Trainings for the development of memory and non-standard thinking. Games and exercises for the development of memory

Ecology of Consciousness: Life. These exercises develop memory for foreign surnames, complex geographical and biological terms, etc., and also form a general attitude towards correlating new material being studied with elements of already known knowledge stored in memory.

Best Memory Exercises

Memorizing unrelated numbers

The student is invited to memorize one by one several rows of 10-12 numbers.

At the same time, it is emphasized that the main emphasis should be placed not on the mechanical repetition of numbers aloud or to oneself, and not on their visual photographic imprinting, but on the search for meaningful connections between them. For example, looking at the series of numbers 6513024860, you can find that 65:13=5; 2, 4, 8 - a series of powers of the number 2; row 0, 2, 4, 8, 6 - increasing even numbers, among which the last two are rearranged; 65 is your apartment number, and 86 is your brother's wedding year; along the edges are similar numbers 65 and 60; at the end of each half of the digits - zeros, etc. The more such ratios are found in each row, the better the memorization of the digits is.

After such an analysis of several rows, the student is invited from memory to write down on paper the numbers contained in each of them, in the same sequence. Rows can be taken from a table of random numbers or, in extreme cases, from a telephone directory.

Rows of random numbers to remember:

6442180814 1798548911

4380009351 4132644344

4102483167 9624043642

0747744606 5484654759

If during the check it turns out that an error was made in one of the series, its origin should be analyzed together with the student: it is an indicator of insufficient clarity of the semantic analysis of the series,

This exercise forms the ability to easily memorize various numbers (historical dates, addresses, telephone numbers, etc.), and also forms a generalized attitude to search for connections in the memorized material instead of mechanical imprinting.

Analysis of nonsense words

The student is presented with several quasi-words 20-25 letters long, like the following:


Memory exercises

Slowly looking through each word, one should highlight some meaning in its individual letter combinations or reveal connections between its parts. For example, “komol” is an abbreviation for “komsomol”, or a combination of two short words with the letter o in the middle: “com” and “mol”; the combination "comolist" can be associated with the words "vocalist" or "voice player" or interpreted as a compound word: "com" (or "to whom") + "list"; Associate “strand” with the words “arrow” or “meeting”, and “stranosh” with the word “string”; "shivert" - with the expression "topsy-turvy", and "shiverton" - with the word "tuning fork". When analyzing the word as a whole, it can be noted that in all cases a consonant letter is followed by a vowel, with the exception of similar combinations of "str" ​​in the middle of the word and "rt" at the end, and also that of the vowels in this word there are only letters o, and , e, which are known to be at the end of the first half of the alphabet and not interspersed with any other vowels.

After checking the reproduced words with the presented ones, an analysis of the causes of errors is carried out. Reproduction is performed a few hours and a day after memorization in order to detect weaknesses in the semantic memorization of each student and correct them during subsequent exercises.

This exercise develops memory for foreign surnames, complex geographical and biological terms, etc., and also forms a general setting for correlating new material being studied with elements of already known knowledge stored in memory.

Memorizing pairs of words

Students are offered sets of 25-30 pairs of words that are not related to each other, for example: whale - cigarette, plum - lamp, beetle - cloud, etc. Consistently reading each pair of words, one should form in the mind some images, unusual pictures, in which would combine these two objects in a bizarre way. Each picture should be imagined as brightly and emotionally as possible. For example, a whale swims with a cigarette in its mouth, the cigarette shines in the dusk, smoke rises from it, similar in color to the skin of a whale. Or suddenly, like on a tree, juicy, sweet plums ripened on a table lamp. Or there is a filament inside the plum and it shines like a lamp.

After that, the first words of each pair are presented on the form or read out. The second word must be remembered and written down on your own. Then only the second words of the pair are presented, and the first word must be reconstructed from them. The procedure is repeated a few days after memorization and ends with an analysis of the causes of the mistakes made.

This exercise is aimed at improving the technique of creating vivid images when memorizing textual material.

"Triple stimulation" of memory

The exercise was developed by analogy with the well-known technique of “double stimulation” of memory (A. N. Leontiev) and at the initial stage involves working with only two rows of stimuli. Students are presented with a series of cards with words printed on them or pictures drawn on them and are invited from another similar set of cards to choose for each of the first set one that would fit it in meaning (for example, grain - bread, house - fence) in order to in the future it was possible, looking only at the second row of cards, to recall exactly all the cards of the first row.

After the student has mastered the principle of selecting similar words and reproducing the main word based on the auxiliary, the task becomes more difficult.

