Vfsk gto main page registration. GTO personal account for schoolchildren

The TRP program is a complex sports standards, which must be completed in order to receive the honors badge of the Ready for Labor and Defense project. A special website tells about the program, which provides complete information about the nuances of passing standards. The main page of the portal contains sections that are relevant when studying the program. For example, how to comply with the standards, about the standards themselves, about history and others. No matter how complete the information is, the use of the portal will be inferior if you do not go through the full registration process. The procedure is not difficult.

On the TRP website, registration is required for full use of all the features of the portal. In the upper right corner of the main page there is a section inviting you to register with gto.ru.

Registration icon

By clicking on it, the participant is invited to fill out a simple form.

Registration form on the GTO website

To register in gto.ru, there is no need to present data from a passport or other document. It is required to enter an email address, a code will be sent to it, which should be entered during registration.

Registration by code

At the same time, one project participant is registered at one address. Subsequently, all site information will be sent to the specified address, including, if necessary, recovering the password if it is forgotten or lost. Security in this case is not a priority, but the site does not require such a careful approach, since the information provided is not confidential. Rather, registration on TRP.ru is an opportunity to receive the necessary information and record your results of passing the TRP in the system.

After the formality is completed in filling out the necessary sections for registering on gto.ru, an email will be sent. It will contain a link, by clicking on which the participant gets to the personal account page. Immediately in the upper right corner of the main page of the portal, the last name and first name of the user under whose name the user is logged into the system is displayed.

The central part of the main page also contains the participant's data, his individual number - UIN, which identifies the athlete among hundreds of thousands of other participants in the TRP project. The level to which the registered user belongs is indicated next to it. Here you can sign up for testing.

Advantages of a personal account

On the GTO.ru website, registration is a process that opens the program participant additional features. By clicking on the username, you can get to your own page, the data of which can be changed according to your own decision. For example, a completed questionnaire will tell about the user's sports preferences. It is mandatory to indicate when registering on GTO.ru the region of the country where the participant of the GTO program lives. In the "Profile Editing" section, there are several headings: full name, photo, employment, sports and others. And in each of them, you can at any time make changes in accordance with the life nuances that everyone has.

You should indicate the date of birth, last name, first name and patronymic, as well as gender.

Date of Birth

The data needs to be reliable.

Personal data

The photo that is previously uploaded to the profile will be used in the project participant's passport.


In the column "Employment" you should fill in information about education, indicating the general educational institution; about employment, if the participant has a place of work.

Schoolchildren students must fill in the name of the educational institution, it is obligatory to indicate the region, locality and time of admission.

In the "Sports" section, those sports disciplines that the user prefers are indicated. These are both individual and team events. In your personal profile, you can change both the email and the login password. Registration on gto.ru allows you to use other features that the user receives.

Personal preference

At the end of the registration form, you must agree to the processing of personal data, so the registration process was successful.

Consent to the processing of personal data

Results, standards in your account

On the GTO.ru website, registration opens up additional opportunities for the program participant. For example, all the results of the standards passed by the user will be recorded in the personal account. By the way, you can perform them within school year- for schoolchildren, and during the calendar year - for the adult population. It is impossible to retake a sports discipline to improve the result. Therefore, before rushing to the testing centers, you should be well prepared and be sure that the result will be excellent. To understand how to pass the standards correctly, to find out the nuances of this process, you should look at a special section of the site. Here the name of the standard is selected, you can read about the process, but it is better to watch the video. It gives detailed recommendations on passing the discipline, which will allow developing a special training system.

Another section is inextricably linked with this - standards. It indicates not only the percentage of completed standards, but also the disciplines that are relevant for the level to which the user who has registered on gto.ru belongs. The test centers section asks for information about the user's location. If it is not true, you should select a region from the list provided. At the bottom of the page, a map of the area opens, with the addresses of the testing center marked on it. Below are the names of institutions and their addresses. The participant can select one of them and refer to the "I want to perform here" button. By clicking on it, you can sign up for the delivery of standards.

