Mandatory standards for physical training in the army and special services of Russia (6 photos). Swimming in the army (Armed Forces) Is it necessary to be able to swim in the army

Surely everyone who plays sports at least a little and tries to keep himself in good physical form, the standards that contract servicemen are required to pass are interesting. Next, we bring to your attention the mandatory standards for physical training in the army, airborne forces and special forces.


Contractual service can be divided into several categories: by age groups and by gender. Yes, women also serve under the contract. By age, the standards are divided into two categories: up to 30 years old and over 30 - for men, up to 25 years and over 25 - for women. You must sign your first contract between the ages of 18 and 40. Fitness standards consist of three levels: strength training, speed data and your endurance level. Therefore, it includes such types as push-ups, pull-ups, running and cross-country skiing. Let's look at all this in more detail.

Men under 30:

Pull-ups on the bar: 10 times
- push-ups: 45 times
- 60 meters run: 9.8 seconds
- running for 100 meters: 15.1 s.
- shuttle run 10x10 meters: 28.5 s.
- 3 km run: 14.4 minutes
- 1 km run: 4.2 min.
- cross-country skiing (5km): 28 minutes

Men over 30:

Pull-ups on the bar: 8 times
- push-ups: 40 times
- 60 meters run: 10 seconds
- 100 meters run: 15.8 s.
- shuttle run 10x10 meters: 29.5 s.
- 3 km run: 15.5 minutes
- 1 km run: 4.45 min.
- cross-country skiing (5km): 29 minutes

As you can see, the age standards differ, but not so much, so the older generation regular workouts they are quite on the teeth. Now let's move on to the fair sex.

Women under 25:

Torso forward: 25 times
- push-ups: 12 times
- 60 meters run: 12.9 seconds
- 100 meters run: 19.5 s.
- shuttle run 10x10 meters: 38 s.
- 1 km run: 5.20 min.

Women over 25:

Torso forward: 20 times
- push-ups: 10 times
- 60 meters run: 13.9 seconds
- 100 meters run: 20.5 s.
- shuttle run 10x10 meters: 39 s.
- 1 km run: 5.45 min.

The airborne troops have always been considered the elite of the Russian army, so their physical training standards are especially interesting. Paratroopers are required extremely high level endurance. So, let's look and analyze:

Pull-ups on the bar: 13 times
- 100 meters run: 14.1 seconds
- 3 km run: 12.3 minutes
- 5K cross: 24 minutes
- ski race 5 km: 28 minutes
- ski march 10 km: 1 hour 15 minutes
- march throw as part of a unit: 56 minutes
- overcoming the obstacle course: 2 minutes 25 seconds
- swimming in uniform with weapons: 100 meters
- a special hand-to-hand combat complex: it is estimated by a point

In addition to everything, there are several power complexes and a number of tests to overcome the obstacle course.


And now, perhaps, the most delicious. To meet these requirements, you have to seriously sweat in the gym.

Pull-ups on the bar: 25 times
- push-ups: 90 times
- bench press: 10 times (weight not less than your own, but not more than 100 kg)
- press lying on the back: 100 times
- Shuttle run 10x10 meters: 25 seconds
- 100 meters run: 12.7 seconds
- cross 3 km: 11 minutes
- jumping up with a change of legs: 90 times

Also, this entire list is supplemented by the demonstration of the technique of punches and kicks and participation in various sparring fights. And the standard exercise, which we even decided to take out separately from all the others - CSU (complex strength exercise). This includes: 10 push-ups from the floor, 10 times the press lying on the back, 10 times the emphasis crouching - emphasis lying, 10 times the jump up from the stop crouching. And this complex must be performed 8 times in a row without a break!
As you can see, everyone's workload is different. For contract service, the standards are not so harsh, and most sports people they will do it without any problem. Further, of course, everything is no longer so simple - for the level of the Airborne Forces and special services you need to be a real athlete.

In our time, hardly anyone will deny that swimming is a vital skill for both a child and an adult. The enormous importance of water in people's lives required adaptation to this unusual environment. After all, the first time a person gets into the water, he drowns. Therefore, swimming is a vital skill associated with mastering aquatic environment and the ability to move around. The ability to swim sometimes became decisive during wars - especially during naval battles. It is known that the training of troops in swimming was carried out as early as the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich (17th century) and Peter the Great. The great Russian commander A.V. Suvorov regularly trained his troops to swim and highly appreciated the soldiers who could swim. A. Petrushevsky reports on how Suvorov was able to "ford and swim across", for which "people learned to swim from him".

In the first half of the 19th century, events were held in the Russian army to develop swimming among the troops: swimming was taught in the cadet corps, special study guides in swimming, swimming schools were opened, swimming teachers were trained, sports swimmers, etc.. This experience was summarized by officer Konkin, who later published a book in St. Petersburg, where he developed the rules for selecting soldiers for swimming teams, the training procedure, the content of training sessions, the device of special machines for studying the technique of swimming on land using the breaststroke method. breasts”, a technique for overcoming swimming in clothes of water crossings and transportation of weapons with ammunition through the water. Of even greater interest is the book of P. Plakhov, where he analyzes the methodology for organizing a company's swimming crossing. Analyzing his rules, he points out that before carrying out the crossing, the company commander is obliged to determine the number of soldiers who can swim without aids, the number of weak swimmers, in need of auxiliary means, the number of those who cannot swim at all and are afraid of water. P. Plakhov attached special and absolutely correct importance to the officer’s personal example, emphasizing “that the company commander with company officers should sail at the head of the company, setting an example for the lower ranks.”

