Visual memory exercises. How to develop memory in an adult: exercises for training

Exercises for the development of visual memory and imagination

Today we offer you amazing games and exercises that will not only allow you to have fun and usefully, but also take you and your children one step closer to superpowers.

With just one game, you can develop your imagination and visual memory in order to learn easily! Memorize anything and everything at once!

Help us with this simple game"A fly in a cube".

Description of the game and rules you can see here:

And also do simple exercises that will help you and your children develop imagination:

Exercise 1

One of the simple, but, in fact, effective exercises for the development of visual memory consists in training the memorization of ordinary objects. Most likely, this exercise will seem easy for you, but try it and you will see the opposite.

Take the most common item (preferably bright color), for example, a notebook, an apple, a candy wrapper, etc. In a relaxed state, concentrate on the chosen subject. After a while, close your eyes and try to visualize the subject as accurately as possible. Try to remember its size, features, details, shades of color. Open your eyes, look again at the object and determine what else is missing from the image created in your imagination. Scrupulously note the missing details, then close your eyes again and “finish” the image of the object; again check with the real object and repeat these steps until you manage to create an image that matches in all details with the real object. The systematic implementation of this exercise is an important step in training visual memory.

Exercise 2

This exercise is a continuation of exercise for the development of visual memory number 1, therefore, it is performed after you start to get the first exercise. The continuation is that you should transfer the imaginary image of the object to paper, i.e. you need to draw it "from memory".

Artistic delights in this exercise are not required, the main thing is to remember and display on paper the details of the subject and their approximate order. Then check with the original to see if you missed any detail.

Of course, it is more effective to perform these two exercises together.

Exercise 3

For this exercise, you will need cartoons that can be found on the Internet or in magazines like Crocodile.

An important role in the development of visual memory is played by the skill of remembering details. The details of complex objects (a person's face, works of art, etc.) must be memorized in turn.

For example, for many (especially for those who have poor eyesight) it is very difficult to remember the face of a new acquaintance. The complexity is due to the fact that we are trying to capture the image of the whole face and miss the details. Pay attention to the color of the hair and the shape of the eyebrows, the eyes, the nose, the mouth, the pit on the chin, and very soon it will not be difficult for you to remember the eyes of one friend, the hair of another, etc. Without attention to detail, visual memory dwindles.

Practice remembering details most effectively in drawings. And you can start with cartoons. After careful study, try to sketch a caricature, remembering all the details. As soon as you start to easily remember all the details, move on to reproductions of paintings by famous artists. They can be found on the Internet, but it is better to buy special editions: along with the development of memory, gradually study the masterpieces of world art.

If you get to work on foot, and along the way you come across buildings that differ in their architecture from ordinary high-rise buildings, then try to remember the location and number of windows, the size of the doors, the presence of decor, the shape of the cornices, etc. Don't just watch - learn! At the workplace, take a 5-minute rest, during which you reproduce in your imagination the building with all the little things. When you go home, check your visual memory and the next day try to remember new details on the building.

Exercise 4

For this exercise, you need to prepare 50-70 small items (buttons, keys, key rings, lighters, etc.) and put them in a box. Also, you need an assistant.

On the first day, the assistant takes seven items out of the box, puts them on the table and covers them with a veil. Then he takes off the veil, counts to ten and closes the objects again. And you, as accurately as possible, name which objects and in what order lie under the coverlet. Each day you can add one item, increasing total up to fifteen pieces.

If there is no assistant, then on the Internet you can find a similar game for the development of visual memory: objects are shown on the screen for a while, then they disappear, and you are invited to choose from many objects you need.

Exercise 5

An exercise to develop the so-called photographic memory: you take out a domino and, without counting, name the number of points. If this can be done without difficulty, then you take out two bones, then three, and so on.

Exercise 6

A fantastic exercise in developing photographic memory. Training this type of memory will allow you to read several paragraphs of text at ONE glance. To do this, you need to try to “grab” two words with one glance. We looked - closed our eyes - imagined. Then do the same with phrases, passages, paragraphs. Some may "photograph" entire pages of textbooks.

Exercise 7

In the evening (under the covers before going to bed) try to remember all the places you have visited: the color of the walls, the pattern of the wallpaper, the number of windows, chairs, things on the table, etc. etc.

