Minus size. The New Safe Express Diet

Current page: 1 (total book has 63 pages) [accessible reading excerpt: 35 pages]

Alexey Vladimirovich Kovalkov
Methodology of Dr. Kovalkov. Victory over weight

Our nutrients

should be a remedy

and our remedies

must be food.



How and with whom to lose weight Why lose weight The Hippocratic diet and the teachings of our ancestors Food prolongs or shortens our life Going beyond Classic excuses of fat people We do not lose weight for the sake of beauty and the opinions of others Get rid of accompanying sores Weight loss and money: how much finance can be saved by simply losing weight How expensive Is our extra weight costing us?

The first thing I would like to do is to thank you for paying attention to the study of my methodology and now hold in your hands my new book. It helps not only to lose weight correctly, but also to avoid the "pitfalls" that often occur along the way.

How this book differs from other "weight loss" publications

I am a dietitian and have been working in the field of weight loss medicine for over 15 years. That only during this time I did not have to see! Among my patients are both beginners and those who “already know everything” about losing weight. These are pop stars, businessmen, executives and ordinary workers. However, they all share one common problem. They tried many times to lose weight, but for some reason they did not succeed. And although most of them are people who are strong enough in spirit, even they were unable to lose weight alone. Realizing that diets do not help, sooner or later they turned to me.

I think you know a lot of people who write magazine articles and even books under the conditional title "How to lose weight the right way", although they themselves have not gotten rid of a single one in their entire lives. overweight! Just like the trainer from the joke who taught to swim, but he was afraid of water. Such healers and even doctors can now be seen on TV screens and in newfangled clinics, often advertised on the radio.

My patients sometimes tell me funny stories. Like, they come to the district clinic to the endocrinologist, who weighs no less than themselves. And this doctor begins to give them painfully familiar recommendations: "Move more and eat less." Sometimes he advises to "run away from a heart attack." And this despite the fact that some patients due to overweight It's hard to even tie your shoelaces...

I don’t want to talk about various healers, masseurs, fitness trainers and “coders” who consider themselves advanced specialists in the field of weight loss. They trying to give advice, sometimes without even an elementary medical education. For example, I have watched more than once how a fitness trainer recommends “turning your head” to “develop” the cervical vertebrae, especially with osteochondrosis (which many people suffer from). But without consulting a doctor, doing this is very dangerous! The medical literature even describes the so-called “barber chair syndrome”, when the client is seated in this very chair and held for a long time with his head thrown back, and at the end of the procedures it is found that he “rested in the bose”. All such blunders cannot be listed ... Doctors are taught this, but not athletes. As Mikhail Zhvanetsky once said: “I, guys, are a coach from God, although I temporarily work in a vegetable store. You sit in the cellar, sort through the cabbage, and all the options, options in your head.

Often, self-treatment is supported by amateur, excessively active medical workers and even doctors (if only they are really doctors), who give disinterested, but completely illiterate advice on the Internet.

Such types appear from somewhere literally in batches and every single day they try to teach us about life from the TV screen or from the pages of a newfangled magazine. To be honest, I, as a doctor, look at this not only funny, but also disgusting.

Considering that around us there is a sea of ​​​​pseudo-scientific information and thousands of cloned useless diets, I decided to offer you own methodology which is based on scientific medicine and psychology. Without undue modesty, I will say that this technique managed to quickly win the attention of the thinking audience of our country. It helps to understand the very mechanism of getting rid of excess weight. After all, any activity will be more effective if we clearly understand why we perform certain actions, what is their result and mechanism. In a word - if you are determined to lose weight, then you cannot do without a clear idea of ​​​​what you are doing and why.

The entire theory in this book could be summed up in one short sentence: "Don't eat bad food and you'll be healthy." However, a person is not a dog, it is not enough for him to say “fu”. It is still necessary to explain in detail - why, in fact, "fu" and how it will affect the entire metabolism of his beloved organism.

I am sure that many of you have already tried more than once or twice to solve the problem of excess weight with the help of various ways self-torture. As they say, "in their own skin" experienced the effects of all kinds of diets and even hunger strikes. And I even admit that some of you have achieved significant success. But then the weight for some reason invariably returned.

The reason is that no diet teaches us about eating behavior. It is used for a short time and does not instill the skills of rational everyday nutrition. Any person from a huge variety of diets can choose the one that he likes and try to temporarily comply with it. But just temporarily! Because few people managed to get rid of nutritional stereotypes developed over the years, especially if the person is no longer young.

The habit of familiar and favorite dishes and products from childhood has been developed over decades, and representatives of some peoples have had it for generations, almost at the genetic level.

And then “suddenly” such a “smart” (sometimes very smart and stubborn) specialist (like me) appears who declares: “Until now, you have been eating wrong, but you have to eat 6 times a day and not at all what you accustomed to chewing each piece fifty times!” He would try to chew every bite like that! I would like to see what will become of his teeth in a few years. It is clear that no organism will accept such a dictatorial attitude.

And our body is delicate and fragile. You can’t “break” him, you need to be able to negotiate with him! Hundreds or even thousands of people begin to eat like "as they should", and then many of them are convinced that the effect is the opposite. Kilograms quickly return, and even bring new diseases with them.

