GTO sports complex. All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (GTO)

1. This Regulation determines the structure, content and organization of work on the introduction and further implementation of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP) - the program and regulatory framework of the system physical education various population groups Russian Federation.
2. The All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP) establishes state requirements for physical fitness citizens of the Russian Federation, including types of tests (tests) and norms, a list of knowledge, skills and habits of maintaining a healthy lifestyle for various categories of the population.
3. The All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP) provides for the preparation for the implementation and direct implementation by the population of various age groups (from 6 to 70 years and older) of the established regulatory requirements for three levels of difficulty corresponding to gold, silver and bronze insignia of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP).

II. The purpose and objectives of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (GTO)

4. The goal of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (GTO) is: to increase the efficiency of using opportunities physical education and sports in health promotion, harmonious and comprehensive development of personality, education of patriotism and ensuring continuity in the implementation of physical education of the population.
5. Tasks of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for work and defense" (TRP):
a) an increase in the number of citizens systematically engaged in physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation;
b) increasing the level of physical fitness, life expectancy of the country's citizens;
c) formation among the population of conscious needs for systematic physical culture and sports, physical self-improvement, maintaining a healthy lifestyle;
d) increasing the general level of knowledge of the population about the means, methods and forms of organizing self-study, including using modern information technologies;
e) modernization of the system of physical education and the system of development of mass, youth, school and student sports in educational organizations, including by increasing the number of sports clubs.

III. The structure and content of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP)

6. The structure of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP) consists of XI steps:
I stage: 1 - 2 classes (6 - 8 years);
II stage: 3 - 4 classes (9 - 10 years old);
Stage III: 5 - 6 classes (11 - 12 years old);
IV stage: 7 - 9 classes (13 - 15 years old);
Stage V: 10-11 grades, secondary vocational education (16-17 years old);
VI stage: 18 - 29 years old;
Stage VII: 30 - 39 years;
Stage VIII: 40 - 49 years;
IX stage: 50 - 59 years;
Stage X: 60 - 69 years;
Stage XI: 70 years and older.
7. The normative and testing part of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP) provides state requirements for the level of physical fitness of the population based on the implementation of established standards and assessment of the level of knowledge and skills, consists of three main sections:
a) types of tests (tests) and standards;
b) requirements for assessing the level of knowledge and skills in the field of physical culture and sports;
c) recommendations for a weekly motor regimen.
State requirements for the level of physical fitness of the population in the implementation of the standards of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (GTO) are approved by the federal executive body, which performs the functions of developing and implementing state policy and legal regulation in the field of physical culture and sports, in agreement with the federal executive body responsible for the development and implementation of state policy and legal regulation in the field of education, and the federal executive body responsible for the development and implementation of state policy and legal regulation in the field of healthcare.
8. Types of tests (tests) and standards include:
types of tests (tests) to determine the level of development physical qualities and applied motor skills of citizens;
standards that allow assessing the versatility (harmony) of the development of basic physical qualities and applied motor skills in accordance with sexual and age characteristics human development.
Types of tests (tests) are divided into mandatory and optional.
Mandatory tests (tests) in accordance with the steps are divided into:
tests (tests) to determine the level of development of speed capabilities;
tests (tests) to determine the level of endurance development;
tests (tests) to determine the level of strength development;
tests (tests) to determine the level of development of flexibility.
Tests (tests) for choice in accordance with the steps are divided into:
tests (tests) to determine the level of development of speed-strength capabilities;
tests (tests) to determine the level of development of coordination abilities;
tests (tests) to determine the level of mastery of applied skills.
9. Persons who have fulfilled the state requirements for the level of physical fitness of the population when meeting the standards of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP) are awarded the appropriate distinction of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP ), the sample and description of which are approved by the federal executive body responsible for the development and implementation of state policy and legal regulation in the field of physical culture and sports. The procedure for awarding citizens with insignia of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP) and assigning them sports categories approved by the federal executive body responsible for the development of state policy and legal regulation in the field of physical culture and sports.
10. Persons with sports titles and sports categories not lower than the second youth category and who have fulfilled the standards of the Complex, corresponding to the silver badge of distinction, are awarded the gold badge of distinction of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP).
11. The requirement for assessing the level of knowledge and skills in the field of physical culture and sports includes testing knowledge and skills in the following sections:
the impact of physical education on health, increasing mental and physical performance;
hygiene of physical culture;
main methods of control physical condition when practicing various physical culture and health systems and sports;
basics of self-study methodology;
fundamentals of the history of the development of physical culture and sports;
mastering practical skills and abilities of physical culture and health improvement and applied orientation, mastering skills and abilities in various types of physical culture and sports activities.
12. Recommendations for a weekly motor regimen provide for a minimum volume various kinds motor activity necessary for self-study to fulfill the types of tests (tests) and standards of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP), the development of physical qualities, the preservation and promotion of health.
13. The sports part of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP) is aimed at attracting citizens to regular classes physical culture and sports, taking into account the age groups of the population in order to fulfill discharge standards and obtaining mass sports categories, includes norms, requirements and conditions for their implementation for all-round events, consisting of types of tests (tests) included in the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP). The types of all-around events of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” (TRP) are approved by the federal executive body responsible for the development and implementation of state policy and legal regulation in the field of physical culture and sports.
14. The procedure for organizing and conducting testing of all population groups is approved by the federal executive body responsible for the development and implementation of state policy and legal regulation in the field of physical culture and sports.

