Water diet 10 kg per month. Water diet for weight loss

The water diet is a special weight loss method that does not include food restrictions. This is a special system that adjusts the total amount of liquid drunk during the day. In a nutshell, a person drinks a lot and therefore loses weight.

Benefits of a water diet

Each person knows very well that water is necessary for him, that he must be filled with it. To be healthy and energetic throughout the day, you need to constantly replenish the lost fluid. If water does not enter the human body at all, he will die in just three days. It is better to drink a lot than a little, since it is simply impossible to oversaturate the body with water. Everything that is superfluous will naturally leave the body on its own.

With a water system, optimal health can be maintained. If certain rules are followed, the scheme will provide only health benefits, no harm will be caused. Among the main advantages that the described weight loss scheme can provide are:

  • Weight loss. This process occurs not due to the loss of liquid, but due to a decrease in the need for food. The stomach on such a system will be constantly filled, a person will not experience hunger.
  • Body cleansing. According to medical research, the functioning of numerous organs is directly related to water. With its help, the necessary nutrients reach all the cells of the body. Organs are also freed from unfavorable decay substances. Accumulated toxins can be flushed out with water. As it washes away the usual external dirt, the internal part of the body is cleansed of toxins in the same way. Such cleansing significantly heals the body.
  • Normalized arterial pressure. If a person suffers from pressure surges, it can be judged that there is simply not enough fluid in the body. Vessels without water have to constantly narrow and expand to allow blood to fill the hematopoietic system. If you follow a competent drinking regimen, you can quickly solve all the problems associated with high blood pressure.
  • Optimal regulation of body temperature. This is especially true for summer. People who have heart disease and pressure failure should constantly drink during this period;
  • Significant improvement in joint and organ movement. If a person consumes little water, this will automatically adversely affect the entire system as a whole. Even if there are already some diseases, the consumption of the right amount of water will allow you to restore internal organs.
  • Rejuvenation. Water is one of the most important constituents of the natural human metabolism. At the same time, she starts regeneration. Cells filled with water rejuvenate much faster, respectively, wrinkles on the skin disappear, hair becomes healthy and strong.

Important! must be followed for one month. Then there is a break for a month with the consumption of water as usual. Then the diet can be repeated.

Contraindications to the water diet

Every diet should start with medical consultation. Be sure to visit a therapist, undergo the minimum required examination and obtain permission for a diet. A waiver can be obtained for health problems and circumstances such as:

  • Pregnancy and lactation. If a woman is expecting a baby or breastfeeding, it is strongly not recommended to exhaust yourself with various restrictions and diets. Also, do not use anything in excess of the prescribed. Various experiments can be carried out as soon as the health of the baby ceases to depend on the general condition of the mother.
  • High blood pressure. Hypertensive patients need to treat the body with increased attention. No need to blindly on the water as a special fashion innovation. It is necessary to consult a doctor, he must determine the allowable amount of water. The help of a specialist is very important, since a small amount of water will lead to the fact that the renal system will no longer cope with the removal of harmful substances, this will automatically cause an increase in pressure indicators. If there is a lot of water, it will cause swelling and the removal of useful substances such as magnesium and potassium from the body.
  • Kidney diseases. For people with these problems, the water system for weight loss and other restrictions in foods and dishes are strictly contraindicated. They are supposed to consume 3500 calories per day. If there are fewer of them, the body will automatically begin to use its own proteins. This will immediately lead to the release of toxins and an increase in the load on diseased kidneys.
  • Pathologies of the urinary tract. If you increase your water intake, the number of calls to the toilet automatically increases. In the presence of such pathologies, excretion will be seriously hampered, which will cause inflammatory pathologies.

Before switching to a diet, you need to understand whether enough water is drunk daily. To do this, you need to take a hematocrit test. If it is high, you need to drink more, the usual volume, if it is reduced, the volume must be reduced.

Weight Loss Secrets

In the majority of situations, increased weight is manifested solely due to overeating and at the same time lack of water. We are talking about bottled water. Coffee, green tea, juices and other similar products do not count.

Many people confuse hunger and thirst with each other, they immediately eat something, although it would be enough to drink. Diet allows you to solve this problem as efficiently as possible. A person, accordingly, begins to eat less, due to which his weight decreases.

Simultaneously with weight loss, the body of a losing weight is effectively cleansed, automatically rejuvenated and, accordingly, heals.

