How to pump out water from the frame pool. How to drain water from a frame pool

The construction of swimming pools in private households is very popular today. They are erected both on the territory of the site for seasonal recreation, and indoors, so that you can swim all the time.

Modern systems and technologies of water treatment allow you to fill the tank once and for a long time. However, during the operation of an artificial water area, there may be cases when it is necessary to drain a certain amount of water or drain the entire bowl.

Partial or complete draining of water from the pool is carried out:

  • for mechanical and chemical cleaning of the waterline;
  • for repairing cracks in the bowl of stationary and temporary objects;
  • in preparation for the winter of temporary structures;
  • if the contamination of the liquid filling the tank is too high.

The issue of drainage for owners of home pools is always relevant. After all, even the most modest body of water displaces a decent amount of water that needs to be put somewhere, but in large pools there are just tons of it.

In the private sector, there are several ways to drain the pool without violating existing standards and spending a minimum of time and effort on it.

The choice of one or another option should be foreseen at the planning stage of the construction of such an object in order to ensure the best result in the future.

Consideration should be given to indicators such as the final discharge point, the volume of liquid drained at the same time, and the expected frequency of change.


Pool bowls can hold different amounts of liquid. The larger the capacity, the more problematic it is to drain.

Depending on the size of the tank and the available technical capabilities, there are several options for where to drain the water from the pool so that this event does not turn into a strength test for the owner.

If the site is connected to the central sewerage system, then the issue of discharge is clearly resolved in favor of this option. It is possible to equip such a drain for any type of structure.

Most of all, it is suitable for stationary structures of a closed and open type, but seasonal frame and inflatable models it is also quite possible to empty in this way. It is only necessary to bring a pipeline of the appropriate diameter, and connect the pool to the main line.

The presence in the district of ravines, gullies, natural reservoirs allows the possibility of draining water from the pool directly there, if the distance from the house to the place of discharge is small.

This can be done without additional purification of the liquid. According to sanitary standards, it is considered clean and does not harm the environment.

Another option is to build a special drain pit of such a volume as to accommodate required amount drains. At the same time, to ensure good absorbency, the lower edge of the well pit should rest against a sandy or gravel layer of soil.

Drainage of used water can also be arranged in a septic tank, but it should be connected through a special pit or well in order to prevent accidental entry of sewage into the pool tank.

It is preferable to use the last stage of the septic tank for discharge and not overload the system with a one-time descent of a large amount of liquid at once.

Water from small structures can be used to irrigate existing plants on the site, but only if it does not contain chemicals.

Impurities of chlorine and other cleaning agents are harmful to many crops. However, this method is good because it allows you to save money by using the same water twice.

Pool dehumidification

Many owners are also interested in the question of how to drain water from their pool. Here, too, everything is individual.

For small inflatable and frame structures, a garden hose will suffice, one end of which is connected to the drain hole at the bottom of the bowl, and the other is sent to the discharge point.

If the structure is installed above the receiving tank, the liquid must be drained by gravity.

To lower medium-sized temporary and stationary open-type water reservoirs, submersible pumps are used, which pump out the liquid forcibly and transport it to the collection point.

It will not work to completely drain the pool using this method, but it saves a lot of time. In addition, this is the only option if the artificial reservoir is below the sewer.

Drainage of water in the pool located indoors is carried out only with the help of stationary pumps. They are installed in the technical room during the construction of the facility and switched on as needed.

It is necessary to completely remove the water at the end of the bathing season only in temporary structures. Freezing water in such a container may cause damage to the housing and premature failure of the product.

Yes, and according to the instructions, they should not be stored on the street, but in the utility room when folded.

In stationary open-type pools, it is not recommended to completely drain the water for the winter. When preparing an object for winter, experts advise first draining the bowl, plugging all supply and drain pipes, and then filling the tank with 50% clean water.

This will compensate for the pressure of the frozen soil on the walls of the pool and prevent its deformation. For any type of pool, the water drain system must be thought out flawlessly. Only then will its operation be long and comfortable.

A full-fledged capital pool is still a luxury that not everyone can afford. However, there are other types of home hydraulic structures that allow you to enjoy cool water on a hot summer day, or rinse after a bath.

