Presidential Physical Tests. Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation


Government Decree

Republic of Kazakhstan

From "" 2013


conducting presidential tests physical fitness population of the Republic of Kazakhstan

1. General provisions

  1. These Rules for conducting presidential physical fitness tests of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) are developed in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Physical Culture and Sports”.
2. Presidential tests - a set of exercises (tests) that determine the general level of physical fitness of the population by means of control standards. Presidential tests are the basis of the regulatory requirements for the physical fitness of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

^ 2. Structure of presidential tests

3. Presidential tests are divided into two levels:

1) presidential level - the level of a comprehensively physically developed person;

2) the level of national readiness - the level that determines the physical fitness of the population.

4. Presidential tests in accordance with Appendix 1 to these Rules include eight types of sports tests, reflecting the main physical qualities human (strength, endurance, speed and agility).

5. Presidential tests are divided into five stages:

Stage 1 - "Shymyrlyk pen eptilik" ("Brave and dexterous") - 9-10 and 11-13 years old - 4th and 7th grades of secondary schools;

Stage 2 - "Sport izbasarlary" ("Sports shift") - 14-15 years old - 9th grade of secondary schools;

3rd stage - "Kush pen batyldyk" ("Strength and courage") - (16-17 years old) - 11 classes of secondary schools, pre-graduation courses of colleges, lyceums;

4th stage - "Shynygudy zhetildiru" ("Physical perfection") - pre-graduation courses of higher educational institutions aged 18-23, population aged 24-39;

Stage 5 - "Sergektik pen densaulyk" ("Cheerfulness and health") 40-49, 50-59, 60 and older.

6. Types of tests and standards for presidential tests of physical fitness of the population are indicated in Appendix 1 to these Rules.

^ 3. The procedure for conducting tests for presidential tests

7. Competitions on the types of tests of presidential tests are held in grades 4, 7, 9, 11 of general education schools, in the penultimate courses of lyceums, colleges and higher educational institutions, for working youth and adults at sports and recreational competitions.

8. Anyone who has a doctor's permission, goes in for sports in an organized or independent way is allowed to pass the standards of presidential tests.

9. Competitions in the types of tests of the presidential tests are conducted by the panel of judges approved by the city (district) departments for physical culture and sports in accordance with the rules of competitions in sports approved by the authorized state body.

^ 4. Organization of work on presidential tests

10. General management and control over the performance of presidential tests is carried out by the authorized state body, relevant departments, departments physical culture and sports and the National Scientific and Practical Center of Physical Culture of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and its regional branches.

11. The leadership of educational institutions, as well as organizations and enterprises, regardless of the form of ownership, ensure the passing of presidential tests.

12. Directly organizing the delivery of presidential tests in educational institutions is carried out by a teacher (teacher) physical education, a medical worker, and in organizations and enterprises - a sports instructor, trainer-teacher and medical worker.

^ 5. Types of presidential tests

13. Types of presidential tests include:

1) running (30, 60, 100, 1000, 1500, 2000, 3000 meters). The test is carried out on a stadium running track or any level ground;

2) standing long jump. The test is carried out on any flat surface in open and closed spaces;

3) pulling on high bar. The test is performed from the starting position on the hang with an overhand grip, without touching the floor (ground) with the feet. The exercise is considered completed when the chin crosses the crossbar and returns to its original position. When performing the exercise, the interception of hands is prohibited;

4) lifting the body. The test is performed from a position lying on the back, legs bent at the knees at an angle of 90 degrees, hands to the shoulders, feet are held by the partner;

5) shooting. The test is made from air rifle(performed in accordance with the requirements for age groups according to Appendix 1). Shots: 3 trial, 5 test. Shooting time - 20 minutes;

6) skiing. The test is carried out at distances laid on terrain with weakly or moderately rugged terrain, at an air temperature of at least -20°C. In snowless areas, skiing is replaced by running-walking for 6 minutes;

7) throwing the ball. The test is carried out on any flat area in a corridor 10 meters wide.

8) swimming (25, 50 meters). The test is carried out in standard pools in compliance with safety measures.

14. Passing presidential tests for summer species sports are held in April-May, for winter sports - in February-March.

Physical education lesson in grade 4 - Topic: Improving the "Presidential Tests"

Teacher: Rezenkova Natalya Vladimirovna

Purpose: To consolidate the technique of motor qualities: speed-strength, strength, flexibility.


