Ideal weight. Anthropometry and proportions in bodybuilding

Drysch- a person who barely came to the gym, who saw the barbell literally 2 times, but already showing biceps to the right and left (weight - up to 70 kg).

Dohlik- a man who has been practicing for about a year, finally beating his older brother. Biceps shows non-stop (weight up to 85 kg). Dohlik treats Dryschi with great contempt... Seeing Dryschi in the hall, he spits on the floor and notices that again Dryschis will not be allowed to work out with normal jocks, like we are with Big ...

Donor- a man who shrugged 100 kg and now considers himself a great lifter. I learned to show my chest from the side (Weight - up to 95 kg).

Boar(Hog, depending on weight) - already weighs over 100 kg, but has a 25% fat layer. Beach is about 45 cm. Bench press - up to 140 kg is thinking about competitions.

sturdy- above a hundred kg and the press is visible. Bench press around 170 kg. Scourge under fifty dollars, competes, but flies.

Big- weight over 115 kg, with the rest of the press or with the press, press almost 200 (+10 kg) compete and win.

Handsome- Bench press and hand size doesn't matter. Performs all exercises near the mirror, has the brightest T-shirt in the gym.

vader- as an addition after the name (for example, Vovka - Vader) - knows EVERYTHING. Bench press and arm size doesn't matter.

Ghoul- weight is arbitrary, but there is no press and never was. Spreads his arms imitating the widest. Giving advice right and left.

Chatterbox- walks around the hall and discusses everyday problems with the same, and when no one is there, then with himself. The sizes are hidden under the shirts...

Silovik- weight over 110, fat percentage over 25. Always works with maximum weight, in 1/4 amplitude, rests for 10 minutes between sets, breathes noisily and sweats profusely. Barbells and simulators NEVER take apart!

Fat ass- Weight 100 or more. He strikes everyone, including the Big One, with his squat, scares the screams of incoming girls. Strive to ensure that the Boar also becomes a Fat Ass and does not grow up to a Fitnessist. At the same time, he pulls Krepysh to himself ...

Fitnessist- in the off-season you can’t distinguish it from a Boar or a Krepysh, but before the competition he manages to deflate to the size of Dryshch and immediately begins to mock big bellies T-Zh and Boar. He always flaunts his beautiful and embossed press, which is very popular with the incoming girls, it’s only a pity that they run away from the hall in horror from the screams of Fat Ass.

Turtle- A chemist to the core. Has the appearance of a turtle, because. the back and chest are completely covered with a thick layer of pimples, like a tortoise shell. Weight does not matter, because. maybe a Pimple Turtle, or maybe a Boar Turtle.

One-finger- as a rule, a jock who has been working out for a year or two. Weight 80-90, novice chemist. Why single finger? Because it is extremely rigidly following the mass, to the point that it does not put more than one stick. He believes that this will damage his "huge" mass.

Mutant- the weight is far over a hundred, the working weights are huge, the chemist is a pro. He does not talk to anyone in the hall, he works professionally. If you need a bench press, and he is busy, without saying anything, he will simply move the small things and begin his monstrous bench presses. Causes respect.

Tarzan- has nothing but the press, which diligently hammers every workout for half an hour. Does he constantly practice without a T-shirt, looking at the girls with greasy eyes, trying to understand if they appreciated his extraordinary?

Volunteer! - Weight, power indicators and dimensions do not matter. Rest longer between sets than the sets themselves last. During the rest, he looks around, examining the girls in the hall. At the most "peak" moment of the repetition, he strives to be near and "insure" supposedly casually grabbing certain places of the body.

Every person at least once in his life thought about ideal weight . On a psychological level, the average person understands some things but cannot explain them. For example, it is not good to be very thin or very fat. In this article, we will consider everything related to the weight of a person, namely the ratio muscle mass and percentage of body fat, as well as the ideal weight for a particular height.

