Morihei ueshiba non-contact fight. Non-contact combat - technique

Good day, Fighters! Let's talk a little about such an interesting phenomenon as non-contact combat. What is this phenomenon that the servants of the Black Circle of the writer Howard, the creator of the Conan the Barbarian series of books, possessed?

From my point of view, non-contact combat is a rather interesting psychophysical phenomenon and it is based more on the characteristics of the human psyche than on some kind of energy phenomena.

Which, however, could be added later to enhance the effect, speed up the learning process, and also to develop other skills based, however, on the phenomenon of non-contact combat. Or, to be more precise, non-contact exposure.

In our time, non-contact combat is more interested in theory than practice. And mostly people who are inclined towards "mysticism", feng shui, geomancy and "combat magic". Applied fighters, however, sharply deny such an impact, and those who are interested in this matter are subjected to ridicule, despite the fact that this phenomenon can be developed quite well. And below it will be shown, more precisely, the algorithm of how to achieve this is set out: even at a primitively insufficient level. However, it is quite understandable for understanding that this phenomenon has a very controversial relation to the applied value.

To believe or not in contactless combat is a personal matter for everyone. I myself adhere to the point of view that each phenomenon has a basis, which means that my task, as a practitioner, is to work with such exercises and understand the prospect of its possible applications: if not to a full-fledged battle, then to something else. And in this article I will describe some exercises that work, and at the same time I will highlight some of the main stages in mastering this, certainly interesting, phenomenon.

1. How non-contact combat was born. Logical reasoning and conjecture.

Where it became known about this type of influence at all, and even more so, how people were able to develop it in general, one can only guess, since there is very little information. Or rather, they don't exist at all. But as an assumption, one can put forward the idea that the most ordinary observation played a role here.

Indeed ... In everyday life, one can notice many cases when one person unconsciously copies the actions of the second: as a rule, this happens if both are united by some common goal, idea, emotion or deed. And in China itself, this phenomenon was most likely noticed by the most “observant of the observant”: the Taoists, who later began to experiment in this direction, which gave impetus to the development of a full-fledged direction. And, more than likely, not in order to give someone in the face, without approaching at the same time, but in order to understand the essence of the mechanism, disidentify with it, and therefore cease to depend on this kind of manipulation from the outside.

In our country, contactless combat became known after a broadcast on television, in which several frames flashed from documentary film"Spetsnaz" with a couple of episodes on non-contact effects on humans. After that, rumors spread that this was taught in the special services.

Rumors or not - is unknown. But, be that as it may, these shots should also be based on some real facts, because it is almost impossible to come up with something new from scratch.

That is, most likely, this phenomenon still took place in our special services, and “ears are growing”, presumably, from China: after all, it is known that in the Soviet Union there was an accumulation of the most diverse experience of world special services, including from the Middle Kingdom . And having found some Chinese who knows the art of seemingly non-contact combat, the Soviet Union could well invite him to us in order to improve the level of training of the elite staff. And, presumably, there were no refusals, since the USSR could well pay the Chinese the amount that he requested.

2. Contactless fight. Mechanisms of influence.

As a matter of fact, there are only a few basic mechanisms from which something similar can be developed. This:

a) The most common knowledge: both the psychology of impact and knowledge of the features of functioning human body.

b) Using the phenomenon of psychophysical response: uncontrolled movement of the body in response to some kind of "psychophysical sticking" to it from the side.

With the first mechanism, everything is clear. So, for example, the effect can be based on the use of a sense of danger. And if a person by nature instinctively protects his eyes and inguinal region, a kind of non-contact battle is built on this, when the enemy runs into you, and you, having evaded, sharply throw him into your hand in the eye area. The enemy, if he has time to realize and react, will try to dodge, as a rule, tilting his body back. And this is what happens when top part the body goes backwards, but the legs still continue to move forward. As a result, if everything is well calculated, there is a high probability that a person will fall.

The second example is the influence based on motor hypnosis. So, everyone knows about the existence of a personal safety zone. So, if during a conversation, being in a person’s safety zone, you make an “adjustment” to him, and then point your finger at one of his body zones that coincide with energy centers known as chakras, then the person will move away, and by nature suggestible and emotional will feel bad.
Although this mechanism is understandable, it practically does not cause interest among the people.

The second mechanism is based on the phenomenon of energy sticking. Previously, I don’t know how it is now, the following test was often encountered: the subject stood with his back to the influencer and relaxed. The influencer stretched out his hand in his direction and began, as it were, to rock the person, adjusting to his rhythm, but without touching him with his hands. After some time, by remotely pulling or pushing in the direction of a person with your hands, you can achieve a loss of balance.

The effect will be higher if the influencer learns to feel the edge of the human energy sphere with his palms and the description of the corresponding techniques will be the subject of this article.

This is a very real technique and which underlies the study of non-contact combat and which can really be developed quite decently: and, as a rule, the more experience, the better the result.

3. The simplest stages of mastering non-contact exposure.

Strongly difficult exercises I will not load. I will just describe in detail how to develop the above "energy sticking" exercise.

All exercises for working out the basics of non-contact combat, working. So, everyone can master them to one degree or another. And I will not describe such completely unnecessary moments as reflexology or moral and ethical rules, since they are definitely not key. I will only clarify that you need to monitor your emotional background, which should be more or less stable, otherwise you immediately “fly out” of the necessary state of concentration.

Stage one. Wall work.

The training begins with work with inanimate nature, in particular with work with the wall. It is necessary to stand at some distance from her, most often it is a meter or two and put your hands in front of you with your palms facing her. The meaning of the exercise is to bring the palms closer to the wall, to feel some resistance emanating from it. Then you can somehow push off this resistance. Well, and so on, and so on, and so on ... We play with this until we get bored.

Of course, it is desirable to do a little warm-up of the hands before this in order to reduce the number of false signals coming from them. And also, five to ten minutes to work with the basic mental images of "ball" and "receipt-return", the videos of which are posted in the "Author's Lessons".

The second and third stages of learning non-contact combat involve interaction with a partner, with whom two important skills will be developed: bodily attachment and the ability to make an involuntary movement.

Stage two. Body connection.

“Joining” or “taking actions in response to the actions of a partner” comes in two forms: direct and cross. “Direct Attachment” looks like this: if your partner raises his left hand, then you raise your left hand. If you raise your right hand in response, then this will be a direct mirror attachment.

“Cross Attachment” is more specific: in fact, it is a response with any movement to any movement of a partner: so if he raises his left hand, then you tilt your head to the right. You can and in general the eyes of the story.

