Who invented basketball and in what year. James Naismith and the Invention of Basketball

In 1891, at the YMCA in Springfield, Massachusetts, a young Canadian teacher named James Naismith invented a simple game in which the player could make full use of his physical gifts and imagination. It wasn't until more than a century later that basketball soared in popularity, with millions of fans around the world and a National Basketball Association whose athletes seem to be free from the constraints of gravity.

Professor Naismith, a teacher at the YCA Springfield School, set the direction for the new sport by having a school worker nail two peach baskets to the gymnastics balcony opposite each other. It happened on December 1, 1891. The idea of ​​this game originated in his school years, when children played the old game "duck-on-a-rock". The meaning of this game, popular at that time, was as follows: throwing a small stone, it was necessary to hit the top of another stone, larger in size, with it.

Of course, Naismith could not have predicted the duel between Michael Jordan and Dominic Wilkins for air dominance, or envisaged modern sports palaces filled with thousands of fans, because he only invented basketball as an internal activity for his students, who had to be into something. play during the long New England winter.

What was the reason for the creation of the game is an extraordinary teacher? Everything is simple. American football, which was very common at this time, was a very rough and contact sport. Students often and for a long time dropped out of educational process. The headmaster, whose role is silent in this story, gave the order to come up with another game that would eliminate all these shortcomings. In this regard, the site's theory goes even further, thinking about the role of the school doctor, who probably complained more than once about the injuries of students. In addition, Naismith assumed that lifting targets to height would highlight agility and agility rather than brute force. Although basketball has always been an athletic game, the opportunities to show "airiness" in it allowed the development of athletes who could perform aerial acrobatics that Dr. Naismith could only dream of.

Basketball's official birthday is January 15, 1892. On that day, Naismith published the first rules of basketball in the school newspaper. We cannot say that this publication made a splash in the school, forcing all the students to rush to the basketball court, throwing everything that came to hand into the ring. But it is obvious that Naismith himself urged his wards more than once, offering them this particular game as a training session. What this led to in the end, we think, does not need to be clarified.

Before moving on, I would like to remember kind word one more person. This is one Mr. Stebbins, the caretaker of the aforesaid college. It was he who brought two peach baskets and hung them carefully on the balconies at a height of 3 meters 5 centimeters, which has not changed to this day. He also climbed onto the stepladder to get the ball after a successful throw. It is natural to assume that he was the first to get tired of this fuss, and it was he who came up with the idea to cut off the bottom of the basket.

1891 - First basketball game
1892 - Publication of the first 13-point basketball rules
1894 - Publication of the first official basketball rules
1895 - Basketball arrived in Europe
1896 - The appearance of the first professional basketball team - Trenton
1898 - Creation of the first professional league (NBL - National Basketball League)
1901 - Basketball rules appeared in Russia
1906 - First basketball game in Russia
1914 - Emergence of the Boston Celtics

Photo feed of events:

James Naismith was a very good teacher physical education. He did not just give the usual exercises, but thought about how to improve the process. physical education players.

  1. Introduction
  2. The history of the development of basketball.
  3. Discovery of James Naismith.
  4. The emergence of professional leagues.
  5. Formation of the NBA.
  6. Association with ABA.
  7. The triumph of Michael Jordan.
  8. Conclusion.
  9. Bibliography.

1. Introduction.

The birthplace of basketball is the United States of America. The game was invented in 1891 in training center Christian Youth Association in Springfield, Massachusetts. To spice up gymnastics lessons, young Canadian-born teacher Dr. Disames Naismith came up with a new game. He attached two fruit baskets without a bottom to the railing of the balcony, into which they had to throw soccer ball(basket - basket, boll - ball.). A year later, D. Naismith developed the first 13 points of the basketball rules. Almost the very first matches under these rules caused their first changes. Fans on the balconies caught flying balls and tried to throw them into the opponent's basket, so shields appeared that became the protection of the basket. Already in 1893, iron rings with a grid appeared. The new game turned out to be not only interesting and dynamic, but in 1894 the first official rules were published in the USA. Basketball from the USA penetrates first to the East - Japan, China, the Philippines, and also to Europe, South America. After 10 years on Olympic Games ah in St. Louis (USA), the Americans organized a demonstration tour between the teams of several cities. Basketball was also indicative at the 1924 and 1928 Olympics.

In the twenties, national basketball federations began to be actively created, and the first international meetings were held. So in 1919 a basketball tournament was held between the army teams of the USA, Italy and France. In 1923, the first international women's tournament. Teams of three countries took part in it: England, Italy, USA. The game is gaining more and more popularity and recognition in the world, and in 1932 the International Basketball Federation (FIBA) was created. Its first composition includes 8 countries - Argentina, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Portugal, Romania. Sweden, Czechoslovakia. In 1935, the International Olympic Committee decided to recognize basketball as an Olympic sport. In 1936, basketball appeared on the program at the Olympic Games in Berlin. The guest of honor was D. Naismith, the Creator of this game. Teams from 21 countries participated in the basketball tournament. Matches were played on open tennis courts. During this Olympiad, the first FIBA ​​Congress took place, where the existing and adopted unified international rules of the game were considered. In the first half of the fifties, basketball began to lose its inherent sharpness of the struggle. It was necessary to make a number of changes and additions to the rules to activate it. The most important of them then were: the 30 second rules were introduced (the team in possession of the ball must throw the ball into the basket within this time) the expansion of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe zone in which attacking players were not allowed to stay for more than three seconds. I must say that the basketball rules are being clarified and supplemented constantly. The date of the birth of basketball in Russia is considered to be 1906. Place of birth - St. Petersburg, sports society "Mayak". The gymnasts of this society created the first basketball teams, then appeared in the Bogatyr society, and some others. But before the October Revolution of 1917, this game was cultivated almost exclusively in the capital of Russia - St. Petersburg. New life Basketball in Russia begins in the early twenties. As an independent subject, basketball is first introduced at the Main Military School physical education workers, and a little later - at the Moscow Institute of Physical Culture. Graduates of these educational institutions became the first specialists in basketball in our country.