Hello dear readers! Look to the left, please! Please look to the right! Now close your eyes and try to remember in every detail what you just saw. Difficult? That can be difficult for a small student.

The ability to evoke internal visual images is the basis for quick and accurate memorization of material. Therefore, the development of visual memory in younger students is the key to successful schooling.

How to develop it? Eat special exercises and assignments. I will talk about them in this article. But first I propose to arrange a visual memory test. For what?

  1. First, in order to find out at what level it is.
  2. Secondly, to be able to evaluate the results of classes.

Lesson plan:

Testing visual memory

To check, we need 10 cards with images of some objects, animals, people. The main thing is that all this is well known and understandable to the child. For example, pictures can be like this.

Check progress by points:

  1. Lay out the cards on the table.
  2. Have your child look at them carefully.
  3. Remove the cards after 30 seconds.
  4. Ask the child to remember what was drawn in the pictures.

Let's move on to evaluating the results. If you managed to remember less than 5 pictures, then visual memory needs your attention and additional development. But even if the child showed a very good result, remembered 6, 7, or even all 10 pictures, then the exercises below will not interfere. Because there is no limit to perfection! Is not it?

  1. Consider age features children. Introduce an element into the lessons. So the exercises will be perceived with more enthusiasm and will give a greater effect. For each exercise, I made a small interesting background. You can come up with something of your own.
  2. Very important point! Before the child begins the task, remind him to close his eyes and call up a mental image of what he just saw. It is very important! This is what we are trying to learn.
  3. To complete the exercises, you will need cards that need to be changed from time to time. I gave examples of cards in the article. It is quite possible to make them yourself, you can draw or print pictures on a printer.
  4. In order for the exercises to be beneficial, you need to practice daily, at least for 15 to 20 minutes.

Well, now let me introduce you to these magical exercises!

"Secrets of ancient cities"

Archaeologists are people who search and excavate ancient cities. During excavations, they often find various gizmos, which are decorated with beautiful patterns. It's great when an archaeologist has a camera at hand. And if he is not? Then the archaeologist needs to carefully consider the drawing and remember it, so that later he can repeat it. Shall we try?

From counting sticks and buttons, lay out some pattern on the table. For example, this one.

Action plan:

  1. Show your child the pattern.
  2. After 10 seconds, cover the pattern with a sheet of paper.
  3. Ask the child to lay out the same pattern.
  4. Compare what happened with the sample.

The task can be complicated if you try to repeat not only the location of the sticks and buttons, but also the flowers.

"Rainbow Confusion"

There are exactly 7 colors in our earthly rainbow. And they are arranged in a certain order (here you can remember the correct order and talk about “every hunter wants to know ...”) But on the planet “Confusion”, the rainbow looks different. All the colors are mixed up there. And every day they change places. The inhabitants of this cheerful planet have to memorize a new order of colors in the rainbow every time.

You will need cards of all the colors of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple. Arrange them randomly on the table and cover with a sheet of paper.

Action plan:

  1. Show the child the cards and invite them to look carefully and remember the order in which they lie.
  2. After 15 seconds, cover them with a sheet of paper.
  3. Ask the child to remember in what order the cards were laid out on the table.

If this exercise causes difficulty, then you can start with four colored cards, and then increase their number.

"Wonderful Garden"

In the country of "Great Mathematics" there is a wonderful garden. Trees grow there, consisting only of geometric shapes. You can go on an excursion to this garden, admire these mysterious trees, but photographing them is prohibited. But you can remember them and then draw.

For the exercise, you will need cards with the image of three trees, consisting only of geometric shapes. My trees are like this.

Action plan:

  1. Show the child the card.
  2. Remove it after 30 seconds.
  3. Ask the child to draw the second tree they just saw.

If it's too easy, then ask them to draw two trees, for example, the first and third.

"Photo essay"

Photojournalists are people who go everywhere with a camera and take pictures of all sorts of interesting places. And then with the help of their photos they tell people about it. Let's try to make our own photo essay?

Prepare a picture in advance, for example this.

Action plan:

  1. Show the child a picture and invite him to "take a picture" of it with his internal "camera".
  2. Remove the picture after 30 seconds.
  3. Ask the child to answer the questions.

Questions to our sample can be the following:

  • How many shelves are on the wall?
  • What's on the bed linen?
  • Who is on the bed?
  • What color are the cabinets and nightstands?
  • What is on the windowsill?
  • What time is on the clock?
  • Where is the turtle sitting?
  • How many lamps are in the room?
  • What color are the curtains?
  • Is there a violin in the room?