Having learned to copy movements, in the future there is an increase in complexity due to copying the speed of movement and its pace. The main criterion for success in non-contact combat practices is the formation of an internal feeling of sticking, a feeling of shadow, which echoes all the movements of a partner. It is necessary to achieve such skill that this connection is almost absolute and you completely merge with your partner, repeating all his movements, up to breathing, pupil movements and speed.

The importance of this skill, apart from non-contact combat, lies in the fact that the enemy's consciousness stops responding to the defender's movements if he moves at the same speed! And this means that even if you do not pay any attention to non-contact combat and just engage in hand-to-hand combat, then there is simply a great opportunity to carry out full-fledged non-beaten blows in the whole great sense of the word! Precisely unbeatable! The mechanism is quite clear... Once the partner's consciousness stops responding, then, accordingly, it does not work, which means that decisions on protection will not be made!
The time for mastering to the level of a full-fledged skill is several months.

Stage three. “Feel and stick to the energy sphere” of a person.

The partner stands straight and relaxed, eyes closed. The trainee comes from the back for a distance of a couple of meters. At the training zone shoulder girdle as relaxed as possible. The person who is gaining the skill has defocused vision.
Slowly and smoothly raise your hands with your palms forward towards your partner. Using willpower and imagination, we form a certain density in front of each palm. With these sensations, begin to slowly bring your palms closer to your partner. Your task is to be able to feel with your palms a slight resistance, which they stumble upon at some distance from your partner, who is standing with his back to you.

The approximate distance at which this whole thing begins to be felt is a meter or less: it depends on many factors, including the density of the partner's energy field.

This feeling can be compared to how you would start to put pressure on the water and your hands would first rest against this surface, and only then, having pushed through it, plunge into the water.

This sensation is very subtle, and increased sensitivity of the palms is needed, as well as an appropriate attitude, which significantly helps to capture this resistance.

As soon as you learn to feel this “elastic surface” of the partner’s field, you need to stick to it without pushing it. And further, having established such a contact, you need to learn how to influence the entire “energy cocoon” of a person, pushing and attracting this energy surface to yourself. You need to push more with a sphere than with your hands.
The greater the skill, the greater the effect: from the simplest rocking to the partner's falls in the future.

As an easier option, you can try to learn how to determine and stick not to this elastic surface of the partner's energy sphere, but to learn to feel his thermal field. I felt it, adjusted to his movements and began to move our hands. If everything goes well, then the person will make an involuntary movement.

The time for mastering to the level of a full-fledged skill is several months.

Stage four. "Conscious management" of a person.

After the connection becomes stable, and for this it is necessary to make from five to ten movements, you can already slowly move on to the stage of “consciously leading” or manipulating a person. This is, of course, not a non-contact fight, but it can be applied in some areas. For example, to swing and overturn the drunk.
For example: you joined by direct "attachment" to a partner, and then you make your movement with your hand, and the "attached" partner unconsciously repeats your movement.

Stage five. Polish the skill to freestyle sparring.

The basis of the fifth stage is the acquired ability to "copy" the enemy's movements with the appropriate speed and the ability to feel the thermal field of the struck limb.

That is, in order for all of the above to work “as it should”, the acquired skills must be transferred to sparring and you will have to sweat a lot. So the opinion about non-contact combat as a relatively easy discipline does not correspond to reality. It’s easier to first master the standard hand-to-hand combat of one direction or another, based on full-fledged physical contact such as “fist to nickel”. But I will not deny that having theoretical knowledge of this kind will quickly move to a higher level of manipulation with the enemy.

But again, you can’t rely on this business in battle - it is rather auxiliary for performances, i.e. demo!

4. To the question of lazy people.

It is believed, it is not clear why, that only lazy people who do not want to train physically are interested in non-contact combat. After all, there is no need for physical training, honing some techniques, gaining speed, movement, the ability to feel the distance and other points. This opinion is absolute and complete nonsense, because. a full-fledged study of this type of manipulation requires no less effort to master than hand-to-hand combat itself. And everyone who practices these exercises a little will understand this: seven sweats will come off before something starts to work out!

Among other things, it is necessary to study absolutely all the nuances and subtleties physical technician, feel the distance, be able to apply various tricks to deceive the eye, and many of which are akin to tricks in the circus. As they say - personal experience: the more you train, the clearer the understanding that all this cannot be put into a year - two - ten. After all, it is not for nothing that this art, the art of non-contact combat, is most often demonstrated by elderly people, those who have many decades of training behind them. And maybe in twenty or thirty years you will learn how to confidently use such techniques in battle, but before that it is simply necessary to study all the ways of physical influence on the enemy and study it very qualitatively.

5. Articles are a small summary.

1. As a conclusion to the above, we can say the following: it’s worth trying a little to work with the above techniques, as they say, in practice, how quickly you realize that not everyone and not every opponent succeeds in contactless combat.

2. No, I’ll be more precise: this is just one of the ways of psychoenergetic influence on a person, but by no means real military equipment. Non-contact impact on a person through obscure hand passes is, of course, the level and indicator of some skill of the practitioner, but trying to apply the whole thing in battle means harming yourself at the most crucial moment!

3. Nevertheless, the algorithm presented here allows you to get to know this phenomenon, as they say, closer and, if a little, but feel the world of “subtle matters”. And this is already the key to the corresponding altered state of consciousness, which will be very useful when mastering the most real energy techniques.

4. In itself, non-contact combat is in many ways a trap of consciousness, often forcing a person in his training to "wrap in the wrong direction."

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Let me emphasize right away - this is my opinion. I don't dispute yours. You can draw your own conclusions. During my stay, I had to practice hand-to-hand combat. They also worked on contactless technology. And that's what I'll tell you, friends...

Real, in my understanding, non-contact combat does not exist. Although the technique itself has a place to be, and even works beautifully on trained people. But not more. In a normal fight, only contact will help.

So, in one of the classes, the coach turned me back to him, walked a few meters away and began to "work". He stretches one arm forward, concentrates his gaze in the region of the occiput-neck-shoulders, as if forming a kind of visual triangle. Begins to slowly deviate, as if pulling a rope.

I am relaxed. Cause? It's just that if the state of your body and mind is tense, you stand stupidly (bull). No matter how mentally contactless they influence you, nothing will come of it. Hehe.

But, if you are really ready, then some unknown force starts to pull you and you fall. In this case, you fall exactly in the direction where they pull. I observed this personally when the coach worked with other students. He explained this by influencing energy fields. In principle, I allow this.

