Bench press standards without doping. Bench press category: how to get it and what they are

06.08.2013 01:54

Taken from the official website of the Russian Powerlifting Federation

For the information of participants of the Russian Championships among veterans:

“The assignment of sports titles and sports categories for the results shown in competitions among veteran athletes is not provided for by the norms, requirements and conditions for their implementation.”

On September 6, 2013, by order of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation No. 715, the “Norms, requirements and conditions for their implementation of sports titles and sports categories in the sport of powerlifting” were approved for the period 2014-2017.

Norms and conditions for their implementation for the assignment of sports titles and categories in the sport "POWERLIFTING"

POWERLIFTING (eventing) EUSC standards for 2014-2017.
approved by order of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation No. 715 dated September 6, 2013.

Sports titles

Sports categories

Youth sports categories

53,0 410,0 325,0 282,5 260,0 232,5 215,0 195,0
59,0 625,0 570,0 455,0 362,5 315,0 290,0 260,0 240,0 212,5
66,0 700,0 635,0 510,0 402,5 350,0 320,0 287,5 257,5 227,5
74,0 770,0 695,0 537,5 440,0 385,0 352,5 317,5 280,0 247,5
83,0 835,0 747,5 582,5 482,5 422,5 387,5 352,5 307,5 277,5
93,0 880,0 787,5 610,0 520,0 465,0 412,5 382,5 340,0 307,5
105,0 920,0 815,0 645,0 552,5 500,0 460,0 397,5 355,0 330,0
120,0 955,0 835,0 687,5 600,0 530,0 497,5 422,5 372,5 347,5
120+ 980,0 860,0 735,0 617,5 545,0 510,0 455,0 390,0 372,5
43,0 242,5 175,0 150,0 137,5 122,5 112,5 97,5
47,0 367,5 297,5 262,5 190,0 165,0 150,0 135,0 122,5 105,0
52,0 405,0 325,0 290,0 210,0 182,5 167,5 147,5 135,0 117,5
57,0 435,0 352,5 312,5 227,5 200,0 182,5 162,5 147,5 127,5
63,0 475,0 385,0 337,5 252,5 220,0 202,5 180,0 162,5 142,5
72,0 507,5 412,5 367,5 285,0 247,5 227,5 202,5 182,5 157,5
84,0 537,5 447,5 405,0 327,5 285,0 260,0 220,0 205,0 177,5
84+ 552,5 475,0 422,5 352,5 320,0 285,0 235,0 217,5 192,5

The MSMK norm is met:

1. On sports competitions, having a status no lower than other international sports competitions included in the EKP.

1. Subject to doping control and the presence of three sports referees not lower than the All-Russian category on the platform.

The MS norm is met:

The KMS norm is met at sporting competitions not lower than subject status Russian Federation and the presence of two sports judges of at least the All-Russian category on the platform.

The norm is fulfilled only by the sum of three exercises (squat, bench press, deadlift).

Discharge standards 2011-2013

POWERLIFTING (eventing) EUSC standards for 2011-2013.
approved by order of the Ministry of Sports and Tourism of the Russian Federation No. 1116 dated September 26, 2011.

1. The first sheet of the “MSMK” file contains standards that are taken into account only when taking the specified prize places at the World and European Championships.
2. on the second sheet of the “norm” there are standards that are met subject to the given “general special conditions”.
3. on the third sheet of the “standards-tab.” The standards are presented in the usual table form.

The sports title of MSMK is awarded from the age of 17, sports title MS - from 16 years old, sports categories - from 10 years old.

Sports titles

Sports categories

Youth sports categories




The MSMK norm is fulfilled:

1. At sports competitions that have a status not lower than other international sports competitions included in the ECP, among men and women, at the Russian Championship, subject to taking 1st place, the Russian Cup, subject to taking 1st place.

2. Subject to doping control and the presence of three sports judges of at least the All-Russian category on the platform.

The MS norm is met:

1. At competitions not lower than the status of other all-Russian sports competitions included in the EKP, championships federal districts Russian Federation, zonal qualifying competitions, championships in Moscow, St. Petersburg.

2. Subject to random doping control and the presence of three sports judges of at least the All-Russian category on the platform.

The KMS norm is met at sports competitions with a status not lower than the status of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and the presence of two sports judges not lower than the All-Russian category on the platform.

Russian championships are held in age categories: juniors, juniors (19-23 years old); boys, girls (14-18 years old).

To participate in sports competitions, the athlete must turn the specified number of years in the calendar year of the competition.