The second time the championship of the USSR was played in 1924, and the tournament at the 1928 All-Union Spartakiad is considered the third. Only since 1934 the championship of the USSR in basketball began to be held annually. In 1940, the Baltic countries were annexed to the USSR. Basketball was traditionally strong in these countries, these teams had great experience holding international meetings. The school, the style of basketball in these countries, undoubtedly, had a great influence on its development in the USSR.

2. The history of the development of basketball.

As I mentioned in my biography, sport is very important for me in my life. I started playing basketball in the 2nd grade, at that time I did not understand how much this game meant to me. I stubbornly spent my free time in training, we went to training camps in sports camps, 2 years in Chasov Yar and for 5 years already on the island of Khortytsya in sports camp Zaporozhye State Engineering Academy. Lots of good memories associated with sports camp hard training engendered in us courage and tempered our character. For 10 years there have been many competitions, about 25 diplomas and 15 medals for prize-winning places are kept at home as a memory of my achievements and the development of this sport.

3. Discovery of James Naismith.

Dr. James Naismith is known worldwide as the inventor of basketball. He was born in 1861 in Ramsay (Ramsay) town, near Almonte (Almonte), Ontario, Canada ... James Naismith (eng. James Naismith); (November 6, 1861 - November 28, 1939) - is a basketball writer. Naismith was a physical education instructor at the Springfield International training school in USA. Looking for an increase physical activity students in the winter, he came up with a similar ball game in the hall.

Basketball is perhaps the only popular species sports, the date and place of the origin of which are known for certain. More than a dozen books have been written about this significant event, often with fictitious details telling about the first steps of this future addiction of millions. Nevertheless, it makes sense to at least schematically outline the main points of the formation and development of basketball, an artificially pictorial game that managed to win the hearts of fans around the world in a matter of decades, which in itself seems to be an unprecedented phenomenon. Already as a physical education teacher and college professor at Springfeld, James Naismith was faced with the challenge of creating a game for the Massachusetts winter, the period between basketball and football. Naismith believed that due to the weather of this time of year, the best solution would be to invent an indoor game. Naismith wanted to create an outdoor game for students at the Christian Workers' School that involved more than just force. He needed a game that could be played indoors in a relatively small space. And so, in December 1891, James Naismith presented his nameless invention to his gymnastics class in Springfield (YMCA). In less than an hour, James Naismith, sitting at his desk in his office at the YMCA, formulated the thirteen rules of basketball.

a) The ball may be thrown in any direction with one or both hands.

B) The ball can be hit with one or two hands in any direction, but in no case with a fist.

c) A player cannot run with the ball. The player must pass or throw the ball into the basket from the spot where he caught it, except for a player running at good speed.

C) In any case, hitting, grabbing, holding and pushing the opponent is not allowed. The first violation of this rule by any player shall be called a foul (dirty play); the second foul disqualifies him until the next ball has been potted and if there was an obvious intention to injure the player, for the entire game. No substitution is allowed.

D) hitting the ball with a fist - violation of paragraphs of the rules 2 and 4, the punishment is described in paragraph 5.

E) If one of the parties commits three fouls in a row, they must be recorded as a goal for the opponents (this means that during this time the opponents must not commit a single foul).

E) A goal is scored - if the ball thrown or rebounded from the floor enters the basket and remains there. Defending players are not allowed to touch the ball or basket while shooting. If the ball touches the edge and the opponents move the basket, then a goal is scored.

G) If the ball goes on the attack (out of bounds), then it must be thrown into the field and the first player to touch it. In the event of a dispute, the referee must throw the ball into the field. The thrower is allowed to hold the ball for five seconds. If he holds it longer, then the ball is given to the opponent. If either side tries to play for time, the referee must give them a foul.

h) The referee must monitor the actions of the players and fouls, and notify the referee of three consecutive fouls. He has the power to disqualify players under Rule 5.

i) The referee must watch the ball and determine when the ball is in play (inbounds) and when it goes out of bounds (out of bounds), which side must have the ball, and control the time. He must determine the position of the goal, keep a record of goals scored, and also perform any actions that are normally performed by the referee.

J) The game consists of two halves of 15 minutes each with a break of five minutes between them.

K) The side that scores more goals during this period of time is the winner.