“We wanted the best, but it turned out - as always!” And this is quite logical. After all, no one will tolerate violence against themselves! Your brain, your subconscious mind is constantly striving for your usual food. And the body, as a zealous owner, "stunned" by the changes, "scared" by restrictions, will probably try to gain 5-6 extra pounds "in reserve" later. AND the “stricter” your diet is, the more kilograms will return to you after its termination.

Thus, wanting to lose weight, people end up only gaining extra pounds! For the sake of curiosity, go to any women's forum on the Internet - there you will meet almost crowds of women who are constantly “sitting” on different diets. Having got rid of a few kilograms at the cost of painful restrictions, in the blink of an eye they again gain what they have lost, and even with a “makeweight”. Then they sit down on a new diet, and then another. And this race for harmony has no end.

Some walk in this vicious circle for decades, and every year their condition and appearance only get worse. I'm not even talking about mental disorders. From chronic bullying, the body seems to go a little crazy and generally refuses to respond to such dietary fanaticism.

Any prohibition (and a diet is primarily a prohibition), any restrictions unconsciously turn on our psycho-physiological protection. It can manifest itself as irritability and even aggression, and, on the contrary, self-doubt and depression.

By the way, there is a great anecdote on this topic:

The doctor says to the patient:

– You must immediately lose weight, go on a strict diet. That is, eat only lean meat, give up sweets, bakery products, no alcohol, cigarettes, coffee, reduce sexual contacts to a minimum ... Yes, and most importantly - enjoy life more, my dear!

I think any experienced married woman knows that if a spouse comes home from work angry, he needs to be fed urgently! And soon you will see your beloved in its former form - gentle and kind, ready for anything for you. My wife learned this lesson a long time ago.

By the way, human body is very multifaceted, and he can react differently to the "struggle" with overweight.

Some people, if they happen to get fat, for example, after childbirth, illness, or, as it is now fashionable to say, “because of nerves,” they quickly and easily drive off excess and live happily ever after. Others can hopelessly fight with hated kilograms for years. And only a few of them, at the cost of severe restrictions and incessant physical activity manages to maintain an acceptable shape. Remember the pictures from the school physics textbook illustrating stable and unstable equilibrium? In one illustration, the ball rests steadily in the hole, and in the other, it barely balances on the hill: blow - roll down. The same thing happens with our body. For one, the “harmonious” state is stable, but for the other it is not.(the “full” state is stable for it). Well, what can you do? And then, as luck would have it, every week there are more and more express diets. Many women hang these instructions on the wall and almost pray to them, convincing others of the exceptional effectiveness of this particular diet or technique. Probably, in order for “it” to work, “it” must be sacredly believed in!

I know that, unfortunately, almost all of these “helping!!! trendy diets" come up with people who have nothing to do with medical science. This is obvious to any nutritionist! All of them are compiled without taking into account the work of the digestive system and the individual characteristics of a particular person: gender, age, body type, nature of work and, finally, place of residence. For example, vegetarianism is well tolerated only by those peoples who traditionally live in the central part of Russia. Siberians begin to get sick from a lack of animal protein, because it is a source of essential amino acids, without which we cannot survive.

One story that I read in the Times Online is very indicative in this respect: a 12-year-old Scot, put by her parents on a strict vegetarian diet, ended up in the hospital with a severe impairment of bone tissue development. Her spine was like that of an 80-year-old woman. The poor girl's parents excluded meat and dairy products from her diet from birth. Due to the lack of vitamin D found in the liver, fish and dairy products, the child developed a severe form of rickets with bone degeneration, and as a result, a tendency to fractures and curvature of the spine. The girl's doctor, Faisal Ahmed, from the Royal Hospital for Sick Children in Glasgow, declined to comment on the case, noting only the deadly danger of a strict vegetarian diet for children's health. Social workers are now deciding whether child abuse has taken place here, and I would advise other parents not to conduct such experiments on their children. Even if you firmly believe in the correctness of this or that idea.

But let's get back to our penates. We sometimes mock ourselves worse than these Scots parents. Our whole life is already filled with limitations, and we, like inveterate masochists, continue to seek out more and more difficulties for ourselves.

What people do not come up with, wanting to lose weight! The mysterious ways that are used to lose weight sometimes look intimidating. One of the participants in the popular television talk show said that her daily meal consists of a slice of bread with ketchup spread on it, because only this helps her not to gain weight. The next day, half of the viewers who watched the program rushed for bread and ketchup. At the same time, no one was embarrassed by the fact that because of such a crazy diet, the heroine of the program lost all her teeth, hair, and, in fact, she was slowly dying in front of her loved ones.

“How to lose weight fast” is the most popular query in all Internet search engines. In an effort to find the most effective ways to get rid of fat, women subject themselves to real physical torture, akin to the medieval Inquisition. They, like prisoners of the Chateau d'If, can slurp liquid cabbage soup for many days or, like prisoners of a desert island, eat grapefruit alone. Or they put on rubber clothes and run in it in the heat until their lips are chapped from dehydration. And sometimes these martyrs "for the glory of their lives" go to extremes and ... begin to starve!