IV. Organization of work on the implementation of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP)

15. Persons related to different groups health, systematically engaged in physical culture and sports, including independently, based on the results of medical examination or medical examination. The list of types of tests (tests) included in the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP), and the procedure for assessing the implementation of standards by persons classified for health reasons as preparatory or special medical teams are approved by the federal executive body responsible for the development of state policy and legal regulation in the field of healthcare.
16. The subjects of the Russian Federation have the right, at their discretion, to additionally include in the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP) regional level two types of tests (tests), including national ones, as well as the most popular sports among the youth.
17. The values ​​of the levels of difficulty of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (GTO) are taken into account by federal state educational standards, exemplary basic educational programs in the field of physical culture and sports when determining the assessment of students' mastering of educational programs in the field of physical culture and sports.
18. Applicants for training educational programs higher education has the right to provide information about their individual achievements in physical culture and sports, the presence of insignia of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP), which are taken into account educational organizations upon admission in accordance with the Procedure for Admission of Citizens for Bachelor's, Specialist's and Master's Programs.
19. Students studying in educational institutions of higher education and having a gold badge of distinction of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP) are given the opportunity to establish an increased state academic scholarship and other incentives in the manner established by the federal executive body executing the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education.
20. The All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (GTO) provides for the preparation for implementation and direct implementation of the established standards and requirements by the population of various age groups within the framework of the activities of the international movement "Sport for All", as well as the integration of activities of the All-Russian Physical Culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (RLD) in the calendar of sports and socially important events of the international movement "Sport for All" at the municipal, regional and federal levels.
21. Persons engaged in labor activities are preparing for implementation, as well as direct implementation of the standards of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP) in the course of events held by the employer. The employer has the right to reward, in the prescribed manner, persons who have fulfilled the standards and requirements of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP) for the appropriate insignia of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP).
22. In order to fulfill state requirements for assessing the general level of physical fitness of the population based on the results of the implementation of established standards and assessing the level of knowledge and skills of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP), testing centers are being created to perform types of tests (tests) , standards, requirements for assessing the level of knowledge and skills in the field of physical culture and sports of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP) (hereinafter referred to as TRP testing centers). The procedure for the creation and regulation on TRP testing centers is approved by the federal executive body, which performs the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of physical culture and sports.
23. The unified calendar plan for interregional, all-Russian and international physical culture events and sports events of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation, the Unified calendar plan for interregional, all-Russian and international physical culture events and sports events of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of physical culture and sports include physical culture and sports events, providing for the implementation of types of tests (tests) and standards of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP).

V. Management structure and information support of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP)

24. Coordination of activities for the organization and implementation of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (GTO) is carried out by the federal executive body, which performs the functions of developing and implementing state policy and legal regulation in the field of physical culture and sports, and also the highest executive bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local self-government bodies.
25. Information support for the introduction and implementation of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" of the TRP is carried out through a specially created autonomous Internet portal and an electronic database.
26. Accounting for data on the performance of types of tests (tests) and standards of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP) is carried out through a specially developed statistical observation in the prescribed manner.

Accepted designations and abbreviations

The following abbreviations apply in this provision:
TRP decoding - Ready for work and defense

The complex "Ready for Labor and Defense of the USSR" appeared in the 30s of the last century and played an important role in creating a system of physical education and a mass physical culture movement in the country. In 1972 the All-Union sports complex The TRP has been substantially reformed. .

All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for work and defense" (VFSK GTO)

The implementation of the TRP complex is aimed at strengthening health, developing the personality and educating the patriotism of Russians. Tasks have been set to increase the level of physical fitness of the population and modernize the system of physical education. The result is evaluated.

