Women's pull-ups. How to learn to pull up a girl at home

Pull-ups on the crossbar - the main exercise for the development of back muscles. It alone is enough to make the back strong, embossed, give it a V-shaped contour, thereby emphasizing. Pull-ups improve and strengthen shoulder joints, and also work out the shoulders. Indirectly, they involve muscles and long muscles back, responsible for the stable position of the spine.

For girls, pull-ups are not an easy exercise. Most men, even those who are not very athletic, easily pull themselves up several times. With women it's different. Women naturally have weaker muscles shoulder girdle, therefore, even with less weight, they can rarely pull themselves up even once. But regular workouts will help to fix it - you just need to tune in to long and hard work. It is possible that you will need more than one month to achieve results.

Pull-ups on the horizontal bar for girls: important nuances

Body weight

If you have excess weight, success in pull-ups does not shine for you. But you don’t need to give up - any woman can, and if you strengthen your back muscles at this time, you will achieve results even earlier than you yourself expect. This will help you simulators, dumbbells, barbells and simplified exercises on the horizontal bar for beginners, which we will discuss below.

Crossbar thickness

In addition to a weak shoulder girdle, women got graceful, but not very strong brushes. At the same time, young ladies of short stature also have small palms, which makes it very uncomfortable to pull up. Therefore, if possible, choose a crossbar with a diameter that will allow you to grab it firmly, firmly interlocking your fingers. If there is nothing to choose from, use the carpal straps, “tying” them to the horizontal bar.


Another typical women's problem- delicate skin on the palms. In just a couple of approaches on the horizontal bar, you can earn painful calluses out of habit, which will put you out of action for a long time, and they won’t add beauty to your palms. Therefore, buy soft, comfortable, strong gloves for these purposes.

Grip type and width

The distribution of the load between the muscles will depend on how you take the crossbar. But for a novice girl, this moment is not yet a priority - it is much more important to master the movement itself. Over time, when you achieve results, you can begin to vary the grip and select the best option. At first, it is better to take the horizontal bar with a direct grip (with the back of the hand towards you) and place your hands approximately shoulder-width apart, or a few centimeters wider.

Basics and "life hacks" for beginners

IN Everyday life girls rarely use, and if they do, then unconsciously. The hands are involved in most movements, so we feel our biceps much better than the “wings”. During pull-ups, novice women also strive to raise their body due to the strength of their hands, but they are too small for this.

There is one technique that will help you feel and “turn on” your back - bringing the shoulder blades together in the hang. This is the starting, and the most difficult phase in pulling up, so it is better to work it out right away. Hanging on the bar, bring the shoulder blades together and stay in this position for 2-3 seconds. Repeat 8-10 times. Such an exercise can be included in your regular workout or performed separately. It will strengthen the muscles of the back and improve neuromuscular communication - in other words, it will “teach” the brain to consciously include the back in work.

Another trick that will help a girl learn how to pull herself up on the horizontal bar is working out the negative phase of the movement. Grasping the bar, jump up so that the horizontal bar is at the level of the chin. From this position, try to lower yourself as slowly as possible - all this time the back muscles will be tense. Repeat the movement 5-8 times in 3-4 sets.

When performing such an exercise, the muscles will gradually get stronger and get used to the weight of the body. In addition, the ability to slowly lower will help you avoid future injuries when pulling up. If the crossbar is high and you can’t jump to it, substitute a chair (stool, box, step platform) or ask a partner to help you.

Simplified pull-up options for beginner girls

Many fitness clubs have a special machine for those who want to gradually master pull-ups - the gravitron. It creates a counterbalance, thereby lightening the “burden” for you when performing the exercise. Theoretically, by gradually reducing the counterweight, you will eventually reach your own weight and be able to pull yourself up. However, exercises in the gravitron still need to be combined with exercises on the horizontal bar - you must learn not only to pull a certain weight, but also to set the trajectory of movement without the help of a simulator.

If there is no gravitron in your gym, try pulling up with special elastic bands, securing them under your arms, buttocks or knees. It is best to have a set of several rubber bands with different strengths of resistance in order to gradually increase the load. If you are exercising with a trainer or partner, you can ask them to push you up or hold your legs.

The most convenient option for a novice girl is the crossbar on wall bars. On it, you can help yourself to pull yourself up by resting your foot on one of the transverse jumpers. It is better to go down as described in the previous paragraph, i.e. removing the leg from the support and as slowly as possible returning to the starting position.

