Extension of arms with dumbbells while sitting. Bending the hands in the wrists with dumbbells while sitting

There are many options for curling arms for biceps with dumbbells, each of them has its own peculiarity and technique. The options are in position: standing, sitting and even lying down at a 45 degree angle. First of all, we will consider the technique of classical lifts, which are performed both simultaneously with two hands, and alternately.

What muscles work

Standing dumbbell curls for biceps work brachioradialis and brachialis at the beginning of the movement when bending the elbows, and after supination, included in the work biceps shoulder (biceps), contracting as much as possible at the top point. Dumbbell lifts for biceps in a sitting position are also performed, while the technique does not change, the only thing is that the body on a vertical bench will be fixed and will not allow the body to sway. Both options can be performed with two hands or alternately.

Technique: lifting dumbbells for biceps

  1. Standing or sitting, legs are shoulder-width apart. We hold dumbbells in our hands, placing them on the sides near the hips.
  2. Exhale: bend one arm at the elbow, working at the expense of the biceps.
  3. Inhale: extend the elbow three times slower than in flexion, smoothly performing the movement.

Do the same number of times for each hand. Optimal to do 3-4 sets, depending on the level physical training and working weight 8-12 reps.

Incline Dumbbell Curl

Great alternative classic lifts, which is performed lying on a bench at an angle of 45 degrees. With this option, the biceps receives an isolated load at the top point during supination of the hands. And also work brachial and brachioradial.

In this option, it is impossible to perform cheating - rocking the body, and perform bending by inertia.

  1. Set the bench at an angle of 45 degrees, hold dumbbells in your hands and sit on the bench, lower yourself onto your back.
  2. Hands in a hanging position under the bench.
  3. Keep your head up while watching the movement of your hands. For pain in shoulder joints, perform a variation on a bench sitting at an angle of 90 degrees.
  4. Exhale: first, bend with one hand, in the middle of the movement, turn the hand to the shoulder, contracting the biceps as much as possible in the upper phase.
  5. Inhale: Slowly lower your arm without dropping down, leaving your elbow slightly bent to prevent sprains.
  6. After full extension, repeat the same movement with the other hand.

For each side, do 8-12 times alternately, and also 3-4 sets.

Concentrated curls with dumbbells

Another great exercise for isolated study of the biceps. In a sitting position, first bending with one hand with dumbbells is performed, then it changes to the other. Its essence is that the elbow is pressed against the inner surface of the shoulder, and it will be impossible to perform a snatch. In this case big weight dumbbells are not needed.

Lifting dumbbells for biceps, on the Scott bench

Bending the arms with dumbbells "Hammer"

The hammer grip can be performed both standing and sitting. The technique excludes supination, hands and forearms do not turn, which increases the load on the brachioradialis muscle. Therefore, this technique is also used for working out. "Hammer" can be performed both simultaneously with two hands, and alternately.

Recommendations: how to raise dumbbells for biceps

A huge variety of techniques and options for biceps exercises allows you to choose your own technique for high-quality biceps work without injury, taking into account the individual characteristics of the joints. But don't get hung up on one option, change sets of exercises, changing grips, equipment, adding the number of exercises to eliminate stagnation in progress. Important, movement for effort, when lifting dumbbells, must be performed on exhalation. Moreover, the movement should be quite fast, but not jerky. And the relaxation phase should last three times longer, and must be performed on inspiration. Between sets withstand 1-2 minutes to recover, do not overload your muscles otherwise you will get the opposite effect.

Biceps exercises with dumbbells in video format

Bent over arms- one of the most effective exercises to work out the triceps muscle of the shoulder (triceps). To achieve a pronounced relief of the hands, when drawing up a training program, this isolated exercise should be combined with. In the article you will learn all the nuances of the correct technique and become one step closer to the ideal body!

Benefits of exercise

The advantage of extending the arm in a tilt is in a strong load on the triceps, which occupies approximately 2/3 of the entire mass fraction of the shoulder muscles. Many athletes focus on completely forgetting about the triceps, but in vain. Without her training, one cannot get a beautiful and harmonious relief of the hands.

The exercise is universal, suitable for both men and women. Bent-over dumbbell extensions are best done at the end of the triceps complex in order to “squeeze” the muscle as much as possible and ultimately get the desired result.

Adding this exercise to sports training will help you:

  • pump up triceps muscle shoulder
  • pull up rear surface hands, get rid of sagging (this is especially true for women);
  • get rid of muscle asymmetry (in case of exercise with one hand);
  • get the desired relief.

To perform extensions, only dumbbells are needed, so the exercise can be performed not only in gym, but also at home, finalizing the muscular relief without the help of special simulators and other expensive equipment.

Description of technology

Extending the arm back with a dumbbell in an incline is allowed to do two hands or each in turn.

  • In the first case you need to bend your knees slightly to achieve stability;

  • and the second option provides for the support of the second hand on the bench, to stabilize the movement.

When doing a sports set with one arm, you can take more weight, thereby increasing the load on the triceps and making the workout more effective.