Stages of the TRP complex

TRP standards are established for eleven age groups (stages of the complex). The first five steps determine the TRP standards for schoolchildren (from 6 to 17 years old). The sixth step is the standards for women and men aged 18 to 29 years. The seventh defines the TRP standards for the age group from 30 to 39 years. The next three steps establish standards with a ten-year step in the age of those who pass. The last (eleventh) step sets the TRP standards for those over 70 years old.
Passing the TRP pass mandatory tests and tests of choice. During testing, speed capabilities, endurance, strength and coordination, as well as possession of applied skills are determined.
( , And ). The TRP badge is awarded to the badge along with the certificate.

TRP insignia

The TRP badge is stylized in the form of a five-pointed (twenty-five-pointed) star. In the central circle of the badge, an athlete running to the right is depicted in the rays of glory. Below it is the inscription in red "GTO". The circle is framed on top Treadmills stadium, below two laurel branches with ribbons in the colors of the Russian flag.
, is indicated at the bottom of the sign at the base of the branches.
The dimensions of the TRP insignia are 2.4 by 2.4 cm with a thickness of 1.2 mm. The insignia (TRP) is made of coated iron (high-quality polishing).
, and correspond to three levels of complexity of the passed standards. Successfully passing the TRP standards of the seventh level and above (men and women over 40 years old).

Passing standards (TRP testing)

Based on the results of passing the TRP standards, it is possible to assess the level of physical fitness of the population, as well as the harmony in the development of basic physical qualities, skills and abilities in accordance with gender and age characteristics.

How to pass the TRP standards

To officially pass the TRP standards, you must register on the website and get a unique ID number there.
In addition, you must have a medical clearance to pass the norms. It can be obtained at the clinic at the place of residence or at the medical unit at work.
. Registration for the delivery of standards is made through the official website of the TRP. On the same site, you can track the results of the delivery online.

Where can I pass on the TRP standards

Established throughout the country TRP testing centers who organize the adoption of standards.
Territorially, the delivery of norms takes place on various sports facilities. Swimming - in the pool, shooting - in the shooting range or at the shooting range, athletic disciplines - in sports complexes, including open ones.
Everything you need sports equipment and the inventory of the dealers should be provided by the TRP Centers.
In addition, the delivery of TRP standards is carried out at physical culture and sports events and TRP festivals. For example, in Moscow during city sports holidays"Moscow Sport in Luzhniki", "Athlete's Day", "City Day in Luzhniki", "Moscow Cross Country Festival", "Moscow Ski Track".

When can I pass the TRP standards

Schoolchildren can pass the TRP standards during the school year. Adults, within the same stage, - during the calendar year.
During one day, the participant has the right to pass several tests.
In case of an unsuccessful attempt, the TRP norm can be retaken. At the same time, one standard can be taken no more than three times within one year. In addition, there must be at least a two-week time break between two passes of the same test.
The applicants themselves are interested in successfully passing the TRP tests, while showing the best results. When determining your schedule for passing the standards, it is important to correctly approach the issue of distributing the load on the body and take into account the undeniable influence of the phases of the growth and waning of the moon. Necessary information about what the moon will be like in the coming days.

Rewarding with TRP badges

TRP insignia are awarded to those who have successfully passed a certain number of standards for a given stage. The "price" of the TRP badge is determined by the "lower" bar. Information about those submitted for the award is formed by the Testing Centers.
The awarding of the TRP insignia takes place in a solemn atmosphere.
Twice the badge of one step is not awarded. This is especially true for adults, where a whole decade is allotted for one step. Therefore, at the age of 18 - 39, when the ranking of the award according to the "metal" of the badge is in progress, it is necessary to approach the delivery of norms in the optimal sportswear.

The form of the results of the delivery of the TRP

Accounting for data on the results of passing the TRP standards is carried out according to the form of federal statistical observation No. 2-GTO “Information on the implementation of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex “Ready for Labor and Defense (TRP)”. The report indicates all participants in the complex, both iconists and those who did not pass the TRP standards.

What is VFSK TRP?

The All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (VFSK GTO) is a set of activities aimed at compulsory physical training of citizens of different age categories. This is the normative basis of physical education that existed from 1931 to 1991, which has been reintroduced since 2014 in Russia.

The TRP complex consists of 11 stages in accordance with the age groups of the population from 6 years and older and types of tests in three levels of complexity, corresponding to the gold, silver and bronze badges of distinction.