Too much skinny person— the person is unhealthy in fact. In theory, he may not have health problems, but looking at such a person, only thoughts come to mind that he is sick. This is an animal assessment, at the level of instincts (just like a girl with a very narrow pelvis, on a psychological level, does not seem suitable for motherhood). Therefore, a thin person is no longer the owner of an ideal weight. The only question is how to define a really thin person. There are many different formulas and percentages, but they are so average that it makes no sense to write about them. As an example, the different density (heaviness) of bones is not taken into account anywhere. Therefore, it is much easier to determine a thin person by eye, you definitely will not be mistaken. Of course, if you are not a big and powerful powerlifter, for whom everyone around you is small and thin. For example, a man with a height of 175 cm and a weight of 55 kg is an unhealthy thin person (or a girl with a height of 165 cm and a weight of 40 kg). If such a man does not have an impressive width shoulder girdle relatively narrow waist, he will seem quite frail and frail.

Too much fat person— the person is unhealthy in fact. The fat layer in a certain percentage is simply vital. That is why its absence causes thoughts about the ill health of a thin person. But excess fat is no less scary. Everyone has fat people heart problems, often with joints, and so on and so forth. Fullness is for the body overweight, to which neither the heart, nor other organs, nor the joints are adapted. Completeness is even easier to define than just a thin person. No formulas or calculations are needed here. complete man can be considered a man with a height of 175 cm and a weight of 85 kg (a girl is 165 cm and weighs 65). The more weight with such growth, the closer it is to obesity, the correspondingly further from the ideal weight. The main thing is not to confuse just a fat person and a healthy powerful male powerlifter or bodybuilder in the deep offseason. Look at your legs, especially your calves, then it will immediately become clear whether the lifter is in front of you or just a fat man.

What we discussed above about overweight people is, so to speak, the percentage of fat in the body without taking into account muscle mass. That is, a man with a weight of 175 cm and a weight of 85 kg, with proper muscle mass, in fact real athlete, and a good level. Moreover, if we take for the body a large overweight, for example, over 100-110 kg, these are big health problems for overweight people. But if we take an athlete of the same weight with a normal, medium fat layer, then he is quite healthy. The joints are perfectly prepared for such a large body weight, the heart is also adapted to the loads. Such a person is truly strong both outside and inside. In addition, such a person will be visually very complicated. But a fat person will be much more awkward, especially without clothes. Moreover, fat weighs much lighter than muscles, therefore, 100-110 kg for a fat person will look simply huge and shapeless.

As a result, we came to the conclusion that basically everything depends on the percentage of fat in the body, and not on the ratio of weight and height, since now we also take into account muscle mass. For example, a bodybuilder in competitions, on the one hand, weighs a lot, and on the other hand, the percentage of fat is so low that it is simply impossible to live with such a fat layer, this will lead to many all sorts of complications. Therefore, to begin with, in order to determine the ideal weight, you need to figure out what percentage of fat you have in your body. The norm, which will bring you closer to the ideal weight, is 10-25% fat for men, and 15-30% for women. This is the percentage of fat at which a person feels most comfortable, such body fat plays only a positive role and does not bear negative consequences. To find out your percentage of body fat with maximum accuracy, you can undergo an examination. But you can roughly check with the picture below, focusing not on muscle mass (it is different for everyone, whether it’s a builder or a thin person, with the same% fat), but on the drawing of muscles (relief) or vice versa on the flatness (completeness) .

Percentage of body fat:

Now that we have figured out such an important aspect, we can talk in general and height and weight. In fact, as such, the ideal weight does not exist. There are only those boundaries (thinness, fullness), where the body loses something and looks awkward. Otherwise, the ideal weight is a fan of various combinations of height and weight, which the person himself chooses in each case. That is why speaking at bodybuilding competitions for both men and women there are different categories - fitness, bodyfitness (or classic bodybuilding), bodybuilding and so on. Each of you chooses what weight he would like to have, respectively, and other people are positively evaluated with a weight close to ideal in your opinion. But even though the fan is vast, all the same, everyone agrees that athletic body, with muscle mass, looks beautiful and in good shape.

