Vegetable crops names. Skating

Skiing in the Altai region, and especially in Barnaul, is gaining more and more popularity. Thousands of people go to the Health Track every weekend. Often they make mistakes, due to which skating turns from a recreational walk into a painful process. Boris Glumov, president of the Federation of Ski Racing of the Altai Territory, director of the Champion store, told how to avoid mistakes and get not only benefit, but also pleasure from skiing.

Oleg Bogdanov, website

How to dress?

Walks and ski training pass on fresh air on snow, mostly at sub-zero temperatures. Therefore, to feel comfortable, you need to dress properly. When preparing for a ski trip in the forest, you need to follow a few rules.

1. The suit should not be a ski suit, it is too thick and warm for ski trips. It will immediately be hot and uncomfortable. At the same time, the suit should not be too cold. Need for a ski trip dress for the weather and take into account the speed of your movement: the more intense the load and the higher the speed you choose for yourself, the lighter the clothes should be.

2. For those who are serious about skiing, there are a large number of special suits. Their cost starts from 3 thousand rubles. The most popular of them are from the so-called windstopper fabric, which already contains the necessary three layers. In addition, it is lightweight, durable and warm. Due to this, a person feels quite comfortable.

3. If you do not have a special suit, the main thing when preparing for a ski trip is follow the rules: there must be a windproof fabric on top, inside are pants and a jacket on fleece, under them thermal underwear. If it's cold outside, you can additionally wear a vest. A light windproof jacket on a synthetic winterizer is also suitable.

4. You need to put on your head sports cap. It is more convenient and comfortable than, say, a hat with earflaps. Hats are very light, there are insulated - you need to choose according to the weather.

5. In last years very popular ski sports bandanas-pipes, which cover the throat, can also protect the face from the wind; in uncomfortable weather, it can be pulled over a hat. They cost from 200 rubles.

6. Mittens or gloves- also an important part of the skier's wardrobe. In sports stores you can buy special ski gloves, but their cost is quite high - it starts from 1 thousand rubles.

7. Modern ski boots warm enough, inside they have a special material that allows the boots to keep warm, so you do not need to wear two socks. Also no need to wear wool socks. There should be an air gap between the foot and the shoes to keep warm, the shoes should not compress the foot, otherwise the blood circulation will be worse, which means the feet will freeze faster.

Boris Glumov,
President of the Ski Racing Federation of the Altai Territory:

Skiing takes place in the fresh air, which we always miss. When skiing, all muscle groups are involved: legs, arms, the entire upper shoulder girdle. In terms of health, skiing is much more comfortable than many other sports, such as running, where the load on the joints is much higher. Many of those who are not healthy enough to run ski easily. They give a more gentle load on the motor apparatus.

"Classic" or "horse"?

When choosing between classic or skating, there are several features to consider.

According to Boris Glumov, there is no big difference between the "skate" and the "classic". And in that, and in another form there is a reliance on one leg, rolling, work of hands. In Russia, skating is much more popular than the classic one, while in Europe it is the other way around.

Skating appeared only in the 80s. Now its popularity is due to the improved quality of inventory. The “skate” allows you to develop high speeds, but the “classic” is healthier, it is a more natural move, with such skating the body does not turn around its axis.

IN skating apply slip ointment- these are paraffins, powders, powders, emulsions. They are applied to the entire surface of the skis, then the paraffin is carefully removed. (It is not paraffin that helps to roll, but the microlayer that is created between the skis and the snow surface.) In order to do this at home, you need special equipment: a machine, an iron, several brushes and a supply of paraffin - all this will cost about 15 thousand rubles. You can process skis both in shops and in special services. This treatment is enough for several walks. It costs about 300 rubles.

At classic course use holding ointment. Such an ointment prevents slipping and prevents the skis from rolling back. To properly smear skis with it, you need to step back 15–30 cm from the toe of the boot and smear the skis to the “heel”. For beginners there plastic skis with special notches that prevent rolling back.

How to choose skis?

When choosing skis, you need to focus on your weight and height. The parameters for which skis are suitable are indicated on the label. It is also important what style you ride.

For the classic move

  • Skis for the "classics" should be 25-35 cm taller than the skier (pictured). Previously, this value was measured by the arm extended upwards. Now it is believed that skis should be slightly shorter than this indicator. If you take skis shorter, then it will be more convenient to turn, if longer, then they will roll better. But the maximum ski length is 207 cm.
  • The ski in the block part has a deflection, which, when repulsed, should straighten out and come into contact with the snow. Therefore, in the "classic" you need to be more subtle in choosing skis.
  • Sticks under classic move should be on the shoulder.