He is offered the first set of cards (for example: roof, judge, rail, boat) and is asked to put cards of the second set next to them (ball, tit, window, station), based on semantic, figurative, emotional or any other similarity of words. The cards of the second set are located under the cards of the first set ("window" under the "roof", "titmouse" under the "airplane", "ball" under the "judge", "station" under the "rail").

Then the first set of cards is covered with a piece of drawing paper and the third set of cards (geranium, armchair, snake, boot) is presented. The task of the students is to put under each of the cards of the remaining second set the card of the new - third set associated with it (window - geranium, tit - snake, ball - boot, station - chair).

After that, the second set of cards closes. The task of the students is to look only at the third row of cards, to remember the cards of the second and first sets associated with each of them (using the “geranium” card to restore the “window” and “roof”, using the “snake” card to remember the “titmouse” and “airplane” and etc.).

When you achieve ease in performing this exercise, it is proposed to immediately name the cards of the first set, without naming the cards of the second set. It is possible to introduce a greater number of mediating sets: four or five, thus lengthening and complicating the semantic chains of words.

This exercise forms the ability to quickly find and establish semantic connections between individual elements of the material and rely on them when reproducing it.

Laying out cards with unrelated words

Sets of 15-20 cards are used with words that are, if possible, unrelated in meaning and not similar in sound. For example: counter, table, lantern, palette, turner, lead, wool, ficus, melody, scheme, zebra. The student's task is to offer several options for the layout of cards that make them easier to remember. For example, you can combine words with a common first letter - “s” and “f”, and within each group try to link the words to each other: the ficus shines like a lantern (or the lantern is made in the form of a ficus), and there is a lead counter diagram on the table and they poured syrup on it. A logical classification is also possible: turner, zebra, ficus - living (moreover, here is a person, an animal, and a plant); palette and melody are associated with art; table, lantern, counter - household items, etc. You can combine words for specific situations by composing one or two short stories, for example: Someone turned on the lantern to look at the counter, and for this he moved the table to climb on it, at the same time, the ficus fell, etc.

After laying out the cards, immediate and delayed reproduction of words is carried out and the reasons for the omissions and replacements of some of them are analyzed.

This exercise forms the ability to find diverse connections in initially disparate material, thereby ensuring its effective memorization.

Analysis of the structure of long sentences

Several sentences are selected, consisting of 18-20 words. For example: "Japanese computer specialists have long noticed that the worst enemy of large computers are rats, which gnaw through important electronic control systems in transport and in production." Slowly and thoughtfully reading the sentence, you should step by step draw up a diagram that reflects its syntactic structure. Then, looking at the diagram (the words in which do not carry any specific information, but act as auxiliary supports, dotted lines of reproduction),

  • what
  • which
  • what did they do
  • whom, what
  • what
  • by whom
  • are
  • Who
  • what
  • Who
  • which
  • what are they doing
  • which
  • what are they doing
  • What
  • making
  • whom
  • What
  • What:
  • When
  • what
  • where (2 places)
  • which
  • what

you should try to restore the sentence as accurately as possible (immediately after memorization and after a few hours).

This exercise develops the ability to reveal and use every one of the semantic relationships between the elements of a phrase, which is a necessary prerequisite for accurate in meaning or even verbatim memorization of definitions, quotations or key phrases of texts.

Analysis of the structure of short texts

Completed texts of 5-7 detailed sentences are presented. For example: “According to American scientists, four or five hours spent in front of the TV act on the body like a few glasses of alcohol. In the experiment, the scientists used a group of drivers who got behind the wheel after watching TV for several hours. As a result, 9% of them unreasonably crossed the prohibition lines on the highway, 20% mixed up the green and red colors of the traffic light. In fact, they acted like people who had consumed alcohol.”

In the process of reading the text, a diagram is drawn up that reflects all its semantic parts:

  • about the similarity of one with the other
  • who participated
  • what they were doing
  • first
  • Then
  • lines
  • color
  • similarity conclusion
  • lines
  • color
  • similarity conclusion
  • essence
  • experiment
  • results
  • comparison

After a few minutes or hours, looking at the diagram, you should reproduce the content of the text as accurately as possible. It is important that all semantic units of the text are reproduced. This exercise develops the ability to make a deep analysis of the structure of the text in the process of drawing up its outline, as well as to accurately use the drawn up scheme when reproducing material.

Drawing up schematic drawings

Artificial complex texts are presented, overloaded with information about individual elements, connections between them, successively influencing each other, etc. For example:

“If the action of the first and second phenomena on the third turns out to be joint, then the combination of attribute A of the first phenomenon and attribute B of the second phenomenon leads to a change in property C in the third phenomenon. A change in property B after some time leads to a change in property D, which now immediately gives rise to its signs D and E, which, interacting with each other, are amplified. This leads to the fact that the third phenomenon has a destructive effect on the fourth phenomenon. It happens like this: the new properties D and E of the third phenomenon give rise to the property W in the fourth phenomenon, which, growing, leads it to an explosion.