Any muscle mass gained without the use of pharmacology is harmonious and beautiful for everyone (almost for everyone, someone is against sports in general, not to mention professional sports using AS). This does not mean that the muscle mass will be small, not at all. It is quite possible for a person to weigh more than 110 kg. For example, sculpture Ancient Greece clearly shows what ideal of the male body the Greeks saw. These were large male bodies, with beautiful proportions, symmetrically developed, with a fairly large muscle mass and a fat percentage of about 10-15%. As practice shows, the worldview of the Greeks and their ideas about the ideal weight were really correct and truthful.

Now we offer to use the calculation tool!

Good luck in creating the perfect figure!

There were legends among bodybuilders about the huge biceps (exceeding 60 cm in girth) of champions. The arms are really powerful, but the actual size is, of course, much smaller than that. So, Schwarzenegger - 56 cm, Louis Ferrigno - 58.5 cm. Perhaps someone can boast of more significant figures, but in order to become a champion, you must also have the appropriate development of all parts of the body and impeccable muscle relief . It is the all-round development that distinguishes champions from many other outstanding athletes.

Arnold Schwarzenegger believes that every athlete has his own weight limit. If he exceeds it, then he will no longer be able to have a relief fat-free muscles. The maximum net weight of muscle mass is undoubtedly associated with height, so giant athletes have it the largest. Best weight Arnold Schwarzenegger with a height of 187 cm - 111 kg, Louis Ferrigno with a height of 196 cm - 118 kg, Czech bodybuilder Josef Vesely with a height of 193 cm - 115 kg. But athletes with a height of 170-175 cm can also have quite a large muscular weight. One of them, the famous Edwardo Kazak (“Mr. Europe”, twice “Mr. World”, three times “Mr. Universe”) had a net muscle weight with a height of about 170 cm. mass 105 kg. Many athletes above 170 cm have a muscular weight of 90-100 kg. For example, Albert Bekles, famous for his athletic longevity, had a height of 174 cm, weight 100 kg, biceps 50 cm. The “Lebanese Lion” Zamir Bonu became “Mr. 173 cm weighed 93.5 kg.

It is interesting to turn to the volumes of famous athletes who had a small growth. So, at the peak of his form, Freddie Ortiz (height 165 cm) had a weight of 88 kg and a biceps girth of 50 cm, which earned him the nickname of the most muscular little man. Francesco Colombo (height 165 cm), who in 1976 and 1981 was "Mr. Olympia", with a weight of 85 kg, had an impressive physical development and great strength. Although Sergio Oliva was a supporter of giant muscles, this requires gigantic growth and massive bones. Oliva, with a height of 179 cm, sometimes seemed miniature. Lee Henie, "Mr. Olympia", has a massive type of muscle and a narrow waist with a height of 180 cm and a weight of 110 kg. Serge Noubret, the star of French bodybuilding (“Mr. Olympia”, “Mr. World”, “Mr. Universe”), at times seemed to be extremely pumped up, but, being pronounced thin-boned, had a height of 179 cm, a weight of 98.5 kg and a biceps of 52 cm. Thin-boned giant John Brown ("Mr. World", "Mr. Universe") with super relief had a weight of 108 kg.

Each muscle volume corresponds to its own body weight. It is impossible, for example, to increase the girth of the biceps to 45 cm and the circumference of the chest to 125 cm with a height of 175 cm, having a weight of 75 kg. To achieve this, you need to gain about 10 more kg. However, after the introduction of weight categories at competitions, it can be observed that athletes performing in the category up to 70 kg often have hand sizes that are almost as good as those who weigh much more. This is the result of reducing your own weight before the competition. In this sense, weight and dimensions are not directly related. The weight may drop, but the dimensions remain the same. Or a person with a greater weight may have smaller muscle volumes than someone whose weight is less.