Regarding various kinds of non-contact influences when working in pairs - strikes, attempts to capture, movement towards the enemy. Again, this will only work with a trained person. Which is ready to fall, stumble under the influence of "techniques" and mirror the movements of the non-contact person.

In such demonstrative non-contact fights, it is the psychological aspect that plays an important role - if they show you that you need to fall, fall. At the same time, often, everything looks very beautiful.

The explanation is simple - the person participating in this speech already knows the basics hand-to-hand combat, therefore, he understands approximately how the force will affect him if it were in contact and follows the mental trajectory of the impact. No more.

There are also actors. Not in terms of dummy characters, but in terms of students who are ready to faint from the contactless sigh of the sensei.

Also one of those moments demonstration performances is mirroring. When the participant, as in an inverted reflection, follows the movements of the non-contact person. Let's say the coach leads with one shoulder forward and down, twisting along the axis, and the student simply mirrors everything in the opposite direction and ends up on the floor. Profit.

Repeatedly, both in training and on the Internet (in some videos), I have watched contactless people get into a puddle. The reason is banal - the person with whom the coach works does not believe in what the respected master will do. Therefore, he tenses up, resists, and most importantly, he does everything differently than the sensei wants. And then it comes out - you need contact. Nothing without him.

Try for fun, with someone you know your non-contact fight. One works, the other mirrors the movement. Then change places. You will be surprised. It turns out that there are more than a couple of non-contact combat masters in the world.

Here, in principle, are all the secret secrets of non-contact combat, in my humble opinion.

And you know, here sometimes some people start talking like: "Contactless - secret technique It takes years of practice to learn. It can even kill a person."

Holy to believe such speeches, as for me, is not worth it. Yes, even without hand-to-hand combat, we have a unique non-contact system - speech, they call it. It can stop the enemy, force him to apologize, repent and even run away. In other cases, words at all can lead to the most sad consequences.

Yes, speech influence also does not work with everyone, and not always. But, believe me, more than once, the girl’s wild, membrane-breaking screech forced the criminals to retreat and abandon their bad intentions.

Self-development of a personality is the path that a person must take in his life. This path is similar to a long climb up the mountain, the top of the mountain, there are many ways to approach it and they are possible with different parties. The same path of self-development can be compared to a river flowing without rest and respite, flowing into an ever wider channel, giving more and more knowledge and understanding of the world. The path of self-development and self-knowledge is endless. The more I know, the more I realize that I know nothing! Live and learn! The flow of water is endless. If the flow of development is stopped, it will inevitably dry up!

EDUCATION. Let's think about the meaning of the word itself. Education. As you can see, the basis of the process of obtaining new knowledge is the transfer of images. And the image is not a static one-dimensional visual picture, but the totality of all sensations, i.e. the picture is dynamic and multidimensional.

The true meaning of the word EDUCATION lies even deeper. This is bringing the personality to the standards of some ideal initial IMAGE or the original integral human ESSENCE. In the ancient religion of Zaroostrianism of the Indo-Iranian group of peoples, this image in the text of the Avesta is called "farru". In Tibetan Buddhism, this image is called “ngos” (face) and involves establishing a connection with it, which allows further development according to the program of the original Norm (Three Bodies - mind, soul and body are united, proportionally equal and in harmony).

In the Christian concept, the approach is completely similar. The word "religion" is a compound PE - this is a reflexive particle meaning a reverse action, and "legare" is a connection. That is, the restoration of communication with God, a particle of which is in each of us, in fact, is access to a certain "divine" essence hidden within us. And this happens through the unification of the soul, mind and body into a single sense organ.

In the process of studying, studying the structure of MIND and BODY (energy), their interaction, we will get to SPIRIT. The spirit is the primary source and fundamental part of man, which determines his nature and qualities. It is the root of all human life. Unfortunately, we do not have conscious access to our essence, being under the control of the mind, which blocks the manifestations of the soul. All our practice will be aimed at achieving awareness and the ability to be “here and now”. Solving this problem allows you to achieve a neutral, objective vision of life.



When knowledge is not transferred to other people, there is a stagnation in information exchange, which is a barrier to gaining new knowledge and moving on. So the process of transferring knowledge is not a process of influence, but a process of interaction. In many ways, we will learn from each other. The fact that we ended up here is not accidental, and for everyone this has its own reason for the future meaning.

What we are going to talk about is not a dogma, and in fact, everything can be completely different. Much of this knowledge, especially initial stage, it is a question belonging to the category of faith. So, it will be correct to draw conclusions only on the basis of your own experience gained in the process of practice. You should have a holistic feeling that you have achieved all the results yourself. All that we learn is very simply logical, even frighteningly simple. It will seem to many that you have known this all your life, you just forgot. And now they remembered.

This knowledge is fundamentally different from what is accepted in our society and is not suitable for everyone. And if it is good and convenient for us to go through life with this knowledge, this does not mean that we are the chosen ones and we need to immediately begin to be proud of this and consider other people below us in terms of development. If these sensations arise, just observe them and be aware of what is happening. Gradually these thoughts will transform and leave you.

In the vast majority of cases, all the knowledge provided modern system education, are purely official, utilitarian in nature. It is a constructor of disparate information from which we manage to form individual models, to the best of our ability, almost at random. Without knowledge of the principles of the structure of such systems and any skills on how to do it. So it can be said that the experience that we will acquire in the course of classes will in many ways be knowledge about knowledge. And it will be a harmonious combination of theory and practice.

If we imagine knowledge as a tree, and ourselves as an ant moving along it, then we will move along the trunk and look at the thickest branches. Although there are even more tasty and interesting things on thinner branches, there are a myriad of them and then everyone will choose them individually. Our task is to form the core (trunk) of this tree of knowledge and the main branches, without which the trunk will die, and you will grow small branches and leaves yourself and such as you wish.

The effect of our classes can be compared with looking at three-dimensional pictures. It seems that some squares and circles or any other symbols in which there is no visible meaning are applied in a chaotic manner to the plane. But in fact, there is a sense, like that gopher in the DMB movie. When viewing a picture from a certain angle, new layers of ordered information appear in the form of three-dimensional images. In the same way, we will find new layers of our personality in ourselves and get to our essence. And let's try to answer two questions: Who am I? And why me?