– age group from 6 to 8 years


– age group from 9 to 10 years


– age group from 11 to 12 years old


– age group from 13 to 15 years old


– age group from 16 to 17 years old


– age group from 18 to 29 years


– age group from 30 to 39 years


– age group from 40 to 49 years


– age group from 50 to 59 years


– age group from 60 to 69 years


- age group 70 years and older

Preparation for fulfilling the requirements of the TRP complex is provided by systematic classes in physical education programs in educational institutions, primary military training, sports sections, groups of common physical training, in institutions additional education (sports clubs) and independently.

The structure of the TRP complex

The types of tests that are part of the VFSK TRP are aimed at determining the level of development of a person’s physical qualities: endurance, strength, flexibility and his speed capabilities. The requirements of the TRP complex within each stage are divided into:

- mandatory;

- optionally.

Why do we need a GTO complex?

The goals of the WFSK-GTO are health promotion, harmonious and comprehensive development of the individual, and the education of patriotism. The tasks of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex are:

a) an increase in the number of citizens systematically engaged in physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation;

b) increasing the level of physical fitness and life expectancy of citizens of the Russian Federation;

c) formation among the population of conscious needs for systematic physical culture and sports, physical self-improvement and maintaining a healthy lifestyle;

d) increasing the general level of knowledge of the population about the means, methods and forms of organizing self-study, including using modern information technologies;

e) modernization of the system of physical education and the system of development of mass, youth, school and student sports in educational organizations, including by increasing the number of sports clubs.

What will it be for me?

The presence of insignia of the TRP complex for applicants for training in educational programs of higher education will be taken into account by educational organizations of higher education upon admission. Students who have a golden badge of distinction of the TRP complex can be assigned an increased state academic scholarship in the prescribed manner. A program is also being developed to stimulate and encourage the "TRP badges".

Who can comply with the TRP standards?

TRP standards can be fulfilled by citizens aged 6 to 70 years and older, confident that they will fulfill the standards for at least a bronze badge of distinction.

I want to comply with the TRP standards, what should I do to do this?

Action algorithm

when applying individually

1. registration on the site www. Acquaintance with the standards (tests).

2.Collection of documents:

· (original + copy 1 page);

· medical certificate. A medical certificate is issued in a medical institution no more than 10 days before the start of submission of documents to the Testing Center;

Action algorithm

when submitting a collective application

1. registration on the site www. Familiarization with the standards (tests).

2.Collection of documents:

· for testing;

· birth certificate or passport(original + copy 1 page);

· medical clearance. Ata It is indicated in the collective application in a medical institution or medical institution. office of the institution no more than 10 days before the start of submission of documents to the Testing Center;

· for minors filled out and signed by a legal representative).

3.Submission of documents to the Testing Center (fore- mail: [email protected] ).

4.Compliance with the standards of the VFSK "GTO" complex. Directly at the testing sites, before fulfilling the standards, an identity document of the participant and original documents (application, medical clearance, consent to the processing of personal data) will be required.

5.Results processing at the Testing Center. Posting results on www. .

6.Notification of participants upon successful fulfillment of the standards of the VFSK "TRP" for a badge of distinction by phone or e-mail about the place, time and date of awarding the badge.

How many times can I get a TRP insignia?

The TRP insignia is valid within the age level, after which it must be reconfirmed.

The insignia is issued after successful completion required amount types of tests within the age level. The presentation for awarding insignia is organized based on the results of each calendar quarter by the testing center, after which the order of the regional executive authority in the field of physical culture and sports is sent.

How many days can you fulfill the TRP standards within the same age level?

It is possible to fulfill the TRP standards within the same age level within 1 year. For the adult population, this is a calendar year, i.e. from January 1 to December 31, for applicants educational - from July 1 to June 30.

IMPORTANT! If during the year there is a transition from one stage to another, then the results of the previously fulfilled standards are not taken into account in the new stage. In this case, in order to obtain the insignia of the TRP complex, it is necessary to complete the required number of tests either before moving to a new stage, or after.

According to guidelines, published on the website, it is possible to perform three to four types of tests in one day. Remember that, first of all, you yourself must be interested in the successful completion of tests in order to show best result.

Accordingly, when compiling an individual map of participation in the TRP complex, it is important to correctly approach the issue of distributing the load on your body.

I want to fulfill all the standards of the TRP complex in one day, is this possible?

It is impossible to fulfill all the standards of the TRP complex in one day. You must understand that you have only one attempt when fulfilling one standard.

