Triceps exercises on the bench. Reverse push-ups, correct technique

There are many exercises for the arms, but most beginner athletes focus on the biceps. It is believed that if this muscle is well developed, the hands look beautiful and impressive. In fact, without pumping the antagonist muscle - triceps - the arms are unlikely to look attractive.

Triceps make up 75% of the volume of the entire arm, although it is not very noticeable at first glance. Therefore, it must be paid attention to during training process. One of effective exercises, which helps to tighten and pump up this muscle, are reverse push-ups from the bench.

This exercise is so simple that it can be performed not only by professionals, but also by beginners. Of course, with some adjustments to the level of training.

This exercise helps strengthen the joints, ligaments of the hands, tone the muscles, as well as strengthen the connection between the muscles and the brain. The latter will allow you to perform more complex exercises with more weight in the future. Only after doing push-ups from the bench at the back, when you better understand the technique, the biomechanics of their implementation, you can move on to the triceps bench press and other exercises that load this muscle. So you reduce the risk of injury to the elbow or wrist joints.

Experienced athletes also use this exercise in their training, but with a slightly different goal - to “finish off”, pump up the triceps with isolated work, so that each of its bundles is beautifully drawn and stands out. To do this, they perform the exercise at the end of the workout, after which the triceps looks favorably against the background of the developed biceps and deltoid muscles.

Push-ups from the bench in the back support are especially useful for women, since they have more fat deposited in the triceps area than men. Hence the flabbiness of the hands, cellulite and stretch marks.

After menopause, fat on this part of the hands in women usually quickly disappears, and stretched, loose skin remains.

At the same time, often women generally avoid working on their hands, fearing that they will increase ugly in volume. Actually even good developed muscles hands are not easy for girls to reach, and exercises with own weight will never lead to muscle hypertrophy. Therefore push-ups reverse grip from the bench showing women first.

Push-ups from the bench: what muscles are involved

Let's see what specific muscles work when performing this exercise. First of all, the triceps itself, all its three heads - lateral (which is most visible externally), medial and long. The last two are close to the body, so they are not so noticeable.

The main task of the triceps is to straighten the arm at the elbow. The long head, in addition to this work, takes the arm back, connecting to the muscles of the back and shoulders, and also brings the arm to the body. Consider what other muscles work when pushing up from the bench, except for triceps. This exercise engages the muscles abdominals, lower part breasts, anterior bundles of deltas.

The exercise helps to develop all three heads of the triceps, to feel the contraction of the muscle, its stretching. result correct execution exercises will become triceps in good shape, and if you use weights, it will noticeably increase in volume. If you perform this exercise in combination with the French press, bench press narrow grip and others basic exercises, you can get good results.

Implementation options

Push-ups from the bench from behind the back can be performed in several variations, depending on the level of fitness of the athlete. Beginners are advised to do it with their feet on the floor, while more trained athletes put them on a bench set parallel to the stop.

If you are not yet ready to put your feet on the stop, complicate the exercise: for each bending of the arms, slightly raise one leg. On the next movement - another. When this becomes easy for you, raise the thigh perpendicular to the body (the knees can be bent). Also, at first, you can do push-ups, greatly moving the pelvis away from the support.

To increase the load, try to keep the pelvis closer to the support. You can make progress in push-ups from the gym bench in the back by using extra weight. You can put pancakes on your hips or wear a weighted vest.

When training with your body weight, do about five sets, in each of which perform a maximum of repetitions. Using weight, do an average of 8 reps.

Execution technique

The technique can be performed in three main versions: classic, lightweight (for beginners and people with overweight) and advanced (for trained athletes). Variations are only different position legs and using weights.

If the goal reverse push-ups from the bench - muscle hypertrophy, it is necessary to use additional weight, which can be lifted from 4 to 8 repetitions in one approach. To do this, you can take pancakes, dumbbells, put on a special belt with a chain, and at home use a backpack filled with something heavy.

For classic push-ups, you will need two benches of the same height, installed parallel to each other. The distance depends on the length of the trainee's legs. Having settled down between the benches, on the one in the back, we put our hands approximately shoulder-width apart, palms down. We put our heels on another bench. This exercise can be done at home, leaning on a chair, bed or sofa.

