Aerobics at home for weight loss for beginners. Step aerobics without a platform at home

Aerobics for beginner athletes is a great opportunity to quickly lose weight and improve the body. The issue of losing weight at home worries many modern girls, because sedentary work, passive lifestyle and lack of time significantly affects the female figure.

There are many ways to lose weight and body fat With problem areas– fitness, Athletics, visiting the gym, etc. One of the most effective and popular areas is aerobics. What it is, absolutely everyone knows. It is based on repeated repetition of movements that are performed at a certain pace.

It has numerous benefits. Classes speed up metabolism, ensure the removal of toxins and toxins, stimulate the cardiovascular system, improve mood, strengthen the body and make it resistant to more serious physical exertion.

A significant advantage of classes is that they can easily be carried out at home in a comfortable environment, you just need to study video lessons with exercises in Russian online.


Before you start training, you need to figure out what home aerobics is like. There are four types of this fitness direction:

  • Classic. It has a lot to do with rhythm. It is necessary to deal with cheerful musical accompaniment at an intense pace. Exercise burns calories and builds endurance.
  • Dance. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that you need to move to the music of a certain direction, for example, hip-hop or pop.
  • Step. To perform the movements, you need a special platform on which you will need to step. Such exercises are similar in terms of load level to climbing stairs or running at a speed of more than 10 km / h.
  • Aerobics + power loads or pumps. This type of aerobics is suitable for more experienced athletes. Used during training Sports Equipment- barbells, dumbbells, platforms. Pamp aerobics classes allow you to qualitatively work out all muscle groups.
  • Aerobics + martial arts. Standard exercises are combined with elements of boxing, karate, kung fu, etc. this species it is possible only on condition that you have enough experience, the body is prepared for stress, and the muscle corset has the necessary tone.

You can find other types of aerobic activities, for example, aqua aerobics, when all exercises are performed in the pool. Try different variants focus on your own desires, needs and physiological features. Classes should be beneficial not only on the physical, but also on the moral level.


Jane Fonda is an aerobics guru who developed effective complex exercises, wrote a book about it and shot a lot of video clips, which you can watch for free at any time on our website. Feedback from women indicates that classes allow you to quickly notice the result of your efforts. Already after 1-2 lessons you will feel lightness in the body, become more cheerful and fit, and after a couple of months the silhouette will completely change its shape. Sport program Funds consists of next steps:

  • . It is very important to warm up the muscles, stretch the joints and increase the heart rate before training.
  • Cardio. During this stage of training, attention should be paid to breathing. It is important to inhale and exhale correctly, because you need to saturate the blood with oxygen. This element in the process of training oxidizes fat, which contributes to weight loss.
  • Basic training. Often dumbbells are used at this stage, which is close to strength training. This part is needed to strengthen the muscles, increase their tone and tighten the silhouette.
  • Stretch or. From intensive training, you need to exit smoothly. For this, a pause is needed. In addition, it allows you to consolidate the result, increase the flexibility and plasticity of muscles.

You can do aerobics in the morning, during the day or in the evening, whichever is more convenient for you. If you are comfortable exercising in the evening, then this should be done 2 hours before going to bed. The duration of the training is 40-60 minutes. During the week you should have 3-4 classes.

Watch video from YouTube:

Training Features

Before you learn the basic steps and start aerobics classes, you should always consult with your doctor. The specialist will conduct an examination and determine if you have any contraindications to physical activity. Refuse training should be people with diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory system, disorders of the musculoskeletal system, hypertensive patients.

As for children, they can do aerobics if the activities benefit them and give them a good mood. How children's aerobics is carried out can be found in the video.

You need to wear comfortable clothes and shoes that do not hinder your movements. Don't forget about good mood and a positive attitude, classes should be enjoyable. If you have an initial, level 1, remember the main principles of aerobics, and these are:

  • self-control;
  • systematic;
  • smooth increase in load;
  • subsequence;
  • adherence to the principles of proper nutrition and drinking regimen.