Basic Rules

Each modern diet is characterized by its individual characteristics and results, as well as rules. The water system is not burdensome at all, but certain rules exist. To get the best result when losing weight, you should observe the following points:

  • To remove extra pounds, you need to drink only ordinary water, non-carbonated, filtered and at room temperature. Mineral carbonated is not suitable, it stimulates the appetite. It is forbidden to drink tap water. This is lifeless water, where salt, chlorine and iron are present.
  • Unreasonable consumption of large amounts of liquid is also unacceptable. This can cause edema to appear. It is required to start the process of weight loss with a fairly gentle regimen. Beginners need to drink water at the rate of a liter of liquid for every 30 kg of total weight.
  • If you already have experience, you can use a slightly different calculation formula. The current weight must be multiplied by 40. The result will be the number of milliliters of water that needs to be consumed daily. For example, weight 90 kg x 40 = 3600 ml. In other words, the amount of water consumed is directly proportional to the weight of the person losing weight.
  • It is important to drink the liquid very slowly and strictly in small sips. The initial appointment is in the morning, about half an hour before a standard breakfast. This portion of water will give cheerfulness. Further, water is consumed before meals, also for half an hour.
  • The optimal effect can be achieved if you drink about 500 ml at a time, that is, two full glasses at the same time. If you use 500 ml at a time before each breakfast, lunch and dinner, this will be enough for the required minimum.
  • Having determined your daily volume, it is worth evenly distributing it in equal parts and drinking every two hours. The best option is to consume 200 ml before each meal. Also clean water should be drunk during snacking. If you suddenly want to eat, you need to drink water, very often this is enough to satisfy your hunger.
  • The last meal is set in the period three hours before lights out. The next portion of water is drunk and you can not eat until the next day.

Each person must understand that an excessive amount of fluid is no less harmful than its lack. Don't try to drink Furthermore volume, which was determined in the calculations.

What is allowed to eat?

The words “water diet” do not mean starvation and refusal of food. Adhering to this system does not mean that you need to drink only water. You can and even need to eat, and at the same time without the restrictions characteristic of other diets. So, what is allowed subject to the system:

For effective body preparation, preferably the day before going out. If you follow the regime, do not forget to do simple exercises. It will improve not only the figure, but also the general mood.

Do's and Don'ts for Water Weight Loss

In order for the system to make it possible to achieve the set result, certain requirements and conditions must be met. Compliance with them will help to reduce weight, but more importantly, will not harm the body. Among these rules are:

  1. You can not eat flour, sweets and semi-finished products. Water is not a miracle cure. Despite many positive characteristics It won't help you lose weight if you don't eat right. When an irresistible desire to eat something harmful appears, you need to drink water again. This will provide an opportunity to get rid of the unpleasant emptiness.
  2. Drink different non-healthy drinks. If you use the prescribed volume daily, you will not want to drink above the norm at all. If you prescribe tea or regular morning coffee before drinking water, there will be no room for a healthy liquid. That is why it is so important to control the amount of incoming fluid.
  3. Drink low temperature water. If there is no desire to get sick with a sore throat, if there is no desire to arrange shock therapy for your body, you should drink water exclusively at room temperature. In addition, the enamel on the teeth is seriously damaged from the cold liquid.
  4. You can not drink before eating, during meals and after. This process will not bring the proper benefit, but will cause inflammation in the intestines. Water entering the stomach at the same time as eating will change the overall composition of gastric juice, the level of its concentration, which will lead to a malfunction in digestion. The protein in this position will not be digested, it will remain to rot in the intestines. Food must be chewed very carefully, moistened with saliva. This will be enough for digestion.

It is also worth noting that you can not drink more than two glasses at a time. There are recommendations on the network - drink three glasses of water at once. It is not right! Thus, you can seriously stretch the stomach and you will want to drink even more and much more often.

Sample menu for 1 day

The diet is often referred to as a weight loss system for the lazy. It does not require a lot of effort from losing weight. All you need is to drink required amount water and do not abuse different high-calorie foods.

If you need to achieve a positive result more quickly, you can combine the system with a special fractional power supply. To avoid difficulties with what and how to eat, you can study sample menu for one day:

  1. Breakfast. You need to drink two glasses of water and after about half an hour eat a bowl of oatmeal / cottage cheese. The dish can be seasoned with nuts, honey and raisins. After about an hour and a half, you need to drink fruit juice or green tea with toasted toast. If a person follows a more rigid option, only water can be consumed.
  2. Lunch. In about half an hour, you need to drink water and eat fruit. It is advisable to remove bananas, apples, kiwi from the diet, as they are high in calories. Drinking lunch is not required. Water is allowed to drink only after an hour has passed from eating.
  3. Dinner. Everything is as usual, two full glasses of water are consumed in half an hour. Then you can dine without restriction in products. Soup is a must on the menu. You can eat only one bowl of soup and after that, do not drink liquid for a couple of hours.
  4. Afternoon snack. Before lunch, two glasses of water are drunk, a piece of fruit or a small sandwich is eaten. You can drink an hour after lunch.
  5. Dinner. In about half an hour, you need to drink 1-2 glasses of pure water, depending on the norm per day. You can eat anything, the main thing is not to drink or drink liquid after eating for a couple of hours.

