Standing wand exercises. Back exercises with a stick

Complexes of exercises for students of the 1st grade. Exercises with objects to form the correct posture. Exercises with gymnastic stick

Exercises with a gymnastic stick

Complex No. 1

I. I. p. - stand legs apart, stick below. 1-2 - hands up, stretch, look at the stick (inhale); 3-4 - I. p. (exhale). Repeat 6-8 times at a slow pace, do not bend your arms, do not move your legs.

II. I. p. - o. i.e., stick at the bottom. 1 - tilt forward, touch the toes with a stick (exhale); 2 - i. n. (inhale). Repeat 6-8 times at an average pace. When bending over, do not bend your legs.

III. I. p. - stand legs apart, stick on the shoulders. 1 - turn the body to the left (exhale); 2 - i. n. (inhale); 3-4 - the same in the other direction. Repeat 4-5 times in each direction at an average pace. When turning, do not take your heels off the floor, do not move your legs from their place.

IV. I. p. - o. That is, the stick is vertically in front on the floor, gripping the upper edge with straight arms (Fig. 4). 1 - sit down (exhale); 2 - i. n. (inhale). Repeat 6-8 times at an average pace. Squat on toes, knees apart, keep the torso vertical, do not bend your arms.

v. I. p. - o. e., stick below, grip shoulder width apart. 1-2 - moving the stick a little forward and bending the leg, step over the stick; 3-4 - step in the opposite direction. The same with the other leg. Repeat 4-5 times alternately with each leg. When stepping over a stick, do not lean forward and raise your knee higher. Breathing is arbitrary, without delay.

VI. I. p. - o. e., stick below, grip below the shoulders. 1 - hands up, stretch, look at the stick (inhale); 2 - bending arms, stick back on the shoulder blades (exhale); 3 - hands up (inhale); 4 - and. n. (exhale). Repeat 6-8 times at an average pace. Taking the stick back, try to bring the shoulder blades together, bend.

VII. I. p. - o. i.e., stick horizontally behind the back above the elbows. 1 - put the right leg back and kneel down; 2 - the same with the left foot, sitting on the heels; 3-4 - rising and putting the right leg forward, stand up. The same with the left leg. Repeat 4-5 times with each leg at an average pace. Keep your torso upright, do not tilt your head. Breathing is even, without delay.

VIII. I. p. - stand legs apart, hands on the belt, a stick on the floor between the legs. 1-4 - jumps along the stick on both legs facing forward; 5-8 - the same back forward. Perform up to 30 toe jumps and switch to walking in place.

Complex No. 2

I. I. p. - o. i.e., stick at the bottom. 1-2 - hands up, rise on toes, stretch and look at the stick (inhale); 3-4 - and p (exhale). Repeat 6-8 times at a slow pace.

II. I. p. - stand legs apart, stick horizontally behind the back under the elbows. 1 - turn the body to the right (exhale); 2 - i. n. (inhale); 3-4 - the same in the other direction. Repeat 4-5 times in each direction, at an average pace. When turning, do not move your legs from the spot, do not tear your heels off the floor.

III. I. p. - o. i.e., stick at the bottom. 1 - 4 - raising your hands forward, sit on the floor in an arbitrary way and straighten your legs without touching the floor with a stick; 5-8 - stand up without the help of hands in and. n. Repeat 6-8 times at an average pace. Breathing is arbitrary.

IV. I. p. - the same. 1 - tilt forward, put the stick on the floor (exhale); 2 - straighten up, arms up (inhale); 3-tilt forward; take a stick (exhale); 4 - and. n. (inhale). Repeat 6-8 times at an average pace. When bending over, do not bend your legs.

v. I. p.-o. i.e., stick horizontally behind the back under the elbows. 1 - lunge with the left foot to the side with an inclination to the right (exhale); 2 - push back to and. n. (inhale); 3-4 - the same in the other direction. Repeat 4-5 times in each direction at an average pace.