Who will answer the questions?

Answers on questions

In the course of studying the portal and passing the standards, questions invariably arise, you can find answers to them by referring to the appropriate section. The list contains the most popular questions, for example, what is the TRP, how and where to pass the standards, who will evaluate them, and others. You can also ask your own question if there is no answer in the list. To do this, you should refer to the section in which you can ask questions, both on the work of the portal and on the merits of the topic. In the latter case, it is necessary to mark the subject of the appeal, then go to the “Text of the appeal” column, where the question itself is formulated, then the user leaves an email address through which communication is carried out between the participant and the site administration.

Another option for communication is an online form where it is proposed to ask questions of interest to a specialist. Answers will be received in real time. The Glossary section will also be quite interesting, it contains all the basic concepts inherent in the system, and their explanation. For example, here you can find out what the “TRP commission” is, who are the program participants registered on GTO.ru, what is meant by the standards. The site also contains contacts of the organizers of the program, if necessary, you can use this information.

On the portal you can also get acquainted with the news, the feed of which is constantly updated. There are several sections here, for example, news federal level and regional. In order to refer to the latter, you should select the region where the participant is located and contact him. You can also select the "Region Page" section, which is relevant for those who closely follow the events in their subject. The portal is designed both for the circle of users who are just going to join the ranks of the TRP participants, and those who are already passing the standards.
In Soviet times, more precisely in the 30s of the last century, the public movement "Ready for Labor and Defense" was created, within which schoolchildren and young people passed the standards sports disciplines. The result was a gold or silver badge. Many years later, in modern Russia, the sports movement was revived again. The system is taken as a basis, operating in the past, but with the elements and requirements for the realities of today. You can find out all the details on a special portal dedicated to the TRP movement.

Using the site is quite simple. At the top of the main page there are sections that provide complete and reliable information on the TRP program. In the list of sections: news, how to perform, standards, history and others.

Registration on the official website

Registration icon

A separate section is registration for schoolchildren on the official website. Thanks to the personal account, the user has a lot of opportunities. At the same time, the registration procedure for schoolchildren on the official website of the TRP is quite simple. Why schoolchildren? This is the most numerous category of project participants, which, by the way, achieves high success in passing standards.

How to register in a personal account?

Since the site does not contain any too secret information, when registering on the official site, the student does not need to enter personal data, for example, passport data and other documents. To register schoolchildren on the GTO website www.gto.ru, you need to refer to the appropriate section.

Registration form

Here you must specify the e-mail, which will subsequently receive news, all changes regarding the site. In addition, if the password is forgotten or there is a desire to change it, all these manipulations are performed using e-mail. At the same time, it is important to remember that each participant must have their own mail, registration on the official website of two schoolchildren who are ready to become participants in the program to one address is not possible.

After the mail is specified, the password is entered, its confirmation is required.

Registration of the TRP

Almost immediately, the portal sends a link to the specified address, following which the program participant enters the site already under his own name. Since the project "Ready for Labor and Defense" is designed for schoolchildren from the very young age - 6 years old, it is advisable for parents themselves to register for their children in order to be able to monitor the achievements of the child, the innovations that are made to the system. On the TRP website, registration for schoolchildren will take place in a couple of seconds; at the next login, the user just needs to enter an email and password. If you wish, you can save this data on the GTO website www.gto.ru when registering schoolchildren, then you will not have to enter the necessary data again and again.

What does a personal account provide?

After the registration for the student, the name of the project participant, his unique number, which identifies the member of the TRP team among others, of which there are hundreds of thousands, appears on the main page of the official website.

Registration for testing

It also indicates the level to which, due to age, the participant belongs. By the way, the program provides five steps for schoolchildren.

  1. The first includes very young athletes - from 6 to 8 years old;
  2. In the second - from 9 to 10 years;
  3. 11-12 years old;
  4. 13-15 years old;
  5. 16-17 years old.

