Classes in articular gymnastics. "Love yourself" - breast strengthening

Joint gymnastics in associative names

Joint gymnastics is a very useful general strengthening gymnastics for all ages, including children. But the methodology of teaching in adult groups is not suitable for working with children. Experience shows that the emphasis on therapeutic effect does not work in articular gymnastics, much top scores gives an emphasis on the figurative representation of the exercises performed. The following associative series is proposed, which each teacher can supplement and change at his own discretion.
Let the children present:

A) that arms and legs stick out of the water, and they watch them sitting at the bottom;
b) that they sit in the ground, and their arms and legs are heavy;
c) that the arms and legs are light and separated from each other;
d) that they are the ends of flames, and their movements are sharp and fast.
If the children in the group are not physically prepared enough, then it is necessary to reduce the time of the exercise or create their own complexes that are feasible for the children.
Combine useful with pleasant. Imagine any physical exercise as a game that should be interesting for children.
Children are windy, and sometimes one word is enough to change their state. On the one hand, you should always think about what you say to the child, and on the other hand, you need to play with him, travel in the world of the game, return and rejoice. Explain in passing why articular gymnastics is needed, when it can be used, for what diseases, what are the results of its implementation.

Joint gymnastics for children

Gymnastics gives the daily muscle load necessary for a person, strengthens the muscles of the back, body, abdomen, prevents the occurrence of fatty deposits, strengthens and develops joints, frees them from salt deposits, strengthens the skeletal system, and makes the spine flexible. In addition, gymnastics gives and psychological effect: increases activity, gives a surge of vivacity, eliminates the blues and melancholy, improves mood.
The exercises of the complex are performed on an empty stomach (not earlier than 2.5-3 hours after a meal), in the morning (this is not the most best time for the complex), during the day or in the evening but no later than an hour before bedtime. 10-20 minutes after doing gymnastics, if you wish, you can eat.
All muscles not involved in the exercise should be relaxed. Breathing only through the nose. Where it is not specifically stated, breathing is arbitrary, calm.
The load in the exercises can be dosed both by the number of repetitions, and by the gradual complication of some exercises as the complex is mastered.
During exercises performed while sitting, the load is regulated by the method of landing the body in the initial position (IP). When performing exercises while sitting on a chair with a seat on a full seat (the back does not touch the back of the chair) - the load is minimal, when landing on the edge of the chair - the load increases. When performing the same exercises on the floor, the load is maximum.
Before performing articular gymnastics, it is recommended to perform a foot massage and a set of stretching exercises (see above). Articular gymnastics exercises.
A number of articular gymnastics exercises are performed from the "hanging" position. "Hang out" means - in a sitting position, stretch forward straight arms and legs so that the legs along their entire length - from the hips to the calves and heels - do not touch the floor. Reliance on a rug or on a chair in this sitting position is carried out only at the expense of the pelvic bones. At the same time, the muscles abdominals tense and maintain the balance of the whole body.
When performing exercises, keep straight, neck, back and head form one line. The face is calm, satisfied, eyes are closed, breathing through the nose, attention is directed to the exercise. The pace of the exercises is variable.
1. "flags", or "Make "goodbye" with arms and legs", or "Say "yes" with arms and legs" - the movement of the hands and feet up and down.
"Hang out." Trying to keep straight arms and legs motionless, start simultaneous movements of the hands and feet up, directing the palms and socks up to the ceiling, and then down, trying to direct the palms and socks towards the floor. Move vigorously, all the way. Do 5, 10.15, 20, 25 movements, counting the up and down movement as one.
1) right hands and feet - up, left - down;
2) brushes - up, feet - down;
3) right hands and feet - towards, left - apart;
4) Spread your fingers.

2. "Say yes", or "Tick-tock" - moving your head up and down.
It is performed from a sitting position. Vigorously, with an effort, throw your head up, directing the back of your head to your back, and down, trying to reach your chest with your chin. Start with slow movements. Do up to 25 movements, counting the up and down movement as one. At first, do the exercise carefully.
Option: making tilts up and down, slightly tilt your head to one or the other shoulder.

3. "Scythe", or "Say "no" with arms and legs" - turns the hands and feet to the left - to the right.
"Hang out." Trying to keep a fixed position of the arms and legs stretched forward, start simultaneous movements of the hands and feet to the right, turning both hands and both feet to the right as far as they will go, and then to the left, turning the hands and feet to the left also to the stop. The arms and legs are straight, only the hands and feet move, everything else is motionless. Move vigorously. During one exercise, do up to 25 movements, counting the movement to the left - to the right as one.
Options (changing the IP of the hands and feet):
1) feet to the right, hands to the left;
2) feet inward, hands outward;
3) Spread out your fingers.