President of the Academy of Harmonious Human Development

Starov Vadim Vitalievich



1. Relaxation. Relaxation is the first step in autogenic training, which is a further "Key of the System". Relaxation is one of the most important secrets of non-contact combat. Relaxation in the first stages of the striated muscles, and in the future smooth muscles allows you to enter the Alpha state of consciousness, in yoga this state is called the state of "Somatha". Being in a relaxed state of "Emptiness" allows you to connect the resources of the subconscious and achieve synchronization of the work of the left and right hemispheres. Through relaxation, energy-information channels are opened. Everything in nature that is relaxed is alive. Solid and immovable is dead. Relaxation is the flexibility of the body, the flexibility of the brain and the absence of energy-information clamps.
2.Calm. Relaxation and calmness cause a stop of the internal dialogue, chaos of thoughts, which causes inner peace, equanimity, peace. This state of consciousness calms the heart and clears the mind. Calmness gives strength - to overcome external obstacles and internal contradictions. The practice of meditation and autogenic training allow you to manage your psycho-emotional state and internal energy.
3. Naturalness. Everything in nature is natural. You need to find harmony with yourself and the world around you. Through the nature of consciousness, the nature of movement is launched.
4. Continuity. Smooth and slow movements are needed, like the flow of water.
5. Incompletion of movements. The incompleteness of movements stems from continuity. Each movement gives birth to a new one, a new one gives birth to the previous one with or without addition, and so on ad infinitum.
6. Concentration. To do a good job, you need to concentrate as much as possible. Concentration on breathing, on rhythm, on a biological object. Where there is concentration, there is attention, where there is attention, there is Strength and Energy! There are such concepts as "Density" - this is concentration and relaxation "Emptiness". Opening and closing of energy information channels. In martial arts, the alternation: Relaxation-Tension-Relaxation causes the transition of potential energy into kinetic energy!
7. Cyclicity. Everything in nature is cyclical, starting with the change of seasons, ebbs and flows, etc. The cyclical work of energy channels and meridians according to the time of day, as well as the cyclical nature of learning. In sports, if an athlete does not take his weight, then he will tear the ligaments and joints. If there is no cyclicity in movement and learning, then there is a sharp rise and fall.
8. Constancy. Training should be long and regular in order to achieve sustainable positive effect. It takes time to develop sensitivity, that is, the connection of body and mind. Laziness is the main human vice. Any practice should be performed, whether you succeed or not, in a relaxed, calm state consciousness constantly certain periods and cycles.
9. Circles. The circle is associated with the symbolism of the center "Sun", the beginning of the beginnings, from where development, evolution, the movement of life begins. In this center, forces, power and energy are concentrated, providing movement. It is the great creative force, the solar force of creation, the hidden fire.
10. Spirals. Spirals formed by the movement of water, the maternal and sacred elements, were considered manifestations of the life of the Universe, which was perceived as an animated being. It should also be noted that the sign of the spiral (and hence the snake) is also the sign of a hurricane, a storm. Like a circle, a spiral is associated with the image of infinity and embodies the ideas of development, continuity, cosmic rhythms. The spiral is a schematic representation of the evolution of the universe. This figure expresses the dynamic aspect of being, movement towards or away from the center, respectively, evolution and involution; it acts as a model of various physical processes (stellar galaxies, whirlpool, hurricane). The spiral also served as a symbol of breathing and, possibly, of fire (solar rosettes with a spiral in the center, twisted columns, etc.). The development of evolution also takes place according to the principle of a spiral. Each turn is the end of one cycle and at the same time the beginning of the next. The spiral (spring) is a symbol of compressed energy and, together with the circle, is one of the symbols of the center. During the warm-up, when performing the joint-wave complex, breathing exercises, all movements are directed in a circle and spiral movements, then these principles are used to bring the opponent off balance. "Non-contact slaughter - an invisible powerful Force - like a stream of energy spiraled into a whirlpool" Russian soldiers fought in an energy stream. The trajectories of the spiral and the circle are fraught with an abyss of possibilities. Many see them as a miracle. Roundabout Circulation natural to the human body. Movement in a circle and spiral allows you to decompose the vector of force directed by the enemy into components and reduce the attacking effect to a minimum. This is especially noticeable when working with weapons and items in a group fight.
11. Breathing. A person lives for months without food, a week without water, seconds without breathing. Life begins with breathing. Breathing evenly distributes and directs, with the help of energy and pressure, the blood to the vital organs. Breathing regulates the heartbeat and pulse rate. Breathing practices are of great importance in health and applied systems. The blows are applied on the exhale. It is most advisable in the early stages of the practice of breathing from the lower abdomen.
12.Copy. Adjustment in movement, in rhythm, in posture, incorporation into the plane, in breathing, in the image and likeness. Work like a mirror. Like attracts like. Used in NLP trainings and esoteric practices.
13. Work at slow speed. Stop time. Matrix. The Universe has three spatial dimensions and one time dimension, and all four dimensions are organically linked into a single whole, being almost equal in rights, capable of passing into each other when the observer changes the frame of reference. Working at a slow speed, in a relaxed and calm state of mind are the main keys of the Non-Contact Combat System. During training, your “Consciousness” works at a slow speed and you observe and manage your subconscious from above. It is as if you are watching a film or a rapid filming, or perhaps a matrix with a stop of time and space: each frame is a pose, the transitions between them are precise and correct. Working at a slow speed is the work of consciousness, which, like a filter, notices and eliminates errors, then writes them down to the subconscious. Slow generates fast and gives automaticity of movements. Slow, smooth, relaxed, continuous movements launch internal energy through channels and meridians. Slow work is the key to entering the altered Alpha and Theta state of consciousness - The superpowers of the brain open up the self in a person psychic abilities clairvoyance and clairvoyance.

Non-contact combat is an opportunity to influence the enemy without visible contact with him, with established physiological, psychological and energy contact. Highest level mastery in martial arts, but until you have mastered the three unity of forces (Spiritual, Physical and Intellectual) it is impossible to master BB without harming your own health

Non-contact Fighting methods based on the teachings of the Russian physiological school (Ukhtomsky, Bekhterev, Bershtein, Pavlov, etc.)
Capturing the consciousness of the enemy in order to subjugate his entire brain, his entire psyche, physiology in strict accordance with the content and nature of the psycho-physiological contact, which contributes to the emergence of a rapport zone

HEALTH AND APPLIED directions of the "SPETSNAZ" system.

bringing the physiology of the body in order due to broken
Contactless fight
1. Combat mode. Consequences: Death or major disturbances in the functioning of the body
Contactless fight
2. Demonstration work. [The impact is made in a very light form, in order not to disturb the health of the "subject". And since many are tense and resist the impact, the specialist simply stops working with them (lets go). Because no one is going to prove it (the whole of Russia can't be dropped) This is not a circus, and the consequences can be very serious.