Another exercise that will help a woman make friends with a horizontal bar is horizontal pull-ups. To perform it, you need a low bar (in the hall you can use the neck of the Smith machine). Holding it with your hands from below, hang freely, and push your legs forward and try to straighten your whole body as much as possible. You should only touch the floor with your heels. Pull yourself up so that your chest touches the bar at the top. Perform 10-12 repetitions in 3-4 sets.

To achieve faster results, combine the described methods. With them, you can carry out a full back workout, even if you do not visit the gym, but do it at home or on the street.

Happened! What to do next?

So you pulled up. Only once, but what a victory for a woman! Now you need to consolidate the result and move on. Get in the habit of pulling up as often as possible—ideally every day. Do not be afraid of overtraining: one, two or even five pull-ups are not so stressful for the muscles, after which they would need a long recovery.

If you have a horizontal bar at home, you can “storm” it 2-3 times a day. Do 3-4 sets, pulling up as many times as you can. On workout day, pull-ups are best done before the rest of the exercises, while you are still full of energy.

Practice the technique. Try to pull yourself up without sharp jerks and swings, and always go down smoothly and slowly to protect your elbows, shoulder joints and ligaments of the biceps from injury.

Style Outcome

Pull-ups for girls are not only a tool in building athletic body but also a way to feel your body better, become stronger and healthier. Any girl should master this exercise - especially one who wants to have beautiful figure and a strong spine.

Gymnastic apparatus - perfect option for girls, adjust the shape, outline the contours and curves of the body. Classes on the crossbar do not require the purchase of subscriptions, expensive equipment, and the effect is comparable to the result of enhanced training in the gym.

From a biomechanical point of view, body raises are comparable to vertical thrust, where body weight is used instead of weights. Despite the variety of versions, involved to varying degrees: lats, biceps, triceps. chest, deltas, large round, brachialis, dentate, radial.

First, the body must be prepared. It is better to start with a free hang, trying to stay in an uncomfortable position for 2 minutes (until muscle failure). To hang on the bar for a long time, the arms must be strong. Help to strengthen the muscles.

Option for the unprepared:
  1. we approach the wall by about 70 cm;
  2. on the chest line we rest our hands on the surface;
  3. without lifting the feet, serve upper part torso forward.

A few days later we push up from the floor, standing on bent knees. We put our palms, spaced wider than our shoulders, on the mat, with our chest down. Having adapted, we take the emphasis lying down.

Carpal expanders will also help build strength.

Pull-up technique on the horizontal bar for girls

Before training, a run is relevant, a set of warm-up exercises for 10 minutes. The effect depends on the quality of execution.

  1. For beginners, correct hand position is important. When grabbing the bar, turn the palm away from us, hold the thumb from below.
  2. Slowly raise the body up until the chin overcomes the height of the crossbar.
  3. Slowly straightening your arms, we go down. The ascent and descent times are the same.

In order for a girl to learn how to pull herself up on a horizontal bar from scratch, the following points must be observed:

  • In the positive phase, the elbows are slightly parted to the sides.
  • The most intense press will not allow the body to sway.
  • We follow the breath. An even rhythm will save physical resources, allow you to stay longer on the projectile.

How to learn to pull up a girl on a horizontal bar from scratch in video format:

If the technique seems complicated, we master the principle of negative repetitions. The method is relevant if the girl cannot pull herself up even 1 time. Thanks to the static-dynamic load, the practice loads great muscle fibers.

  1. to exclude the moment of lifting, we stand on a stool;
  2. with bent arms we cling to the base;
  3. let's go down to the base.

The duration of the negative phase is not less than 5 seconds. The value increases with each subsequent workout. At first, 5 times in 3 sets is enough.

We master the technique. Having fixed the crossbar 80 cm from the floor, clings with a direct grip, hangs. Raise the bar over time.

How to help yourself

With the help of an elastic band of an expander, it is easy to improve the biomechanics of movement, the number of repetitions.

  1. We choose depending on body weight - medium, strong tension, fix it on the crossbar.
  2. We put the crossed and bent limbs into the loop. You can move your feet.
  3. When lifting, the elastic will provide maximum tension, partially compensates for the weight of the body, which will simplify the process.