For skating

  • Skis for skating must be 15–20 cm taller. The longest skis for skating are 197 cm.
  • In the "skate" skis should be a little stiffer.
  • Sticks for such skis should be longer - up to the nose.
  • Boots for skating are higher than for classic. They must fix the leg during movement.

What to take?

For a long walk, more than 10 km, it is advisable to take with you hot tea with sugar, biscuits. You can put them in a backpack or a special bag that is worn on the belt.

Now marathons are becoming popular. For such long distances recommended to take with you second cap. To raise the tone at a distance, you can dissolve ascorbic acid with glucose, have a bite of salty lard with bread. This will immediately help to improve the condition and add energy.

What weather to ride?

The air temperature is considered comfortable for skiing. up to -20 degrees. Temperatures below this value are no longer so comfortable for walking, besides, skis go worse. Skis glide best in a little frost- from 5 to 12 degrees below zero. Very good glide occurs after a thaw, the skis are carried very quickly, but stability deteriorates. Glide can change with the weather every 15-30 minutes.

The most comfortable time for skiing - spring. During the thaw, the snow begins to melt first of all in the city. In the forest, it lasts much longer. In Norway, Sweden, Finland, they mostly ride just in such weather.

Boris Maidanik

Biathlon - a modern winter biathlon - is a cross-country skiing with a weapon over a set distance and shooting at targets from a standing position and lying on the firing lines. A specific feature of biathlon lies in the complex combination in one competition of various physiological effects on the body of sports - ski race and shooting. Biathlon has emerged as a result of competitions related to skiing and shooting, held for many years in our country and abroad.

In 1957 international union modern pentathlon approved an independent sport - biathlon. The first official biathlon championship of the USSR was held in the same year on the Uktusskiye Gory in Sverdlovsk. Since then, national championships have been held annually. In 1958, biathletes held the first world championship. Biathlon's birthday was officially proclaimed on March 2, 1958 at the first World Championships in Austria. Currently biathlon is cultivated in 57 countries.

In the USSR were well developed winter views sports: skating, skiing, figure skating, ski jumping. With the collapse of the country, all these sports fell into decay. Today in Russia there is not a single decent ice rink and for the last 6 years the Russian championship in speed skating held in Germany. Refrigerators fail and ice palaces fall into disrepair, as happened with our Palace of Sports of Trade Unions.

But with biathlon the opposite is true. If during the Soviet Union there was only one decent base in Russia - in Sverdlovsk, now biathlon stadiums have been built in Izhevsk, Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk and so on. And the best biathlon stadium in the world was built in the city of Khanty-Mansiysk (well, how can one not remember Zadornov).

The fight must be fair

Figure skating is lucky. Estimates depend only on the subjective opinion of the judges and the scandals that constantly flare up because of this constantly stir up interest in this sport.

But biathlon - technical view sports and the subjective opinion of the judges is reduced to zero. All judging is carried out on electronics - electronic start, photo finish. In terms of judging, biathlon is generally a special sport - regardless of the number of participants, at least 50 judges are required, and each of them fixes his own special situation. One counts the number of hits on the targets, the other counts the penalties, the third releases the athletes at the start, the fourth fixes the athletes at the finish line. So it is rather difficult to distort the results.

Now they shoot from small-caliber weapons at mechanical targets from a distance of 50 meters. Hit - the target fell. But before they shot from a distance of 150 meters from a combat one. Such any mechanism will spoil, therefore, inflated football cameras were used for targets. The cameras were inflated and inserted into slots on the shield. There were a lot of tricks here. The diameter of the inflated chamber was to be 32 centimeters. So, outwardly, he met the requirements, and from behind they inflated it almost to 60. And even if the participant does not fall into the slot, the bullet will pierce the shield and the camera will burst. Or a soldier from behind pierces the camera on command from the firing line. And how many times was it when his athlete runs through the fifth shield, and the soldier misunderstood the command and pierces on the seventh.

Now it is becoming technically more and more difficult, rather we can talk about dirty tricks to each other. One such incident occurred in the late 80s at a competition in Leningrad. An athlete runs to the firing line, fires 8 shots - all 5 targets are in place. He runs to another line - and again all 8 shots miss. During the change of stages, the judges had time to inspect the targets - and they were watered with water and froze. The competition had to be stopped.