Before starting classes, you need to prepare the body. To do this, you need to try to move more, walk on fresh air, you can , ride a bike or . It is important to set the right goals for yourself and work with maximum dedication.

Those who want to lose weight, but do not consider options with diets, promising pills and drugs, should pay attention to new method achieving goals through physical activity - aerobics. This sports direction will allow you to quickly get rid of extra pounds and centimeters in problem areas without leaving your usual environment. Aerobics at home for weight loss at home is a great way to get your body in order. How exactly to engage in such a system, and what exercises can be included in the complex home workout you will learn from this article.

Aerobics, as an optimal sport, can be a real lifeline for many suffering from an obsession with losing weight. It shows excellent results in a short period of time and at the same time is considered a safe form of physical activity, which is quite possible to do in the walls of your own home.

Today, aerobics is practiced in every self-respecting fitness club. Having become popular in the early 80s, such a fitness program remains in demand to this day. This is easily explained by the fact that for many years it has been successfully helping to get rid of excess body weight for people of different ages and levels of physical fitness.

The main advantage of such classes remains that they are accessible to beginners and can be performed at home. In addition to this, there are countless aerobics videos on the network for beginners and more experienced athletes, among which everyone can choose a training program “to their taste”.

In addition, scientists have compiled a whole list that clearly demonstrates all the benefits of this fitness area, including intensive enrichment of the body with oxygen, improved blood flow, increased endurance and flexibility, and stimulation of burning. subcutaneous fat, strengthening the immune system, etc.

Having made a choice in favor of aerobics, you should find out what rules will help make your workout even more effective and efficient. As for clothing, it should be as comfortable as possible and not hinder your movements. It can be a set of a top and shorts made of stretchy fabrics or a slightly tight-fitting tank top and leggings. It is most convenient to do aerobics in.

For aerobics training at home, you should also choose the right room. A room free of furniture, ventilated and bright is suitable. You will need a special or step platform (depending on the type of activity). For a more convenient assimilation of the movements of the instructor in the video with aerobics, you can put a large mirror during classes.

As for nutrition, aerobics, like any other type of sport, is “for” proper nutrition. The combination of aerobic exercise and a special diet (without flour, sweet, fatty, fried, smoked, carbonated) will allow you to achieve rapid weight loss.

Choosing a direction

To understand how comfortable weight loss will be for you, you should pay attention to the varieties of aerobics. By choosing the most comfortable type of fitness direction, you will be able to quickly lose weight and always be in a good mood.

So, aerobics happens:

  • Dance. Practicing such aerobics lessons, you will lose weight while dancing, while increasing the flexibility, endurance and plasticity of your body. A big bonus of such training is the opportunity to become the owner of a beautiful posture.
  • Step aerobics. Exercises are performed using a special step platform that allows you to quickly burn fat and lose weight. Such exercises are considered a good prevention of arthritis, osteoporosis.
  • Aqua aerobics. Such classes are held in pools and are ideal for pregnant women, as they have a beneficial effect on the body as a whole.
  • Slide aerobics. This fitness direction is a complex in combination with a power load, during which Special attention weight loss in the legs and waist.

At home, slide and step aerobics, as well as dance aerobics, can be freely practiced. But if for training in the first two systems you need to purchase additional special equipment, then at home you will only need to record with your favorite music and have a good mood.

Workout examples

As previously indicated, there are a huge number of video lessons on the network with the tags “aerobics at home”. We have chosen the most effective and them, which are suitable for those who want to lose weight at home with different levels of physical fitness.

Simple Workout

This workout is. The main movements of the lesson are small springy jumps and arm raises. Despite the fact that the exercises look quite simple, performing them for 30-40 minutes, you will feel a noticeable increase in muscle tone after the first few sessions. The exercises in this beginner aerobics video below can be done every day.

First level

The aerobics lesson in the video below is the perfect program for those who have recently joined the ranks of fans of this fitness area and have already mastered the exercises for beginners. As you can see in the video, the lesson begins with a warm-up to prepare the body for the upcoming load, after which the basic steps are learned, and then the main part of the workout with the repetition of the learned movements.