The higher the resistance, the easier the climbs, so we choose an accessory depending on the physical progression.

Alternative- rubber loops of different lengths and tensions.

  1. We become knees, feet on a springy tape suspended from both ends of the crossbar.
  2. Due to pushing from below, we take off above the horizontal bar.

The work (simulator) in the gym is based on an identical principle. We start working with a tight loop. When it turns out to do 5 repetitions, we replace it with an analogue with less resistance.

Types of grips

From the width of the setting of the hands, the load is shifted.

  • Putting palms slightly wider than shoulder width (pronated grip), we make lifts due to the efforts of the muscles of the arms and back.
  • Neutral (brush distance up to 60 cm) safe for joints, loads the upper back.
  • With a wide hand position biceps are "turned off" from the process. Slow lifts are realized by the muscles of the back.
  • Supinated perfectly develops strength, gives hands shape. Movement with the rotation of the wrist to the biceps loads the tendons of the biceps bundle.
  • If you take the bar like a neck, mixed grip provide adhesion to the base. As a result, it is permissible to increase the number of repetitions.
  • At narrow setting palms we strive to touch the reiki with the chest.

You can take the crossbar from above (direct) and from below (reverse) grip, place the brushes with different parties(combined). In the first case, the shoulders develop, in the other, the flexor muscles.

Advice! You do not need to widely distance your hands, otherwise, due to a decrease in the amplitude of movements, the muscles will not receive the optimal load. It is better to prefer a pronated (classic) position.

We train every other day. We bring the number of takes to 20 x 4. This result can be reached in 5-6 months. It makes no sense to force achievements - 20 convulsive movements will bring less benefit compared to 6 lifts performed technically correctly.

And backs. And besides, such exercises can be done right at home, without spending extra money on classes in paid gyms. Even if, for some reason, you cannot install a crossbar in your apartment - do not be discouraged, in the city you can find dozens of sites on which horizontal bars and bars are installed.

So, before I tell you about how to learn how to pull up on the horizontal bar from scratch, I want to take a short digression and tell you about the benefits of pulling up on the bar.

The benefits of pull-ups on the horizontal bar

The first advantage is, of course, the increased attention of girls to guys (and vice versa), with a beautiful toned body. And exercises on the horizontal bar will make your muscles pumped up, moreover, in a completely natural way.

The second advantage of horizontal bars is variety. sports exercises. You can’t even imagine what people can do on such seemingly simple shells as a horizontal bar with bars:

Abroad, this movement is called the Ghetto Workout. We call such people turnstiles. I don’t know about you, but what they do, I consider real art!

Well, the third advantage is, of course, your health. Pulling up on the horizontal bar, you do not "destroy" your heart, as you lift your weight. But when exercising with a barbell, you have to squeeze (or lift) a weight that is much higher than your personal one, which negatively affects the work of the heart.

I can't pull up!

According to statistics, every third guy who graduates from a university cannot pull himself up on the horizontal bar even 1 time! Shocking statistics! I immediately remembered this demotivator:

Honestly, if you can never pull yourself up on the horizontal bar, you should at least be ashamed that you have brought yourself to such a state. It is clear that in modern world there are a lot of factors that make our body decrepit: elevators, computers, cars, bad habits. They then turn us into weak and helpless.

In any case, you can always find a way out of any situation. To solve a problem, we need to find the reasons that prevent us from overcoming it.

Reasons why you don't succeed

The number one reason you can't pull up on the bar is because you're lazy! Therefore, if you want to learn how to pull up on the horizontal bar from scratch, tear your ass off the computer, put on sportswear and go practice!

The second reason why a person cannot pull himself up on the horizontal bar is his excess weight. It is quite obvious that the more weight you have, the more effort you will have to make to lift it. Therefore, if your muscles are not developed, and your weight is much higher than the norm, you can forget about pull-ups for a while. Do your best to remove overweight: go jogging, pump the press, review your diet. By doing this, you will not only be able to “prepare the ground” before exercising on the horizontal bar, but also ease the burden on your heart.

If your weight is normal or even below it, you may still have problems pulling up. In this case, we are talking about weak physical preparation. In any case, this matter is fixable: permanent physical exercise And proper nutrition(by the way, I advise you to read an article about that) they will make candy out of your body :)!

