Also run fast. How to learn to run fast? Practical recommendations

And so you run, run constantly, regularly and often. You are on top of the world, and to be honest, you really feel like a hero these days. A stronger, healthier, more amazing version of yourself. Just a few months ago, you were struggling to climb up like an elephant. Let's enjoy this feeling for a second, because now it's time to... run faster!

You know this is true, either you are moving forward towards success or you are falling back, losing ground. There is no such thing as "standing still". In addition, in order to maintain interest, you need to push (not punish!) yourself. And if you want to lose weight, then you need to maintain these intensity levels in order to keep losing weight.

Beginner Runners

If you are still a relative beginner in running, then a little patience will not hurt. Before you can run fast, you need to learn how to run long distances. It is important to give yourself time to strengthen the leg muscles and connective tissue that will prepare the body to withstand further more intense and advanced workouts. Your main goal as a runner is to run regularly and without injury. Start harder or early and risk falling back due to injury. And if you drop out of the game at the very beginning of your running practice, there is a high risk that you will not run at all anymore. So, it's better to move slowly but surely, with each step you become better and stronger. Try to achieve the goal quickly, and most likely it will take you longer than if you were calm and patient.

That you are not yet ready to accelerate progress, with the help of advanced training methods, doesn't mean you can't start running. In fact, participating in races like the 5K is a great way to gain experience without any pressure. Not only will you learn about organized and competitive running, but you will also gain insight into your running pace and experience the joy and spirit of running.

There are several tips that will help runners of all levels to run without straining the body, and even vice versa.

1. Focus on body position

2. Slimming

Again, super easy. The less you weigh, the less your own load you have to carry, the faster you can run. This applies to any weight - be it a wheel from a bicycle, or a heavy wheel from a tractor. If you want to lose weight, then this is an additional incentive! Research shows that for every pound (half kilo) of weight lost, a runner accelerates an average of 2 seconds per mile (1.6 km). So if you lose 10 pounds, you can run a mile 20 seconds faster. For a 5K, that's 1 minute faster, and for a marathon, almost 9 minutes faster.

3. Rest and Recovery

Running every day will not make you faster. Rest is just as important as running. Therefore, rest days are necessary for the body to repair and restore muscles, strengthen tendons and ligaments. So by skipping weekends, which are vital for recovery and injury prevention, you are unlikely to see the gains in speed improvement you are striving for. Conclusion? You should not run for more than 2-3 days without a break.

4. Get stronger

Running is primarily a cardiovascular exercise. However, if you want to run well and run fast, then running requires strength. Not the same strength as a terminator, but like a karateka, for example - discreet, distributed throughout the body, stabilizing, allowing him to balance on one leg, we are talking about this kind of strength. Ultimately, your strength is determined by your weakest link.

Your center is one such link that runners often neglect; a weak center is associated with injuries and poor running performance. On the other hand, a strong and stable core means your pelvis is more likely to be aligned correctly, you land more firmly on the ground and are less prone to injury and run more economically. Simply put, your body is zen. This is not a road fight. It is strong, leveled, centered. Final result? You run smoother, faster and bonus - you get abs!

Then, legs. Research shows that regular power training can greatly improve how efficiently the body uses oxygen. Basically, strong legs, this is a lower expenditure of forces, an improvement in speed, muscle endurance and of course strength, as well as a reduction in the risk of injury.

5. Breath

You may have thought it was easy since you would have been doing it for a while, but as you may have noticed it is not as easy as you may have liked. Yes, you have known how to breathe since you were born, but you must also, in all likelihood, have lost some skills since then.

In truth, many runners experience breathing problems, which not only affects performance but motivation as well. So in addition to training your heart and legs, you need to train your lungs as well. After all, the heart can pump as much oxygen to your feet as you can breathe, no matter how strong or efficient it is.

As you can see strong respiratory system can have a huge impact on running. The better you breathe, the more oxygen gets to your feet, which means better endurance and faster speed. Research conducted at Brunel University in England confirms this, showing that runners who breathed harder also had the weakest leg muscles.

Thus, the question arises: how to breathe better? The answer is quite simple, breathe full breath. Most of us chest breathe, inhaling small, short breaths of air without fully using our lungs. And we've been breathing like this for most of our lives, which means it's become a hard-to-break habit. Abdominal breathing - that's how it's more correct. This is how we naturally should breathe from birth.

Take an example from the pros in this business - from babies. Look at any child and you will see how his tummy expands and contracts, how air enters and exits his body. Here's how it's done. When you breathe from your belly, you should inflate it like a balloon, unlike chest breathing, which raises and lowers your shoulders.

To practice, place one hand on your stomach and one on your chest. Start with slow, deep breaths, belly breathing. Feel the difference. Belly breathing allows you to use more alveoli in the lungs, take in more oxygen, which provides oxygen to the muscles and relieves fatigue. Pilates can help a little in this matter, because. it will increase flexibility, strengthen the core and improve breathing - the main things for any runner.

6. Small, quick steps

Run faster using fast, short and light steps. Beginning runners tend to take shorter but longer strides, which means you'll spend more time in the air lifting your body a little higher. It takes extra strength to lift the body like this, and landing the legs on the ground is also difficult. Smaller strides will help you land more midfoot and lift your feet off the ground more easily. Imagine walking in a field of raw eggs or hot coals. Light, fast, small steps can help increase your pace and also reduce your risk of injury.