Since the beginning of the war 1914 - 1918. some measures were taken to create swimming schools in the fleets, in which instructors of this business would be trained. They were then used on ships and in units for mass training in swimming for all personnel. Military swimming schools were opened in Kronstadt, Nikolaev, Sevastopol and other naval bases.

During the years of the Great Patriotic War fighting in the ranks Soviet army and Navy swimmers athletes, thanks to their endurance, the ability to swim long distances, swimming against the current, on a big wave, swimming with a load, diving, successfully completed combat missions.

2. The ability to swim is a vital skill for a person of any age. A good swimmer never risks his life while in the water. He knows that he will always swim to shore or be able to hold out on the water until help arrives. The ability to swim is necessary for a future soldier, sailor, officer of the Armed Forces.

In the system of physical training of the Armed Forces, swimming, along with other sections, is an integral part of military training and education, aimed at developing physical and military-professional skills that increase the combat capability of troops. The main guiding document for teaching swimming to military personnel is the Physical Training Manual of the Russian Army and Navy. Swimming lessons, according to the Manual, are aimed at developing the skills of military applied swimming, jumping into the water, helping a drowning person, overcoming water obstacles by swimming, on the education of endurance and self-control. It describes in detail the methods of manufacturing and fastening supporting watercraft, the technique of swimming in uniform with weapons, using individual rescue equipment, with the help of improvised items and without them. ; techniques for overcoming water obstacles; methods of swimming to a drowning person, release from seizures and transportation of the victim on the water; artificial respiration techniques.

The Manual also provides safety requirements for conducting swimming classes and gives instructions on organizing classes and bathing at a water station (Instruction for a water station duty officer, Rules for using a water station, Responsibilities of a swimming class leader).

Swimming lessons include:

Swimming breaststroke, freestyle, in uniform with a mock-up of a machine gun;

undressing in the water;

Diving in length and depth;

Helping a drowning person;



3. Swimming in various types Armed Forces

In the classroom with staff missile troops attention is drawn to the predominant development of general endurance, the development of reaction speed; used swimming on short distances and performing water jumps. Particular attention is paid to mastering the skills of swimming diving with various rotations.

At the lessons with the personnel of motorized rifle units, chemical protection units, attention is paid to mastering the methods of swimming in uniform with weapons; swimming with the use of personal life-saving appliances, floats and items of equipment; learning how to swim across; the predominant development of general endurance when swimming on long distances and in uniform with weapons.

Tank automotive and engineering units: long and deep diving, diving and scuba diving.

Aviation - freestyle swimming and breaststroke; swimming in set No. 1; diving, acrobatic exercises on the water; swimming with rescue equipment.

In the classes with the personnel of the landing units, the main attention is paid to diving, the implementation of which requires decisiveness and courage, spatial orientation and coordination of movements from those involved. Along with them, sports and scuba diving are used, which are effective tool increasing resistance to motion sickness to oxygen starvation.

Surface ships and submarines - use swimming in uniform with the help of individual means, clothing items and without them; undressing in the water; diving in length and depth; performance of the simplest works in water, on water, under water; education of speed and endurance for long swimming, swimming and diving in set No. 1; swimming underwater, diving.

In the classroom with the personnel of the Marine Corps, the contents of the Physical Training Manual are studied in full; Special attention refers to mastering the skills of swimming in uniform with weapons, actions on and under water; on the predominant development of general endurance and speed in actions, the cultivation of courage and determination, on the maintenance of high performance during long sea passages.

In addition to swimming lessons, the Armed Forces use such forms of swimming training as mass swimming, morning physical exercise with swimming, military-applied swimming in the process of combat training. Mass bathing is carried out by unit commanders in accordance with the Charter of the internal service and the order of the commander. According to the safety rules, before and after bathing, a calculation and check are carried out. The servicemen are divided into groups of those who can swim and those who cannot, and receive assignments. The leader observes the swimmers, gives them appropriate instructions by voice or a set signal. In the warm season, if there are conditions, swimming and bathing may be included in the complex of morning physical exercises. This version of physical exercises is used to improve the skills of sports and applied swimming, diving, developing speed and general endurance, special and strong-willed qualities, strengthening health and hardening the body.

Military-applied swimming. During the movement of troops, as close as possible to combat conditions, the content of physical training includes the following actions and tricks:

Preparation of improvised and supporting means to overcome the water barrier by swimming;

Adjustment of uniforms, equipment and weapons for swimming;

Overcoming a water barrier on a tight rope with a rope;

Crossing a water barrier for those who cannot swim;

Overcoming a water barrier by swimming with the help of a duffel bag, protective

stocking, raincoat tent;

Crossing weapons and ammunition;

Jumping into the water in clothes and with weapons;

Swimming with undressing in the water;

The use of uniforms, equipment and equipment to facilitate navigation.

Sports work in swimming with the personnel of the Armed Forces is determined by the content of the Military Sports Complex, the Military Sports and the Unified Sports Classifications.


The physical training of military personnel is the key to the combat capability of the army. Today, in the Russian Armed Forces, more and more attention is paid to the development physical education and sports.

Physical training in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is defined as “a basic element of the military-professional and moral-psychological readiness of servicemen. Today, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is making considerable efforts to develop the physical culture and sports area in the Armed Forces. In the near future, it is planned to transform army sports bases into sports and health centers. This will make physical education mass and sport accessible. The centers will train pre-conscription and conscription youth.

Physical training in the army develops endurance, agility, improves health. It is in the army that a young man becomes strong, courageous, hardened - a real defender of the Fatherland.

One of the main tasks of the Strategy for the Social Development of the Armed Forces Russian Federation for the period of 2020 is the improvement of physical culture and sports in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.