Sometimes you can meet quite strong pumped-up guys who either do not shine on the horizontal bar, or cannot pull themselves up at all. But there is nothing strange in this either. They just don't have practice on the horizontal bar. When a person exercises regularly, muscle and nervous system over time, coordinate with each other, and as a result, the brain gives signals in time the right muscles, which in turn perform the required function. This is also called "muscle memory". The lack of this very muscle memory is the reason that you cannot pull yourself up on the horizontal bar.

Now that you know the reasons for your failures, proceed to the next step - start taking action!

Muscles that are involved in pull-ups

During pull-ups, a whole group of muscles is involved, which contributes to an increase in muscle mass.

When pulling up, the biceps, latissimus dorsi muscles (the so-called “wings”), forearms, chest muscles, triceps, and abs are loaded. And, pulling up different types grips, the load on each of these muscles will also change.

A narrow grip adds stress to the arm muscles. Pulling up with a regular, wide, and grip on the head, the load on the latissimus dorsi increases. Pulling up reverse grip, you can pump up the biceps.

How to learn to pull up on the horizontal bar?

If you don't have any physical training, it is best to start with daily push-ups from the floor - in this way, your muscles will begin to gradually get used to physical activity.

The next thing you should definitely remember is the warm-up. A 10-minute jog, arm swings, squats and stretches will not only help you avoid possible injuries, but will also help you achieve best results. When you feel that your body has begun to sweat, move on to pull-ups on the horizontal bar.

The first thing you need to learn is the correct grip when pulling up. Your fingers should be pointing away from you, and thumb should wrap around the bottom of the crossbar. You can use a different grip when pulling up, but for a person who is learning to pull up on the horizontal bar from scratch, it would be desirable to learn how to pull up in this way.

For beginners, it is best to use a technique called " negative reps". The essence of this technique is that you should take a position as if you have already pulled yourself up (so that your chin is above the horizontal bar). To do this, you can ask your friend to lift you up. Or you can take a chair and take the desired position. After you have hung on the horizontal bar, begin to slowly lower yourself. Lowered to the end - again raise your chin above the horizontal bar and repeat the exercise again. After 5-7 reps, take a break. For starters, 3-5 approaches will be enough for you.

Such training should be done every other day (for example, Monday-Wednesday-Friday). It is not worth loading the muscles every day - they will not have time to recover and this will not benefit you.

After you feel the strength in your arms, you can proceed to regular pull-ups. After a few workouts, you will be able to raise your chin above the bar. The course of pulling up on the horizontal bar from scratch is over for you, you can proceed to the next step.

To learn how to pull yourself up 10, 20, 30 or more times, you will have to work hard on yourself. In order not to get out of the training regimen, I advise you to use the program to increase pull-ups on the horizontal bar.

Scheme of pull-ups on the horizontal bar

This program is designed for those people who can already pull up 5-6 times. If your achievements are a little more modest, make a similar sipping scheme on the horizontal bar, but already calculated for you personally:

Scheme for increasing the number of pull-ups in 30 weeks (clickable)

Combine exercises on the horizontal bar with other exercises: push-ups from the floor, parallel bars, rocking the press - this will contribute to the development of other muscles.

Today we will tell you how to learn how to pull yourself up on the horizontal bar, if you are a “complete zero” in this matter. Recommendations are suitable for both girls and men.

Exercise features

Before performing pull-ups, you need to find out what options for the exercise are and what muscles it generally involves. First, consider the types of grip.

If you are doing pull-ups narrow grip or wide, then try to touch the crossbar with your chest.

If you pull yourself up with a reverse grip, then pull your shoulders back, and bring your shoulder blades together.

Pull-ups are contraindicated people who have problems with joints and bones, sprains of muscles and ligaments. Exercise is dangerous for scoliosis and other diseases of the spine, such as protrusion, hernia. Also at risk are people with osteochondrosis. However, it should be noted that pull-ups have a beneficial effect on the spine, make it healthy and more resilient.

How to learn to pull up from scratch

Everyone interprets the concept of "from scratch" in their own way. Someone under zero means a minimum of 5 pull-ups, and someone does not know how to do them at all. If you belong to the second type of people, then you should first resort to the negative version of the exercise.

Using a chair, take a position on the horizontal bar as if you have already pulled yourself up, that is, bend your arms in elbow joint, keep your chin on the bar. Hang in this position for thirty seconds, then slowly lower yourself. Repeat this exercise ten times. Over time, try to pull yourself up fully.