It happens that an athlete was inattentive to his weapon, left it after shooting at the firing line. The enemy approached, moved the front sight by a fraction of a millimeter - and all the bullets fly into the "milk". Or the athlete prepared the skis, but he was smeared with what he didn’t need and he loses precious seconds on the track. But this rarely happens, because such nits are quickly detected.

And sometimes during the competition there are quite unusual cases. Skiers started at our Dynamo base. They ran out into the distance and disappeared. Not a single one showed up at the firing line. They already wanted to sound the alarm, but soon they returned to the start in a friendly crowd. It turns out that the moose did not let them into the shooting range. It was fenced with barbed wire, and in the passage an elk caught on it. The head of the distance crept up to him with wire cutters, began to cut the wire. The elk kicked at first, but then he realized that they wanted to free him and calmed down. Soon he was free, but the competition that day fell through.

Each case has its own specifics

We are used to shooting at the shooting range. Calmly, holding your breath, taking your time to aim. But the biathlete shoots with a pulse of about 180 beats per minute. If he aims for a long time, then the pulse calms down, the heart, with rare beats, begins to shake the whole body and the rifle jumps. With a high heart rate, the rifle jumps less, especially when shooting while standing.

And here is another specificity, or rather, even a phenomenon that has been verified by many years of meetings with German colleagues. If in the relay race they go ahead of us, then they shoot “excellently” at the firing line, but if they lose at least a little to ours in the relay race, then they immediately begin to smear when shooting.

At one time, the famous Sergey Chepikov switched to pure skiing and ran for the Russian national team for 6 years, but did not show any special results. He returned to biathlon - and for 3 seasons he has been the best biathlete in the country. Why? Although there are skis here and there, but it’s completely different types sport with various groups muscles. For a skier, the most important thing is to run the distance in the minimum time. The biathlete ran - stopped, started shooting. At this point, completely different muscles are working. Then he spurted, made a jerk, stopped again, and fired. That is, a stop, on average, every 3 kilometers. Moreover, the whole distance you have to drag the rifle.

About skiing and more

Modern Sports Equipment These are technically very complex things. Unfortunately, biathlon sports equipment is not produced in our country, with the exception of rifles. And the rifles are not the same as before. At one time, Izhevsk rifles were the best in the world. Now we have to buy barrels in Germany and put them on our rifles.

Tough ammo situation. Previously, our enterprises worked for a warehouse and it was possible to buy any quantity. Now cartridges are made to order and in large quantities, so you have to buy in Finland. The requirements for the barrel and cartridges are very strict. When shooting in the machine at 50 meters, the spread should be less than the nail of the little finger. Indeed, at the firing line, the athlete must hit 5 targets with a diameter of 4 centimeters in a minimum of time.

Real cross-country skis in our country are not produced at all. It is very difficult to make them, and not everything works out even for the leaders who produce special skis under numbers for the world's leading skiers. So even in this case, out of 20 pairs of numbered skis, one works. Now biathletes high level they bring 10-15 pairs of skis with them to competitions. And not because. they are so greedy. Some skis work well on wet snow, others on dry, and there is also a dependence on air temperature, snow fractions, and so on.

To grease and prepare all skis there is a group of servicers. On last championship world was 10 athletes and 15 servicers. But here the guys worked to the highest standard. Indeed, for each athlete it is necessary to prepare at least 10 pairs of skis, and at least half an hour is spent on each pair. Skis need to be lubricated and run in - at different temperatures, in the sun and in the shade, to see how they work on the descent and on the ascent. The servicers started to prepare the skis at 4 o'clock in the morning. From each pair, the old paraffin was removed, the skis were prepared, a new one was applied, then covered with special powders that accelerate the glide even more.

But even experienced servicers cannot foresee everything. Spring is now. In the morning, when the skis are ready, the temperature is -10. While the shooting and other preparations are underway, the temperature has risen to -2, and this is a completely different snow structure.

Food - here and there

It is only between competitions that the coach is responsible for sports training. But before the competition and during it, he is still fully responsible for the fact that the athlete ate and drank. And despite the fact that in world-class competitions, as it was in Oberhof, not only athletic facilities, but also the catering department, the doctor of our team checks the food on himself before the athletes eat it.