There are a lot of similar exercises in children's magazines.


There are billions of stars in the sky. And it just seems that they are all the same. In fact, they are different, just a little similar. When a star falls from the sky, it is customary to make a wish. But not everyone knows that a wish will come true only if you remember your star.

Prepare 6 cards with stars. They should be similar, but not the same. To make it clearer what I mean, look at the picture.

Action plan:

  1. Give the child one of the stars, ask him to carefully consider it and remember it.
  2. After 10 seconds, take the star.
  3. Lay out all 6 cards with stars on the table.
  4. Ask your child to find their star among them.

There are many exercises for the development of visual memory, but even these five will be enough to raise it to new level. The main thing is to practice regularly and with pleasure. And there are also special exercises for the development of auditory memory, which I wrote about and which will also help make memory better.

Dear parents, let's test our visual memory at the same time. Maybe it's time for us to do the exercises ourselves? I suggest you take the test.

My result is a very good memory. 18 pictures out of 20! And what happened to you? Write about it in the comments.

I hope you enjoy the exercises and find them useful!

Get involved and develop!

All the best to you and your kids!

Always yours, Evgenia Klimkovich!

We receive a huge amount of information from the world. As you know, more than 80% is acquired by us through the eyes. Something passes without a trace, something leaves a trace in our soul and returns to our head after a while.

Visual memory fills our memories with vivid pictures of the past, a large number of details, elements that are very difficult to describe in words and very long. We remember our life bright and full thanks to the coordinated work of our eyes and our brain.

What is visual memory? How does it work, how is it combined with memory from other senses? How to improve visual memory and why is it needed? This article is about this and much more.

Visual memory, what is it?

Visual memory… It is not so difficult to explain what it is. For example, you are going somewhere by bus, to another country, let's say. Together with you - about forty people whom you first saw while boarding the vehicle. And so, before crossing the border, the bus stops and all passengers, including you, get out of it and mix with passengers from other buses. 20 minutes pass. A person with a well-developed visual memory (in this case, a memory for faces) can easily pick out from the crowd not only the man who has been sitting next to him for the past two hours, but also most of the travelers from his bus. A person with a poor visual memory will remember two or three who were sitting in his field of vision.

Or here's another example. Suppose you visited Serbia 10 years ago. And now, at the mere mention of it on TV, or in conversations with friends, you imagine a vivid and distinct picture: hilly mountains in greenery, and among them - a small beautiful house.

Now it's time to define visual memory. What is it, after all, is it?

Visual memory is a type of memory that is associated with the work of the visual analyzer. Responsible for the preservation, and then for the reproduction of visual images.

There are several types.

Iconic. Its duration is less than a second. Information that has not been used at this time is lost.

Short-term. Lasts up to 30 seconds.

Long-term. Particularly long-term visual memory.

Eidetic memory, what is it?

also in separate group eidetic memory is released. This is an ability that not all people have, most often children, teenagers, artists. It is the ability to keep in the head bright and clear images of the objects seen for a long period of time. Eidetics see the picture well even after it has disappeared from their field of vision.

Eidetism is a well-developed photographic memory. Some use this concept as a synonym for visual memory, but we consider photographic memory as part of visual memory.

Remember, you must have heard stories that a certain person reproduces with amazing accuracy the details of a picture he saw some time ago. Or about people who are ready to recite various verses without stopping. These are all individuals with a well-developed eidetic or photographic memory.

Eat unique cases eideticism. For example, the Italian bibliophile Antonio Magliabechi, who lived in the late 17th and early 18th centuries, at the end of his life could recite each of the books he read by heart. And there were more than 40,000 of them ... Or the 40th US President Ronald Reagan memorized texts just by looking at them.

Visual memory is an important information carrier

Interestingly, the use of visual images allows a person to encode a lot of memories.

We just need to remember, for example, what it looks like handsome man, which we see in the dining room at lunchtime. When we remember it, we see a picture. Now let's imagine that we need to describe his girlfriend, who has never had the honor of meeting this handsome man. How many words will be needed? Hundreds. He is both tall and broad-shouldered, and his hair is long, but not very long, to the shoulders, like that of such and such an actor from such and such a film, and his beard is the same as that of someone ...