1. Swimming and diving training, Under the general editorship of Tikhonov A.M. - L.: Military twice Red Banner Institute of Physical Culture, 1983.

Greetings to all lovers healthy lifestyle life and sport!

A distinctive feature of all special forces in the world is the physical training of military personnel. What physical standards do military personnel need to pass in order to get into the structures of special units of the armies of the countries of the world and the police.

Physical standards of military personnel in different countries of the world

For those who are unfamiliar with the physical fitness requirements of the special forces or for entry into the service, check out these articles. What candidates are offered to pass in other countries, regardless of age, and how the standards for women differ.

I will begin my story with the division of Israel. I think a lot of our compatriots serve there, and the borders of the state are subjected to external attacks, so training requires dedication and constant training from the military.


Army Special Forces of the Border Troops. Military personnel with a service life of at least 3 years, not older than 25 years old, are accepted into the ranks.

Physical Regulations

pull-up25 times
push-ups on the fists with weight on the back100 times
press flexion and extension300 times
cross in equipment 20 kg. - 8 kilometers38 min.
rope climb 7 meters7 seconds
swim 50 meters35 sec.
swim under water50 meters
swim with tied hands50 meters

SWAT training includes running across rooftops, climbing a drainpipe, and fighting a guard dog.

"Sciathan Fiannoglach an Airm"

The special forces of the armed forces of Ireland "Sciathan Fiannoglach an Airm" (in translation - the wing of the army rangers) the motto of this military formation is the words - "the purity of our hearts, the strength of our hands, the obligatoriness of our promises."

The standards of physical training of military personnel are as follows

bridge jumping into the waterchecking actions in the water
crossing the rivergroup activities
claustrophobia testin a narrow space
run10 km
mountain hikecargo
mountain crossingmedium weight cargo
difficult over rough terraincargo - 15 kg.
forced march 35-40 kmload-15 kg.
mountain trail crossingload-15 kg.

By the end of the preliminary test, 15% of the candidates remain in the ranks.

Physical standards for military personnel


US Army Operations Detachment. Applicant's age ranges from 22 to 35 years, military service 4 years, enlisted rank of sergeant, officer with the rank of captain or major. Several dozen parachute jumps behind him, excellent health, no penalties, stable mentality. Preliminary selection includes general physical training and march.

push-ups in an emphasis lying in 1 minute40 times
one minute squat40 times
cross - 3.2 km16 min
crawling on the back (20 m - feet forward; 20 m - head first)25 sec
14.6 meter hurdles and ditches24 sec
swimming in uniform and berets 100 meterswithout time
march (29-64 km) with a duffel bag (18-22.7 kg) with checkpointsaverage speed


The German combat swimmers KAMPFSCHWIMMER motto is “Learn how to suffer without complaining.” Volunteers under the age of 33, contract soldiers who want to serve at least 4 years in underwater special forces, are preparing for this special unit. The physical fitness test for German citizens includes

swim 1000 meters25 min
running 5000 metersfaster 25 min
swim underwater holding your breath for 45 seconds.25 meters
pull-up11 times
squat for 2 min.83 times
bench press 50 kg18 times
shot put8 meters
long jump4.75 m
100 meters run13.4 sec
running 400 meters68 sec
running 10,000 meters46 min
100m freestyle swimming1.46 sec
300m freestyle with equipment7.39 min

For each item completed, the fighter receives one point.

"Reconnaissance Detachment 10" of the Swiss Army

Designed to protect key facilities in the country, protect citizens in case of a threat, direct action, unconventional methods of warfare.

minimum qualifying physical fitness requirements for candidates

No age restrictions.

Reconnaissance group "Recces" special forces of the Republic of South Africa

A psychological test precedes physical training, with the slightest deviation from mental instability, the candidate is removed.

Be sure to take a parachute training course, during the passage and tests they do not sleep and do not eat for several days.

2nd Australian Army Commando Regiment

The unit's motto is "Without warning"

Table of standards for physio

As in other parts special purpose in the Australian Army, only volunteers with military service experience can get here. Twice a year you can try to get into an elite regiment. The physical test lasts 24 hours.

Special Operations Forces Command (CANSOFCOM)

Canadian recruits pass physical standards in two stages. First day - shuttle run

Second day


A special unit of the British Army. When entering the service, you must have military experience, excellent psychological and military training age 25 -30 years.


German police special unit. Age for candidates with higher education is 18-24 years old, citizenship of Germany or EU countries, compulsory knowledge foreign languages, you must have a degree in swimming.

"Special Operations Forces of the PLA Ground Forces"

Like other special forces of the armies of the countries of the world, the Chinese pay special attention to physical training. Physical combat includes unarmed combat techniques. Regular military personnel and recruits aged 18 to 32 years are accepted for service.

barbell raises and dips per day200 times
dumbbell lifting 35 kg in 1 min60 times
push-ups from the floor for 1 min100 times
throwing a grenade at least 50 meters100 times
brick wall climb up to 5th floor30 sec
swim in combat gear 5 km1 hour 20 min
cross 5 km with load25 min


Polish military formation for special purposes. Recruits and servicemen who wish to serve in this special forces must have health and psychological endurance. Candidates are 24-30 years old. Physical standards include

Special forces "Navy SEALs" of the US Army

Physio exercises go one after another with a short interval for a short rest.

These are the physical standards that military personnel and army candidates in different countries of the world need to pass in order to become a fighter of elite special units. Share your comments, acquaint your friends and acquaintances in social networks.