How to Run Faster: Advanced Techniques

If you can run 8-10 kilometers continuously, regularly run 30-40 kilometers a week, then you may need extra speed. Some experts recommend waiting until you have a year of running under your belt before you start adding speed training.

Running further will just increase your endurance, but it won't be enough to help you run faster. The best way to run faster is to use a variety of running techniques that not only increase your running pace but also improve your endurance.

7. Running uphill

What it is? Running does not require the full range of motion or effort, especially when running on a flat surface. To engage in work more muscle and increase your range of motion, include hill running in your workout. The name speaks for itself. Hill running means running on an incline. Just increase the incline on the treadmill, or if you're running outdoors, find a hill or hill.

How does it improve running, what does it give? It would probably be easier to list what he does not give. Hill running forces your muscles to contract more than horizontal running, strengthens your leg muscles, and improves your cardiovascular system, making you a more powerful and powerful runner. Other benefits include faster stride, longer stride length and more economical running. What's even more amazing is how quickly it all starts to work; In just 6 short weeks, you can expect a significant improvement in speed and power. Running on a plane will seem much easier to you.

8. Speed ​​training

What it is? Another fast-paced workout, the speed workout, involves running at a difficult but manageable level. At a level outside of your comfort zone, you find it difficult to breathe, and then you gasp for air. Speed ​​training is "comfortably hard", you run fast but not too fast. If you can talk easily, or can't talk at all, then you're not in the speed zone. When you reach the required speed zone, you are able to speak, but not in full sentences.

How does it improve running? Speed ​​run probably The best way increase speed. High-speed running increases the lactic acid threshold (the body will take longer to create lactic acid - lactic acid leads to fatigue), which allows you to run faster.

9. Interval training

What it is? consists of alternating intense but short periods (usually from a few seconds to 2 minutes) speed run, and slightly longer recovery periods during which you will be walking or jogging.

How does it improve running? Interval training is a great way to improve your cardiovascular system and build endurance.

10. Fartlek

What it is?, in Swedish " speed game”, this is a fun workout, similar to interval training, in that it also alternates high-intensity intervals with recovery intervals. However, unlike interval training, Fartlek has no structure or prearranged plan. A fartlek might consist of the goal of running to a tree, a telephone booth, or a lamppost at a distance you are ready for and at a pace you are ready for, followed by a run to relax. This is especially fun to do in groups where one person takes on the role of leader and sets the rhythm/intervals, after which the next person in the group becomes the leader. It's unpredictable and fun, with no planning or timing.

How does it improve running? It can help make you run faster and improve your endurance.

Speed ​​workouts are tiring, so you should alternate your speed day with one or two days of easy running (or rest). This will allow you to develop speed while reducing the risk of injury. Start with one speed workout per week. As you progress, you can add a second intense workout. Never do more than two speed sessions per week.

Running is not only for athletes, but also for many people who lead a healthy lifestyle. This type of load is one of the most popular, as it does not require special material and time costs. Consider how to learn how to run fast and not harm your health.

Running: benefits and harms to the body

Running has a number of positive effects on the human body:

  • trains endurance;
  • enhances blood circulation and improves metabolism;
  • positively affects the cardiovascular system;
  • increases the volume of the lungs;
  • contributes to the saturation of all organs with oxygen;
  • strengthens the legs, tones and tightens the muscles;
  • burns calories;
  • good effect on the nervous system.

Important! Jogging should be done on an empty stomach, as when the stomach is full, pressure is formed on the pancreas, and there is pain in the side. In this case, the feeling of hunger should not be strong.

Video: what is useful running Since running is an intense load on the body, in some cases it can be harmful:
  • load on the musculoskeletal system. With the right running technique, this load is minimized. But for people suffering from diseases of the musculoskeletal system, such loads are usually prohibited. Do not take up this sport obese people with a thin bone - you should first get rid of excess weight;
  • This sport is contraindicated for heart patients and people who have had a heart attack or stroke; Running is undesirable for infectious diseases, after operations, during an exacerbation of chronic diseases, and in many other clinical cases. Therefore, before starting to run, patients should consult a doctor. Elderly people should also not forget that loads depend on age and health status;
  • traumatism. Almost half of runners get injured sooner or later. Usually runners get knee, foot, ankle injuries. The lower back, hips, thighs and calves, upper back, and neck may also be affected.

Execution technique

Proper running minimizes the likelihood of injury and distributes the load more evenly, helps to achieve better sports results. Long run technique short distances, recreational running have some differences from each other.

When jogging, you should adhere to the following technique:

Important! When jogging, it is important to choose your pace of running. There is a simple test for this: if a runner can say a full sentence, then he has a satisfactory running speed. Jerky short words - you should slow down. If while running you can easily speak in whole paragraphs, then you can safely increase the speed.

Video: jogging technique Technique sprint somewhat different:
  • For fast run for short distances, you should start running from a low start. It is very important at the same time to push off strongly enough and at the right angle in order to give the body more acceleration and correctly exit from the start, competently working with arms and legs;
  • during starting acceleration, the first steps are important, which are performed on fully extended legs, pushing off the surface. Do not lift your feet too high. Increase the frequency and width of the step should be gradual;
  • after the starting acceleration, when the stride length stabilizes, you should maintain the resulting speed as much as possible and not slow down at the finish line;
  • in a sprint run, the feet are placed on the surface with their front part, and the emphasis is on it. The step size of a successful sprinter is 30-40 cm longer than his body length. But this figure increases during training gradually.

Did you know? The very first Olympic Games V Ancient Greece included only running. According to legend, they were founded by the most famous hero of ancient Greek myths, Hercules, in 1210 BC. Only men could participate.