The level of load also depends on the position of the legs. The wider the stance, the easier the exercise will be. For maximum load, you can put your legs one behind the other. Also, the closer the benches are, the easier it is to do push-ups. If the leg rests on the bench in the calf area, you will complete more reps than if you rest on the heels.

Having settled down between the benches, moving the buttocks closer to the support bench, straighten your back and legs, find a point directly in front of you and hold on to it with your eyes. Begin to slowly bend your elbows and lower your pelvis down, taking a gradual breath. Make sure that your hands go strictly along the body, otherwise you risk injuring the elbow joint. Get low enough to give your triceps a good stretch, but don't try to touch your buttocks to the floor - that's also dangerous for your joints. Focus on comfort in them. As you exhale, return to the starting position.

About the technique of performing reverse push-ups from the bench.

Returning to the starting position, do not unbend your arms to the end and immediately go to the next repetition. So you save the elbow compounds from too much load, and the triceps itself, on the contrary, will be loaded as much as possible. The fact that the reverse push-ups from the bench were beneficial and the execution technique was correct will be indicated by a strong burning sensation in the muscles.

For beginners, the triceps are usually very weak, and for overweight people, they simply cannot withstand the load in the classic version. Therefore, they are advised to put their feet flat on the floor. Thus, the center of gravity shifts, and the exercise is much easier to perform. Depending on the preparation of the trainee, the legs can be kept straight or bent at 30 °.

For trained athletes, on the contrary, the classic push-ups from the bench for triceps will seem insufficient, so it is recommended to use additional weights.

Pick up the extra weight carefully. Even if the muscles stretch it out, the ligaments are not always ready to cope with it.

Most often, a pancake from the bar is taken as a weighting agent. It is more difficult to keep balance with it, so the additional load falls on the stabilizer muscles. But if the athlete is not yet ready to move to such a level, the risk of injury increases.

Technically, push-ups from the bench at the back are a simple exercise in which there are no “pitfalls”. However, if you want to get the most out of it and protect yourself from possible injuries, you should follow a few tips in its implementation.

First of all, do not perform the exercise if you feel discomfort in the joints of the elbows or shoulders. Cartilage tissue recovers for a very long time, so it is better not to injure it. Even if the lightweight version of push-ups is inconvenient, it is better to load the triceps on special simulators.

Place your hands on the bench strictly at shoulder level. If taken too broadly, they are difficult to control. In this case, you can accidentally bring your elbows inward, risking injury to them. Injuries are dangerous for a long delay in the upper position with straightened elbows. It is better to do the maximum possible repetitions without stopping, pumping as much blood into the muscle as possible.

If you have previously had shoulder or elbow injuries, warm up your muscles and ligaments well. If necessary, use elastic bandages. All movements must be performed smoothly, controlling at each phase.

If the triceps are well developed, do not load them with a lot of weight in this exercise. It is better to “score” him on basic exercises with free weights, and “finish off” with push-ups from the bench at the end of the workout. So you will achieve a better relief.

Push-ups on the uneven bars and from the bench have the same biomechanics, so you do not need to perform them on the same training day, otherwise the muscles will be overloaded. Also, do not lean on a soft surface with your hands, otherwise you will have to constantly be distracted by correct position hands

You should not try to improve this exercise, for example, pushing up on your fists. Best technique its implementation has already been worked out for years, and such innovations do not give it significance. This only increases the risk of injury.

Contraindications to exercise

You can often find the opinion that such push-ups are traumatic, so it is not recommended for beginners to do them. Indeed, the exercise requires good stability of the shoulder bag, flexibility shoulder joint. If the trainee cannot boast of such a thing, he must bend his arms strictly to an angle of 90 ° and no more. The weight used should also be moderate. Otherwise, you can injure the weakest part of the deltoid muscle - the rotator cuff of the shoulder.

There is also a danger of injuring the nerve endings of the muscles with a strong dip down. To avoid this, it is recommended to do push-ups on the uneven bars when there is less load on the shoulder joint. But this exercise requires more physical fitness.