Various systems of proportions have been proposed for athletes, depending on the degree of muscle development. But until now, those who have huge biceps are offered a table of body size ratios for an average person who does not have hypertrophied muscles. This is a clear misunderstanding.

These proportions are: chest girth - 100%, neck - 38%, waist - 75%, pelvis - 90%, hips - 54%, biceps and lower leg - 38%, chest girth, forearm - 30%. These ratios are true only for those whose chest girth is 100-105 cm.

With an increase in muscle volume, other laws come into play. We offer one of the Wider tables, specially designed for countries where Anglo-American measures of length and weight are not used.

Height Weight Biceps Neck Breast Waist Hip Shin
150 60 38 38 101 68,5 53,5 36,5
155 65 39,5 39 103 71 55 38
160 75 40,5 40,5 110 76 56,5 39,5
165 80 41,5 41,5 115 78,5 58 40
170 85 43 42,5 118 79,5 59,5 40,5
175 90 44,5 43 121 82 62 41,5
180 95 45 44,5 124 83 63,5 42
185 105 45,5 45,5 126 84 65 43

The table does not indicate the volume of the pelvis and shoulder girdle. Usually, for most proportional athletes with a chest circumference of 120-122 cm, the pelvic girth is 98-100 cm, forearms - up to 35 cm. Owners of large biceps generally do not strive for a large waist and pelvic girdle. It is believed that the fashion for a noticeably narrowed waist was created by Steve Reeves with his successful performances in bodybuilding. He had very broad shoulders and chest, a thin (up to 76 cm) waist and narrow hips.

In many ways, the proportions of athletes are due to the ultimate ability of individual muscle groups to growth. For example, the table shows that the biceps always reaches a larger size than the lower leg.

Thus, the proportions of athletes with hypertrophied muscles should be as follows.

If the chest girth is taken as 100%, then the waist is about ⅔ of the chest girth, the pelvic girdle is 80-85%. The circumference of the shoulders is equal to the circumference of the chest + 15 cm. Tight biceps is 36% or more. The circumference of the thigh is at least half the circumference of the chest. The lower leg and forearm are developed to the maximum. Often in competitions, the waist of athletes is even less than ⅔ of the chest girth, but this is typical only for the peak of the competitive form.

In general, a body structure with naturally wide shoulders and a narrow waist is valued in the athletic environment.

In conclusion, a few words about the ideal proportions of the figure. The length of the legs is equal to the front along the height of the pubis 50-53% of growth, from the back from the beginning of the legs to the floor - 47-48%. The arm span with narrow shoulders is equal to height, with wide ones it exceeds height by at least 5 cm. The width of the chest is equal to the width of the hips and fits in height at least 5 times. The height of the head fits in the growth of 7.5-8 times. Width wide shoulders fits in the growth of the figure 3.5 times.

Yuri ANDRIANOV, artist, bodybuilding coach

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Hello, dear readers and visitors! Well, sit back and get ready to listen carefully, because we have a very responsible topic ahead of us - anthropometry. To whom and for what, you ask? Of course, before you and future results. After all, the definition of initial, initial working data (to be worked on) very important task in any business. It's like the "given:" parameter, which is set initially, and we can't do anything with it.

So, I think you have already guessed that today we will talk about such issues as: all kinds of measurements, anthropometry, ideal body proportions in bodybuilding and other parameters that will serve us (you) as a kind of starting point in monitoring achievements (or vice versa) results workouts.

In general, we will determine all our initial physiological, metabolic, energy and other parameters of our body in order to have before our eyes a complete picture of all the changes that are happening to us. As a result, you will not only learn how to take all measurements correctly, but also learn about a new tool that will help you achieve your goal - a relief body, much faster.