Features of long distance running:
  • maintain a high pace of running by placing the foot in front and outer part. Then there is a smooth roll over the entire foot and repulsion with a fully extended leg;
  • active high work hands At the same time, when the elbow moves back, it should be directed slightly to the outside, and when forward, the hand rushes along the midline of the body. The body is straightened, if there is a slope, then it is very slight;
  • correct rhythmic breathing, consistent with the frequency of the step, is very important. Sports breathing is frequent in order to supply the athlete's body with oxygen until the very finish. A combined breathing technique is used - with lungs and abdominals, and the second type predominates;
  • you should develop endurance and gradually increase the distance.
Video: long-distance running technique


You should start exercising at a time that is comfortable for you. It is important to choose comfortable clothes and shoes. Loads should be taken feasible and gradually increase them (increase the distance and speed of running). Training should be constant (2-3 times every week).

It is best to run with a warm-up. It usually consists of light jogging followed by a set of exercises that can significantly improve the results of the race. They help correct mistakes in running technique and train the muscle groups necessary for proper running, help the body prepare for stress.

Most of these exercises are familiar to us from the school bench, and do not require much time (10-15 minutes) and special skills. In the process of their implementation, it is important to keep your back straight and your stomach pulled in. Each exercise should be performed in 2-3 sets. If this is not possible at the beginning, then it is necessary to come to such a load gradually.

This exercise is aimed at the front femoral muscles, feet. It helps to throw out the knees while running to a sufficient height and strengthens the feet. When running, you should raise your knees high, bouncing a little. The emphasis of the feet is on the front. Do not touch the surface with your heels.

Don't forget to use your arms like you would when running and don't slouch. The thigh should be thrown in a straight line with the pelvis or slightly higher. Each leg is raised 10 times per set.

This exercise strengthens the knees and the back of the thighs, teaches you how to place the foot correctly. During the run, bending the knees, the shins are alternately retracted, and the runner tries to reach the buttocks with his heel.

Also work with your hands, gently spring, landing on the foot, and bounce. Each leg is thrown back 10 times with each approach.

Designed to strengthen the tibial muscles and ankle joints. Helps the runner to feel all the muscles of the foot, which he pushes off when running.

We make a roll from heel to toe with a push and step forward with the other foot. After that, we put the pushing leg completely on the surface and make a roll with the other leg. Perform 10 rolls in 1 set.

Strengthens muscles rear surface hips and calves, trains endurance. The repulsion of the legs occurs when the push leg is straightened, and the fly leg is bent at the knee and extended forward.

Landing is done on the whole foot. You can't land on your heels. Work with your hands like when running. A slight tilt of the body forward is possible. Can be replaced by jumping rope. Each approach is performed for 15-20 seconds.

Jumping (multi-jumping)

Helps to strengthen the muscles of the legs and increase the speed of the runner. Move forward with each step, bouncing each time. Move your arms like you're running. The exercise is performed for 15-20 seconds

Strengthens the muscles of the legs, enhances the push of the leg. Running is performed with straightened knees and legs at a step are at an angle of 45 degrees. Each time the foot of the supporting leg is actively lowered to the surface and a feeling of movement is created by jumping. Hands move like when running. One approach is performed for 20 seconds.

Strengthens the muscles of the back, abs, buttocks, back of the thighs. It is aimed at improving coordination, contributes to the development of peripheral vision.

Did you know? Experts believe that human health depends almost 50% on lifestyle, 20% on the external environment and ecology, 20% on heredity, 10% on the level of health care.

Run back, bending your knee and taking a step back. The foot meets the surface with its front part, then a roll is made. Without completely rolling, take a step back with the second leg. The exercise takes 20 seconds per set.

Cross step running

Makes you more mobile hip joint, strengthens the muscles of the foot and thighs. We take a step to the side with one foot, and the second we step behind the first leg. Again we take a step to the side with the first foot, and then again step with the second foot, which is already placed in front of the first foot.

The exercise is performed first with right leg to the right side for 15 seconds and then from the left leg to the left side for each set.

Video: Cross-Step Running Technique

Walking on toes with a straight leg

The exercise works out the calf muscles, trains lower press and lumbar muscles. We throw a straight leg forward, touching its toe with the opposite hand. The foot is pulled over. We lower the leg, taking a step, and repeat the movement with the other leg. Do 10 times with each leg.

Strengthens the muscles of the foot, the back of the thighs and the muscles that flex the hips, trains endurance. Almost the same movements are made as when running with high knees, but after bringing the hip to the level of the pelvis, the lower leg is thrown forward and rises to the surface.

The supporting leg immediately after the push is brought back a little, and then the hip begins to be thrown forward and the movement is repeated, but already from it. The run in this way is performed for 15-20 seconds in one approach.
Muscles involved in running and cycling

Healthy lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle (abbreviated HLS) is aimed at the prevention and promotion of health through proper nutrition, exercise, spiritual balance and the rejection of bad habits.

HLS contains the following elements:

  • instilling healthy habits from childhood;
  • external habitat - ecology, safety, etc.;
  • complete rejection of health-damaging habits - alcohol, drugs, smoking, etc.;
  • rational nutrition - balanced and high-quality food;
  • physical activity - sports (running, gymnastics, yoga, etc.) taking into account age and physiology;
  • personal hygiene;
  • hardening of the body;
  • emotional condition;
  • intellectual self-sufficiency - the ability to recognize and use information to optimize actions under different circumstances;
  • spiritual state - the ability to determine goals for life, an optimistic attitude.
Video: healthy lifestyle rules Doing sports or exercise is the key to good health. Jogging has a positive effect on metabolic processes in the body and the nervous system.