Joint gymnastics is a set of physical exercises aimed at general improvement. Sometimes it is called muscular-articular gymnastics, since the result of doing exercises is not only to improve the functioning of the joints, but also to improve the functioning of muscles and other tissues of the body. In this article, we will understand what gives the implementation of such a practice and how to get the greatest effect from its implementation.

Most often, during the performance of joint exercises, the main work is directed to a separate joint, for example, to the elbow. Yes, with the help different exercises you can consistently work out all the major joints and muscle groups.

Various types of physical exercises are divided into 2 categories:

1. Isometric - suggesting muscle tension without movement. It's static strength exercises. An example is the plank in yoga.

2. Isokinetic - in which muscle tension is combined with movement.

Articular gymnastics exercises are mainly isokinetic. The intensity depends on the goals and level of training of the student.

Isokinetic exercises, in turn, are divided into:

  • concentric (with tension, the muscle shortens),
  • eccentric (with tension, the muscle stretches),
  • isotonic (the muscle remains tense both in the phase of contraction and during stretching).

One of the options for practicing articular gymnastics is to perform exercises in isotonic mode. In this case, a small pace is maintained with a constant tension of the muscles involved in the movement, without a relaxation phase. So, if we work with the elbow joint, the tension of the muscles surrounding it will remain during flexion and extension.

Joint gymnastics is mostly cardio-aerobic exercise, i.e., affecting the cardiovascular system, performed at a relatively low pace, where oxygen is used as the main source of energy to maintain muscle motor activity. Competent and regular performance of physical exercises with cardio-aerobic load helps to strengthen the body's adaptive capabilities to changing environmental conditions, improves the condition of the cardiovascular system and the musculoskeletal system, internal organs, respiratory system, is the prevention of heart attacks, strokes, atherosclerosis, joint diseases, and also allows you to reduce the thickness of subcutaneous fat deposits.

Benefits of articular gymnastics

  1. The class does not require any special equipment or space. Many exercises can be performed while standing;
  2. A large selection of exercises allows you to choose a complex for individual needs;
  3. Depending on the amount of time, you can make shorter or longer complexes. It doesn't take long to get the benefit.
  4. Suitable for people of different age groups: from babies to the elderly;
  5. Muscular-articular gymnastics allows you to rid the body of excessive salt deposits;
  6. Regular execution exercise allows the body to get the necessary physical activity.
  7. Increases vitality, energizes;
  8. It is the prevention of various diseases of the joints, improves their condition;
  9. Helps improve posture.

What does joint gymnastics give

Let's look at what happens to the body when performing articular gymnastics.

Nervous system. At the beginning of physical activity, on average, 40-60% of the student connects to work muscle fibers. In order to "turn on" the remaining fibers, by bringing the nervous system to the required level of excitation, it takes time and a soft load. Deal with it well joint exercises. If, bypassing the preparatory (preconditioning) exercises, the trainee, especially if he is a beginner, immediately proceeds to a heavy load, this will cause stress in the body. If you make the lesson smoother and do dynamic exercises first, nervous system will have time to gently turn on the sympathetic mode.

The cardiovascular system. Physical activity increases venous return by constricting the veins (in calm state up to 64% of total circulating blood is in the veins for "storage"). An increase in blood flow to the heart leads to stretching of its cavities, which increases the strength and frequency of heart contractions. If the body is in good condition and physical shape, then the sudden inclusion of the heart in the mode of enhanced work will not lead to any negative consequences. But, if we are talking about a person with poor physical fitness, a sharp set of loads will contribute to unpleasant sensations, and, possibly, consequences if the person involved has problems with the cardiovascular system.

Turning on the collateral reserves of the circulatory system, which are not active in the absence of exercise, may help. Collateral vessels are redundant to the coronary arteries. With the beginning of the exercises, a gradual launch of the duplicating circulatory system occurs, which facilitates the work of the heart.

muscles. Strengthened work of the cardiovascular system also implies the disclosure of "reserve capillaries" located in muscle tissue. The minute volume of blood that falls on the muscles gradually increases several times compared to the average body at rest (from 15% to 88%). The speed and volume of blood flow increases with the onset of exercise and reaches a stable level after about 3 minutes. This indicator varies depending on how physically prepared the practitioner is (for trained people, this process takes less time).