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  • 2.2.2. Hand movements
  • 2.2.3. Phase composition and general coordination of motions
  • Phases of hand movements
  • Phases of leg movements
  • Chapter 3
  • 3.1. Front crawl swimming technique
  • 3.1.1. General characteristics of the method
  • 3.1.2. Body position and leg movements
  • 3.1.3. Hand movements and breathing
  • 3.1.4. General coordination of movements
  • 3.2. Backstroke Swimming Technique
  • 3.2.1. General characteristics of the method
  • 3.2.2. Body position and leg movements
  • 3.2.3. Hand movements and breathing
  • 3.2.4. General coordination of movements
  • 3.3. Breaststroke swimming technique
  • 3.3.1. General characteristics of the method
  • 3.3.2. Body position and leg movements
  • 3.3.3. Hand movements and breathing
  • 3.3.4. General coordination of movements
  • 3.4. Butterfly swimming technique
  • 3.4.1. General characteristics of the method
  • 3.4.2. Leg movements
  • 3.4.3. Hand movements and breathing
  • 3.4.4. General coordination of movements
  • 3.5. Start technique
  • 3.5.1. Start from the nightstand
  • 3.5.2. Start from the water
  • 3.6. Turning technique
  • 3.6.1. "Pendulum" turn
  • 3.6.2. Open flat turn when swimming front crawl (fig. 23).
  • 3.6.3. Open flat turn when swimming back crawl (Fig. 24).
  • 3.6.4. Somersault forward (turn with rotation without touching the wall with the hand) when swimming crawl on the chest (Fig. 25).
  • Chapter 4
  • 4.1. Basic principles of teaching
  • 4.2. Tasks and stages of training
  • 2. Learning the individual elements of the technique and the way of swimming in general.
  • 3. Consolidation and improvement of swimming technique.
  • 4.4. Choosing a sailing method
  • Chapter 5
  • 5.1. Means of education and training
  • 5.1.2. Preparatory exercises for mastering with water
  • 5.1.3. Diving training
  • 5.1.4. Games and entertainment on the water
  • 7. "Boats"
  • 5. "Swing"
  • 6. "Who will win?"
  • 2. Arrow
  • 5. "Clownery"
  • 6. "Who's going to skim the farthest?"
  • 7. "To the start - march!"
  • 5.1.5. Exercises for studying the technique of sports methods of swimming and improving in it
  • 5.2. Methods of teaching and training
  • 5.2.1. verbal methods
  • 5.2.2. Visual Methods
  • Chapter 6
  • 6.1. Front crawl method
  • 6.2. Back crawl method
  • 6.3. Breaststroke method
  • 6.4. Butterfly method (dolphin)
  • 6.5. Start technique
  • 6.6. Turning technique
  • 46. ​​Somersault while swimming on the chest
  • 6.7. Improving the technique of sports swimming methods
  • 10. Elimination Relay
  • 17. "Precise jump"
  • 18. "Who's next?"
  • Chapter 7
  • 7.1. The main aspects of the swimmer's sports readiness
  • 7.2. Technical readiness of swimmers
  • 7.3. Physical fitness of swimmers
  • 7.3.1. Endurance
  • 7.3.2. Force abilities
  • 7.3.3. Flexibility
  • 7.3.4. Speed ​​abilities
  • 7.4. Psychological and tactical readiness of swimmers
  • 7.5. Basic means and methods of training
  • 7.6. Planning and organization of initial training
  • 7.6.2. Basic training stage
  • 7.6.3. Recreational swimming and conditioning training
  • 7.6.4. Control and self-control
  • Chapter 8. Organization and conduct of swimming classes and competitions
  • 8.1. Choosing and preparing a place for swimming and conducting classes
  • 8.2. Rules of conduct on the water and safety requirements
  • 8.3. Organization of swimming lessons
  • 8.4. swimming lesson
  • 8.4.1. Preparing the teacher for classes
  • 8.4.2. Methodology for building a lesson
  • 1. Ensure maximum employment of all students in the lesson.
  • 2. Organize the lesson in such a way as to be able to constantly monitor and regulate the physical activity of students.
  • 4. Ensure the safety and insurance involved when you - | completing exercises.
  • 5. To ensure the formation of students' interest in swimming in the lesson.
  • 8.5. Preparation and holding of swimming competitions. Basic Documentation
  • 8.5.1. Preparing for a swimming competition
  • 8.5.2. Basic documentation of swimming competitions
  • 8.5.3. Refereeing school competitions in swimming
  • 8.5.4. Organization and holding of water holidays (on the example of the Neptune holiday)
  • Chapter 9
  • 9.1. Swimming in extreme conditions
  • 9.2. Rescue of the drowning
  • 9.2.1. The sequence of actions for saving drowning swimmers
  • 9.2.2. Life-saving appliances and their use
  • 9.2.3. The sequence of actions for saving drowning people in winter
  • 9.2.4. First aid for drowning
  • 9.3. Overcoming water barriers
  • 9.3.1. Swimming
  • 9.3.2. Crossings with aids
  • 9.3.3. Crossing with rope, poles, rope or wire
  • Chapter 10
  • 10.1. Applied swimming technique
  • 10.1.1. General characteristics of the breaststroke method on the back (Fig. 68)
  • 10.1.2. General characteristics of the method
  • 10.1.3. General characteristics of swimming in the crawl on the chest in set No. 1 (Fig. 70)
  • 10.1.4. Diving technique -
  • 10.1.5. Techniques for liberation from the grips of a drowning person
  • 10.1.6. Techniques for transporting a drowning person
  • 10.2. Methods of teaching applied swimming
  • 10.2.1. Breaststroke method on the back (Fig. 81).
  • 10.2.2. Side method (Fig. 82)
  • 10.2.3. Diving
  • 10.2.4. Techniques for liberation from the grips of a drowning person
  • 10.2.5. Techniques for transporting a drowning person
  • 10.2.6. Games with elements of applied swimming
  • Chapter 11
  • 11.3. Swimming lessons
  • 11.4. Swimming in summer health camps
  • Schedule of lesson distribution of educational material for a group of non-swimmers
  • 15 lessons for those who can swim
  • 11.6. Swimming in the Armed Forces
  • 11.7. Swimming in the system of physical rehabilitation
  • 11.8. All-Russian Water Rescue Society
  • 11.10. Self-employment in swimming
  • Chapter 2
  • Chapter 3. And
  • Chapter 4
  • Chapter 5 ;
  • Chapter 6
  • Chapter 8
  • Chapter 9
  • Chapter 11
  • 11.6. Swimming in the Armed Forces