The last fluid intake is carried out no later than three hours before going to bed. It does not have to be water, it is allowed to drink fresh juice or green tea. Between meals it is allowed to drink only clean water . The main thing is not to go beyond the daily norm.

If there are some difficulties in the process of following a water diet, it is worth visualizing the achievements in a regular schedule for inspiration. On it, you can mark not only the amount of fluid consumed, but also weight and basic measurements.

Menu for 3 days

By fully observing this version of the drinking regime for losing weight, you can change your weight down to three kilograms. Among the main features of this system is the need to drink a glass of water with lemon juice. You need to drink strictly 30 minutes before eating. About an hour before going to bed, you need to drink warm water with a small spoonful of ordinary honey. As for food, the menu on this day should look like this.

1 day

  1. In the morning you can eat 2 rye bread toasts, an egg and a little cheese;
  2. The first snack of the day is grapefruit, the second is peach;
  3. Lunch - 150 g breast, vegetable salad of tomatoes and one cucumber with a small slice of hard cheese;
  4. In the evening, green beans are prepared, a little boiled sea bass and gray bread.

2 day

  1. In the morning, it is advisable to eat two rye toasts and about 150 g of low-fat cottage cheese;
  2. Snacks - nectarine, green apple;
  3. Lunch time - fish fillet about 150 g, toast and lettuce;
  4. Evening - 2 eggs are used, cabbage salad and a little cheese, the percentage of fat content of which is not higher than 45%.

3 day

  1. In the morning you can eat 2 toasts, green salad and 150-170 g of breast;
  2. For two snacks - 2 plums, a large pear;
  3. Lunch time - light vegetable soup, about 100 g of lean meat and a small slice of bread;
  4. In the evening - a couple of minced fish cutlets, stew.

Throughout all days, you need to use the prescribed amount of water, minus the morning and evening intake.

This version of the drinking diet is also considered a fairly tough option, since a special form of unloading is used. During this period, the body undergoes a serious cleaning of the gastrointestinal tract. This not only effectively heals the body, but significantly reduces the volume.

Only people with good health can adhere to such a diet.

During all three days of the diet, it is allowed to use plain water, other drinks and high-calorie foods should be discarded. In the first day, quite significant attacks of hunger are observed. On the second day, they become much smaller. The overall metabolism becomes slower. It is impossible to return to the usual power system immediately. You will need to follow a certain recovery diet, gradually introducing the right amount of proteins, fats, and energy-giving carbohydrates into the diet.

Diet example for 7 days

The weight loss system is usually maintained for a month. After an equal break in time, you can take a course of weight loss again. This time period is suitable if a person does not need to lose kilograms very quickly.

If you need to lose weight more urgently, a more stringent diet option is chosen, in which you can consume low-calorie foods and water. This one lasts exactly one week. To get rid of extra pounds without harming yourself, you should stick to the following approximate weekly menu:

  • Breakfasts. Used protein product- low-fat cheese, cottage cheese and eggs;
  • Lunch time. It is allowed to eat a bowl of vegetable soup and a piece of boiled brisket;
  • Snacks. They can be arranged every time a feeling of hunger appears. In order not to increase the total number of calories, it is worth drinking a glass of water before a snack. If the desire to eat has not disappeared, you need to eat a fruit and a handful of dried fruits;
  • Dinners in the evening. At this time, it is allowed to eat steamed dietary meat or fish with various vegetables.

Do not forget that before eating you need to drink water - one glass each. After eating food, water is drunk in about an hour and a half. The amount of fluid must be monitored. If a shortage was found, it is worth drinking the remaining volume of water, but no later than three hours before going to bed.

If you follow a similar nutrition system, if you limit the amount of sugar, salt, coffee, and complex carbohydrates, you can lose up to 10 kg in a week. There is no need to rejoice strongly, since about 3-4 kg will return immediately, as soon as a person switches to the usual diet. In order not to return all the kilograms thrown off, it is still worth adhering to certain nutritional rules.

How to get out of the diet?

