Ideal proportions. Girth Calculator

WITH early years training everyone who starts training to engage in gym or at home, they begin their workouts by lifting dumbbells and a barbell so that, namely, the biceps, which are always given great attention, so that the volume of the arm seems larger, all novice athletes want to pump up their biceps like Arnold Schwarzenegger, whose arm and biceps volume was 60 cm due to his bicep peak and arm build (genetics)! photo before and after.

The peak of the biceps and arm volume depends on many factors in order to pump up the biceps of the right size depending on age and desire, all beginners in fitness bodybuilding beginners want to pump up their biceps 35, 40, 42, 45, 47, 50, 55 centimeters big biceps and arm volume always attracts the attention of others who always think that if a guy has big biceps, then he has strong powerful arms with which he can lift anything! photo Arnold Schwarzenegger in his youth 16 - 20 years old biceps 46 - 50 cm

How to build biceps for a teenager aged 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18

The path to big inflated arms is not always easy, in order to pump up big inflated arms, many novice athletes think that it is so simple and easy, but in fact, in order for arm volume to increase every month of training, proven techniques are needed and which must be professional in order to get muscles hands grew in volume!

Arm muscles 35, 40, 42, 45, 47, 50, 55 cm

arm musclesaged 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18

The genetic predisposition of a person and his muscle structure is always a defining point in whether you have biceps 35, 40, 42, 45, 47, 50, 55 or not, a teenager has an arm volume of 35 cm already in adolescence 13 -16 years depending on the type of addition! An ectomorph (thin body type) usually already has such a volume of a hand. In a mesomorph and an endomorph at the age of 13-16 years, the hand usually already has a size of more than 35 cm closer to forty!

Depending on the type of addition, the volume of the arm in adolescents is different, the reason for everything is genetics and age! At a transitional age, for every person, a man, a girl, the formation of the muscular skeleton takes place a few years after the transition period, as well as the volumes of all muscle groups! Usually the period of formation of the muscular skeleton occurs from 13 to 18 years!

When and at what age can you start training

In the gym at home for a girl, a man, a guy, you can do fitness at home and in the gym from the age of 14 under the supervision of a trainer so that at the beginning of your sports path he will set you the technique for performing all the exercises that can be performed in the gym at home!

Download biceps in the gym at home

If you only train one biceps, your figure will not fully develop, including the volume of the arms will not grow if you do not train all the muscles of the body, our body as one whole and all changes in the figure occur naturally, this physiological features organisms from which you can not go anywhere! If a person’s own weight grows, then all his muscles increase in size, so it’s important to train all muscle groups, and not only pump the biceps so that he only becomes big!

How to build biceps for a teenager at 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 years old

The structure of the muscles of the hands and the volumes of the parameters will change every month of training if you perform the exercises 2-3 times a week so that the muscles of the hands have time to recover between workouts if the muscles of the hands hurt, then it is better to postpone the workout to another day when the muscles stop hurting! Professional advice

Basic exercises for pumping biceps with dumbbells and a barbell

Dumbbell exercises to build biceps

  • Bending the arms while standing with dumbbells with a classic grip (can be done while sitting)
  • Bending the arms alternately while standing with dumbbells (can be done while sitting)
  • Standing hammer grip curl (can be done while sitting)
  • Bending one arm sitting with a dumbbell
  • Bending one arm sitting on a bench

Barbell exercises to build biceps

  • Bending the arms while standing with a barbell with a classic grip
  • Standing barbell curl narrow grip
  • Bending the arms while standing with a barbell with a hammer grip
  • Reverse barbell curl
  • Bending the arms while sitting with a barbell on the scott bench

Exercise machines to build biceps

  • Bending the arms while sitting in the simulator on the Scott bench
  • Bending the arms while standing in a crossover lower grip
  • Crossover Curl Standing Overhand Grip