Draining water from the pool is a mandatory stage in the operation of an artificial reservoir

However, when designing a pool on a site or in a house, one should not forget about such a moment as the ability to drain water. This is the most important stage in the operation of an artificial reservoir, without which long-term enjoyment of use is simply impossible. There are several ways to drain a pool. If desired, you can combine them, depending on the possibilities, situations and needs.

Why drain the water?

Some owners of houses with private pools are perplexed about the need to pump water from the tank. Basically they refer to the installed filtration system. They say the water enters the bowl clean. But this does not negate the fact that, according to the rules, the liquid in the pool must be cleaned / replaced once a season. However, there are circumstances that force owners to engage in such procedures more often.

Let's start with the fact that the discharge of water from the pool is partial and complete. And if you are the happy owner of such a structure, you need to know why this is being done at all.

Incomplete water intake from the pool bowl is required in only a few cases:

  1. During the operation of the pool, dust, leaves from trees, cones and other debris get into it. All this, as well as fat, hair and bacteria accumulate in the upper layers of the water. But if large particles can be regularly caught with a net, then the elusive eye remains and falls out in the form of calcium and greasy deposits on the waterline. If such an unpleasant rim has appeared in the pool, it must be removed. To do this, part of the water is drained, the walls and nozzles are thoroughly cleaned, deposits are removed, washed and fresh water is added again.
  2. Many pools are equipped with underwater lighting fixtures that have an unfortunate tendency to fail. To repair them, it is often necessary to make a partial water intake, and replenish the volumes after replacing the damaged part. In order not to engage in such procedures once again, choose illumination products that can be replaced directly in the water.
  3. The pool bowl itself can break and deteriorate. If this happens in its upper part, you can pump out water 5 cm lower from the point of failure. After completion of the restoration work, water is poured in again.
  4. If we are talking about skimmer pools without an organized bottom drain, then partial emptying must be done before conservation. This is necessary in order to prevent deformation of the structure in winter, when freezing groundwater begins to compress and act on the bowl buried in the ground.

Drainage of water from the pool is necessary when repairing (replacing) underwater lamps

A complete fence is made in the following cases:

  1. Competent preparation of the pool for wintering involves the complete pumping of the liquid. We must not forget about the remaining water in the filtration and heating systems. They also do a total cleaning of all nozzles, elements, walls and bottom from the formed plaque. It also requires draining water from frame pool, the walls of which can simply burst from the pressure of ice in winter. The only exceptions are tanks made of frost-resistant materials.
  2. Restoration of the bottom and bottom parts of the bowl.
  3. There was a dead animal in the pool. In this case, it is necessary to empty the reservoir and arrange a total dry cleaning with mandatory disinfection.
  4. Major repairs or alteration of the pool.

How to drain water?

If you need to completely drain the liquid from the pool, hoses are usually connected to special outlet nozzles. However, this procedure is quite lengthy, especially if the swimming pool is supposed to be emptied.

How to drain water from an inflatable pool? Among all other types of bathing facilities, this is the easiest to do. You can simply open special valves. In this case, the liquid will spread over the area. If you connect garden hoses, you can direct the flow to the place you need. But how to quickly drain the water? There is an easy way:

  • put on high rubber boots used for fishing;
  • armed with an ordinary garden shovel;
  • the bayonet rests on the ground, and the stalk is placed on the side of the pool;
  • with a foot they press on the stalk, the side bends, the water pours out.

There is one nuance - the water will gush straight onto the ground or paving stones, where the building stood before all this action.

It is necessary to quickly drain the water from the frame pool if it is disassembled for transportation or when cold weather sets in and frost can hit at any moment. In this case, a hose system is also used. However, automation is used to speed up the process. Without a medium spread, the tank will empty in about 10 hours. And with it, the time is determined directly by the power of the device.

Excess water from the frame pool, if there is anything left, can be easily selected manually with a bucket, and then clean and disassemble the frame itself.

Capital swimming pools quickly, in the usual sense of the word, it will not be possible to merge for technical reasons. Usually their cubic capacity is quite impressionable, therefore even an equipped drain into the sewer will not allow water to leave, well, very quickly. Yes, and this is dangerous, given the sharp change in internal and external pressure on the walls and bottom of the tank. If all the liquid is taken too quickly, small cracks can go through the bowl, which over time will bring a lot of problems.