VI. I. p. - lying on the floor on your back, stick below, grip shoulder-width apart. 1-2 - bending the left leg forward, put it between the arm and the stick, straighten it and lower it down (the stick between the legs); 3-4 - and. n. The same with the other leg. Repeat 4-6 times alternately with each leg at an average pace. Breathing is even, without delay.

VII. I. p. - o. e., stick in front. 1 - swing the right foot forward, touch the stick with the toe (exhale); 2 - i. n. (inhale); 3-4 - the same with the left foot. Repeat 4-5 times with each leg alternately at an average pace. Do not bend your legs, do not tilt your torso forward.

VIII. I. p. - stand legs apart with the left, hands on the belt, a stick on the floor between the legs. Jumping to change the position of the legs. Perform up to 30 jumps and switch to walking in place.

Exercises with a bag (cube)

Complex No. 3

I. I. p. - o. e., a pouch on the head. Walking in place, moving forward, raising your knees high. Put your foot off the toe. Run 60-70 steps.

II. I. p. - stand legs apart, bag below. 1-2 - arms up, rise on toes, stretch, look at the bag (inhale); 3-4 - and. n. (exhale). Repeat 6-8 times at a slow pace. Rising on toes, do not bend your arms and do not lose balance.

III. I. p. - o. e., hands on the belt, a bag on the head. 1-2 - sit down on toes (exhale); 3-4 - and. n. (inhale). Repeat 6-8 times at a slow pace. While squatting, keep your torso upright, spread your knees.

IV. I. p. - emphasis sitting on the floor at the back, a bag on the legs near the feet. 1-2 - slightly bending your legs, raise them above your head; 3-4 - and. n. Repeat 6-8 times at a slow pace. Do not hit the floor with your heels. Breathing is arbitrary, uniform.

v. I. p. - sitting on the floor, arms to the sides, a bag on a tin. 1 - swing right foot(exhalation); 2 - i. n. (inhale); -4 - the same with the other leg. Repeat 4-5 times with each leg at an average pace. Don't bend your legs. Keep your torso upright and do not lean back.

VI. I. p. - lying on your back on the floor, hands behind your head, a bag on your knees. 1-2 - bend your legs (exhale); 4 - and. n. (inhale). Repeat 6-8 times at a slow pace. Bending your legs, keep your shins parallel to the floor, do not take your hands and head off the floor.

VII. I. p. - o. i.e., the pouch at the bottom. 1-2 - step left in front, bend over and put the bag on the floor (exhale); -4 - placing the left foot, return to and. n. inhale); 5-6 step right, take the bag (exhale); 7-and. n. (inhale). Repeat 6-8 times at an average pace. When bending over, do not bend your legs.

VIII. I. p. - leg stand apart with the right, hands on the belt, a bag on the floor between the legs. Jumping with a change in the position of the legs. Perform up to 30 jumps and switch to walking in place with a pouch on your head.

Complex No. 4

I. I. p. - o. e., hands on the belt, a bag on the head. -2 - rising on your toes, take your elbows back, wake up (inhale); 2 - i. n. (exhale). Repeat 6-8 times at a slow pace.

II. I. p. - o. e., arms to the sides, bag in the right hand. 1-2 - bend the right leg at the knee, arms down, touching the heel of the right leg with the bag, transfer the bag to the left hand (exhale); 3-4 - and. n. (inhale). The same with the other leg. Repeat 4-5 times with each leg at a slow pace. Do not bend the supporting leg.

III. I. p. - stand legs apart, arms below, pouch and head. 1 - turn the body to the left (exhale); 2-. n. (inhale); 3-4 - the same in the other direction. Repeat 4-5 times in each direction at an average pace. Turning the torso, do not bend the legs and keep them tense.

IV. I. p. - o. e., arms to the sides, bag in the right hand. 1 - deep squat, knees together, hands down, transfer the bag to the left hand near the socks (exhale); 2 - i. n. (inhale); 3-4-the same, shifting the bag to the right hand. Repeat 4-5 times with each hand at an average pace. Squat on the whole foot.

v. I. p. - emphasis on your knees, the bag is in front on the floor. 1-2-unbending the right leg, take it back, bend over (inhale); 3-4 - and. n. (exhale). The same with the other leg. Do not bend your arms, do not tilt your head forward, look straight ahead.