Training program for biceps with dumbbells and a barbell

How many times do you need to train biceps per week for a girl for a man

Arm muscle training should be mindful otherwise about muscle growth and muscle fibers you can forget if you train biceps every day, then your biceps will be weak, but hardy if you train biceps 2-3 times a week, then your biceps will become strong and powerful, the main thing is to train it for strength and perform 2-3 exercises with a maximum of 2 in one workout -3 sets in each exercise and do a maximum of 6 - 8 reps! It is also important to train on the same day in order to fully pump the muscles of the arms, and also 2-3 exercises and the same number of repetitions are recommended for each muscle group! According to this scheme, all famous pitching bodybuilders train their hands to pump themselves up huge hands like Arnold Schwarzenegger.

how to stretch biceps lengthen biceps

Stretching muscles after training muscles is one of the mandatory rules to relax muscles after training, so it is important if you have trained biceps and others muscle groups, then well for 15 minutes after training them to stretch

You won’t be able to lengthen the biceps and change the structure of the arm, you can no longer improve muscle stretching, but you won’t be able to lengthen the biceps according to your physiology, which you already have, this is the genetics of muscle structure, if it were possible, every fitness bodybuilding jock would have biceps like Arnold Schwarzenegger.


Beautiful hand relief always looks advantageous. Few people can boast of it, but almost everyone would like to have it. Long and hard workouts proper nutrition, and in some cases sports supplements help you achieve the desired result.

Improving your body, you not only accumulate invaluable experience, but also add positive emotions and points in the piggy bank of their self-esteem. The resources of the body are multifaceted, and with sufficient motivation, a person is able to move mountains. Therefore, it is very important before starting training process tune in to productive work on your body.

Among young people, the trend for a beautiful body is now popular. And these are not just model parameters for both men and women, but a body with high-quality muscle mass. When people have a desire to actively develop in order to be healthy, beautiful, well-groomed and just enjoy life, then they have no time for bad thoughts.

As for the upper body, it is very important. Powerful arm muscles in men and beautiful, toned forms in women are an undeniable advantage for both.


First you need to understand what a bicep is. It is known that this is the name of the biceps muscle of the shoulder. No one has good muscles from birth. To achieve gigantic size and high quality muscle mass, you need long years workouts.

The golden ratio for a novice athlete is 40 cm biceps. Every person who wants to increase the size of the biceps should know that the muscles of the arm also include triceps. If you work on these zones correctly, then the desire to have a beautiful shoulder relief will be achieved by you.

For a man, a biceps of 40 cm is normal. Photos of such athletes are not uncommon for our time. With proper perseverance, proper exercise and proper nutrition, good results can be achieved.

Today, even teenagers can boast of well-developed arm muscles. Biceps 40 cm at 14 years old is not wildness. It is quite normal, with moderate training, to have this size of the biceps muscle even at this age.

Triceps and its role in arm volume

The opinion that the biceps forms the volume of the arm is erroneous. Because the main muscle mass takes triceps called the triceps. Thanks to the developed triceps system, powerful arms are formed. But some people, thinking about it, on its development. As mentioned above, the amount of muscle mass in the triceps is greater than in the biceps. Therefore, if you make efforts to develop both, the result will not be long in coming.

Aside from that, athletes can use various sports supplements to have a 40 cm biceps. This is normal if you intend to train seriously. If you have experience and an initial base, you can pay attention to some of them. List of additives:

  • Creatine
  • Protein.
  • Vitamins C and E.
  • Phosphatidylserine.

These drugs can be purchased in specialized stores sports nutrition. Vitamins are sold in pharmacies. All of these elements help increase strength. For example, protein is used before and after training, at the rate of 3 where 3 is grams, and unit is a kilogram of weight.

Hand exercises

It is known that muscle mass grows with the amount of working weight. This means that the more weight you work with, the better result You'll get. The process of increasing the volume of the arms is long-term: it will not be possible to quickly pump up a 40 cm biceps. This is a lot of time and effort spent that you must put into the basis of building a beautiful body.

One of effective exercises to strengthen the muscles of the hand is french press. After this exercise, you will see real changes over time. But it is worth thinking about the correct execution, since this system is very traumatic for elbow joints.

Technique for performing the exercise "French press"

This exercise very common in gyms today. In almost every one of them you can meet a man who performs it. Girls are also not afraid to do it.

Since the bulk of the muscles of the arm falls on the triceps, this exercise is aimed at its development and study. By following the step-by-step steps below, you will build muscle mass, tighten the skin, isolate the biceps, and develop the flexibility of the arm muscles.

To implement your plan, you will need:

  • bench;
  • EZ - neck.

It is believed that this exercise is not too difficult technically, but sometimes injuries occur during its execution. Before you start, please read the instructions carefully.

Step by step instructions for the exercise

  1. Starting position - lie back on the bench. Then take the neck. Keep your arms straight and perpendicular to your body position. Raise the bar at the break points.
  2. Inhale, slowly bend your elbows, and when the bar touches your forehead, exhale and squeeze the weight back. During this action shoulder joints must remain motionless - only triceps are involved in the work.
  3. Return your hands with the barbell to the starting position. To get started, just do 4 sets of 10 times.

The most common exercise is push-ups on the uneven bars with weights. It develops muscle mass well. After doing the French press, the exercise will be very useful, as it is a great addition to the above. It is performed only in the presence of prepared joints. If you feel pain during work, postpone the workout.

You will need:

  • bars;
  • shells for weights;
  • good preparation of the joints.

In no case, do not neglect the technique correct execution exercises. Before the first approach, make sure that all shells are securely fastened.

Step-by-step instructions for doing the exercise on the uneven bars

  1. Put on a weight-bearing equipment. Take a standing position on the uneven bars, leaning on your hands, and the torso should be perpendicular to the floor.
  2. Bend your arms at an angle of 90 degrees at the elbow, raise and lower the body with measured jerks up and down.
  3. It is enough to perform 5 times for 5 repetitions. This is the norm for a beginner, provided that the weight is relatively small: about 10 - 15 kg.

This exercise can be performed not only in the hall. If you have at home swedish wall, then bars can be attached to it. In the presence of pancakes, a strong belt and a rope, it is realistic to build an aggravating projectile.

Narrow grip exercise

When performing this exercise, the triceps work, and the front delta. The exercise has an average difficulty factor. The number of repetitions and approaches depends on your gender:

  • Men - 3 sets of 10 reps with 30 kg;
  • Women - 3 sets of 10 reps 15 kg.

In order for the exercise to be performed properly, you must have a barbell, a bench and plates.

How to do bench press?

When doing the bench press, position your elbows as close to your body as possible. Index fingers should be located on the inner section of the neck.

  1. Lower the bar slowly, and raise it sharply.
  2. Using this technology of building muscle muscles of the biceps, you can achieve the desired result.

Push-ups on the uneven bars

The principle of this exercise is similar to what you could learn in push-ups on weighted bars. To perform you need to have bars. This exercise also belongs to a number of processes that will help increase the muscle mass of the upper arms.

Exercise rules

  1. Press your elbows to your body.
  2. Lower yourself on your hands to a 90 degree angle at the elbow joint. At the end of the action, the arms should not be fully straightened. Keep your body straight, without bending.
  3. It is necessary to perform this exercise at a calm pace, without jerking, in order to get a 40 cm biceps. A normal and consistent attitude to the exercise and a long, painstaking robot will bring the expected result.

Precautionary measures

The implementation of any exercise for the development of the biceps must be approached with a great deal of responsibility. If you treat your health and body negligently, then the result of such behavior will not be long in coming. No matter how sad it may sound, but non-compliance with elementary safety rules in performing exercises can lead to serious injuries.

  • Take your time when exercising.
  • All movements must be smooth and carried out under the supervision of a specialist.
  • Be sure to pay attention to the simulators, their quality and the correct technique.
  • In any gym there should be a free duty instructor who can explain to you the nuances of working on the body.
  • If you are not confident in your abilities, it is better not to overload the body.
  • Stop exercising if you feel unwell.
  • Before going to the gym on an independent basis, carefully study the methods for achieving the desired result.

Proportions to pay attention to

When working on body transformation, do not expect quick visible results. Pay attention to your height, weight and other important characteristics. If you practice constantly and eat right, then it is quite possible to have a biceps of 40 cm. Height 180, weight 100 kg are good initial parameters for men who come to classes for the first time. But this does not mean that, having different proportions, you should not go to the gym.

Proper nutrition also has not been canceled. Always watch your daily ration and don't skip meals. We are what we eat. This simple truth will help you if you accept it as an axiom. At first glance, our body is formed only through physical effort. But, having studied the rules of nutrition of bodybuilders, you will be surprised that everything depends on more than just exercise.

Having biceps 40 cm, height 180 cm and enough thin waist, you will always look advantageous. Everything is beautiful in moderation, so find a middle ground for yourself.

The concepts of ideals are individual for each, so do not rush to conclusions, but simply work for your own good in order to pump up 40 cm biceps. Height 170 cm, weight 80 kg - this is the weight, having which, it is quite possible to properly work out the muscles in a short time hands

Transformations before and after

Any body parameters that you want and are able to change can be photographed and put up for public discussion. Modern athletes are happy to demonstrate 40 cm biceps: photos before and after the start of intense training can often be seen. Even ordinary people can boast of their updated body. There are many anecdotes and jokes on this topic, because the purity of the experiment cannot always be verified. For example, some scammers use other people's transformations and transformations, and then give people advice. As a rule, such actions are paid, but there is nothing useful and favorable in them. Perhaps you will learn the same and even more, if you are not too lazy and study the topic on your own.

The history of weight loss British TV presenter

Quite a motivating transformation is the story of Claire Nasir's outward transformation. It is impossible to pass by her perseverance and hard work when it comes to beautiful body and long work on it.

After the pregnancy, Claire gained a lot of weight, cellulite and shortness of breath appeared. When the woman gave birth, she could not believe the terrible changes that had taken place in her body. According to Claire herself, she was inspired by her own photographs taken on the beach long before pregnancy. She started working on her body at the age of 40. After 4 months of grueling and hard training, Claire not only got in shape, but also built the relief of the body of her dreams.

The story of her transformation was a resounding success. The woman recorded DVD-courses of her own classes. She talked about proper fractional nutrition 5 times a day, which she adheres to now. Nothing is impossible if there is a desire to go to the goal!

Today, you will not surprise anyone with an athletic physique. One in five is engaged in the gym, eats right and has no bad habits. But it's never too late to start. Build your body wisely, do not chase after anyone. As a result, you will be pleasantly surprised by the result.

My research on athletic performance over the past 45 years has proven that it is not always the athlete with the best big muscles and circles of body parts conquers top titles; 47.5 cm arms and 125 cm chest do not by themselves justify a world-class title unless these Herculean measurements are accompanied by proportionate sizes of other parts of the body. Physical perfection means that the neck, shoulders, arms, chest, waist, back and legs are balanced in circumference and muscularity. Any slack in symmetry or proportion destroys the harmony of composition.

Joe Vader

Presented is a calculator based on the tables given by Vader in the book. The type of backbone is not taken into account. Whether your bones are thin or powerful - all the same, the girths of the body parts should be in the right proportions to each other. Once these proportions are achieved, you will be so proficient as an athlete that you will be able to use your own photographs as a guide in your training. Of course, until you get there, use a calculator and let the tape measure tell you if you have superior muscular proportions or not.

Calculation of potentially achievable volumes by the girth of the wrist

According to McCallum's formula, the "classic" wrist of the "weakly responsive" at 17.5 cm suggests a chest circumference of 114 cm, pelvis - 97 cm, waist - 80 cm, hips - 60 cm, neck - 42 cm, biceps in tension - 41 cm , calves - 39 cm and forearms - 33 cm. With a height of 175 cm, this development corresponds to a weight of about 85-86 kg. By any measure, such musculature is something out of the ordinary.

The calculator that below displays John McCallum's patterns, which are given in the book by Stuart McRobert.

The wrist should be measured just above the bone protruding on it from the side of the little finger (styloid process of the ulna), that is, closer to the elbow - McCallum himself advises.

Calculation of the lower limit of potentially achievable volumes (in a "calm" state) based on growth

At the end of the 70s, a table was compiled by a doctor to provide guidelines for muscle development for "men with an average physical potential." The data for this table was obtained from the measurements of several thousand amateur bodybuilders. The table clearly shows that there are quite specific relationships between muscle volumes and bone thickness. In particular, judging by the table, the circumference of the wrist normally ranges from 79% to 82% of the circumference of the ankle. If this is just your case, then you belong to the average type, which means that you can safely try on all the data in the table.

The table shows a direct relationship between muscle volume and total body weight. So you can say in advance: trying to pump up a 50-centimeter biceps with a small body weight is complete nonsense.

This is how Wilby advises to take measurements. The wrist is measured just below the styloid process of the ulna (i.e. closer to the hand) and with the palm open; all leg measurements are taken with the legs straight but relaxed, with the ankle measured at its narrowest point, the knee through the center patella, and the thigh - along the largest circumference; the waist is measured in the narrowest place, without drawing in the stomach; the circumference of the pelvis - along the largest circumference, when the feet are brought together; chest - at the level of the nipples (without a powerful breath); biceps in tension - at the highest point; forearm - in the widest place with a clenched fist; neck - in the narrowest place; height - without shoes; weight - without clothes.

The calculator below displays the patterns shown in the Wilby table.

Your height:


Results (cm):

Arnold's hands have always been the ultimate dream and ideal for every "pumping" amateur.
And it's not just about his exceptional "peak" shape of the biceps, not only about the fullness, length and thickness of his bicep bundles.

The fact is that this is an absolutely unattainable and incomprehensible thing - 56 centimeters in arm circumference, with a wasp waist and a huge chest.
And what about the legendary 100kg “with cheating” in bicep curls?
It sounds just as unreal, an impressive thing, but also from the realm of fantasy.
I never even dreamed of pumping up my arms 50 centimeters or more.
At the same time, I often heard this opinion:
A hand up to 40 cm in girth is a beginner, a bodybuilder is a “teapot”.
A hand 40 - 45 cm in girth is an advanced amateur who has already achieved a lot.
A hand of 50 cm, and more is a “pro”, or a person who is not so far from a pro.
Of course, all this is more true if we are not talking about centimeters of fat, but about the circumference of the arms of a muscular, dense person.
I never dreamed of reaching the parameters of a pro in this perspective. The fact is that my hands have always lagged behind in development especially strongly, which apparently was a manifestation of my unsuccessful genetics. I began to train at the age of 18, and then the volume of the biceps was about 35 centimeters. At the beginning, the arms practically did not grow, then a more correct technique was chosen (short, heavy, basic training) and biceps quickly grew up to 42 cm! But then everything started to move very, very slowly.
Then I noticed one interesting detail: the volume of the biceps grows best with the simultaneous growth of the total body mass and strength indicators in the basic exercises for the arms.
One fine day I had this most interesting workout.

Bending the arms while standing with a barbell "with cheating":
80 kg / 3 sets / 5-6 reps per set
Push-ups on uneven bars with dumbbells 40 kg on the belt (own weight over 100 kg)
40 kg / 2 sets / 12 reps per set.
Bending the arms with a barbell on the "Scott bench"
50 kg / 2 sets / 6 reps per set
French bench press
60 kg / 2 sets / 10 reps per set.
Curls, standing barbell (with perfect technique)
45 kg - 10 reps + immediately,
25 kg - 15 reps

On the last set, I felt that my arms were no longer bending, and not at all because muscle failure had already set in. The biceps were swollen so much that they physically did not allow the arms to bend. Measurement with a flexible meter showed 49 centimeters! For the pros, of course, such volumes of hands during the “off-season” are not something impressive. However, for me, as an amateur with lagging hands, these magical numbers “49” completely turned my head! This meant a chance to grow 50 or more centimeters, and eventually achieve similar centimeters “drying”, and this is already something!

Guess which muscle is the most popular? Even the grandmothers on the bench know her name, and when they come to the gym, they try to pump it up first of all? This is the biceps, it is about him that legends are composed, it is the biceps of 40 cm that is the ultimate dream of many novice iron lovers.

Why the biceps is so popular is hard to say, due to its anatomical structure, the biceps are the first to be drawn in the boys who are so fond of admiring them in front of the mirror in childhood. also, the biceps are always in sight when you go in the summer in a short shirt or T-shirt.

This is probably why, having come to the hall, most of the men themselves different ages, first of all, they are interested in how to quickly pump up their arms and try to heavily load the biceps by performing various exercises on their arms. But, as a rule, all this zeal does not give any results and for some reason the biceps does not want to grow.

How to quickly pump up your arms

Let's start with what is considered a big mistake to try to increase the size of the hands, focusing all attention on the biceps. But in fact, measuring the size of the biceps is not realistic, because when the arm is measured, its entire circumference is measured, including the triceps. When they say biceps 40 cm, we must understand that these 40 cm are the circumference of the entire arm, including triceps.

Therefore, the first mistake of beginners is to think of the biceps as the only way to increase the size of the hands.

The muscles of the upper arms are divided into extensors and flexors, the extensors are: the triceps muscle of the shoulder or triceps and ulnar muscle, flexors are: clavicular-brachial, biceps shoulder or biceps and shoulder muscle or brachialis.

The main muscle mass of the arms is the triceps of the shoulder, which we call the triceps and the biceps of the shoulder, which we know as the biceps.

At the same time, it is the triceps that occupies 2/3 of the total volume of the arm and is the main one for the development of large and powerful arms. Therefore, if we want to increase our arms in size, we can’t get off with one biceps workout. We figured out why we shouldn’t get hung up on biceps training, now let’s look at why hands don’t grow after hard efforts in the gym.

In almost any gym, you can often see the following picture: a guy with arms as thin as shoelaces, surrounded by dumbbells and grimacing in a terrible grimace, moaning, performs many exercises in supersets with a 5 kg dumbbell.

Yes, this guy is serious about bulking up his arms, he found an attractive training program on the net, which says that the biceps need to be “killed”, he needs to be surprised, he cannot be pumped, and so on.

But why then a month, two, three passes, and the hands do not increase even a millimeter in volume?

Everything is simple here and can be explained with a simple proverb: what is good for one, then for another ..., well, you understand. Those methods and training principles that work for an athlete with five years of iron training experience, and even with good pharmacological support, will not work and benefit the beginner or athlete who trains naturally.

Performing a large number of sets and repetitions, as well as using supersets, dropsets and other methods for advanced athletes, you simply will not be able to progress in working weights. And muscle growth directly depends on the growth of the working weight in the exercises, the working weight increases - the muscles grow. Draw your own conclusions.

Therefore, if you want to quickly pump up your hands, be prepared for the fact that, firstly, it will not work out quickly, and secondly, you need to stop doing what teenagers do during puberty.

Until you build a 40 cm biceps, forget about having such a muscle as brachialis, as well as about the internal and external heads of the triceps. Don't overthink and think about how the brachialis pushes the biceps out, and how concentrated curls build its peak.

At this stage, the main goal is to increase the total mass of the arms, increase the biceps and triceps in volume, for this, basic arm exercises in their power style are best suited. In basic exercises, several joints and muscle groups work, so you can work with more weights than in auxiliary exercises. Which are on initial stage training are useless and only take away the strength needed to increase the results in basic exercises.

Basic arm exercises

There are a lot of exercises for training the muscles of the hands, there are no fewer legends about their effectiveness, we will consider the best of them.

When it comes to triceps training, it is most often recommended to perform a French bench press, we will not argue about the effectiveness of this exercise, we will only say that it is very harmful exercise for the elbow joints and most of the injuries of those account for it.

On the contrary, the most effective and safest basic exercises for training the triceps are the bench press with a narrow grip and push-ups on the weighted bars. At the same time, in these exercises, for the safety of your elbow joints, you should adhere to a certain technique, namely, do not straighten your elbows to the end. This technique has its advantages, you keep your joints intact while the triceps are in constant tension.

When doing the bench press with a narrow grip, try to keep your elbows close to the body, the grip should not be too narrow, ideally when the index fingers are on the inner sections of the bar. You need to lower the neck to lower part pectoral muscles V slow pace, press the bar up, in an explosive manner.