Where to drain water?

How to drain the water from the pool, everyone will be able to guess without special problems. Another, and more important question - where to put all this wealth if you have a 20 m² pool with a mirror in your country house? Yes, the question is not idle, but there is an answer to it.

You can pump water out of the pool:

You can pump water from the pool into a cesspool

  1. into the sewer;
  2. in a special receiver;
  3. in a natural reservoir;
  4. into a cesspool;
  5. in the storm system;
  6. to the site.

To determine the most suitable choice for your particular case, site, pool, you need to study each option in detail.

Drain into the sewer

The most correct and easiest way for constant use is an organized drain for the pool into the central sewer, this is like a water pipe. This option assumes that you will not worry about the fact that the water contains chlorine, softeners, salts and other additives that are dangerous to the environment. All this will safely retire to the city receiver, where it will undergo further cleaning.

What else is good to use the sewer? You do not flood a carefully cherished lawn, do not poison the flowers planted in the flower bed, do not moisten the garden to the state of a swamp, do not quarrel with neighbors about excess moisture from your territory. But the main thing is that you have no problems with the city SES and other authorities.

Sewer drain feature

How to make such a positive drain from all sides? It is necessary to make a drain hole in the pool bowl itself, as in a bathroom, and then it can be drained without a pump. Drainage pipes are connected to it, which are laid in the ground in the direction of the main highway.

Water drainage is well thought out if the diameter of the pipes corresponds to the volumes of liquid passing through them per unit of time. The most suitable section is 110–150 mm. Pipes are laid under a slope prescribed for the selected diameter. The emptying rate is also affected by the distance from the pool to the receiver, as well as the number of turns of the pipe itself. As with domestic sewers, try to avoid "wobbles" in the sewer system.

In this way, you can drain the pool of any type and size. Just for home and capital, it is necessary to make a stationary water drainage system, and from an inflatable or frame water can be discharged directly into the sewer manhole.

Important! When connecting automation, carefully monitor the amount of water poured into the system per unit of time.

The laws of the municipality may provide for the maximum permitted volume of liquid discharged into city receivers. You can find out about the restrictions in the relevant organization, and to fulfill the conditions, select a pumping pump of suitable power.

Withdrawal to the receiver

What to do if there is no central sewerage on the site or nearby? And it does happen, too. There is a great option for organizing a special receiver. However, it should be understood that in one fell swoop for a couple of hours of normal size, the pool cannot be drained into it.

The receiver should be made below the level of the bottom of the reservoir. It is even better if, according to the terrain, it is slightly lower than the place where the pool itself is located.

For the receiver, they dig a hole in the ground with an average volume of 1 cubic meter. The pit is lined with bricks in such a way that there are gaps between the blocks. Such a grid will allow water to seep into the ground unhindered. Broken bricks and crushed stone are poured at the bottom for drainage. The cover of the receiver must be strong. A tube is mounted in it to remove air from the pit. The hatch is laid on a pit, fixed, and covered with earth.

The pipe supply from the pool to the made receiver can be carried out both permanently underground and on the surface. Simply in this case, a tube is removed through the hatch, to which, if necessary, a drain hose will be connected.

For irrigation of the site

Water from the pool can be watered flower beds on the site

If your site has a relatively small inflatable or frame pool, you can use the water wisely, you just need to know where to drain it. To do this, hoses and a medium power pump are connected to the outlet nozzles so that the jet does not turn out to be too strong. With this water, you can water the beds, flower beds, lawn, shrubs, fruit trees, wash the paving stones in the yard, and so on. But calculate the volume of water so as not to flood your garden to the state of a swamp.

You can just scatter the hoses around the site and go about your business. This is true more for the autumn plum. But again, this is done only with small, children's pools.

Tip: so that the water from the hose does not wash away the soil, a piece of zinc sheet is placed under its end.

Important! For watering the garden or discharging water into the ground, only water that has not undergone chemical treatment with chlorine, has not been contaminated with all kinds of salts, acids and other disinfectants, cleaning or cosmetics is used!