VI. I. p. - o. e., hands forward, pouch on head. 1-2 - squatting on the right, put the left leg as far back as possible on the toe (exhale); 3-4 - and. n. (inhale). The same with the other leg. Repeat 4-5 times with each leg at a slow pace. Keep your torso upright.

VII. I. p. - leg stand apart with the left, a bag on the head. 1 - rise on toes, arms to the sides; 2 - sit down on toes; 3-turn around to the right; 4- stand up, arms down (right leg stance apart). Repeat 6-8 times at a slow pace, turning to the right, then to the left. Breathing is even, without delay.

VIII. I. p. - o. e., a pouch on the floor on the side. Jumping through the pouch on both legs. Perform up to 25 jumps and switch to walking in place with a pouch on your head.

Rope exercises

Complex No. 5

I. I. p. - o. i.e., the rope folded four times below. 1-2 - pull the rope, hands up, stretch, look at the rope (inhale); 3-4 - and. n. (exhale). Repeat 6-8 times at a slow pace. Do not bend your arms.

II. I. p. - a wide stance, a rope folded in half at the bottom. 1 - raising your arms forward and to the sides and pulling the rope, turn the torso to the right (inhale); 2nd. p. exhale). The same on the other side. Repeat 4-5 times in each direction at an average pace. When turning, bend your legs and do not move from your place.

III. I. p. - leg stand apart, double-folded rope on the neck, arms bent. 1-2 - springy tilts to the left, unbending the left arm down and bending the right arm and head; 3-4 - springy tilts to the right, changing the position of the hands. Repeat 4-5 times on each side

average pace. Performing the exercise, pull the rope, do not bend your legs. Breathing is even, without delay.

IV. I. p. - o. i.e., the rope folded four times below. -2 - raising your hands forward and pulling the rope, sit down on your toes (inhale); 3-4 - and. n. (exhale). Repeat 7-8 times at a slow pace. Squatting, keep the torso vertical, spread your knees, look at the rope.

v. I. p. - stand legs apart on a skipping rope, arms bent, the rope is stretched. 1-2 - spreading arms to the sides, tilt forward (exhale); 3-4 - and. n. (inhale). Repeat 7-8 times at a slow pace. Bending down, do not bend your legs, keep your back straight, raise your head, look forward.

VI. I. p. - o. i.e., a rope folded four times below. -4 - step over the rope alternately with the right and left foot; 5-8 - the same in the opposite direction c. n. Repeat 4-5 times at an average pace. Breathing is even, without delay.

v. I. p. - the left leg is slightly ahead in the middle of the rope; arms are bent, the rope is stretched. 1 - raising your arms up, bend your leg; 2 - straightening the leg down, resist with your hands. The same with the other leg. Conquer 4-5 times with each foot at an average pace. Bending the south, press the lower leg to the thigh. Breathing is even, without delay.

VIII. I. p. - o. e., jump rope at the back. Jumping on both feet, rotating the rope forward. Rotate the rope with brushes. Perform up to 30 jumps and switch to walking in place.

The gymnastic stick is often used during fitness classes. Despite the external simplicity, it is possible to perform interesting exercises for various muscle groups with it. Due to its availability, it is widely used in gyms, as well as at home.

The Sports Equipment not only strengthens muscles, but also promotes weight loss.

Characteristics of the gymnastic stick

This sports equipment is different sizes, may also vary in weight.

Depending on the preparation and goals of the training, you can choose the appropriate option:

  • If the training is strength, then it is recommended to use a bodybar. It has a metal base that is coated with rubber. The size varies from 0.9-1.2 m, weight from 1.5 to 16 kg.
  • When doing gymnastics, a light stick made of plastic is suitable. It's hollow inside. Length can be 90, 120 or 150 cm.
  • There are gymnastic sticks of smaller dimensions. They are suitable for training with children.