To perform the tests of the TRP complex, you must prepare on an individual basis and come to the testing center only when you are completely sure of the successful completion of the tests for the highest rates.

When can I receive a badge of distinction?

A badge of distinction is issued after successfully completing the required number of types of tests within your age level. The presentation for awarding insignia is organized based on the results of each calendar quarter by the testing center, after which the order of the regional executive authority in the FCC region. The procedure for processing documents and making signs takes 4-6 months, in connection with which 2 sessions of awarding signs are provided. According to the results:

- autumn-winter period;

- spring-summer period.

What can I do now to successfully fulfill the standards of the TRP complex?

1. News healthy lifestyle life (charging, physical exercise, nutrition).

2. Attend physical education classes (for students of all forms of education), or gyms, fitness centers (for adults).
3. Form an individual schedule or plan for preparing for the performance of tests that are part of the VFSK TRP. If you follow these recommendations, you can certainly count on success.

How do I get a medical clearance?

Medical clearance for students can be obtained at the medical office in educational institutions(school), or student clinics based on the results of an annual medical examination.

The adult population can obtain a medical permit in polyclinics at the place of residence, subject to a systematic medical examination of the population.

If some of the tests were completed for a gold badge of distinction, and the second for a silver one, which badge will I receive in the end?

The award of the insignia is carried out according to the "lower bar". If at least one of the types of tests was completed for a bronze badge of distinction, then a bronze badge will be awarded, despite the fact that all other tests were completed for "gold" or "silver".

Is it possible to retake tests during one stage?

If you were unable to meet the acceptable minimum, it will be possible to retake the standards - for students in one academic year, for the adult population - after one calendar year.

If you failed to meet the standard, then you have the opportunity to retake it two more times, but not earlier than in two weeks.

Why you need to register on the site ?

registration on the site is needed in order for you to be assigned a unique ID-number that allows you to perform tests of the VFSK TRP in the official mode. Thanks to your personal ID-number, you can sign up for the Testing Center closest to you to fulfill the TRP standards, as well as view the results of the tests you performed on the website in your personal account.

When can I meet the requirements at your testing center?

Registration for tests is carried out in 5 days. When forming a group of at least 5 people, a date, time and place are assigned for the implementation of the standards of the VFSK TRP.

What types of tests can I perform at your testing center?

Based on our testing center, the following standards can be met:

1. Running for a short and long distance

2. Throwing sports equipment at a distance

3. Throwing tennis ball on target

4. lean forward from a standing position with straight legs on the floor or gymnastic bench

5. Raising the torso from a supine position

6. Pull-ups from the hang lying on the low bar

7. Pull up on high bar

8. Standing Long Jump

9. Snatch kettlebell 16 kg

10. Flexion and extension of the arms in emphasis lying on the floor or in emphasis on the gymnastic bench

11. Mixed movement

12. Shuttle run

13. Shooting from an electronic weapon from a sitting position with elbows on the table

What types of tests do I need to complete?

In your personal account on the site

By performing types of tests(tests) included

to the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex

"Ready for work and defense" (TRP)

Compliance with the standards of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP) (hereinafter - the TRP complex) is carried out in a competitive environment in testing centers. At the stages of preparation and implementation of the standards of the TRP complex, medical control is carried out.

In order for participants to fully realize their abilities, it is necessary to choose an appropriate sequence for testing. It consists in the need to start testing with the least energy-consuming types of tests (tests) and provide participants with a sufficient rest period between the implementation of the standards.

Before testing, participants perform an individual or general warm-up under the guidance of an instructor, teacher (trainer-teacher) or independently. Clothing and shoes of participants - sports.

During testing, the necessary safety measures and the preservation of the health of participants are provided.

Shuttle running is carried out on any flat ground with a hard surface that provides good grip with shoes. At a distance of 10 m, two parallel lines are drawn - “Start” and “Finish”.

Participants, without stepping on the starting line, take the position of a high start. At the command "March!" (with simultaneous start of stopwatches) participants run to the finish line, touch the line with their hands, return to the start line, touch it and overcome the last segment without touching the finish line with their hands. The stopwatch is stopped at the moment of crossing the "Finish" line. Participants start by 2 people.

Running is carried out along the tracks of the stadium or on any flat hard surface. The 30m run is performed from a high start, the 60m and 100m runs from a low or high start. Participants start by 2 - 4 people.

Endurance running is carried out on the running track of the stadium or any flat terrain. The maximum number of race participants is 20 people.

Mixed locomotion consists of running followed by walking in any sequence.