Drain into a pond

If you have a river running nearby, there is a pond, or a ravine lurks behind the site, you can also pump water there. The procedure is no different from dumping into a receiver or into a garden. The only condition is that the distance to the drain point does not exceed 25 m, otherwise the water will leave very badly, or not at all.

But do not forget that only clean water from hazardous chemicals can be discharged into the environment!

Storm drainage

For owners of a site with an equipped storm drain, a drain problem outdoor pool practically ceases to exist. Why flood the site and neighbors, suffer with digging a hole, if the system for removing excess fluid is already ready? Just lower the sump pump into the pool, run the hoses from the tank to the drains, and check periodically to make sure the water isn't flowing too fast.

Water in a cesspool

Some decide to drain the water from the pool into their own septic tanks and cesspools. In principle, this is realistic if the volume of the reservoir does not exceed one cubic meter. Otherwise, the otkhodnik will simply fill up in an instant, and you will have to call the sewer truck to free the whole thing.


There are many ways to take water from the pool, but you need to know how to clean it so that you can safely drain the liquid into a ditch or garden without pain for nature. To do this, organize a pre-cleaning system through overflow wells with a sump and a drainage pit. Or use special filters for waste water in the pool. The latter is even preferable, because it does not require digging and spoiling appearance well-groomed area.

Frame pools make it possible to organize a bathing place in your country house or backyard, which is especially valuable for areas with remote natural reservoirs. At the end of the swimming season, the water from the pool must be drained, and the structure itself must be dismantled.

There are three main reasons why a frame hydraulic structure has to be freed from water:

  • Overflow. Heavy rains can cause the frame pool to overflow, making it inconvenient to use. In this case, it is necessary to carry out a partial drain of the water.

There are cases when it is better not to drain the water from the pool. We are talking about static structures buried in the ground. If such a bowl is emptied, then as a result of winter heaving of the upper layers of the soil, it can be deformed. The presence of frozen water inside will compensate for such a load.

To empty the frame pools of small volume, a special hose is used, which is attached to one of the two drain holes at the bottom of the bowl.

The order of work is as follows:

  1. Decide on the point where the water will merge. This point is regulated by local laws on the disposal of used water.
  2. Connect a garden hose of the required length to the selected drain hole. You can use any of the holes: usually choose the most convenient option. After switching, it is necessary to make sure that the drainage module is installed correctly inside the bowl.
  3. Release the drain valve from the cover and screw a special adapter to it. The valve is usually located at the top of the structure, and the adapter is purchased at any hardware store.

    Drain valve

  4. Connect a garden hose. One end is connected to the adapter, and the other end is connected to the selected water disposal point.
  5. Open drain valve. Inside it there is a drainage plug, after the displacement of which the water begins to quickly go outside. The flow rate is controlled by this stopper. In some models of frame pools, the drain hole is located too high, which is why some of the water remains. In such cases, several racks of the structure around the neck are disassembled in order to tilt the bowl in the right direction. To remove residual water, use a plastic bucket or basin.
  6. At the end of the procedure, the hose is unscrewed from the adapter, and the drain button is placed in its place. On the outside of the pool, the drain valve must be closed with a special cap.
  7. If an inflatable bowl is used, all plugs are unscrewed from it and air is released.

Before folding the bowl, it is well wiped and dried. All valves and plugs must be dismantled and placed in a separate bag, and the pool structure should be sprinkled with talcum powder. To store a folded frame pool, any dry room with a positive temperature is suitable (for example, a heated garage or a barn protected from rodents).

You can remove water from the frame pool using a filtration pump, which is equipped with most modern designs.

You can do this in the following way:

To simplify the procedure, the owners of volumetric frame structures are trying to acquire a special pool pump model. It has more compact dimensions than domestic drainage counterparts. With this device, you can almost completely empty the pool bowl. It is also able to clean the inside of the bowl from dirt: for this reason, the pool pump is often used as a water vacuum cleaner in the summer. It has a convenient handle, so there are no problems with moving the device along the bottom of the pool.

Another advantage of this model is the ability to operate in conditions of a minimum water level, which is beyond the power of submersible drainage technology.