After this weight loss system, the transition to a regular diet is carried out without special problems from the digestive organs. The changes will mainly concern the reduction total the liquid you drink. Reductions can be achieved not only through a simple reduction of water, but also through replacement. Water can be changed for juices and fresh tea. At the exit stage, you can start eating foods where there is a lot of moisture:

Gradually, the total volume of liquid is reduced to an amount of about 2 liters. This is the average for every average person.

The optimal daily drinking regimen is to drink one glass of water before each meal. This will allow the digestive organs to effectively prepare for a regular meal and absorb the prescribed amount of components and useful vitamins.

Repetition of the course of weight loss

If the menu initially implied a much larger amount of water than on standard days, you can return to the repetition of this regimen only after 4 full weeks. The body at this time will be able to completely relax from the load that is placed on the kidneys. Such breaks and frequency will avoid problems with the excretory system.

Expert opinion on diet

All modern doctors agree that water is a natural medicine that can cure a huge number of diseases. Water provides a diuretic and beneficial laxative effect. The constant use of liquid significantly improves the intestinal microflora, the condition of the surface of the skin and hair. In order for weight loss to take place without complications and as comfortably as possible, doctors recommend following these recommendations:

  • Water in large volume washes away various useful substances. It is advisable to take special mineral and vitamin complexes in the process of losing weight.
  • The prescribed amount of water should not be drunk quickly, so as not to encounter stretching of the stomach and skin in the abdomen.
  • On initial stage while the body gets used to the water, it is worth drinking one glass at a time and strictly in small sips.
  • It is important to perform at least the simplest physical exercises. In the absence of the opportunity to visit the gym, it is necessary to include in daily ration small charge.
  • If even after drinking water there is a desire to eat something, you can take a small piece of the desired food and consume it slowly, slowly savoring it.

By following these recommendations, you can get a fairly quick and safe weight loss without harm.
The water weight loss system is a unique opportunity for the lazy. If you follow it for several days, you can adjust the diet, and in three weeks to achieve serious and lasting weight loss. Throughout the diet, a person completely eliminates the constant desire to eat.

There is an improvement in natural metabolism and normalization of digestion. If water has not yet been included in the general diet, it is worth reconsidering life and replacing numerous juices, various lemonades and coffee with clean water.

Losing weight results

A standard weight loss system is able to save a person from 2-3 kg in one week. Approximately 10 kg can be thrown off only with a strict water scheme. Walking the standard path fast weight loss does not wait, but you can not be afraid of losing health and attractiveness.

Exclusion of useful substances, characteristic of many weight loss systems, a rather sharp weight loss, often negatively affects a person's appearance. Hair after such restrictions become dull, the skin sagging. Very often, on extreme diets, a person abruptly loses up to 25 kg. In this case, surgery will be required, as the skin often folds. If a person loses weight on water, he does not encounter such troubles. The volume of water consumed will not allow you to lose weight very sharply, the skin will not lose its natural turgor, but, on the contrary, it will become elastic and gradually tighten itself.

The absence of any restrictions in food will not cause the intake of vitamins and nutrients in the body. A person simply decreases the amount of food, but not its quality. It is very useful for general physical health losing weight, for his peace of mind. You can eat whatever you want, the main thing is in a reasonable amount.

It may seem like a small thing, but it is very important for a consistently comfortable quality of life. With a water diet, a person reduces volumes slowly but surely enough. The weight loss system will not require serious financial costs, there will be no harm to internal organs and mood.

Summing up

Useful habits associated with drinking water in the morning and before meals, the ability to wash hunger with water instead of snacks, should be left in your life forever. If the goal has already been achieved and the optimal weight has been obtained, even if it is no longer necessary to sit on the water weight loss scheme, such habits will always allow you to stay in perfect shape and have perfect well-being.

    A water diet at a stretch is considered to be a "diet" in the conventional sense of the word. Her prerequisite is to maintain a proper drinking regimen. Also exists therapeutic fasting, but that's a topic for another article.

    Usually the period of weight loss is very difficult. We have to give up many favorite foods: sweet, starchy, fried, etc. The water diet consists of a balanced fluid intake.

    Misconceptions about this diet

    Opinions about such a system of weight loss are contradictory. This is due to the huge number of myths surrounding a balanced fluid intake:

    • "Water instead of food" - many believe that such a diet involves only drinking water without food. This is not so: without food, great harm will be done to the body. The person will feel worse. With this method of losing weight, you need to abandon products with a high calorie content, but not healthy food. In this case, you just need to observe the drinking regimen.
    • “The colder the water, the faster it will be possible to lose extra pounds” is a delusion. The body will not absorb the liquid until it is heated to the required temperature. In order for the metabolic process to start sooner, water should be consumed warm (37-40°C).
    • "The more you drink, the more better result"- a myth that leads to adverse consequences. The body should receive as much fluid as it can process. Its excess will stretch the stomach, it will require more food. Too much water puts too much stress on the kidneys. Intracranial pressure may increase: pathologies of the cardiovascular system will occur.