Sharp food restriction always gives a “boomerang effect”! Moreover, the less you eat, the more the body saves, and when you stop following a diet, you are carried by leaps and bounds. The process of increased weight gain after the completion of any diet doctors call "rebound syndrome" or "the effect of the Yo-yo toy." If, at the cost of incredible hunger strikes, you lost 40 kg, and then quickly gained 45, then you didn’t just return your original weight, but reduced your potential for further weight loss. Such improper, uncontrolled, and sometimes even episodic nutrition negatively affects the memory, thinking and emotional sphere of a losing weight person. But the main danger of such experiments is that disturbances occur in the immune system.

I believe that only common sense- Here best protection from all sorts of conjectures, myths and legends about a healthy and healthy diet. “A diet is just a short-term hunger strike preceding a stable weight gain,” as Mikhail Zhvanetsky once wisely noted.

Our clinic is often visited by women who have developed a serious illness, or even a whole “bouquet” of illnesses after they “sat down” on the next diet and began to starve. Their immunity with a deficiency of nutrients and trace elements has lost the ability to protect the body.

Therefore, I never get tired of repeating: you need to lose weight wisely, and of course, preferably after consulting with an experienced dietitian. You may even need the help of other specialists: a gynecologist, a psychologist, an endocrinologist. Only by joint efforts and just for you, these specialists will develop a competent ... not a diet, but a weight loss strategy. If you want to get rid of body fat and maintain your normal weight in the future, let's do it right!

I was surprised to learn that every average woman "try on" various diets more than thirty times in her life. Just think! Thirty times "stepping on the same rake"!

Where is the female intuition? Where is the experience that comes with age? The result is almost always, to put it mildly, disappointing. So let's finally leave these fruitless attempts and try to understand the very essence of the problem in order to find the only right path for you. After all, all people are different, which means that the reasons for fullness are different for everyone. Therefore, there is no universal solution to this problem and cannot be in principle. It is a thankless task to deal with the consequences and manifestations. We must find and eliminate the cause! Do you agree?

I will reveal to you all the secrets of nutritionists and offer a harmonious and logical system healthy eating without violence against their own body.

By reading and drawing the appropriate conclusions, you will quickly learn how to apply the acquired knowledge in practice, understand what you need for proper weight loss, you will see how my technique works, and you will be able to evaluate the result.

When I started this book, I assumed that there are people who are always hungry for knowledge, especially when it comes to matters of their own health. Therefore, setting out the material, I did not strive for brevity. I structured the book in such a way that if some sections seem too “abstruse” and difficult for you to understand, you can safely skip them and return to them later.

Don't let the special terms scare you. I will try not to use medical terminology as much as possible or to immediately explain the meaning of incomprehensible words. And I'm sure soon you will begin to understand everything as well as any doctor. But without a clear understanding of the essence of the processes taking place inside us, any therapeutic measure is more like philosophical discussions about the meaning of life: "It would be nice ..." After all, by completely simplifying the content, we will get a children's book from the series "I want to know everything" or "Dietology for Dummies ". I would not like to consider you a "teapot"! Although sometimes I will allow myself to deliberately repeat certain thoughts so that it is easier for you to remember the most important concepts and principles. The fact is that all the topics that we will discuss with you in the future are closely intertwined with each other, and, trying to pull out one thread, I will involuntarily have to pull others after it.

If you still have questions, and some topics are difficult to understand, you can always discuss them on the forum of my website: www.diet-clinic.ru. Thousands of people are already using this resource to find answers to their burning questions and in the hope of competently discussing the problem. Join us!

Many, having learned about the technique for the first time or accidentally got to my site, at the first cursory acquaintance often ask me: “What is your technique, is it such a diet?” or: “Is it necessary to take some pills?” No, not a diet, at least not what you used to call that word. And you don’t need to drink pills, even more so - “Thai pills”! To be honest, of course, it is desirable to take some drugs. But only such as, for example, vitamins, microelements. It is useful for everyone, even absolutely healthy people, and there is nothing special about it!

As for the “diet”, I will say this - I do not like this word.

Firstly, because for most it is associated with hunger and strict restrictions. And personally, for me, this word is associated with a thin book in a cheap cover and with excruciating disappointment in the end.

Secondly, I don’t like this word because most of the so-called “diets” were invented by people who have nothing to do with dietetics, and often medicine.

AND Thirdly, in my practice I have not yet met a person who would be completely cured of obesity, following only the “book diet”.

What I want to bring to your attention is not a diet in the usual sense. This whole complex technique. It includes not only certain rules for eating food, but also special (easy!) physical exercise. And, of course, the necessary medical support. Where are we, doctors, without it! By applying all these simple means and acting according to a certain scheme, you can achieve the same results that I have achieved, and then thousands of my patients.

Having developed the basics of this technique in due time, following them, I easily lost 50 kg in just six months and still, for many years, I have been calmly holding this weight.

I would really like that, using my example and the example of my patients, you realize the main thing: it is possible to lose weight! It's quite real! And not just to lose a few kilograms, which usually quickly return, but to lose weight significantly, to the physiological norm of a healthy person.

But in order to achieve a result, it is necessary to do everything right from the very beginning. But just about this - how to lose weight correctly (and why exactly, and not otherwise), I want to tell you in this book. I will try to help you compose your own individual program weight loss, suitable for you, I will help you understand the reason for weight gain in your case.