This technique will allow you to quickly learn how to pull up on the horizontal bar for both a guy and a girl at home.

If after a certain period you still find it difficult to do at least 1-2 pull-ups, then ask a friend to help you. Or use a rubber band.

What is stopping you from doing the exercise?

The most common reasons are as follows.

  • Excess weight. Excess kilograms can prevent even a physically fit person from pulling up, so it makes sense to lose weight first, and only then grab the horizontal bar.
  • General muscle weakness. How to prepare them for new loads, read below.
  • Wrong technique. If the exercise is not performed correctly, then the muscles will grow unevenly, therefore, difficulties are possible in the future.

Weak back muscles: what to do?

When pull-ups fail, it is worth resorting to another method - strengthening the back muscles with the help of special exercises. The most effective ones are listed below.

  1. thrust vertical block to the chest.
  2. Traction of a vertical block behind the head.
  3. Pulling the bar to the belt in an inclination (it is important that there is a deflection in the lumbar region, in more detail).
  4. Dumbbell row to the belt in an inclination (as in the previous exercise, bend the lower back a little).
  5. Deadlift.
  6. Hyperextension exercise.
  7. Boat exercise. Lying on your stomach, raise your closed legs and arms, sway.

In one workout, do only a few exercises 10 times in 2-3 sets. No need to try to do everything, especially if the body is not prepared.

Pull-up Simulator

In some gyms, you can find an interesting machine that helps lift the body. It is featured in the attached video. Here it is worth noting the fact that some people get so used to it that they cannot pull themselves up even ten times. A good example of this is presented, again, in the video.

Proper pull-up technique

  1. The first, most important rule is. Bend your arms as you exhale, and unbend as you inhale.
  2. Do not swing or use momentum.
  3. Always bring the exercise to the end, that is, hold your chin over the bar.
  4. Do not make sudden movements, lower and rise smoothly.
  5. Do not twist the spine, keep the body strictly upright.
  6. The slower you perform the exercise, the better the muscles are worked out.

If you finally decide to deal with the question of how to learn how to pull up a girl, then you have come to the right site.

There are only three problems due to which most women (and some men) cannot learn to pull up for a long time:

  • First, you heard from someone that you you can never to do this.
  • Second, you convinced myself, What you can't!
  • Thirdly, and perhaps this is the only real the reason you can't do pull-ups is because you're not training often enough or correctly to achieve that result.

Over the years, we have heard many times that women are not able to pull up, heard various "reasons" why, but all this - myth!

More and more women understand the need strength training And different ways, performing wrong workouts, prove this myth about the inability of women to pull up. In October 2012, The New York Times made a fuss with an article titled "Why Women Can't Pull Up!".

I, too, believed that this was true for many years, until I seriously delved into the topic of strength training. In general, the first pull-up without assistance I did purely by accident in June 2008. I was in gym, and my friend swore that I could pull myself up. And I said, “Come on, look, I can’t even do it once!”. I jumped up and grabbed the bar and did my first pull up and went down I'm shocked!

I was absolutely surprised and sincerely believed that the only reason I succeeded was that I became strong And thin. (Actually, you don't have to be thin to do pull-ups, although the lighter you are, the easier it is to lift your body.) Before that, I did a lot of kettlebell training for about a year, and then I became stronger and thinner than ever.

When training with barbells or kettlebells, especially when doing barbell chest presses, we use negative motions by pulling the bar back down after each press (mimicking inclines) to increase back strength.

For improvement abdominals, we use the plank and the best of the many dumbbell exercises to improve the effectiveness of the plank. They keep the whole body in tension and increase muscle strength. But back to my story. Guess what happened next?

I believed that Can doing pull-ups, just got obsessed with them and started exercising regularly.

I added more exercise lifts in my workouts, tried many exercises and their variations with pull-ups and lifts and noted which ones were the best.

Remember, if you want to do pull-ups, you need to do pull-ups regularly!

Of course, you will never be able to do pull-ups if you have never done strength training or have no idea what a horizontal bar is.

An added bonus: pull-ups are one of the most quick ways improve tighten the muscles of the body. Soon enough you will have a beautiful strong back and shoulders, of course, with correct execution exercises.