Each stage has its own types of standards and conditions for their delivery. To find out details regarding a particular participant in the program, you should go to the TRP website after registering for schoolchildren. Personal Area and refer to the "Regulations" section. Here are presented exactly those disciplines that will be surrendered or some of them have already been passed.

It is important to understand that the standards can only be passed once, so you need to carefully prepare for the delivery of sports disciplines. At the same time, the website provides information that a gold badge is given to schoolchildren if all the standards are passed to top results. In a separate section, you can get acquainted with the results of a particular user, which are already recorded in the system, which means they will be included in the corresponding document. By the way, in your personal account, you should agree to the processing of personal data, which is relevant for schoolchildren who are underage citizens. The form for this is placed in a special section of the user's account, it can be printed, filled out and submitted to the testing center.

How to change profile?

After the registration of schoolchildren on the GTO website www.gto.ru, you can change personal data at any time. The profile is filled out when you first enter your personal account, the data is indicated here:

  • Date of Birth;
  • surname;
  • surname;
  • gender of the participant;
  • address.

To change any data, go to the Edit profile section.

Profile editing

Be sure to upload a photo that will later be used in the passport that the WFSK participant has. The personal data in the "Contacts" section also contains information about the place of residence of the participant and his contact details.

TRP participant profile section Contacts

It should be noted that when registering for schoolchildren on the official website of the TRP, it is important to fill out all the sections marked in the columns on the page. This is data on the place of residence, address of registration, a mobile phone for communication is indicated. Especially for parents of younger students, it is possible to indicate their data, while indicating the degree of relationship.

In the "Employment" section, it is proposed to fill in information about education.

TRP participant profile Employment section

If we talk about schoolchildren, then it is important for them to fill in the columns of the subsection "Place of study". This is the place of study, an indication of the region, locality, time of admission. In the section on sports, a participant in the TRP program must indicate three preferred types of sports disciplines when registering a student on the official website. It can be team or individual.

TRP participant profile section Sport

In the "Profile" section, the participant or his parents, if the athlete is too young, can change the email address and password. Experts recommend doing the latter regularly to increase the security of the site.

What is interesting for schoolchildren in their personal account?

When registering for schoolchildren on the official website, it becomes possible to use the portal to the full extent. The section that contains answers to the most popular questions is interesting. These are the topics:

  • what does TRP mean?
  • how to pass the standards;
  • what standards are presented in different age levels.

If among them there was no question of interest to the project participant, you can ask it, there is a special subsection for this. It is required to determine the topic, then write your question and indicate the e-mail to which the student was registered on the website.

After registering on the official website of the TRP, the student will be aware of all the events in the world of sports and sports, will be able to see changes in the standards, learn how to pass the standards correctly at school. In just 1 minute after registration, you can get full access to the personal account of the TRP official website.

Just a couple of clicks and after a while you will have full access to information on such a portal as the GTO website www.gto.ru - registration of schoolchildren without the participation of parents is impossible, therefore it is important to help the child go through this procedure.

In order to comply with the TRP norms, the participant is registered in the TRP AIS at: user.gto.ru/user/register by filling out a specialized questionnaire with an established list of personal data.

Filling out the questionnaire allows a citizen to become a member of the TRP complex, about which he receives a corresponding letter to the specified e-mail address. Participation in the TRP complex is accompanied by the assignment to a citizen of a unique identification number consisting of 11 digits:

  • the first 2 digits encrypt the calendar year of the start of participation in the TRP complex;
  • second 2 digits - generally accepted digital designation of the subject Russian Federation to determine the place of registration and issue of an account card;
  • the remaining 7 digits correspond to the serial number of the participant within the current year and in the corresponding territory.

The next step is getting into your personal account, where, in addition to automatically familiarizing yourself with the regulatory indicators of the TRP complex for bronze, silver and gold insignia within his age level, the citizen chooses the Testing Center that is convenient for him.