Active blood flow leads to a gradual increase in muscle tissue temperature by 1.5–2 degrees, which reduces the affinity of hemoglobin and oxygen, making it easier for oxygen to enter the cells. An increase in temperature in the muscles in general accelerates metabolic processes (a rise in temperature by 1 degree Celsius increases cellular metabolism by 30%) and helps to better supply the working muscle with energy. This makes it possible for the muscles to work without switching to anaerobic energy supply, preventing the formation of lactic acid, and also reduce the effect of "krepatura" (muscle pain that occurs several hours after an intense or unusual load).

As muscle temperature rises, muscle elasticity also increases, which helps prevent injury.

joints. With the active work of the joints, which begins during the performance of articular gymnastics, the amount and composition of the synovial fluid in the joint cavity is normalized. This fluid acts as a lubricant, but if it is not enough, the joint is called "cold". It takes time for the joints to prepare for active work.

In the area of ​​the articular surfaces and ligaments, as well as in the tendons attached to the joint, there are a large number of different receptors that respond to changes in the magnitude of the articular angle and the speed of this process, as well as changes in the activity of the muscles surrounding the joint. Some receptors give a quick response in less than a second, while others require from 30 seconds to 1 minute to adapt. Therefore, there is a recommendation to give each joint from 1 minute.

In order to get the best effect on the joints, it is recommended to perform exercises with a little "self-resistance" in order to activate the muscles surrounding them.

So, a gradually increasing dynamic load helps the body tune in to the upcoming practice, if it is performed as a warm-up. If it is done as an independent practice, we will also get a wonderful effect. Next, we will look at this in more detail.

Joint gymnastics as a warm-up

A warm-up is a set of exercises aimed at preparing the body for the main part of the practice, gradually transferring the body to an increased load mode. Joint gymnastics can act as a wonderful warm-up technique before any kind of physical activity, including the practice of asanas. It not only warms up the muscles, prepares the joints and improves metabolism, but also helps to shift attention from external to internal, focus on the lesson and free the mind from everyday worries. A warm-up gives you the opportunity to better tune in to more complex exercises that require concentration and physical exertion.

If articular gymnastics is performed as a warm-up, the following recommendations can be distinguished to achieve the desired effect:

  • We choose exercises that involve all the main joints and various directions of their mobility. The time of exposure to one joint is from one minute;
  • We work out all the main muscle groups;
  • We allocate, depending on the goals of the practice, from 15 minutes to warm-up exercises(To be able to follow the 2 recommendations above). Before morning practice, a longer warm-up is required to wake up the body after sleep. It is also worth giving Special attention dynamic warm-up through muscle-joint exercises, if you start exercising soon after returning from the street during the cold season;
  • If the main lesson involves a specialized complex, for example, to master balance poses on the hands, then more time should be devoted to the joints of the hands, choosing a variety of exercises for their development;
  • We make sure that the body warms up gradually. We select the intensity of the exercises so that they do not tire, but energize. The feeling of warmth in the body indicates that the warm-up is taking place at the right pace.

A warm-up complex before the main lesson is especially necessary for the following categories of people:

  • with poor physical fitness
  • leading sedentary Lifestyle,
  • with weakened different reasons health,
  • undergoing a recovery course (in this case, you need to carefully choose exercises),
  • people of the older age group, because they need more time to put the body into an active mode.

Often the warm-up is neglected to save time, but these are:

  • may reduce the effect of practice,
  • increases the likelihood of injury to muscles and joints,
  • increases the likelihood of muscle pain after exercise.

Joint gymnastics as an independent element of physical training

A wide selection of articular gymnastics exercises allows you to create full-fledged complexes for working with the body. You can apply different speeds, amplitude. This approach may be of particular interest to people who are contraindicated in static loads due to certain health problems. These include, for example, hypertensive patients, as well as people suffering from varicose veins veins.

Those involved with a low level physical training and diseases of the cardiovascular system, it is better to choose a low-intensity exercise regimen. Such that the pulse does not exceed 110-120 beats per minute.

Joint gymnastics complex

There are various approaches to choosing a sequence of exercises for articular gymnastics. Someone recommends starting from the head and working out the body towards the feet. Others do the opposite. Some people like to start from the periphery (arms and legs) to the center (body), but you can also work in reverse. As elsewhere, in order to find the option that suits you, you need to try and choose according to your feelings.

Exercises of articular gymnastics can be divided into general developmental and special. General developmental exercises help strengthen the body as a whole. Special ones act locally and help strengthen a particular area in case of special need. For example, they allow you to strengthen wrist joints if they are weakened. That is, the same exercises can be general developmental for one student and special for another.