    In the system of physical training of the Armed Forces, swimming, along with other sections, is an integral part of military training and education, aimed at developing physical and military-professional skills that increase the combat capability of troops.

    The main guiding document for teaching swimming to military personnel is the Physical Training Manual of the Russian Army and Navy.

    Swimming lessons, according to the Manual, are aimed at developing the skills of military-applied swimming, jumping into the water, helping a drowning person, overcoming water obstacles by swimming, and developing endurance and self-control.

    The Manual reveals the objectives of training, the content and features of the organization of classes; the method of teaching the technique of sports, military-applied and scuba diving, jumping into the water, diving and helping a drowning person is given; lists the main commands and orders used in training.

    It describes in detail the methods of manufacturing and fastening supporting watercraft, the technique of swimming in uniform with weapons, using personal life-saving equipment, with the help of improvised items and without them; techniques for overcoming water obstacles; methods of swimming to a drowning person, release from seizures and transportation of the victim on the water; artificial respiration techniques.

    The Manual also provides safety requirements for conducting swimming lessons and gives instructions on organizing classes and bathing at a water station (“Instruction for a duty officer at a water station”, “Rules for using a water station”, “Duties of a leader in swimming lessons”).

    Swimming lessons include: ■"■.:

    breaststroke swimming, freestyle, in uniform with a mock-up of a machine gun;

    undressing in the water; ~ and

    diving in length and depth; ■ . ■

    helping a drowning person; ■ .

    diving; . "!


    Conducting practical training in swimming with militaryemployees. The content of swimming lessons with military personnel

    Mi of different types of the Armed Forces and branches of the armed forces has its own characteristics.

    missile troops attention is drawn to the predominant development of general endurance, the development of reaction speed; short-distance swimming and diving are used. Of particular importance is mastering the skills of swimming and diving with various rotations.

    In the classroom with staff motorized rifle units, chemical protection units great attention is paid to mastering the methods of swimming in uniform with weapons; swimming with the use of individual life saving equipment, floats and items of equipment, uniforms and improvised material; learning how to swim across; the predominant development of general endurance when swimming for long distances and in uniform with weapons.

    In the classroom with staff tank, automobile and inengineering parts Attention is drawn to mastering the skills of long and deep diving, diving and scuba diving.

    In classes with aviation personnel, the following are used as the main means: freestyle swimming and breaststroke; swimming in set No. 1; jumping into the water, acrobatic exercises on the water; swimming with rescue equipment.

    In the classroom with staff landing units the main attention is paid to diving, the implementation of which requires decisiveness and courage, spatial orientation and coordination of movements from those involved. Along with them, sports and scuba diving are used, which are an effective means of increasing resistance to motion sickness and oxygen starvation.

    In the classroom with staff surface ships and submarinesboats they use swimming in uniform with the help of individual life-saving appliances, clothing items and without them; undressing in the water; diving in length and depth; performance of the simplest works on water and under water; education of speed and endurance for long swimming, swimming and diving in set No. 1; swimming underwater; diving.

    In the classroom with staff marines the content of the Manual on physical training is being studied in full; special attention is paid to mastering the skills of swimming in uniform with weapons, actions on the water and under water.

    doy; on the predominant development of general endurance and speed in actions, the cultivation of courage and determination, on the maintenance of high performance during long sea passages.

    To check the level of preparedness of military personnel, the following control standards are used: .... L

      swimming 100m breaststroke or freestyle; performing starts and turns while swimming by these methods - for the personnel of all types of the Armed Forces, officers, cadets of military educational institutions;

      swimming at 100 m in uniform with a mock-up of an assault rifle - for personnel of motorized rifle units, chemical protection units, marines, and landing units;

      diving in length - for the personnel of tank units, tank units of motorized rifle and engineering units, over water ships and submarines, units of the Marine Corps;

      swimming 100 m in uniform with undressing - for training personnel of surface ships and submarines, units of the Marine Corps;

      jumping into the water upside down from a 3-meter tower or tramlin - for the personnel of surface ships And submarines, units of the Marine Corps;

      jump into the water upside down from a 3-meter tower or tramlin - for the personnel of surface ships And submarines, parts of the Marine Corps.

    In addition to swimming lessons, the Armed Forces use such forms of swimming training as mass swimming, morning physical exercises with swimming, military applied swimming in the process of combat training.

    Mass bathing of military personnel are organized and conducted by unit commanders in accordance with the Charter of the internal service and the order of the commander. According to the safety rules, before and after bathing, a calculation and check are carried out. The servicemen are divided into groups of those who can and those who cannot swim and receive assignments. The leader observes the swimmers, gives them appropriate instructions by voice or by set signals.