Read also

Rules for performing exercises with a gymnastic stick

Proper exercise will allow you to get the effect and protect you from injury or sprains.

There are some starting positions for different workouts:

Also for various exercises can be used different types grip:

  • Direct grip (or regular). Hands are placed palms down.
  • Reverse grip - palms turned up.
  • It can also be wide narrow setting palms.
  • In some situations, it is necessary to hold the gymnastic stick directly by the edges. Sometimes it should be located vertically, resting one end on the floor.

When and how to train?

There are no special restrictions for the use of such exercises. Everyone can create a program for themselves.

But, some points should be taken into account:

It is necessary to conduct training after at least 1.5-2 hours after eating. If the training is carried out in the evening, then the interval between its completion and sleep should be at least 2 hours.

What do you need to know before exercising?

  • Be sure to warm up the joints.
  • If there are violations of the musculoskeletal system, spine, as well as other problems, it is necessary to consult with your doctor. He must approve and approve the training program or correct it.
  • If physical training very weak or the state of the body does not allow you to fully perform gymnastics, you can first perform several exercises without a stick, so that the joints and muscles get used to it a little. Then already use the gymnastic stick, as provided by the wellness program.

The Benefits of Exercise

The benefits of practicing with this simple projectile are undeniable:

standing exercises

Lesson plan and list of exercises:

Sitting exercises

Lying exercises

In lying exercises, the legs should not bend at the knees. If the body or legs are lifted, then at the top point it is necessary to linger for 2-3 seconds and fix the position.

Flexibility and stretching exercises

Read also

Exercises with a gymnastic stick for osteochondrosis

This set of exercises is therapeutic in nature, and not just wellness. Osteochondrosis affects people with a sedentary lifestyle. Muscles in this mode gradually lose their elasticity.

The following exercises will help in the fight against this disease:

  • Stand straight. Gymnastic stick in front of you. You need to hold it by the edges. From this position, rotate your body different sides. Do not change the position of the hands throughout the execution.
  • The position of the first exercise remains unchanged. It is necessary to raise your hands with a stick above your head and return it back. Do not bend your elbows.
  • Do the second exercise. At the same time, watch your breath. Inhale as you raise your arms, exhale as you lower. Breathing is deep, measured.
  • Stand up straight. Hands hold a gymnastic stick above the head. It is necessary to inhale and at the same time tilt the body forward. The loin is bent. You need to touch the floor with a stick. Then straighten back, exhaling.

These 4 exercises are considered basic. They can be performed not only for treatment, but also as a preventive measure.

Important: This set of exercises is prescribed by the attending physician. It takes into account which area of ​​the spine suffers from the disease and calculates the rate of permissible loads.

Exercises with a stick and an expander

In addition to the expander, it can also be used for exercises.

Exercises with a gymnastic stick for children

General developmental exercise therapy exercises with a gymnastic stick are useful for both adults and children of any age: young children, preschoolers and schoolchildren. In many children's preschool institutions conduct lessons with a gymnastic stick.

Exercise for the elderly

It is never too late to start exercising, and for older people, both general condition body and posture.

List of exercises:

  • In a standing position, hold the gymnastic apparatus in lowered hands. Legs together. Raise the projectile up, lower your head. Take the starting position. Repeat exercise.
  • Legs shoulder width apart. Gymnastic stick in straight arms above the head. The grip is wide. Perform tilts of the body alternately in different directions.
  • Starting position as in the second exercise. Instead of tilting, turn the body in different directions.

Couple exercises

In order to work in pairs, you must choose a partner suitable for physical parameters. There shouldn't be too much difference in weight. It is desirable that partners be of the same sex and with the same level of training.

Attention: All exercises in which there is resistance must be performed taking into account physical strength and partner capabilities. The exercise should not take on a competitive nature.