But for this we will have to start with the basics of nutrition as a science of proper nutrition. Admit it, you've always wondered how everything happens there, inside of us? What mechanisms make one person gain weight, and the other hopelessly lose weight. In this book, we will examine in an accessible form the processes and causes of the development of completeness. Literally "on the fingers" we will analyze narrow questions. After all, all efforts to get rid of excess weight without taking into account the etiology (reason) of its appearance lead only to miserable and repeated attempts to lose weight. And no more! As a result, many are in a constant hopeless struggle with the symptoms of the disease - with the overweight itself, but not with its causes. If you do not eliminate the root of the problem, then all attempts to get rid of it will be in vain. It's like constantly swallowing pills for a headache, not knowing why, in fact, it hurts: because of a banal increase in pressure or because of a tumor growing inside the head. But each case requires a different treatment.

Instead of once again going on this or that starvation diet, it is worth spending quite a bit of time and understanding the reasons for the development of fullness in your case. It is you!

Believe me, with my help it will not be so difficult! Let’s just agree right away - of course, I can’t lose weight for you!

“For myself” I have already lost weight and now I see my task only in showing you the correct and shortest path to this goal and warning you against possible errors. I have already walked this path myself. Now we can go through it together.

Sometimes even a chance meeting with a stranger or a book suddenly helps to cope with problems that previously seemed simply unsolvable. And right now and here I offer you such a meeting!

Yes, and you should not thoughtlessly use ready-made menus recommended in a particular magazine, tiredly counting the calories and weight of the food consumed. Agree - after all, if you evaluate the diet solely from this point of view, then plain water will be the best food for those trying to lose weight. But that's not our path, is it? We are thinking and civilized people! Why should we resort to such violence. We will go the other way - we will try to understand how our body works, how it assimilates various products and where the failure in its program occurs, leading to excess weight gain.

I have often observed how the lives of my patients change when they begin to feel their body, its work, and understand its true needs. This is a turning point in everyone's life! That is why, before you receive specific recommendations from me and begin to apply the principles of my methodology, I would like to try to figure out the mechanisms with you leading to obesity.

The only way!

From study to awareness, from awareness to action!

In conclusion, I want to cite the wise words once said by the director of the Institute of Nutrition Viktor Tutelyan. They very accurately and simply reflect the basic laws of nutrition: “We all want and dream of some kind of miracle, we want to be slim, beautiful, healthy. How to achieve this? There is a range of different hypotheses here. But nutrition, like any science, is based on laws that no one can break: neither rich nor poor, neither woman nor man, neither young nor old. And, unlike the laws of society, violation of the laws of nutritional science, the objective laws of nature, is punished mercilessly. This is either loss of health, or illness, or even death. And whether we want it or not, we must know these laws and abide by them.”

  • Medicines (officially marketed and traditionally used in the treatment of obesity)
  • Not all athletes do... this! (Sports metabolism stimulants - "fat burners")
  • "Today I'll hire plenty, and tomorrow I'll burn everything in the gym"? (On the role of physical activity)
  • Chapter 2 HARMFUL AND USEFUL PRODUCTS DO NOT EXIST (nutrition rules and mechanisms of influence on weight)
  • It all starts in childhood (dedicated to young parents)
  • Share breakfast with a friend, give lunch to an enemy, and eat dinner yourself.
  • Chapter 4 SO HOW DO YOU NEED TO LOSE WEIGHT? (Method of losing weight by Dr. Kovalkov)
  • Finish line. What weight should you aim for and when to stop
  • Forewarned is forearmed (How to prevent possible complications as a result of losing weight)
  • Our nutrients

    should be a remedy

    and our remedies

    must be food.



    How and with whom to lose weight Why lose weight The Hippocratic diet and the teachings of our ancestors Food prolongs or shortens our life Going beyond Classic excuses of fat people We do not lose weight for the sake of beauty and the opinions of others Get rid of accompanying sores Weight loss and money: how much finance can be saved by simply losing weight How expensive Is our extra weight costing us?

    The first thing I would like to do is to thank you for taking the time to study my methodology and for holding my new book in your hands. It helps not only to lose weight correctly, but also to avoid the "pitfalls" that often occur along the way.

    How this book differs from other "weight loss" publications

    I am a dietitian and have been working in the field of weight loss medicine for over 15 years. That only during this time I did not have to see! Among my patients are both beginners and those who “already know everything” about losing weight. These are pop stars, businessmen, executives and ordinary workers. However, they all share one common problem. They tried many times to lose weight, but for some reason they did not succeed. And although most of them are people who are strong enough in spirit, even they were unable to lose weight alone. Realizing that diets do not help, sooner or later they turned to me.

    I think you know a lot of people who write magazine articles and even books under the conditional name "How to lose weight correctly", although they themselves have not lost a single extra kilogram in their entire lives! Just like the trainer from the joke who taught to swim, but he was afraid of water. Such healers and even doctors can now be seen on TV screens and in newfangled clinics, often advertised on the radio.