It is carried out on the treadmill of the stadium or any flat terrain. The maximum number of race participants is 20 people.

Standing long jump with both feet is performed in the appropriate jump sector. The place of repulsion should provide good grip with the shoes. The participant takes the starting position (hereinafter referred to as PI): legs shoulder-width apart, feet parallel, toes in front of the measurement line. With a simultaneous push of two legs, a forward jump is performed. Hand swing is allowed.

The measurement is made along a perpendicular straight line from the measurement line to the nearest trace left by any part of the participant's body.

1) stepping over the measurement line or touching it;

2) repulsion from a preliminary jump;

3) repulsion by legs at different times.

The long jump with a running start is performed in the appropriate sector for jumping.

The measurement is made along a perpendicular straight line from the place of repulsion to the nearest trace left by any part of the participant's body.

The participant is given three attempts. The best score counts.

Pulling up from hanging lying on a low bar is performed from PI: hanging lying face up with a grip from above, hands shoulder-width apart, head, torso and legs form a straight line, heels can rest against a support up to 4 cm high.

The height of the crossbar bar for participants of I-III steps is 90 cm. The height of the bar bar for participants of IV-IX steps is 110 cm.

In order to take the PI, the participant approaches the bar, grabs the bar with an overhand grip, squats under the bar and, keeping his head straight, puts his chin on the bar of the bar. After that, without unbending the arms and without lifting the chin from the bar, stepping forward, it straightens so that the head, torso and legs form a straight line. The assistant referee places a support under the competitor's feet. After that, the participant straightens his arms and takes the IP. From the IP, the participant pulls himself up to the crossing of the crossbar with his chin, then lowers into the hang and, having fixed for 0.5 s of the IP, continues to perform the exercise.

The number of correctly performed pull-ups, recorded by the judge's score, is counted.

1) pull-ups with jerks or with bending of the body;

Pulling up from the hang on the high bar is performed from the PI: hanging with a grip from above, hands shoulder-width apart, arms, torso and legs straightened, legs do not touch the floor, feet together.

The participant pulls himself up so that the chin crosses the upper line of the bar of the crossbar, then lowers into the hang and, having fixed for 0.5 s of PI, continues the exercise. The number of correctly performed pull-ups is counted.

1) pulling up in jerks or with swings of the legs (torso);

2) the chin did not rise above the bar of the crossbar;

3) lack of fixation for 0.5 s IP;

4) different-time bending of the arms.

For testing, weights weighing 16 kg are used. The control time for the exercise is 4 minutes. The total number of correctly performed kettlebell lifts with the right and left hand is counted.

Testing is carried out on a platform or any flat area measuring 2 × 2 m. The participant must compete in a sports uniform that allows judges to determine the straightening of the working arm and extension of the legs in the hip and knee joints.

The jerk of the kettlebell is performed in one step, first with one hand, then without interruption with the other. The participant must continuously lift the weight up until the arm is fully extended and fix it. The working arm, legs and torso should be straightened. The transition to the exercise with the other hand can be done once. Additional swings are allowed to change hands.

The participant has the right to start the exercise with any hand and proceed to the exercise with the other hand at any time, rest, holding the kettlebell in the upper or lower position, no more than 5 s. During the exercise, the judge counts each correctly performed lift after fixing the kettlebell for at least 0.5 s.


1) use any devices that facilitate the lifting of the kettlebell, including gymnastic overlays;

2) use rosin to prepare the palms;

3) to help oneself by leaning with the free hand on the thigh or torso;

4) putting the kettlebell on the head, shoulder, chest, leg or platform;

5) going beyond the platform.

1) we press the weights;

2) touching the legs, torso, kettlebell, working arm with the free hand.

Testing the flexion and extension of the arms in an emphasis lying on the floor, can be carried out with or without the use of a "contact platform".

Flexion and extension of the arms in an emphasis lying on the floor is performed from the PI: emphasis lying on the floor, arms shoulder-width apart, hands forward, elbows apart no more than 45 degrees, shoulders, torso and legs form a straight line. Feet rest on the floor without support.

Bending the arms, it is necessary to touch the floor or “contact platform” with a height of 5 cm with the chest, then, extending the arms, return to the IP and, having fixed it for 0.5 s, continue testing.

The number of correctly performed flexion and extension of the arms is counted.

1) touching the floor with knees, hips, pelvis;

2) violation of the straight line "shoulders - torso - legs";

3) lack of fixation for 0.5 s IP;

5) lack of touching the floor (platform) with the chest;

6) dilution of the elbows relative to the body by more than 45 degrees.

