Clinic for weight management. weight loss clinic

As we said above, this problem must be solved by an integrated approach. The reasons for all the failures that befell a person in the fight against excess weight lie in the one-sided approach to solving this problem.

Someone sat on a diet for a long time, achieved a certain result, and then gained more mass than they had before. Someone went to the gym for a long time and stubbornly in the hope of "burning" excess fat, and as soon as circumstances did not allow him to continue training, the fat returned again (yes, he didn’t really go anywhere). Someone decided to carry out weight correction with the help of a "magic" pill, sits at home (at work), swallows these pills in batches and waits for them to lose weight ... and the result is zero.

What's the matter? But the fact is that a person begins to gain extra pounds only as a result of a failure of metabolic processes in the body. And that means weight correction is a complex elimination (to the maximum) of the causes of this failure in various ways: by changing eating habits, helping the body with appropriate drugs, training or just an active lifestyle, eliminating dysfunctions of the main body systems (nervous, immune, endocrine) ... These are the main components of competent weight loss programs. Let's consider them in a little more detail.

Proper nutrition for weight management

A healthy lifestyle begins with proper nutrition, this is the foundation of the basics. Rules healthy eating many, but the most important of them - five. Let's look at them briefly.

1. Eat small meals and don't overeat. Eat more often (up to 5 times a day), but in small portions and stick to the following ratio:
If you are overweight, reduce the amount of carbohydrates and fats, and increase the amount of protein foods.
2. When correcting weight, it is important to limit yourself to the use of various preservatives, sausages, smoked products (prefer boiled or steamed), confectionery and flour products, coffee and chocolate (with the exception of bitter), various pickles and pickled products.
Increase in your diet seafood (including different varieties of fish), lean meats, dairy products. Replace simple carbohydrates with complex ones, these are: brown rice, buckwheat, millet, various legumes, oatmeal ... Eat as much fiber as possible, it is found in fresh fruits, vegetables, berries. Replace animal fats with vegetable ones (unrefined vegetable oils, nuts).
3. During a meal, do not eat at the same time incompatible foods. For example, do not combine protein foods with carbohydrates (after meat dishes, eating buns is wrong).
4. Consume probiotics on an ongoing basis. Some of the best: Santa Rus, Unibacter, Kutushov Symbionts, Floraldophilus, Vetom (the whole line), Acidophilus. Once every 1-2 months, change the probiotic, because. in our gastrointestinal tract there are up to 1000 different strains of beneficial microorganisms, and one preparation contains 3-15 strains.
5. For weight correction, it is important that you do not eat after 19.00 and drink 2-3 (depending on your body weight) liters of water per day.

Preparations for weight correction

There are quite a lot of such drugs and they can be divided into groups that perform certain specific functions in eliminating failures of the body's metabolic processes and in normalizing its functioning, and, as a result, normalizing a person's body weight. Consider these drugs.

1. The first group of drugs for weight correction includes probiotics and prebiotics. As mentioned above, these drugs are useful for humans microorganisms that form the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. Without these microorganisms, the processes of splitting and digestion of food are impossible - this is where the processes of our vital activity begin. We declare with all responsibility that all people suffering from obesity, from excess weight, digestive processes are disturbed. Everyone, without exception.

2. Enzymes can be attributed to the second group of preparations for weight correction, and first of all - digestive enzymes. These are substances that are catalysts for various biochemical processes that occur in our body. Suffice it to say that without them, our life would be completely impossible. The most effective representatives of this group: Bromelain, Multienzyme Complex, Biocascade Enzyme Complex, Strong Enzyme Complex (CSF), Digestive Enzymes...

3. We will include fat burners in this group of drugs for weight correction. These drugs speed up the process of splitting fats, which, moreover, gives our body additional energy (it needs less food). The most effective and well-known drugs in this group are: Carnitine and Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA).

4. The fourth group of drugs for weight correction includes drugs that contribute to the normalization of metabolic processes in the body and the human hormonal background. There are many metabolic processes: fat, carbohydrate, protein, water, salt ... We will list the main drugs that most strongly affect the normalization of human metabolism and its hormonal balance: IGF-1 (IGF-1), 7 KETO, Chromium preparations, Stevia, Diet Support, Vitatrim Pro, Gymnema Plus, Easy Cleanse, Lecithin, Fatty acids, Secretagogue, Zinc preparations, ProDietika...