  1. Before starting the exercise, you need to straighten your back, bend your lower back and lower your body just above the parallel of the floor.
  2. Press the elbow tightly against the body and fix this position throughout the approach.
  3. Dumbbells to take in neutral grip(when the palms are facing the body), take a deep breath, feel the tension of the line from the shoulder to the elbow, perform a full extension of the arm back, raising the dumbbell slightly above the level of the back, then return to the starting position.
  4. It is important to keep the torso motionless, clearly controlling your movements, not wasting energy on swaying the torso.

Advice for newbies: pause for a second at the top and lowest point.

Don't forget about correct breathing: at the end of the effort (when the elbow is extended) - exhale, while bending - inhale.

Perform arm extensions with dumbbells while standing in an incline, slowly, maintaining a calm pace.

Bent over arm extension exercise technique in video format:

Sets and Reps

For maximum effectiveness of the set, you need to do 2-3 sets of 10-15 reps.
Average dumbbell weight for men - 7 kg each, for women - 3 kg.

The load on the elbow is minimal, which virtually eliminates the risk of injury. However, in order to achieve a quick result and maintain the health of muscles and joints, it is better, which will not only show the correct technique for performing the exercise, but also make up or set muscle mass.

Dumbbell extensions - an exercise to work out the triceps muscle of the shoulder, that is, the triceps. This exercise focuses on the long head of the triceps. It can be performed in different provisions- sitting, standing, lying, from behind the head, etc. In this article, we will look at all the options for performing dumbbell extensions and tell you how to effectively use this exercise in your training program.

Different types of arm extensions with a dumbbell load the long head of the triceps almost equally, but due to the individual anatomical features of the athletes, it is more convenient for some athletes to perform the exercise standing or lying down, with one dumbbell or two. Most often, dumbbell extensions are performed in the following variations:

  • With one dumbbell in an incline;
  • With one dumbbell sitting or standing from behind the head;
  • With two dumbbells sitting or standing from behind the head;
  • With two or one dumbbell lying down.

All of the described exercise options contribute to the growth of the triceps and increase its relief. Since dumbbell extensions are not basic exercise, then it should be performed at the end of the training after the basic work to finish off the muscle and get the pumping effect.

The one-dumbbell single-arm extension will require more concentration from you, but it will also allow you to feel the muscle more. When performing the bending of one arm, you will need to support the first with the other hand. If you are uncomfortable sitting, or there is no bench with a back, then you can perform dumbbell extensions while standing. The execution technique is no different.

This exercise is very difficult to heavily load the triceps when working with large weights. Other types of extensions are more effective. Incline dumbbell extensions are great for improving triceps definition for girls.

Extension of arms with dumbbells lying down

This exercise is also called french press in dumbbells lying down. The execution technique is very simple:

  • Lie down on a bench, grab dumbbells with both hands, raise them in front of you.
  • Bend your arms so that the dumbbells are behind your head. Perform movements only in elbow joint.
  • Extend your arms so that the dumbbells are over your neck. Perform the desired number of repetitions.

In principle, there is no significant difference between seated and standing extensions, but some lifters find it easier to perform standing dumbbell extensions due to less stress on the spine and better support. The execution technique is as follows:

  • Stand straight, feet shoulder width apart. Take a dumbbell in your hands and lift it above you.
  • The palms should rest against inner part dumbbell disc, and thumbs should clasp its handle.
  • As you inhale, slowly and smoothly lower the dumbbell. The forearms should touch the biceps.
  • As you exhale, lift the dumbbell.

You can see how this exercise and all other types of dumbbell extensions look like in the video clips at the end of this article.

How to make extensions more effective

Dumbbell extensions are isolated exercise, and therefore they should be performed either at the beginning of a workout for a warm-up and warm-up, or at the end of a workout for complete exhaustion of the muscle. Working with dumbbells, unlike a barbell, makes it possible to slightly change the trajectory of movement in order to better load the muscles and this should be used. If you are working with too heavy dumbbells, then you need to find a partner for safety net. For the exercise to bring maximum effect you need to perform it correctly technically, as well as do several warm-up approaches before working with working weights.

Video showing the arm extension technique with dumbbells sitting from behind the head

Bent Over Dumbbell Extension Video

Lying Dumbbell Extension Technique

Standing dumbbell extension technique

Dumbbell curls are exercises that can be performed both as part of a complex workout and separately. They involve the muscles of the hands and shoulder girdle, but indirectly affect a number of other muscle groups. Consider the techniques for performing bending the arms while sitting and standing.

Dumbbell Curls: The Benefits and Benefits of Exercise

Bending the arms with dumbbells refers to isolated workouts aimed at working out the biceps. These exercises are basic and technically quite simple.

When performing dumbbell curl exercises, the following muscle groups are involved:

  • Shoulder muscles, which are divided into:
    • Anterior (flexors) - coraco-brachial, humeral, biceps (biceps);
    • Back (extensors) - elbow, three-headed (triceps).
  • Muscles of the forearm:
    • Shoulder (brachialis);
    • The brachioradialis (brachiradialis) is the largest muscle that flexes the arm at the elbow joint.