An athlete in competition should not digest heavy food, he should digest kilometers. For example, beef is allowed in any form. But pork langets and escalopes are prohibited - only in the form of ham in appetizers. The athlete should consume as many juices and fruits as possible. Before competitions and during their participants are fed with caviar. Although expensive, it is one of the components that athletes desperately need.

But all this is only during the competition, and biathletes eat like all ordinary people. Another thing is that athletes have to periodically come to the training camp. And then adapt to the peculiarities of the local cuisine. Sverdlovsk biathletes recently returned from France. And the director of the Dynamo stadium, Vladimir Roshchin, who traveled with them, said: “They cooked so disgustingly that after that I understood why the French eat frogs. In every national cuisine there are nutritional features that are not very suitable for us. We have repeatedly asked their chefs to make us soup with meat broth, but they refused. For them, the broth can only be vegetable. They served us a dish called "Russian soup" - they cook vegetable stew, and then chop up carbonade and necks there.

Shortly before departure, they made a rabbit for us. When we started to eat, we could not understand. what is it until they get to the bones. After that, we said that we would cook the rabbit ourselves and left one trainer. Under his direction, such a roast was cooked that all the French in the hotel asked only for him. Only in this way have we been able to eat properly for the last 4 days.”

These are edible fruits and greens of plants. They are based on carbohydrates, and there are practically no proteins and fats in them. At the same time, there are many biologically active substances - vitamins, organic acids, fiber, pectins. Vegetables should be consumed regularly: according to the “healthy plate” model, they should make up a quarter of all foods eaten per day. When planning a diet, it is advisable to take into account not only your preferences, but also the recommendations of nutritionists - try to eat more colorful foods.

The color of vegetables comes from phytonutrients, which also protect against various diseases.

  • Red vegetables are a source of beta-carotene, lycopene, vitamin C. They prevent the development of cancer and heart disease, and heal the digestive system.
  • Greens are a storehouse of vitamins, A, C, K, folic acid, chlorophyll, lutein, calcium. They should be eaten to reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood, normalize blood pressure, strengthen teeth and bones, and maintain vision.
  • Orange - contain beta-cryptoxanthin and beta-carotene, which are beneficial for health respiratory system, skin, eyes.
  • Blue and purple are rich sources of anthocyanins and resveratrol, which are anti-inflammatory and anti-aging.
  • White - a source of sulfur, allicin, quercetin, and they help control weight, pressure, have anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties.


English arrowroot - starch flour
It is a starch made from arrowroot, a tropical plant. South America. Arrowroot is also grown on the Fiji Islands and in Brazil. The tubers of the plant are used as the raw material for the production of arrowroot. At the same time, dried arrowroot rhizomes are used, which are ground into flour.


In scientific classification it represents Solanaceae family and in this sense, it can be called a relative of potatoes, tomatoes, capsicum, tobacco, but, besides this, also - the "brother" of poisonous dope and henbane. The culinary fate of this vegetable culture was difficult. As a food product, eggplant in Europe became interesting only with 19th century. Before that, it was not appreciated and was even considered the cause of some mental disorders. Over time, thanks to the discovery of a number of useful properties, eggplant became interesting not only to cooks, but also to doctors.


This vegetable has a lot of names, including: gombo, okra and ladies' fingers. If you hear this name, it means that we are talking about okra - a rather valuable vegetable crop that belongs to the Malvov family. Nothing is known about the homeland of this plant, but it is widely distributed in Africa, North America, India and the tropics. Some call her homeland West Africa, others - India. This is due to the fact that a wide variety of varieties and types of okra grows in these places.

Sweet potato

Herbaceous liana with long (1-5 m) creeping stems-whips rooting at the nodes. The height of the bush is 15-18 cm. Sweet potato leaves are heart-shaped or palmate-lobed, on long petioles. The flowers sit in the axils of the leaves; corolla large, funnel-shaped, pink, pale lilac or white. Many varieties do not bloom. Cross-pollination, mainly by bees. The fruit is a 4-seed box; seeds are black or brown, 3.5-4.5 mm in diameter. The lateral roots of sweet potatoes thicken strongly and form tubers with white, orange, pink or red edible pulp. One sweet potato tuber weighs from 200 g to 3 kg.


Rutabaga is a biennial plant of the cabbage family, producing high yields. It turned out from crossing turnips and white cabbage. Some researchers believe that the swede was bred in the Mediterranean region. The root is round or oval, similar in appearance to a turnip, but somewhat larger, its flesh is yellow, orange or white, covered with a green-gray or red-violet skin.