To achieve and improve athletic performance, successful athletes recommend following these tips:

  • insurmountable obstacles. There are always excuses for bad habits. Passion, and other harmful substances for the body, as well as demeanor, harmful psychological attachment - all this leads to a mental or chemical imbalance in the body. Psychology will help to give up bad habits and products. The reasons for such addictions should be well understood;
  • support of loved ones. It is very important that close people share and support your views and aspirations to achieve results in sports, and also understand that this will take time and effort;
  • switch to plant foods. Many famous athletes prefer vegetarian food. It increases energy levels, concentrates attention, improves mood, promotes good sleep, and also normalizes blood pressure and lowers cholesterol.
    A plant-based menu also promotes weight loss, and helps athletes quickly recover from running and achieve better performance. Plant foods are a great way to strengthen your body;
  • try to avoid buying unhealthy foods. To do this, avoid the center shelves in supermarkets. So sometimes you want to buy appetizing looking, but not healthy food, so try to approach the shelves with cereals, vegetables and fruits in large supermarkets;
  • watch your results improve. Celebrate the achievement of intermediate goals, praise yourself for it, be proud of your results. This is a strong enough motivation;
  • training must be correct. It is very important to choose good coach, who monitors workouts, gives sound advice. Beginners often overexert themselves during training and during the recovery process, which causes harm to their body. To develop endurance, you need not to process during sports and make sure that the pulse does not exceed the allowable (aerobic) threshold;
  • never back down. Only 10% of people go on a diet. One of the reasons is that the kilograms are quickly lost in the first 6 weeks and the person thinks that the weight will continue to fall without problems. But the weight loss process then slows down and motivation drops. Therefore, it is important not to despair and move on. You should always be aware that the harder it becomes to achieve a result, the more motivation decreases and it is more difficult to improve. But remember, if it gets hard, this is the right way. Don't despair and everything will work out.
Video: how to start a healthy lifestyle

Proper nutrition for running

Special nutrition during running provides support for the body. Eating before a run is very important.

When choosing products for breakfast, you can use the following tips:

An important point is nutrition after running. You should not start eating immediately after running, activity gastrointestinal tract reduced during this period.

Video: nutrition before, during and after running But to quench your thirst, as well as to maintain a balance of carbohydrates, it is recommended to drink a glass. You can also opt for a milkshake, sweet tea with cookies or chocolate candy.

About half an hour after the sport, you can take food. The amount of carbohydrates needed in the diet after running should correspond to the following proportions - about 0.8-1.5 g per 1 kg of total weight, and protein should be about 25 g.

First of all, these are cereals made from milk with the addition of raisins, etc. 100 g of this contains 70 g of carbohydrates and 10 g of protein. Potatoes, flour products, meat products, honey and jam will also provide all the necessary substances. Sports nutrition is a big hit.

  • after running classes, half of the gainer norm and a special complex with amino acids 5 g of BCAA are taken. This will not only quench your thirst, but also restore energy reserves, activate the production of insulin;
  • after 1/3 hour, it is necessary to take a dose of 500 mg to protect muscle mass cells from oxidation products that occur during physical exertion;
  • 60 minutes after consumption food additives you need to eat a special complex in the form of dry mixes, shakes, bars with a high protein content or protein with carbohydrates.

In order to exercise intensively and maintain a trained body in good condition, it is important to balance your diet, taking into account physical activity.

Choice of comfortable clothes and shoes

Clothing for running classes, first of all, should be comfortable, not restrict movement. Appearance clothes (how fashionable, beautiful, colors) depends on the personal preferences of the owner. The choice of clothing for running depends on the season.
So in the summer, when the air temperature outside is from +20 to +32 degrees, you need to choose clothes that are lighter. Girls can choose a light top or a sports swimsuit, cycling tracks, and men are better off opting for shorts or swimming trunks.

T-shirts and t-shirts are also good. A cotton T-shirt would be a budget option, but keep in mind that cotton absorbs and retains sweat, and because of this, an odor may appear.

T-shirts that tightly fit the torso should be avoided so as not to provoke irritation and damage to the skin. If funds allow, then it is best to choose a T-shirt or T-shirt special for sports, the fabric of which does not absorb moisture and passes air well, and also does not prevent sweat from evaporating from the skin.

To protect your head from the sun's rays, it is recommended to wear a hat. A bandana is perfect for this purpose, it will not be blown away by the wind, and it will not fly off during training. At an air temperature of +10-20°C, a sports suit made of light fabrics is recommended.

Video: what to run on the street in winter, autumn, summer

If sports often take place in the evening, then it is advisable to purchase a tracksuit, jacket, T-shirt or T-shirt, shoes with reflective stripes on the front and back. IN winter period for running classes, you need to choose clothes that will warm in the cold, but at the same time are comfortable, not restricting movement.

At an air temperature of -15 to +10°C, in addition to a T-shirt, you should wear a sweatshirt or a light sports jacket. The head must be insulated by wearing a knitted hat. When a strong cold wind blows, it is better to warm up by slipping a sweater under the jacket.