Slowly reading the text, you should draw up a schematic drawing that reflects the processes described in it.

Then, after a few minutes or hours, it is necessary to reproduce the content of the text as accurately as possible, using the compiled drawing for this. As you achieve ease in performing this exercise, the text should be reproduced without a picture, relying only on its visual representation.

This exercise forms the ability to quickly and accurately translate the content of the text into a figurative plan, isolate the most significant connections in it and use visual representations in the structure of logical memory.

Drawing up a plan of texts

This exercise is suggested for self-fulfillment at home. It is recommended to take a scientific or popular science book, which is somewhat difficult to understand, but not overloaded with special terms and phrases with a complex structure. You should read several pages of text daily and write down its plan in your notebook as you read. For example, read 1-2 paragraphs, determine for yourself: this is about something, and the main thing here is something, and immediately write down the first paragraph of the plan in two or three words, then move on to the next paragraphs, etc.

After a few days or weeks, you should open a notebook with a plan and try to restore the entire text you read from it as accurately as possible. In this case, the main attention is drawn to the most detailed unfolding, decoding of each item of the plan, restoration of the entire content of the text fragment associated with it.

Thoroughly the causes of all the difficulties that arise in the process of reproduction are analyzed. Since they are mainly associated with an insufficiently deep semantic analysis of individual passages of the text or with an unsuccessful formulation of individual points of the plan, the student has the opportunity to see from his own experience how useful understanding of the material is for memorization, and also gradually determine for himself which particular design features points of the plan provide high efficiency of memorization and reproduction. Initially, such an analysis of difficulties is carried out jointly with a psychologist, later on independently.

Animals in a state of weightlessness

EXERCISE 1. Look closely at this drawing. The animals are in an unusual situation. Try to remember the location of the animals. You have 3 minutes to memorize.

TASK 2. You need to draw what you can remember.

TASK 3. It is necessary to discuss with the child the process of memorization.

NOTE. There are several ways to memorize the position of animals.

1. The big square is divided into 9 small squares. When memorizing, therefore, you can rely on the position of the animal relative to the side of the small square.

2. Animals are repeated. Therefore, you can first remember the location of the hedgehogs, then the foxes, etc.

3. Animals alternate. Therefore, you can find patterns of their location.

4. You can combine methods of memorization.


EXERCISE 1. I will call you the words, and you answer my every word with yours, the first that came to your mind. Attention!

Fairy tale
A note
A crisis

TASK 2. Try to remember the words I used.

NOTE. In this game, an already well-known technique is used - associations - establishing links between what is remembered and something known by similarity, similarity, contiguity or opposite.

Drum game

EXERCISE 1. Think of a way to remember the letter and its location on this game drum.

TASK 2. Draw, without peeping, what and how is located on the game drum.

TASK 3. Tell me how you remember.

NOTE. It is necessary to welcome the situation when the child comes up with several ways of remembering. This speaks of the creative direction of his thinking. In those cases when the child found several ways to remember, but could not reproduce this picture correctly (he made a mistake in the spelling or location of the letters), it is necessary Special attention devote to the development of memory. Such results indicate insufficient development, most likely, of his natural memory.

memorize phrases

Close your eyes and imagine the corresponding pictures, the names of which will be pronounced:

1. Lion attacking an antelope
2. Tail wagging dog
3. Fly in your soup
4. Macaroons in a box
5. Lightning in the dark
6. A stain on your favorite clothes
7. A diamond sparkling in the sun
8. Scream of terror in the night
9. Joy of motherhood
10. A friend who steals money from your wallet

Now remember and write down the names of the visualized pictures. If you remember more than 8 images, the exercise was completed successfully.

10 words

Read 10 words. You need to remember the words in the same order as they were presented.

Words: morning, silver, child, river, north, up, cabbage, glass, school, shoe.

Number series

Rows of numbers are read. You need to write down the numbers you remember. After that, the rows of numbers are read again and the numbers incorrectly reproduced in order and size are crossed out. Missing a number in a row is not considered an error.