Anthropometry: ideal proportions in bodybuilding

To be honest, I don’t know many people who don’t want to lose a couple of kilograms or add a couple of centimeters to their bicep circumference. We all want to look attractive, and the theme ideal proportions will always be very relevant, and doubly relevant for bodybuilders.

After all, the very concept of bodybuilding literally means “blind” your body, and not just like the song says: “I blinded it from what it was, and then ...”, but beautiful, athletic, symmetrical and correctly folded. Do you think why various bodybuilding tournaments have been held for more than a dozen years (like “ Mr. Olympia" or " Arnold classic”) . Everything is correct - this is not so much a competition of the type “who is bigger, that is cooler”, but rather who and how much managed to achieve those very ideal proportions and get closer to the harmoniously correct body symmetry.

You can at least three hundred times be the most massive in gym, but a person will come who has much less muscles than you, but who has the correct proportions of the body, as you will clearly lose against his background. After all, bodybuilding is, first of all, the beauty of addition, and only then everything else. To make it clear what I'm talking about, I will give examples of athletes with symmetrical body proportions ( 1 ) and respected security officials ( 2 ), but with different proportions (see image).

If you descend from heaven to earth and plunge into the realities of most gyms, you can see a serious discrepancy in the structure of the body composition of many trainees (and obviously more than one year). For example, massive top part overtakes the lower body by several orders of magnitude or huge hands and a thin neck with a complete lack of shoulders. There are a lot of options here, take a closer look at those who are standing and working next to you, and you will see this kind of embarrassment.

Why am I talking about all this, but I just need to fill the article with something now I will explain. Many people think, they say, why do I need to know all this nonsense about the correct proportions of the body, because I'm not a performing bodybuilder and I have no one to show off. That's how it is, but proportions are also important in terms of determining those parameters and capabilities of your body, to which it can reach in the matter of the whole body. In addition to determining your genetic potential, you will also be more conscious in the process of training itself, knowing in advance which lagging parts of the body should be given special attention.

I will give a simple example. Very often, people approach their workouts in the gym "without a king in their head." Those. they have no idea at all about the necessary proportions of the body and they (let's say) with their hands like whips, they try to do incredible bicep curls on 40-50 kg, or on the shoulders with match legs. So, if you have an idea about the necessary proportions, then you can easily avoid such mistakes, so let's talk about the technical side (how, what and where should be) ideal proportions in bodybuilding.

Body anthropometry: it's all about the numbers

So, how attractive this or that person or this or that athlete is, does not depend on “taste”, but on “numbers”. Well, if we are dealing with numbers (as with a math operator), then the proportions must be described by some specific formula. And it is called - "golden section". This is a number that describes the entire body of a person. (e.g. length of arms and legs compared to torso) and determines which of its proportions are the most correct by nature and look the best. For example, the well-known drawing of the Vitruvian man Leonardo da Vinci (see picture) to just a demonstration of the triumph of regular geometric shapes in the proportions of the human body.

In figures, the “golden section” looks like the ratio “ 1:1,618 ”, i.e. if your leg (thigh) is mistaken for 1 , then the leg and lower leg - should be 1,618 . In view of the fact that a person is a rational being, constantly striving for harmony, balance, symmetry, then we judge the beauty of the body by how the latter differs or does not differ from the ideally symmetrical body, which describes the "golden section". With regard to fitness / bodybuilding, you should understand that you need to take a comprehensive approach to your body and develop it harmoniously, paying attention to each. Here it is worth saying that by changing the most noticeable part - the ratio of the waist to the shoulders, you will immediately take a significant step towards a harmonious body.

Many bodybuilders try to optimize the waist-to-shoulder ratio as much as possible in the first place. 1:1,618 , also called the Adonis index (Oh, how people love all sorts of mythical words :-)).


If you are by body type (thin), then it will be easier for you to pump up your shoulders first, otherwise, first reduce your waist.