When the outside temperature is below -15°C, it is better to wear a warm wool sweater, warm socks and gloves to protect the limbs from frost. Sneakers need to be tightly laced up so that snow does not get into them. It is good to wear thermal underwear that protects in the cold.
When the weather is below minus 25 ° C, it is better to run only for well-trained runners. You need to dress even warmer - a woolen sweater, anorak jacket. In addition to warm gloves and socks, it is recommended to protect the face in order to avoid frostbite of the skin.

As footwear for sports activities sneakers fit well. Please note that shoes should be comfortable and not tight. In summer, in the heat, it is better to choose lighter sneakers, and in winter, warm ones with a thicker sole that does not harden in the cold and therefore remains flexible.

You should not buy expensive shoes, it is important that they are comfortable and have cushioning qualities. If the running process takes place on asphalt, then the sneakers must be with a thick sole, which has double shock absorbers in the heel and toe area.

well chosen sport shoes protects the athlete's musculoskeletal system from the vertical load during the run. It is not recommended to run in sneakers, ballet flats, moccasins and other shoes with thin soles.
Such shoes will only increase the load, as well as cause serious inconvenience. Shoes, boots and boots are completely unsuitable for running. Well-chosen running clothes and shoes will not only create a more comfortable working environment, but also help to avoid injury.

Did you know? In 1961, Australian sheep farmer Klmff Young won an ultramarathon against professional runners, although this was the first time he had competed in running. He ran in five days, 15 hours 4 minutes (875 km). At first, he noticeably lagged behind, but, saving on sleep, he pulled ahead and won. It was customary for him to stay up for a long time, grazing sheep.

To become good runner you need to exercise regularly and properly, monitor your health and nutrition. This will help to achieve certain results in speed, reduce weight, strengthen general state organism.

People who have moved to healthy lifestyle life, are interested in how to run correctly. Running workouts enable a person to put the body in order and put an end to hypodynamia. But before you start running, you need to learn about their reasonable dosage, recommended jogging time, proper running technique and methodology. If you don’t arm yourself with knowledge about how to start running correctly in advance, then instead of benefiting, it’s easy to harm your health.

Where to start training

You should start jogging along a pre-planned route and with leisurely walks. To improve the tone of the cardiovascular system, it is enough to walk 15 minutes a day. Only after 4-6 walking workouts is it allowed for an unprepared person to start running, alternating it with a dynamic gait. The running route and the intensity of the run should be increased no earlier than 2 months after the start of training.

Start running from 15 minutes, then gradually work up to 50 minutes a day, then the health benefits of running will be tangible. The route of the runner and the pace of training also increase gradually. You choose the frequency of jogging for yourself, but for efficiency you need to run at least 3 times a week. What matters is not what time it is better to run, but what terrain is chosen for daily runs. Running on tracks that have descents and ascents is the most productive, as it happens exercise stress on all muscle groups, but it is suitable only for experienced athletes. The best place in order to run for beginners there will be dirt paths of the forest park zone.

If you have to run on asphalt, then choose high-quality running shoes with cushioning, because they don’t save on health. Choose shoes of your size and lace them properly to secure your heels. Choose the time for running according to your schedule. The main thing is that jogging is fun and does not bring inconvenience.

How to run correctly - running technique

A beginner runner needs to know about proper running technique. If the run happens at random, then sooner or later you will have to be treated for inflammation respiratory tract or joint injuries. If you have never run, you have underdeveloped calves that slow down your running process, as well as weak hips, abs, buttocks and lower back. In this scenario, you will run, sticking out your pelvis and arching your back. Stoop is also the enemy of novice runners - they are easily recognizable by their depressed chest, twisted shoulders.

The solution to the above problems during running is the correct pre-run warm-up, which includes breathing exercises, pull-ups, push-ups. To develop knee stability and hip mobility, do gymnastic stretches after running from Pilates movements or yoga poses that can be learned from videos on the Internet. Correct technique long distance running:

  • inhale two steps, exhale two steps;
  • the gaze is directed forward;
  • furnaces are lowered and straightened;
  • the press is tense;
  • arms bent at the elbows 90 degrees;
  • the foot lands without unnecessary movements strictly under the center of gravity of the body;
  • the heel touches the ground in the last fraction of a second, then immediately comes off;
  • should be repelled only with a toe;
  • the impact on the surface of the earth is softened by a bent leg;
  • while lowering the leg, relaxation is desirable;
  • learn how to regulate the speed of running not by the frequency of the step, but by the inclination of the body.

Is it good to run in the morning

Those who are interested in how to run in the morning should know what to run on empty stomach Absolutely forbidden. Although running in the morning is to earn good health for the whole day, such a load will bring benefits to those who go to bed early, that is, "larks". If you go to bed no earlier than 2 a.m., then jogging in the morning is unlikely to be enjoyable and will not bring benefits.

Start your morning run with a small snack that will not overload your stomach and give your body extra energy. Eat a couple of apples or one banana for breakfast right before your run - this light meal will provide you with the nutrients you need for your run. Runners, regardless of the time of day, should take a bottle of non-carbonated water with them to replenish the water reserves that are wasted during intense running.

On the expediency of evening jogging

How to run correctly in the evenings, “owls” are interested, that is, those who do not wake up early due to their biological rhythm. Evening runs will relieve the stress accumulated during the day, provide a sound and healthy sleep, if you run an hour before dinner. Increase the frequency and time of evening runs gradually, depending on your physical condition. Use additional heart rate devices that notify you of overloads while running. They will help you get additional motivation and correctly calculate the duration of your runs.