Daikon (Japanese radish)

Daikon has larger roots than radish - from 2 to 4 kg. They have high taste qualities: more juicy, tender, without a sharp rare taste, they are perfectly stored all winter. Daikon can be eaten fresh, boiled and salted.

vegetable marrow

Zucchini got from Central America to Europe in the 16th century, but the inhabitants of the Old World tasted its fruits only two centuries later, when this plant was no longer perceived solely as an ornamental. Since then, the zucchini has gradually begun to win back its place in the fields and gardens. Today it is grown in almost all households. Zucchini (and its variety of zucchini) are fried, steamed, pickled and preserved for the winter. The people appreciated the diuretic properties of this product, the ability to restore salt metabolism, remove toxins and "bad" cholesterol. But serious scientific research on zucchini is just beginning, opening up several promising directions.


Buds of a herbaceous or shrubby plant of the species Capparis spinosa of the caper family, common in arid regions of the Mediterranean, Asia, India, North Africa, North America. In Dagestan, wild-growing types of capers are used. Capers are also common in the Caucasus and Crimea, where they grow on barren shale rocks from Alushta to Sudak and Feodosia.

white cabbage

The "commonness" and prevalence of white cabbage in our gardens gives the impression of the uselessness of this vegetable in promoting health. Only the importance of cabbage in dietetics and weight loss programs seems indisputable, due to its low calorie content and abundance of fiber. Meanwhile, the substances contained in cabbage significantly reduce the risk of bowel cancer, prevent the development of atherosclerosis, relieve the effects of radiation exposure and therapeutically affect a number of other body systems.


An annual vegetable plant of the cabbage family. The most common variety of broccoli has dark green sprouts of densely packed buds and thick, juicy stalks. It resembles cauliflower, but only the head is green or purple. In German, "brown kopf" is a brown (brown) head. Outwardly, broccoli looks like an elegant green flower. For food in broccoli, the central head and heads of lateral shoots are used, cut off with the tender part of the stem.

Brussels sprouts

It was bred from leafy cabbage by vegetable growers in Belgium, from where it penetrated into France, Germany and Holland. Carl Linnaeus was the first to scientifically describe cabbage and named it Brussels sprout in honor of the Belgian gardeners from Brussels. It appeared in Russia in the middle of the 19th century, but did not receive distribution due to harsh climatic conditions. Brussels sprouts are widely cultivated in Western Europe (especially in the UK), the USA and Canada. In Russia, it is cultivated in limited quantities, mainly in the central regions.
Light green leafy sprouts located in the axils of the leaves on the stem of the plant are used for food. The taste of Brussels sprouts is sweetish-nutty, not like the taste of cabbage. It is best to choose bright green, strong, dense and small heads of cabbage - large ones can be bitter.

kohlrabi cabbage

It is a so-called stem crop. The core of this fruit is tender and juicy, very tasty, somewhat reminiscent of a cabbage stump. Northern Europe is considered the homeland of kohlrabi. The name translated from German is interpreted as "cabbage turnip". The first mention of kohlrabi cabbage was recorded in 1554, and literally a century later, kohlrabi spread throughout almost all of Europe, right up to the Mediterranean.

red cabbage

It is a kind of white cabbage. It has bluish-violet, sometimes with a purple tinge, leaves, the specific color of which is already visible in the seedlings. The presence of this color is due to the increased content of a special substance - anthocyanin. Red cabbage is late ripening and does not have early ripening varieties. The period of growth and development lasts up to 160 days. Early varieties of red cabbage are quite cold-resistant and not as demanding on climate and soil as varieties of white cabbage, but later ones are quite capricious.

pak choi

It is one of the oldest Chinese vegetable crops. To date, she has gained great popularity in Asia and every day more and more gains new fans in Europe. Pak-choi cabbage is a close relative of Beijing cabbage, but differs from it in appearance, biologically, and also in economic qualities.


(also known as "salad" cabbage)
In China, this variety was cultivated and selected as early as the fifth century AD, after which it gained rapid popularity in Japan, Korea, and Southeast Asia. In Europe and the USA, Beijing cabbage has received wide popularity relatively recently. The second name of the “Peking”, under which it can be found, is “Petsai”.

romanesco cabbage

ital. romanesco- Roman cabbage
It is the result of breeding experiments on crossing cauliflower and broccoli. The plant is annual, heat-loving, requires alkaline top dressing and moderate watering. Only the head of cabbage is used for food, which consists of light green inflorescences in the form of a fractal spiral. Moreover, each bud consists of similar buds forming a spiral. Cabbage belongs to dietary and easily digestible products.