To get the effect, you need to practice at least 3 times a week. The recommended duration of one session is 45 minutes.

Joint gymnastics: where to start

1. To begin with, choose exercises that are simple and accessible to you. Start with a small amplitude, increasing it when ready;

2. Perform a small number of repetitions, gradually increasing them;

3. When choosing exercises, try to pay attention to all the main joints of the body;

4. Start exercising on an empty stomach. It is desirable that two hours pass after eating;

5. Be sure to monitor your condition, do exercises in a comfortable mode, especially if your health is weakened;

6. Unless otherwise specified, exercises are accompanied by breathing through the nose. Breathing cycles should be even. If at any point breathing becomes difficult or stutters, pause, restore a normal rhythm breaths - exhalations and after that continue;

7. Try to regularly devote time to classes. You can devote some time to joint exercises in the morning and evening. If you enjoy exercising at the end of the day, try to time it so that you have at least 60 minutes before bedtime at the end of your session.

Joint gymnastics complex: exercises

We bring to your attention 4 video lessons with a set of exercises for articular gymnastics, which you can combine with each other in a convenient order for you or perform separately if necessary.

  1. Joint gymnastics for the neck.
  2. Joint gymnastics for hands.
  3. Joint gymnastics for the legs.
  4. Joint gymnastics for the body.

Yoga and joint gymnastics

Joint exercises are also used in the practice of yoga. How often they can be found in the class depends on the style of yoga and the teacher. Mostly they are used during the warm-up. The combination of articular gymnastics (dynamics, isokinetic load) and asanas (static positions, isometric load) allows you to influence the body more comprehensively.

Despite a certain similarity with ordinary joint gymnastics, yoga joint gymnastics has a number of winning points, we list some of them.

First, the exercises are combined with various breathing techniques. For example, with bhastrika or kapalbhati, which additionally helps to activate the cardiovascular system, facilitates venous return from the internal organs located in the abdominal cavity.

Secondly, breath-holding abdominal manipulations (such as agnisara kriya) are applied, which help to increase the oxygen capacity of the blood, which makes physical practice more effective. This is due to the fact that under the influence of manipulations, blood returns to the active bloodstream, which is located in the vessels of the liver, intestinal walls, and spleen (in a calm state, up to 20% of the blood is in this area).

Thirdly, through the use additional funds concentration, the involvement of attention in practice increases, which also positively affects the result. Drishti, or concentration of gaze on a certain point, allows us to direct the work of consciousness in the way we need. The drishti variant is chosen depending on the exercise. The second option for focusing attention is breathing. A technique such as ujjayi, when inhalations and exhalations are performed with a slight hiss, allows you to better concentrate on the current moment.

Fourthly, yoga is a complex system, and the joint gymnastics of yogis is part of it. Combining different techniques ancient practice, very significant results can be achieved.

Joint gymnastics of yogis

Joint exercises in yoga are most often called "vyayama", which in Sanskrit means exercise, rotation, kneading. This term was used in India quite widely and its use went beyond the practice of yoga, but now it is most often found in the context of “yoga-sukshma-vyayama”.

Soft yoga exercises (translated from Sanskrit, the word "sukshma" means "thin", "soft") is most often associated with the school of Dhirendra Brahmachari, who published a self-study book on this system with detailed explanations. The book is called “Yoga Sukshma Vyayama”. You can read more about sukshma vyayama in this article.

Try to apply articular gymnastics in your practice. Be active and efficient, movement is life!

Elena Karagaeva
Development of a complex of articular gymnastics for junior group.

Development of a complex of articular gymnastics for the younger group.

Joint gymnastics is a very useful general strengthening gymnastics for all ages, including children. But the methodology of teaching in adult groups is not suitable for working with children. Experience shows that the emphasis on the therapeutic effect in joint gymnastics does not work, much better results are given by the emphasis on the figurative representation of the exercises performed. Joint gymnastics - strengthens ligaments and joints, develops flexibility and increases muscle tone, makes the body strong, beautiful, lays the foundation for further physical and spiritual development. Articular gymnastics also gives a psychological effect: it increases vitality and activity, improves mood, instills will and self-confidence. Target such gymnastics: - provide motor activity, train all functional systems of the body. Tasks: - develop the strength of the main muscle groups; - promote stretching and strengthening of muscles and ligaments; - improve the functionality of the body; - to teach the culture of movements, the ability to control one's body; - to form a feeling of joy and satisfaction from performing physical exercises.