Effective running for weight loss

People with overweight are interested in how to run in order to lose weight. Before you carry out long runs for weight loss, consult your doctor, because fitness has contraindications. Among them are varicose and peptic ulcers, coronary pathology and heart defects, vertebral deformities and diseases in the acute stage.

If medicine gives the go-ahead, then it does not matter when it is better to run to lose weight - in the morning or in the evening, in winter or summer. It is important that the training takes more than half an hour. It is at this time that the maximum burning of fat layers occurs. If it’s too hard for beginners to run intensively, then start your workout with a quick walk, then alternate with regular short runs. Over time, run for weight loss, bring up to 60 minutes.

Benefits of running for men and women

3-5 weeks after the start of jogging, capillaries begin to work normally in the runner's body, muscle work improves. Jogging begins to bring pleasure, as the body produces the hormone of happiness endorphin while jogging. Let's take a closer look at the benefits of running at any time of the day:

  • Great way to train your muscles.
  • The release of the body from harmful substances that come out with sweat.
  • Hardening and increasing the body's resistance to colds.
  • At correct running the cardiovascular and immune systems are trained.
  • Improves blood supply to internal organs.
  • Jogging helps burn fat.
  • Discipline and willpower are formed.

Before you start running, make sure you are properly prepared. In order not to give up jogging, clearly define your goals: increasing immunity, losing weight, a beautiful figure, etc. Start small to desire running at the beginning of the journey did not lead to subsequent injuries. The key to success is good running program and realistic goal.

  1. Breath. Make sure you breathe properly while running.
  2. Diversity. Choose the right places for jogging with beautiful views. In order not to get bored, take a player with you for a run and listen to your favorite music while running.
  3. Don't be afraid of difficulties. If you can't run outside, use the treadmill at the gym.
  4. The right equipment. Choose synthetic fabrics for running clothes, because natural cotton fabric absorbs moisture and can cause chafing during intense running.
  5. Avoid steep climbs. Remember that for a novice athlete, a cross-country running route is too traumatic. There is a risk of falling and the load on weak ankles, shins, knees, hips, and back increases while running.
  6. Don't skip your workout. An organism unprepared for running loads can fail in the most unexpected situation. The frequency of training and the level of training of a runner should not be a reason to miss warm-up complex exercises.

Want to learn how to learn to run fast? Many people think that this requires good sports data. In fact, even with modest abilities, a certain set of exercises will help to significantly improve results. The main thing at the same time is the regularity of classes, the correct execution of exercises and, of course, perseverance. The workout should be fifteen to twenty minutes.

Exercise 1

In order to run very fast, you need to develop certain muscle groups that affect the speed-strength qualities. Running with a high knee lift will help strengthen the iliopsoas and quadriceps femoris muscles. At regular performance of this exercise, the running technique itself is significantly improved: the thigh is correctly carried out and the foot is placed. While jumping, the knees should be raised as high as possible, moving forward. The exercise is performed on toes, the heels of the floor do not touch. Keep your back straight, tighten your stomach.

Exercise 2

In order to solve the problem of how to learn how to run fast, you should pay attention to the muscles of the thigh, in particular its back surface. During the next exercise, the foot learns to stand correctly on the supporting surface. Performing this task, you need to run in place, while bouncing high, trying to reach with your heels gluteal muscles. Keep your back straight, tighten your stomach.

Exercise 3

Those who ask themselves the question of how to run fast should pay attention to the following exercise. It is necessary, pushing off with your feet, to actively jump from foot to foot, moving forward. The amplitude of the steps should be as large as possible. This exercise helps to significantly increase speed by strengthening the muscles of the legs and increasing the repulsion when running.

Exercise 4

Do not think that when deciding how to learn how to run fast, you need to do only running exercises. Next exercise- jumping in place with a change in the position of the legs. You should initially put one foot in front of the other, and then, in a jump on toes, change their arrangement. You can’t lower your heels to the floor, your arms move, as when running, don’t slouch your back, tighten your stomach. This workout perfectly strengthens the calf muscles, as well as the buttocks and hips, while improving the technique of breeding and advancing the hips, as a result, the running speed will increase.

Exercise 5

Another "non-running" exercise that will help in resolving the issue of how to learn how to run fast. So, you should perform lifts on the half-fingers (exhalation), while straining the calf muscles, then you can return to the PI (on inspiration). When performing this exercise, the feet and calf muscles are trained. The load on the joints is reduced, while the speed of running increases. Can be complicated this exercise, performing lifting on one leg, while bending the second leg at the knee and placing it, for example, on a chair. Then the legs should be changed.

Exercise 6

Perfectly increase the strength of the quadriceps femoris and calf muscles jumping. You should perform them on straight legs, pushing off with all your might from the floor and keeping your hands on your belt. The body is straight, the stomach is tense.

Exercise 7

To strengthen the tibial muscles and the ankle, you need to regularly roll from heel to toe.

At regular workouts this complex will significantly increase the speed of running, strengthening the muscles involved in running movements.

It is hard to find among runners those who would not like to run faster. Amateurs and pros, juniors and senior athletes all want to increase their running speed. Why does it depend? How to learn to run fast? If we abstract from the relief, weather conditions, then only from two factors: genetics and training.

At the same time, in the process of training, the number of mitochondria in the muscles can change, and, accordingly, their ability to generate energy with the participation of oxygen. It is also important for speed, especially over long distances. In addition, training leads to hypertrophy of the muscle fiber and the percentage of muscles will also change.