As for the surface pumps, which are often purchased by the owners of cottages for working on a personal plot, with their help it is possible to completely empty the pool bowl. To do this, the device is installed next to the bowl, and the suction hose is lowered inward. In this case, it is also necessary to carefully monitor the procedure in order to avoid a dry run. For the role water vacuum cleaner such equipment is not suitable, because of its high power. Bottom dirt can be removed by a surface pump, but large volumes of water will be sucked in.

picking up suitable model pumping equipment for maintenance of the frame pool, first of all, pay attention to the power and principle of operation. Drainage models must be in a plastic case, which will protect the bowl from damage during pumping out water.

The technology for emptying medium and large frame pools largely depends on the drain point. When choosing it, the features of the area and the standards for the disposal of waste water are taken into account.

In a natural reservoir

If there is a river, lake or ditch near the cottage, the water from the pool can be drained there. This is the most convenient option that allows you to implement the process as soon as possible.

However, some limitations should be taken into account:

  • It is forbidden to drain too dirty water into a natural reservoir.
  • The composition of the removed liquid should not contain chlorine and other chemicals.
  • Before starting the procedure, you must coordinate your actions with local authorities.

It is most convenient to organize a temporary pipeline for transporting water from a pool to a reservoir, providing it with a pump. The optimal pipe diameter is 110-150 mm. It is desirable to lay the route in a straight line, arranging, if the landscape allows it, a slight slope towards the drain point. If the pool is operated on an ongoing basis, and the distance to the reservoir is small (up to 100 m), the pipeline is laid in a trench. This saves time for its assembly and disassembly.

for watering

If during the operation of the pool no chemicals are added to the water, and bathing takes place without synthetic soap and shampoos, the drained liquid can be used for watering the garden, vegetable garden and flower beds. Most often, this is done in the summer, when preventive water changes are carried out. Watering the land can be carried out immediately, or pump water into a reserve tank. This requires a garden hose of the required length and a surface pump.

In cases where water still contains a small percentage of impurities (detergents or bleach), it can be used for technical purposes. For example, you can easily wash a car with such a liquid or use it for washing and cleaning rooms. If construction work is carried out in the country, then the drained water is used for mixing solutions, paints, and washing tools. In any case, before draining the water into the ditch, it is advisable to come up with a more practical use for it.

Down the drain

Removal of waste water into the central sewer is considered the most correct option. In this case, there is no threat of environmental pollution or flooding of the site. Therefore, if there is a corresponding highway on or near the backyard, a permanent pipeline is laid to it. As a rule, collapsible plastic pipes with a diameter of 110-150 cm: they must be laid at an angle of 3 degrees per 1 meter towards the drain.

If the sewer receiver is located near the pool, you can do without a pump when draining. To do this, connect a tube to the drainage hole by inserting it into the pipe of the permanent line. As a rule, this branch pipe is installed next to the pool and covered with a special cover.

The speed of emptying the bowl will depend on its volume, the angle of the line and the number of turning sections (if possible, they should be kept as short as possible). Before starting the process of draining water into the sewer, it is necessary to clarify with the local administration the size of the limit of wastewater discharged into a common pipe. This will make it possible to correctly regulate the speed of water withdrawal by selecting the pump of the required power.

Organization of a receiver for draining water

It happens that there is no central sewerage in the settlement, and the degree of water pollution in the pool does not allow it to be drained into a reservoir or used for irrigation. There is only one way out - to organize a special receiver on the backyard territory. In this case, it is necessary to drain the water gradually, since such a structure is not able to accept too large volumes.

How to drain water from a frame pool

Buying an inflatable pool is a convenient and inexpensive way to make summer more comfortable. But it must be periodically drained and washed. How to properly dispose of water in such a pool - later in the article.

When is the pool drained?

The water from the inflatable pool has to be drained at least once - when it is removed for storage. But in practice, this has to be done repeatedly. Drain the water if:
  1. It got colder and no one will use it until the summer.
  2. The water is cloudy and contaminated, and it cannot be filtered.
  3. Substances that pose a health hazard have entered the water, therefore it is necessary.
  4. It is necessary to repair damage or repair coatings.
  5. The bowl overflowed after heavy rains.
  6. The pool is leaking and needs to be repaired.

You can drain the water using a medium power pump, which will transfer water that has become unnecessary to flower beds or beds.