4. The emergence of professional leagues.

The first officially registered association of professional basketball teams, called the National Basketball League, arose in 1898 and existed for five years, after which it broke up into several independent leagues that held their own championships. The rules of those years allowed the teams to conclude contracts with different players for each game, the teams were thus extremely unstable, and any player for one championship, if desired, could play for almost all teams, selling his services every month to those who will pay more. The cost of individual contracts was approximately one dollar per minute of play, which made it possible for the best players who spent more time on the court to earn impressive sums for those times, not paying attention to bruises, bruises and abrasions for their sake; basketball at the turn of the century was more than a contact sport, in which pushing, grabbing and sweeping opponents was not forbidden. One of the innovations, designed to speed up the game, but in fact only increased the risk of injury to athletes, was the introduction of a wire mesh that encloses the basketball court on all sides. Thanks to her, the ball always remained in play, but only the most desperate dared to fight for mastering it at the net, coming out of such martial arts with numerous bruises and long-lasting imprints of the net all over the body. Such fences, more suitable for hockey games or fights without rules, were canceled only in 1929. Fortunately, there were much more reasonable innovations. Back in 1892, they began to cut out the bottom of the baskets so as not to climb the stairs to them after each goal scored, and then completely occupied them on metal rings. However, a ball accurately sent into such a ring to hit it without hitting the temples, which often caused controversy about the effectiveness of the throw, and cylindrical rope nets appeared on the rings, slightly tapering downwards, clearly fixing each hit of the ball into the ring. At the first basketball games, the spectators, located on the balcony behind the basket, often prevented the visiting team from hitting it, simply beating the balls sent to the basket of their favorite team. Such extraneous interference caused in 1893 the appearance of a barrier shield between the ring and the balcony, and a little later it turned out that it was much easier to hit the ball into the ring with a rebound from the shield than to try to hit the ring itself directly. the rules of the game also gradually changed. Practice has shown that violations of the rules when attacking the ring should be shown by a free throw made without interference from a distance of 4.57 m from the ring (1894), that two points should be awarded for a successful field goal, and one point for a free throw ( 1895) that five people on each side are the optimal number of athletes simultaneously taking part in the game (1897). Each player was allowed to commit no more than five violations of the rules per match - the sixth error automatically led to his removal from the site until the end of the meeting. The most heated discussions flared up around dribbling. However, without coming to a consensus on this issue, different leagues held their own tournaments according to their own rules - in some it was strictly forbidden to dribble the ball, in others it was allowed to hit the ball on the court only a certain amount of times, and in the third, dribbling was allowed without any restrictions, that is, by tapping the ball on the floor, the player could catch it, and then resume dribbling again and repeat this procedure ad infinitum. but in any dribbling was carried out simultaneously with both hands. Following the example of the National Basketball League, which first united professional clubs in one tournament in 1898, the American Basketball League was created in 1925, covering teams from the northeast of the United States. The first seasons, the dominant position in it was occupied by the outstanding New York club “Original Celtics”, which was head and shoulders above all its competitors and only “Rosenblum” from Cleveland could compete with it to some extent. However, after three tournaments, the Steltix was disbanded, its players joined the ranks of other teams, and from that moment Rosenblum remained the undisputed leaders of the League until 1931, when the Great Depression forced the championships to stop. Basketball did not die completely - it only faded into the background, and during the years of depression, as it is not surprising, there was a sharp jump in the development and popularization of the young game, firstly, amateur basketball teams began to appear in their country, which, moving from city to city , held exhibition matches between themselves or with the host team, attracting thousands of fans with their performances. Often such basketball holidays turned into theatrical shows with tricks and numbers prepared in advance, and then the demonstration of the filigree ball possession technique overshadowed sports result bilateral meetings. In January 1927, Abe Saperstein organized an all-black basketball circus team called the Harlem Globtrotters, which, having succeeded several generations of talented orange ball makers, has been admiring millions of fans throughout its history for almost three-quarters of a century. all corners of the globe. Combining unique circus performances with brilliant technical prowess, the Harlem Striders handle the ball with such ease and ease that they make the audience look like a different kind of sport, but like a real art. Is it possible to remain indifferent when you see how the players stand with their backs to the ring, throw the ball into it several times in a row from any point on the court, or, having caught the ball that has bounced off the backboard and made a somersault in the air, thrust it from above into the ring with both hands ?. And there are dozens of such numbers in the arsenal of basketball wizards. Another impetus that kept basketball from completely disappearing from the American sports life, has been its rapid development in colleges and universities. Student basketball leagues not only continued to exist safely and hold their championships, but also modernized the rules, gradually making the game more and more spectacular. The ball with a nipple sticking out was replaced with a perfectly round and smooth one, after which the question of the admissibility of dribbling disappeared by itself - dribbling (and only with one hand) became one of the most important components of technical skill; almost simultaneously with this, a ten-second rule was introduced, during which the team in possession of the ball was obliged to transfer it to the opponents' half of the court, which immediately made the game much more dynamic.