- Knowledge on BB is transferred only from the teacher to the student.
if someone gives openly, then this is crap, there is already a similar precedent
-To work on BB, a person (student) must be ready for all his components:
1. Physical body:
- start studying BB not earlier than after the age of 30 (the body is not ready, the consciousness is not ready,
the spirit is not ready) You can break the biofield of a person and your own and diseases will go. (by the way, oncology)
The main thing in this paragraph is the readiness of the body for the perception of energy, because. when exposed, tension or distortion occurs in the field (aura). And if the person's body is not ready, then health problems arise (at best, give it three days).
And recovery, or self-healing, is not an easy process. He must be known.
By the way, there is a rule: the one who worked (the operator) must himself restore the one for whom he worked (if not, then the jamb can be at subtle levels)
2. Consciousness:
- If you give knowledge of BB to just anyone, and he fills up someone on the street, then both will get "from above" on the head. And the one who taught (on his own head) and the one who applied, since both screwed up, and overhauled. (problems can be different: situations in life, illness, etc.)
All KNOWLEDGE is initially embedded in a person, and by studying in the gym, you do not discover anything new, but uproot from yourself what has always been in you.

Contactless work is divided into several types, types. The very first, and rather harmless, is work with attention and supports. But you can not achieve much in this way, but you can use it to help. The second type is the inclusion of psychoenergetic influences, not excluding the switching of attention and supports in space. This is more serious and is not given to everyone. The third one is more serious and dangerous, when we open some currents and participate as conductors of a really serious and destructive Force. Here the responsibility is great and safety is not guaranteed. We need good spiritual support and support. Many religious teachings have such a system

Practical lessons in non-contact combat
Non-contact fight-Lessons in Psychotechnics!
Levitation of hands is the rise and ascent of hands from the bottom up, which is carried out due to autosuggestion.
Hand levitation is the simplest trance technique. It is used both in NLP and in teaching hypnosis.
Principle: a trance state, the ability to convince oneself that a certain force lifts them, which is possible only in a trance, which means learning to Trance.

The essence of this exercise is to develop the skill of entering a trance at will. Of course, energy management is present here, because trance is the basic state for this.
Contactless fight

1. Legs together but not touching, arms along the body.
2. Aim for 5-7 sec. unblinking stare.
3. At the same time, we begin to rise up on our toes, and then, leaving the body vertically stretched, smoothly lower ourselves back onto the feet.
4. Directing a meaningless, unblinking, focused gaze for 7 seconds. to a point in front of you just above eye level.
5. We enter a state of complete nonsense. We create thought forms that hands emerge from the water or they are pulled by invisible threads. Thus, we achieve the ascent of both hands to the sides up.

The exercise is performed twice a day for 30-40 minutes during the month.
Contactless fight
A combat trance is a type of altered state of consciousness that is characterized by the following features:
1. The predominant, overwhelming and crowding out for some time any other emotions is rage.
2. Fears, hesitations, doubts disappear, a person becomes unusually decisive, his will is fully realized in action.
3. Sensitivity to pain becomes dull, sometimes until it disappears completely.
4. Due to the mobilization of all the resources of the body, the energy capabilities of a person increase many times over.
5. The reaction to any changes in the environment is noticeably improved.
Contactless fight
To enter a combat trance you need:
1. Draw a dot with a diameter of 3-4 cm on a piece of paper, set it at a distance of 3-4 meters from you.
2. Feet shoulder-width apart, body relaxed, knees bent, back straight.
3. We achieve relaxation of the hips, pulling in the anus, retracting the abdomen, lowering the elbows, keeping the armpits empty, picking up the chest, stretching the back, lowering the shoulders, relaxing the waist, hanging the head, relaxing the hands, closing the lips and touching the tongue to the base of the palate.
4. We remove all external stimuli and on exhalation we direct our gaze to a point.
5. We listen to our body, the rhythm of the heart.
6. Step by step we strain and relax all the muscles of the body from the fingertips to the top of the head.
7. Without blinking, we fix our eyes and attention on this point.
8. By an effort of your will and imagination, you need to make the point sew up and write out figures and numbers (In the future, instead of the point there will be the left eye, between the eyebrows or the back of the head)
Do for three months every day for 15 minutes, until a stable state of thoughtlessness, emptiness and weightlessness is developed in the whole body and control of the point.
Non-contact fight-lessons on Bioenergetics

Lesson 1 Proximity Combat – Energy Basics

Call on the energy of the earth. This energy should come out from between the eyebrows. Imagine that the energy coming out of you is like an iron rod. Drive the rod between the eyebrows of your partner. The flow of your energy seemed to "fail" in the mid-eyebrow of the "target".
Continue the impact until you feel that the partner is ready to obey you.
Now you can give your "target" any impulse (any desire, feeling, image, action). You own all the energy-informational processes of the "target". The motility of the “target” is disturbed (his legs begin to shake, with a more powerful impact, a fall occurs).
This method is called suppression.

Lesson 2 Proximity Combat – Energy Basics

Your partner is standing with his arm outstretched forward. Put your palm on the fist of the partner's outstretched hand and try to lower the partner's hand (naturally, the partner must resist). Now, with your free hand, put a kind of ring on your partner’s shoulder (the index finger is superimposed on thumb). And now, no matter how the partner resists, you lower his hand.
With this method, you turn off the muscles of your partner.
But this is a contact effect. In order to turn off the muscles with energy impact, you need to do the exercise from the next lesson.

In this series of lessons we will teach you the basic handling of the etheric body. You will learn to feel it, let energy pass through you, thicken and move it. You will also feel the effect of energy on your body.
Lessons should be completed sequentially, until the result is obtained, you cannot move on to the next lesson.
Lesson 3 Proximity Combat - Energy Basics

You already know how to lengthen your etheric body. Close your fingers on the etheric hand, as in the last lesson and touch the etheric hand, namely with the ring to the partner’s shoulder. And now check your impact in the same way as it was described in Lesson 2. As a result, the partner does not feel your touch, but the hand on which you worked cannot resist.