The choice of the Testing Center allows the participant to access the online calendar of the corresponding Testing Center and reserve the date and time of appearance to perform the tests of the TRP complex.

After the citizen completes 1-3 steps, the information goes to the Testing Center for its further processing, and also - all information is accumulated in the automated database of the TRP complex .

In the absence of technical capabilities or an insufficient level of computer literacy, it is possible to apply and become a member of the TRP complex by appearing at the Testing Center, with the help of the Testing Center staff. The appearance of a citizen in the Testing Center allows him to additionally consult on topical issues and issue a registration card for fulfilling the state requirements of the TRP complex.

Privacy of personalthese children

Here are some tips for keeping your child safe online.
Teach your child that under no circumstances should personal data be transmitted over the network without the supervision of a parent or adult guardian. This applies in particular to information such as first and last name, home address, telephone number, school information, etc.
Be aware of which sites your child visits and which sites are appropriate for children to visit.
Please review the privacy policy of the site. You need to be aware of how your child's information will be used.

Question: What is an ID number?
Answer: ID-number is a unique identification number of a participant in the TRP complex, which is mandatory entered into the protocol for fulfilling state requirements for physical fitness citizens of the Russian Federation. Then, using the ID number, you can sign up for testing centers and try to fulfill the TRP standards in test mode. Also, by ID-number you can track the rating of personal results.

Question: Didn't receive my ID number?
Answer: To receive an ID-number, after registration, you need to confirm your email and follow the link that should come in a letter to your postal address. If you didn't receive such a letter, try recovering your password using the link user.gto.ru/user/password . After you generate a new password, activation will take place and by logging in with your email and a new password to your personal account, you will be able to see the ID number.

Question: Where are the testing sites in my city?
Answer: Register on the gto.ru website, where you will find the addresses of testing centers in your city, as well as a calendar for accepting standards.

    GTO RU Registration

    In order to comply with the TRP norms, the participant is registered in the TRP AIS at: user.gto.ru/user/register by filling out a specialized questionnaire with an established list of personal data. Filling out the questionnaire allows a citizen to become a member of the TRP complex, about which he receives a corresponding letter to the specified e-mail address. Participation in the TRP complex is accompanied by the assignment to a citizen of a unique identification number, […]

In this article, we will analyze in detail the features of registration on the website of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex of the TRP for underage students and dwell on certain issues that often arise during registration.

To register a minor legal representative additionally fills in and submits to the Testing Center consent to the processing of personal data.

Personal account

As a result of registration, your UIN (unique identification number) of the participant and a personal account are created. Its main purpose is to store all information about the owner, starting from the last name, year of birth, age, address of residence to the personal achievements of the participant. sports movement.

Here you can find many useful tabs for yourself:

  • my disciplines. All mandatory and alternative standards available for delivery, as well as tests to choose from, are indicated.
  • My results. This tab reflects the achievements for the passed tests as a percentage and, accordingly, the level.
  • My badges. You can view which rewards a member has already received.
  • Testing centers. Their location, exact addresses and opening hours. In this tab, it is convenient to select a suitable testing center. And even there is an opportunity to sign up for the delivery of standards for a certain time.
  • Calculator. It is needed to determine which sign, according to the available skills and age category, the participant can count on.

Registration on the official website of the TRP

The registration process on the official website of the TRP begins with a click in the upper right corner "REGISTER", then a questionnaire appears with fields to fill out.

Next, an email address is requested, which must be entered several times. A valid e-mail address is entered in this column, since it will receive messages regarding the registration of the participant on the site. There is no need to create a mailbox for the child, the parent can also enter his mail address.

An email will be sent to your inbox with a code to activate your account.

The activation code must be entered in a special field, then click on the "Submit" button.