  • Partners stand facing each other. Gymnastic sticks are in the hands at chest level. Each of them tries to move forward the right end of the stick, while at the same time holding the resistance with his left hand.
  • Take a sitting position facing each other. Pull the gymnastic stick, holding it by the ends. Can be performed this exercise with feet shoulder-width apart. Or you can combine them together.
  • Stand each opposite the arc. Gymnastic sticks at the bottom on the sides. Each of them is held at different ends by both partners. Raise one stick to the side, the second up. Then change movements for the other side.

Exercises for arms, neck, posture and legs

  • One of the easiest general exercises - this is the performance of jumping over a stick on the floor in one direction, then in the opposite direction.
  • Position the stick vertically in front of you. Rely on both hands upper part. From this position, do squats and return to the starting position.
  • Stick in hands below, feet shoulder-width apart. Make a lunge forward. Raise the stick above your head and take your hands back, arching your back as much as possible. Return to starting position and repeat for the other leg.
  • Hold the gymnastic apparatus in front of you. Put your hands behind your head without bending them. Slowly move the stick in your hands in one direction, then in the other. The neck should not turn.
  • If pain or discomfort occurs during exercise, you should temporarily stop training and consult a specialist.
  • The room must be well ventilated to keep the air saturated with oxygen. The air temperature should not be too high.
  • Perform movements smoothly and carefully until the correct technique is mastered.
  • Wear comfortable clothing for training, which will not interfere with working in full amplitude and will not hinder movement.

Experts believe that exercise therapy and exercises with a gymnastic stick are considered a priority treatment for scoliosis. Stick exercises strengthen various groups muscles. Gymnastics with a stick will ensure the harmony of the body, the prevention of osteochondrosis, and will also help you quickly lose a few extra pounds.

Gymnastics with a stick for osteochondrosis is one of the most effective methods for restoring back muscles, which, due to the disease, have lost their elasticity. To date, osteochondrosis is increasingly observed in young people, despite the fact that earlier this disease was characteristic of the elderly. This is due to the fact that modern society spends a lot of time in a sitting position. A sedentary lifestyle, excess weight also negatively affects the human spine. Exercise therapy with a stick is a great way to deal with osteochondrosis, and with constant performance simple exercises, you can get rid of the disease.

Please note that exercise therapy often becomes a more effective therapy than drug treatment. The main thing to comply with the requirements is not to self-medicate, but to consult a qualified doctor who will prescribe the necessary exercises for osteochondrosis. A set of exercises with a stick helps to restore the functions of the spine, which over time can lead to a full recovery.

In addition, in addition to correcting the spine, you can also:

  • Strengthen immunity;
  • Normalize the work of internal organs;
  • Correct posture;
  • Improve blood circulation in the body;
  • Help strengthen the spine:
  • Increase the space between the vertebrae;
  • Provide relaxation of the back muscles for subsequent treatment.

Before you begin to perform exercises with a gymnastic stick, you must completely eliminate pain in the spine. Only in this case you will achieve the desired result from exercise therapy.

Therapeutic gymnastics complex

During classes with a gymnastic stick, the load on the back muscle groups is distributed evenly. Stop your choice on a gymnastic apparatus that will match your height. It is not difficult to check this: it is enough to stand, tilt the torso forward and stretch out the arms. Holding on to one end, rest the stick on the floor (the angle should not exceed 70 degrees). The stick is a public object for physical education, and you can do it everywhere: at home, on the street, in gym. For the treatment of osteochondrosis, it performs important functions:

  • Promotes complete relaxation of the spinal muscles;
  • Adjusts the body to the upcoming therapy;
  • It is used for prevention in general.

During osteochondrosis, physical education begins with a lightweight form that is most suitable for the patient. Usually start with exercises for the hands and shoulder joints. Gradually, you can move on to classes with a stick.