    Development of motor qualities circular method

    Assessment of the level of development of motor qualities

    Education in students of independence, diligence, mutual assistance, a conscious attitude to physical education lessons.

Lesson type: reinforcing.

Conducting methods: in-line, circuit training, individual.

Equipment: 2 measuring rulers, 2 gymnastic mats, stopwatch, crossbar, ball.

Venue: Sports Hall.

Time: 45 min

Part of the lesson



WMD (organizational and methodological guidelines)

15 minutes

25 min

5 minutes

Organizing time:


Lesson goal message

Lesson task message

Warm up

- Walking - shaping exercises correct posture


Varieties of running(the trailing one must overtake the column and become the guide)

Rebuilding in 4 ranks

- ORU (in place)

1 exercise

I.p. - hands on the belt

1-2 - head tilts to the left

3-4- also to the right, forward, back.

2 exercise

I.p. - arms to the sides, rotations with the hands

1-2 - forward

3-4 - back

3 exercise

I.p. - hands in front of the chest

1-2- hands in front of the chest with a turn to the right

3-4- also to the left

4 exercise

I.p.- right hand top left bottom

1-2- abduction of hands back

3-4-change the position of the hands

5 exercise

I.p. - hands on the belt, torso forward, backward

1-2- lean forward

3-4- also back

6 exercise

I.p. - hands on the belt torso to the right, left

1-2 right tilt

3-4 tilt left

7 exercise

I.p. - hands to the sides

1-2 swing with the right foot, clap under the foot

3-4 - also under the left foot

8 exercise

Jumping. Hands on the belt

1-4 - jump forward and backward

1. Development of motor qualities by a circular method (4 exercises)

Lead up exercises

Exercise show

1-stage "Lifting the torso in 30 seconds"

2-stage "Pull-up - push-up"

3-stage "Torso forward bend"

Stage 4 "Long jump from a place"

Mobile game "Banner"

Building a lesson summary

2 minutes

13 min

10 times

10 times

10 times

10 times

12 times

10 times

8 times

The task is performed 3 minutes in a group,

5 minutes

Separate the purpose and objectives of the lesson

to ask what types belong to the “Presidential Tests?” what motor qualities will children develop when performing the Presidential Tests?

Children set their own learning objectives

Poll "What is posture"

Stream method

The pace is medium and fast.

Poll - what kind of motor quality develops while running

After completing the task, students walk two circles, restore breathing and heart rate.

Students do it on their own.

In order to develop coordination, complicate the exercise by rotating the arms in different directions.

Error correction

Arm straight

Legs straight

Legs straight

Swing your legs as high as possible

Springy movements

Summing up the implementation of the ORU,

error correction

Students are divided into 4 groups of 3-4 people and diverge according to their stages, at each stage a “Presidential test” is written with a normative-evaluative result

Depending on the test, the children prepare their own inventory.

Commander's Choice

Work on cards "Think over and perform 2-3 lead-in exercises",

children independently watch and evaluate the lead-up exercises, then perform the main exercise.

After working 3 min. at their stage, at the signal of the teacher, they move to another stage.

Children evaluate themselves

On final stage, building in groups and independently summing up the results of the exercises by children.

The students themselves assess the performance of the exercises at this stage.


Divide the class into 2 teams

Purpose of the game:

the team that brings the most banners to their site wins.

During the summing up, to consolidate what motor qualities the children developed in the lesson.


There were 12 children, 14 people in the class (2 children were not at school Kuzmina.M, Frank.V)



Gardyukov. A.










Ufimtsev. N.

On "5" - 2 students

"4" - 6 student

"3" - 2 student

"2" - 2 student

Analysis of physical culture in grade 6 MKOU "Voskresenskaya secondary school"

Structural subdivision "Starodubskaya OOSh"

Teacher: Rezenkova Natalya Vladimirovna.

There were 6 children, 6 people in the class.


Bondarenko. A.

Arkhipov. N.


Pestryakova. Z.

Punigov. TO.


On "5" - 3 students

"4" - 3 student

Federal Agency for Education

St. Petersburg State Academy of Service and Economics

Department of "Physical culture and sport"

O.V. Kolodiy

V.P. Kuznetsov

V.V. Blyakhov


Saint Petersburg

Approved at the meeting of the department "Physical culture and sport", protocol No. 4 of December 6, 2004.