Average level

Home aerobics is not only a clear reproduction of the sequence of learned movements. Having made such fitness a part of your life, you will be able to conduct workouts on your own, combining previously mastered movements and combining them for yourself. The following video will allow you to master the basic aerobic movements, which is also suitable for doing at home for beginners.

Intensive fat burning

For those who know basic exercises aerobics and ready to move to the next level, an intense fat burning workout will do. Performing within 15 minutes of the exercises that the instructor demonstrates in the video, you can significantly improve your physical form for several weeks now.

Complex training

To work out the muscles of the whole body, the following video lesson with exercises is suitable that will help you create the body of your dreams as soon as possible.

As you can see, aerobics at home for weight loss, a video with examples of which is given in this article, is an exciting and useful pastime. Doing aerobics daily, you will not only improve your physical shape, but also strengthen your active life position.

There are many ways to lose weight and get in shape, including at home. One of the most popular areas is aerobics, which perfectly fights against extra pounds, uplifting and energizing. Aerobics for beginners is quite simple and affordable, while very effective.

What is good about aerobics?

Aerobics is the repeated repetition of a set of movements with a certain intensity. They are usually performed to music. Aerobics for weight loss at home, a video for beginners with which clearly shows what such exercises are, has many advantages. It helps both to model the body and heal the body. There are also such advantages of the type of activity:

  • Classes help speed up metabolism, which provides efficient combustion fat.
  • At the end of the workout, the body will burn fat for some time, using them as an energy source.
  • Aerobics makes the body resistant to physical stress.
  • Classes help to cleanse the body, removing harmful substances from them.
  • Improves the performance of the heart muscle.
  • Classes help improve mood, energize.

An important advantage that aerobics for beginners for weight loss has is its availability. After learning the basics of classes, you can resort to them at any time. Aerobics can be practiced not only in groups in fitness clubs, but also at home, achieving results no worse. This will require only a small amount of free time, as well as an aerobics video for beginners.

Video classes in intensive aerobics

Types of aerobics

Aerobics is usually divided into several types:

  • Classic aerobics. Much like choreography. Training is carried out to the music, to which different exercises, including elements of running. It is about classical aerobics for weight loss that we will talk about. It helps to ensure efficient fat burning, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system and increases the body's endurance.
  • Step aerobics. Assumes the presence of a special platform, which simulates climbing stairs. This type of activity gives a good load on the legs. In addition, according to experts, the load during step aerobics is identical to the load when running at a speed 12 kilometers per hour.
  • Aerobics with power loads. This type of activity may include different exercises, but its peculiarity is that with power loads, the muscles are worked out more strongly. This ensures accelerated fat burning.
  • Dance aerobics. It can be held under certain types of music, for example, hip-hop, tango and so on. The movements in this case are like a dance. Exercising is a great way to lose weight, and besides, it brings a lot of pleasure.
  • Aerobics with martial arts. In such aerobics there will be elements of karate, boxing and other martial arts. Loads of this nature have a diverse effect on the muscles, as a result of which the latter work in full. The option is suitable for those who have a sufficiently developed muscle corset and some fat.

There is also aqua aerobics, in which exercises are performed in water. Such exercises are very effective, because water additionally contributes to weight loss.

What should aerobics be like?

Aerobics at home for beginners can be performed when it is convenient for you. For a start, it will be enough to practice 3-4 times a week by the hour. When you achieve what you want and will only work out to keep fit, the duration of the lesson should be reduced to 30-40 minutes. In this case, aerobics can be supplemented with exercises for different groups muscles.

It is advisable to exercise no later than two hours before bedtime. Otherwise, insomnia is possible.