    Morning exercise with swimming. In the warm season, if there are conditions, swimming and bathing may be included in the complex of morning physical exercises. This version of physical exercises is used to improve the skills of sports and applied swimming, diving, the development of high-speed and general

    endurance, special and volitional qualities, health promotion and hardening of the body. Exercises are performed in the following sequence: walking, running, general developmental and special exercises to improve swimming technique, swimming exercises, running and walking.

    Military-applied swimming in the process of combat trainingness. During the movement of troops, as close as possible to combat conditions, the following actions and techniques are included in the content of physical training:

      preparation of improvised and supporting means to overcome the water barrier by swimming;

      adjustment of uniforms, equipment and weapons for swimming;

      overcoming a water barrier along a tightrope with the help of a rope;

      overcoming a water barrier by swimming with the help of improvised means;

      crossing a water barrier for those who cannot swim;

      overcoming a water barrier by swimming with the help of a duffel bag, protective stockings and a cape;

      transfer of weapons and ammunition;

      overcoming a water barrier by swimming without improvised and supporting means;

      overcoming a water barrier under water;

      methods of advancement to the crossing, entry into the water and exit from the water at different steepness of the banks;

      jumping into the water in clothes and with weapons;

      swimming with the use of personal life-saving equipment;

      swimming with undressing in the water;

    The use of uniforms, equipment and equipment to facilitate navigation.

    Sports work in swimming with the personnel of the ArmedForce. It is determined by the content of the Military Sports Complex, Military Sports and Unified Sports Classifications.

    ■ For ship personnel, as a special exercise in biathlon, it is recommended to swim 400 m freestyle or long dive; for the personnel of the marines and units of the Navy - 400 m freestyle swimming.

    The Military Sports Classification provides for: swimming in uniform with weapons - with the assignment of III-I categories; diving from a tower (not less than 3 m high), swimming 100 m and long diving; these exercises are assigned III and II categories.

    Acceptance of VSK norms and implementation of practical standards are carried out in competition conditions.

    Sports swimming lessons are held in accordance with the Unified Sports Classification. With the personnel, sports work is organized in their free time, on weekends and holidays. During the hours of educational work for sports should be allocated at least 4-6 hours 2-3 times a week.

    Swimming training sessions are held:

      in the combined teams of a military unit and subdivision - with the most trained swimmers;

      V sports sections military unit - with athletes who want to improve their swimming skills;

      in subdivisions - with all servicemen on the program of combat training, on the maintenance of the Military Sports Complex, on military applied sports.

    For military personnel with sports categories, with the permission of the relevant commanders (chiefs), the number of training sessions in swimming is: for athletes of the II category - at least 3 times a week; for athletes of the 1st category, candidates for master of sports and masters of sports - at least 4 times a week; for athletes included in the combined teams of military districts, branches of the Armed Forces - 5-6 times a week.

    Control questions and tasks

      What are the main documents used in the work of swimming in the Armed Forces?

      What are the features of the content of swimming lessons at timespersonal types of the Armed Forces?

      How mass bathing of personnel is carried out in Armedpowers?

      What actions and techniques of applied swimming are included incombat training of the Armed Forces?

    5. How sports work is carried out in swimming with personalbecoming the Armed Forces?

    Swimming and diving training / Ed. ed. TikhonowaA.M.- L .: Military twice Red Banner Institute of Physicsculture, 1983.

    Russian Navy Special Forces

    Navy special forces soldiers are often referred to as combat swimmers, but the correct name for their military specialty is "reconnaissance diver".

    Being, like the GRU special forces, first of all, highly professional power intelligence, the Russian naval special forces are very different from the army special forces. Both the one and the other are subordinate to the GRU General Staff, their personal goes through a rigorous selection and rigorous training for actions behind enemy lines. But the structure, combat missions and areas of combat training are different for ground and naval special forces units. There are nuances in the requirements for the selection of personnel.

    LANDING OF MARINE SPECIAL FORCES ON WATER: ORDER AND TECHNIQUE Landing on water is, perhaps, one of the most difficult and dangerous elements of the training of naval special forces. The commandos on board the aircraft are in full diving gear.

    When jumping on a parachute, they are dressed in a GK-5M2 wetsuit. GK-5M-1, it does not have a volumetric helmet lock, instead there is an obturator with a VM-5 mask. Personal weapons are in rubber cases, equipment - in IKD-5 containers. During the flight, the paratroopers are supplied with oxygen from the on-board system of the aircraft. When approaching the landing area, the group commander inspects the personnel and orders to signal readiness for landing. After that, the paratroopers disconnect the hoses of the onboard oxygen equipment and begin to breathe from their IDA-71P devices. On command, the landing party leaves the transport compartment, the group leader is the last to jump. Landing is carried out on parachutes PV-3, specially designed for landing divers. It differs from a conventional landing parachute in an increased area, since the mass of a diver in full gear can reach 180 kg. After the opening of the main parachute, the IKD-5 container and the reserve parachute are released and go down on fifteen-meter strands.

    When the container touches the water (this is immediately noticeable by the slowing down of the fall), the skydiver opens the triggers of the locks, which release the free ends of the main parachute. After diving into the water, divers disconnect the reserve parachute and the main pack, pull the containers to themselves by the strand. This is followed by a short ascent, the scuba divers are connected by strands into a hitch, and begin to move with the help of fins in the direction of the coast. Ahead of them is a landing, camouflage of diving equipment, a rapid retreat inland from the coastline and reconnaissance deep behind enemy lines. As for the main parachutes, they will get wet and sink in 20-30 minutes, thus ceasing to unmask the group.