    My patients sometimes tell me funny stories. Like, they come to the district clinic to the endocrinologist, who weighs no less than themselves. And this doctor begins to give them painfully familiar recommendations: "Move more and eat less." Sometimes he advises to "run away from a heart attack." And this despite the fact that some patients, due to being overweight, find it difficult to even tie their shoelaces…

    I don’t want to talk about various healers, masseurs, fitness trainers and “coders” who consider themselves advanced specialists in the field of weight loss. They trying to give advice, sometimes without even an elementary medical education. For example, I have watched more than once how a fitness trainer recommends “turning your head” to “develop” the cervical vertebrae, especially with osteochondrosis (which many people suffer from). But without consulting a doctor, doing this is very dangerous! The medical literature even describes the so-called “barber chair syndrome”, when the client is seated in this very chair and held for a long time with his head thrown back, and at the end of the procedures it is found that he “rested in the bose”. All such blunders cannot be listed ... Doctors are taught this, but not athletes. As Mikhail Zhvanetsky once said: “I, guys, are a coach from God, although I temporarily work in a vegetable store. You sit in the cellar, sort through the cabbage, and all the options, options in your head.

    Often, self-treatment is supported by amateur, excessively active medical workers and even doctors (if only they are really doctors), who give disinterested, but completely illiterate advice on the Internet.

    Such types appear from somewhere literally in batches and every single day they try to teach us about life from the TV screen or from the pages of a newfangled magazine. To be honest, I, as a doctor, look at this not only funny, but also disgusting.

    Given that we are surrounded by a sea of ​​pseudoscientific information and thousands of cloned useless diets, I decided to offer you my own method, which is based on scientific medicine and psychology. Without undue modesty, I will say that this technique managed to quickly win the attention of the thinking audience of our country. It helps to understand the very mechanism of getting rid of excess weight. After all, any activity will be more effective if we clearly understand why we perform certain actions, what is their result and mechanism. In a word - if you are determined to lose weight, then you cannot do without a clear idea of ​​​​what you are doing and why.


    The entire theory in this book could be summed up in one short sentence: "Don't eat bad food and you'll be healthy." However, a person is not a dog, it is not enough for him to say “fu”. It is still necessary to explain in detail - why, in fact, "fu" and how it will affect the entire metabolism of his beloved organism.

    I am sure that many of you have already tried more than once or twice to solve the problem of excess weight with the help of various methods of self-torture. As they say, "in their own skin" experienced the effects of all kinds of diets and even hunger strikes. And I even admit that some of you have achieved significant success. But then the weight for some reason invariably returned.

    The reason is that no diet teaches us about eating behavior. It is used for a short time and does not instill the skills of rational everyday nutrition. Any person from a huge variety of diets can choose the one that he likes and try to temporarily comply with it. But just temporarily! Because few people managed to get rid of nutritional stereotypes developed over the years, especially if the person is no longer young.

    The habit of familiar and favorite dishes and products from childhood has been developed over decades, and representatives of some peoples have had it for generations, almost at the genetic level.

    And then “suddenly” such a “smart” (sometimes very smart and stubborn) specialist (like me) appears who declares: “Until now, you have been eating wrong, but you have to eat 6 times a day and not at all what you accustomed to chewing each piece fifty times!” He would try to chew every bite like that! I would like to see what will become of his teeth in a few years. It is clear that no organism will accept such a dictatorial attitude.


    And our body is delicate and fragile. You can’t “break” him, you need to be able to negotiate with him! Hundreds or even thousands of people begin to eat like "as they should", and then many of them are convinced that the effect is the opposite. Kilograms quickly return, and even bring new diseases with them.

    Our nutrients

    should be a remedy

    and our remedies

    must be food.



    How and with whom to lose weight Why lose weight The Hippocratic diet and the teachings of our ancestors Food prolongs or shortens our life Going beyond Classic excuses of fat people We do not lose weight for the sake of beauty and the opinions of others Get rid of accompanying sores Weight loss and money: how much finance can be saved by simply losing weight How expensive Is our extra weight costing us?

    The first thing I would like to do is to thank you for taking the time to study my methodology and for holding my new book in your hands. It helps not only to lose weight correctly, but also to avoid the "pitfalls" that often occur along the way.

    How this book differs from other "weight loss" publications

    I am a dietitian and have been working in the field of weight loss medicine for over 15 years. That only during this time I did not have to see! Among my patients are both beginners and those who “already know everything” about losing weight. These are pop stars, businessmen, executives and ordinary workers. However, they all share one common problem. They tried many times to lose weight, but for some reason they did not succeed. And although most of them are people who are strong enough in spirit, even they were unable to lose weight alone. Realizing that diets do not help, sooner or later they turned to me.

    I think you know a lot of people who write magazine articles and even books under the conditional name "How to lose weight correctly", although they themselves have not lost a single extra kilogram in their entire lives! Just like the trainer from the joke who taught to swim, but he was afraid of water. Such healers and even doctors can now be seen on TV screens and in newfangled clinics, often advertised on the radio.

    My patients sometimes tell me funny stories. Like, they come to the district clinic to the endocrinologist, who weighs no less than themselves. And this doctor begins to give them painfully familiar recommendations: "Move more and eat less." Sometimes he advises to "run away from a heart attack." And this despite the fact that some patients, due to being overweight, find it difficult to even tie their shoelaces…

    I don’t want to talk about various healers, masseurs, fitness trainers and “coders” who consider themselves advanced specialists in the field of weight loss. They trying to give advice, sometimes without even an elementary medical education. For example, I have watched more than once how a fitness trainer recommends “turning your head” to “develop” the cervical vertebrae, especially with osteochondrosis (which many people suffer from). But without consulting a doctor, doing this is very dangerous! The medical literature even describes the so-called “barber chair syndrome”, when the client is seated in this very chair and held for a long time with his head thrown back, and at the end of the procedures it is found that he “rested in the bose”. All such blunders cannot be listed ... Doctors are taught this, but not athletes. As Mikhail Zhvanetsky once said: “I, guys, are a coach from God, although I temporarily work in a vegetable store. You sit in the cellar, sort through the cabbage, and all the options, options in your head.