Discharge standards 2010

Norms and conditions for their implementation for the assignment of sports titles and categories in the sport "POWERLIFTING" triathlon

The sports title MSMK is awarded from the age of 17, the sports title MS - from the age of 16, sports categories - from the age of 10.

Approved by order of the Ministry of Sports and Tourism of the Russian Federation No. 429 dated May 4, 2010.


III junior



General special conditions:

The MSMK norm is met at sports competitions that have a status not lower than other international sports competitions included in the ECP, among men and women, as well as subject to taking 1st place: at the Russian Championship or the Russian Cup. Required condition- conducting doping control and the presence of three sports judges of at least the All-Russian category on the platform.

The MS norm is met at other all-Russian sports competitions included in the ECP, championships of the federal districts of the Russian Federation, zonal qualifying competitions, at the championships of Moscow and St. Petersburg, subject to random doping control and the presence of three sports judges of at least the All-Russian category on the platform .

The KMS norm is met at sports competitions with a status not lower than the championship of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and the presence of two sports judges not lower than the All-Russian category on the platform.

The norm is fulfilled only by the sum of three exercises (squat, bench press, deadlift).

Russian championships are held in age categories: juniors, juniors (19 - 23 years old); boys, girls (14 - 18 years old).

To participate in sports competitions, the athlete must turn the specified number of years in the calendar year of the competition.

Discharge standards 2006




MSMK - take:
1st - 3rd place in total triathlon at the World or European Championships;
1st place at the World and European Bench Press Championships;
1st place at the World or European Junior Championships, excluding weights lifted.

MSMK - on international competitions, championships and the Russian Cup, the Russian Junior Championship, subject to doping control at these competitions.
MS - at territorial and final competitions of the republican scale, open championships Moscow and St. Petersburg, all-Russian tournaments held by the Russian Federation (with the participation of athletes from at least five regions, territories, republics).
KMS - fulfillment of standards is counted according to the amount three exercises(squat, bench press, deadlift).
Categories are assigned from the age of 10, MS and MSMK - from the age of 14.

Discharge standards 2001

POWERLIFTING (powerlifting)
This classification comes into force on March 10, 2001.




Discharge standards 1997

POWERLIFTING (powerlifting)


II junior



MSMK take: 1-3 places in the total triathlon at the World or European Championships,1st place in total triathlon at the World or European Junior Championships(excluding kilograms lifted).

Conditions for fulfilling the discharge standards (in accordance with the table):

MSMK: during mandatory doping control for:

International competitions;

Russian Championship and Cup;

Russian Championships.

MS: subject to random doping control for:

Territorial and final competitions of the republican scale;
- open championships Moscow and St. Petersburg (with the participation of representativesat least 5 regions, territories, republics);
- All-Russian tournaments held by the Russian Powerlifting Federation (withparticipation of representatives of at least 5 regions, territories, republics).

Fulfillment of standards is counted based on the sum of three exercises (squat, bench press, deadlift).

Categories are assigned from the age of 12, MS - from the age of 14, MSMK - from the age of 16.

This classification comes into force from the date of signing the order of the State Committee for the Federal Trade of the Russian Federation (07/06/1997).

Discharge standards 1988

POWERLIFTING (powerlifting)


Sports category

II junior

Conditions for fulfilling the discharge standards:

Fulfillment of MS and KMC standards for the sum of three exercises, but in each exercise the result must not be lower than the 1st category standard.
Fulfillment of standards of categories I - III - based on the results in each movement.
The title “Master of Sports of the USSR” is awarded only at competitions held by the USSR State Sports Committee and at championships and cups of the union republics.

There are separate bench press competitions in the world. Most often, such competitions are held for so-called benchers in sports. They focus specifically on the bench press, while other athletes try to participate in powerlifting competitions.

Bench press competitions are needed so that the athlete can clearly assess his strength and build self-esteem. After the competition, it is easier to evaluate your strengths, to understand who is objectively stronger and who is weaker. The most important thing is that the athlete gradually begins to penetrate the world of professional sports. Certain rewards help penetrate. In this form – categories and titles.

There are three youth categories and three regular ones

  • KMS - Candidate Master of Sports;
  • MS - Master of Sport;
  • MSMK – World Class Master of Sports;

Competitions are divided into categories, the most important of which is the division into men and women. Next, there is a division into weight categories, then into an equipped or unequipped division.