If the children in the group are not physically prepared enough, then it is necessary to reduce the time of the exercise, or to create their own complexes that are feasible for the children. The load in the exercises can be dosed both by the number of repetitions, and by the gradual complication of some exercises as the complex is mastered. Imagine any physical exercise as a game that should be interesting for children.

A complex of articular gymnastics for children of the second early group

1."Rays"(Hands up, then alternately left - up, right - up). We got up, stretched well on our toes. The leaves reached for the sun and caught the rays. They pulled on a shirt of rays to the very fingers. (We lean forward and make movements of putting on a shirt). They also stretched, caught the rays, and put on a shirt. Now they stretched with one handle and caught the rays, the other stretched and caught the rays, (repeat 3-4 times).

2."Hedgehogs" We stretch our hands. (Fingers squeeze and unclench). Hedgehog fingers, hid. Where are the hedgehogs? Here they are (3-4 times).

3. "Helicopters"(Circular movements of the hands). Hedgehogs got into small helicopters and flew away. It became crowded in small helicopters, they got into medium helicopters and flew ( circular motions at the elbows). We sat in large helicopters and our helicopters flew (circular movements with hands, shoulder joints). They turned around and flew in the opposite direction.

4. "Hedgehogs are sleeping"(Tilts of the head to the sides). Tired of flying fell asleep. The head dropped to the shoulder. And we say wake up. She fell asleep again, fell on her shoulder. Wake up.

5. "Who woke us up?"(Head turns to different sides). We look around. Who woke us up There is no one but on the other side? There is no one (repeat 4-5 times).

6."Carousels"(Circular movements of the body in the belt). The prickly head decided to ride the carousel. They put the handles on the belt and rolled the prickly head on the carousel (in one direction and in the other).

7. "Skis".(Circular movements of the knees). I rode, rode a hedgehog on a carousel, got tired and decided to go skiing. One way. And now to the other side. Well done!

8."Watch".(Movement of the feet up and down). We sat on the floor, stretched out our legs and started the watch: “Chikchik.” We started the watch, and the arrows went in a circle.

9. "Tap".(Hands on the belt, the leg was bent at the knee and taken to the side). And what builds our houses? Tap. The crane lifts the bricks, and now the concrete, and now the boards have been lifted. Well done! Now bricks, concrete, boards were raised in the other direction. Well done!

10. "Home"(Walking, on straightened legs, leaning on the entire foot). Tired hedgehog and decided to go home, went along the path home.

This complex can be used physical activity or as an independent complex after waking up. The kids love it.

Wellness session of articular gymnastics:

1. The legs are placed shoulder-width apart. On inspiration, both hands are raised up, stretched a little and lowered on exhalation, while leaning forward. 5-6 repetitions.

2. Raise your hand up, stretch, slowly tilt upper part torso in the direction opposite to the raised arm, return to its original position and lower the arm. 4-5 repetitions for each hand.

3. Put your hands on your belt, slowly tilt your head. 4-5 repetitions.

4. Hands are left on the belt, slowly roll the head from one shoulder to the other and back. 4-5 repetitions.

5. Slightly spread their arms to the sides, loosely clench the hands into a fist and rotate first clockwise and then in the opposite direction. 5-6 repetitions.

6. Rotate the arms in the elbow joints. 4-5 repetitions counterclockwise and in the opposite direction.

7. Stretch your arms to the sides. Raise the brushes up, hold a little and lower them down. At correct execution exercises in the hands, tension and slight tingling are felt. 4-5 repetitions.

8. The arms are left outstretched. Palms on the same line with the forearm. The upper body is slightly tilted to the side, while the pelvis is left in place. Return the body to its original position, and then tilt to the other side. 5-6 repetitions.

9. Put your hands on the belt and rotate the pelvis, leaving the legs straight. 4-5 repetitions.

10. They put their feet shoulder-width apart, bend the body in the lower back (leave the back straight, bend the knees a little and put their hands on them. Slowly straighten the lower back, arch the back and return the body to its original position. 5-6 repetitions.

11. Raise their hands up, stretch a little and tilt the body forward, leave the back straight. Slowly return to starting position. 5-6 repetitions.

12. Kneel down and rest with straight arms on the floor. Slowly bend the back down, and then arch up. 5-6 repetitions.

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Many have heard of joint gymnastics, but not many people use it in practice. For supporting general health body, as well as performing complex multi-joint exercises, it is necessary to perform a set of exercises for the joints. Over time, the joints wear out, their ossification leads to the inability to perform physical activity. Therefore, joints need to be given special attention, along with contraction and.