The place of exercise in the general training program also affects the risk of injury. You should not put it at the end of a workout as a finisher if you are not a trained athlete. By the end of the workout, the shoulder joint is already quite tired and loaded, so there is a big risk of injuring it on concentrated push-ups from the bench.

Reverse push-ups from the bench to the triceps - great exercise for muscle training. The variety of options for their implementation allows you to include it in the training of both beginners and advanced athletes. Injuries that are sometimes feared about this exercise are easy to prevent if you do not go too deep down, place your arms not too wide and use adequate weights.

Reverse push-ups allow you to maximize the development and strengthening of the muscles of the hands. With this exercise, you can make the muscles as large as possible. Many athletes practice exercises aimed at improving only the biceps. They forget about the importance of triceps, so they lose muscle mass in volume. It should be remembered that it is the biceps of the shoulder that gives the notorious relief, and therefore the beauty of the muscles, but it does not allow for giving the proper volume. This helps the exercise of loads on the triceps, which allows you to do reverse push-ups for the triceps.

How to do the exercise correctly?

You should evenly pump biceps and triceps, but it is important to prioritize correctly. The triceps muscle of the shoulder occupies approximately 75%. This allows you to provide yourself with sufficient muscle mass in a short time. Triceps are not immediately visible, but it is he who forms the basis for the relief muscles of a bodybuilder. In the Russian-language version, reverse push-ups are usually titled with general phrases, for example, "push-ups from the bench."

It is less common to hear that this exercise characterized by the phrase "gaps between supports". Reverse push-ups for triceps are loved by many athletes for their relative ease of implementation and excellent results. You can carry out this exercise fully, being at home or when entering the site on the street. It is not necessary to go to the gym, so everyone can pump up muscle mass in this way.

Benefits of exercise

  1. Reverse push-ups are considered the best for triceps. This confirms not only a large number of studies conducted by scientists, but also a huge number of benefits.
  2. This exercise refers to a closed kinetic chain. This means that it is performed only by the body while fixing the legs or arms. When it is performed, the triceps are separated from the other muscle mass and take on the maximum load. Three heads of this muscle are in work, which indicates the possibility of obtaining a quick and uniform increase in the mass of the hands.
  3. There is no momentum during downward movement, so the athlete has the opportunity to maintain optimal tension throughout the entire execution time.
  4. It is allowed to supplement the exercise with unlimited weight, so even an experienced athlete has the opportunity for continuous self-improvement.
  5. The exercise can be performed in various ways, constantly changing the width of the grip, and, if necessary, the position of the feet.
  6. While lowering the body down, the athlete receives an additional effect in the form of a slight expansion of the chest. This process occurs due to its stretching.
  7. Reverse push-ups on the uneven bars have a positive effect not only on increasing muscle mass, but also allow you to make the athlete stronger. This aspect allows you to give all your best and get great results when performing such basic actions as dumbbell presses or barbells from a prone position.
  8. In the process of performing reverse push-ups, a large number of small muscles are involved, they are often called stabilizers. When performing many other exercises, it is almost impossible to use them.

Starting the exercise

Two support posts, for example, benches, are arranged in a transverse position. It is necessary to place them at a distance occupied by outstretched legs. To one of these supports, you should turn your back, while doing a grip with your hands, placing them shoulder-width apart. Legs should be thrown on the opposite bench. You should not get them far over the edge, as this is the starting position.

First step of the exercise

The athlete takes a deep breath and slowly lowers himself down. This action occurs by bending the elbows, that is, the emphasis is on the hands. You should continue to move down until the back moves into a position that resembles a right angle with respect to the floor - it moves until 90 degrees are formed. Elbows should always be kept straight, without spreading your arms to the sides. The more precisely this rule is observed, the greater the effect the athlete will receive from reverse push-ups.

The final stage of the exercise

When bringing the body to the lowest possible position, it is necessary to raise the torso up. To do this, only the strength of the triceps should be used, that is, shift the entire load to the hands and push the body out with a powerful movement.