Number rows:
37 48 95
24 73 58 49
89 65 17 59 78
53 27 87 91 23 47
16 51 38 43 87 14 92
72 84 11 85 41 68 27 58
47 32 61 18 92 34 52 76 84
69 15 93 72 38 45 96 26 58 83. published

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness - together we change the world! © econet

Remember by ear

The ability to perceive and memorize information by ear is very important for a child. After all, most educational material presented in the form of an explanation by the teacher. Orally the teacher gives assignments. If the child listened to what was explained to him in the lesson, if he is not able to memorize by ear, then the effectiveness of his studies will be low. No wonder folk wisdom says: "It flew in one ear, flew out of the other." We will try, by developing auditory memory, to achieve such an effect that children do not miss new knowledge. Therefore, we suggest using special exercises to practice listening skills.

"Word Relay"

Option 1

The lesson is conducted by analogy with the well-known game "Snowball". You say one word, the child says the word you said and adds his own word. You repeat your word, the word the child said, and add a third. Then the relay goes back to the child, he must repeat the 3 named words and add one more, etc. For the “Word Relay”, it is better to choose some topic, for example: “Nature”, “Weather”, “Outdoor”, “ Sports", "Fruits". You can agree to name words starting with a single letter or only animate nouns, etc. Here is an example of such a relay race on the topic “Nature”. The first player says: "Trees." The second says: "Trees, grass." The first adds: "Trees, grass, river." Second: "Trees, grass, river, forest." The one who makes a mistake in the repetition or cannot add one more word loses. At first, you can play slow pace, gradually bringing it up to a fast one. The game can also be played in a group, in a circle.

Option 2

You can conduct the lesson in a different way. You say a short sentence, the child repeats it, adding another word. You do the same, and so on. For example, you say, "I'm painting." The child adds: "I draw in the album." You say: "I draw well in the album." The child adds: “I draw well in the album with paints.” You say: "I draw flowers well in the album with paints." The child adds: “I paint flowers well in the new album,” etc.

"What color?"

For the lesson, you will need coloring pictures, colored pencils and pre-compiled texts that describe exactly how to color the proposed picture.

The child is given a coloring book and is invited to carefully listen to the text, remember what color it is, and color the picture in accordance with the description. We offer job options.

Option 1

Listen to the text and remember what color the toys are on the Christmas tree (colors in the text are in italics). Color the Christmas decorations according to the description.

How we decorated the Christmas tree

Before the New Year, dad brought home a large green Christmas tree. My sister and I were very happy, because a week ago beautiful Christmas decorations were prepared. Hurry, let's decorate our Christmas tree! First we hung a bright garland of red candy. Two cheerful mushroom mushrooms also decorated the Christmas tree, their bright orange the hats shone on her green paws. Then we got big balls. On the upper branches we hung yellow balls. They lit up like little suns. A red we decorated the lower paws of the Christmas tree with balls. In the middle sister hung a whole garland blue stars. And big blue dad put a star on the top of the Christmas tree. We all admired the beautiful Christmas tree.

Option 2

Listen to the text and remember what color it is. Color the items as described.

My sister and I spend summer holidays at the dacha. We have a small but cozy house outside the city. When the morning rises bright orange the sun, our house looks very cheerful. Daddy painted the walls blue paint, like water in the river in which we bathe. On brown the roof is black a pipe from which smoke comes out if a stove is heated in the house on cool days. But this is rare, in summer the sun heats the house so that the windows are almost always open. Like a reflection of the sun, a huge sunflower grows near the house with yellow petals and brown center strewn with seeds. He waves us big green leaves when the wind blows outside. Recently, we helped dad with the housework, he instructed us to paint a new fence in the same color as the roof of our house. It turned out great for us, however, we painted ourselves a little. Color the picture in accordance with the description, and you will see what our cottage looks like.


For the lesson, you will need to compose a text of 8-10 sentences.

After listening to the text, the child will have to selectively remember the words that you warn him about before reading. The number of such words for memorization varies from 3 to 5, depending on the age of the child and the duration of the lesson. Here are some examples of such tasks.

Option 1

Sunday tea

On Sundays, we have a big tea party at our house. Therefore, my mother and I go to a candy store in the morning and choose each family member his favorite treat. For dad, mom asks the saleswoman to weigh the candy "Bear in the north" And "Mask". Sister we buy caramel "Crow's feet". And my mom and I love sweets most of all "Squirrel".

Grandma is coming to visit us today. She always brings treats for her grandchildren. Last time it was candy "Martin". She herself likes to drink tea with jam.

And the main decoration of the table will, of course, be the pie that my mother and I will bake for the evening tea.

Option 2

Forest company

Do not be surprised, in our forest all the animals are friends with each other. They help each other in difficult times, go to visit and often spend time playing funny Games. Yesterday, for example, a hare Basil announced a general gathering in a large clearing. It was there that the animals arranged football matches with the team of the neighboring birch grove. He ran with this message through all the dwellings, even looked at the fox Snezhane and the prickly hedgehog Semyon who live quite far away. But it is known that the hare - best runner In the woods. That's why he became a captain football team. The main thing is that he did not forget to wake up the bear. Philip, because he is the best at protecting the goal. Well, to the owl Maruse I didn’t forget to look in - there is no better referee for the match in the whole forest. It is necessary to invite more wolf brothers, and the team will be in full force.