The treatment complex consists of 4 main exercises:

  1. Starting position - standing, feet shoulder width apart. We hold the stick by the ends on outstretched arms in front of us. We turn the whole body to the right side, then to the left side. Exercises are performed 15 times in each direction.
  2. IP is the same. Hold the stick in horizontal position also in front of you, covering the ends. Then change the position from horizontal to vertical. Then we repeat, in the end we get rotational movements"propeller". Run 20 times, alternating directions - either clockwise or counterclockwise.
  3. IP - standing, hands shoulder-width apart, on arms extended forward - a stick. Raise your arms without bending and take a deep breath. We lower our hands down and exhale. During the exercise, you need to carefully monitor your breathing. It is performed 4 to 6 times.
  4. We don't change IP. Raise your hands up, then inhaling deeply, arch your back and bend down to touch the stick to the floor. Exhale - starting position. Exercises are performed 5 to 7 times.

What is important to consider when exercising with a stick Together with your doctor, analyze the degree of exercise that is acceptable for you. Special attention should be given to the load cervical osteochondrosis. In this case, the specialist must take into account at what stage the disease is. There are a number of rules that must be followed before proceeding:

  • Thoroughly ventilate the room in which exercises with a stick for osteochondrosis will be carried out;
  • Before exercising, take a shower and put on clean clothes that will not restrict movement. It is desirable that it be made of cotton, without synthetic impurities;
  • Shoes should be light and comfortable;
  • There should be no irritating factors in the room, such as bright light or distracting extraneous sounds;
  • Physiotherapy exercises should be carried out smoothly, without sudden movements;
  • Each exercise - you must begin with measuring the heart rate and blood pressure, then after execution, also record the readings;
  • Loads must be increased gradually;
  • If during training, the patient felt pain, the exercises should be stopped immediately;
  • The treatment complex is performed only with the permission of the doctor, you should not perform any additional exercises on one's own.
  • Perform a set of exercises daily.

Osteochondrosis affects office workers, students, drivers and everyone who spends most of their time sitting. Everyone can protect themselves from the disease if they regularly carry out preventive exercises. They will not constitute any complexity or special skills.

Most effective exercise- periodically hang on the crossbar. Then the distance between the vertebrae will expand, which will prevent the appearance of osteochondrosis.

Another preventive exercise is stretching the back. To do it is simple - it is enough to make sipping movements as after waking up. Subject to all the recommendations of the doctor, as well as with regular performance physiotherapy exercises, you can permanently get rid of osteochondrosis.

In fitness, exercises for the back are often performed with a stick - a special gymnastic equipment with which you can strengthen the muscular frame and, in fact, the spine. Moreover, with the help regular workouts you can prevent various disorders in the structure of the spine, as well as lose weight.

Not required to visit Gym for classes with a gymnastic stick, since this equipment can be used with the same efficiency at home. Usually, the length of this item ranges from 110 to 150 cm. But if it is not possible to purchase a gymnastic stick, then instead you can use a mop handle, a piece of pipe from a cornice, or other household equipment.

The therapeutic effect during the performance of various exercises is achieved due to the active work of the shoulder joints and right position spine. Thereby sports equipment it is possible to maintain constant control over the symmetry of body movements. Over time, movements can be complicated by attaching a special rubber band on the ends of the gymnastic stick. As a result, you get an imitation of an expander. Depending on the density of the elastic used, the load may increase or decrease.

In the treatment of diseases of the spine, the use of a gymnastic stick is an indispensable part of therapy. First of all, this concerns violations of posture, a decrease in the flexibility of the spine or a violation of its basic functions, as well as development. In such cases, all exercises should be agreed with the attending physician, because their incorrect implementation can aggravate the situation.

The benefits of such exercises

In some cases, exercise therapy brings much more benefit than medical treatment. You just need to follow certain rules - do not ignore the recommendations of doctors, do not self-medicate and always seek the help of a qualified specialist for a diagnostic examination and drawing up a training plan. Correct and regular execution a set of exercises with a gymnastic stick promotes the regeneration of affected tissues and the restoration of the functions of the spine, if they have been impaired in any way. Also, exercise therapy is effective and for preventive purposes, since when performing gymnastic exercises blood circulation improves in the back area.