  • Gaze: Looking at the bar makes you move further away from the bar.
  • Beginning of the lift: The arms are not wide enough to prevent a good lift.
  • Mid-exercise: Lack of strength and full body tension.
  • Lowering down: lack of strength and unnecessary movement of the elbow joint.

Using the following sequence will help you eliminate the problems listed above and gain strength to do your first pull-up, increase your current number of pull-ups, or move on to weight pull-ups.

Before we move on to special exercises, you need to understand the difference between a forward and reverse grip. How pull-ups are performed with a direct and reverse grip can be seen in the following video.

As you can see, at straight grip palms are directed away from the body, and in the opposite direction - towards the body.

10 exercises to improve pull-ups:

Please note: each of the exercises will be shown in a short video at the end of this article.

1. Swing

  • Lie on your back, stretch your arms and tighten your abs, pressing your lower back ( lower part back) to the floor
  • Slowly lift your head, arms and legs off the floor.
  • Rock your body back and forth like a swing. Maintain body position. The angle of the shoulders and hips should remain the same throughout the exercise.

2. Hang swing

  • Hang on the horizontal bar in a direct grip, strain your arms.
  • Take the same position as in the previous exercise and hold on for a while.
  • Your body should be tense from your shoulders to the very tips of your toes.

3. Activation of the back muscles

  • Continue hanging in the hanging swing position, connecting and disconnecting the shoulders.
  • In addition to giving endurance, this exercise will strengthen the infraspinatus, small round, large round and latissimus dorsi back.

4. Hanging on bent arms

  • Climb onto the box so that it puts you above or at the level of the crossbar, and jump onto the horizontal bar. Basic position: arms are bent, the chin hangs over the crossbar.
  • The grip is reverse, the elbows are pressed to the body, the chin is above the bar.
  • Hang like this for a while, gradually, with each workout, increase the time, making your shoulders and biceps stronger

5. Hanging on bent arms with weighting

  • Use the same technique as in the previous exercise, but add weights such as a weight belt or a medicine ball between your legs.
  • Many of my students think that I have gone crazy when I add weight to them: after all, they cannot hold their own weight, and here - weighting! But, believe me, this exercise will increase strength, and when you start the next exercises, they will seem easier to you.

6. Slow negative reps

  • Slow downward movement and bent-arm hanging positions will give you the opportunity to work out the full range of motion for future pull-ups and strengthen your accessory muscles as you gain strength.

7. Pull up with a towel

  • Great exercise to improve your grip. Instead of a towel, you can use a rope.
  • You can use a towel for all of the above exercises, or you can do the lifts as shown in the video.

8. Pull-ups with a neutral grip

  • The neutral grip is sometimes easier, as the grip is narrower and the palms are facing each other, which allows you to strengthen the biceps.

9. Pull-ups with a direct grip

  • The actions are the same as when hanging with bent arms, but now the grip is straight and the pull-up must be performed with full force.
  • Tighten your muscles, pull yourself up, hover over the horizontal bar for a while and go down. It is usually easier for women to start with overhand pull-ups than reverse ones.

10. Reverse pull-ups

  • Position: arms slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, palms facing you, pull yourself up with full power until your chin is hovering over the bar.
  • When your chin reaches the bar, pull your elbows down and back to increase the height of your chin above the bar.

I taught many students, tried various exercises and techniques on my own, and found a relationship: if a woman can hold out for more than 30-45 seconds in a hanging position with bent arms, then she is able to perform at least one pull-up with a direct grip. After she has completed at least one pull-up, I would suggest that she do a "GTG" workout and do pull-ups daily. After she does a few pull-ups, I would add a ladder workout to her routine.

For example: 3 straight grip pull-ups, 2 straight grip pull-ups, 1 straight grip pull-up. Rest and repeat.

After three successful pull-ups, usually girls do at least one pull-up with a reverse grip. At this point, you can add pull-ups with a reverse grip to the ladder.

For example: 3 straight grip pull-ups, 2 straight grip pull-ups, 1 reverse grip pull-up. Rest and repeat.

Important tips for making progress:

  • NEVER train to the point of exhaustion: training to exhaustion will only make you better when you are exhausted!
  • STAY awake, do pull-ups perfectly and stop when you feel like you can't do it. next exercise properly.
  • PRACTICE regularly.
  • DO weightlifting.
  • After a HEAVY deadlift, pull-ups are much easier to perform.