It turns out that the picture carries the information of hundreds of words, which, you see, are much more difficult to remember. It is unlikely that a friend will be able to repeat everything she heard. Rather, she will now remember the image that she formed on the basis of the descriptions she heard.

And further. It seems that we remember only the picture. Actually, it is not. The visual image is supplemented by a large amount of information received from other senses.

For example, five years ago you visited a famous restaurant abroad. And then, walking down the street, out of the corner of your ear you hear that someone else mentions the name of this institution in a conversation. A picture immediately arises in front of you: you are sitting, and in front of you is a chic table with a tablecloth hanging to the floor, collected in several places, twilight, there is a glass of wine on the table, and many, many flowers around.

Is this all? No! Surely, you almost felt a barely perceptible smell, which probably came from the kitchen then. And they also felt a slight coolness, because. when you were in the restaurant, the air conditioner worked well, and you got a little chilly. Also, of course, the sounds of live music, calm and unobtrusive, that you heard then, flashed through your head. In addition, the heard name for some reason immediately improved your mood. After all, then, 5 years ago, in this overseas restaurant, your current husband proposed to you.

All this happens because visual memory does not work alone. To it is added also auditory, olfactory, tactile, emotional. The picture is supplemented by the results of the work of the senses, due to which a more complete, complete image is formed, filled with a large amount of information.

Who has the best visual memory?

Many are not left alone with the question, who has a better visual memory? To better accept the answer to this question, let's take a slightly abstract example. Anyone who is interested knows that Americans generally have higher IQs than Europeans. And despite the fact that the tests with which it is checked among US residents are more difficult.

Scientists attribute this to the fact that Americans are constantly, day after day, forced to use in their Everyday life those skills, capabilities that are tested in IQ tests. It turns out that without their active participation, the abilities of their brain are improved.

The same is true for visual memory. It is well developed in those who use it constantly.

Take the Eskimos for example. They live where it is almost impossible to live - in the expanses of the Arctic. All around are monotonous white landscapes, someone would even say - depressive. There is nothing for the eye to stop at.

And the locals here have a super-acute visual memory. It captures the smallest details that we, who grew up in a large figurative variety, would not have caught close. The eyes of the Eskimos notice among the monotonous pictures - ice and snowy mountains - various identification marks. That is why, even in the most difficult conditions, the Eskimo is not afraid to get lost. In winter, he will easily and quickly find his hiding place, in which he hid the game he caught in the summer. A large amount of visual information is stored in his memory, which helps him survive in difficult conditions.

You can also hear the point of view that visual memory in women is better developed than in men. Allegedly, these differences are associated with the structural features of the brain in people of different sexes. We, on the other hand, adhere to the point of view that if there are differences, then they are connected, first of all, with different conditions in which boys and girls grow and live.

For example, girls, it is likely, have been dominated by hobbies since childhood, games where visual memory is actively involved, there are a large number of visual images. Boys have a slightly different experience. Therefore, at some period of life, differences in the quality of visual memory can be recorded. But if there were no differences in the experience of girls and boys in their childhood, there would be no differences in memory.

And a little more about animals. Scientists are all trying to figure out what kind of visual memory they have? It is quite difficult to do this. They resort to experiments during which food is hidden from animals right in front of them in one of several shelters and they wait for how long the animal will be able to remember exactly where the food was placed, in which shelter.

So they found out that the dog runs unmistakably to the shelter with food after 17 minutes of waiting, and the cat after 6. It does not seem to be very long. At the same time, it is difficult to imagine a complete picture of what is going on in the head of an animal. After all, their olfactory, auditory memory is much stronger than ours. Therefore, they are well versed in their life situations, remember what they need, instantly, do not suffer, in general.

How to improve visual memory?

Visual memory training can significantly improve the capabilities of a person as a whole. Study, work, everyday life… In each of the areas there will be only pluses. A person gets the opportunity to more deeply perceive objects around, due to which he becomes more attentive, concentrated.

How to develop visual memory? There are many ways. For example, you can find special games on the Internet - simulators. Most of them have the same idea. For a certain period of time, various objects are shown to you - pictures, facial features, etc., after which the images disappear and you are asked to remember what was shown and in what sequence.

Also, visual memory is trained by the following classes.

Drawing. Portraits, landscapes, still lifes… The bottom line is that we first isolate some detail, then remember it, and only then transfer it to the canvas. This is good for developing visual memory.