Weight correction occurs "automatically" if the deficiency of nutrients in the body is eliminated. From this point of view, any multivitamin and mineral complexes are important for us, but there are so many of them that even specialists are lost. All these drugs are different and for this reason we have written only about the most effective of them for weight correction. But this does not mean that the rest are worse and not worth your attention. Each organism is individual, and it often happens that it helps one for the other is useless, so always consult with professionals.

Weight management and active lifestyle

A sedentary lifestyle is a direct path to obesity, and, as a result, to various diseases of the heart, immune and endocrine systems. You should not hope that you will be able to lose those extra pounds lying on the couch even if you eat right and use drugs for weight correction. One of the conditions for getting rid of fat mass is accelerated metabolism, and this cannot be achieved without active movement.

We will give you some tips. We understand that not everyone has the opportunity to go to the gym, actively go in for sports, for many it is generally problematic to walk a kilometer. But that doesn't mean you have to give up. Morning exercises and regular walks are something that is available to everyone. Set a goal to walk at least 5 km every day. Let it not work at first, go to this goal persistently, you will see that it will not take you so much time to achieve it, do not stop there - increase the distance. Half an hour before physical activity, drink Carnitine - this will speed up the process of fat burning.

The principle of gradualness is something that will help you and not push you away from physical exertion. Do not "force" yourself, do not overload, you must reach a state where your body will "wait and demand" these loads, and not be afraid and avoid them.

Weight correction will occur gradually - do not "push" it. Ideally, you will lose 2-3 kg. weight per month (depending on the amount of your extra pounds), more is not necessary. Remember that weight correction should go with strengthening immunity, improving the functioning of the cardiovascular, endocrine and nervous systems. And a sharp and large weight loss will be stressful for the body and this will definitely have a negative impact on your health. This cannot be allowed: good deeds must be done wisely, not thoughtlessly.

We also advise you to harden the body. Baths and contrast showers are excellent methods for this. Contrasting temperatures "force" our blood vessels to work (expand - narrow) and this helps to get rid of "bad" cholesterol, assimilate microelements, accelerate metabolic processes, strengthen the immune and cardiovascular systems.

How to buy drugs for weight management

We offer three ways to buy any vitamin and mineral complexes from us:
1. Pickup. Come for any drug and you can get competent advice from specialists in our store. Call in advance and find out if the drug is available at this time.
2. Through the basket. "Bring" the drug into "your" basket and place an order.
3. An order can also be placed through our manager by calling any phone number listed on the site.

Payment method - any of your choice: cash, card, cash on delivery. Delivery is carried out as soon as possible and without delay.

The problem of excess weight has the character of a global epidemic, that is, the number of people suffering from overweight and obesity is constantly growing. At the same time, the number of ways to combat extra pounds: a variety of diets, surgical operations, cosmetic and hardware procedures, the use of pharmacological preparations and non-traditional methods that are designed to correct weight. However, as practice shows, their effectiveness is temporary and the weight returns. In the worst case, it is harmful, as desperate people begin to resort to these methods on their own, believing unscrupulous advertising.

Effective weight correction is a set of activities of our center aimed at achieving a positive physical, emotional and psychological states, which make it possible not only to reduce weight, but also to maintain the achieved result for a long time and without harm to health!

6 important stages of weight correction:

Summing up

Weight loss is based on: healthy lifestyle life, proper balanced nutrition, emotional and psychological balance, getting rid of bad habits + the formation of new healthy habits!

How are you going to get results? You decide! But remember, in order not to reinvent the wheel and not to experiment on your own health, we recommend contacting specialists.

Correction overweight can be done by changing the diet, increasing physical activity and with the help of surgery. The latter is a last resort, usually eating right and exercising is enough.

The process of the procedure


A nutritionist, a doctor who has special knowledge in the field of nutrition, will help you adjust your body weight by eating healthy foods. Related specialties of a nutritionist can be the profession of an endocrinologist, a gastroenterologist, and even a psychologist.

The specialist will develop an individual therapeutic diet, if you have medical indications, a balanced diet, prescribe additional examinations, control the process of fulfilling his instructions.