Exercise features

You can repeat the reverse push-ups from the bench a large number of times, however, with untrained triceps, it is advisable to increase the load gradually so as not to tire the muscles. Caution will allow you to conduct workouts without gaps, which will help you quickly gain desired mass hands

The exercise may seem simple, but many notice some difficulties in its implementation. Girls can push up from the floor. Then they need only one support bench. To achieve large triceps, guys should not only perform the exercise correctly, assuming a proper starting position, but also use additional weight loading. Weighting agents can be used in the form of a belt with a special chain. It is also common to use pancakes, which should be applied to the pelvic area. If the exercise is performed at home, you can use regular dumbbells or put a heavy backpack on your back.

If the decision is made to perform exercises with the feet on the floor, it is necessary to leave the arms slightly bent when lifting to the top position. So muscle mass will increase more. When carrying out reverse push-ups in any position, it is necessary to control that the back is always even.

Reverse push-ups must be performed carefully, following all the rules. You should not put your hands far from the hips, also watch the position of the body. An athlete who correctly performs push-ups with a reverse grip will get an excellent result, will be able to significantly increase his muscle mass.

Bench push-ups are isolated exercises, which develop lateral and medial heads triceps. Performed on the basis of their own weight. The main direction of the complex is to increase volume and strength triceps shoulder joint. If these exercises are supplemented with others basic complexes you can achieve amazing results.

Execution technique

There are several variations of push-ups that use one or two benches. In all cases, the main load goes to the hands, the difference is only in the setting of the legs. Each exercise must take place in the correct sequence in compliance with the execution technique. Consider the technique using the example of performing reverse push-ups without legs:

  1. Before training, do a warm-up exercise for about 15 minutes (body tilts, arm swings, pull-ups, etc.)
  2. The exercise is performed in the direction of the back to the bench.
  3. Put your hands slightly wider than your shoulders. Legs and back should be straight. Don't lower your head. Buttocks are located at a small distance from the inventory, without touching it.
  4. On the inhale, gently bend the arms at the elbows, pressing them to the body. Lower the pelvis at the same time. Hands are not recommended to spread, as the triceps will lose the load, which will lead to the risk of injury to the elbow.
  5. Get down to a comfortable angle. If you feel discomfort in the elbow and shoulder joints, it means that the angle of descent is very small.
  6. Hold the position for 2-3 seconds.
  7. As you exhale, return to the starting position.

Execution Variations

There are several ways to exercise that can be done in training centers and at home:

  • This is the easiest push up. People who are overweight or novice athletes this species seems rather complicated. The exercise is performed facing the inventory. Feet are placed on the floor. Slight bending of the knees (about 30 degrees) is allowed.
  • with feet on the floor carried out using one bench. The limbs are on the floor.

How to do reverse push-ups with your feet on the floor, see the following video.

  • Two benches are used, which should be placed parallel to each other at the correct distance. This is due to the length of the legs and the height of the athlete. We put our hands on the bench behind our back. The second bench is provided for the legs. Only heels become on it. They can be kept together or slightly taken away to the sides. The exercise is performed "on weight".

  • In order to increase the load on the triceps, are used additional weights. The exercise is performed in the form of a reverse push-up with legs, only a load is placed on the front thighs. The main rule of this push-up is to maintain balance correctly. It is not recommended to perform this type of exercise for beginner athletes.

Each exercise must be done at least 7 times, but total depends on physical training person.

Safety regulations

Fulfilling different kinds push-ups, safety rules should be followed to prevent sprains and injuries:

  1. When lifting up, it is not recommended to spread your elbows to the sides. This can lead to shoulder injury.
  2. Elbows during the exercise should be directed strictly back.
  3. Hands should be kept close to the body.
  4. Full extension of the limbs is not allowed.
  5. Assuming the starting position, place your palms slightly wider than the shoulder joint. This contributes to the correct bending of the elbow without shifting it to the side.
  6. It is forbidden to lower your head down.
  7. Keep your back straight. Incorrect positioning of the body can lead to spinal injuries.
  8. Weight training should be done by experienced athletes who have been training for more than a year.
  9. Beginners are not recommended to start intensive training, especially with weights. Start with light exercises and gradually increase the load.
  10. Do not lower the body down completely.

What muscles can be pumped up?

Performing various options for push-ups from the bench, the following muscles are included in the work:

  • front deltas - with flexion and extension of the shoulder joint;
  • triceps - flexion-extension of the elbow;
  • chest and back muscles;
  • abdominal muscles;
  • with reverse power push-ups with legs - thigh muscles.

