugi - punching
dong jumok - blow with the back of the fist from above
chagi - kick
neryo chagi - overhead kick
ap chagi - forward kick
yup chagi - side kick
dolio chagi - whipping blow to the circumference from the side
tok chigi - open palm strike
sonnal mok chigi - chopping blow with the edge of the palm to the neck
mejumok - fist-hammer
baro - opposite hand
bande - the hand of the same name
up olligi - forward leg swing
huryeo chagi - biting back kick
miro chagi - kick kick
ti khurigi, momoglio chagi - biting reverse kick around the circumference with a 3600 turn
bande doglio chagi - reverse kick with a straight leg in a circle with a turn of 3600
dwit chagi - backward penetrating kick
dvidora yop chagi - roundhouse side kick
tvio chagi - jump kick
sevo an chagi - sweeping kick from outside to inside
Tubaldan son dolyo chagi - "deuce" with legs
songut chirugi - fingertip strike
tyn jumok chirugi - punch with an inverted fist
sonnal chigi - punch with the edge of the palm
tone doglio chagi - biting roundhouse kick around the circumference

5. Basic steps:
pumpakko - stance change
padjeta - sliding back
parin kareem - step forward
chucky peta - step back

6. Body Parts:
finger - hand
palkup - elbow
palmok - forearm
murup - knee
chuk - foot
ap chuk - forefoot, cat's foot
dvit chuk - heel, Bottom part feet
ap jumok - the front of the fist
tyn jumok - the back of the fist
sonnal - edge of the palm
sonkut - fingertips
balnal - foot rib
balbadan - inner part feet
baldan - lifting the foot
batanson - open palm
pyon jumok - "flat" fist

7. Basic terms:
anyo hashimnika - hello
hamsamnida - thank you
en - inside
bakat - outside
up - forward
dwit - back
tolio - side
yup - sideways
nerio - from above
up - way
ki - energy
kihap - concentrated battle cry
sabum - black belt instructor
sabum nim - instructor with 4th dan and above, master, teacher
kyo sah nim - colored belt instructor
tvio - to jump
hecho - wedge, push apart
sul - art
kerugi - duel
jayu - free
ti - belt
sambon - triple
dubon - double
sambon kerugi - three-step basic sparring
ibon kerugi - two-step basic sparring
hanbon kerugi - one step basic sparring
hoshinsul - self defense
poomsae - a formal set of exercises, a form of movement
kyok pa - testing the force of impact by breaking objects
dobok - taekwondo fighter costume
dojang - taekwondo gym
kibon - basic technique
dongjak - movements
chase - racks
kisul - technique
hogu - protector (vest)
dogyang - place of employment
hanbong - one step
taeguk - "highest limit", the name of student poomsae
kyeonggo - warning
gamjom - penalty point
jeon - blue
khon - red
dan - master's degree
pum - children's master's degree
gyp - student's degree

8. Numerals:

Quantitative. How many?
1. Hana is one
2. Tool - two
3. Set - three
4. Net - four
5. Dasot - five
6. Yosot - six
7. Ilgop - seven
8. Yedol - eight
9. Ahop - nine
10. Yeol - ten

Ordinal. Which?
1. Ile - the first
2. And - the second
3. Himself - the third
4. Sa - the fourth
5. O - fifth
6. Yuk - sixth
7. Chil - seventh
8. Phal - the eighth
9. Ku - ninth
10. Sip - tenth