Joints - the main link of the musculoskeletal system, serve for flexion and extension of the limbs, trunk, especially in sports, their proper functioning affects the results and productivity of each workout. Focusing on the work of the muscles, the joints are remembered only when they feel discomfort, pain, immobility of the joints and stiffness of movement.

Over time, intense loads can wear out the joints, as a result of which the articular tissues (cartilage) are deformed and become inflamed. A sedentary image, on the contrary, leads to ossification and impaired mobility. All these factors affect the health of every person. You can prevent them with the help of articular gymnastics exercises.

A set of exercises for articular gymnastics

Gymnastics for leg joints

Foot exercises

Exercise 1

Standing, rise on your toes and smoothly roll onto your heels, perform the movement slowly, working in full amplitude. Do 8-10 repetitions.

Exercise 2

Standing on one leg, hold the other over the floor of the canopy. Perform circular movements with the foot in one direction (5-10 circles), then in the opposite direction. Change your leg.

Exercise 3

The next movement is performed while sitting on the buttocks, the legs are maximally straightened at the knee. The movement is carried out in 4 stages:

  1. pull the feet as much as possible "on yourself", hold for 4 seconds;
  2. leave the joints of the feet motionless, bend only the toes as much as possible (pause 4 seconds);
  3. pull the sock as much as possible (joints and fingers), hold for 4 seconds.
  4. with a stretched joint, lift only your toes “towards you”, pause.
  5. Repeat the movement cycle 5-10 times.

For knee joints

Exercise 1

Standing, lift and hold the thigh of one leg overhang, make circular movements with the lower leg, rotating as much as possible in the knee joints. To one side and the other 5-10 circles. Change your leg.

Exercise 2

Standing, overlap with one foot back - to the buttocks, hold the foot with the same hand, pressing the heel to the buttock as much as possible. The knees are pressed to each other. Switch legs, hold the position for 15-30 seconds on each leg.

For the hip joint

Exercise 1

Perform rotations of the pelvis, starting with a small circle, gradually increasing the range of motion. In one direction 5-10 circles, and in the opposite direction.

Exercise 2

Standing on one leg, lift one hip towards you. Hold the lower leg with your hands, press the thigh to the stomach as much as possible, the knee tends to the chest. Hold 15-30 seconds, change sides.

  1. Sitting on the buttocks, one leg is extended straight in front of you, the second foot is pressed against inside hips of a straight leg, heel closer to the groin.
  2. Knee bent leg stretches to the floor as much as possible, you can gently press with the power of your hand.
  3. Hold for 30 seconds, switch sides.

For complication, you can tilt the body forward, along a straight leg.

  1. Sitting on the buttocks, join the feet together as close to the pelvis as possible.
  2. Press your palms or elbows into the reed, pulling your knees towards the floor.

Hold for 15-30 seconds.

Gymnastics for the joints of the hands

Hand exercises

Exercise 1

Stretch your arms out to the sides. Perform rotation with brushes, fingers into a fist, in one direction 5-10 times, and in the other.

Exercise 2
  1. Raise right hand forward, with the palm “away from you”, and with the left press on the palm of your right hand (fingers look down) and pull the brush towards you as much as possible, hold for 10-20 seconds.
  2. Expand the same brush, and press on its back side, pause 10-20 seconds.
  3. Same for the left hand.

For elbow joints

Keep your arms outstretched at your sides, hands in a fist.
Rotate only in the elbow joints inward - 5-10 circles, then in the opposite direction.

For shoulder joints

Exercise 1

Rotate straight arms from the shoulder in a full circle to one side (5-10 laps), then in reverse.

Exercise 2
  1. Raise your straight right hand in front of you, with your left hand grab the elbow of your right hand.
  2. Pull the straight right arm as close to you as possible, the movement comes from the shoulder joint, hold the tension for 10-30 seconds, then switch sides.


Prolonging the health of the joints, as well as improving the range of motion in exercises, will help high-quality

To date, articular gymnastics has become an integral part of such an independent medical discipline as therapeutic Physical Culture. Do joints need exercise?

The question is rhetorical. Treatment of joints with gymnastics, for example, in China and India, has been used since time immemorial. However, this special term has appeared relatively recently, so many are interested in what is articular gymnastics?

Joint gymnastics is a complex of physical exercises accessible to almost everyone, which differs from others in a slow and smooth pace of performing movements in a certain sequence. Exercises help develop or maintain range of motion in the joints, as well as maintain the elasticity of the ligaments at a level inherent in age.