There are two options for draining water:
  • full - you have to resort to it if you need to change the water or remove the pool for storage;
  • partial - they can be dispensed with if necessary, for example, to wash the dirty bezel that appeared on the walls.

Drain methods

How to drain water? The choice depends on the design and dimensions of the inflatable pool. A small pool can be lifted and freed from water. With a large pool you have to tinker.

In the pool, depending on the volume, it can be from several hundred liters to tens of tons. Where to put such an abyss of water? A flower bed or a lawn is indispensable here. You can drain water from pools in the following ways:

  1. Open drain valve. You can find it at the bottom of the bowl. The valve allows you to drain the liquid by connecting a regular hose with which you water the garden. Hoses come in different diameters, but, as a rule, pools are equipped with special nozzles - with their help, you can connect a hose of any diameter. The condition for draining with hoses through the valve is that the drain point must be lower than the valve, since water flows due to the difference in levels. Drainage speed depends on the diameter of the hose.
  2. Use a submersible pump. If, by draining the water with a hose, you run the risk of flooding the neighbors or the street, you will have to use method number 2. Thanks to a small pump - for example, "Brook" or "Kid", you can pump water into the sewer system.
  3. Manual drain. Only suitable for small pools.

Where to drain water?

Water from small portable pools for domestic use must be drained manually or drained to a suitable place. Suitable for this purpose:
  • lawn or flower bed;
  • drain hole;
  • water bodies - if available nearby;
  • downpour;
  • central sewerage;
  • special hole.
The choice of a drain site depends on:
  • features of the site - its design, the presence of garden plantings, etc.;
  • location of the pool.

How to drain water from a small pool?

A small PVC pool is easy to empty. There are several methods - the choice depends on the availability of fixtures and the size of the bowl.

Manual drain

Try draining the water by hand - just turn the bowl over so that the water spills onto the grass. You must be sure that you will not harm your neighbors.

Through the hose

If the bowl is larger - and you can’t turn it over with your hands, use a hose. The liquid will flow by itself. Procedure:
  1. Lower one end of the hose to the bottom of the bowl.
  2. Secure the end of the hose in the water. You can press down with something, but so as not to block the flow of liquid.
  3. To start the liquid moving, use the suction method. The second option is to pour water into the other end through a funnel. Pushing through the air, in one way or another, they achieve that the water goes by gravity.
If the pool has a drain valve, then the hose is connected to it.
If the water contains "chemistry", it is hardly suitable for watering plants, it is better to pour it into the sewer.

How to drain water from a large pool?

If there is a lot of water, you will have to use a submersible drainage pump. It will take time to pump out the water, so start draining early - to get it done before dark. In addition to the pump, you will need long hoses, their length should be enough to drain. Step-by-step instruction:
  1. Install the pump and connect the hose.
  2. Decide where to drain the water. There is a lot of it, so you can’t just pour it into the yard or into the street. And if the water contains chlorine, salt, then it will harm those plants that do not tolerate these components - for example, citrus fruits. The best option for draining large volumes of disinfected water is a sewer hatch.
  3. The draining process must be monitored. Its duration is affected by the speed of the pump and the volume of the pool.
  4. Pour the sides of the pool with a hose to wash away the dirt. Wipe dirty areas with a brush.
  5. When the pump has pumped out everything it can, there will still be some water left in the pool. How much the pump can pump out depends on the depth of the pool. Scoop out the rest with buckets.
After the water is drained, it is necessary to clean the bottom. This is done with a hose - if the pool is not equipped with special equipment for cleaning the bottom.

The owner of the frame pool tells how to speed up the draining of water. You will see how much water is in the pool, and what troubles await you with a quick drain, even if your pool is inflatable:

Why is it necessary to drain the water for the winter?

Some owners of large pools are tempted not to drain the water for the winter. There are cases when the pools were not cleaned, leaving everything as it is. It is absolutely impossible to do this for the following reasons:
  1. The water will freeze and turn into an ice block, which will thaw for a long time in the spring.
  2. The thawed water will still have to be drained - it will be unsuitable for swimming.
  3. The main danger is damage to the PVC bowl. This material does not tolerate low temperatures - it cracks in frost. Usually cracks occur at the bend - at the bottom of the pool. When the liquid freezes, it expands and can damage both the bottom and the walls.
Frame racks are made of metal, so they can not be removed - the material from which they are made is not subject to corrosion processes and is resistant to cold.