In order to achieve your ideal parameters, it is necessary, first of all, to determine the personal parameters of the "golden section", and then outline a specific action plan in the form right program workouts. Now let's take a closer look at what parameters we have at the input, what to do with them and how to calculate our ideal proportions. Because people who come to the gym are all different in their structure and condition physical training, therefore, a universal parameter in determining the ideal proportions (what should be the volume of your muscles) may be the biggest body part, and often it is the pelvis. Therefore, we will be repelled from it.

So, the ideal proportions of your body must satisfy the following ratios:

  • the circumference of the pelvis and the circumference of the chest, should be 9:10 . Those. if your pelvis 90 cm (in circumference), then the circumference of the bust must match 100 cm;
  • neck circumference should be 38% chest girth. If chest 100 cm, then the neck, respectively, 38 cm;
  • forearm circumference should be 30% chest girth; If chest 100 cm, then the forearms should be 30 cm.
  • waist circumference - 75% chest girth;
  • hip circumference - 60% pelvic girth;
  • calf circumference - the circumference of a tense biceps or 40% pelvic circumference, or 60% hip girth.

Also, your ideal proportions based on weight and height can be found in the following table (see table).


The weight/height ratio is the ratio of your weight (in kilograms) to your height (in centimeters). For example, your weight is 70 kg and height 180 cm means closest to your coefficient ( 0,388 ) meaning 0,39 , therefore, we look at the proportions corresponding to it.

Here, I dug up statistics on the anthropometry of famous athletes, I think it will seem curious to you (see table).

So, we smoothly approached the most interesting (I would even say creative process) , namely - how to take measurements correctly, in order to then calculate the ideal proportions of the body?

Anthropometry: how to take measurements correctly

The most important thing is that you should adhere to certain rules, which sound like this:

  • measurements are best done with an ordinary centimeter tape, but a budget option is also possible - a dense thread and a regular ruler;
  • the most suitable time for measurements is in the morning, i.e. when the muscles are most relaxed and the body as a whole is “cold”.

Very often, many people say that their numbers are jumping, this just happens due to the fact that measurements are taken at different times of the day. Of course, after training, when the blood rushes to the muscles, your results may seem simply impressive, but after a while everything falls into place and the numbers are far from reality.

  • The measuring tape should not sag or be too tight.

Do not embellish or try to influence the reliability of the data. A very common mistake - you want to seem better than you really are. And therefore, various tricks are used - retracting the abdomen when measuring the waist, taking air into the diaphragm when measuring chest girth, and so on. Of course, you want to reach the desired numbers by any means, not physically, but at least on paper, but be extremely objective about the accuracy of measurements and do not add / subtract extra centimeters.

  • take measurements in the same places and several times ( 2-3 ) for a more accurate estimate.

It often happens that it is necessary to make a series of measurements in order to better verify the accuracy of the final result. In addition, if you are afraid that you will forget the place from which the measurement was made, then take a closer look at your body and remember (better write down) the characteristic "identifier" of this part of the body. For example, the zone is the forearm, the identifier is a mole on inside hands in right place measurement. In general, highlight the characteristic details for each specific area being measured, so that it is easier to remember where to apply the meter next time.

  • keep a diary of measurements and your personal photo archive-portfolio.

In the last one, enter the photos taken by the camera at the mirror from three angles (face, full face, profile) through each 2-3 month. So you can not only track your progress with the help of dry statistics, but also, most importantly, visually evaluate your result, which will allow you to move forward faster and faster.

Thus, based on all the collected data, you will be able to manage your training process and adjust the program on the go. Yes, at first this process will seem dreary, however, when you get involved and see the first results in the mirror, it will begin to motivate you in a non-illusory way to move forward towards your goal. Now a few words about how, what and where to measure. For a visual demonstration, I will give the following illustration. (see image).

Main measurement locations (see table) .

The rest of the measurement points look like this.


From the point of view of correct / shaped proportions - the volume of the biceps, neck and calves should be the same, then they say that the person is athletically well built.