Then you will see the field of the questionnaire - the date of birth. In this column, you must indicate the date of birth of a minor child. After entering, a warning appears about the need to fill out the student's questionnaire together with a parent, guardian, other adult. Below, click on "Continue as a legal representative."

We continue to fill out the questionnaire:

  • Full name (as in official documents).
  • Gender of the participant.

  • We select according to the specified criteria and upload a photo.

  • Specify information about the place of residence.
  • Number mobile phone participant is a student.

  • Name and patronymic of the legal representative, his telephone number for communication.

  • In the field about education, we indicate "a student of a general education institution."
  • In the field information about employment - "student".
  • We indicate the place of study of the student, if the child is studying in several places - click "additionally".

  • Three preferred sports.

After filling in the main columns of the questionnaire about the student, consent to the processing of personal data is filled in, for this:

  1. By clicking "Download", we download this document, print it out, be sure to fill it out by hand in block letters and sign it.
  2. We make notes about downloading and reading the user agreement.
  3. We confirm our intention to participate in the complex by clicking "REGISTER".

The registration process is completed at this point, a letter with the participant's UIN is sent to the mail address.

In the future, in order to enter your personal account, you only need an email address and a password.

Unique activation code

This code is sent only to the e-mail of the registrant. The code that is requested to activate the account is unique because it links the specified email and password. All this is necessary to create your personal account and pass the standards.

Account activation and obtaining an ID number in the TRP

After the registration is completed, a UIN consisting of eleven digits is assigned.

  • First, there are two digits indicating the year of entry into the ranks of the participants in the TRP complex.
  • Then two digits are the region of Russia, they are necessary to determine the place from which the participant is registered and to issue an account card.
  • The remaining seven digits indicate the serial number of the participant within one year and region of registration.

You can see your UIN in your personal account.

Registration confirmation by email

After registration is completed, a system letter from the official website is sent to the specified email address. You must follow the link in the letter to complete the registration, thereby confirming your desire to participate in the complex.

In this case, the email acts as the participant's digital signature.

It is important to know that only one account can be registered per email address.

Often questions arise about this, for example, parents write: “I can’t register my daughter through my email, my account has already been created through it. Is it necessary to have a personal mail for a child? There are two options for solving the problem - create a new mail address or register a student using the address of another parent.

Sometimes the difficulty is caused by the stage of entering the activation code. A common problem is that an email with an activation code does not arrive at the email address. In this case, you need to check the Spam folder.

How to recover the password in your personal account

To recover your password, click on "Password recovery". Further, by specifying the email address and entering the code from the picture on the TRP website, you can recover the forgotten password.

Site technical assistance

If you encounter problems during registration and using the account, you can get help in the following ways:

  • chat with a specialist. You can write an email to system administrators for technical assistance;
  • contact by phone hotline. Contact numbers are in the "Contacts" tab;
  • question and answer form. You can ask a question on the site and receive an answer by e-mail.

Deleting a personal account

It is very easy to do this. All you need to delete your account is an email address. By clicking on the "Delete account" button and entering the code received by mail, the participant completely deletes his data from the site.

Summing up

Receiving special signs of encouragement for this is the first steps of a child into the world big sport and health. The TRP project is interesting in that for each age category it has its own standards for delivery, and adults and children aged 6 years and over can participate.

Dear readers, if you see an error in our article, write to us about it in the comments. We will definitely fix it. Thank you!

Compulsory disciplines: Compulsory disciplines Alternative: Alternative disciplines There are also optional tests, at the request of the participant: Optional tests Sign up for testing a special institution, find out about free dates for carrying out standards and sign up for a date and time that is convenient for him. But why visit the Testing Center in person? Testing Center For this, there is a special function in your personal account that allows you to sign up online. This is much more convenient than visiting the Centers, since in this case each person will be able to perform the necessary actions using his personal computer.

They designate the code of a certain subject of the Russian Federation, because everyone has their own. Seven digits follow. They are a serial number that refers to a specific year and a specific territory of registration.