Prices for posture trainers

The main benefits of back exercises with a gymnastic stick include:

  • boosting the immune system;
  • restoration of the work of internal organs;
  • posture improvement;
  • normalization of blood circulation in the back and throughout the body;
  • strengthening all parts of the spine;
  • promotion muscle tone in the back area.

If you would like to learn more and also consider effective methods, you can read an article about it on our portal.

Note! In the treatment of various diseases of the spine with the help of exercise therapy, it is necessary to first eliminate the pain syndrome. For this purpose, various ointments or painkillers can be used. Only after the pain is eliminated, you can start training. Otherwise, discomfort and back pain will not allow you to achieve the maximum therapeutic effect.

What rules must be followed

There are several rules that must be observed when performing exercise therapy:

Getting Started

Experienced athletes know that it is impossible to jump up and immediately start performing any exercise, as this can lead to serious consequences. In such cases, a clear sequence is required. The optimal time for gymnastics is early in the morning, since during morning workouts it is easier to tone the back muscles. In addition, the body will be able to get a greater boost of energy, which is necessary for performing normal tasks. It is categorically not recommended to exercise on a full stomach, so training should begin about 40-60 minutes before meals.

On a note! If it is not possible to conduct morning workouts, then you can choose a more suitable time for classes. But you also need to choose it for exercise correctly: 1 hour before and after meals, as well as 2 hours before going to bed.

Warm up

All types of training should begin with a warm-up, as the body needs to warm up well before further physical activity. Warm-up complex includes:

  • jumping rope - 5-7 minutes;
  • squats - 15 times;
  • running on the spot (no more than 7 minutes);
  • gentle stretching of all muscle groups, starting from the legs, and ending with the neck muscles;
  • light warm-up of the lower and upper limbs.

As noted earlier, all elements of exercise therapy should be accompanied by a gradual increase in the load on the body. That is, the number of approaches and repetitions should increase slow pace, to muscle tissues were able to get used to a certain load. Also, to achieve a greater effect from training when performing different exercises it is necessary to independently strain and control the work of the muscle group being worked out.

A set of exercises

When performing the exercises below, you must be guided by the following rules: from a standing position, legs should be placed shoulder-width apart, all movements should be carried out on the exhale, and the number of repetitions in each of the exercises should be at least 6 times.

Table. Gymnastics for the back with a gymnastic stick.

Exercise, photoDescription

Standing position, put your feet wider than your shoulders and raise the stick above your head. The grip should be wide. Slowly rotate your arms in a horizontal plane without releasing the gymnastic stick. After fully crossing, return your arms to their original position.

Keeping your legs straight, tilt your body forward and rest your hands on a stick, which should be perpendicular to the floor. The arms should also be straight. Move gently up and down.

Place the stick upright in front of you. Hold it with your hand and jump over the stick with your foot, first in one direction and then in the other. Change legs after 6-7 reps.

Lie on your back and, leaning on a stick in a rack on the shoulder blades, raise your legs up. Then tilt your body back and forth without lifting the gymnastic stick from the floor surface.

Take a stick wide grip and lift it over your head. Do variable lunges, pulling the stick back as much as possible, thereby bending the body.

Raise the stick up over your head, taking it with a medium grip. Keeping your back straight, gently arch your lower back and return to the starting position.

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1. a) I. p. - leg stand apart, stick vertically behind the back, grip from above by the ends (and in subsequent exercises - grip from above), touch the stick with the spine and the back of the head. Issue: semi-squat, keeping the verticality of the body - exhale, return to and. p. - inhale.

B) The same with doing a full squat.

2. a) I. p. - standing or walking, the stick is horizontally below, gripping the ends. Issue: at the expense of 1-2 (or 2 steps) stick on the chest and up - inhale, 3-4 (or the next 2 steps) in reverse order to return to and. p. - exhale.

B) I. p. - the same. Issue: 1-2 stick with the arcs of the arms horizontally forward upwards and on the shoulder blades - inhale; 3-4 accept and. p. - exhale.

Repeat 6 times.