What else needs to be considered when draining?

When draining water, it is important to consider whether it contains chemicals or not:
  1. Contains. In this case, the drain is made only into the sewer or cesspool. In the latter case, it is necessary to take into account the volume of the drained liquid - but will it fit in the pit? If it does not fit, you will have to equip a special water intake.
  2. Does not contain. You can safely merge into the garden, vegetable garden, natural reservoir. From the pool you can take water for watering plants - convenient!

How to wash and store the bowl?

After draining the water, you need to rinse the bowl inside. If the pool is framed, this is easy to do - it is straightened out on racks, so washing it is not difficult. After washing, the bowl will dry under the sun.

If the pool is not framed, and after emptying it turns into a “rag”, it is better to wash it while it is full. This is done with special brushes - they usually come with the kit.

If you decide to remove inflatable pool, you need to store it correctly:

  1. Fold the pool carefully - it should not be thrown "lump".
  2. Sprinkle its surface with talcum powder - this will not allow the rubberized material to stick together.
  3. Keep the pool warm and dry. But the frame - if there is one, pumps and chlorine generators can stand in unheated rooms.
Do not rush to drain the water, think about its quality and where it can be drained without creating problems for yourself and your neighbors. Having thought over your actions, you will protect your yard from troubles, and will not harm green spaces.

Pools in the country are indispensable in the summer, because it's so nice to swim in clean cool water in the sweltering heat, and in the evening to have a beach party right on the site. But for this, the water must be really clean.

Unfortunately, the reservoir is quickly clogged with sand, fallen leaves, small pebbles and earth. After the winter, if the water is not drained, it is not suitable for swimming at all. So without a pump for pumping water from the pool can not do.

In this article, we will tell you how to choose a pool pump and which option will be better in each case.

Such units are submersible and surface. Their main difference is their ability to work in dirty water. Surface ones are suitable for slightly contaminated liquids with solid particles up to 1 cm. Submersible ones do not deteriorate even from debris 3-5 cm diameter and are suitable for very dirty water bodies, not only pools, but also ponds.

The choice of device is made depending on its power, the diameter of the intake hole, the volume and pollution of the reservoir, the predicted frequency of application.

The unit with a multi-channel impeller allows only small debris to pass through, for heavily polluted water, choose pumps with a single-channel impeller. The impeller can be open, this is installed in drainage pumps for pumping water from the pool.

The larger the solid particles in the water, the more important it is to choose an electrical appliance in a durable housing. Instead of plastic for dirty water, take the unit in a steel or even cast iron case.

surface models

Their main advantage is Lightweight design and easy installation. It is not a problem to remove such a unit immediately after use, this is especially important if the weather is bad or you are about to leave and are worried about its safety. They provide effective pumping at depths up to 5 m.

Devices are switched off at an overheat automatically, have protection against electric shock. It is convenient to use a surface electric pump if there are several reservoirs on the site. All you need to start is lower the suction hose into the water and plug the unit into the mains.

Surface pumps can be produced in metal and plastic cases. The first are shock-resistant and have a longer service life. The latter are cheaper and quieter. Despite all the convenience of electric pumps, surface still too low power for continuous use.

Better use them no more than once a week, which is quite enough to change the water in most pools. Due to the fact that the maximum particle size in the water that will not damage the pump is only 1 cm, the devices should be used in not too polluted water bodies, for example, pools under a canopy.


Pumps of this type, pumping water from the pool, can be domestic and industrial. For giving enough household model. Its power is much higher than that of the surface, this option is suitable for frequent pumping or a large reservoir.

The device is imperceptible, its body is sealed and, as the name implies, is under water. The submersible unit has wide working windows through which passes debris up to 5 cm in diameter. But if the particles are larger, a filter will have to be installed at the inlet.

Pay attention to installation depth. If it is less than a meter, the submersible electric pump may work poorly and even fail. For its high-quality work, the bottom of the pool should not be made evenly, but with a bowl, the device is placed in its deepest place. This will pump out all the water, and then the pump will turn off automatically.