5. Formation of the NBA.

The year 1936 was marked by a new milestone in the history of basketball - its appearance in the program of the Summer Olympic Games in Berlin, but only the next year two significant events took place that brought the basketball of the first half of the century sharply closer to the game so well known to us today. In the January match between two student teams, Stanford University player Henk Luisetti made the first ever basketball toss the ball around the ring with one hand! (It is strange, isn't it, that such a simple, and at the same time brilliant idea first visited the head of a basketball player only forty-five years after the game appeared). The example of a student, by the way, who did not show himself in basketball, was instantly picked up by literally every one of his colleagues in the sports department, as a result of which, by the end of the season, the game acquired a completely different qualitative pattern. The second significant event for the progress of basketball happened in the spring of 1937. When the throw-in was canceled in the center circle after each capture of the ring. Up to this point, the team, which had a tall player, had an undeniable advantage over its rivals: at the beginning of the match, the ball was put into play by a throw-in in the center of the court, which. Of course, the taller basketball player won. He threw the ball to a partner, ran to the opponents' backboard, where he received a return pass and put the ball into the ring without interference, after which he ran to the center circle to take possession of the ball in the next face-off. Now, after taking the ring, the ball went to the opposite team, which put it into play from behind the end line, thus getting a chance to hit the opponents' ring. Thanks to this innovation, the game became faster and, accordingly, spectacular, its outcome now depended primarily not on the height of the players, but on their accuracy, running speed, speed of the ball and, of course, on the successful tactical finds of the coaches. And it is all the more surprising that the National Basketball League, which was re-established in 1937 and united 13 professional teams from the East and Midwest of the United States, did not immediately accept the positive nature of the rule changes. Realizing their progressiveness, but being unable to overcome the conservatism of thinking, the League's functionaries came to a decision that, with certain exaggerations, could be recognized as Solomon's - for the entire first season, the home teams had the right to decide what rules each specific meeting would take place, namely, how to put the ball into play after taking the ring. However, by the end of next season common sense triumphed, and the National Basketball League fully adopted the rules of college basketball, which immediately raised its rating in the eyes of the public and allowed it to be invited to professional teams top athletes university clubs. Since 1938 began a sharp rise in the popularity of basketball, and nothing seemed. It did not promise him trouble, but the realization of bright hopes and enviable prospects had to be postponed for another five years due to the entry of the United States into the second world war. The World Championships held by the National Basketball League continued during the war, but the participation in it of athletes not fit for military service, and a limited number of far from the most strong teams could not, of course, attract the increased attention of the fans. Only in 1946, when former professional basketball players began to return from the fronts, the League again tried to resume its full existence. But she had an unexpected competitor in the face of the newly formed Basketball Association of America. With impressive financial resources, she united under her wing the teams of New York, Washington, Boston, Detroit, Pittsburgh, Cleveland and St. Louis. The first game in the Basketball Association of America, later renamed the National Basketball Association, took place in November 1946, officially marking this date in the annals of history as the birth of one of the largest sports and commercial enterprises the modern NBA. The historic meeting in Toronto between basketball players “New York Knickerbockers” and “Toronto Huskies” ended with a score of 68:66 in favor of the guests. And the first champions of the BAA were the Warriors from Philadelphia in the final series, which was held up to four victories, defeating final result 4-1 Chicago Stax. Moreover, the rivalry between the teams was so sharp that in two recent games the superiority of "Philadelphia" was expressed in only one of three points. The Basketball Association of America, which was gaining momentum, successfully lured away not only individual players, but not entire clubs of the National Basketball League, which for several more seasons somehow continued to resist the expansion of their younger, but much more powerful sister. The inevitable happened in 1949 when six the best teams who joined the Basketball Association of America. From that moment on, it became known as the National Basketball Association ...

6. Merging with the NBA.

In 1967, in parallel with the NBA championship, the American Basketball Association began to hold its own tournament, which united eleven teams and lasted nine years. Its sports level was significantly lower than the NBA, the budget was at least frivolous for organizing large-scale competitions, and ABA matches were held in half-empty stands. Nevertheless, this organization is worthy of mentioning already by the fact that it was in the championships held by it that the three-point shot was first introduced. Three years after the inevitable fiasco of the ABA, this innovation was adopted by the NBA - for accurate throw, perfect from behind an arc located at a distance of 724 cm from the ring, three points began to be awarded. (In American collegiate basketball, the three-point arc is 602 cm from the hoop.) Even before the collapse of the American Basketball Association, which replenished the NBA with four teams, it was in 1970 that the number of clubs participating in the main basketball tournament of North America reached seventeen, and it became necessary to break them into groups and subgroups, it was from this season that the National Basketball Association acquired structure that has survived to the present day. On a territorial basis, the teams were divided into the Western and Eastern conferences; the first included the Midwest and Pacific divisions, and the second was the Central and Atlantic divisions ......