Flexion and extension of the arms in the lying position is performed from the PI: the emphasis is lying on the gymnastic bench (chair seat), arms shoulder-width apart, hands resting on the front edge of the gymnastic bench (chair seat), shoulders, torso and legs form a straight line. Feet rest on the floor without support.

Bending your arms, you need to touch the chest to the gymnastic bench (chair seat), then, straightening your arms, return to the PI and, fixing it for 0.5 s, continue the exercise.

The number of correctly performed flexions - extensions of the arms, recorded by the judge's score in the IP, is counted.

1) touching the floor with your knees;

2) violation of the straight line "shoulders - torso - legs";

3) lack of IP fixation for 0.5 s;

4) alternate extension of the arms;

5) the lack of touching the gymnastic bench (or chair seat) with the chest.

Lifting the torso from a prone position is performed from the SP: lying on your back on a gymnastic mat, hands behind your head, fingers are clasped into a “lock”, shoulder blades touch the mat, legs are bent at the knees at a right angle, feet are pressed to the floor by a partner.

The participant performs the maximum number of lifts in 1 minute, touching the hips (knees) with the elbows, followed by a return to the PI.

The number of correctly performed torso lifts is counted.

To perform testing, pairs are created, one of the partners performs the exercise, the other holds his legs by the feet and shins. Then the participants change places.

1) lack of touching the hips (knees) with the elbows;

2) lack of touching the mat with the shoulder blades;

3) fingers are open “out of the lock”;

4) displacement of the pelvis.

Tilt forward from a standing position with straight legs is performed from the IP: standing on the floor or a gymnastic bench, the legs are straightened at the knees, the feet are parallel at a width of 10 - 15 cm.

When performing a test (test) on the floor, the participant, on command, performs two preliminary inclinations. At the third tilt, it touches the floor with the fingers or palms of two hands and fixes the result for 2 s.

When performing a test (test) on a gymnastic bench, on command, the participant performs two preliminary inclinations, sliding his fingers along the measurement ruler. At the third tilt, the participant bends as much as possible and fixes the result for 2 s. Flexibility is measured in centimeters. The result above the level of the gymnastic bench is determined by the sign "-", below - by the sign "+".

1) bending the legs at the knees;

2) fixing the result with the fingers of one hand;

3) lack of fixation of the result within 2 s.

To throw a tennis ball at a target, a ball weighing 57 g is used.

A tennis ball is thrown at a target from a distance of 6 m into a gymnastic hoop with a diameter of 90 cm fixed on the wall. The lower edge of the hoop is at a height of 2 m from the floor.

The participant is given the right to perform five throws. The number of hits in the area limited by the hoop is counted.

For testing, a ball weighing 150 g and a sports equipment weighing 500 g and 700 g are used.

Throwing the ball and sports equipment is carried out at the stadium or any flat area into a corridor 15 m wide. The length of the corridor is set depending on the preparedness of the participants.

Throwing is performed from a place or a direct run-up in the “behind the back over the shoulder” method. Other throwing methods are prohibited.

The participant is given the right to perform three throws. The best score counts. The measurement is made from the throwing line to the place where the projectile lands.

Participants of the II-IV stages throw a ball weighing 150 g, participants of the V-VII stages throw a sports equipment weighing 700 and 500 g.

  • Spade for the throwing line;
  • The shell did not hit the "corridor";
  • The attempt was made without the referee's permission.


Swimming is carried out in pools or specially equipped places on water bodies. It is allowed to start from the bedside table, side or from the water. The way of swimming is arbitrary. The swimmer must touch the wall of the pool with any part of the body at the end of each segment of the distance and at the finish line.


1) walk or touch the bottom with your feet;

2) use lane separators or improvised means to promote or maintain buoyancy;

Cross-country skiing for 1, 2, 3, 5 km

Cross-country skiing is carried out in a free style at distances laid mainly on terrain with slightly and medium rugged terrain. Competitions are held in places closed from the wind in accordance with the sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training in educational institutions (Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN

Cross country for 1, 2, 3, 5 km

The distance for cross-country is laid on the territory of the park, forest or in any open space.

Shooting out air rifle or electronic weapons

Shooting is made from an air rifle or from an electronic weapon. Shots - 3 trial, 5 test. Shooting time - 10 minutes. Preparation time - 3 minutes.

Shooting from an air rifle (VP, type IZH-38, IZH-60, MP-512, IZH-32, MP-532, MLG, DIANA) is performed from a sitting or standing position with elbows resting on a table or rack at a distance of 5 m ( for stage III), 10 m at target No. 8.