Actually, we have finished with anthropometry, but there are a number of indicators that also need to be kept in mind when monitoring achievements. Now we will consider them.

Anthropometry: body mass index, pulse and energy expenditure


The simplest and at the same time the most “speaking” indicator is the weight of your own body. We all know how to measure it and how it should ideally be. So, the weight or mass of a body is a certain measure of all that amount of matter and substance (fluids, fats, muscle and bone mass) that is contained in a person. The most popular formula that everyone hears about for determining the required body weight is:

optimal body weight \u003d height (cm) - 100 (u)

In addition, there is such a thing as the concept of the Body Mass Index or body mass index, which allows you to assess the degree of correspondence between a person’s height and his mass in order to identify possible deviations in the latter.

Calculation formula:

Body mass index (BMI) \u003d M / H 2,

where: M - human body weight (in kilograms);
H is the person's height (in meters).

The optimal BMI for men is considered to be an index in the range 25-27 units, however, for the fair sex, this is the so-called pre-obesity threshold.


Tables for estimating the value of BMI are not difficult to find on the Internet. (as they say, Google help you).

Because the correct proportions and symmetry of all muscle groups are important to us, therefore, this indicator is not suitable for us to assess the optimal body weight, because the physique of bodybuilders is different from the average person, and the high BMI value can only be explained by more developed muscles. Those. BMI does not measure body composition.


To make this BMI calculation more accurate, the waist-to-hip ratio must be taken into account. To do this, measure the volumes of the latter, then dividing the first value by the second. In men, the resulting ratio should normally be 1 , and for women 0,85 . If the waist circumference goes beyond the specified values, then it makes sense to think about removing the tummy.

I would like to say that the most famous and affordable way for a person to measure body weight is floor scales, however, athletes (especially bodybuilders) and everything is not so simple here, because it is necessary to clearly monitor the proportions of the body, in particular, for such parameters as: levels of fat, water and muscle / bone mass. This can be done with special electronic scales with body composition analyzers. In general, a bodybuilder's body composition is best measured in terms of lean and fat mass.

Lean mass is the sum of the weight of bones, muscles, internal organs and liquids, everything else is adipose tissue. Needless to say, for various kinds sports, the optimal values ​​​​of lean and fat mass are different. On average, the percentage of adipose tissue is in the range from 7 before 15% and it can be assessed using a special method - bioimpedancemetry, however, for this it is worth visiting a sports medicine clinic.

If funds or a proper institution are not at hand, then a budget option is quite suitable, a caliper is an individual skinfold thickness gauge from a simple pharmacy. Total fat folds in the human body 6 :

  1. shoulder;
  2. chest;
  3. subscapular;
  4. abdominal;
  5. iliac;
  6. femoral.

We measure everything 6 fat folds (how to do it right, I will tell in a separate article), add up their values ​​and apply the formula:

Fat Percentage Formula

  • Age (less 30 years):

(Sum of folds, mm) x 0.097 + 3.64

  • Age (over 30 years):

(Sum of folds, mm) x 0.1066 + 4.975

Pulse rate

It would seem that an unimportant indicator, however, the effectiveness of the training largely depends on the heart rate during classes. For example, when gaining muscle mass and strength training a high pulse rate has a negative effect on the heart and triggers catabolic processes (destruction) in the muscles earlier. Low heart rate (when using a stationary bike or treadmill) when losing weight - not the most effective method burning fat, even regardless of the time spent. Therefore, it is important to know and work in your target heart rate zone for a specific physical activity.

So, to assess the intensity of training, the Karvonen formula is used :

Training heart rate (HR) = (maximum heart rate - resting heart rate) x intensity (%) + resting heart rate.

For example, you 20 years and heart rate at rest is 60 . You want to know at what heart rate you need to train so that the intensity of the load is 80% ?