7. The triumph of Michael Jordon.

A year earlier, the International Olympic Committee lifted the ban on the participation of professional athletes in the Olympic Games. Basketball players enthusiastically accepted this decision, not because they lacked fame and money - they were united by a common desire to show their skills to the whole world and in fact demonstrate the superiority of American basketball in meetings with any rivals. The team, known before its formation as the Dream Team, included Larry Bird, Magic Johnson, Michael Jordan, Charles Barkley, David Robinson, Scottie Pippen, Clyde Drexler, Patrick Ewing, Chris Mullin, Karl Malone and John Stocklone. Christian Leitner of Duke University has become a symbolic representative of student basketball. Having easily and naturally passed all the stages of the qualifying tournament and reached the final, the American teams confidently declared that they would not be able to consider themselves full-fledged Olympic champions if they did not win. decisive match with a gap of 50 points. The Croatian national team, which represented the “rest of the world” in the final, “confounded” the professionals, allowed them to win “only” 32 points, and nevertheless, the victory of the Dream Team in this match with a score of 117: 85 fully reflected the balance of power in the basketball tournament Olympics. One of the outstanding golden players Olympic team- Michael Jordan - by that time he had already shone on the NBA basketball courts for eight years. Appearing in 1984 after three years at the University of North Carolina with the Chicago Bulls, he won the award in his first season. Best Newcomer Association, and since then, literally every year of his fantastic career has been marked by new record achievements. Lightweight, agile, he can do everything in basketball, and performs the most difficult technique with such grace and artistry that I make the audience repeat, that while floating in the air, he feels no less free and uninhibited than standing firmly on the site with both feet. Having won three world titles in a row with the Chicago Bull from 1991 to 1993 and having won the title of the best basketball player of the regular champion three times each and best player final series, Jordan decided to part with basketball, saying that in this sport for him there are no more peaks that have not been won. Unfortunately, with the departure of Jordan, not only the former glory of the Chicago club faded, but he himself did not achieve any success in the new field of baseball for himself, but the old love does not rust, and in 1995, thirty-two-year-old Jordan returned to the team, bringing in despondency of rivals and delight - a multi-million army of their fans. With his arrival, the Chicago Bulls transform before our eyes and again win three championships in a row, and its leader again received the title of the best player of the regular season twice and the best player of the final series three times, all six times that the Chicago Bulls reached the finals under Jordan , they achieved victories in him, and he himself, all the same, only at first glance may seem easy, and the excellent Chicago Bulls are undeniable. Now a new one has come, a new generation of stars dominates the Association’s venues: Shaquille’o Neal, Kobe Bryant, Vince Carter, Tim Duncan, Tracey McGrady, Dirk Nowitzki ... Today, the NBA, which back in 1947 included only eight clubs, unites twenty-nine teams from twenty-eight cities in the United States and Canada and has as many outstanding talents as would be more than enough for the entire history of any other sport. But this only inflames the already serious passions, forcing hundreds of millions of fans around the world with bated breath to follow the uncompromising battles of the great masters of one of the most popular games of our time.

8. Conclusion:

Thus, we have a lot of information about the meaning of basketball. History and development of basketball, about the set famous athletes our country and foreign countries. But as a rule, we are interested in the history of the emergence of basketball and its homeland, due to the media, you can learn a lot of informative things. And we learn a lot about each of our idol athletes and try to be similar in some way. The main goal is physical education. To raise our bar in the life of sports higher and higher, to be strong, dexterous, not to be afraid of difficulties.

9. References:

Magazine "Planet of Basketball", Encyclopedia of Sports.

Today, basketball is considered one of the most popular and spectacular. It is worth noting that the history of basketball is very interesting. After all, this is one of the few sports whose appearance has been clearly recorded - both the date and the place of its creation are known.

The history of basketball

Despite the fact that it is considered an American analogue of such a game, it existed several millennia ago. It was an ancient ritual game called pok-ta-pok. A stone ring was attached to the wall of the arena, the diameter of which practically corresponded to the diameter of the ball. By the way, in those days the balls were made of rubber and there was no cavity inside them - they weighed from 2 to 4 kilograms.

The rules were slightly different from modern basketball - the ball could not be touched by hands, all hits on the topic were applied with the back, hips or elbows. Indeed, such a game was incredibly difficult. The losing team was sacrificed to the gods. Or, on the contrary, the lucky winners were sent to compete with the gods themselves.

History of Basketball: Making the Game

In fact, it is not known whether the inventor of modern basketball knew about the ancient “pok-ta-pok”.

The young Canadian physical education teacher worked at the Springfield School of the Young Men's Christian Union in Massachusetts. In winter, the only possible sport for young students was gymnastics. In order to somehow diversify the pastime of young people, the teacher decided to invent a new game.

First, he asked to attach bottomless baskets to the balconies. The principle of the game was quite simple - the students were divided into two teams and tried to throw as many balls into the opponent's basket as possible. In December 1891, Naismith presented his “invention” to his students and thus began the history of basketball. Further, the creator developed the first 13 rules, which changed and improved with each match.

It is unlikely that the young physical education teacher expected such a stir around the game he invented. The first competition was held in 1891. The match was attended by 18 students of the school. Interestingly, the first game ended with a score of 1:0, which is by no means impressive today.

But the popularity of basketball grew like a snowball. The students, going home for the holidays, were happy to introduce their friends to a new, amazing game. Pretty soon basketball courts could be seen all over the country. But rumors of a new competition also leaked outside the United States of America, because Naismith's students were residents of Canada and Japan.

History of basketball as a professional sport

A few years later, he became a real professional look sports. Already in 1898, the League was created, which lasted five years, after which it broke up into several separate clubs.

It is worth noting that stable teams did not exist in those years. Laws allowed to change the composition of each of them several times per season. Before each new game composition may have completely changed. By the way, the most successful basketball players were paid from one dollar per minute of play, which at that time was considered a very good income.

The American Basketball League was formed in 1925. changed all the time, making the game more dynamic, active and safe. And already in 1936, basketball appeared in the program of the Summer Olympic Games, which were held in Berlin.

To date, there is hardly at least one person who does not know what basketball is. Its history is very interesting for both professional players and amateurs.

Basketball- a sports team game with a ball, which is included in the program of the Olympic Games. The etymology of the game comes from the addition of two English words basket "basket" and ball "ball".