Games. Remember the children's games like "Find 10 Differences"? Just they are aimed at the active development of visual memory. Find more sophisticated options for adults, and go!

Memories. This The best way training not only visual, but also memory in general. It consists in the fact that before going to bed, lying in bed, a person remembers everything that happened to him during the day. The main thing is that in the process of memories, appropriate visual images constantly arise in the head.

Memory of images. It consists in the fact that you are trying to remember as accurately as possible some image that was before your eyes not so long ago. For example, the face of a man who was seen several times in the subway.

How to improve photographic memory?

There are also good exercise to train photographic memory.

Exercise number 1.

Observe any object, for example, at your desk at a distance of two meters, 2 minutes. Try to remember as many details as possible. Do not take your eyes off the picture for all 2 minutes. Now close your eyes and try to imagine the color of objects, proportions, shapes ... Everything that is possible. If you forgot something, then open your eyes for a few seconds. This will allow you to remember the missing details.

After it becomes easy for you to train with objects, start using texts, complex pictures.

Exercise number 2.

It can be done while you are walking home or driving to work. Quickly look at any object that you have come across on the road. For example, a small shop. Look away and try to remember what you saw, draw a picture in your head. After a while, such entertainment - training will become your habit. You will not even notice how the improvement of visual memory turns into pleasure.

You do not understand why strangers greet you on the street? Every time you climb into the dictionary to remember the spelling of the word "ingredients"? Wandering in subway passages and still exiting from the wrong side? The reason for everything is a poorly developed visual memory.

Throughout his life, a person receives a large amount of various information from the world around him. Many people know that it is vision that gives us more than 80% of all information. Some of them are soon erased from our memory, others become interesting for us, which makes us keep them in our memory for quite some time.

Thanks to visual memory, we can always refer to our memories, presented in the form of vivid pictures, containing many details, elements that cannot be described using short phrases. And so that we can not lose those vivid images that relate us to past events, it is important to know how to develop visual memory.

Visual memory, what is it?

Visual memory is a special type of memory, the functioning of which is provided by the visual analyzer. It is thanks to her that visual images are stored in our minds for a long time, to which we can turn at any moment. Of course, a lot depends on whether a person knows how to develop visual memory.

Visual memory can be classified into the following types:

  • Iconic. This memory can store information for less than a second. Therefore, if it turned out to be useless to us, we immediately lose it.
  • Short-term. This memory can store images for no longer than 30 seconds.
  • Long-term. It is thanks to this memory that after a few months and even years we can imagine mentally important events for us that occurred in the past.

Visual memory is an important information carrier

Given that visual memory uses images, each of us can hold a large number of different memories in our minds. To do this, you just need to remember, say, what a handsome young man looks like, seen by us in the dining room at lunchtime. When we want to raise his image in memory, a corresponding picture pops up in our minds.

Imagine a situation where you have to verbally describe his image to your girlfriend. Can you get by with ten words? You will most likely need a hundred. After all, you need to pay attention to his height, and to the span in his shoulders, talk about the length of his hair, comparing it with an actor from a certain film, pay attention to his beard and other external features, which can be a great many.

It turns out that to convey in words any image, you have to use hundreds of words, and they are remembered by an order of magnitude more difficult than a picture. It is unlikely that a friend will be able to retell this description in the future. And it is possible that for her the image of this young man will be compiled on the basis of descriptions.

I would like to draw your attention to this point. It seems that only the image is stored in our minds. This opinion is wrong. In fact, in addition to the picture, we remember a lot of other additional information about the event, which is provided to us by other senses.

Visual memory is very important for a person, but few people consciously work on its development. Someone is given by nature the ability to "photograph" images, while for someone they are erased after a couple of seconds. But no need to be upset - any skill can be developed, and visual memory is no exception. It only needs to be trained with the help of a set of exercises, which we will discuss below:

Break the whole into details

It is easier for the brain to remember the image in parts than as a whole - take advantage of this and divide the image into several separate fragments. It will be much easier to fix each of them, and then put them into a single picture. This technique has long been used for tasks that require the participation of visual memory - for example, if you need to remember a map.
Future translators from Chinese in the early stages of learning often face difficulties in memorizing hieroglyphs. To make it easier for them, teachers explain that in all hieroglyphs there are the same characters, combined different ways- having learned these details, it will be much easier to remember the hieroglyphs themselves.