If you exercise regularly and correctly, then after a month you will feel that you have come into tone, after a couple of months the volume of the body will decrease significantly, and after three months the figure will noticeably change. Aerobics for weight loss at home for beginners consists of several stages:

  • Warm up. Allows the muscles to warm up, and the pulse to accelerate. Thanks to the warm-up, the body is ready for stress, and the risk of injury is less. This is where every lesson should start.
  • Cardio exercises. With cardio, you need to pay special attention to breathing. If it is incorrect, the amount of oxygen in the blood may be insufficient, and the effectiveness of the training will be significantly reduced. It is also important to monitor the intensity of the training.
  • Strength training. The essence of strength training is to strengthen the muscles. Thanks to them, the body is tightened, it becomes beautiful. In addition, the body needs to expend a lot of energy to maintain muscles, so it will burn fat even at rest. strength exercises should take about ten minutes.
  • Hitch. This phase is often ignored, but it is wrong. After active physical activity, the body should be able to recover and return to normal. If you stop exercising abruptly, it can negatively affect the heart muscle. As a hitch, regular walking or a low-intensity exercise bike can be used.


Although aerobics for beginners at home is very useful for weight loss and overall health, however, it is not allowed for everyone. Before you start exercising, it is recommended consult with a specialist to ensure there are no contraindications. After all, classes, if they are contraindicated, can lead to hypertension, heart disease, and disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

Intensive aerobics Not recommended older people, although it all depends on the preparation. Also, you can not deal with hypertension, heart problems, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, as well as with oncology, even at the stage of remission.

Video lesson of aerobics at home

What clothes to wear?

In the effectiveness of classes, there is a role of clothes and shoes. Clothing should not hamper movement, should correspond to the temperature regime. Choose comfortable shoes with non-slip soles. You can not practice in heels, barefoot, in socks.

Many ladies, trying to lose weight faster, wrap themselves in films or put on a large number of clothes. But this does nothing: the body only loses fluid, which does not make sense. It can also lead to heart disease and other health problems.

Remember that the basic principles of any training are gradualness and consistency, self-control, as well as a drinking regimen. Drink water before, after and during your workout, whenever you want - it's vital.

Before starting aerobics lessons for beginners, it is worth giving the body get ready to that. A couple of weeks before class, try to walk more. Run, ride a bike or use an exercise bike. This will make it possible to tune in to future effective loads.

Aerobics is a type of fat-burning workout that perfectly replaces running or nordic walking. A definite plus: you do not depend on the weather, as you work out at home, which, of course, does not cancel jogging and hiking on sunny days. We offer you a workout made up of basic aerobic steps. Turn on uplifting music while exercising!

During the entire workout, keep your arms half-bent at chest level and actively work them in time with the steps, as when running. All steps are taken from the heel, the knees are always bent! All aerobic steps are done in 4 counts: 1 count is to lift your leg and put it on your heel (no matter which way, you can even on the spot). Thus, 1 step of aerobics is 2 regular steps with each leg, that is, a total of 4 regular steps. Usually they do 32 steps of one kind, then move on to the next. After passing the entire circle, the number of repetitions is reduced. First, 16 steps are taken, then 8, then 4. Then again in ascending order - 8, 16, 32.

march march

Walk in place to the beat of the music, lift your feet higher than normal walking. Don't forget to step on your heel first, and then put your toe on!

Step touch

  1. Step right foot to the right.
  2. The left touches the right toe below the ankle.
  3. The left one comes back.
  4. The right touches the left toe below the ankle.

This is the first step of aerobics called step-touch, you need to do 32 of these.


  1. Step right foot to the right.
  2. The left moves towards her, while rising as high as possible to the chest, bending at the knee.
  3. The left one comes back.
  4. The right, moving towards the left, rises as high as possible to the chest.

Repeat 32 times.


While walking, your legs draw the Latin letter V. First, you stand at its "top" - the narrow part.

  1. Take a wide step with your right foot forward to the right.
  2. A wide step left forward-left (it turns out to be on the same level with the right, the legs should be half-bent and spaced as wide as possible).
  3. The right one goes back to the center.
  4. The left one goes back to the center.

Repeat 32 times.


  1. Step right foot to the right.
  2. The left moves towards her, while the knee is bent so that the heel tries to touch the buttocks.
  3. The left one comes back.
  4. The right moves to the left, sweeping the heel to the buttock.