Savoy cabbage

It first appeared in the Italian county of Savoy, which influenced its name - Savoy. The peasants of this county were the first to grow this variety of cabbage. It has been known in our country since the 19th century, but it never became popular, although fresh it is tastier than white cabbage. This cabbage is widely used in Western Europe and the USA. Savoy cabbage is similar in taste to white cabbage, but its dark green corrugated, curly and thin leaves have a more delicate taste and aroma. It is not as tough as other types of cabbage, as it does not have coarse veins. And also it is more nutritious than white and red. Savoy cabbage contains a lot of biologically active substances, sugar, mustard oil. 4 times more fat and 25% less fiber than white cabbage.


It comes from the Mediterranean regions. It was first brought from Western Europe in the 17th century .. However, we love it much less than the usual white head, and assign it secondary roles. Unlike, say, Europe. There, cauliflower is a dietary product, useful at any age and very beloved. It has much less fiber than regular, and therefore it is easily digested.


A surprisingly versatile product, and this manifests itself not only in cooking. Among the results of potato processing are ethyl alcohol, antimicrobial agents and even fiberboard building boards, which, thanks to potato starch, are environmentally friendly materials. In the field of medicine, substances from potato tubers are used to develop drugs that slow down the onset of Alzheimer's disease, destroy cancer cells in the gastrointestinal tract, and relieve inflammation. Of particular scientific interest are beneficial features potatoes, previously in demand only in traditional medicine.


An irreplaceable culture in the world economy. Starch, flour, alcohol, oil, biogas - all this is produced in sufficient quantities thanks to corn. Without it, humanity simply would not have been able to feed itself or provide food for domestic animals. But new research into the healing potential of corn may further fuel interest in this unique crop.

Bulb onions

Bulb onion is one of the most ancient vegetable crops.
In China, Iran, Mediterranean countries, he was known for 4000 years before our era. Onions came to Russia from the banks of the Danube at the beginning of the 12th century. Onion- perennial plant. In the first year, an onion with a diameter of 1-2.5 cm (onion sets) grows from the seed. In the next season, large bulbs are formed from it, giving in the third year flower stalks-arrows, on which inflorescences with seeds are formed. By the nature of branching, all varieties are divided into small, medium and multi-celled. Varieties are distinguished not only by nesting, but also by taste - spicy, peninsular and sweet. Different varieties of onions also have different methods of cultivation: some are grown from sets and selections, others from sets and in an annual crop from seeds, and others only in an annual crop by sowing seeds or seedlings.


Leek is an annual herbaceous plant of the Onion family. Plant height 40-90 cm. Leek leaves are green to greenish-blue in color, whitish or pink flowers form an umbrella. The bulb is elongated, devoid of bulbs or with few bulbs. The stem emerges from the middle of the bulb. Leaves linear-lanceolate, cover with a long spout; umbrella large, spherical; perianth whitish or rarely pinkish, with slightly rough leaflets. Filaments of stamens longer than perianth, internal three-parted, with middle part 2 times shorter than base.


Biennial herbaceous plant of the Onion family. The shallot bulb consists of many cloves - like garlic. It is smaller than that of onion, but it ripens earlier and is stored excellently. Most often, shallots are grown for their greenery. She has excellent taste, she is not spicy. The pen is soft and thin. As soon as the onion grows 20 cm, it must be cut without sparing - this will prevent shooting, to which shallots are prone (especially during autumn planting).


This plant is a herbaceous liana, which is not picky at all, and therefore its care is simple. Luffa has one feature - a long growing season. This crop, like the cucumber, does not like transplantation, therefore, for its cultivation, a less traumatic method of transplanting seedlings should be chosen.


Due to the content of one or another pigment, carrots can show completely unexpected beneficial properties. And it's not just about strengthening the visual function, although the lack of vitamin A contained in the orange carrots we are used to can lead to a disorder of twilight vision. We are talking about dozens of diseases in the treatment of which carrots can manifest themselves with better side. Moreover, cancer is among the most formidable opponents that carrots successfully cope with under certain conditions.