    Often, self-treatment is supported by amateur, excessively active medical workers and even doctors (if only they are really doctors), who give disinterested, but completely illiterate advice on the Internet.

    Such types appear from somewhere literally in batches and every single day they try to teach us about life from the TV screen or from the pages of a newfangled magazine. To be honest, I, as a doctor, look at this not only funny, but also disgusting.

    Given that we are surrounded by a sea of ​​pseudoscientific information and thousands of cloned useless diets, I decided to offer you my own method, which is based on scientific medicine and psychology. Without undue modesty, I will say that this technique managed to quickly win the attention of the thinking audience of our country. It helps to understand the very mechanism of getting rid of excess weight. After all, any activity will be more effective if we clearly understand why we perform certain actions, what is their result and mechanism. In a word - if you are determined to lose weight, then you cannot do without a clear idea of ​​​​what you are doing and why.

    The entire theory in this book could be summed up in one short sentence: "Don't eat bad food and you'll be healthy." However, a person is not a dog, it is not enough for him to say “fu”. It is still necessary to explain in detail - why, in fact, "fu" and how it will affect the entire metabolism of his beloved organism.

    I am sure that many of you have already tried more than once or twice to solve the problem of excess weight with the help of various methods of self-torture. As they say, "in their own skin" experienced the effects of all kinds of diets and even hunger strikes. And I even admit that some of you have achieved significant success. But then the weight for some reason invariably returned.

    The reason is that no diet teaches us about eating behavior. It is used for a short time and does not instill the skills of rational everyday nutrition. Any person from a huge variety of diets can choose the one that he likes and try to temporarily comply with it. But just temporarily! Because few people managed to get rid of nutritional stereotypes developed over the years, especially if the person is no longer young.

    The habit of familiar and favorite dishes and products from childhood has been developed over decades, and representatives of some peoples have had it for generations, almost at the genetic level.

    And then “suddenly” such a “smart” (sometimes very smart and stubborn) specialist (like me) appears who declares: “Until now, you have been eating wrong, but you have to eat 6 times a day and not at all what you accustomed to chewing each piece fifty times!” He would try to chew every bite like that! I would like to see what will become of his teeth in a few years. It is clear that no organism will accept such a dictatorial attitude.

    And our body is delicate and fragile. You can’t “break” him, you need to be able to negotiate with him! Hundreds or even thousands of people begin to eat like "as they should", and then many of them are convinced that the effect is the opposite. Kilograms quickly return, and even bring new diseases with them.

    “We wanted the best, but it turned out - as always!” And this is quite logical. After all, no one will tolerate violence against themselves! Your brain, your subconscious mind is constantly striving for your usual food. And the body, as a zealous owner, "stunned" by the changes, "scared" by restrictions, will probably try to gain 5-6 extra pounds "in reserve" later. AND the “stricter” your diet is, the more kilograms will return to you after its termination.

    Thus, wanting to lose weight, people end up only gaining extra pounds! For the sake of curiosity, go to any women's forum on the Internet - there you will meet almost crowds of women who are constantly “sitting” on different diets. Having got rid of a few kilograms at the cost of painful restrictions, in the blink of an eye they again gain what they have lost, and even with a “makeweight”. Then they sit down on a new diet, and then another. And this race for harmony has no end.

    Some people walk in this vicious circle for decades, and every year their condition and appearance only worsen. I'm not even talking about mental disorders. From chronic bullying, the body seems to go a little crazy and generally refuses to respond to such dietary fanaticism.

    Any prohibition (and a diet is primarily a prohibition), any restrictions unconsciously turn on our psycho-physiological protection. It can manifest itself as irritability and even aggression, and, on the contrary, self-doubt and depression.

    By the way, there is a great anecdote on this topic:

    The doctor says to the patient:

    – You must immediately lose weight, go on a strict diet. That is, eat only lean meat, give up sweets, bakery products, no alcohol, cigarettes, coffee, reduce sexual contacts to a minimum ... Yes, and most importantly - enjoy life more, my dear!

    I think any experienced married woman knows that if a spouse comes home from work angry, he needs to be fed urgently! And soon you will see your beloved in its former form - gentle and kind, ready for anything for you. My wife learned this lesson a long time ago.

    By the way, the human body is very multifaceted, and it can react differently to the “struggle” with being overweight.

    Some people, if they happen to get fat, for example, after childbirth, illness, or, as it is now fashionable to say, “because of nerves,” they quickly and easily drive off excess and live happily ever after. Others can hopelessly fight with hated kilograms for years. And only a few of them, at the cost of severe restrictions and incessant physical exertion, manage to maintain an acceptable shape. Remember the pictures from the school physics textbook illustrating stable and unstable equilibrium? In one illustration, the ball rests steadily in the hole, and in the other, it barely balances on the hill: blow - roll down. The same thing happens with our body. For one, the “harmonious” state is stable, but for the other it is not.(the “full” state is stable for it). Well, what can you do? And then, as luck would have it, every week there are more and more express diets. Many women hang these instructions on the wall and almost pray to them, convincing others of the exceptional effectiveness of this particular diet or technique. Probably, in order for “it” to work, “it” must be sacredly believed in!

    I know that, unfortunately, almost all of these “helping!!! trendy diets" come up with people who have nothing to do with medical science. This is obvious to any nutritionist! All of them are compiled without taking into account the work of the digestive system and the individual characteristics of a particular person: gender, age, body type, nature of work and, finally, place of residence. For example, vegetarianism is well tolerated only by those peoples who traditionally live in the central part of Russia. Siberians begin to get sick from a lack of animal protein, because it is a source of essential amino acids, without which we cannot survive.

    One story that I read in the Times Online is very indicative in this respect: a 12-year-old Scot, put by her parents on a strict vegetarian diet, ended up in the hospital with a severe impairment of bone tissue development. Her spine was like that of an 80-year-old woman. The poor girl's parents excluded meat and dairy products from her diet from birth. Due to the lack of vitamin D found in the liver, fish and dairy products, the child developed a severe form of rickets with bone degeneration, and as a result, a tendency to fractures and curvature of the spine. The girl's doctor, Faisal Ahmed, from the Royal Hospital for Sick Children in Glasgow, declined to comment on the case, noting only the deadly danger of a strict vegetarian diet for children's health. Social workers are now deciding whether child abuse has taken place here, and I would advise other parents not to conduct such experiments on their children. Even if you firmly believe in the correctness of this or that idea.

    But let's get back to our penates. We sometimes mock ourselves worse than these Scots parents. Our whole life is already filled with limitations, and we, like inveterate masochists, continue to seek out more and more difficulties for ourselves.

    Nothing happens without effort. BUT!
    The book is very motivating. I'll try to convey the feeling))
    First, the personality of the doctor himself always matters. After reading the book, there is no doubt that a real professional wrote. He also seemed like a kind person to me. loving people and your work. And people feel it.
    In addition, he himself once suffered from excess weight, so he knows about the problems firsthand (well, for example, about how difficult fat man tie shoelaces, etc., etc.).
    I cannot but note that the author is often invited to various programs. His comments are always smart, interesting and memorable. That is how I drew attention to him and always listened to him with pleasure. And when the book came out, I almost certainly knew that it would be useful reading. And I wasn't wrong.)

    This book is both a motivator and an educational program on proper nutrition. In general, this information should be given at school as the basis for survival in the modern world.
    In addition to the usefulness / harmfulness of products, you begin to better understand yourself, the processes in the body. For example, why there is an untimely feeling of hunger, when, it seems, you just recently ate. You will find out what foods and vitamins can help a person who is losing weight get off carbohydrate addiction, while not suffering from very severe uncontrollable bouts of hunger. Etc.
    It is clear that the foundations of nutrition are laid in childhood, and perhaps if our parents knew a little more about proper nutrition, in adult life we ​​would not have to literally learn the basics of nutrition. For example, with what foods are vitamins better absorbed? What sweet should not be taught to a child, and what should be given to school almost every day? Is stress eating worth it? Is the feeling of hunger always evidence that the body is really hungry or are there some other reasons? What vitamins can help your body in losing weight, if you combine them with physical activity (for example, a walk)? Where and how are fats burned? In general, there are many questions, the doctor generously shares his advice in his book, explaining in detail the causes, effects, sometimes repeating for better absorption.

    What is important: a good theory is the basis of success. Having mastered the theory, you begin to understand yourself and your body better, the level of self-reflection increases. And, as a result, it becomes easier to control yourself when you know what is coming from where. Well, for example: "Why am I so hungry long before dinner? Was it worth eating a banana with tea in the morning?"

    Often we hear statements like "to lose weight, just shut your mouth." Or "dance for breakfast, dance for lunch, dance for dinner - that's the whole secret." This book is NOT about that. The doctor nowhere calls to starve. There is a must, but right! This is a book about understanding the difficulties of losing weight, about the fact that it would be nice to have support in the family. About a set of measures necessary to improve the quality of life by losing weight in the most comfortable way (as far as possible in modern conditions). Efforts are needed, it doesn’t happen without it, but following the recommendations will help to avoid common mistakes. And most importantly, it will allow you to keep the achieved result, because just losing weight is not enough. The result must be maintained. But without bullying yourself. And through the understanding of what is happening and good habit to self-control.
    And yes, no food by the TV! :) Otherwise, you just don't notice what you just ate.

    Now about whether this diet is suitable for everyone? (You can’t even call it a diet. It’s a way of life).
    The book gives the basics, but each person's body is unique. Not everyone, say, will fit bran. This is for a healthy stomach. You need to know what to replace.
    Or, let's say, someone may begin to have a strong slagging, because this must be controlled. In general, if health does not really allow experiments on oneself, then the book should be considered as a source of information that is very useful and necessary for understanding the processes in the body. And in certain cases, it is better to lose weight with specialists, to control your well-being !!! There are analyzes and individual consultations. But specialists are also different, they should be chosen according to recommendations.