The goal of each team is to throw the ball into the opponent's basket as many times as possible in the allotted time. A basket is called suspended at 3.05 m mesh ring at the bottom. Hits are scored based on the position the player occupies on the field at the time of the throw.

A Brief History of the Origins of Basketball

There is an opinion that basketball originated many centuries ago.

Invention: who invented modern sport, where it first originated

The progenitor of modern basketball is the ritual Maya Indian game- "pitz", now known as "ulama".

On the territory of Mexico, archaeologists discovered the first rubber balls, weighing several kilograms, which were invented in 2500 BC e. Only in the territory of modern Guatemala was found 500 places to play pitz.

The game not only depicted the ritual battle between the gods in the sky, but also served to resolve disputes between communities.

The essence of the competition was that it was necessary to throw the ball into the ring, located on the podium 10 meters high, without using his hands, pushing him with his head, hips, elbows and legs. The number of players on the team varied from 2 to 5. The ring was located vertically on the sides of the field. The team that won hit the ring first. We can say that pitz was a mixture of football and basketball.

Attention! It is believed that in some cases the captain, and sometimes the entire losing team at the time, lost their heads.

The inventor of modern basketball is called James Naismith (1861-1939) who taught physical education to students at the Springfield Christian Workers School in Massachusetts.

Photo 1. The creator of modern basketball, James Naismith. In the hands of the inventor holds one of the first basketballs.

The game was invented because of the need to diversify the winter pastime of their wards. The students were divided into two groups and pursued the goal of throwing the ball into a fruit basket with a bottom attached to the wall.

Reference. A number of researchers believe that Naismith was inspired by a child's play. "duck on the rock", in which you need to hit a small pebble on top of a larger stone.

First basketball game

In 1892 the first match of the teams consisting of from 9 players ending with a count 1:0. The popularity of the new dynamic game quickly gained momentum. Due to rapid development and increased cases of foul play, Naismith was forced to develop the first rules.

James Naismith's first 13 rules of basketball:

  1. The ball can be thrown in any direction with one hand.
  2. By ball cannot be punched.
  3. By ball can be hit with one or two hands.

  1. The ball must be held, the use of the body and forearms is prohibited.
  2. The player can only run with the ball at speed, otherwise he must pass or throw the ball into the basket.
  3. You can not push, grab, hold and beat the enemy. The violation is recorded as a foul, with the second foul the player is disqualified.
  4. Three opponent fouls count as a goal for the other side.
  5. If the ball sticks in the basket, it counts as a goal, while defending players are prohibited from hitting the ball or touching the basket.
  6. When offside, the ball is put into play by the first player who touched it, 5 seconds are given for throwing, if the player holds it longer, the ball goes to the opponent.
  7. The referee monitors the actions of the players and fouls; he has the power to remove players.
  8. The referee determines the position of the ball(in play, out) and which side should be in possession of the ball.
  9. The game consists of two halves of 15 minutes each with a break of 5 minutes.
  10. The team that scores more goals is considered the winner..

Modern rules have undergone a number of changes, for example:

  • 4 halves of 10 minutes, with breaks 2 minutes after the first and before last round And 15 minutes between the second and third round.
  • With a ball can run, throw with two hands and help him fly.
  • Allowed 5 fouls and player replacement.

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Development and formation

The first matches revealed the shortcomings of the new game and caused practical changes: the bottom of the basket is cut out, shields appear to protect the basket, after a few years the baskets themselves are replaced by an iron ring with a grid.

In parallel with men's basketball, women's basketball also developed, the first rules of which were invented by Senda Berenson in 1892. Despite the long practice of various competitions, women's basketball entered the Olympic program only in 1976

What year did professional leagues begin?

In the early stages, basketball spontaneously spreads in educational institutions in the United States and Canada.

In 1898 in the USA created the first professional National Basketball League that lasted 5 years, and then broke up into several independent leagues.

From America comes the spread of basketball to the East (Japan, China), and then to Europe and South America.

After World War I the organization and management of the games in America was taken up by the Amateur Athletic Union and the National Collegiate Athletic Association. In the 20s national federations are beginning to be actively created.

Important! Contracts with players were concluded not for the season, as at present, but for the game. The player's bet was 1 dollar per minute, which was considered a very impressive amount.

In 1925, the American Basketball League was created., which united all the teams of the northeast of America. Late 20s - early 30s In the United States, almost all basketball competitions were canceled due to the Great Depression.

A milestone in the development of sports is the creation of the International Basketball Federation in 1932 (FIBA). In 1936 By decision of the Olympic Committee, under the auspices of FIBA, the first Olympic Games are held in Berlin.

In the 40s In connection with the outbreak of World War II, basketball, like other sports, fades into the background. Inexhaustible interest in sports in difficult years for the United States was supported by the rapid development of the student league.

Reference. The guest of honor of the first games is their creator James Naismith, in whose honor in 1959. will be called the Basketball Hall of Fame, perpetuating the most outstanding players, best matches and memorable moments of the game.

Emergence of the NBA

National Basketball Association (NBA) was formed in 1946 by the merger of two organizations: National Basketball League and Basketball Association of America.

It is one of the leading and most influential men's professional leagues in North America to this day, which includes 30 teams.