    In the USSR, naval special forces units were recruited on conscription. Then it was completely justified. Young people came to the army already quite physically prepared, many had ranks in parachuting and scuba diving. Considering that the term of service in the fleet was three years, during this time it was possible to train a sufficiently qualified reconnaissance diver. Now the term of service in both the Russian army and the navy is one year, the quality of conscripts has dropped dramatically, so recruiting naval special forces does not look like a good idea. Although, according to the guidelines of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the recruitment of reconnaissance military units of the Special Forces and the Basic Forces can be carried out from citizens serving both on conscription and under contract. G. Zakharov describes the selection of conscripts as follows.

    Officers of the naval special forces: the commander of the MRP, the commander of the detachments, the physiologist and the physical training instructor began work with the naval selection committee. Selected candidates were chosen. Naturally, it was required good health. Particularly large tried not to take. A candidate with a height of about 1.75 m and a weight of 75-80 kg was considered optimal. Such people withstand the greatest relative loads. We studied the questionnaire and psychological qualities. Orphans and children from incomplete families were eliminated. Preference was given to people from large families: service in the naval special forces is very dangerous even in peacetime. Also, suitable candidates were selected in the "training" of the Marine Corps. But one must understand that endurance, courage and excellent physical data do not guarantee successful service in the naval special forces. Here, a kind of psychological stability is especially important. It happens that a brave and enterprising person on land is completely lost in the underwater environment. Screening of candidates was carried out in several stages. First: march "thirty" - running for 30 km with a weight of 30 kg. Combat training in the 561st OMRP Then an elementary test for psychological stability "Night at the Cemetery".

    The soldiers must spend the night at the graves. It was not passed by three or four candidates out of a hundred. Zakharov describes a case in which three candidates dug up a grave and began looking for gold in it. Interestingly, they were left in the unit. In the future, these turned out to be the most psychologically stable people. Pipe check. Hard test. Candidates must swim through a tube simulating a submarine torpedo tube. Its length is 10-12 m, width is 533 mm. At first, the pipe is not completely filled with water. On final stage a fighter must swim in light diving equipment through a pipe filled with water. For some, this becomes the moment of truth in terms of suitability for service in the underwater special forces. Andrey Zagortsev in the story “Sailor of the Special Forces” describes exactly such a case that happened to him when he, a physically strong and resourceful young man, scuba diving “in civilian life”, fell into a panic when he found himself in a pipe. The case ended with a loss of consciousness and pulling the candidate out of the pipe with the help of a safety cable. Tellingly, swimming in “clean” water did not cause him any inconvenience, but when swimming in a confined space, it turned out that main character prone to claustrophobia. G. Zakharov tells about a fatal case with a “pipe”, when a fighter, having overpowered himself, nevertheless dived into it, but from fear he earned a massive heart attack. All this is important for understanding what the fighters of the naval special forces have to face. Helmet purge. Go under the water, open the helmet to fill it with water, close the helmet and blow the water out through the evacuation valve. This is a typical situation. Some, as soon as the water reached the nose, jumped out to the surface like a bullet. If a candidate could not pass the test the first time, he was not eliminated, but the failure of several attempts meant that the person would not serve in the naval special forces. Control swim. This is the most serious, and at the same time indicative test. If the previous two tests an unsuitable person could still somehow slip through, then this one objectively showed the capabilities of everyone. After passing the light diving training, candidates were given a one-mile underwater swim. Air was pumped into the cylinder of the oxygen apparatus at a pressure of 170 atmospheres. With normal calm breathing, oxygen had time to regenerate and the balloon at the finish line showed a pressure of 165 atmospheres. If a person is psychologically broken, breathes through his mouth, he “eats” all the air and comes to the finish line with a pressure of 30 atmospheres. The last test was called the "weak link". For fighters of naval special forces, psychological compatibility is very important. The fighters sit down in the classroom, each is given a list of the group and a pencil. And the fighter must write a number against each surname: with whom he would like to go on reconnaissance in pairs in the first place, with whom - in the second, and with whom - and last. The questionnaires are anonymous. After that, the points were summed up and those who scored the highest points were eliminated. Those who failed the tests were no longer sent back to their units. It was necessary for someone to carry out household work in the naval special forces.

    As you can see, the qualities required for service in the special forces of the Navy are somewhat different from the stereotyped image of a commando. These are not necessarily supermen and masters of hand-to-hand combat, but above all, psychologically stable people, albeit an ordinary combat training in naval special forces is on top. G. Zakharov gives an interesting example of the role of psychological stability in the work of naval special forces: “I had such a fighter Valya Zhukov - a laughing stock, only the lazy one did not tease him. And somehow the submariners asked me for three divers to participate in the tests of the rescue submarine. If they had not been cut into scrap later, the crew of the Kursk would have been saved. Tests in the ocean. I gave three of the best guys. They started working normally, according to the program, and suddenly someone asks: “How much is there under the keel?” And there are two and a half kilometers. As we heard, two of them immediately got sick - they don’t go under water, and that’s it. Although there is no difference - at least 100 m, at least 5 km. getting out of the water.

    He was also my best combat orderly, coped with wounds and fractures, as if he had been a paramedic all his life before. But there are only a few such super-stable people. The rest had to be trained hard.” The process of combat training in the special forces of the Navy goes on continuously. The training program is rich and includes diving, airborne, navigation and topographic, mountain special, marine, physical training, fire training (including possession of weapons by the armies of a potential enemy), mine-blasting, hand-to-hand combat, the ability to survive in the conditions of various theaters of military operations, knowledge of the armed forces of a potential enemy, radio work and much more, which is indispensable in modern warfare. Considerable time is devoted to the study of actions under water: underwater penetration into enemy territory and evacuation into the water, orientation, observation in conditions of poor visibility, pursuit of the enemy and separation from pursuit, camouflage on the ground.