Methodology for the development of physical qualities of flexibility and mobility in educational process on physical education of university students. Methodological recommendations. - St. Petersburg: SPbGASE Publishing House, 2005. - 27 p.

The authors tried to present the methodological orientation of the development of the motor quality of flexibility. The developed complexes of exercises and objects of physical activity will allow developing and improving mobility in the course of training sessions, as the necessary ability of a person to perform movement in the joints with maximum amplitude, which contributes to the successful passing of ministerial tests and the health-improving orientation of physical education classes.

Compilers: prof. O.V. Kolodiy;

cand. ped. sciences, prof. V.P. Kuznetsov;

cand. ped. Sciences, Assoc. V.V. Blyakhov

Reviewer: Cand. ped. Sciences, Assoc. V.N. Medvedev

 St. Petersburg State Academy of Service and Economics

2005 "Presidential Tests" What is it?

In order to create an all-Russian testing system that allows to intensify physical culture and health-improving work among various groups of the population, increasing the role of physical culture and sports in the improvement of the nation, distracting adolescents and young people from bad habits, improving the forms and methods of physical education, a draft decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On the introduction of the state physical culture, health and sports complex of the Russian Federation” Presidential tests ".

In various countries of the world, more attention is paid to testing the level of physical fitness among various population groups. In the United States, such a system is under the patronage of the President and is called the Presidential Challenge. In Canada, Germany, China, Japan and other countries of the world, their own national testing systems have been created and are being implemented. In Europe, a single testing system, Eurofit, is becoming widespread.

Our complex "Presidential Tests" was developed taking into account domestic traditions of software and regulatory support of the state system of physical education, real level physical fitness of the population.

According to a survey conducted by the State Committee for Sports of Russia, this idea is also supported by teachers, organizers of the physical culture and sports movement, scientists and the general public.

Annotation to the document: Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 31, 2013 No. 1545 “On approval of the Rules for conducting presidential physical fitness tests of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan and invalidating some decisions of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan”

In order to implement President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan January 29, 2010 "New decade - new economic recovery - new opportunities for Kazakhstan" approved conducting presidential tests of physical fitness of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as presidential tests).

The rules are developed in accordance with Republic of Kazakhstan "On physical culture and sports".

Presidential tests - a set of exercises (tests) that determine the general level of physical fitness of the population by means of control standards. Presidential tests are the basis of the regulatory requirements for the physical fitness of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Presidential tests are divided into two levels:

1) presidential level - the level of a comprehensively physically developed person;

2) the level of national readiness - the level that determines the physical fitness of the population.

Presidential tests according to to the Rules include eight types of sports tests that reflect the basic physical qualities of a person (strength, endurance, speed and agility).

Presidential tests are divided into five stages:

Stage 1 - "Shymyrlyk pen eptilik" ("Brave and dexterous") - 9-10 and 11-13 years old - 4th and 7th grades of secondary schools;

Stage 2 - "Sport izbasarlary" ("Sports shift") - 14-15 years old - 9th grade of secondary schools;

3rd stage - "Kush pen batyldyk" ("Strength and courage") - (16-17 years old) - 11 classes of secondary schools, pre-graduation courses of colleges, lyceums;

4th stage - "Shynygudy zhetildiru" ("Physical perfection") - pre-graduation courses of higher educational institutions 18-23 years old, population 24-39 years old;

Stage 5 - "Sergektik pen densaulyk" ("Cheerfulness and health") 40-49, 50-59, 60 and older.

Types of tests and standards for presidential tests of physical fitness of the population are indicated in to the Rules.

The interested central state bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, within the framework of the educational process, sports and recreational work in educational organizations, were instructed to provide for the conduct of presidential tests.

The Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for sports and physical culture was instructed to ensure control over the introduction of presidential tests.

Akims of regions, cities of Astana, Almaty, cities, districts were instructed to carry out work on the introduction of presidential tests in labor collectives, at the place of residence and recreation of the population, and the creation of conditions for practicing sports included in the presidential tests.

The Decree shall enter into force from the date of its first official publication.

Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 31, 2013 No. 1545
On approval of the Rules for conducting presidential physical fitness tests of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan and invalidating some decisions of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan