A selection of the most effective exercises for scoliosis. Do they give exemption from physical education for scoliosis Scoliosis 2 degrees exemption from physical education

Spondylarthrosis cervical of the spine is a non-inflammatory (degenerative-dystrophic) change in the joints that articulate the cervical vertebrae, characterized by the destruction of cartilage tissue, a decrease in elasticity and thickening of the ligaments.

Development mechanism

As noted above, spondylarthrosis refers to degenerative-dystrophic diseases - chronic pathologies that begin to develop in middle age and later against the background of natural wear and tear of connective tissue and deterioration of its nutrition.

The development of spondylarthrosis is closely related to another type of dystrophic changes in the spine - osteochondrosis, characterized by the gradual destruction of the intervertebral discs.

Under the influence of adverse factors, not only the connective tissue of the intervertebral joints is subjected to slow destruction, but also thinning, drying out of the intervertebral discs with a decrease in their height. The distance between adjacent vertebrae becomes smaller, which leads to an increase in the load on the joints, aggravating the destruction of their cartilage and changes in the ligamentous apparatus.

Under the influence of increased loads, the fibers of the ligament tissues are constantly exposed to microtears, accompanied by minor hemorrhages. At the site of these hemorrhages, calcium salts begin to be deposited, the ligaments lose their elasticity. Due to the destruction of cartilage tissue, which normally ensures the sliding of the parts of the joint relative to each other, the bone parts are injured, which leads to the formation of spiny marginal growths. As a result, the joint increases in size and deforms, the joint space narrows significantly, the ligaments shorten, thicken, become rigid - this is how deforming spondylarthrosis develops.

Bone marginal growths can appear not only around the joints of the spine, but also around the vertebral bodies. However, the latter are not talking about spondylarthrosis, but about the presence of deforming spondylosis - a degenerative-dystrophic change in the vertebral bodies.

However, this is not all: pathological changes in the joints do not end with the defeat of only the so-called true - intervertebral (facet, or facet) joints.

The vertebrae of the cervical region (except for the first two) have a feature: the presence of the so-called hook-shaped processes - protrusions elongated upwards on the sides of the vertebral bodies, clasping the body of the vertebra located above. In persons under the age of twenty, the uncinate process does not articulate with the body of the upper vertebra, however, at an older age, these joints, which are called Luschka joints (or uncovertebral joints), appear. It is believed that their appearance is associated with the development of osteochondrosis and a decrease in the height of the intervertebral discs.

Luschka's joints are also subject to degenerative-dystrophic changes: the joint is deformed, and the uncinate processes undergo marginal growths. Such damage to the joints of Luschka is called uncovertebral arthrosis.

Thickening and calcification of the anterior ligament and yellow ligaments leads to narrowing of the spinal canal, where the spinal cord is located.

Deformation of the facet and uncovertebral joints, marginal growths of the uncinate process, thickening of the yellow ligaments lead to narrowing of the holes between the vertebrae, where the roots go spinal cord and where are the large vessels that carry blood to the brain and back.

The narrowing of the intervertebral foramina, under unfavorable circumstances, causes compression of the roots and blood vessels, which is manifested by neurological symptoms and symptoms of a decrease in blood flow to the brain and its outflow, which are often the first signs of cervical spondylarthrosis.


The causes of spondylarthrosis, as well as a similar lesion of other joints, have not yet been clarified for certain, however, it is generally accepted that the prerequisites for this pathology are created by:

  • a decrease in the rate of metabolic processes in the connective tissue, a decrease in its nutrition;
  • wear of the cartilage of the joint.

That is why spondylarthrosis is more common in adulthood when the process of "wear and tear" of tissues prevails over the process of their renewal.

At a young age, spondylarthrosis often develops after a neck injury and in individuals:

  • suffering from arthritis or having a hereditary predisposition to them;
  • with congenital anomalies in the development of the spine;
  • with curvature of the spine;
  • suffering from endocrine-metabolic disorders (diabetes mellitus, dysfunction of the adrenal glands, thyroid and parathyroid glands).

Other risk factors are closely related to lifestyle:

  • immobility - leads to a slowdown in metabolic processes in tissues and an increase in the load on the joints and discs of the spine as a result of weakening muscle tone;
  • regular long stay of the head and neck in a non-physiological position (in people who spend a lot of time at the monitor, driving, with seamstresses, with installers, with plasterers-painters).

Regular gymnastics, including sharp and deep tilts and turns of the head, can also lead to spondylarthrosis. Such exercises are not very useful for young people, and for older people they are completely contraindicated.


Cervical spondylarthrosis may be accompanied by:

If arthrosis of the joints of the spine is not accompanied by complications - compression of the spinal cord, its roots and large vessels, the disease can proceed almost asymptomatically for years.

Symptoms of complications:

  • cervical radicular syndrome (with compression of the roots of the spinal cord):

o pain in the head, neck, shoulder girdle, arms;

o chest pain that mimics heart or gallbladder disease;

o significant difficulty in head movements;

o forced unnatural position of the head;

o difficulty breathing;

o feeling of numbness in the back of the head and crown when moving the head;

o violations of the sensitivity of the hands;

o difficulty in trying to move the hand in the wrist, shoulder, elbow joint;

  • myelopathic syndrome (compressed spinal cord):

o involuntary twitching of the limbs;

o weakness in the limbs;

o paresis of the legs and arms;

o urinary and fecal discharge disorders;

  • vertebrobasilar syndrome (if the vertebral artery or nerve that regulates vessel contraction is pinched);

o attacks of dizziness when changing the position of the body, often in combination with nausea, vomiting;

o attacks of pain - burning, pulsating, starting in the neck and nape and spreading to the orbit, forehead, temple;

o unsteady gait, falls without loss of consciousness (especially due to sudden movements of the head);

o fainting;

o "flies" and "flashes" in the eyes;

o extraneous sounds in the ear (ringing, noise), transient unilateral hearing loss;

  • syndrome of chronic venous discirculation of the brain (if the vertebral vein is pinched):


o tinnitus;

o swelling of the face after a long rest in horizontal position;

o expansion and filling of blood vessels of the eye conjunctiva, a feeling of fatigue in the eyes;

o false feeling of nasal congestion.

Similar symptoms can be accompanied not only by degenerative-dystrophic changes in the cervical spine, but also by other conditions that require a completely different treatment:

  • cervical injuries;
  • spondyloarthritis;
  • spinal tumors;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • vascular disease.

Therefore, only a doctor can establish an accurate diagnosis based on complaints, the results of a neurological examination, X-ray data, and tomography. Only after that treatment is prescribed.


It is impossible to cure spondyloarthrosis, however, adequate treatment can alleviate symptoms and slow down the progression of the disease.

In most cases, conservative treatment is prescribed.

Medical therapy

Pain in spondylarthrosis is relieved by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants. With radicular syndrome, novocaine blockades can be prescribed. If pain is not relieved by other methods, narcotic analgesics are used.

To slow down pathological changes in the joints, the doctor may prescribe a long-term (at least one and a half months) treatment with chondroprotectors, but these drugs do not always provide a good effect. To restore the injured nerve fibers vitamins (B, C, E), calcium channel blockers, nootropics are used.

In case of compression of large vessels, to restore cerebral circulation, agents that “thinn” the blood, such as antiplatelet agents and anticoagulants, may be prescribed.


Physiotherapy relieves pain and improves tissue nutrition, which can slow down the progression of the disease. For the treatment of spondylarthrosis appoint:

o electrophoresis and ultraphonophoresis of hydrocortisone, absorbable drugs, aminophylline, analgin, local anesthetics;

o magnetotherapy;

o laser therapy;

o amplipulse therapy;

  • therapeutic baths (hydrogen sulfide, carbonic);
  • healing mud;
  • healing souls;
  • ozokerite therapy.

In most cases, physiotherapy is used after the exacerbation is removed and during the period of remission.


Therapeutic massage helps to improve the nutrition of tissues, makes muscles and ligaments more elastic and resilient, and has an analgesic effect. Regular massage helps slow the progression of the disease and avoid exacerbations.


Physiotherapy exercises (exercise therapy) also prevent exacerbations and slow down the progression of the pathological process. Exercises can not only improve the nutrition of diseased joints, but also strengthen the muscles of the neck, remove additional stress from the spine.

The treatment complex should be prescribed by an exercise therapy doctor (or a rehabilitation specialist), and classes should first be held under the supervision of an experienced exercise therapy instructor. Only after the technique of performing the exercises has been reliably mastered, it is allowed to practice at home. To achieve a sustainable result, the exercises must be performed regularly.

A good effect is also given by daily hourly walks and swimming. When swimming, the head and neck should not be raised above the water, otherwise the load on the intervertebral joints will be increased.


Surgical treatment of spondylarthrosis is rarely used, in cases where the disease is accompanied by complications:

  • compression of the spinal cord;
  • severe vertebrobasilar syndrome with the threat of cerebral ischemic stroke;
  • radicular syndrome, accompanied by severe pain, not amenable to conservative treatment.

In these cases, surgical decompensation (release from compression) of the affected vessels, nerves, and spinal cord is performed.

At the first suspicion of spondylarthrosis of the cervical spine, you should immediately consult a doctor for a thorough examination. The sooner treatment begins, the more likely it is to slow down the pathological process at an early stage and avoid complications.

Important fact:
joint diseases and excess weight are always connected to each other. If you effectively reduce weight, then your health will improve. Moreover, this year it is much easier to reduce weight. After all, there was a tool that ...
Says a famous doctor >>>



Federal State Autonomous Educational


higher professional education

Far Eastern Federal University

School of Economics and Management

Discipline: Physical culture

Topic: Scoliosis 2nd degree


student group b1101nn

Khakimyanova E.R.


scoliosis spine exercise therapy

The relevance of diseases of the spine

People have suffered from diseases of the spine at all times. These diseases are so common that almost everyone suffers from them at some point. Even in such a prosperous country as Sweden, spinal diseases account for 10-15% of disability cases. Of the 1,000 patients who first went to the doctor in connection with a disease of the spine, 400 are sent to the hospital, 30 of them remain there for examination and treatment, and 5 are operated on. Familiarization with the state of affairs shows that such diseases are approximately evenly distributed in all age groups, and the increase in their number, due to the aging of the organism, is very insignificant. In other words, spinal problems are almost as common in the young as in the elderly. Men suffer from them almost twice as often as women. This can be explained by anatomical and physiological features and the fact that many men are engaged in hard physical labor.

But now we will analyze in more detail, such a back disease as scoliosis (1, 2 degrees)

Unfortunately, the number of patients with scoliosis is growing from year to year. Although some adolescents have little idea of ​​the consequences of scoliosis, some prediction of the consequences of spinal deformity can be made:

progressive pain;

Pulmonary or cardiac dysfunction;

Progression of deformity and worsening of symptoms;

neurological manifestations.

Scoliosis of the 1st degree is the most subtle. It manifests itself in a slight curvature, which can be leveled in the supine position. There may be slight asymmetry at the site of the curvature. Thoracic scoliosis of the 1st degree gives a violation of the symmetry of the shoulder blades, lumbar - waist.

Unlike the first degree, with the second degree of scoliosis, there are reliable external signs that are easily determined by external examination. If scoliosis is detected in a child of 8-10 years old, this may indicate a rapid progression of the deformity. The growth of the spine will continue, and the increase in deformity is closely related to the ability of the spine to grow. In addition to the curvature of the spine, there is a deformation of the chest - protrusion of the ribs, which leads to the development of the costal hump. But if scoliosis of the 2nd degree is detected at about 18 years of age, there is no significant risk of deformity progression.

The structure and functions of the spine

The spinal column is the dorsal solid axis of the human body and many animals, composed of a series of separate short bone joints called vertebrae, almost along its entire length there is a canal containing the spinal cord. From above it articulates with the bones of the skull, below with the bones of the pelvis. It is divided in humans into the cervical part (7 vertebrae), thoracic (12), lumbar (5), sacral (5 fused vertebrae) and caudal (5 underdeveloped vertebrae).

The SPINE is the basis of the skeleton and performs two important functions in the human body:

The first function is musculoskeletal.

The second is protective..

The spine protects the spinal cord from mechanical damage. Numerous nerve endings are suitable for it, which are responsible for the work of all organs in the human body. Figuratively speaking, each vertebra is responsible for the work of a particular organ. If the functions of the spine are impaired, it becomes difficult to conduct a nerve impulse to tissues and cells in different parts of the body. Over time, it is in these areas of the body that various diseases will develop. The most common distortions are:

) scoliosis (lateral), rachitic (in children from 3-4 years old,

) kyphosis (behind), habitual in rickety children, anemic girls due to a hunchbacked posture when reading, in old age;

) lordosis (in front), less common, with dislocations of the hips.

Scientific works proved that 86% of school-age children have symptoms that indicate the presence of disorders in the spine. Over the course of life, for some, these symptoms disappear, for others they transform into scoliosis, kyphosis, impaired posture, and any additional trauma to the body can exacerbate these painful manifestations. People have suffered from diseases of the spine at all times. These diseases are so common that almost everyone suffers from them at some point. Diseases of the spine are almost as common in the young as in the elderly. Men suffer from them almost twice as often as women. This can be explained by anatomical and physiological features and the fact that many men are engaged in hard physical labor.

Consequences of scoliosis

Close attention to scoliosis is explained by the fact that in severe forms of this disease, significant disturbances occur in the most important systems of the body, leading to a decrease in life expectancy and disability. In the literature data are clearly defined and well studied, if the degree of curvature is more than 60 degrees, then the function in the respiratory, cardiovascular and autonomic functions may be impaired. nervous system. Provides data on the presence of violations of the function external respiration, heart rate and metabolic processes in the myocardium insufficient adaptation of the cardiovascular system to physical activity, a decrease in a number of indicators physical development, a later onset of puberty in schoolchildren 7-16 years old with scoliosis of I and II degrees. Unfortunately, there is practically no data on changes in vital systems with posture disorders and with initial degrees of scoliosis in preschoolers and younger schoolchildren.

Neurological sequelae are rare in adolescent or idiopathic scoliosis. But in adults, degenerative changes in the spine can lead to gradual radicular pain, compression of the spinal cord. Congenital curvature of the spine and scoliosis due to a neurological syndrome are characterized by progression of the curvature of the spine and an increase in neurological symptoms. The return of pain is one of the most common complaints in adults who seek treatment for scoliosis. However, there was no correlation between the degree of scoliosis and the severity of its manifestations (symptoms).

Reasons and type

The term "scoliosis" refers to the lateral curvature of the spine. Moreover, this term is used both in relation to the functional curves of the spine in the frontal plane ("functional scoliosis", "scoliotic posture", "anthological scoliosis"), and in relation to a progressive disease leading to complex, sometimes severe spinal deformity ("scoliosis disease" , "structural scoliosis"). Scoliosis can be simple or partial, with one lateral curve of curvature, and complex - with several curves in the different sides and, finally, total, if the curvature captures the entire spine. It can be fixed and non-fixed, disappearing in a horizontal position, for example, when one limb is shortened. Simultaneously with scoliosis, its torsion is usually observed, i.e. rotation around the vertical axis, and the vertebral bodies are turned to the convex side, and the spinous processes to the concave side. Torsion contributes to the deformation of the chest and its asymmetry, internal organs while being compressed and displaced.

The initial manifestations of scoliosis can be detected already in early childhood, but in school age(10 - 15 years) it manifests itself most pronouncedly.

Etiologically, congenital scoliosis is distinguished (according to V.D. Chaklin, they occur in 23.0%), which are based on various vertebral deformities:


Their wedge-shaped form;

Accessory vertebrae, etc.

Acquired scoliosis includes:

1. rheumatic, usually occurring suddenly and caused by muscle contracture on the healthy side in the presence of myositis or spondyloarthritis;

2. rickets, which very early manifest themselves with various deformities of the musculoskeletal system. The softness of the bones and weakness of the muscles, carrying the child in her arms (mainly on the left), prolonged sitting, especially at school - all this favors the manifestation and progression of scoliosis;

3. paralytic, more often occurring after childhood paralysis, with unilateral muscle damage, but can also be observed in other nervous diseases;

4. habitual, on the basis of habitual poor posture (often called school , since at this age they receive the greatest expression). The immediate cause of them may be improperly arranged desks, seating students without taking into account their height and desk numbers, carrying briefcases from the first grade, holding a child while walking by one hand, etc.

This list, of course, does not cover all types of scoliosis, but only the main ones.

It is generally accepted that the cause of lumbar injury is training overload. Meanwhile, pain in the lower spine is much more often caused by a person's normal daily activities. This is the explanation for the seemingly strange contradiction when people who have never known sports complain about back pain. The worst thing is to sit. Surprisingly, when sitting, the spine is loaded more than when we stand! However, the increased load is only half the battle. For many hours we have to sit in the most harmful posture, leaning forward. In this position, the edges of the vertebrae come together and pinch the intervertebral disc of cartilage. In general, this fabric has a remarkable elasticity, allowing it to successfully resist compression. However, it should be borne in mind that when sitting, the pressure force on the outer edge of the disk increases 11 times! And besides, it continues not only during the working and school day, but often at home.

The spine, when viewed from behind, should be straight. In some, however, it takes an S-shape (scoliosis). In mild cases, this does not lead to any complications. With a significant curvature of the spine, when it rotates around its axis, pain sometimes occurs and its ability to function normally decreases. From the point of view of biomechanics, the process of formation of scoliotic deformity is the result of the interaction of factors that violate the vertical position of the spine and adaptive reactions aimed at maintaining a vertical posture.

term "scoliotic disease"combine congenital, dysplastic and idiopathic scoliosis (i.e. scoliosis of unknown origin). Congenital scoliosis is caused by gross malformations of the skeleton, such as additional lateral cuneiform vertebrae. In congenital scoliosis, the shape of the curvature is directly dependent on the location and nature of the anomalies. Scoliotic disease, or scoliosis, in contrast to functional curvature of the spine in the frontal plane, is characterized by wedge-shaped and torsion deformity of the vertebrae progressing in the process of growth, as well as deformity of the chest and pelvis. Structural scoliosis develops with some metabolic diseases, leading to functional inferiority of connective tissue, rickets. In these diseases, scoliotic deformity acts as structures. Static scoliosis is usually called structural scoliosis, the primary cause of which is the presence of a static factor - an asymmetric load on the spine due to congenital or acquired asymmetry of the body (for example, asymmetry in the length of the lower extremities, pathology hip joint or congenital torticollis). In static scoliosis, the rate of progression and the severity of the deformity depend on the ratio of the severity of the static factor and the factor of functional failure of the structures that maintain the vertical position of the spine. With a good functional state of the musculoskeletal apparatus and intervertebral discs, the curvature of the spine may remain functional in nature for a long time or not at all lead to the development of progressive scoliosis. As long as the nucleus pulposus of the intervertebral disc maintains its central position, the pressure of the body weight transferred to the disc is distributed evenly over the entire area of ​​the underlying vertebra, without causing progressive wedge-torsion deformation.

If, in the presence of a slightly pronounced static factor, compensatory mechanisms are weak or there is a functional inferiority of connective tissue structures, the scoliotic factor forms and causes the progression of the deformity. With functional failure of the muscles, most of the load on maintaining a vertical posture is transferred to the ligaments. A sufficient degree of tension of the ligaments is achieved due to a significant increase in the angle of curvature of the spine, leading to an increase in the load on the intervertebral discs, persistent lateral displacement of the nucleus pulposus and, thus, the formation of a scoliotic factor. Static compensation of gross asymmetry of the body can be achieved due to a significant curvature of the spine. In this case, the intervertebral discs are subjected to a large asymmetric load, which leads to the formation of a scoliotic factor even in the absence of dysplastic changes, muscle weakness and constitutional weakness of the connective tissue structures. With scoliotic disease, which is distinguished as a separate nosological form, curvature of the spine is the main symptom.


Scoliosis refers to a group of diseases of the musculoskeletal system associated with a change in posture. These diseases are dealt with by orthopedists, who, after examination, recommend treatment (individually selected physiotherapy exercises, massage, physical therapy, visiting the pool, wearing a corset, manual therapy according to indications, etc.).

You need to sleep on a hard base, and for softness, use wadded or woolen mattresses, but not spring mattresses. It is necessary to find a competent sports doctor, and under his guidance to do physical therapy.

The treatment of scoliosis consists of three interrelated parts: mobilization of the curved spine, correction of the deformity, and stabilization of the spine in the position of the achieved correction. Manual therapy techniques are very effective for correcting spinal deformity. The preservation of the achieved correction with their help can be promoted only indirectly, due to the formation of a new static-dynamic stereotype, adapted to the changes introduced into the shape of the spine. The change in the static-dynamic stereotype is carried out by purposefully influencing the higher and lower links of the musculoskeletal system in relation to the main curvature and the regulation of the tone ratios associated muscle groups involved in the formation of posture. However, the main and most difficult task, the solution of which determines the success of the treatment as a whole, is not the mobilization and correction of the curvature, but the stabilization of the spine in a corrected position. Correction of the deformity, not supported by measures that ensure stabilization of the spine, is ineffective.

Conservative methods of treatment cannot have a direct effect on structural changes in the spine. Therefore, attempts to mechanically "straighten" the curvature of the spine caused by the structural restructuring of the vertebrae and intervertebral discs are meaningless. The essence of conservative treatment is to correct the curvature of the spine by reducing the functional component of the curvature and stabilizing the correction achieved by improving the functional state of the musculoskeletal system.

The most important point The therapeutic effect in the treatment of scoliosis is the restoration of muscles that are in a state of fascio-muscular rigidity, or, more simply, that are in a state of local spasm. This is achieved with the help of post-isometric relaxation and special exercises. Performing special exercises for each patient is individual and depends on the nature of scoliotic manifestations.

Some facts

The magnitude of the load that compresses the two vertebrae is largely determined by the position of the body. It is the smallest when the body is in a horizontal position. In a standing position, the pressure between the vertebrae increases. In the lower part of the lumbar region, it is 4 times larger when a person is standing than when he is lying down. The total load in this case is equal to the total mass of the upper body. Leaning forward from a standing position total load increases to a tremendous extent, due to the effect of the lever formed between the part of the body that leans forward and the vertebra itself. This effect leads to the fact that the pressure between the two vertebrae in the lower part of the lumbar spine when bending over is 2.5 times greater than when we stand upright, and 10 times more than when we just lie down.

Correct behavior for scoliosis

If you work while sitting occasionally press your back and lower back into the back of the chair, and if there is a high headrest with effort, rest your head against it. The same strong pressure between two vertebrae occurs when a person sits leaning forward without leaning on his hands. If you lean on your hands, putting them on a table or back of a chair, the load on upper part the trunk decreases, and thereby the pressure on the vertebrae decreases. Pressure between two vertebrae increases when a person lifts an object while leaning forward with legs straight. In this case, the load on the intervertebral disc is several hundred kilograms. When the spine is stretched, for example, when a person hangs on his hands without resting on his legs, the pressure is less than in the prone position. In this case, the intervertebral disc may even be stretched. This circumstance is sometimes used in the treatment of certain diseases of the spine.

The weight of the head exerts pressure on the cervical vertebrae. Even the arms are a strain on the cervical spine, as the muscles of the shoulder girdle that lift the arms up are attached to the back of the head and neck. When you raise your arms up, these muscles tense up and thereby burden the vertebrae. Many knowledge workers unknowingly raise their shoulders, which leads to additional stress on these vertebrae. Cervical vertebrae are subjected to heavy loads when working with arms raised up (for example, when washing windows), especially if there are heavy objects in the hands.

When tilting the head down in a sitting position, the load on the cervical vertebrae will, according to the principle of leverage, be many times greater than if you sit with your head up. To keep the head in an inclined position, it is necessary to strain cervical muscles neck. Holding this position for a while, you can feel pain in the back of the head, the reason for this is muscle tension. The cervical vertebrae are subjected to a particularly strong load when long work with arms and head raised up (for example, school teachers during long work at the blackboard). Many who do this kind of work suffer from constant pain in the back of the head.

One of the leading means of conservative treatment of scoliosis is exercise therapy. Physical exercises have a stabilizing effect on the spine, strengthening the muscles of the body, allow you to achieve a corrective effect on deformity, improve posture, the function of external respiration, and give a general strengthening effect.

Exercise therapy is indicated at all stages of the development of scoliosis.

The complex of exercise therapy tools used in the conservative treatment of scoliosis includes:

therapeutic gymnastics;

exercises in the water

· massage;

position correction;

sports elements.

Exercise therapy is combined with a regimen of reduced static load on the spine. Exercise therapy is carried out in the form group lessons, individual procedures, as well as individual tasks performed by patients on their own. The method of exercise therapy is also determined by the degree of scoliosis: with scoliosis of I, III, IV degrees, it is aimed at increasing the stability of the spine, and while with scoliosis of II degree, it is also aimed at correcting the deformity. Exercises therapeutic gymnastics should serve to strengthen the main muscle groups that support the spine - muscles that straighten the spine, oblique abdominal muscles, square muscles of the lower back, iliopsoas muscles, etc. Among the exercises that contribute to the development correct posture, exercises are used for balance, balancing, with increased visual control, etc.

One of the means of exercise therapy is the use of elements of sports:

· swimming in style BREASTSTROKE after the preliminary course. Volleyball elements are shown to children with compensated scoliosis. Prevention of scoliosis involves maintaining correct posture

When sitting for a long time, the following rules must be observed:

· sit still for no longer than 20 minutes; try to get up as often as possible. The minimum duration of such break - 10 seconds sitting, change the position of the legs as often as possible: feet forward, backward, put them next to each other, then, on the contrary, spread them apart, etc.

· try to sit Right : Sit on the edge of a chair so that your knees are bent exactly at right angles, your back is perfectly straight and, if possible, remove

· part of the load from the spine, putting straight elbows on the armrests;

Periodically do special compensatory exercises:

1) hang and pull your knees to your chest. Do the exercise as many times as possible

2) Get into a kneeling position on the floor with outstretched arms.

Try to arch your back up as much as possible, and then bend it down as much as possible.

morning exercises health training, leisure- the motor minimum necessary for every person and it consists of walking, running, gymnastics and swimming. In addition to exercises of a general strengthening, health-improving nature, there are many special ones, for example, to strengthen muscles. abdominals, chest, improve posture.

These exercises allow to some extent to correct the shortcomings of the figure, allow you to better control your body.

Next exercises significantly strengthen the muscles of the back and keep the body in correct position:

1) I.p. - standing, hands behind the head. With force, take your hands to the sides, raising your hands up, bend. Freeze for 2-4 seconds and return to I.p. Repeat 6-10 times. Breathing is arbitrary.

2) I.p. - standing and holding behind gymnastic stick(the upper end is pressed to the head, the lower end to the pelvis). Sit down, return to I.P. Lean forward, return to SP. and finally lean to the right, then to the left. Perform each movement 8-12 times.

3) I.p. - lying on the stomach. Leaning on your hands and, without lifting your hips from the floor, bend. Freeze in this position for 3-5 seconds, then return to the i.p.

4) I.p. - standing one step away from the wall. Touching the wall with your hands, bend back, raising your hands up, and return to the sp. Repeat 5-8 times. Standing against the wall, press the back of your head, shoulder blades, buttocks and heels against it. Then move away from the wall and try to hold this body position as long as possible.

Contraindicated physical exercise that increase the flexibility of the spine and lead to its overstretching.

In addition, it is good to take baths with sea or ocean salt for 20 minutes.

Passive self-extraction is necessary: ​​for this, the head end of the bed must be raised by 10-15 centimeters and lie on your back and stomach for 40-50 minutes, relaxing. You can add hangs to gymnastic wall back to the wall for 1-5 minutes.

Exercise therapy for scoliosis of the 2nd degree

When walking

ü Hands from the shoulders up, from the shoulders down - 1 min.

ü Hands up "lock", on toes - 1 min.

ü Hands on the belt - raise each knee to the chest - 1 min.

ü Hands to the sides, slightly back, we go in the floor squat -1 min.

ü Hands on the belt, elbows as close as possible to the back, we go in a full squat -1 min.

ü We do lunges. Hands up, squat on each knee - 20 times.

Lying on your back.

ü Hands behind the head, the body lies evenly. We bend and unbend the feet forward - backward, circular rotations - 1 min.

ü Hands behind your head. We get the opposite knee with the elbow - 10 times.

Stretch your arms up. Get the right (left) hand straight left (right) leg, lower - 1 min.

ü The starting position is the same. We make claps with our hands under each leg in turn, while raising our head - 10 times.

ü "Scissors" with hands and feet - 1 min.

ü Chest breathing - 1 min.

ü Hands on the belt - "bicycle" - 1 min.

ü Hands behind your head, pull your knees to your chest, straighten your legs up, slowly lower your straight legs - 20 times.

ü Stretch your arms behind your head, each knee, clasping your hands, pull it to your chest in turn - 10 times.

ü Abdominal breathing - 1 min.

ü Hands to the sides, straight legs raise up, lower to the right (left) - 5 times.

ü Hands lie on the floor straight, legs together. We stretch: arms and head stretch up, and legs and pelvis down. - 1 min.

ü We try to press the shoulders to the floor for 30 seconds.

Lying on your stomach.

ü Hands are extended forward. We stretch the body into a "string" (pull socks and hands in different directions) - 1 min.

ü Hands point-blank, lean on the palms and take turns lifting the straight leg up - 10 times.

ü Hands above your head in the castle, raise shoulder girdle and hold from 2 seconds to 10 seconds - 6 times.

ü Raise your head and arms up, with straight arms we make "scissors" without touching the floor - 1 min.

ü "Boat" - the arms are extended forward into the lock, the legs are straight together. Raise arms, legs, head and hold for 1 min. - 5-10 times.

ü "Basket": we take our legs by the ankles with our hands and rise up on our stomach, hold from 2 to 10 seconds. - 10 times.

ü Abdominal breathing.

On the knees.

ü Standing on your knees, arms along the body. We deviate back "like a plank" - 10-12 times.

ü I.p. the same, hands on the belt. We straighten the leg in turn back 10-12 times.

ü I.p. Same. We sit on the floor to the left and right of the feet, the back is straight.

ü I.p. the same, knees together, feet wide apart. We sit down between the feet and stand up. The back is straight. 10-12 times

ü On knees. Raise the right (left) straight leg and left (right) straight arm, hold for 2-6 seconds. - 10 times.

ü Get your knee to your forehead, tilt your head and leg back up - 10 times.

ü "Kitty" - back up and down - 1 min.

ü "In Turkish" - stretch your arms forward on the floor, head between your hands, bend your back to the floor - 12 times.

Restore breathing.

Rest for 3-5 minutes: lying on your back, eyes closed, arms along the body, palms up, feet shoulder-width apart. Breathing is calm.

Take a warm shower after exercise

All exercises should be done at an average pace and more to turn the shoulders back.

exercise therapy in pictures


First of all, you need to lead a correct and active lifestyle, to prevent spinal injuries. This is quite simple and will not require any extra effort, but only more love for yourself and a few tens of minutes a day for special exercises. With scoliosis, you can’t sit for a long time, make sudden movements, lift and carry more than 3 kg, you need to play sports only with a qualified doctor, recommended sport: swimming, you need to use a backboard, a fixing belt to relieve stress from the vertebral discs, but only on the recommendation of a doctor, you should take a multivitamin with calcium to strengthen bone tissue.

All of the above, convinces that scoliosis can and should be fought. The main thing is desire and diligence.

List of used literature

1. Abalmasova E.A., Chaklin V.D., scoliosis and kyphosis. "Medicine", 1973

Ishal V.A., Izaak A.P. Method for the production and graphical analysis of frontal radiographs of the spine in scoliosis. Guidelines. Omsk -1974.

I.K. Kotesheva. Improving technique at Scoliosis.

Big medical encyclopedia. Edited by N. A. Semashko

Websites: opozvonochnike.ru.manual-pro.kiev.ua.ru.medicworlds.ru


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Backache. The consequences of increased growth are scoliosis. Complications of back problems - osteochondrosis. Treatment of scoliosis and osteochondrosis

After 40 years, 90% of people have problems with the spine. About 72% of them complain of pain in the skeletal system. Pain in the back - 63%, in the neck - 53%, in the hands - 38%, in the wrist - 33%. Modern look makes the lives of many people twisted and hunched over, as most of the time it is spent in a sitting position.

Backache. 9 rules for the back

The back remains healthy for a long time for those who remember the nine basic rules. By following the rules, it is easy to relieve tension and back pain:

Rule 1. Check your spine

If the pain does not go away and you feel discomfort, appropriate examinations are necessary. When diagnosing the spine, tomography and magnetic resonance are used. Increasingly, an assisted examination is being used with the Diers Formetric 4D device, which scans the spine without the use of x-rays. Studies determine the anomaly of the body - scoliosis, deep lordosis or kyphosis, or excessive overload of one of the sides of the bodies.

Rule 2: Don't stay in one position for too long.

The spine loves movement. Sitting or standing in one position for a long time is harmful to posture. Do not fix the spine for a long time in one position

Rule 3. Pay attention to the position of the body during work

It is important for the spine that you

While working at a computer or laptop, the neck should be extended, the shoulders should be freely lowered, the back should be straight, the forearms rested on the armrests of the chair. The laptop is in front of the face, not to the side and not too low so that you do not need to bring your head closer to it and lower your neck. Dangerous for the spine, especially the cervical region, the position in which you hold mobile phone over the shoulder with the head bowed. The raised shoulder leads to the tension of the upper part of the quadrangular muscle, the curvature of the cervical spine. This position stretches the ligaments and compresses the intervertebral discs.

Rule 4: Take an exercise break during work

Simple exercises do not take much time and help to end the day without sore muscles. Do the following exercises:

  • Straighten up. In this position, not only the back muscles work, but also the abdominal muscles.
  • Stretch. Raise your arms up, lean back slightly. This exercise allows you to "discover" chest
  • Turn your head. Lock Shoulder right hand. We direct the head to the right side, slightly tilt the torso to the right, hold it in this position for a while. Repeat the exercise for the left side.
  • Press your hands on the table. This will relieve tension in the shoulder blades and shoulders.
  • Rise on your toes, resting your palms on the edge of the table. Wait 5 seconds, repeat 5 times
  • Spread your shoulders. With your arms freely lowered, as you inhale, pull your shoulders back, bring your shoulder blades together. Repeat 20-30 times.

Rule 5. Choose correct posture while doing homework

When washing dishes, rest your forehead on the cabinet, spread your legs wide and often transfer body weight from one foot to the other. When loading the washing machine, do not bend over, but get down on two or one knee. Hold the laundry basket close to you, straining your stomach. When ironing clothes, use the board, adjusting its height to suit you. From time to time, change the position of standing-sitting and vice versa.

Wash the floor with a mop, not on your knees. When watching TV, choose a sitting or lying position. The intermediate posture damages the cervical and lumbar vertebrae.

Rule 6. Learn to sleep and make love in the right positions

The least advantageous position is to sleep on your stomach, because the head is twisted all night. When sleeping on your side, avoid thick, overly high pillows. If you sleep on your side, then put a pillow not only under your head, but also under the knee of your bent leg.

Rule 7. Train the muscles of the back and abdomen

Strong muscles are the ideal fixation of the spine. Light exercises help keep the spine in the correct posture:

Rule 8

Any kind of movement is a help to the spine. Swim on your back, crawl or breaststroke not necessarily sporty with your head. Can protrude above the water. Helps the spine:

Rule 9

Special touches help with minor posture defects. Manual therapy improves the functioning of joints and nerves, reduces pain. She uses methods of massage, stretching and relaxation of tense muscles. This therapy helps with:

For those suffering from osteoporosis, this therapy is not recommended.

An improperly selected mattress for a child is a problem for his back, even if the child sits evenly and keeps his posture when walking.

It is important to provide the child not only with a quality mattress, but also with furniture. Otherwise, he can get scoliosis, which will lead to osteochondrosis.

If a child has scoliosis, it is necessary to use all means for its treatment and for the prevention of this disease:

During the period of increased growth, wearing a corset is a must! Surgical treatment is possible if conservative treatment has not been successful.

Complications of back problems

Osteochondrosis is a pathology of the intervertebral joints and ligamentous apparatus of the spine. This pathology often occurs

Cervical osteochondrosis is radicular compression, which is accompanied by pain and numbness of the arm or vascular disorders. When moving the head, a crunch is heard in the neck, pain appears with irradiation to the back of the head and arm.

Osteochondrosis of the thoracic and lumbar sections is manifested by pain in the corresponding section of the spine. If the patient in the supine position along the sciatic nerve, when the straight leg is raised upward, pain occurs - Lesseg's symptom. X-ray confirms the pathology of the decrease in the height of the intervertebral discs, the deformation of the spine.

Treatment of osteochondrosis:

Prevention of osteochondrosis:

When the chest is deformed, there are problems with the costal cartilage and the development of a funnel-shaped depression on the sternum. As a result, organs are displaced and compressed, kyphosis develops in the thoracic spine. Sometimes a “chicken breast” develops, in which the anterior-posterior size of the chest increases. In this case, the sternum protrudes forward and the ribs are located at an acute angle to it.

Treatment of chest deformity:

Treatment of scoliosis of the 2nd degree - the sooner the better

Scoliosis occurs due to incorrect or excessive load on a fragile spine or as a result bad posture. Scoliosis depending on the angle of curvature is:

At the initial stage, it is possible to stop the progress of the disease. For you need to try:

But as a rule, it is scoliosis of the first degree that is difficult to notice during a visual examination, and parents lose sight of the beginning of the process of curvature of the spine. Helps in the treatment of the first degree of scoliosis

They turn to a specialist when it comes to the 2nd, 3rd and 4th degree of the disease. Recently, the fourth degree is rare, but nevertheless, this neglected form of scoliosis is still found in the modern world. Treatment of scoliosis of the second degree is carried out at home. The main thing is to clearly follow the instructions of the doctor, adhere to a certain regimen.

Treatment of scoliosis of the 2nd degree involves the release of the child from physical education lessons at school. In return, the patient undergoes a course physiotherapy exercises. As additional measures, the patient may undergo a course of physiotherapy or reflexology.

Treatment of scoliosis of the 3rd degree involves the release of the child not only from physical education lessons at school, but also from classes in general. This measure allows you to reduce the load on the spine, which occurs due to prolonged sitting at the desk. Treatment of scoliosis of the 3rd degree includes conservative methods - schrot gymnastics, exercise therapy, manual therapy, etc.

Treatment of scoliosis of the 4th degree carried out using corrective corsets and bandages. The spine of a child is already formed by the age of 13-14, so the treatment of scoliosis of the 4th degree by conservative methods is already ineffective. Orthopedists often use a Cheneau corset in the treatment.

Before proceeding with the treatment of scoliosis (regardless of the degree), you need to undergo a complete and accurate diagnosis.

back massage health benefits

Massage is the oldest and simplest form of health care. Egyptian paintings on tombs show elements of massage. It was one of the primary methods of pain relief for Greek and Roman physicians. Julius Caesar was said to have been given daily massages to treat neuralgia (nerve pain).

Massage is used in intensive care units for children, the elderly, children in incubators, patients with cancer, AIDS, heart attacks or strokes.

General types of massage

Massage therapists specialize in 80 various kinds massage. Often massage methods are used:

Massage can last 2-3 hours or just 5 or 10 minutes. The type of massage depends on the needs of the client and physical condition. Doctors use special techniques for older clients, for clients with wounds, for clients seeking relaxation.

Some forms of massage are designed exclusively for one type of client - prenatal massage for pregnant women.

Benefits of massage - 15 main points

Manual therapy is the practice of using the touch of the soft tissues of the muscles of the body. The manual is performed when:

The main benefits of massage therapy are determined by 15 main points:

  1. Positive effect on blood vessels. Thanks to the massage, blood circulation improves, the percentage of blockages in the vessels decreases. Massage increases the number of red blood cells. This property of massage is indispensable for a person suffering from anemia. It is important to choose the right massage oil.
  2. Improving muscle tone. Massage removes carbonic and lactic acids from the body. These acids cause muscle cramps and discomfort.
  3. Strengthening the immune system. Massage procedures are prescribed after various injuries received for recovery.
  4. Body cleansing. Massage movements disperse the lymph throughout the human body. Lymph is a fluid that cleanses the body, speeds up the release of toxic waste from the body.
  5. Relieve fatigue and stress. As a result of physical activity or body activity, toxic acids are formed due to muscle contraction. Massage relaxes muscles and increases blood circulation.
  6. Improving muscle tone. Thanks to the massage, the muscles do not collapse and do not atrophy. Massage relieves muscle spasms.
  7. Getting rid of excess fluid in the arms and legs. Lymphatic massage is aimed at getting rid of excess fluid.
  8. Relief of the load on the heart. In this case, massage is effective if your motor load is limited.
  9. Massage has a stimulating and sedative effect.
  10. Weight loss through massage. Fat capsules located in the subcutaneous tissue are destroyed due to massage. This fat is absorbed by the muscles. Optimal for weight loss - a combination of massage with proper nutrition and physical activity.
  11. Transverse massage. This massage is a therapeutic massage technique. This type of massage is used as a prevention of the formation of adhesions and various kinds of fibroids.
  12. Improving nutrition and fluid circulation in the joints. With the help of massage, harmful particles are eliminated from the synovial fluid of the joints. Massage reduces swelling of the joints, and also reduces the level of pain.
  13. Increased metabolism in body tissues after massage.
  14. When performing a massage, the channels and ducts of the whole body are cleansed. Due to this, autointoxication after re-absorption of toxic substances can be avoided. It is suitable for people suffering from constipation or inflammation.
  15. Maintaining the physical shape of the body through massage. Massage is a universal technique for strengthening and maintaining health at the proper level.

Massage is the body's ability to be healthy. With the help of professional massage, you can get rid of stress, tension, maintain a good physical form. Massage therapy is indispensable for the recovery of the body after injury with soft tissue damage.

In the early stages of the disease, curvature of the spine can be cured with regular physical activity. Complexes of physiotherapy exercises(exercise therapy) with stretching exercises help to relax and stretch the muscles. And power loads strengthen the muscle corset.

Experts agree that Exercise therapy is the main method of correction for and kyphoscoliosis and flat feet. Strengthen its effectiveness with physiotherapy, massage, special corsets.

The result of treatment depends on:

  • type of scoliosis;
  • curvature forms ;
  • stages of the disease (there are four in total);
  • patient's age.

At the first and second stages, one can expect serious improvements and even a complete recovery., in the third and fourth stages of the disease, it is not always possible to achieve the desired result. Much here will depend on the firmness of the spirit and willpower of the patient. Children aged 10-15 years old should be helped by parents to tune in to fight the disease. They can also control and encourage the child to perform complexes regularly.

Attention: Before starting classes, you should consult a doctor. Only a specialist will tell you what types physical activity in your case, you need to do. Rarely, but it happens that physical education is contraindicated for the patient.

Orthopedists identify five serious tasks that are solved through exercise therapy.

  1. Elimination of imbalance in the stretching of muscles and ligaments.
  2. Removal of excessive load from the spine.
  3. Posture correction.
  4. Strengthening of the muscular corset.
  5. Providing a general healing effect on the body.

Rules for exercise therapy

To protect yourself from injury and get the maximum result, it is important to follow a few simple rules:

  • Each session should begin with a warm-up. To warm up the muscles and ligaments, 5-7 minutes is enough.
  • Exercise regularly. With a curvature of the spine, you should do it every day.
  • All exercises are done slowly., without jerks and sharp turns.
  • Excessive physical activity is not allowed, it is forbidden to work with dumbbells and a barbell. Also, don't do athletics, acrobatics, sports dancing and gymnastics.

Approximate set of exercises

Any exercise therapy complex is made up of three parts: warm-up, basic and final parts.

Warm up. The main purpose of the warm-up is to warm up the body, prepare the muscles and ligaments for basic loads. As a warm-up, you can perform a set of five exercises. Each is performed 5 to 10 times.

  1. Starting position (hereinafter: I.p.): stand with your heels, buttocks, back and back of your head against the wall. Check the anatomically correct position of the spine. Take a few steps forward, maintaining an even posture and even breathing without delay.
  2. I. p .: stand up straight, spread your legs shoulder-width apart. Slowly squat, stretching your arms forward. Keep your back straight. Inhale while squatting, exhale as you rise.
  3. I. p .: as in the previous exercise. On the count of "one" inhale and slowly raise your hands, on the count of "two" do a sip up, on the "three" exhale and lower your hands down. On the count of four, shake your hands, release tension.
  4. I. p .: the same. Do four circular rotations with your shoulders forward, then back.
  5. I. p .: the same. Lift the leg bent at the knee up, hold in this position for 5 s. Then take a basic stance and repeat with the other leg.

Basic part. The main part of the complex is most often made up of basic symmetrical exercises.. For conducting exercise therapy for the back at home, this is the best solution, they load the deformed spine the least, the risk of injury is reduced to zero. Asymmetric exercises are more effective, but also more traumatic. They are selected by the attending physician.

Complex for thoracic scoliosis with c-shaped type

  1. I. p .: lie on your stomach. Take the hand from the side of the curvature to the side, pull the other up. In this position, lift your arms, head, shoulders up. Try to lift your chest off the floor. Stay in this position for 5-7 seconds. Return to starting position.
  2. I. p .: standing, feet shoulder width apart. Place a hand on the side of the curvature on the waist, the other behind the head. Do 10 - 20 tilts in the direction of the arc (with left-sided scoliosis - to the left).
  3. I. p .: standing, hands behind the head. Take the elbow from the side of the deformation as far as possible to the side, put the other freely near the head. Perform rotations of the torso in the direction of the allotted elbow. This exercise will help reduce the torsion of the spinal column.

Attention: With thoracic scoliosis, it is important to breathe correctly. After all, with such a pathology, the lungs suffer from compression.

Complex with s-shaped type

In the case of a complex curvature, slopes should be excluded from the complexes, since in lumbar deformation will only increase. That is why the main part of the exercises is carried out sitting or lying on the floor or using inclined simulators.

Attention: For relaxation in S-shaped scoliosis, it is useful to master the corrective posture. Lie on your back, lower your arms along the torso. The surface must be level and firm. Take the hand from the side of the chest deformity to the side. Pull the second one up. Try to stretch as much as possible.

  1. I. p .: lie on your back, press your lower back tightly to the floor. Pull your heels down and your socks towards you. Hold this pose for 10-30 seconds.
  2. I.p.: corrective posture. Pull the leg to the stomach from the side of the lumbar deformity. Inhale, as you exhale, lower your leg.
  3. I. p .: lie on your stomach, arms and legs lie, as in the previous exercise. Exhaling, lift your upper body, arms and one leg. Lock in and return to the starting position. Repeat on the other side.

Exercise therapy for z-shaped scoliosis

Z-shaped curvature of the spine is rare and is the most severe. The program of individual classes is selected by the doctor. Performing the exercises suggested by the doctor will help stretch the muscles of the back and relieve excessive tension from the spinal column.

Final exercises. In the final part, it is necessary to relax the muscles and restore breathing. Exercise will do breathing exercises, simple complexes for stretching, elements of self-massage. The final part could be like this.

  1. Sit on a gym mat or mat. Grasp the legs bent at the knees tightly with your hands. Begin to slowly roll onto your back. Feel every vertebra from sacral department to the neck. Perform 5 to 8 rolls on each side.
  2. Stand with your feet slightly wider than your shoulders, join your hands behind your back in a lock. Walk on your heels for 30-40 seconds. Then raise your hands high and walk on your toes.
  3. Relax and get your breath back. Take a deep breath and raise your arms at the same time. Hold for two seconds and with a noisy exhalation, lower your hands down.

The method of therapeutic exercises for scoliosis in children

Most often, scoliosis affects children aged 10 to 14 years.
During this period, the formation of the musculoskeletal system (spine and joints) continues, so most of the pathologies are easily corrected. The organization of physical therapy classes with a child has a number of features.

  • Classes are conducted under the supervision of a parent, a physiotherapist or a professionalinstructor. The child is not yet aware of the need for training, self-study is ineffective.
  • Due to age, a teenager does not always understand how exercises are performed, therefore the complex is simplified as much as possible.
  • Exercise therapy does not provide for intense physical activity. The number of repetitions sufficient for adults may be too large. Consider this nuance when drawing up a training program.

Do they give exemption from physical education for scoliosis?

Even an orthopedic doctor cannot free you completely from classes. But you will be engaged not in the main, but in preparatory group. This exempts from mandatory offsets and serious physical exertion.

17-03-2018 09:40

Should a child with scoliosis go to school physical education lessons? Do I need an exemption and how do I get it? These doubts concern all parents whose children suffer from a curvature of posture. We will try to give detailed answers and shed light on the question "physical education lessons and scoliosis."

To go or not to go to physical education classes

Visiting a special group at school

It's no secret that it all depends on the degree of curvature. If a child has scoliosis of the first degree, then he is supposed to engage in a preparatory group, as well as take a course of exercise therapy in a clinic (frequency - 2 times a year). Exercises are prohibited high load on the spine: high / long jumps, weight lifting, running, projectile gymnastics and acrobatics.

The main goal is to stop the development of curvature in the early stages and stabilize the spinal column. That is why it is important that during treatment the child receives only useful loads.

Children with fall into a special group, however, in the vast majority of secondary schools there is no competent specialist in exercise therapy who should teach physical culture in children with posture disorders. That is why students receive exemption from classes.

To get a certificate, you need to visit an orthopedist (orthopedic surgeon) and undergo an examination, on the basis of which the specialist will make a conclusion about the possibility of visiting physical education. The doctor will be required to make clear recommendations regarding school lessons. The certificate must indicate the diagnosis, the duration of classes in the preparatory group and a list of types of physical activity that are contraindicated for the child.

What load is allowed for scoliosis

With curvature of the spine, the optimal view sports loads is swimming. If the school has a swimming pool, then the child can safely visit it. From classic exercises, which are performed in school physical education classes, pulling up and hanging are suitable for children with scoliosis. However useful lessons on the horizontal bar will be only with scoliosis I and II degree. With more severe forms of curvature this species loading is contraindicated.

With a curvature, the child can attend winter lessons with skiing, however, walking should be carried out without sticks or with simultaneous repulsion by them.

Should be more careful with sports games. They involve sudden movements of the body (running, rotation of the torso around its axis, jumping, tilting), which will provoke a curvature and "slow down" the treatment process.

About special groups for children with severe forms of scoliosis

If the child suffers from an advanced form of scoliosis, then physical exercise at school he is completely contraindicated. It is imperative that parents and teachers be aware of this, as neglecting the problem can exacerbate it and, in the most extreme cases, lead to disability and other health-threatening consequences.