In the same way, it is possible to fix in memory images composed of components of the same type. For example, how the person is dressed. This information can be divided into three "zones" - the head, torso and legs. Hairstyle or headdress on the head; the torso can be dressed in one item (coat or dress), or maybe in two (sweater and jeans), in any case, something is shod on the legs (sneakers, boots, shoes). Now we remember the color combination of all these details - and you're done, you can't go wrong. This method works well when you need to remember people you see for the first time - for example, in line at the clinic.

Puzzles and puzzles

It seems that puzzle pictures are children's games, but in reality they are good for developing visual memory in adults. Drawings are good at this, where you need to find differences: looking for dissimilarities in two almost identical images, we learn to notice details.
Play games where you need to remember things in a certain order - this helps to develop a sense of composition and a correct perception of space.

Develop synesthetic perception

How does a sunny day smell? What is the sound of this skyscraper? What does red taste like? This is not just a game - in this way you develop a connection between visual images and sensations of all other senses. Synesthesia helps the brain in inventing complex associative connections: with their participation, it will be easier to find the necessary data in memory.
Thanks to synesthesia, visual images are firmly fixed in the mind - one sensory perception system triggers the mechanisms of another. By the way, this property of the human brain has long been noticed and actively used, which is why metro lines differ not only in destinations, but also in colors. It is easier for most people to remember a color, smell or taste than a name, so all brands have their own recognizable colors.
Through the development of synesthesia, you include your creative talents - many brilliant creators from the art world have had this useful property.

Copy asymmetrical designs

Visual images that can be logically explained are best imprinted in memory. And vice versa - the less sense in the image, the more difficult it is to reproduce it. Because of this, many travelers easily find their way in modern cities with a clear structure and immediately get lost in the ancient centers with a lack of logic in the location of the streets.
Exists great exercise, which has a very strong influence for the development of visual memory. It is not easy, so it is better to master it in childhood. To do this, you need a stone with a network of veins - marble or malachite. Of course, it is not so easy to get these minerals, so you can use their photos.
Arm yourself with pencils and draw a “portrait from nature”, trying to reproduce all the veins, color transitions, thickness and arrangement of lines relative to each other. Then take a new piece of paper and try to repeat it from memory. Most likely, you will not succeed right away, you will need to try again and again so that the copy even remotely matches the original.

Turn images into words

A lot of people with bad visual memory can compensate for this lack by the ability to memorize words well in a certain order. Our brains are great at replacing images with symbols. Having broken the image into details, it is enough just to give them a verbal description, preferably with a lot of details.
For example, you only saw a person once, and now you have to meet him again among a large crowd of people. In order not to be embarrassed, you need to imagine that you are describing him for drawing up an identikit: “Height above average, thin, wiry, dark hair, short-cut, dark eyes, wide eyebrows. The nose is large, with a hump. Squinting."
Converting the visual image into verbal symbols will help to concretize the details that you would not pay attention to in a cursory acquaintance with a new friend. Going to a meeting, you will simply pronounce his verbal portrait to yourself, and the brain itself will reproduce the visual picture.

Pay attention to details

When the brain is not faced with the task of remembering some elements of the picture seen, then it does not strain. To bring the ability to notice the details to automatism, you need to practice.
What was the colleague you met on the street wearing? How did you gesture? What was the background behind him - the street, the stalls, the trees? How much and what did you notice? How are the items located?
By training your brain in this way, you will quickly teach it to remember the situation and minor details of the events that happened to you. The main thing is not to let him "hack" by creating fictitious details - to avoid this, return to the place and compare the features of the surroundings with what you remember.

4 methods to help you develop visual memory. Save yourself.

Once I saw a program about people who had amazing visual memory.

It was enough for them to look at the page for a minute to retell the text verbatim, they accurately determined what had changed in the appearance of people, noticing the smallest details, reproduced a column of several dozen numbers.

I was simply amazed by what I saw, but I was even more surprised after the words of the program expert, who claimed that anyone can achieve this.

Among the guests was a specialist who gave practical advice, .

I then wrote down the tips I heard, and while preparing this material, I found one more useful exercise to help you deal with visual forgetfulness.

What is visual memory and why should it be developed?

Psychologists believe that nature instilled in a person is “friendship” with some one type of memory.