3. a) I. p. - standing or walking, straight arms to the sides, stick vertically in the right hand with a grip in the middle. Issue: at the expense of 1 - hands swoop forward - interception of the stick with the left; on 2 - spread your arms to the sides with a jerk back; 3-4 similarly the interception of the stick with the right, and. n. Breathing is arbitrary.

B) I. p. - the same, when performing interceptions alternately for the upper, lower end and middle of the stick.

Scheme 11. Complex IV - exercises with a gymnastic stick

Repeat 10-15 interceptions at an average pace.

4. a) I. p. - when walking lunges, the stick is horizontally forward with a grip on the ends. Issue: with a left lunge - turn shoulder girdle to the left, with a right lunge - to the right. Breathing is arbitrary.

B) The same, but in i. n. - stick horizontally on the shoulder blades with a grip on the ends.

Repeat 6-8 turns in each direction.

5. a) I. p. - standing or walking, left hand on the belt, right hand to the side with a stick vertically gripping the middle. Issue: circular turns of the stick with a brush, in the lateral plane, maximum amplitude, the same with the other hand. Breathing is arbitrary.

B) The same, only the stick is vertically gripped at the upper end.

Duration 10-15 seconds of rotation of the stick with each hand.

6. a) I. p. - stoic, legs apart, stick horizontally on the shoulder blades with a grip on the ends. Issue: sit down on toes - exhale; return to i. p. - exhale.

B) The same, only when squatting, stick up.

Repeat 6-8 times at a slow pace.

7. a) I. p. - stand legs apart, stick horizontally behind the back with a grip on the ends. Issue: tilt forward, jerk the stick back and up - exhale; return to i. p., inhale.

B) The same, but with three springy, extremely low forward bends and jerks of the stick back - up.

Repeat 6-8 times.

8. a) I. p. - wide stance, stick horizontally upwards with a grip on the ends. Issue: two springy tilts to the right - exhale; return to i. p. - inhale; the same with a tilt to the left.

B) The same, but with the maximum shift of the center of gravity in the opposite direction to the slope.

Repeat 4-6 cycles in each direction.

9. a) I. p. - about. c, stick horizontally at the bottom with a grip on the ends. Issue: stick up, bend over - inhale; accept and. p. - exhale.

B) The same with alternately abducting the legs back.

Repeat 4-6 times at a slow pace.

10. a) I. p. - stand, legs apart, stick on the lower back with a girth under the elbows. Issue: circular rotation of the body in one and the other directions. With body positions: forward - exhale, back - inhale.

B) The same, only in and. n. - stick horizontally at the top with a grip on the ends. With circular rotations, maintain the position of the stick, hands and head in the same plane.

Repeat 6-8 circular rotations in each direction at a medium or slow pace.

11. a) I. p. - standing, legs apart, stick horizontally below, gripping the ends. Issue: "twist" the stick behind the back (i.e., without bending the arms; lift the stick up and move it back - behind the back) - inhale; "twisting" sticks with a return to and. p. - exhale.

B) The same, narrowing the grip of the stick. Repeat 6-8 times.

12. a) I. p. - standing, the stick is horizontally below with a shoulder-width grip. Issue: with an inclination forward, lower the stick down, step over it and straighten up; back to and. n. Breathing is arbitrary.

B) The same with and. n. - stick horizontally below with a grip on the ends. Repeat 6-8 times.

13. a) I. p. - stand, stick at the top horizontally with a grip on the ends. Issue: slope. forward with a swing of the right foot to the left - exhale; accept and. p. - inhale. The same with the swing of the left foot to the right.

B) The same, but with a preliminary deflection of the body and retraction of the leg performing the swing.

Repeat 3-4 swings with each leg.

14. I. p. - stand, stick horizontally below with a grip on the ends. Issue: raise the stick up (accompanying the movement of the stick with your eyes) - take a deep breath, return to and. n. - full exhalation.

Repeat 4-6 times slowly.

At the end of the complex, perform an exercise to relax the muscles.

K.M. Prikhodchenko