An organized person can try to develop such a scheme and stick to it on their own. However, there is a risk of harming your health if you experience the effect of all public diets designed for short-term use.


In this case, everything also rests on discipline. The issue needs to be studied. So that the first workout does not become the last, load the body gradually and do it according to the planned schedule. Perfectly disciplines the purchased subscription to the gym. Most effective with personal trainer, which will create a personal program.

A complex approach

A dietitian, developing a nutrition system, may recommend medications and be sure to - physical exercise. The results will not be long in coming. Sports are very important for those who want to make up for the lack of weight, as they affect the set muscle mass and, consequently, to increase body weight.


Extreme remedy, but having a place to be. Correction of excess weight by surgery occurs in several ways. Liposuction is used to treat local forms of obesity that break the contours of the figure. Fat deposits during this operation are removed by vacuum suction. The cardinal solution is gastric banding, gastric bypass, installation of intragastric balloons.


Even those who have no complaints should not refuse to visit a nutritionist. If you learn to put into practice his advice, then your life will change, and physiotherapy improve physical condition.

The services of a surgeon are indicated for those who have not been helped by controlled nutrition, drug therapy and exercise. The services of a nutritionist are also recommended for people with diabetes, as well as those who have sleep apnea and people with arterial hypertension.


The list of contraindications for playing sports is long, but it is for those who are going to become a professional, master or candidate. The goal of professional sports is to achieve maximum results. You don't need it, but fitness and morning work-out are sure to be beneficial.

After surgery to correct body weight, smokers have a high risk of complications, and patients with respiratory and heart failure require lengthy preoperative preparation.

Prices and clinics

If you need weight correction, it will not be difficult to find the right specialist in Moscow. On the site portal, you can find out the cost of the services of all specialists that you may need: a nutritionist, endocrinologist, psychologist, cardiologist, pulmonologist, physiotherapist, surgeon, and make an appointment with them.

Being overweight is the scourge of our time. On the one hand, numerous culinary temptations that increase daily calorie intake above the required level, and on the other hand, a sedentary lifestyle, the lack of regular physical activity, leading to an excess of calories received over those spent, will certainly lead to the appearance of unwanted kilograms.

To all those who are losing weight, we strongly recommend that you remember one axiom: In order to lose weight, the daily calorie content of foods should be less than the calories burned. All miracle cures and magical diets are either dangerous or temporary, and often both at the same time.

Calories enter the body with food, calorie content, which is easy to determine, and are spent due to basal metabolism and energy consumption for work and leisure. For clarity, consider an example:

If you weigh 65 kg, then 65 kg X 1 kcal X 24 is spent on the implementation of the main exchange (OO = body weight X 1 kcal X 24 hours). At sedentary work during the working day, in addition to the main exchange, spend no more than 500-600 kcal. And so 2000 kcal is the daily amount of fuel that saves the weight of the woman in question. If you reduce consumption to 1500 kcal, then 3500 kcal per week will go into weight loss, which is equivalent to losing half a kilogram of fat, because calorie content 1 kg of fat mass is 7000 kcal.

Information for thought - good workout in the gym allows you to burn 1000-1500 kcal!

And so calculate how many kcal you need with your lifestyle to maintain a stable weight, determine how much you want to lose weight, make a plan (by yourself or with the help of our nutritionist) and go!

We will help you on this difficult but entertaining path by offering a number of procedures that speed up BX. We will also provide you nice weight loss. After all, you do not have the same goal as a result of painful work and self-restraint to get a sagging stomach, a wrinkled face and bags under the eyes.

How do the physio procedures we offer contribute to the process of losing weight? The process of losing weight is accelerated due to external influence on adipose tissue, activation of metabolic processes and metabolism, increased skin elasticity and silhouette correction. With the help of various procedures, you can make the body lose weight in those places where you want. Complex - proper nutrition, different kinds massage (manual, hardware, water) and physical activity together successfully solve the problem of overweight.

So, we will consider each physio procedure offered by us, evaluate its advantages and disadvantages and draw a conclusion about possible expectations from this procedure.

In our center, the procedures have not only the effect of visible body shaping and weight loss, but also a pronounced healing effect. After the procedures, you should feel peace, calmness, lightness in the body.