Rank standards for the bench press for the WPC federation

Men without equipment

Men in single-layer clothing

Men in multi-layered outfit

Women without equipment

Rank standards for the bench press for the AWPC-Russia federation

Men without equipment

Men in single layer gear

Men in multi-layered equipment

Women without equipment

Women in single layer outfit

Women in multi-layered outfit

The differences between the regulations of different federations are significant. Between the equipped and unequipped division there is also a big difference. The titles of MS and MSMK are received only after passing a special doping control. Moreover, only an athlete who is a master of sports can receive the last title. As for other categories, the ladder rule does not apply there.


So, bench press competitions are held between bench press athletes. These are people whose training system is aimed at increasing maximum strength in the bench press.

Observing the training of athletes involved in powerlifting, we can conclude that this sport is very different from all others. In some ways this is true. In powerlifting, or, as it is also called, powerlifting, athletes do not contact each other. The essence of the competition is that the athlete must lift Weight Limit in a one-time repetition.

Bench Press Competition

The bench press category is assigned to athletes when performing an exercise with various types equipment or lack thereof. Competitions in this type can sometimes be held as a separate event.

However, most often the bench press is included in powerlifting, that is, in powerlifting. In addition to this, two more exercises are performed in this sport - deadlifts and squats with a barbell.

You don't have to be a professional or compete in a major competition to qualify for the bench press. You can also get it in your gym if authorized persons from sports organization, which has the right to issue documents indicating that the standard has been passed.

Bench press ranks

As in any other sport, certain conditions must be met in order to qualify. The bench press category is awarded to athletes who complete one repetition with correct technique and the required weight. Powerlifting has its own standards, and they start from the second youth level. There are three main qualifying categories in this sport. These are standard KMS, MS and MSMK. Naturally, the higher the bench press level, the more weight the athlete will have to lift.

In order to get, say, CMR, an athlete will have to perform an exercise with a barbell weighing 97.5 kg with his own body weight of 52 kg. The more an athlete weighs, the heavier his projectile will be.

Bench press without equipment

There are several organizations on the territory of the Russian Federation that hold their own, separate competitions in this forceful form sports like bench press. Official branch international organization in powerlifting (IPF), on the territory of Russia there is FPR - Russian Powerlifting Federation. Besides it, there are several more, such as WPO/WPC. A notable difference between these organizations is that they conduct their bench press competitions without prior drug testing. However, this does not in any way affect the required results. In order to receive ranks in the bench press without equipment, let’s say, CMS, you need to perform the exercise with the same apparatus of 97.5 kg with the same body weight of 52 kg.

Bench ranks AWPC

Qualifying for this exercise can be done in combination with two others. If you add deadlifts and squats to the bench press, you get a full-fledged powerlifting competition. The method of conducting such competitions is as follows: three approaches are performed, one repetition in each of them. Three attempts are given to the athlete in order to provide him with the opportunity to cope with a large weight, according to which the AWPC (bench press) ranks will be assigned.

An exercise in this federation has lower criteria for obtaining a qualification category, for example, a candidate for master of sports. So, with 52 kg, it is necessary to perform the exercise only with a projectile of 82.5 kg, and not 97.5 kg, as required in other organizations.

It is also worth noting that both men and women can take part in these competitions. The female half, naturally, has its own standards for receiving any category. To receive the title of Master of Masters, for example, an athlete weighing 52 kg must perform an exercise with an apparatus weighing 82.5 kg. Women's competitions are held separately from men's. By the way, each federation has its own requirements for performing the bench press.

Many people are interested in sports, but the sport like powerlifting is gaining more and more popularity. In this article we will give a brief interesting story about this sport, and we will answer a question that is of great interest to experienced athletes: what Bare Bench Press Standards 2016.

So, powerlifting is a powerlifting event in which athletes perform three exercises. The birthplace of powerlifting is the United States of America. He is considered the father of powerlifting strong man 20th century - Paul Anderson. This type The sport is not for the weak; in it, the strongest in spirit remain to fight to the end on the platform (battlefield). Athletes perform three movements with maximum mobility:

  • Squats;
  • Bench press;
  • Deadlift;

The athlete performs 3 sets of 1 repetition with maximum effort, best result counted towards the total amount. Each athlete has his own weight category. Men and women perform the movement separately. Sometimes it happens at competitions that the results of the final sum are the same; such moments often happen during the fight for first place. Therefore, victory is given to the athlete who weighs less.