It is a climbing annual herbaceous plant that belongs to the family pumpkin. Momordica is cultivated on the balcony, in the room, in the garden, as a healing and simply beautiful liana. This plant with edible fruits decorates southern windows, open terraces and balconies, arbors, walls, fences and decorative lattices.


An annual herbaceous plant of the gourd family. The stem is creeping or climbing, pubescent with small colorless hairs, its dimensions reach 1-2 m. The leaves are alternate, entire, with serrated edges. Flowers 3-4 cm, yellow, unisexual. Most varieties of cucumbers have male and female flowers on the same plant. Starting from the 3-4th leaf, tendrils form in the axils of the leaves, with the help of which the plant is strengthened on supports. Cucumber fruit is multi-seeded, juicy, emerald green, bubbly. It has a different shape and size depending on the variety. In culinary terms, cucumbers are traditionally classified as vegetable crops.


A biennial plant with a thick, sweetish and pleasantly smelling root. The stem is sharp-ribbed. The leaves are pinnate. The flowers are yellow. Parsnip fruits are round-elliptical, flat-compressed, yellowish-brown. Blooms in July - August. Parsnip ripens in September.


Bush form of an early ripening pumpkin. Squash fruits can be harvested from the garden on the 5th-6th day of ripening. By this time, the soft green pumpkins are covered with a thin skin, and inside there is an elastic, slightly bitter flesh. If you leave the squash in the garden, the skin quickly turns white, and the fruits become inedible. Squash can be stewed, fried, pickled or salted. Translated from French, the word patisson is translated as "vegetable plate". And this is no coincidence, because pumpkins are ideal for stuffing.

Sweet pepper

The fruit of annual herbaceous plants of the nightshade family. The fruits of sweet pepper are false hollow berries, multi-seeded, red, orange, yellow or brown, of various shapes and sizes (from 0.25 to 190 g). In the wild, such pepper is found in tropical regions of America.


The garden tomato we are used to has a rich red color. This, among other things, means that the tomato contains lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that has antitumor and anticarcinogenic properties, reduces the risk of developing several types of cancer, and promotes bone formation. But in a tomato there are many other useful components that are responsible for their “front of work”. The possibilities of these substances will allow us to look at the familiar tomato in a new way.

Cherry tomatoes

Cherry tomatoes are a garden variety of tomatoes with fruits of 10 - 30 g. They are known to everyone as a snack, used to prepare a variety of salads, as well as for preservation. There are certain varieties of cherry tomatoes that are dried. The name comes from the English word cherry, which means cherry. This does not mean that tomatoes and cherries have a similar taste. Just appearance and the size of the vegetable is very similar to a cherry.


This is a head lettuce that belongs to the chicory family. In his Natural History, Pliny the Elder wrote about this plant as a remedy that could purify the blood and help people suffering from insomnia. Marco Polo also wrote about him. He claimed that it was a favorite product of the inhabitants of the Veneta region (today's Venice). And today, radicchio is one of the most popular salads among Italians.


It is an edible plant and is grown as a vegetable in many parts of the world. Its name comes from lat. radix - root. Root crops are usually eaten, which are up to 3 cm thick and covered with thin skin, often dyed red, pink or white-pink. Radish roots have a spicy taste. This typical taste of radish is due to the content of mustard oil in the plant, which, under pressure, is converted into mustard oil glycoside.


An annual or biennial herbaceous plant, a species of the genus Radish of the Cabbage family. The radish root crop, depending on the variety, may have a round, oval or oblong shape. Skin color - from ordinary black and gray to white, pink, green, purple. Black and green radish are more tender, green is even sweetish. Both root crops and young radish leaves are eaten, adding it to various salads and soups. Radish roots are consumed raw, boiled and fried, added to salads, appetizers, okroshka, borscht, soups, various meat and vegetable dishes.


An annual or biennial herbaceous plant of the Cabbage family. A smooth yellow root crop, in diameter it can reach from 8 to 20 cm and weigh 10 kg. All types of turnips are very early ripening, the finished root crop is formed in 40 - 45 days, late varieties - in 50 - 60 days. The leaf rosette reaches a height of 40 - 60 cm. Turnip as a vegetable and medicinal plant has been known since ancient times. Turnips can be baked, boiled, stuffed, casseroles and stews are prepared from it, it is suitable for making salads. It can be stored for a long time in a cool place without losing its healing qualities; easily absorbed by the body and recommended for baby food. In Russia, the expression "simpler than a steamed turnip" has long been known, indicating its many years and frequent use.