For example, for people who registered in Moscow in 2017, seven digits are given to obtain a unique ID number. It is important to consider that the use of the TRP personal account without such a code becomes impossible.
This is the most important attribute for a person to be able to participate in this program:

  • demonstrate their sports skills;
  • prove the presence of the best sports training;
  • apply for TRP badges.

A special number must be entered in a special protocol, which indicates the requirements for physical training of people. Only thanks to the ID code, the program participant has the opportunity to sign up for testing sports skills.

How to find out the WIN of a child

How many TRP test standards (tests) do you need to complete in order to receive a badge of distinction? The number of completed test standards (tests) for obtaining a distinction of a particular dignity depends on the standards of your age level (http://gto.ru/norms). Please note that in each of these levels there are "mandatory" tests "and" optional tests.

Be careful, when fulfilling the standards of tests (tests) "by choice", "alternative" tests may be offered. When performing several "alternative" test standards (tests), the fulfillment of the standard is counted, which advises the distinction of the highest dignity.



Taxpayers, individuals, pay taxes based on the notice of the tax authority and the attached payment notice. Win in the payment order For individual entrepreneurs paying advance payments for personal income tax, tax authorities can send ready-made receipts (form No. PD (tax)) for the amount determined according to the data of form 4-personal income tax along with the notification.


At the top of such a receipt is the line "Document Index", which contains a 20-digit code of a unique accrual identifier. If an individual entrepreneur transfers an advance on personal income tax by a payment order, then it is this UIN index that he must indicate in field 22 “Code” (Clarifications of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation dated 03/28/2014).

By the way, as the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation explains in its letter dated 04/08/2016 No. ZN-4-1 / 6133, individual entrepreneurs, heads of peasant farms, notaries, lawyers and other individuals, transferring payments to the budget, must indicate their TIN or UIN in payments .

What is win when passing the GTO?

A unique identifier is formed from the following parameters:

  1. Protocol serial number.
  2. Date of issue of the protocol or order.

In this case, each digit of the resulting value has its own meaning: The first three digits The manager's code is 188 for the traffic police The fourth digit The receiving organization is 1 The fifth digit The purpose of payment is 1, if a fine is paid The sixth and seventh digits Date of compilation The remaining digits Serial number Thus, based on code, you can accurately determine for which fine the payment is made. How to find out the UIN for payments to the budget
If there is a decision, the payer himself or a bank employee can generate the necessary number. In what cases the code is not needed It is not always necessary to indicate the UIN.

Gto personal office. login and password login

First of all, you will need to enter your date of birth. Thanks to this, the system will be able to verify that the person is already eighteen years old.


It should be borne in mind that registration can only be carried out by an adult, since he has the right to give permission for the processing of his personal data. The need to use an ID number ID number Any participant who registers in this system must be assigned a unique number.

This code includes eleven digits. They, in turn, provide comprehensive information about the relative new member of this organization. For example, thanks to the first two digits, you can quickly find out in what year a new person was registered, who can use the TRP personal account.
The next two characters help determine the user's region of residence at the time of registration.
Why is one unique identification number (UIN) assigned to one e-mail? Only one user can be registered per email. This is because email is analogous to a digital signature. Thus, if the password from the personal account of the AIS VFSK TRP is lost, the user will be able to resume its work using the e-mail specified during registration. 11) When can I exceed the test standards (tests) of the TRP complex? In case of an unsuccessful attempt, you can exceed the test standards (tests) of the VFSK TRP. Note that the implementation of one test standard (test) is possible no more than three times within one year. In addition, one of the conditions is a two-week break between the performance of one standard test (test) since the last attempt.

For example, he independently prepares for tests, and completed a certain amount of exercises according to the norms of the TRP, and also recorded the readings received. These results can be entered into a special table of the online calculator.