In untrained people, fast fibers are usually glycolytic, that is, type B predominates, and slow fibers are oxidative. This will be enough for mini-sprint races of 20-30 m to the bus stop or, for example, to the entrance from the meeting with the neighbor's dog. But of course, it is absolutely not enough for a competitive sprint and, moreover, fast running for medium and long distances. There is no way without targeted training.

Mitochondria are unique organelles in which glucose or fatty acid molecules are broken down into carbon dioxide and water during a cascade of reactions, resynthesizing ATP, which is necessary for muscle contraction. At the same time, it does not form lactic acid molecules, which “acidify” the muscle, as with glycolysis. Due to the appearance of additional mitochondria, fast muscle fibers according to their oxidative potential, they are converted from glycolytic to intermediate, and the transition of intermediate fibers to oxidative ones is also possible.

Even if it didn’t work out with genetics, by training regularly, you can significantly improve your performance and achieve good, and sometimes excellent results!

Maximum oxygen consumption

The role of muscles in providing speed qualities is great, but, of course, not absolute. Indeed, in order for the muscles, as well as other vital organs to receive oxygen, the coordinated work of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems is necessary.

The most famous indicator that describes the connection and efficiency of these systems and muscles is maximum oxygen consumption(MIC or VO2 max), which shows the amount of oxygen (in milliliters) that a person is able to consume within 1 minute.

The average BMD for young untrained men is 45 ml/min/kg, for women it is 38 ml/min/kg.

As a result of training, not only the number of mitochondria in the muscles increases, but also physiological adaptations occur such as an increase in blood plasma volume, systolic volume of the heart and stroke volume, tissue capillarization and, ultimately, such adaptations cause an improvement in the efficiency of oxygen transport to muscle cells and its use, and this is the key to improving performance in medium and long distance races.

BMD depends on genetic factors, age, sex, and is also closely related to muscle mass and quite accurately reflects the level of fitness.

Up to 20 years there is an increase in the value of the IPC, from 25 to 35 years - stabilization and from 35 years - a gradual decrease in the IPC.

By the age of 65, the maximum oxygen consumption decreases by about a third.

Running Economy

Although knowledge of VO2 max will be quite informative, nevertheless, in long-distance competitions, it is rather not the maximum that can be squeezed out of oneself that is important, but the submaximal speed that the athlete can maintain throughout the entire distance. And this speed will depend on the BMD, and on the ability to utilize fats, the ability of buffer systems to deal with lactate “acidification”, on the running technique that allows you to optimally use the body's resources, etc. Actually, all this is united by such an integral concept as running economy. Running economy can vary up to 20% for runners with the same IPC. For well-trained athletes with similar VO2 max values, running economy is the best predictor of performance.

Therefore, it is precisely the increase in the economy of running that will improve performance, and hence the speed of long-distance runners.

Summarizing the above, I would like to emphasize that the athlete's running speed will be largely determined by his genetics.

In the same time proper workouts allow you to significantly increase the speed of running due to adaptive processes occurring in the muscles, respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

Interview with Dmitry Nikolaychuk

What exercises for the development of running speed in athletes are used in practice? How can amateur runners increase their running speed?

Professional athletes are the best at speed development. Approaches and "secrets" on how to learn to run fast, shared Dmitry Nikolaychuk, member of the Ukrainian national team athletics, champion of Kiev, prize-winner of the Championships of Ukraine in athletics 2013-2018, postgraduate student of the Institute of History of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

- Hello, Dima! Our readers will be interested to get acquainted with the experience of a professional athlete. Please tell us what approaches are used to develop speed among amateurs?

- It's hard to name me professional athlete. I would say I'm just a professional, since my main job is scientific activity plus coaching practice, which, however, does not prevent me from competing at official competitions. Although after each pedestal at the NC, the club and the coach tell me that it's enough to mock others with such an approach, a way of life.

- So here it is. The main approach in working with amateurs is do no harm 🙂 But in fact, before training running speed, a person needs to have a certain “base” (level physical training, strength training, endurance), training and recovery time, and motivation (goal). Accordingly, if there is no “base” or it is weak, we first work with it, laying the foundation, without which further progress will be impossible.

- If a runner has a sufficient base and experience, we determine what his goals are and how much time per week (month) he is ready to devote to training. Moreover, the training schedule should also be combined with competent recovery, and take into account different life situations. You need to develop gradually, step by step, make sure that there is no overtraining. Due to the peculiarities of the employment of amateurs - the main work, often the family, you need to try so that training harmoniously fits into life, and does not create additional stress for the trainee and others. There are so many stresses in life that affect our health, mood, running technique, etc.

- Well, Dima, the importance of the base is clear. Let's say we are lucky, there is an amateur with a good base who wants, for example, to improve his performance by 5 or 10 km, what exercises should be used to increase running speed?

– In this case, training for the development of speed can be based on three “pillars” known to us since the last century:

  1. Slides
  2. Segments

- Here, please tell us in more detail 🙂

- Of course, now let's go through each of the points.

Exercises for the development of running speed


Slides are quite a versatile exercise, including in order to increase endurance, strength and learn to run fast. In addition to strengthening many of the muscles involved in running, hill running also improves cardiovascular and oxygen efficiency. And this means that by training slides, a person will be able to run faster.

Important points:

  • it is worth starting with running on low hills, with a slight slope and short distances (50-60 m.).
  • after the slides, be sure to jog and “run up” your legs, that is, make several short accelerations on a flat one;
  • slides can be done 1-2 times a week, depending on the overall training volumes and tasks.

Special running exercises

Special running exercises (SBU) are speed exercises that affect muscle groups that affect the economy and efficiency of movements during running. And the more economical the run is, the faster the speed in a given segment.

These are the muscles of the front and back surfaces of the thigh, the hip flexor muscles, the knee joint, the gastrocnemius muscles, the flexor muscles of the foot and lower leg, which produce repulsion, the muscles responsible for bringing the hips together, the muscles of the buttocks, the muscles of the press and back.

In addition, SBU contribute to the improvement of intermuscular coordination.

What kind of exercises do you recommend?

– Regarding exercise:

  1. Running with an overlap of the lower leg

The exercise is mainly aimed at warming up the knee joint and strengthening the muscles of the back of the thigh.


In this exercise, a kind of elastic run is performed with alternate bending feet in knee joint and throwing the shins to the buttocks. In this case, it is important to touch the buttocks with the heels and a high step frequency.

During the exercise, the torso is slightly tilted forward, the shoulders are relaxed, the arms work as they do when running (or simply behind the back). When performing the exercise, pay attention to the soft and silent removal of the leg from the support.

  1. Running with high hips

The exercise affects the muscles of the anterior surface and the flexors of the hip, foot, and also improves intermuscular coordination.


Standing on the foot, you need to alternately raise the thigh of the fly leg high. The hip rises parallel to the surface, and when landing, the leg is elastically placed on the support. You need to maintain a high frequency of performing leg raises.

During this exercise, the shoulders should be relaxed, the arms bent at the elbows, the supporting leg and torso should be on the same line. The foot lands on the front, the back should be flat. Beginners can work with their hands, experienced runners can isolate their hands behind their backs.

  1. Running on straight legs

The exercise affects the calf muscles, as well as the muscles responsible for the reduction-breeding of the hips. Helps improve repulsion.


When performing the exercise, the straightened leg is actively placed on the support and the fly leg is quickly carried out, approximately at an angle of 45 °. In this case, there is a rapid progress.

The body is almost vertical, with a slight tilt back. Hands perform active work, as in running.

  1. deer run

The exercise is aimed at developing the calf muscles and the muscles of the back of the thigh.


When repulsed, the pushing leg is fully extended, and the swing leg is brought forward, bent at the knee joint. Hands work in different ways, helping to maintain balance. The position of the body is upright, with a slight inclination forward.

  1. "Bike"

This exercise helps to strengthen the muscles of the back of the thigh and the hip flexors, as well as the foot.


The leg is bent at the knee joint, the thigh is raised parallel to the ground. Further, the shin is carried forward and the leg with a raking movement begins to fall down onto the support under the center of gravity. After pushing, the pushing leg is swept back and the movement is repeated, but from the other leg.

The body is in a vertical position. Hands perform active movement in a large amplitude.

  1. Lunges

Lunges develop balance, stability and coordination


The exercise is done slowly. The step should be long enough so that the angle of the front leg is straight.

The widest possible steps, placing the foot on the heel, deep squatting. At correct execution the next two days, all the muscles of the legs will remind of themselves in the most unexpected places.

  1. mincing run

The exercise develops running technique and coordination.

Short steps as long as your own foot. Landing on a toe, relaxed shoulders and arms.

More exercises and techniques for their execution can be viewed in this video:

SBU can be practiced independently, at home, but it is desirable that the trainer “set” the exercise technique first.


Segments are direct work with speed. Depending on the goals and objectives, the intensity of running and the length of the segments will vary.

What is important:

  • for high-speed work, amateurs will have enough 200-300 m segments
  • after each segment you need a good rest-recovery (about 8 minutes).
  • for beginners, the number of segments should not be large, 3-5 will be enough; the main thing is to work out the accelerations themselves with high quality.
  • it is best to do speed work rested and “fresh”, for example on Tuesday after a rest on Monday or even on Wednesday.
  • when working with more trained athletes who have experience and a good base, the number of segments, length - can be increased depending on the tasks.

- Dima, please tell me, will the exercises for running long distances and medium distances differ and in what way?

- On early stages- Hardly ever. Then, of course, for middle-distance runners, along with the development of speed, it will be necessary to adapt the body to the need to utilize lactate, to work in the “acidification” mode. For long-distance runners - important from the point of view. metabolism will be the establishment of a fat oxidation system, which is achieved by long runs in the aerobic zone.

– How about using tempo workouts at marathon pace for amateur long-distance runners?

- It is hardly necessary for most fans. Everything, of course, will depend on the goals and objectives of training. For some, this type of training will also be relevant. But due to the loads that it gives to the cardiovascular system, it must be used wisely. It is not for nothing that all track and field training systems necessarily include a long slow run. The popularizer of introducing such a run into the practice of training athletes was Arthur Lydiard. It is a slow long run that helps develop the cardiovascular system for subsequent intense loads during high-speed work.

- What about using a running exercise like - (variable speed running) to improve running speed?

- - this is also a very good way when used correctly. For example, alternating short accelerations with jogging can be used to develop speed skills. Longer accelerations, shorter jogging times, can be used to develop speed endurance.

- In general, in training you need to take into account everything. Athletes have a popular saying “the plan is not a dogma, but a guide to action.” By the way, which, as it turned out for me, was paraphrased from an article by Engels and Marx.

- I see, thank you very much, Dima!

- Please! And do not forget about the need for high-quality recovery after training. Otherwise, all the results of the preparation can “reduce to zero”. There will be good basic training - the speed will come! Train regularly and don't rush! Remember - you go in for sports in the first place to improve your health!