If the child is not doing very well on the task, then reduce the number of memorization words to three. You can also change the usual words for memorization to emotionally colored ones. Then it will be much easier to remember. Try changing the animal names. Then the text could be like this.

Forest company

Do not be surprised, in our forest all the animals are friends with each other. They help each other in difficult times, go to visit and often spend time playing fun games. Yesterday, for example, a hare nicknamed Long Ear announced a general gathering in a large clearing. It was there that the animals arranged football matches with the team of the neighboring birch grove. He ran with this message through all the dwellings, even looked at the fox, who was called in the forest redhead, and to the prickly hedgehog Kolke who live quite far away. But it is known that the hare is the best runner in the forest. That's why he became the captain of the football team. The main thing is that he did not forget to wake up the bear, nicknamed Grumpy, because he is the best at protecting the goal. Well, I didn’t forget to look at the owl - there is no better referee for the match in the whole forest. Not in vain did the forest dwellers give her a name good girl. It is necessary to invite more wolf brothers, and the team will be in full force.


Prepare texts for the lesson. These may be excerpts from children's books, but it is better that the text is unfamiliar to the child.

The adult says to the child: “I will read one sentence. You need to remember it." After that, you read one sentence from the middle of the selected passage. Ask the child if he remembers the sentence he heard. If you do not remember, then ask him to concentrate and read again. Then you explain that you will be reading a text that contains this sentence. As soon as you read the voiced sentence, the child should interrupt you with the command “Stop!” For example, let's take a fragment from the fairy tale by G. X. Andersen "Wild Swans".

Suggestion to remember: "On the head of each swan was a small golden crown."

“Here a big black cloud is approaching the sky, the wind grows stronger, and the sea also turns black, worries and seethes. But the cloud passes, pink clouds float across the sky, the wind subsides, and the sea is already calm, now it looks like a rose petal. Sometimes it becomes green, sometimes white. But no matter how quiet it is in the air and no matter how calm the sea is, the surf is always noisy near the shore, a slight excitement is always noticeable - the water rises quietly, like the chest of a sleeping child.

When the sun was nearing sunset, Eliza saw wild swans. Like a long white ribbon, they flew one after another. There were eleven of them. Each swan had a small golden crown on its head.. Eliza moved to the cliff and hid in the bushes. The swans descended not far from her and flapped their great white wings.

Read the text expressively, specifically do not highlight the desired sentence with intonation or pauses. If the child did not notice the sentence, got carried away by the content, or forgot the task, read the passage to the end and discuss the task. In order to cope with the task, you need a high concentration and stability of attention (do more games from the Step One chapter, then return to this activity).


For the lesson, you will need a verbal portrait of an alien, a sheet of paper, a pencil.

You invite the child to listen carefully to the description of the alien's appearance, mentally imagine it and draw a portrait on a piece of paper as accurately as possible.

Option 1

Aliens have landed on Earth. One of them was seen in the store. He is said to be very tall with a long, rectangular body. His head is similar to a triangle, one corner stuck into the body. Two short antennae protruded from the head, at the ends of which sparkling balls were worn. Especially everyone was surprised by the eyes: they are not the same as those of people. The eyes were square, and the mouth cut the face in a narrow strip. The arms and legs were as thin as the branches of a tree.

Option 2

Aliens have landed on Earth. One of them was seen right in the center of the city. Eyewitnesses say that it was impossible not to notice. The alien was small. His body was like a circle. The head, on the contrary, was absolutely square, and instead of ears, two curved antennae protruded from the sides. The eyes were round and glowed a little, the mouth was also round, but small compared to the eyes. The arms and legs looked like short plump sticks.

When comparing a child's drawing with a verbal description of an alien, the presence of all the listed body parts, their shape and proportionality are taken into account. Exercise can be performed in a complicated version. If the child easily coped with drawing one alien, then you can read out the description of two figures at once and offer to draw the first or second alien. You can add color to the description. If the exercise is conducted in a group, then either a self-check is performed when reading the description again, or the drawings are collected by an adult and then checked and analyzed.

In professional activities and in everyday life, the organs of perception play an important role. Even an adult can think about the question of how to develop thinking and make their mental activity more efficient.

If you have a weak memory, this is not a reason to worry, it can always be developed. Of course, the older the person, the more difficult it is to do this, but systematic exercises will help you achieve results and significantly improve your abilities.