Repeat 32 times.


  1. Relatively difficult step!
  2. Take a wide step forward with your right foot. Raise the left in place.
  3. Put the left one, lift the right one in place.
  4. Take a wide step back with your right foot. Raise your left!
  5. Put the left, lift the right.

Take 16 steps and then switch legs.


An even more difficult step, similar to mambo, but with a twist.

  1. A wide step with the right foot forward with a turn over the left shoulder. Raise the left in place.
  2. Put left, finishing the turn: now you are facing the direction from where you started the first step. Raise the right one in place.
  3. A wide step with your right foot forward (back in relation to the very first step), at the same time you start a turn over your left shoulder. Raise the left.
  4. Put the left one, after finishing the turn, raise the right one. You should be in the same position as before the first step, the next step do everything all over again.

Make a combination: step-touch - 2 times, pivot, knee - 2 times, pivot.

Galina Bob, actress, singer:

- I always have a lot of work. As a result, I don't have to take special care of myself. I move around a lot. And for good exchange I drink lots of water. In addition, I love taking a bath, it gives a good relaxing effect.

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious :)


Physical activity is beneficial for a person at any age. At the same time, it doesn’t matter at all where and what you will do: jogging on the street, fitness in the gym or doing a chain of exercises at home. Among girls, aerobics for weight loss at home is especially popular without visiting Sport halls. What is it, what are the benefits of aerobic exercise and how to start exercising, read on.

What is aerobics

Without delving into the definition of aerobics, we can simply say that this is gymnastics, which is often performed with energetic music that sets the rhythm. The main condition: all exercises are performed without stopping at an accelerated pace, which forces the practitioner to constantly breathe, saturating the body with oxygen. A different degree of load allows you to choose an aerobics program for weight loss at home for everyone, regardless of the degree of training, age and gender. In this case, it is not necessary to go to the gym: online video tutorials can always be found on the Internet.

What is useful aerobics

Such exercises, if performed on a regular basis, bring a lot of benefits to the body and body:

  • endurance increases due to an increase in the oxygen content in the blood due to breathing, in contrast to anaerobic gymnastics;
  • improves coordination;
  • during exercise, calcium is produced, which strengthens the skeleton;
  • life expectancy increases;
  • improves heart function due to greater blood flow;
  • the level of cholesterol goes down, which affects the reduction of the risk of atherosclerosis;
  • muscles of the buttocks, shins are trained, rhythmic movements of the hands strengthen shoulder joints, muscles develop;
  • after class, there is a surge of energy, a good mood.

Why Aerobics Helps You Lose Weight

You can lose weight with the help of aerobic exercise, but you will have to gain strength and patience. Getting rid of excess weight occurs due to its own fat, which the body does not really want to say goodbye to. We will not only have to build proper workouts, but also start eating right so that fat deposits are burned during training, and are not replenished after eating.

It is important that high-intensity home aerobics last at least 30 minutes, because at first the energy source for exercise is glycogen. Only then do fat reserves come into play. In this case, the muscles do not work in full force that will not be a stress shake for the body. So the advantage of such weight loss is that the lost kilograms will not be replenished very soon, provided that you stop exercising.

Aerobics at home for beginners

You can do aerobics at home for weight loss. It is important to choose the right degree of load for yourself and not be lazy to engage in the regimen. Here are the basic principles to follow to achieve the result:

  • Start with 3 workouts per week with a break of 2-3 days. Then increase the number to classes up to 5-6.
  • The duration of the lesson should be 45-60 minutes. This is enough to start the process of fat burning in the body, while the muscles will not experience stress.
  • Be sure to warm up before training. It can be the usual tilts forward, backward, to the sides, ointments with arms and legs, rotations with the hands and feet, squats.
  • Monitor your heartbeat and breathing process. Inhalation corresponds to the relaxation phase, and exhalation is done with muscle tension.
  • Do not eat anything for an hour before training. You can only drink water. At the same time, it is important to follow a diet that will help get rid of volumes even faster.
  • After training, it is best to do some homework for a little while. Sitting and lying down is not recommended.
  • The room must be ventilated before starting a workout in order to renew the oxygen supply in the room.