Shooting from electronic weapons is carried out from a sitting or standing position with elbows resting on a table or rack at a distance of 5 m (for stage III), 10 m at target No. 8.

Hiking trip with a test of tourist skills

Fulfillment of tourism standards is carried out on hiking trips in accordance with age requirements. For participants of stages III, VIII - IX, the length of the walk is 5 km, stages IV - V, VII - 10 km, stage VI - 15 km.

During the hike, tourist knowledge and skills are tested: packing a backpack, navigating the terrain using a map and compass, setting up a tent, lighting a fire, and ways to overcome obstacles.

Nordic walking 2, 3, 4 km

Distances for participants nordic walking are laid (if possible) on the paths of parks on flat or slightly rugged terrain. If necessary, participants are provided with sticks, the height of which is selected taking into account the growth and physical fitness of the participants. Groups of starting participants are formed taking into account age, gender and physical fitness.

The All-Russian sports and recreation complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" was created in the 31st year of the last century. Having successfully existed until 1991, when he fell into oblivion. Already in our time, in 2013, the complex was recreated. Today it is experiencing a rebirth. GTO VFSK is a set of sports standards designed for everyone who wants to wear a badge of distinction on their chest. It can be gold, silver or bronze.

Anyone can become a member of the social movement: from 6 to 70 years and older. In accordance with this, all members of the TRP VFSK are divided into age groups, a total of 11 steps. There are 5 stages for schoolchildren: 6-8 years old, 9-10 years old, 11-12 years old, 13-15 years old, 16-17 years old. For the adult population, there are six more steps. Above sports standards Each group of athletes has its own standards, which were worked out by experts, coaches, doctors. All this suggests that you can achieve excellent results without difficulty if you put some effort into it. All this and much more can be found on the official website of the TRP VFSK.

How to comply with the GTO standards?

To pass the standards for the highest degree, systematic training should be carried out. Experts advise every day:

  • do morning exercises;
  • give a load to all the muscles of the body;
  • participate in sports competitions.

In addition, a special section "How to perform" provides information on the features of passing standards. For clarity and a better understanding of the nuances of the tests, you can watch videos. Thanks to them, the participants will understand which muscles will be involved in the test, which means that they will be able to pay special attention to them in training.


On the TRP VFSK website, you can find out what standards should be passed in individual steps. Referring to the special section "Standards", users receive information about the tests, the results that must be achieved in order to pass the standards of a gold, silver or bronze badge. To do this, click on the “View standards” section, where the page will open, as with mandatory standards, as well as alternative ones.

View regulations

All standards are surrendered in specially designated institutions, which are called testing centers. These are sports halls, complexes where conditions for effective classes preparing and passing tests. To find where the nearest testing center is located, you should register on the portal. There is a special section in the personal account, which contains the addresses of sports facilities; for convenience, participants are offered a map on which the facilities are located.

How to register on the site?

Opens up new possibilities for the user. The procedure is quite simple. Given that the information on the TRP VFSK website is not highly confidential, registration is carried out without presenting documents. To do this, in the upper right corner home page click on the relevant section. Then fill in the proposed fields: email address and personal data. A letter will be sent to the mail, in which it is important to follow the link, it will lead again to the portal, where in the central part of the main page of the TRP VFSK there will be data of the registered user:

  • surname;
  • surname;
  • an identification number;
  • TRP level, to which the project participant belongs by age.

registration on the site

After the entered data, the user will see something like this on the screen:

TRP personal account page

Here are three sections that are important for a member of the public sports movement:

  • my results;
  • standards;
  • testing centers.

Three sections in your account

The first one displays the results of those standards that have already been passed by the participant. By the way, the regulation on the TRP does not provide for retaking the results, so you should carefully consider the preparation and passage sports disciplines. What results should be in order to receive the TRP gold mark can be found in the following section: standards. It indicates the time and conditions for testing, both for boys (men) and for girls (women). The list includes both basic standards and alternative and additional ones.

By indicating his location, the user in his personal account will receive information about the nearest testing centers. This is where you can pass the standards. To do this, sign up, find out the time of a possible test. Be sure to carry your passport and medical certificate, which will indicate that the participant has no restrictions in passing standards. The addresses of the centers are located here, for the convenience of users, a map is presented on which it is easy to navigate in the search. sports hall or complex. The VFSK TRP website is a great opportunity to keep abreast of all the events of the project; there is a special news section for this.