Possible contraindications

Every kind exercise has its pros and cons. Bench push-ups are contraindicated:

  • injuries of the elbow and shoulder joint;
  • diseases of the spine;
  • acute form of hypertension;
  • pregnancy;
  • menstruation;
  • postoperative period;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • umbilical hernia.

Common Mistakes

Often novice athletes make mistakes when performing training complex. In order to properly fix during exercises, you should study a number of common mistakes:

  1. Many people, feeling pain or discomfort, do not stop training. But in vain, since cartilaginous tissues and tendons are restored for a long time, so there will be pain, and a person will not be able to do it. Consult with the instructor and choose the best option for yourself.
  2. Lack of control of the position of the hands. Control the position of the hands, namely the elbow joint. In the process of training, the percentage of injury is very high.
  3. Full extension upper limbs. When lifting, do not straighten your arms completely. They must be in constant tension. Don't stop at the starting point, this puts a lot of pressure on the elbow joints.
  4. Exercise after injury. If you have suffered an injury to the shoulder or elbow joint, you should consult a doctor. It is possible that this sport is forbidden to you. In cases of approval, wear elastic bandages. Perform the exercises smoothly, without sudden movements, observing the correct technique.
  5. It happens that a person who has just started push-ups gives the body an unbearable load. Use weights initially with minimal weight. Increase loads gradually.
  6. Using the wrong surfaces. Do not do push-ups on a soft or unstable surface. In this case, you can not keep the balance of the body and get injured.
  7. Many beginners do push-ups with their fists. In this case, the entire load goes exclusively to the hands and when lifting and lowering the hands go to the side. Therefore, do not experiment in the process of training.

Push-ups from the bench can be performed in different variations, but beginner athletes need to initially master basic technique. It is desirable to engage with an instructor, which will protect a person from injury. These push-ups make it possible to feel each muscle group and their expansion.

Push-ups from the floor are as old as the world, in the literal sense of the word. Soldiers made it ancient greece and Rome. Push-ups increase overall physical endurance and strength. And another big plus of this exercise is that no simulators are needed for push-ups. Only gender and desire itself. Therefore, it can be done almost anywhere.

We have already considered. Now, let's figure out how to perform it, directing the load on the triceps.

Technique for performing push-ups from the floor for triceps:

  1. Take a prone position.
  2. Feet shoulder-width apart, or brought together.
  3. As you inhale, lower yourself down. To about a 90 degree angle at the elbows, or a little lower.
  4. Reaching bottom point, fix for a moment, and exhale with a powerful coordinated movement, push yourself off the floor.

Muscles involved in exercise

Features of push-ups from the floor for triceps:

  • Do not spread your elbows to the sides. They should be as close to the body as possible. In this position, the load will fall on the triceps.
  • The palms are parallel to the body.
  • Hands, during push-ups from the floor, are either set narrowly, palms pressed against each other, or are shoulder-width apart. You do not need to spread your arms wider, this will shift the load on the pectoral muscles.
  • Straighten your arms at the elbows completely when you rise up. It is necessary to work in full amplitude.

This exercise is great for people of all fitness levels. And if you are just starting to play sports, then push-ups from the floor will lay an excellent foundation for your physical development.

But also to achieve strengthening of the muscles of the upper body. This exercise, although easy, is incredibly effective: it develops not only the arms (triceps, biceps, forearms), but also the deltoid muscles, as well as the muscles upper region. Its other names are dips between supports and from two benches.

Reverse push-ups involve a wide variation of load and are excellent for both men and women.

Reverse push-ups from a support, such as a bench or chair, are an effective basic exercise that develops triceps. It got its name because of the execution technique, which involves placing the hands behind the body.


Quite simple, it is within the power of not only professionals, but also beginners, of course, taking into account the level of training.