Directions of aerobics

Aerobics is divided into several different types training, so that each girl can choose the right one for herself. So, step aerobics took root very well in sports clubs. In addition to it, you can still find dance or power classes, as well as water aerobics. In addition, there are specific areas aimed at losing weight after pregnancy, the elderly or fat people.


Initially, this species was aimed at the prevention of arthritis and osteoporosis. “Step” means “step” in English, so this type of workout consists of frequent steps to rhythmic music. However, the steps are not always performed on flat surface. With the help of a special projectile - a step platform with an anti-slip rubber pad, the load increases, and its height is different: the higher, the more difficult it is to take quick steps. The exercises themselves are very simple, but it can be difficult to perform them without losing the rhythm, especially for beginners.


Since the 1980s, fashion began to come into dance aerobics that attracted young girls. Still: chains of movements to music not only help to lose weight, but also teach you to better feel the musical rhythm. The main load during training goes to the lower muscle group, but the arms and shoulders are also involved. Today, dance aerobics for weight loss is divided into directions in music, so you can choose classes to your liking:

  • tango aerobics;
  • jazz aerobics;
  • latin jazz;
  • hip-hop;
  • funk aerobics;
  • city ​​jam.

This type of training is possible only in the presence of a pool. Classes are held in the water. The trainer turns on the music and shows the exercises to be repeated underwater. This type of therapeutic aerobics is especially suitable for those who experience discomfort in the gym due to their fullness and sluggishness. Water aerobics helps to strengthen muscles and prepare for ordinary gymnastics. The advantage is that in the water it is almost impossible to get injured in the form of a dislocation of the joints, for example.


Power aerobics at home for weight loss includes a set of exercises that exerts a significant load on all muscle groups. The direction has become separate from all the others, because all movements are performed with weights. For this, dumbbells, pumps, barbells and bodybars (weighted sticks) are used. The main advantage remains that such exercises significantly speed up metabolic processes, which contributes to rapid loss calories and subcutaneous fat. Workouts are ideal for those who want to lose weight.

Specific Directions

In addition to these directions, there are also special branches for people with disabilities. So, for example, it is not at all contraindicated for pregnant women to engage in if the training is built properly. The same goes for very overweight people who have a hard time walking because of being overweight. A special chain of exercises is aimed at strengthening the skeleton and increasing endurance, eliminating any risk of injury:

  • Aerobics for beginners at home is suitable for absolutely everyone. Classes are designed for low endurance and preparation for more intense workouts. After 1-2 months, you can safely move on to a more difficult level.
  • Aerobics for the very fat is designed for those who find it difficult to move a lot due to overweight. In addition, it can lead to unpleasant consequences associated with the work of the heart or joints. Water aerobics will be ideal in this case, because body weight is not felt in water. Another safe option is yoga-based aerobics, where the exercises are performed smoothly on a mat.
  • Workouts for those over 40 are designed taking into account the body of an adult. If some may not limit themselves in physical activity, then others have to carefully choose exercises that will not entail health troubles. Exercises are smoother, without sharp jumps. These are water aerobics, fitball, yoga aerobics. It is recommended to monitor the pulse at least in the first workouts.
  • Another type of training is for pregnant women. Women are advised not to drastically reduce physical activity during pregnancy. This will help strengthen the joints and bones. The lesson is also carried out in a sparing mode without traumatic deep squats, jumps, wide swings.

Contraindications for training

Although physical exercise useful to everyone without exception, there are a number of contraindications that must be taken into account when choosing a particular weight loss program. It is not advisable to do aerobics if:

  • There are problems with the heart and cardiovascular system. Heart attacks, strokes, shortness of breath are also attributed here.
  • A diagnosis of hypertension was made.
  • You suffer from bronchial asthma.
  • Eat varicose veins veins. The exception is water aerobics.
  • Go through the recovery period after viral diseases.
  • There are craniocerebral injuries (three years after they were received).
  • If a lot of excess weight or you suffer from obesity of varying degrees.