    I read different reviews. Most appreciated this book. And with those who write that there is nothing new in the book, that everything has been known for so long, I cannot fully agree, this is not entirely true. The doctor himself emphasizes that much is known and open before him (in general, such an honest and open attitude towards the reader is very pleasant). But all this must be found, accumulated, filed, explained, motivated - it is worth a lot. In addition, I am sure that in the book everyone will find something for themselves that they did not know before. Because science does not stand still, and the book was written by a person who constantly improves his skill level, continues to study, being interested in the latest trends.

    Self-understanding, love and attention to yourself, GRADUAL transition to healthy lifestyle life (rather than a weekly fast diet, after which the weight returns) - these are the foundations that are laid in the book. Without sharp jerks, calmly, because we love ourselves, why do we need extra stress :)

    In my opinion, this is the case when " book is the best gift": will be useful to everyone and indicates that you not only verbally wish health to the recipient :)

    It turned out a little chaotic, but from the heart) And I have the results: I managed to lose weight on my own, now I keep the weight off. Then I will move on.

    By the way, the doctor, for obvious reasons, does not recommend any specific companies selling vitamins and bioadditives in the book: life does not stand still, products can change. But much that is used in his clinic for his patients, I found on the author's website.

    As for the electronic version of the book, I personally do not really like to read from the screen. In addition, you periodically return to the book to refresh some points in your memory, to clarify information. So, it is worth getting your own paper copy if you seriously decide to get down to business.
    Lose weight for health, with mood! And success to all of us!

    Alexey Vladimirovich Kovalkov

    Methodology of Dr. Kovalkov. Victory over weight

    Our nutrients

    should be a remedy

    and our remedies

    must be food.



    How and with whom to lose weight Why lose weight The Hippocratic diet and the teachings of our ancestors Food prolongs or shortens our life Going beyond Classic excuses of fat people We do not lose weight for the sake of beauty and the opinions of others Get rid of accompanying sores Weight loss and money: how much finance can be saved by simply losing weight How expensive Is our extra weight costing us?

    The first thing I would like to do is to thank you for taking the time to study my methodology and for holding my new book in your hands. It helps not only to lose weight correctly, but also to avoid the "pitfalls" that often occur along the way.

    How this book differs from other "weight loss" publications

    I am a dietitian and have been working in the field of weight loss medicine for over 15 years. That only during this time I did not have to see! Among my patients are both beginners and those who “already know everything” about losing weight. These are pop stars, businessmen, executives and ordinary workers. However, they all share one common problem. They tried many times to lose weight, but for some reason they did not succeed. And although most of them are people who are strong enough in spirit, even they were unable to lose weight alone. Realizing that diets do not help, sooner or later they turned to me.

    I think you know a lot of people who write magazine articles and even books under the conditional name "How to lose weight correctly", although they themselves have not lost a single extra kilogram in their entire lives! Just like the trainer from the joke who taught to swim, but he was afraid of water. Such healers and even doctors can now be seen on TV screens and in newfangled clinics, often advertised on the radio.

    My patients sometimes tell me funny stories. Like, they come to the district clinic to the endocrinologist, who weighs no less than themselves. And this doctor begins to give them painfully familiar recommendations: "Move more and eat less." Sometimes he advises to "run away from a heart attack." And this despite the fact that some patients, due to being overweight, find it difficult to even tie their shoelaces…

    I don’t want to talk about various healers, masseurs, fitness trainers and “coders” who consider themselves advanced specialists in the field of weight loss. They trying to give advice, sometimes without even an elementary medical education. For example, I have watched more than once how a fitness trainer recommends “turning your head” to “develop” the cervical vertebrae, especially with osteochondrosis (which many people suffer from). But without consulting a doctor, doing this is very dangerous! The medical literature even describes the so-called “barber chair syndrome”, when the client is seated in this very chair and held for a long time with his head thrown back, and at the end of the procedures it is found that he “rested in the bose”. All such blunders cannot be listed ... Doctors are taught this, but not athletes. As Mikhail Zhvanetsky once said: “I, guys, are a coach from God, although I temporarily work in a vegetable store. You sit in the cellar, sort through the cabbage, and all the options, options in your head.

    Often, self-treatment is supported by amateur, excessively active medical workers and even doctors (if only they are really doctors), who give disinterested, but completely illiterate advice on the Internet.

    Such types appear from somewhere literally in batches and every single day they try to teach us about life from the TV screen or from the pages of a newfangled magazine. To be honest, I, as a doctor, look at this not only funny, but also disgusting.

    Given that we are surrounded by a sea of ​​pseudoscientific information and thousands of cloned useless diets, I decided to offer you my own method, which is based on scientific medicine and psychology. Without undue modesty, I will say that this technique managed to quickly win the attention of the thinking audience of our country. It helps to understand the very mechanism of getting rid of excess weight. After all, any activity will be more effective if we clearly understand why we perform certain actions, what is their result and mechanism. In a word - if you are determined to lose weight, then you cannot do without a clear idea of ​​​​what you are doing and why.

    The entire theory in this book could be summed up in one short sentence: "Don't eat bad food and you'll be healthy." However, a person is not a dog, it is not enough for him to say “fu”. It is still necessary to explain in detail - why, in fact, "fu" and how it will affect the entire metabolism of his beloved organism.