She will provide information on whether such data is enough to obtain a gold, silver or bronze TRP badge. Calculator Thanks to this information, a person will understand what are his chances of successfully passing the standards, as well as what to pay attention to Special attention when training to fit your sports results to the generally accepted norms of the GTO. The user's personal account provides a lot of unique features that make it much easier for each person to prepare for passing the standards, as well as their implementation. In the personal account, it is detailed not only in which case a participant in a sports movement can apply for a TRP badge.
The choice of the Testing Center allows the participant to access the online calendar of the corresponding Testing Center and reserve the date and time of appearance to perform the tests of the TRP complex. After the citizen completes 1-3 steps, the information goes to the Testing Center for its further processing, and also - all information is accumulated in the automated database of the TRP complex.

In the absence of technical capabilities or an insufficient level of computer literacy, it is possible to apply and become a member of the TRP complex by appearing at the Testing Center, with the help of the Testing Center staff. The appearance of a citizen in the Testing Center allows him to additionally consult on topical issues and issue a registration card for fulfilling the state requirements of the TRP complex.

As a system of healing the nation, the TRP is increasingly being introduced into modern life. Using the best traditions former USSR, modern sports infrastructure and experienced trainers who have vast knowledge in the development of the body for each person, the program helps everyone become healthier. All these advantages of modern Russia make the TRP so popular and effective. The user's personal account opens up great opportunities for everyone who wants to participate in this unique program. It will be enough just to register on the official website to become a full member of a huge organization. Depending on the results obtained, candidates can safely claim three distinctions.

These include gold, silver and bronze badges. What kind of sign is in the arsenal of the participant in the program - the TRP will show the personal account.

Continue registration as a legal representative of a minor”;

  • Fill in all the personal data of the participant, upload a photo;
  • After that, you need to download the “Consent of the legal representative to the processing of personal data of a minor”, ​​which must be submitted in paper form to the Testing Center;
  • Confirm familiarization with the User Agreement and click on the "Register" button;
  • That's all! After that, the participant's personal account will be available and you can start booking a date for passing the TRP standards!
  • How to find out the id (ID) number on the TRP website And how to find out the id number on the TRP website? A unique id-number is assigned to each participant who has registered on the TRP portal! The ID number is entered into the protocols when passing the standards, so each participant needs to know his number.

The TRP program (ready for work and defense) is a set of special sports standards, the fulfillment of which allows you to get a TRP badge (bronze, silver or gold). All citizens of the Russian Federation (schoolchildren, students, civil servants and ordinary citizens) can take part in the program. To do this, each participant must go through the registration procedure on the official website of the TRP. In this article, you will learn how to register yourself and register your child for participation in the TRP.


One of the main conditions for the successful passing of standards is the registration on the TRP website. The registration procedure is not particularly complicated and there should not be any problems with its implementation. However, it should be borne in mind that in order to register a participant, it will be necessary to fill out a registration form in which you must specify personal data and additional information.

Step-by-step instruction:
1. First you need to get to the official portal, which is available at the following address link - www.gto.ru.

2. After going to the main page of the site, click on the "Registration" button.

4. Go to your mail and find out the activation code. Enter the received code in the appropriate window.

5. Then enter the following parameters: date of birth, full name, gender, address of residence, mobile phone number, information about education and place of work, and personal preferences.

If you correctly filled out all the information about yourself, then the registration will be completed, and the registration form will be redirected to the site employees. Now you can log in to your profile and take part in the competition.

Note! In the registration form it is recommended to indicate only reliable information. Otherwise, the results obtained during the passage of the standards may not be credited. Therefore, before completing the registration, it is recommended to check the correctness of the entered parameters.

Create a child account

In accordance with Russian law, disclosure of personal data of persons under the age of majority without the consent of their parents or guardians is illegal. Therefore, the registration procedure for schoolchildren has some differences and is performed as follows:
1. Open the TRP website and select "Registration".

2.Enter your email address and password.