In the article we will talk about the fact that physical activity is important for the development of mental activity. We also give examples of exercises and tips to improve brain function. Tips will help develop creative and analytical thinking without any extra effort.

Helping ourselves with physical activity

The ability to think and remember largely depends on the physical form there is a person. Fatigue, illness, stress depress nervous system reducing our abilities. Help support the body light exercise sports: swimming, running short distances, cycling and rollerblading, skiing. Useful morning exercises, as it awakens the body, saturates with oxygen.

The brain needs a boost fresh air Therefore, the room must be ventilated as often as possible. It is better to go in for sports on the street or at least with an open window, this will improve the flow of oxygen to the brain.

Sedentary work leads to fatigue, causes stagnation of blood in the organs, so it is important to take breaks accompanied by physical activity. Sometimes it's enough just to walk, to do circular motions hands, neck, several tilts to the side and forward.

By increasing the number physical activity, you will soon notice that mental activity began to improve.

Exercises for the development of memory and thinking

  1. Reading. Unfortunately, at modern man little time left for reading. We increasingly prefer short notes in social networks, while large texts seem to us an impossible task. This leads to the fact that thinking and memory begin to work worse.

    Make it a rule at least twice a week to read to the end texts on serious topics that require analysis. They should not only be read, but remembered. main idea. In addition to articles, classical, psychological and philosophical literature, as well as those related to professional activities, are well suited. It happens that we seem to be reading, but we cannot remember the last paragraph or page. In this case, go back and re-read, make the brain work.

  2. Memorize routes . Once in an unfamiliar place, try to remember how to get back here. During the trip, pay attention to what surrounds you, try to remember the signs of streets and cities. For better memorization, associate objects with some kind of emotion.
  3. Good for developing memory Mind games : checkers, chess, puzzles, various board economic games.
  4. Remember account passwords . Of course, you also need to write them down, writing down, you help yourself remember them. Use different passwords and nicknames, trying not to refer to your records, but to remember them. Numbers and names can be tied to certain images.
  5. It is believed that to improve memory it is necessary to learn poems. We will offer a slightly different method. The fact is that learning verses is good if you know that they will be useful to you, therefore, in order not to clutter up your memory, but at the same time develop it, we will do next exercise: we read the poem and, without peeping, state it in our own words. For adults, this task is more enjoyable and will help them learn to think outside the box.
  6. Remember what happened to you during the day . Try to imagine the sights, sounds, words, and emotions, as well as the people you meet along the way. This exercise will help develop analytical thinking, as well as sum up the day.

We develop creative thinking

A person striving to think effectively is probably interested in how to develop out-of-the-box thinking. There is nothing difficult in this. To begin with, it is important to want to work on yourself, because desire is already the beginning of the path.

Creative thinking is the ability to see something new in the ordinary, the ability to get out of ordinary situations in an unusual way, often more effectively.

  • Look at any situation from different angles.
  • Write down or memorize any thoughts that come to you, in the future this will help improve the speed of decision making.
  • Remove patterns from your life: in thoughts, actions, working moments. Patterns make our thoughts monotonous, memory, creativity, and an individual way of processing information cease to develop.
Often the speed of decision-making is influenced by internal fears and uncertainty - and whether I am doing the right thing. Will have to get rid of them. By the way, fears can also affect memory, preventing a person from remembering traumatic events. The bolder a person acts, the faster he can learn to think outside the box.

We develop analytics

Thinking is necessary for us in order to solve the assigned tasks without errors. Knowing how to develop analytical thinking allows you to improve your understanding of the world, the ability of a person to find a logical and more correct solution. How to develop it in an adult.
  • Come up with multiple answers for each question.
  • For one problem, ask leading questions that will help speed up the decision.
  • Analyze the selected option from all sides, find strengths and weaknesses.
  • Make it a rule to analyze what you see and hear, this will gradually increase the speed of thinking and improve the memorization of information.
  • Organize the information received into categories: very important, important, medium importance, unnecessary. The same applies to current affairs. Systematization increases the speed of finding the right answer, helps to quickly deal with current affairs.
  • Solve logical problems, start with the simplest ones in order to understand how to do it correctly.

Find an individual way of remembering and solving problems

We are all different, and each person has his own unique way of thinking and remembering information. Someone will be able to develop the speed of memory in a few weeks, another person will need a few months, however, this does not mean at all that you need to stop.

Everyone's memory speed is also different. One person needs a single repetition of the material, another needs to watch or read it several times.