  • It helps to strengthen the ligaments of the hands, tones the muscles and strengthens the neural connections of the muscles with the central one. Only after mastering the correct technique and biomechanics of these push-ups is it acceptable to move on to other triceps exercises, for example, a bench press. This significantly reduces the risk of injury to the wrist and elbow joints.
  • For experienced athletes, this exercise has a different goal - to work out each bundle of the triceps in isolation and highlight the triceps muscle from the others.
  • Push-ups from the bench work out all the heads of the triceps muscle, and this one is much larger than the same biceps and makes up about 75% of the total volume of the arm, so for those who have the goal of increasing the volume of the arms, doing exercises only for the biceps and not doing the triceps is not rational.
  • The exercise does not require special equipment, it can be performed anywhere, using a chair, bench, equipment in the stadium, and so on. Weights, if necessary, can also be any object of suitable weight.
  • Did you know? The triceps is the muscle that recovers the fastest, while the back muscles have the longest recovery time.

    Muscles involved

    Reverse push-ups are basic exercises that work more than one joint. In this case, the shoulder and elbow are involved.

    The task of the triceps muscle is to straighten the arm at the elbow, while the long head is involved together with the dorsal and shoulder muscles when moving the arm back and bringing the arm to the body.


    During the performance of the dips, all three heads of the triceps are involved:

    • lateral, most visible externally;
    • medial;
    • long.

    During execution, their contraction and stretching are felt. As a result, we get triceps in good shape, and when using weights - an increase in its volume. The combination of back push-ups with such basic exercises as, for example, french press or bench press, will give a very decent result.


    Additionally, the following muscles are involved in the exercise:

    • chest;
    • front deltas;
    • diamond-shaped;
    • the broadest;
    • forearm;
    • leg muscles.

    Implementation options

    Some variations of the reverse push-up are acceptable, preferred according to the level of the athlete.

    Beginners should focus on the floor, while more trained athletes lift them onto a support parallel to the bench.

    If he is not yet prepared for the push, he can make the dips more difficult by slightly lifting his legs in turn during each curl. When this option also becomes too simple, you can raise the thigh perpendicular to the body, bending the knees is acceptable.

    Push-ups with a strong distance of the pelvis from the support are also allowed. The increase in load is achieved by placing the pelvis closer to the support.

    Progress in the exercise occurs as the weight increases, for example, stacking plates from the barbell on the hips or putting on a weight vest.

    Correct technique

    The classic version involves the installation of two benches of the same height opposite each other. The distance is adjusted depending on the length of the legs of the athlete. The practitioner is located between the benches, placing his hands on the back with his palms down at a distance of width. The heels are set on a bench opposite. When doing dips at home, you can use chairs, a sofa, or a bed.

    Important! The load varies by the position of the legs - the narrower the setting, the more difficult it is to perform the exercise. Maximum load achieved by laying the legs on the leg. The close location of the benches simplifies the execution.

    After assuming the starting position, they move towards the support bench, straighten their legs and back, with their eyes find a fulcrum in front of them and keep their eyes on it.

    On inspiration, bend the elbows and lower the pelvis down. To avoid injury to the elbow joint, the arms should go along the body. You need to go down quite low, but without touching the floor with your buttocks, this is fraught with joints. The triceps stretches when lowered.
    An indicator of the state is a comfortable feeling in the joints.

    On exhalation, take the starting position. Returning to it, you should not unbend your arms to the end, and immediately you need to do a repetition. Thus elbow joints get rid of unnecessary load, while the triceps are loaded as much as possible.

    Important! The correct execution of the technique will confirm the burning sensation in the muscles.

    It is advisable to do reverse push-ups as close to the start of the triceps workout as possible, since they are quite energy-intensive. It makes no sense to perform the exercise in half the amplitude or in jerks.

    Rookie Mistakes

    Some athletes, especially beginners, may make common mistakes by failing. To avoid them, you need to follow the recommendations.

    When is the best time to take care of yourself?

    In general, reverse push-ups are a fairly simple exercise in the classic version. But as progress is made in it and additional techniques are applied, the possibility of injury appears. You can avoid it by following the tips.

    Important! The weight must be selected very carefully - the muscles can withstand it, but the ligaments cannot.

    Back push-ups in the best way muscles are worked out. The variety of options developed makes the exercise accessible to both advanced and beginners, regardless of gender. You can not be afraid of the notorious injuries if you follow adequate safety precautions: do not go too deep, do not put your hands wider than your shoulders and adequately apply weighting.