Of course, such gymnastics for healthy and trained people is only a warm-up before the main load of one or another type of sports activity, well, or part of the morning exercise complex. Nevertheless, for people suffering from pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, it becomes one of the main methods of treating the disease, as well as preventing its exacerbations and relapses.

The benefits and benefits of gymnastics are as follows:

  • load only under own weight(work without weights) works out the joints exactly as much as they are capable of;
  • the complex allows people who do not have the opportunity to visit Gym or the pool, as well as those who cannot be engaged aerobic species loads, do not physically degrade;
  • in adolescents, posture normalizes and the volume of the chest increases;
  • with a hernia of the spine, exercises stop the degeneration of the intervertebral disc;
  • cervical gymnastics successfully inhibits the development of osteochondrosis in this area, significantly increases the productivity of mental activity, and gradually cures some pathological conditions, for example, diencephalic syndrome;
  • muscular-articular gymnastics gently improves blood circulation and lymph flow, which gives excellent results in varicose veins and the initial stages of thrombophlebitis;
  • passive gymnastics, performed with an assistant, prevents the development of joint stiffness in arthritis, arthrosis, joint injuries and bone fractures, and some types of exercises are used to increase stretching and flexibility (see Exercises for stretching the back and spine - a guarantee of health and a cure for diseases).

On a note. It is never too late to start doing gymnastics for the joints. The complex of joint-tendon gymnastics, provided that it is performed daily, is able to maintain the "normal" mobility of a person up to 92-95 years. Then irreversible changes begin to occur, but the continuation of the practice can enable confident movement up to the cherished biblical 120 years.

Overview of popular complexes

Among the selections of exercises for the joints, some prefer one of a number of nominal complexes from modern doctors or sports instructors. Others opt for some time-tested option from the practice of Eastern healing systems. By by and large the benefits of them are the same, since all modern author's methods are a compilation of warm-ups from practices martial arts with the dynamic performance of some yoga asanas.

The most promoted collections of exercises for joints on the Internet are complexes from Bubnovsky and Norbekov. However, we will leave without photos and videos in this article, the treatment systems “invented” by them. Let's do short review some other, popular today, articular gymnastics. It will save time and help you decide on the choice of the gymnastics complex for the joints that is necessary and suitable for you.

Advice. For those who need the treatment of arthrosis, grade III scoliosis, intervertebral protrusions and hernias, we recommend that you pay attention to the novelty - complex application physical activity with relaxing myofascial massage. This technique is worthy of attention, since it was developed by A.A. Tolsnosov, who received a higher university education with a degree in Physical Rehabilitation.

Training with Olga Yanchuk

A selection of exercises for the joints from Olga Yanchuk is a classic in-depth workout. It is primarily suitable for healthy people who monitor the maintenance physical form, do Pilates and/or other types of stretching and flexibility exercises.

How physiotherapy this complex is suitable only for patients with healthy joints and a diagnosis of Osteochondrosis of the 1st degree. In order to find "articular gymnastics video with Olga Yanchuk" add the query "live" in the search bar. The word "live" is the name of the TV channel that sponsored and showed 32 classes under her leadership.

Gymnastics Borshchenko

Isometric gymnastics by Dr. Borshchenko works on the spine and joints in static positions, so it is suitable for absolutely everyone, especially patients suffering from serious cardiovascular diseases in parallel.

Recommendation. In our opinion, Igor Borshchenko's videos and books are the best materials on this subject. You can use them yourself, of course, not forgetting that the exercise therapy complex must be approved by the attending physician.

Exercises for joints from Demenshin

One of the options for the Norbekov method is Demenshin's articular gymnastics. It is supplemented with manipulations of acupressure self-massage and author's auto-training techniques. Therefore, classes with Demenshin are suitable for those who need psychological attitudes towards recovery and believe in the healing power of positive emotions.

"Volitional" exercises for joints and muscles from Vadim Shlahter

Schlachter's joint gymnastics is a combination of Bubentsov's fine-field esoteric exercises, Norbekov's advice, the practice of the Inspiration mantra and the author's "volitional mood of muscle tension."

Attention! It is possible to engage in the Schlachter technique only after the instructions for each of the presented author's exercises are approved by the exercise therapy doctor treating you.

Gymnastics Alexander Shevtsov

The orthopedic exercise therapy complex that Shevtsov “collected” is articular gymnastics for osteoporosis. It is based on the combination of sports techniques of Valentin Dikul and the technique of Eckhart Tolle.