Lesson 4 Proximity Combat - Energy Basics

Your partner is standing in front of you at a distance of 1-1.5 meters. Call in your body the energy of the earth, which accumulates in the area between the eyebrows. Feel how a powerful flow of energy comes out of your eyebrows and connects to the same point with your partner. Then, as soon as you feel the penetration, start pumping out the partner's energy reserve through the channel that you have established.
With this technique, you can take away a supply of energy and turn off the rest of his chakras. The technique is especially effective when you need to block some action in front of a large number of spectators.
- confusion of feelings
- anxiety
- bewildering
Lesson 5 Proximity Combat - Energy Basics

Now consider a more effective suppression.
Your partner is opposite you, at a distance of 1-1.5 meters. You call in yourself a powerful flow of energy of the Earth and accumulate it in the area between the eyebrows. Next, you lengthen one of the ethereal hands, touch the ethereal body of your partner with it, and tear off the ethereal body from him like a stocking. Then, release energy from your brows to your partner's brows. The impact is much stronger than in Lesson 4, as your target is unprotected.
- dizziness
- headache (but be careful, as soon as your partner feels discomfort, he should immediately let you know about it. Otherwise, it may happen death- cerebral hemorrhage
- loss of consciousness, loss of motor skills
Lesson 6 Proximity Combat - Energy Basics

You already know that the etheric body can move separately from the real one. Let's take it into service in order to improve the combat and physical qualities.
Give any for you comfortable posture. Tune in to ES. Then feel how your etheric body begins to perform various blows, dodges, and exits from the line of attack. In other words, you are practicing everything that you learn in real training. Or do it physical exercise(push-ups, etc.). You will not pump up muscles, but you will become stronger. The first results will be in a week.

Lesson 7 Proximity Combat - Energy Basics

This lesson will be devoted to the formation of a protective shell.
Stand up straight, close your eyes, discard all extraneous thoughts. Feel how a flow of Earth energy is born in your body (it is born in the inguinal region and accumulates in the area between the eyebrows). Then, from between the eyebrows, direct your energy into the solar plexus in an arc. Feel how the energy from between the eyebrows goes into the solar plexus.

Then feel how the energy of the Cosmos is born in your body (the beginning is the top of the head, then in the pubic area). From the pubis in an arc, direct the energy to the area between the eyebrows.
Already after the first attempts to establish a shell, you will feel the new boundaries of your etheric body. This speaks of your increased energy.
You need to do this procedure at least once a week.

Lesson 9 Proximity Combat - Energy Basics
The purpose of this lesson will be aimed at improving speed in hand-to-hand combat. Close your eyes. Enter the ES, imagine that you are in a clearing, enjoy the beauty of nature. Then, in this clearing, you start working out strikes, blocks, movements at high speeds. Working time 5 minutes. Then, after you have worked out the technique, exit the ES. Further, after the exit and ES, stand up straight and call the energy of the cosmos in yourself and saccomulate it in the pubic area. Feel the surge of strength in the pubic area. Then slowly release the energy through the pubis - forward. After 2-3 weeks you will see for yourself that the speed qualities have changed.
Lesson 10 Proximity Combat - Energy Basics
You already know that you can increase the length of your arm with the power of thought. Stand directly in front of your partner (distance 1-1.5 m). Extend your hand and mentally have it touch the throat chakra. Feel the clarity of touching your partner. Then feel that you are grabbing your partner's etheric body with your fingers. And sharply lower your real hand. Thus, you tear off the etheric body from your partner.
- lack of coordination of movement
- a fall
- loss of consciousness

Energy basics Non-contact combat
Lesson 1 Non-contact combat-Energy-information basics

Your task will be to feel and develop this feeling to the maximum. And you will have to feel your ethereal body (double of your body). Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, relax. Then slowly, while inhaling, raise one of the hands, lower as you exhale. Track your sensations in the hand that makes the movement, remember them. Then you stop real movements with your hand and mentally try to make the same movements, only while your hand should be motionless. Cause the same sensations that were when moving a real hand.

Lesson 2 Non-contact combat-Energy-information basics

Now let's learn the so-called "reference state" (ES). In other words autogenic training. Initially, remember the place where you always feel good, where you calm down. Remembered? And now straighten a comfortable position for you, close your eyes and mentally transport yourself to that place. Feel how your body feels a surge of strength, how you calm down. Stay in this state for two minutes. Then slowly open your eyes and stretch.
After you have learned to "enter" the ES, you will have to "anchor" the sensation of the movement of the etheric body. This is done in the following way:

“Enter” into the state of ES, then in this state you program yourself so that by some sign (for example, crossing your fingers or a key word) you begin to clearly feel the movement of your own etheric body. "Exit" the ES and test your capabilities.

Lesson 3 Non-contact combat-Energy-information basics

Now you have to increase your etheric body. It is done like this:

Choose an object (window, wall, hot kettle). Stand in front of the object at a distance of 1-2 meters, feet shoulder-width apart, relax. Stretch your real hand forward and mentally imagine that your hand is lengthening, feel on your fingertips the object that you touched (its roughness, shape, heat or cold). Return to your normal state.

Lesson 4 Non-contact combat-Energy-information basics

"Anchor" the increase in the etheric body.

Lesson 5 Non-contact combat-Energy-information basics

Now you have to feel your own etheric body. You need to start like this: sit on a chair in a comfortable position, relax. Place your hands on your knees so that the palms look at each other at a distance of 20-25 cm. Now begin to breathe slowly and deeply. As you inhale, begin to slowly move your palms, while focusing on the sensations between the palms. As the distance between the palms decreases, you will feel some resistance build up. After that, in order to make this feeling clear, slowly spread and feel how the resistance is lost, then reduce again and feel the resistance again.

After your sensations become clear, proceed to the examination of the whole body (arms, legs, torso, head).

Lesson 6 Non-contact combat-Energy-informational basics

Anchor the sensation of the etheric body.

Lesson 7 Non-contact combat-Energy-information basics

Now we have to work on sensitivity. Take a comfortable position, relax. The palms are placed opposite each other. With the fingers of one hand, tap on the opposite palm. Remember the sensations in the palm of your hand. Now do the same, but now the fingers do not touch the palm. evoke those same feelings.

Lesson 8 Non-contact combat-Energy-information basics

Your next task will be to work with the energy of the earth. Take a standing position, feet shoulder-width apart. Relax. Breathe in slowly and thoughtfully (through your nose). Feel the flow of energy in the groin area and continue to rise up to the chest. Then exhale through your mouth, the flow continues to move up and out through the crown.

Lesson 9 Non-contact combat-Energy-information basics

After you have clearly begun to feel the flow of earth energy in your body, "anchor" this sensation.