When pushing up on the uneven bars, you should also press your elbows closer to the body and work inside the amplitude, that is, lower yourself to an angle of 90 degrees at the elbows and not fully straighten your arms at the top point of the movement. The body should be kept perpendicular to the floor and level, without bending forward, as in a variant of push-ups on the chest. Triceps push-ups for greater efficiency should be performed with weights on the belt, while the movement should be controlled without jerking.

Exercises should be performed in a power style for 6-10 repetitions per approach.

For biceps training, the best basic exercise is the barbell curl for biceps with a straight or curved EZ bar. Working with a straight bar often causes discomfort in the wrist area and, when working with large weights, can cause injury.

In the case of a curved bar, it is more comfortable to work, since the curve of the neck allows you to keep the barbell in an anatomically more natural position. Also, the curved EZ bar helps kill three birds with one stone, we perfectly pump the biceps, train the upper forearm and even the brachialis. It turns out we perform simultaneously, three exercises in one.

When performing a barbell curl with an EZ bar, cheating is allowed in the last two reps when working for 6 reps in a power style. At the same time, we do not throw the stay to the top from the knees, but help with the body in the upper part of the amplitude.

At the initial stages, while the volume of your arm and working weight are small, it is enough to limit yourself to one exercise for the biceps and perform only barbell lifts with an EZ bar. Further, when you increase the working weight in lifting the barbell for biceps to 45-50 kg for 6 repetitions, you can connect the second basic exercise hammer for biceps.

When performing a hammer to biceps exercise, several muscles also work, biceps, top part forearms and brachialis. Therefore, of all the exercises with dumbbells for this stage of training, we chose it.

You need to perform hammers in strict technique, without throwing dumbbells and using the body, the elbows should not go beyond the line of the body. This exercise allows you to work with dumbbells heavy weight, while not neglecting the technique for the sake of weight. With the right approach, dumbbells can act as basic exercises and completely replace the barbell with dumbbells, we will cover in the next article.

These arm exercises are performed in a power style for 6-10 repetitions, for a barbell during the period of work for 6 repetitions, cheating is allowed, when working for 10 repetitions, the technique must be flawless in both exercises.

The basic rule of biceps training is that weight is not the main thing, the main thing is technique, so do not rush with weights, when correct technique they will grow much faster.

Hand Muscle Development Program

The last link left is the training program. There are different schemes for training the arms, as a rule, this is either work on a split system, when the arms are trained with antagonist muscles or vice versa, and arm training can also be done on a separate training day.

Now, in order, the classic split training schemes look like this: chest-biceps, back-triceps or vice versa chest-triceps, back-biceps. In the second option, it is proposed to train the arms when they are already tired, the triceps will be “killed” after the chest presses, and the biceps will be hammered after the pulls on the back.

Therefore, the best solution would be to use the first option: the first chest-biceps workout, the second back-triceps workout. Also, if time permits, you can take the arm workout on a separate day, this will allow you to train fresh and work with large working weights.

Hand training is divided into heavy and medium weeks, in the first week we work in a power style for 6 reps per set, in the second we work in strict technique for 10 reps with an average working weight.

Perform the "Beginner" complex until your weight in lifting the barbell for biceps is 45-50 kg for 6 reps, in the bench press with a narrow grip 84-100 kg for 6 reps, depending on your own weight.

Complex "Novichok"

Power week

Biceps workout

- 5x6

Triceps workout

Close Grip Bench Press 5x6

Average week

Biceps workout

Lifting the bar for biceps with an EZ bar - 4x10

Triceps workout

Close grip bench press - 4x10

Complex "Basic"

The first number is the number of sets, the second is the number of repetitions, rest between sets is 2-3 minutes. Before starting the complex, a general warm-up of the whole body is required.

Power week

Biceps workout

Barbell Curl with EZ Bar 3x6

hammer for biceps 4x6

Triceps workout

Close Grip Bench Press 3x6

Push-ups on the uneven bars (triceps style) with weights on the belt - 3x6

Average week

Biceps workout

Barbell Curl with EZ Bar 3x10

hammer for biceps 4x10

Triceps workout

Close Grip Bench Press 4x10

Push-ups on the uneven bars (triceps style) - 3xmax

And finally, biceps motivation from CT Fletcher.

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Publication date:  11/18/2014 © site