Also in powerlifting you are allowed to perform individual movements: deadlift or bench press. A large number of athletes have back and leg injuries, so they prefer to only bench press. It is worth noting the best powerlifters in the world: Kirill Sarychev, Andrey Malanichev, Eddie Hall, Mikhail Koklyaev, Andrey Belyaev, Zakhir Khudoyarov, Karl Christensen, Sergey Fedoseenko, Evgeniy Yarymbash, Freidun Ivan, Dan Green, Pete Rubish, Ryan Canelli. Each lifter has his own ideal and motivation, so I apologize in advance who I didn’t name.

In the last article we wrote about: standards for powerlifting 2016 without IPF equipment. Now let's look at the new ones standards for raw bench press WPC and AWPC.

Hello, friends.
Now it’s time to write me my first post in UT Life Style. It's about about sport.

Why did you start studying?
I went to the gym in the summer of 2011, i.e. 2 years ago. The reason was poor health, a constant feeling of drowsiness, and eternal fatigue. My weight at that time was 66 kg (with a height of 177 cm).
I’ll say right away that literally after 2-3 months I began to feel 2-3 times better. I could work more productively, I no longer wanted to sleep all the time, I only had 4-6 hours of sleep.
My coach.
I would like to say a few words about my coach. This is truly a true athlete. In 2012, at the Moscow Bodybuilding Championship (IFBB is one of the most prestigious BB federations), he took 1st place in weight category 90kg. Photo attached.

Well, of course there were a lot of discussions with Anton Klevtsov!))
About sports and a little about the results.
I worked out 3 times a week consistently for 2 years and realized that my best exercise was the bench press. I consider the bench press and squats to be my main exercises. Deadlift I don’t do it because the coach believes that this spoils the figure. At that time, my results were as follows: 1 rep squat 135 kg, bench press 100-105 kg 1 rep.
And I realized that I was much more interested in powerlifting than bodybuilding. Moreover, the CMS in the bench press in the 75kg weight category in the AWPC federation is given with a result of 117.5kg.
I stopped squatting and for 2.5 months I prepared to compete at the Kremlin Press 2013 competition.
The first 1.5-2 months of training did not seem difficult at all, but about 3 weeks before the performance I began to feel fatigue in the muscle groups that were the main focus (back, shoulders, triceps, pectorals). The last 3 weeks have not been easy for me, I think the main reason is that I was preparing for the first time and did not know the nuances of the whole process, especially since my weight was already 79.5 kg (taking into account the fact that I lost about 5 kg from my legs). I had to limit myself in nutrition. To be honest, I just stopped eating at night and severely limited myself in sweets, fried foods and fatty foods. This resulted in me weighing 78kg 4 days before the weigh-in. Having realized that it would no longer be possible to lose weight in an absolutely normal way, I had to switch to a carbohydrate-free diet. I suffered only 3-4 days on squirrels, but, frankly speaking, going through this stage was the most difficult test for me. Having drained all the water and all the energy in the body on the day of weighing, I weighed 74.6 kg. The state of health was, to put it mildly, so-so. I was terribly thirsty and hungry, which I did immediately after weighing myself.
So, competition day. I already felt much better. In one day I managed to lose about 4 kg and on the day of the competition I already weighed about 78.5 kg.

For the first approach I ordered 110 kg. I was sure that I would shake it, because... I had already pressed this weight 3 times during training with a pause, especially since I had to try on conditions that were unusual for me. I've never tried heavier weights before.
In the first approach, the weight came quite easily to me (in my opinion, the guys said that they were not very confident). It was decided to order 117.5 kg for the second one to receive the title of Master of Masters.
The second approach, unfortunately, was not counted. Those. I pressed the barbell, but without the judge’s signal.
Third approach. Everything was decided on it. Will I achieve my goal or not. Adrenaline was off the charts. Anton Klevtsov tried to calm me down and save maximum energy for the approach. Thank God everything worked out and I got credit for the third approach.
That's it for my short report on the competition. I don’t plan to repeat it in the near future, but who knows, maybe next year I’ll want to take the Masters! :)
Below are a couple of photos with the guys from gym and the UTs you know who came to support me. Thanks to them for their support.

P.S. A huge thank you to Anton Klevtsov for his moral support during preparation, for coming on the day of the competition and also supporting me. And you can always have a heart-to-heart talk about sports with him! It becomes easier when you are surrounded by people who are just as interested in it, and maybe more so, than you are.
I think the video will amuse you a little with its editing, for which special thanks to Dima!!!)

Good luck to everyone, Friends! Play sports!

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