Lesson structure

Aerobics at home for weight loss should consist of a set of exercises that will evenly distribute the load. It is very important to stretch before exercising. What does a full-fledged aerobics at home consist of:

  1. Warm up - up to 10 minutes.
  2. The main part is 30 minutes.
  3. The final part or hitch - 10 minutes.

A set of exercises

Each set of exercises should smoothly move from easier to more complex and end with a stretch. At the same time, it is important to keep your posture, breathe evenly along with the rhythm of the music. You can take a relaxing hot shower right after your workout, but never lie down to rest. Reducing your volume will be better and more effective if you continue to do household chores. What exercises can and should be performed for weight loss, read on.

Warm up

Before class, you need to prepare your body for the exercises. Give this 6-10 minutes and proceed to the main part. The warm-up takes place on springy, bent legs:

  1. From a regular stance, start walking at the same pace, while placing your feet next to each other, then shoulder-width apart.
  2. Continue to follow the steps, but connect your hands to them: alternately raise and lower your hands: count 1 - right up, 2 - left up, 3 - right down, 4 - left down.
  3. Put your feet next to each other, take your hands halfway back. Take a step to the left with your left foot, then step right and back with your right, the left returns to its original position, the right is placed next to it. Repeat the movement with the right leg.
  4. Feet shoulder-width apart, and arms along the body. On a count of 1, the right arm is bent, and the left knee is lifted as close to the elbow as possible with a swinging movement.

Main part

After warming up, you are ready to perform the main exercises, so do not stop, but simply increase the load. Remember that the duration of the workout should be at least 20 minutes, ideally 30. Repeat each exercise 10-20 times. What exercises can be used:

  1. Standing on the right foot, move the left foot forward, lightly touching the toe of the floor. In the jump, transfer the weight to the left leg, overlapping with the right. Repeat 15 times and switch legs. Hands are slightly laid back.
  2. Bend your arms in front of your chest, feet together. Step left, put right leg. Next, step to the right with a 180-degree turn over your right shoulder and put your left foot. Repeat in the opposite direction.
  3. Feet shoulder-width apart, hands folded in front of the chest. At the expense of 1 - sit down, at the expense of 2 - stand in the starting position, at the expense of 3, overlap with the left shin, at 4 - the starting position. Continue changing legs.
  4. Extend your arms in front of you. Repeat side steps with both legs, while raising the knee as high as possible.
  5. Cross steps. Take a step with your left foot to the left, with your right foot also step to the left, crossing your legs. Next, step your left foot back to the left, and put your right foot next to it. Repeat on the other side. The shins must be crossed. The arms are bent in front of the chest.
  6. To increase the difficulty, you can perform rhythmic push-ups, including alternately on each hand (only for advanced ones!).

Final part

After the main part, you must definitely finish the workout correctly so that the muscles do not clog and do not hurt. Any stretching exercise will work for this. Give this 10 minutes of your time:

  1. Feet are shoulder-width apart, arms are bent in front of chest. Squat on your right leg, lunge to the side with your left. Bring your right foot to your left and repeat on the other side.
  2. Get on all fours with an emphasis on your elbows. Stretch your left leg parallel to the floor, bend at a right angle at the knee, straighten it again. Repeat with the other leg. Do 5 sets.
  3. While lying on your side, bend your top leg so that your knee is pointing forward. On count 1, straighten your leg, stretching it back and up, on count 2, return to the starting position. Repeat 10 times, roll over to the other side and do the same with the other leg.
  4. Lie on your back and place your arms parallel to your torso with your palms on the floor. lift up upper part torso, while pulling the knees to the forehead. Try to keep your palms in place.
  5. In the starting position, lying on your back, lift, without bending, your right leg and pull it towards you, helping with your hands. Hold for 3-5 seconds, stretching the muscles, and then return to the starting position. Change your leg. Do up to 4 sets on each leg.
  6. Aerobics at home for weight loss is completed!


Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give recommendations for treatment based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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