The calculations are as follows:

  • 220 – 20 = 200 (maximum heart rate);
  • 200 – 60 = 140;
  • 140 x 80% = 112;
  • 112+60 = 172.

It turns out that the heart rate during training with intensity 80% from the maximum, will be approximately 172 beats per minute. You can change the formula and calculate the intensity:

Intensity (%) = (HR during training - HR at rest) / (maximum HR - HR at rest);

It is worth noting here that you can gradually increase the intensity of aerobic exercise, starting from 50% and moving gradually to the target area of ​​work in 70-80% (with time duration 40 minutes), if your goal is to lose weight overboard.

Thus, summing up all of the above, we can say that by changing the intensity of training (including by reducing or increasing) and rest time, you can adjust your heart rate to stay in your target heart rate zone, which will allow you to achieve the maximum result in each workout.

Everybody is here. And the last one for today.

Energy costs

The most common mistake in weight loss (or just a stop in the results of training) This is a miscalculation of calories. We talked about energy costs in general in the article “”, now it's time to talk about how to calculate them.


So, the following numbers are used to estimate the basal metabolic rate (OB).

  • Men: 1 x M, kcal/hour, where M is body weight (kg)
  • Women: 0.9 x M, kcal/hour, where M is body weight (kg)

For example, the value of OB in an average man, weighing 70 kg, is 1680 kcal.

To calculate OB, there is the Harris-Benedict formula.

  • Men (over 10 years old): 66.47 + 13.75 x M + 5 x P - 6.74 x G, where M - body weight (kg), R - height (cm) G - age (years);
  • Women (any age): 655.1 + 9.6 x M + 1.85 x P - 4.68 x G, where M - body weight (kg), R - height (cm) G - age (years);

Energy costs physical activity

During the day, a person is engaged different types activities: either he will take out the garbage, then he will stretch the linen, then he will go shopping, or maybe he will soap himself in the gym :). So, for all this activity, he spends a different amount of energy, so for a certain overall assessment types of human activities there is a special coefficient of physical activity (CFA). It shows how many times a person spends more energy per unit of time than when spending if he did nothing at all (i.e. more than the basal metabolic rate).

If we analyze it in specific numbers, then a medium-intensive workout in the gym equates to a CFA equal to 7 . This means that the person 1 spend an hour in 7 times more energy than if he "didn't turn over". Again, let's look at the numbers. Athlete weighing 80 kg, for 1 hour of work in the hall will spend 560 kcal.

Thus, knowing the value of the basal metabolism, we can calculate the number of kilocalories that an athlete spends on training in the gym. From this it follows that we can calculate the amount of energy that the student spends during the day. Then we can calculate the number of calories that we eat with food.

In summary, if our goal is weight loss, then the calorie balance should be negative, i.e. must have a negative caloric balance (consumed less than what we spend). If the goal is the opposite, then you need to consume more calories than you spend.

There is a KFO table for various activities. According to its data, you can calculate: your basal metabolism, the number of calories that you spend during the day (based on your type of activity) and how many calories you spend in the gym.


The CFA table for various types of activities is freely available, so you can easily find it.

Summarizing a little all of the above, it should be noted that the most complete idea of ​​the correct balance of energy gives us body weight. It is her constancy that speaks of the correspondence between the consumed and consumed energy. However, if we need (and we need) to improve the shape of the body (its structure), then it is necessary to deal with the increase in lean mass and decrease in fat, which means that training in the gym and proper nutrition help us!

She figured it out, well, it seems that they didn’t miss anything, it remains only to draw conclusions.


We did a good job today (and I'm straight ahead) and learned a lot not only about the ideal proportions of the body in bodybuilding, learned what anthropometry is and learned something about the control of results. I am sure that the article will be useful to you, and you will learn a lot of new things for yourself. That's it, one more step towards the goal has been made. I am glad that we were with the project “ ”!

See you again.

PS. If you have questions about body measurements or something is not clear in general, comments will help you, write!