From the position of occurrence under the skin, they are divided into superficial (brachioradial and ulnar extensor of the wrist, for example) type and deep (deep flexor of the fingers, supinator).

And, of course, do not forget about the aesthetic aspect: men with muscular arms look more masculine, and women with taut, graceful arms look more athletic and attractive.

Dumbbell curl variations

There are several options for performing: in a vertical position, sitting, on a Scott bench or lying down.

Training should begin with a warm-up, which will warm up the muscles and prevent injuries.

The number of approaches in each exercise is either 3 x 20 times each, or 4 x 12 times. Between sets - rest for 1 minute. In the process of execution, the muscle should stretch on inspiration, and contract on exhalation.

To master the technique, a smaller weight is initially selected. If the goal is to lose weight, then the weight remains small, but the number of repetitions and the pace of execution gradually increase. Dumbbells are used to build muscle mass. larger mass, which then increases.

Standing dumbbell curls

This exercise can be performed with both hands simultaneously or alternately with each hand.

  1. Starting position - feet shoulder width apart.
  2. Body straight.
  3. Hands with dumbbells are slightly bent at the elbows and lowered along the body.
  4. On exhalation, the arms slowly bend at the elbows until the distance between the shoulder and the wrist reaches two or three centimeters. It is not necessary to press your hands to your shoulders.
  5. After a second, the hands slowly lower down with an inhalation.

Bending the arms with dumbbells with a grip "hammer"

In the variant of the hammer exercise, the shoulder muscle and muscles of the forearm are involved, which allows, with their good development, to train with a larger mass. The execution technique is similar to the previous exercise, the only difference in the hammer form of the exercise is that the palms are turned to the sides of the body.

Curl with dumbbells with supination

Other muscles come into play due to the supination (turn) of the hand during the lifting of the projectile. It is performed both in turn and with both hands at once.

  1. Starting position - feet shoulder width apart, body straight.
  2. Hands with dumbbells are slightly bent at the elbows and lowered along the body.
  3. The arms slowly bend at the elbows almost to the shoulder, but as soon as they become parallel to the floor, the hands turn outward, with the wrists up.
  4. After a short delay, the arms slowly lower down.

Video: bending the arms with supination

Bending the arms with dumbbells while sitting

Performing these exercises allows you to increase the load on the muscles of the hands, since the sitting position does not make it possible to take on part of the load on other parts of the body.

Bending arms with dumbbells on a horizontal bench

  1. Sit on the edge of a bench with your feet firmly on the floor.
  2. The spine is straightened.
  3. Hands with dumbbells are lowered.
  4. Hands slowly bend at the elbows to the shoulder, and then lower down.

Incline dumbbell curls

During this workout, the biceps are most involved, the load on the brachioradialis and brachialis muscles is less. We must not forget that the greater the angle of the bench, the greater the load on the biceps will be. The optimal indicator is not higher than 70 degrees.

  1. Sitting on a bench, rest your shoulder blades on its back.
  2. Hands with dumbbells are directed down, palms are turned forward.
  3. Dumbbells rise to the shoulder, and then fall down without turning the brush.

Video: about the correct technique of bending arms with dumbbells on an incline bench

Seated Concentrated Alternate Curl with Dumbbells

Has a targeted and intense effect on the biceps and shoulder muscles. body in static position, the exercise is performed with one hand.

  1. Sitting on a bench, put your feet on the floor and spread them at an angle of 45 degrees.
  2. The elbow of the hand in which the dumbbell is located rests on the thigh of the same name.
  3. The palm of the other hand rests on the knee of the other leg.
  4. The arm with the dumbbell slowly bends at the elbow towards the shoulder and then goes down.

Bending the arms with dumbbells on the Scott bench

Bending the arms on this simulator is aimed at working out the biceps of the shoulder, while the load on the wrist is minimized.

  1. A comfortable back height is set so that the armpits rest against the bar, and the elbows are firmly pressed against the bench. The legs are firmly pressed to the floor.
  2. Hands with dumbbells lie on the base, while the palms are turned up.
  3. The arms are bent at the elbow towards the body and then lowered.

Video: doing an exercise on the Scott bench

Alternate bending of arms with dumbbells for biceps while standing in a static position in an inclination

This exercise is aimed at developing the maximum height of the biceps.

  1. Starting position - the body is tilted almost to the parallel with the floor.
  2. Legs are widely spaced.
  3. The back is straight.
  4. A hand without a dumbbell rests on the knee.
  5. The arm with the dumbbell is bent at the elbow joint towards the opposite shoulder.

Video: bending the arms while standing in an incline

The main mistakes when doing curls

Failure to follow the technique may result in injury. The main mistakes involved:

  • Incorrect rotation of the palm.
  • Fishing when lifting.
  • Too much dumbbell weight.
  • Excessive rounding of the back.
  • Leaning the body forward.
  • Lack of rest between sets and stretching.

By performing curls with dumbbells, you can increase the volume of the biceps, draw relief, strengthen the muscles of the back and, in general, improve your muscular frame. You can train both in the gym and at home. The main thing at the same time is the observance of all techniques and rules.