For example, it is easiest for someone to perceive information by ear, for someone it is enough to look at the picture once to remember everything that is located on it, and someone even remembers with their nose, that is, they unmistakably recognize and recreate those smelled once smells.

Most often, combined memory works in people, but anyway, one of the analyzers (vision, hearing, smell, etc.) prevails over others.

Not so long ago, Californian scientists conducted an experiment: a group of people, each of whom had been working with an Apple laptop for a long time, had to reproduce the logo of this well-known company.

Just don’t snort now: “What could be easier?! A bitten apple!"

The answer is, of course, correct.

Do you remember the fruit bitten on the left or right? Is there a leaf on top? And if so, in which direction is it tilted?

The test subjects were also in deep confusion.

And only one out of a hundred coped with the task.

The rest, obviously, advice would be useful, how to develop visual memory.

"Memory is what replaces the view from the window for me."
Silence of the Lambs

Scientists were shocked and diagnosed: visual sclerosis in modern society.

In principle, if you don’t wander around the streets of your own city, don’t try to break into the next entrance, believing that this is where your apartment is located, and don’t ask your husband, with whom you have lived for more than one day: “Man, who are you?”, That special problems no worries.

However, there are those who definitely need to improve their visual memory:

  • Children. After all, you don’t want to create problems for your child in adulthood because he even distinguishes people poorly.
  • Police officers, artists, military men - in general, all those specialists who cannot do without visual memory in their profession.
  • People who want to improve daily and are not going to put up with their shortcomings.

My friend and her visual memory

Lena and I have been friends for a long time, so we are not afraid to share our pains and joys with each other.

Even at school, a friend complained to me that she was suffering from the fact that she did not remember faces, terrain, and many other details important for everyday life.

We talked, I consoled her as best I could, and gradually this conversation was forgotten.

Not so long ago it turned out that Lena seriously took up the issue how to develop visual memory, even read special literature and performed some exercises.

But most of all she helped in solving the problem - drawing.

She is a graphic designer by profession, so she loves to draw since childhood.

And so she used her talent to improve visual memory.

I bought a large notebook that I always carried with me and practiced in my free time.

For example:

  1. She looked briefly at the branch, and then, turning away, tried to accurately reproduce it.
  2. I scattered about a dozen toothpicks or matches on the table, looked at the order of their arrangement, covered them with something opaque and quickly sketched everything.
  3. A classmate came in a beautiful beaded jewelry with some kind of cunning weaving. Lena took a closer look at it, and then on a couple reproduced this necklace on paper, etc.

A friend claims that such exercises greatly improved her visual memory, although this did not happen so quickly: over several years.

If you want results much faster, then you have to work hard.

Very effectively develop visual memory:

    In children's magazines, such a task is very often printed: two pictures side by side and the caption "Find 5/10/15 differences."

    The Internet is also full of such pictures.

    The game that we sometimes play with friends during gatherings helps a lot.

    The host carefully peers at others, and then leaves the room.

    At this time, everyone else changes something in their appearance.

    The facilitator returns and announces the changes that have taken place.

    Ask to be the leader more often.

    Yes, the usual reading to yourself.

    Devour at least 100 pages a day and your memory will improve quickly.

    Even if you have been working in the same building for ten years, this does not mean at all that you will be able to reproduce, for example, the number of windows per floor, the clear arrangement of offices, the color of walls in different offices, etc.

    Make it a habit not just to glance over, but to notice.

    Carefully consider the buildings you pass by, the people you ride with on public transport, the clothes of colleagues, and then in the evening try to reproduce all this in your imagination as accurately as possible.

    Choose new routes for going to work, travel (even if these are neighboring settlements), meet new people, etc.

    At the same time, do not go into yourself, do not fence yourself off, but try to literally take in all the details with your eyes.

According to psychologists, the most effective develop visual memory this exercise helps.

Focus on an object for 1-5 minutes.

Don't let yourself be distracted by anything!

Then, turning away, try to mentally, verbally or graphically reproduce this object exactly.

Gradually complicate the exercise: choose things with a lot of detail and reduce the time for looking at them.

I propose to pass an elementary test to test visual memory!

Press Play and memorize the words 🙂

If you try, then in just a few months your visual memory will improve, and if you continue to train, then in a year or two you will be able to get into a program like the one that impressed me and inspired me to write this article.

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