Analyze how you remember information. The memorization method will help you find the most effective method assimilation of information. People are divided into three types:

  • Visuals - they often operate with images.
  • Auditory - they remember what they hear better.
  • Kinesthetics - for them, sensations are important.
Having determined your leading type, you can choose the most convenient way memorization. Remember how it is more convenient for you to perceive information - to read or listen. Do emotions, as well as the ability to touch a thing with your hands, affect the speed of memorization.

Use this system. However, do not forget about others, they should also be developed, and then thinking becomes more productive, and memory is stronger.

Memory is one of the mental processes that can be developed with the greatest efficiency. The following are games, tasks, exercises that develop the memory of adolescents.

Procedure 1

Words are being read. The subjects should try to remember them in pairs. Then only the first words of each pair are read, and the subjects write down the second.


1. chicken- egg, scissors- cut, horse- hay, book- learn, butterfly- fly, brush- teeth, drum- pioneer, snow- winter, rooster- scream, ink- notebook, cow- milk, locomotive- drive, pear- compote, lamp- evening.

2. bug- armchair, feather- water, glasses- error, bell- memory, pigeon- father, watering can- tram, comb- wind, boots- boiler, lock- mother, match- sheep, grater- sea, sled- factory, fish- fire, axe- kissel.

Procedure 2

"Close your eyes and imagine the corresponding pictures, the names of which will be pronounced..."

1. Lion attacking an antelope

2. Tail wagging dog

3. Fly in your soup

4. Macaroons in a box

5. Lightning in the dark

6. A stain on your favorite clothes

7. A diamond sparkling in the sun

8. Scream of terror in the night

9. Joy of motherhood

10. A friend stealing money from your wallet

"Now remember and write down the names of the visualized pictures. If you remember more than 8 images, the exercise was completed successfully."

Procedure 3

"In 40 seconds, try to remember the 20 suggested words and their serial numbers. Close the text, write the words with their serial numbers on a piece of paper."

1. Ukrainian 11. Oil

2. Economy 12. Paper

3. Porridge 13. Cake

4. Tattoo 14. Logic

5. Neutron 15. Standard

6. Love 16. Verb

7. Scissors 17. Breakthrough

8. Conscience 18. Deserter

9. Clay 19. Candle

10. Dictionary 20. Cherry

Procedure 4

Repeat Procedure 3, but with numbers.

1. 43 6. 72 11. 37 16. 6

2. 57 7. 15 12. 18 17. 78

3. 12 8. 44 13. 87 18. 61

4. 33 9. 96 14. 56 19. 83

5. 81 10. 7 15. 47 20. 73

Procedure 5

Read 10 words. You need to remember the words in the same order as they were presented. Words: morning, silver, child, river, north, up, cabbage, glass, school, shoe.

Procedure 6

Rows of numbers are read. You need to write down the numbers you remember. After that, the rows of numbers are read again and the numbers incorrectly reproduced in order and size are crossed out. Missing a number in a row is not considered an error. Number rows:

53 27 87 91 23 47

16 51 38 43 87 14 92

72 84 11 85 41 68 27 58

47 32 61 18 92 34 52 76 84

Revolutionary discoveries of how our memory works and how to remember! For many people, this will be a real discovery.

People don't have a bad memory, we just haven't been taught how to use it properly. Our memory works great. In this article you will find the most effective and interesting exercises and video trainings for training memory and attention.

According to the storage time of information, there are:

long term memory
short term memory
Instant or iconic

Information is stored in long-term memory for years and decades. The last thing a person forgets is the sounds of his own name. Only what we use regularly, what we constantly think about, is placed in long-term memory.

In short-term memory, information is delayed for several minutes, hours, days, sometimes weeks. Then, as unnecessary, it “evaporates”. The brain does not like to store what the owner does not use. He spends too much energy and valuable substances. One of the ways to quickly become dull is to strain your memory as little as possible. Do not learn anything, do not read new books, speak in short primitive phrases.

Instantaneous memory is so named because it stores information in the literal sense of the word moments - seconds, fractions of a second. This memory works when the brain evaluates the situation at the crossroads, follows a fast moving object, reads the text. While we are looking at the page, our brain remembers the outlines of a large number of letters, words and phrases, but as soon as we look away from the page, most of the pictures disappear from instant memory.

The more developed a person's instant and short-term memory, the more likely it is to replenish long-term memory. Short-term memory is the entrance gate to long-term memory, and long-term memory is the entrance gate to the intellect. To have a beautiful slender muscular body, you need to play sports, regularly give the muscles a load. Also with memory. Memory training is nothing more than its use, application, constant practice of remembering. The best option- learn poetry. It expands lexicon and increases the area of ​​contacts between the nerve cells of the brain.