For heavily polluted water bodies, drainage pumps can be used. They handle all waste, suitable for Wastewater. Before pumping, the liquid passes through a grinder, where large particles are crushed under pressure, then the liquid is drained.

Operating principle

The submersible pump combines both the pump itself and the electric motor in a common sealed housing. His the principle of operation is the same for garden and drainage options. The motor rotates the blades of the wheel, and the chamber is filled with water.

Under the action of centrifugal force, the liquid is displaced and enters the sewer. The opening for the fence can be both above and below. The first will not allow all the water to be poured out, but the drain will not be clogged with large leaves and silt. Second empty the pool to a centimeter, but the cleanliness of the bottom will need to be carefully monitored.

Surface electric pumps can be vortex, centrifugal and with an external ejector. The latter are almost never produced now, they were replaced by submersible ones.

Vortex ones are not applicable for country pools, because they wear out from sand. For pools, only centrifugal ones are suitable.

Centrifugal models have wheels that drive a working shaft supported by bearings. The wheels build up pressure, the water rises, then drains through the outlet pipe. All electric pumps have a relay sensor, it shuts off when water supply is interrupted.

How to connect?

The electric pump can be circulating. He drives water through the filter system and releases it back into the pool. The liquid is pumped completely 2.5 times a day, cleaned and does not require draining for a long time. It turns out a closed system.

If we are talking about the usual submersible pump for pumping water, then connecting it requires the correct design of the entire pool. The bottom of the reservoir is poured at an angle, in the deepest place install the unit of the selected power. A pipe up to 15 m long is attached to it.

Water can be drained into a separate pit, sewer or used for irrigation. When draining into a centralized drain deepen the hose 7-10 cm into the manhole otherwise water may spill out.

Make sure that the electric pump does not run dry. When its cavity is not filled with liquid, the engine overheats and may burn out.

How to connect a surface pump to a pool? It has 2 hoses. One is lowered into the water, not reaching the bottom a few centimeters, the second is used to drain the liquid.

With polluted water you can install a small filter at the inlet to the intake tube. But at the same time, the rate of fluid outflow will greatly decrease, and the time for emptying the reservoir will increase.

electrical appliance should not work more than 4 hours without interruption, large pools are best emptied piecemeal.

Always keep an eye on the operation of the unit. It may be necessary to clear the suction port of large debris or to manually turn off the pump in the event of a malfunction.

Major breakdowns and repairs

Undoubtedly, the best option dealing with any malfunctions - preservation of all warranty documents and transportation of the pump to the service center. This is especially true when the pump for pumping water from the pool does not work due to manufacturing defects.

If they are found at the beginning of the operation of the unit, require replacement. But If the warranty has expired, you can try to repair or replace the parts yourself.

There may be such acquired problems:

  • Rotor jamming. Or the water has heated up too much, which is extremely rare. Then postpone pumping until late evening or even morning. Or large particles of debris have got into the rotor, they must be removed.
  • strong vibration. You will need to install the unit on a rubber substrate. If it has been used for a long time, the bearings may have worn out and need to be replaced.
  • Shaft flow. Worn stuffing box or mechanical seal, replace it.
  • Bearing overheating. They will need to be lubricated or replaced with new ones if wear is high.
  • Increased electricity consumption. The seal or impeller may have worn out and need to be replaced.
  • Water is pumped out much more slowly. The impeller could wear out, check and change.
  • Doesn't turn off automatically. This is a breakdown of the relay, it must be removed and dried well, sometimes replaced.

All breakdowns It's easier to prevent than to fix. Treat the electrical appliance with care, do not allow it to operate outside the recommended conditions.

Make sure that the body of the surface pump for draining water from the pool is dry and that the submersible pump is installed correctly. Check if the intake hole is not clogged.

If there is a significant increase in the level of noise and vibration, immediately turn off the unit and determine the cause. Drain the water from the pool in several stages. With these simple methods, you will achieve a long service life of the selected electric pump.

As you can see, there are not so many types of pumps for pumping water out of the pool and the choice is easy enough. Before buying, select the power of the electric pump and its type based on the volume of liquid pumped out. Read reviews about manufacturers and models.

Buy a pump that has a service center in your city. Clean regularly country pool , do not allow the water to bloom. And your pump will last for many years.