Most titled club in the league "Boston Celtics", on whose account 17 wins. They follow him Los Angeles Lakers and Chicago Bulls.

Consolidation with ABA

In parallel with the first tournaments, the NBA develops American Basketball Association (ABA) united under its wing 11 teams. Unable to withstand competition with the NBA, the association breaks up 3 years later, and the teams are adjacent to the winner.

Important! It entered the history of the ABA, because at its championships for the first time a three-point throw was counted - an accurate throw made from behind the arc (at a distance 724 cm from the ring).

The history of the creation of domestic basketball

Basketball also actively developed in the vastness of our country.


The first mention of basketball in Russia is for 1901 and belongs to the founder Russian football George Duperron. The first games in a new sport begin to be held in the St. Petersburg society for the physical and moral education of youth "Mayak", based on donations from an American James Stokes.

In 1906 the first team was founded on the basis of Mayak. In 1909. the first "international" match is held, with the participation of the American team, hastily put together, from the Christian missionaries who arrived on the ship.

the best from 6 teams recognized team "Purple", led by a pioneer of Russian basketball Stepan Vasilievich Vasiliev.

By 1910 basketball begins to take root in the largest physical education society of that time, Bogatyr, thanks to which it begins to spread to other cities of the empire.

In 1913 the first rules of the game, then called "ball in the basket", were published.

Game Distribution

After the October Revolution the new kind sport receives all-Union recognition. In 1920 basketball is introduced as a separate discipline in educational institutions and the Soviet school of basketball begins to take shape. In 1923 Moscow hosted the first national championship Methodological developments and rules Soviet school largely coincided with international ones.

Reference. TO 1941. in the USSR there were about 82 thousand basketball players.

In 1947 the Soviet section joins the International Basketball Federation and begins to participate in international competitions. Both the men's and women's teams have shown high results, taking prizes at the Olympic Games and the World and European Championships.

After the collapse of the USSR, the restructuring of Russian basketball takes place. In 1991 established Russian Basketball Federation (RBF).

Photo 2. Modern logo Russian Federation Basketball. The organization was founded in 1991.

Since 1992 the Russian Basketball Championship among women and men is held. By 1995 a super league was created, which includes six leading men's teams.

In 2015 because of the scandals associated with the Federation, all Russian teams were banned from international competitions. Interest and level basketball teams dropped sharply in the last decade. At the moment, the Russian team is not able to pass the barrier of the qualifying round of the competition.

History of veteran basketball

Maxibasketball movement - competitions in which athletes play over 30 years old- has its roots in Buenos Aires, where in 1969 the first games of veterans were held. Ibid in 1991 hosted the first World Basketball Championship among veterans. In 1992 In Argentina, the International MaxiBasketball Federation (FIMBA) was formed. Now the federation is 40 countries, including Russia.

Competitions are held in different age categories for men and women from 30 years old, with a step of each category 5 years. For male athletes, additional categories are provided: 65+,70+ and 75+.

Photo 3. A game of basketball among veteran men. Athletes who are over fifty years old play.

Basketball (English basket - basket, ball - ball) is one of the most popular team sports in the world. Basketball is played by two teams, each consisting of five players. The goal of each team is to throw the ball with their hands into the opponent's net ring (basket) and prevent the other team from taking possession of the ball and throwing it into their own basket. The basket is at a height of 3.05 meters (10 feet) from the floor. There are 5 people from each team on the court, in total there are 12 people in the team, substitutions are not limited. For a ball thrown from near and medium distance, 2 points are counted, (because of the three-point line) - 3 points. A free throw is worth one point. The standard size of a basketball court is 28 meters long and 15 meters wide. Basketball is one of the most popular sports in the world.

Basketball in the world

In the winter of 1891, college students of the Youth Christian Association in Springfield, Massachusetts, forced to perform endless gymnastic exercises, considered at that time almost the only means of introducing young people to sports, it was very boring in physical education classes. It was necessary to put an end to the monotony of such activities, to introduce a fresh stream into them, which would be able to satisfy the competitive needs of strong and healthy young people.

A way out of a seemingly dead-end situation was found by college teacher James Naismith. On December 1, 1891, he tied two peach baskets to the balcony railing. sports hall and, dividing eighteen students into two teams, offered them a game, the meaning of which was to throw more balls into the opponents' basket.

The idea of ​​this game originated in his school years, when children played the old game "duck-on-a-rock" ("Duck on a stone"). The meaning of this game, popular at that time, was as follows: throwing a small stone, it was necessary to hit the top of another stone, larger in size, with it.

Quite pragmatically named “basketball”, the game only remotely resembled modern basketball. There was no dribbling, the players only threw it to each other, standing still, and then tried to throw it into the basket, and only with both hands from below or from the chest, and after a successful throw, one of the players climbed onto a ladder attached to the wall and removed the ball from the basket . WITH modern point from the point of view of the actions of the teams would seem to us sluggish and inhibited, however, the goal of Dr. Naismith was to create a game that was collective, in which a large number of participants could be involved at the same time, and his invention fully met this task.

Very quickly, starting in 1895, basketball from the USA penetrated first to the East - to Japan, China, the Philippines, as well as to Europe and South America.

In 1904, at the Olympic Games in St. Louis (USA), the Americans organized an exhibition tournament between teams from several cities. Similar demonstration tournaments were held at the 1924 (Paris) and 1928 (Amsterdam) Olympics.