Memory training exercises:

Exercise "House of memory"

Try to name from memory the names of all the poets or writers that you can remember. If you were able to recall at least 12-15 authors without great difficulty and inhibition, then this is not bad at all. In addition to the names of poets, you can name concepts from any field (female and male names, pieces of furniture, indoor plants, all concepts related to mathematics, fine arts, etc.)

Exercise "Concentration on the task"

A simple exercise that will help you develop the habit of concentrating on a task is to say words backwards.

Love - Wobul
Piano - Oninaip
Skyscraper - Burksoben
Painting - Anitrak
Ceiling - Kolotop

Dar-Rad, etc. Let's move on to two-syllable words:

Horns - Agor
Sky - Aubin
Mountain - Arog

Seemingly primitive baby exercise! But it trains visual memory. It is not so easy to keep the word "metropolis" or "chess" in the imagination without the skill. As soon as you try to pronounce these words in reverse, without looking at the recording, you will have difficulty. What to do with it? Break the mental task into blocks.

Chess = checkmate

First you need to make sure that your brain sees three separate parts of the word: chess. You can break the word differently, by syllables: chess. In any case, you need to keep three fragments in your mind. Memory and attention are trained enormously! If three syllables have already been fixed in your mind's eye, it is not difficult to read them in reverse: y there hash.

Exercise "Cellular Talking"

What I now advise you to do will look strange. However, "it" will help.

a) Increase the speed of thinking and improve attention

b) reduce the time on the way the image - the word (and therefore increase the speed of reading)

c) Experience how your memory is strained (some will frankly "slow down" doing this simple task).

As fast as possible call out loud all the objects that you see in front of you. Here is what I see, for example:
A monitor, a mirror, a wristwatch with a leather strap, a cell phone, a measuring tape, a floor lamp, a webcam, three pencil holders, books, weeklies, a cactus, etc.

You can list items with or without descriptive characteristics: speakers, pillow, sofa, wall, frame, medal, photograph, hairbrush, etc.

This exercise is interesting to perform when there is at least one spectator. Observe yourself: after what time will you “deflate”, the pauses between words will increase and you will begin to mumble and help yourself with gestures. You can and should “milk” your brain cells regularly.

In this case, the rate of synthesis of the substances necessary for cells increases, and neurons get used to working not at half strength, but at their fullest. Give them a strenuous cross more often, and they will thank you. You will quickly pick up arguments in a dispute and think better, stop suffering from absent-mindedness and forgetfulness. Your brain's response to stressful situations, like an impending car accident, can be lightning fast.

Exercise "training the second hemisphere."

This is for those who like to train their memory in a non-standard way, namely: develop the right hemisphere of the brain. It is he who is responsible for the work of the left hand. It is not always possible to allocate time for training the left hand. But if you tie training to everyday activities that you still have to do every day, then your brain will begin to develop rapidly. For example: washing dishes, cleaning the bathtub or sink, you can reconfigure the computer mouse for the left hand, try to write with the left hand, etc.

Exercise "Roman room"

This is a technique for remembering anything. Product List,
Tony Buzan writes about the "Roman Room" in memory improvement books. Like, the ancient Romans used it to remember important events, replacing the diary. Roman room, according to Busien, can be your office, bedroom or room from childhood, maybe your car. How to do it right this exercise You can by watching this video.

The question arises, "Will the memory be cluttered with all these objects?" But the mechanisms of memory are more perfect than it might seem. As soon as we have completed the task, the memory immediately gets rid of the extra image without any effort on our part. If we do not use some information, our brain, as a zealous owner, immediately gets rid of it. That is why after retirement people rapidly lose their professionalism. If you keep silent for a year, then you will forget how to speak.

Memory training at home:

1) Read new information every day.

2) After watching movies and programs, mentally “scroll” them in your head from beginning to end.

Do you remember the name exactly? Did you pay attention to the names of the director, actors? Were you not interested, or was it the banal inattention and laziness that were to blame?

3) Keep a list of what you need to buy in your head, not in your pocket.

5) Try to remember the names: common acquaintances, including casual ones, family members of the authorities. This saves nerves and improves blood circulation in the cerebral cortex.

6) Remember all the necessary phone numbers.

7) At the end of the day (you can in bed) recall the events of the day from the very morning.

This is valuable not only for memory training, but also for analysis - did I build the day in the best way? Recall in great detail the events of the last hour, if there is no opportunity to read, and time is running out through no fault of yours.

8) Remember birthdays, schedule of the day and week.

This does not mean that you should give up planning on paper, but it is better to have a copy in your head.

9) Speak without a cheat sheet

10) Keep a notebook for interesting facts, ideas, references, quotes, so that you can use them on occasion."Speed ​​memory".

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