The last borrowing is rather strange, since Shevtsov is a researcher of Slavic esotericism, and the German spiritual speaker Eckhart Tolle preaches Tibetan meditation and offers yoga asanas and exercises practiced by Himalayan monks.

Unlike the circus performer V. Dikul, who proved the effectiveness of his complexes with his own experience, subsequent receipt of a sports medical education and already cured by thousands of people, Shevtsov and Tolle are engaged in medical work, in fact, without having the right to do so. The price that you can get for self-treatment according to their methods is an exacerbation of the disease, up to a forced operation.

Important. On the net you can find a video from another Alexander Shevtsov, offering to cure a spinal hernia. His system is called "Grandfather's Secret". We warn you. There are no confirmed systems that completely restore intervertebral discs, and it is extremely dangerous to deal with such pathologies, following dubious home-grown advice.

Exercises for joints from Fedor Dolenko

Gymnastics "Take care of the joints" is described in detail in the book of the same name by F.L. Dolenko, published in 1987 and republished in 1990. The work is presented by the famous Moscow specialized publishing house Physical Culture and Sport.

Dolenko, a professional dancer with a degree in Physical Rehabilitation, knows from her own experience how a person suffering from diseases of the joints and spine feels. There are no videos and photo reviews on the network of this gymnastics, but you can download the book, which, together with the printed publications of Dr. Borshchenko, are desktop for many orthopedists, traumatologists and exercise therapy instructors.

Gymnastics for joints from China

Chinese articular gymnastics is represented by a fairly large group of varieties of complexes from the health practices of Qigong and Wushu. If the diagnosis and coordination training allow, then the daily implementation of any of them will help stop the development of osteoporosis and osteochondrosis, bring the joints into proper condition, normalize arterial pressure and rejuvenate the body as a whole.

For your information. Start learning Chinese health exercises You can at any age, but for safety you should get the approval of the attending physicians.

Mini-complex of gymnastics for morning warm-up of joints

For patients with orthopedic problems, we offer a simple set of morning joint exercises. It suits absolutely everyone. Consists of this complex of two parts: a vortex warm-up of the joints, borrowed from the martial oriental systems and the ancient yoga complex - "Sun Salutation".

Charging should begin with a vortex warm-up. It consists of exercises well known to everyone, but we are used to doing them from top to bottom, but in fact their original and correct sequence is from bottom to top.

Image Notes and dosage

Standing on one leg, do 4 "calf pumps" - toes away from you and towards you, 8 alternate foot movements in and out, 4 in a row circular movements in and 4 out. Then repeat the exercise on the other leg.

Hold on to the support with your hand, and knead the wrist composition with the opposite working foot with the same movements.

Warm up to start knee joints when the legs are joined together. Do 4 circles clockwise and then 4 times counterclockwise. During the rotation - squat a little, as in photo 1.

Then warm up your knees rotational movements in and out (4 times in each direction), placing your feet shoulder-width apart, and also slightly bending your knees while serving forward (photo 2).

Make 4 movements with the hips clockwise, and then the same amount in the other direction.

During the exercise, the legs should be shoulder-width apart, do not bend your knees. The pace of movement is slow, without jerks.

If there is no hernia in lumbar, then it is possible, as a "counterweight" hip joints, connect movements in the shoulder girdle.

First, make circular rotations at the same time in 2 elbows - 4 times forward and 4 back.

Second, warm up your shoulder joints. First you need to perform 8 movements forward, and then the same number back.

The amplitude should gradually increase. To do this, connect the arms to the movement, slightly bending them at the elbow joints.

Skipping the usual tilts and turns of the head, immediately perform neat circular movements - 4 times in a row in each direction, in case you have a hernia in cervical region.

If everything is in order in the cervical region, then do 8 movements clockwise and counterclockwise, gradually increasing the amplitude.

The movement is very slow.

After warming up, you should perform a set of exercises 2-3 times, which are shown in the photo diagram below.

Please note that there are two types of movement in the complex - 2-3 and 10-11, which are prohibited for hernias of the lumbar and lumbosacral region. If there is such a pathology, then go immediately from position 2 to 4, and from 9 to 11. At the same time, you can do a full squat with a flat back and do not forget, in both cases, to exhale so as not to break the structure of the slender respiratory system .

And in conclusion, we want to remind you that the benefit and healing effect of articular gymnastics can only be obtained with its daily performance. The exception is the days when it is forbidden to engage in physical education - high fever, an acute period of any pathology or the occurrence of pain in the joints or spine.