    The acquired skills are developed during practical training. According to G. Zakharov, mortality in the process of combat training was not a rare occurrence. If the commander of the MRP lost no more than two or three people a year, he was not punished, but simply verbally scolded. Although this does not mean that the special forces of the Navy treated human lives with disdain. On the contrary, instructions were developed in case of emergency situations, the personnel memorized the procedure in such cases to the smallest detail. The first and second detachments trained at various coastal facilities until all actions were honed to perfection. The third detachment first of all learned to operate in an aggressive aquatic environment. In Soviet times, underwater special forces were constantly involved in checking the state of security of strategic facilities, anti-sabotage protection of ships and ground facilities of the fleet. As a rule, the “defending” side was given maximum data on the groups that would work (composition, object and time of action), however, the special forces regularly managed to penetrate the objects and perform training tasks. Sometimes it was necessary to resort to a military trick - to “surrender” one of the comrades, and while the “caught saboteur” was solemnly led to the headquarters of the unit, the main part of the group worked. One of the former fighters of the naval special forces recalls on an Internet forum how a group in the exercises entered the destroyer under the guise of inspectors; on another occasion, the commandos drove into the harbor in an UAZ, the license plates of which and the driver were well known at the checkpoint; the author of the post himself once escorted "a comrade dressed in a uniform ... a police captain straight to the office of the commander of the military unit." Even in conditions when the time and place of the attack were known, and several hundred people were waiting for the saboteurs in full combat readiness at the facility, the Special Forces groups managed to complete the task. If the group worked without warning, the result was all the more predictable.


    Almost all combat operations of the Soviet and Russian naval special forces are secret, very little is known about them in the public domain. G. Zakharov, for example, claims that he did not have to fight. During the Cold War, the special forces of the Navy performed tasks in the same place as other "military advisers" from the USSR: in Angola, Vietnam, Egypt, Mozambique, Nicaragua, Ethiopia and others countries, often at the request of their governments. In Angola and Nicaragua, swimmers guarded Soviet ships and advised local armed forces. When the war in Afghanistan began, many Navy special forces officers asked to be sent "for combat experience", but the leadership did not respond to these requests. Instead, officers who had been in Afghanistan were sent to the special forces units of the Navy to transfer combat experience. And really, what was the point of throwing people with diving training into a meat grinder, sending them on two-week raids in the mountains or the desert, if there were ordinary units of the Airborne Forces and Special Forces of the GRU? After the collapse of the USSR, everything changed. During the first war in Chechnya, a grouping of Russian troops had to be assembled "from the world on a thread", and apparently this explains the fact that the naval special forces still ended up in the "land" war. During the First Chechen campaign, the personnel of the 431st OMRP operated as part of the 8th company of the 879th airborne infantry regiment of the 336th detachment of Baltic Fleet, formed from the sailors of the Leningrad naval base. The company was commanded by Captain 1st Rank V., a submariner by profession. The infantry officers of the Vyborg Antiamphibious Defense Regiment, who were supposed to go to war, refused to do so. The Marine Corps Brigade of the Baltic Fleet was in a state of collapse at that time. The personnel of the 8th company was recruited from sailors of ship specialties, far from land combat operations.

    Under these conditions, due to the lack of full-time scouts, reconnaissance support for the actions of the 8th company was entrusted to the 431st OMRP, whose fighters operated as part of the 1st (reconnaissance) platoon. By the way, the captain of the first rank V. does not directly mention that it was the special forces of the Navy that acted as part of the 8th company, but other sources point to this, and the very logic of events. In conditions when a company was formed with great difficulty from sailors who did not have infantry training, there was simply nowhere else to take trained scouts. The reconnaissance platoon was commanded by a special forces officer of the Navy Guards. Art. Lieutenant Sergei Anatolyevich Stobetsky. The company was supposed to leave for Chechnya in January 1995, but due to organizational problems, it was transferred to Khankala only on May 4. At this time, a truce was announced, during which the militants managed to regroup and "lick their wounds", and on May 24 fighting resumed.

    Federal troops launched an offensive on the mountainous part of Chechnya, where militant groups were hiding. The 8th company began to advance in the direction of Shali-Agishty-Makhkety-Vedeno. The 1st reconnaissance platoon acted in the vanguard, occupying key points, and behind it platoons of marines with heavy equipment pulled up. Serious clashes with gangs began in the mountains. The company was forced to take up positions and dig in. On the night of May 29-30, the positions of the 8th company came under fire from the Vasilek automatic mortar. The company suffered heavy simultaneous losses: six dead, twenty wounded. Among the dead was the commander of the reconnaissance platoon of the Guards. Art. Lieutenant Stobetsky. It is often argued that the special forces of the Navy took part in the battles in Chechnya not in the first, but in the second campaign.

    However, if the participation of naval special forces in the first Chechen war is confirmed by facts, and an officer died during the hostilities, then there is nothing concrete about participation in the second. Rather, on the contrary, by this time the combat effectiveness of the RF Armed Forces had increased compared to the deplorable state in which it was after the collapse of the Union, and it no longer made sense to send naval special forces to the mountains. Also, the special forces of the Russian Navy are sometimes credited with blowing up and sinking part of the Georgian ships in the port of Poti during the war in South Ossetia, but this is not so. Georgian ships were flooded by scouts of the 45th separate guards regiment of the Special Forces of the Airborne Forces. Marine special forces, this mission would fit perfectly. And the "land" special forces carried it out, although successfully, but not in the most optimal way. Georgian ships should have been sunk on the high seas, but since the airborne scouts were not qualified to manage ships, they sank them at the piers.

    Kunizhev Andrey