Lesson 10 Non-contact combat-Energy-information basics

Now you have to work with the energy of space. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, relax. As you inhale, feel how a flow of energy is generated in the region of the crown of the head, which flows down. When the flow reaches solar plexus, exhale. The stream tends down and exits in the groin area.

Lesson 11 Non-contact combat-Energy-information basics

As soon as you begin to clearly feel the energy of the cosmos, "anchor" this feeling.

Lesson 12 Non-contact combat-Energy-information basics

In the classroom, working with a partner, you will involuntarily influence him. Moreover, the combat energy impact leads to a violation of the energy movement of your partner. You need to be able to remove this violation. Here's how, I'll explain.

To do this, you first need to tune in to the ES, by an effort of will to throw off the stupor, and then literally push the flow of energy down along the spine.

Lesson 13 Non-contact combat-Energy-information basics

Now you have to work with the biofield.
Take a match and split it lengthwise. Place the wood chip on the matchbox and try to press the wood chip against the box with your eyes. Then bring the boxes to a vertical position - the match should lie on the box as if glued.

This method is called "Work on the compaction of the biofield."
Then increase the density, move on to a whole match, then a pencil or fountain pen, and finally to a lighter.

Lesson 14 Non-contact combat-Energy-information basics

Now you have to work on strengthening your hands.
Take a comfortable position, relax. Place your hands at a distance of 30 cm from each other. Feel a slight warmth in your palms.
Then, by the power of thought, “sharply throw out” the heat towards the palms. Due to the sharp ejection, you will feel a burning sensation between the palms.

Lesson 15 Non-contact combat-Energy informational basics

The purpose of this lesson is to get rid of excess energy. You probably felt at the end of the day lethargy, fatigue, headache or felt hot when touched. This is the first sign of excess.
Squat down, relax, touch the ground with your fingers (the floor in the room). Mentally imagine that your fingers are growing into the ground (floor). Feel the energy leaving you through your fingers until you feel a surge of strength.

Then stand up, take a glass of water and slowly empty it.

Lesson 16 Non-contact combat-Energy informational basics

This lesson is dedicated to checking your biofield. You can check in the following way:
A regular sheet is taken, A4 format. Lay it on the edge of the table so that the sheet can sway freely. Press the sheet with an object. Then above the sheet, at a distance of 5 cm, place your open palm. Slowly, but without touching, set the sheet of paper in motion. Getting closer, then moving away.

Then you complicate the exercise - take your palm away from the sheet at a distance of 15-20 cm and do the same thing, but already at a great distance.

Lesson 17 Non-contact combat-Energy-information basics

Changing the size of the etheric body (EB). Get into a comfortable position (sitting, standing, or lying down). Enter the ES, then feel how the boundaries of the body begin to slowly expand (to what size - decide for yourself). Stay in these sizes. Then return to real dimensions. In the same way, you can decrease. Always return to actual dimensions. Of course, if you want to be a giant or a dwarf, then stay.

People react to the size of ET without noticing it. I know the selfish cases of my students - they reduce the ET and ride for free in public transport. The conductor passes by as if they are not there.

Lesson 18 Non-contact combat-Energy-information basics
Invoke the flow of energy of the Cosmos in yourself and accumulate it in the abdomen (three fingers from the navel down). Feel the energy. Then perform a sharp and powerful exhalation and push out all the accumulated energy from the abdomen into one of the palms of your hand. Feel the full power of energy emanating from your palm.
Initial exercises combat psychotraining

Influence on the enemy with a look

First exercise

After sleep, lying in bed, start rotating the eyeball from right to left - 20 times and in the opposite direction - 20 times. Strongly squint your eyes to the right, then to the left - 10 times. Bring the pupils to the nose - 10 - 15 times. Alternately shift your gaze from a near object to a distant one. Close your eyes tightly, then slowly
relax eye muscles. Repeat during the day 2-3 times.

Second exercise

Sit in front of the mirror and, without blinking, look into your eyes, gradually increasing the pressure of your gaze. Relax after each pressure. Do 5 - 6 times at a time. Sit at a distance of 2 - 3 meters from the mirror. Record changes in gaze.

Third exercise

Sit with a partner facing each other. One of the partners starts counting from one. The second, acting on him with a look, makes him lose count.

Non-Contact Fight - Astral Strike

Non-contact combat The first stage is the concentration of energy in the arms and legs

The impact with an energy clot is practiced in three stages.
The first stage is the feeling of the energy of the stars, its movement through the body, concentration in the hand. Lie on the floor with a small pillow under your head. The eyes are closed. Imagine a fireball in the abdomen, feel the heat. Mentally send the ball to the legs and arms, imagine how it is divided. Concentrate
attention on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet (there should be a feeling of warmth in these places). It is important to breathe correctly: send the ball to the limbs on each exhalation until a feeling of warmth comes.

Non-contact fight The second stage is the feeling of energy leaving the body

Stand up - back straight, legs at shoulder level, slightly bent, hands on hips, fists unclenched. Bring your hands to your chest with your palms up, mentally imagining how the fireball passes into your hands. Turn your palms away from you and stretch your arms with force with an exhalation, feeling the release of energy. Feel
tingling in the fingers and warmth in the palms.

Non-contact combat The third stage is the concentration of energy at a distance when exposed to some object

After 3-4 months of training, you can hang a foam ball on a thread and try to mentally influence it, achieving a swing. To do this, imagine how a fireball flies out of your palm and hits an object. You can train on a candle - to extinguish the flame with an energy blow. At first, the distance between the fist and the candle flame should be no more than 2 - 3 mm, gradually increasing.
With the qualitative use of psychotechnics, even a trained person can change his psychophysical state. Eyes blinking or watering, throat tightness or a slight increase in pulse, pressure, breathing can become more active - these reactions of the opponent’s body and psyche can be used in a duel if you know exactly how to do it.

An untrained person has disturbances in the zone of spatial orientation and the vestibular apparatus, which leads to imbalance with a possible loss of consciousness up to death.
In the case when a person knows that psychotechnics will be used against him, their effectiveness is sharply reduced. The protection of the so-called "guard point" of the human subconscious is triggered.

Influence by looking at a distance
We enter a state of combat trance, knees are half-bent, a slight tilt of the head forward, we direct our gaze from under the forehead to the left eye or a point between the eyebrows of the enemy and with a few almost imperceptible movements of the body we direct energy into our feet, then through the palm right hand further, towards him, towards his shadow. With a certain training, after a few seconds you can see that the opponent’s breathing has changed, the pulse has become more frequent, the pupils narrow or dilate, chills appear, the temperature rises, pressure, followed by a fall.