3. Confirm the mail by entering the code from the received letter.

4.Next, enter your date of birth. At this stage, if the entered date corresponds to a minor citizen, a special window will be displayed. It will contain information that in this case only the legal representative of the participant (parents or guardians) can register.

5.Click the button in the window that appears.

6. Enter the requested information about the child.

7.Then enter the contact number and full name of the person who owns the specified phone.

8. After that, you need to print out the form for submitting consent to the processing of personal data. Fill it out and take it to the main Testing Center or give it to the physical education teacher at the school.

9. After submitting an application for consent to the processing of personal data, the created account will be successfully activated.

Authorization on the site

To apply for participation in the competition, you must log in to your profile on the TRP website. Only registered users can do this. If you haven't registered yet, please see how to do so above.

2.Go to the "Login to your personal account" tab.

3. Enter your email address and password (these data were specified in the registration form).

4.Click on the "Login" button.

If you entered the correct data, you will automatically be taken to the main page of your profile.

Access recovery

If during the authorization process the system gives the following error “Email or password entered incorrectly” and you cannot find the correct login parameters, you can restore access to your account by following the procedure below:
1.Go to the authorization page user.gto.ru.

2.Click "Forgot Password".

3. Enter your email address and enter the code from the picture.

4.Click Submit.

5.Go to your mail and check your inbox. There you will receive a letter with a recovery code.

6. Enter the received combination in the corresponding field.

7.Create a new password and confirm the changes.

You will then be able to access your account using the new password.

Note! If you do not have access to the email associated with your account, then you should contact support for help to recover your password.

Change of personal data

If during the registration process you accidentally entered incorrect information or you have made any changes, you can change your personal data yourself. This is done through a personal account. To do this, the user will need to do the following:
1. Log in to the portal.

2. Open your profile (to do this, click on the tab in which your full name is indicated).

3.Click on the Edit Profile tab.

4. Enter new data in the fields that you need.

After that, the entered data will be automatically saved in the system.

Possibilities of a personal account

An account created on the TRP website gives many opportunities to the program participant. However, the main function of the personal account is to apply for participation in competitions, as well as to obtain a UIN. In addition, after authorization in the profile, the user is granted access to the following functions:

  • editing a profile (changing personal data, as well as parameters for logging in to the system);
  • information about the disciplines to be taken for each category (6–8 years old – grade 1, 9–10 years old – grade 2, 11–12 years old – grade 3, 13–15 years old – grade 4, 16–17 years old – grade 5, etc.). d.);
  • information on the results achieved for any period;
  • information about received insignia;
  • addresses of testing centers;
  • access to a calculator with which you can calculate the TRP standards to obtain the first badge of distinction in different categories;
  • communication with the support operator via online chat.

In addition, the following sections are available on the official portal of the Ready for Labor and Defense program, which are available to both authorized users and visitors:

  1. News. It contains information about all changes in the program, as well as about the events held.
  2. How to perform. This section presents detailed description and video with the implementation of all the standards included in the program.
  3. Regulations. Here, participants can find out what results they need to achieve in order to receive a certain merit badge.
  4. Story. Section for acquaintance with the history of the origin of the program.
  5. Documentation. Here you can find all the provisions and legislative acts relating to the TRP program. In addition, in this section you can download ready-made forms for filing various applications.
  6. Media gallery. Photos and videos from the events.
  7. GTO Ambassadors. Information about all program ambassadors from different regions of the country.
  8. Contacts. Here is indicated Contact Information to communicate with departments. A map is also presented with the designation of the addresses of all operating centers.
  9. Question answer. This section contains all the most frequently asked questions and provides detailed answers.


To take part in the TRP competitions and receive a badge of distinction, you must first register on the portal and obtain a UIN. To register, the participant will need to fill out a registration form and indicate information about himself in it. For minor users, registration is carried out by their parents or guardians.

By registering and activating a personal account, the user can log into his account. To do this, he will need to enter his e-mail or password. If you have problems logging in, you can use the password recovery system.