Basketball associations were created in a number of countries, but organizational disunity prevented international contacts and hindered the further development of basketball. On June 18, 1932, the first international conference of national basketball associations took place in Geneva. The meeting decided to establish the International Federation of Basketball Associations (FIBA). The first international rules of the game were adopted in 1932 at the first FIBA ​​Congress, after which they were repeatedly adjusted and changed, the last significant changes were made in 1998 and 2004.

In 1935 the International Olympic Committee ruled to recognize basketball olympic view sports.

Basketball made its Olympic debut at the XI Olympic Games in Berlin in 1936. Men's teams from 21 countries took part in the tournament. Competitions were held in open areas, all subsequent Olympic tournaments were carried out indoors. First Olympic champion was the US team.

The debut of women's basketball at the Olympic Games took place in 1976 in Montreal. Six teams participated in the tournament. The first Olympic champions were the basketball players of the USSR national team, who became champions twice more. The first European championship among men was held in 1935 in Geneva. Latvian basketball players won. The first European Women's Championship was held in Rome in 1938, which was won by Italian basketball players.

The decision to hold the world championships among men was made at the FIBA ​​congress during the 1948 Olympics. in London. The first World Basketball Championship took place in 1950. in Buenos Aires (Argentina). 10 teams took part in the championship. The first world champion was the team of Argentina, who defeated the 1948 Olympic champion team of the United States.

At the FIBA ​​Congress in Helsinki, in 1952 (during the Olympic Games), it was decided to hold the Women's World Championships. The first championship was held in 1953 in Santiago (Chile), and the first champions were American basketball players.

Thus, the game, once invented just for the sake of diversifying the physical education lessons of students, has become one of the most popular and massive sports games in the world. With the development of the Game, its rules were changed and supplemented, as well as the equipment and layout of the site (for example, the introduction of a time limit (24 seconds) for an attack by the team of the opponent's basket, or the appearance of a line, for which the team is awarded 3 points for hitting (1984)) .

Basketball in Russia

The date of the birth of basketball in Russia is considered to be 1906. Place of birth - St. Petersburg, sports society "Mayak".

The gymnasts of this society created the first basketball teams, then the teams appeared in the Bogatyr society, and some others. But before the October Revolution of 1917. this game was cultivated practically only in the capital of Russia - St. Petersburg. The new life of basketball in Russia begins in the early twenties. As an independent subject, basketball is introduced first at the Main Military School of Physical Education for Workers, and a little later at the Moscow Institute of Physical Culture.

Graduates of these educational institutions became the first specialists in basketball in our country.

In 1947, the All-Union Basketball Section became a member of the International Basketball Federation. Soviet basketball players received the right to participate in all competitions organized by FIBA. In the same year, the USSR national men's team took part in the European Championship. Our basketball players defeated the teams of Yugoslavia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Egypt, Poland and met in the final with the European champion - the team of Czechoslovakia. Having won with a score of 56:37, the USSR national team won the title of European champion.

The men's national team of the USSR is one of the strongest teams world throughout the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s and 1980s.

In total, in the final stages of 39 tournaments (9 Olympiads, 9 World Championships and 21 Europeans) from 1947 to 1990, in which the USSR national team took part, only at the very first World Cup in 1959, the Soviet team failed to get into the number of winners, and even then, only for political reasons, the team was deprived of gold, because despite the fact that the USSR team won all its matches, it refused to play with the Taiwanese team. Such a unique achievement has not been conquered by any other basketball team.

Here full list historical achievements of the USSR men's team:

Olympic champion (2): 1972, 1988

Olympic silver medalist (4): 1956, 1960, 1964, 1968

Bronze medalist of the Olympic Games (3): 1968, 1976, 1980

World Champion (3): 1967, 1974, 1982

Vice World Champion (3): 1978, 1986, 1990

European Champion (14): 1947, 1951, 1953, 1957, 1959, 1961, 1963, 1965, 1967, 1969, 1971, 1979, 1981, 1985 (From 1957 to 1971, the USSR national team won 8 European Championships in a row).

The performances of the USSR women's team in the international arena look no less impressive:

USSR national team - 21 times became the champion of Europe (1950-1956, 1960-1991)

6 times the USSR team owned the title of World Champions (1959, 1964, 1967, 1971, 1975 and 1983) and twice became bronze medalist(1957 and 1986)

Three times the team became the Champion of the Olympic Games (1976, 1980, 1992 (under the flag of the unified team)), in 1988 women's team The USSR became the bronze medalist of the Seoul Olympics.

The history of the Russian national teams, which are the official successors of the USSR national teams, dates back to 1992. The achievements of the Russian national teams are not as great as those of their predecessors, but these teams have something to be proud of!

Thus, the Russian men's team twice became the silver medalist of the World Championships (1994 and 1998), the Champion (2007), as well as the silver (1993) and bronze (1997) medalists of the European Championships.

The achievements of the Russian women's team are even more significant:

Bronze medalists of the Olympic Games (2): 2004, 2008

Silver medalists of the World Championships (3): 1998, 2002, 2006

European Champions (2): 2003, 2007

Silver medalists of the European Championships (3): 2001, 2005, 2009

Bronze medalists of the European Championships (2): 1995, 1999