Non-contact combat is the ability to influence the enemy without contact with him.
If you type in Google search for the phrase "non-contact combat", then you can get at least a couple of thousand results. More than half will assure you that this technique is available to them, and others that by paying a certain amount of money, it will be available to you. And all this power in just a couple of dozen sessions. Is it so?
Let's see which of the famous masters demonstrated non-contact combat. Perhaps the most famous of the masters is O-Sensei (Morihei Ueshiba)- Founder of Aikido.

Indeed, there are shots where he demonstrates a non-contact fight, but first, it should be noted that he demonstrates this already at an advanced age, having practiced ju-jutsu (柔術) and ken-jutsu (剣術) for about 40 years, as well as being master of Daito-ryu Aiki-jujutsu. It is also reliably known that Morihei Ueshiba practiced the misogi rite - cleansing the body and spirit under a cold mountain waterfall falling directly on the top of the head.

Another of the martial artists demonstrating non-contact combat - This is Gerard Blaise.

Demonstrates truly outstanding non-contact fighting skills. How did he learn this? At the age of 17, he began to practice judo and aikido in France, then went to Japan and studied for five years with a ponytail at the Hombu Dojo in Tokyo with Kisshomaru Ueshiba and Seigo Yamaguchi. Then he began to study with Michio Hititsuchi. As a result, in 1996 he received the 7th dan of Aikido. He also has 7th dan Shindo Muso-ryu Jojutsu, 5th dan Masakatsu Bojutsu. The total experience of martial arts is approximately 48 years.

The next on the list of non-contact combat masters is Alexander Lavrov.

This is where it starts very interesting story. Firstly, there is practically no exact information about this person. Rumor has it that he served in the GRU special forces and, together with A. Kadochnikov, conducted training for personnel. Although there is no confirmation of this fact. It is known that he created the Shkval survival system, and was seen in joint seminars with V. Starov. I know more complete information about this person, although there are enough videos with his demonstrations of non-contact combat on the network.

Oddly enough, but these are all masters who demonstrate non-contact combat in public, and not only on their students, but on everyone. But then the mysticism begins. Well, firstly, the smaller the club or section and the more exotic the direction, the more masters of non-contact combat. All sorts of secret schools of Cossack combat, Old Slavic pagan schools and other extra-secret styles that give their adherents complete invulnerability, will require a certain fee. True, this is bad luck, they demonstrate this mainly on their own students and refuse to demonstrate on the audience under the pretext of preserving the life and health of the audience. Yes, and that's true, otherwise the spectator is a boxer, and he is not familiar with such a concept as a non-contact fight. He, to that adherent, of the “great mumba-yumba” style, sticks straight lines and finishes the demonstration with an uppercut. Sadness will be with contactless combat.
So what conclusion can be drawn about non-contact combat? It is hardly possible to dispute its existence. This phenomenon is present and recorded by both famous martial artists and modern scientists. But none of the masters clearly indicate that his fighting style or training methodology leads to the development of non-contact combat. All masters are engaged in CONTACT fighting, and only after a very long time, usually more than 30-40 years, do they begin to demonstrate non-contact fighting techniques. If you are offered to study the “secret” style, to learn the secrets of the original Slavic, Chinese, Mumba-Yumba tribes and for just one seminar or a few thousand rubles, then you can be sure that this is a divorce and profanity. And it’s better to spend your time and money on training in a normal gym, where, of course, they won’t teach you how to win with the power of thought, but they will definitely teach you how to keep your bones intact. And yes, it will be healthier. And if you don’t know where to go to train, then go to the “Map” section on the site and choose proven martial arts schools in Togliatti.

Egor writes:

it's hard to say .. there are videos where specialists simply do miracles, showing supernatural abilities, but I do not exclude that all this is a props, crap in one word.

I found an article by Dmitry Protasov on this topic. Writes interesting. Here are excerpts:
"... The fact that an opponent can be hit without touching a finger, many adherents various kinds martial arts have always been believed. The grounds for this were all sorts of internal oriental styles, as well as magical rituals ... In Russia, a surge of interest in non-contact hand-to-hand combat occurred after the show on the REN-TV channel in the program "Military Secret" of frames from the documentary film "Spetsnaz". Two people, dressed in the form of reconnaissance units of the Soviet model, scattered conditional opponents without the slightest touch.
This turned out to be enough to give rise to versions that since Soviet times, fighters of secret military units have been studying non-contact combat. Later, witnesses appeared who, almost with their own eyes, observed how the founder of the Russian style, Alexei Kadochnikov, acted in a similar way. So the myth of non-contact combat acquired a Russian accent .... The theoretical justification for non-contact combat has Western and Eastern versions. The Western one is based on the fact that a person can be influenced remotely as a result of the concentration of psychic and physical energy, which creates various voids and curvature in space, torsion fields, microwave frequencies and similar things that are still incomprehensible to science. Hypnosis and a number of other psychotechniques are cited in favor of Western theory. To explain, then they explain, but no one can demonstrate, and most importantly, show the methodology for teaching such things. After all scientific approach and lies in the fact that any experiment based on proven laws can be repeated.
The eastern version, oddly enough, is more plausible. It is based on the fact that in a person in various forms circulates Vital energy and, knowing its laws, it is possible to influence the state of the organism. All oriental reflexology is built on this principle.
The martial application of the knowledge of internal energy has been embodied in numerous internal styles. Energy, along with blood, comes close to the surface of the body at different times of the day in different ways, and the fighter only needs to know the course of its circulation in order to strike at that part of the body where the blood is close to the surface. In this case, severe injury is likely to be inflicted, possibly even with subsequent death. The blow is also applied with the direction of one's own energy and not necessarily with a fist. A light touch is enough for masters to send you to the forefathers.
But if very light contact is possible, then why not do without contact in battle at all? After all, masters who practice qigong therapy to treat patients in many cases do not even touch them with a finger ... Despite my almost complete religious education in terms of martial arts, I always refrain from mysticism and therefore I am guided by the principle “I will not see - I will not believe". And even better - until I spar, I won’t believe it. I was lucky that in the period from 1988 to 1998 I had the opportunity to see a lot of fighters, to train in various sections and schools of hand-to-hand combat, incl. and in the section of Tadeusz Kasyanov, who played the role of the boatswain in the famous film Pirates of the 20th Century. I saw different fighters and heard different tales, but I never saw the real use of non-contact combat. Neither in civilian life, nor while serving in the army."

All people are different.
Treat people the way you would like them to treat you.