    In order for the water regime to bring results, you must adhere to all the rules, which we will discuss below.


    Man is 80% water. It is needed for . Lack of fluid leads to disturbances in metabolism, swelling, deterioration of health, the appearance of extra pounds. Nutritionists recommend drinking artesian mineral water without gas.

    Drinking regimen does not mean giving up food.

    The main thing is to monitor the amount of fluid you drink, the time it is taken, etc. According to reviews of people who have been on this diet, it helps to lose up to 10 kg.

    General rules

    If the body loses at least 10% of the fluid it needs, serious health problems will begin. Everything can end in death.

    Water is a solvent for organic and inorganic compounds, without which organs and systems cannot function normally. All biochemical processes take place with the participation of fluid. It speeds up the rate of reactions.

    Water is part of the constituent components of the blood, transports the necessary substances to all organs and systems. Regulates temperature and digestive process. The liquid removes toxic elements, toxins and performs many other important tasks.

    Many people, trying to lose extra pounds, purchase various drugs, special underwear, laxative teas, etc. Their goal is to "dry" the body. In other words, dehydration.

    These methods of losing weight, if they help to reduce weight, then for a short time. In addition, such methods cause severe harm to health.

    Experts believe that extra pounds appear as a result of dehydration. That's why the best diet will be: the establishment of a drinking regime.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    The system of proper drinking regimen has the following advantages:

    • no need to spend a huge amount of time preparing special dietary dishes;
    • no need to count calories consumed;
    • you can not increase physical activity;
    • budget savings: does not imply the use of exotic products that cost a lot of money;
    • relative harmless;
    • does not provoke allergic reactions;
    • water dulls hunger;
    • gives lightness and a feeling of weightlessness.

    Despite the large number of positive aspects, the diet also has a number of disadvantages:

    • adverse reactions: dizziness, nausea, etc.;
    • the feeling of satiety passes quickly, the person feels hungry again;
    • hard to bear;
    • washes out nutrients (in particular potassium and calcium);
    • frequent urge to urinate.

    Before you decide to go on a diet, you need to think carefully. Weigh the pros and cons".

    What kind of water is allowed?

    Soda is not suitable: it irritates the inner lining of the gastrointestinal tract, provokes an increase in appetite. Coffee, tea, alcohol have a diuretic effect and lead to dehydration. Therefore, they cannot be drunk.

    It is best to use melt water that has turned into a liquid form no more than seven hours ago. Her beneficial features due to the absence of hard salts. Ordinary table water is suitable. However, in its consumption you need to know the measure.

    It is necessary to drink no more than the amount prescribed in the instructions. Otherwise, you can provoke convulsions, increased intracranial pressure, leaching of useful elements.


    The diet involves fractional eating. To achieve a result, the daily number of calories is no more than 1200 or 1500. Some sources speak of less calories, less than 1000 or even 800 Kcal per day. Remember, such a low daily calorie content will not lead to anything good, girls should eat food for at least 1200 Kcal, and guys for at least 1500.

    There are several types of diets. Each of them provides a glass of warm water after waking up in the morning, any meal, before going to bed.

    Do not drink while eating. Liquid is acceptable 90 minutes after eating.

    One Day Diet

    • Breakfast: oatmeal 250 gr, curd mass.
    • Snack: a couple of slices of melon.
    • Lunch: a bowl of nettle soup.
    • Afternoon snack: or bread.
    • Dinner: 0.2 kg of veal or stew with fish fillet.

    3 days

    On the 1st day:

    • breakfast: an egg, a couple of cheese sandwiches;
    • lunch: mango;
    • lunch: salad with vegetables and cheese, 150 grams of chicken breast;
    • afternoon snack: applesauce;
    • dinner: stewed vegetables 150 grams and 100 grams.

    2nd day:

    • breakfast: a couple of toasts, 150 grams of cottage cheese;
    • 2nd breakfast: apple;
    • lunch: a mixture of vegetables, toast, 150 grams of tuna;
    • afternoon tea: ;
    • dinner: cabbage salad, egg, cheese sandwich.

    3rd day:

    • 1st meal: a couple of toasts, a mixture of vegetables, boiled chicken 150 grams;
    • lunch: peach;
    • lunch: soup on lean broth, 100 grams of chicken fillet, toast;
    • afternoon snack: orange;
    • dinner: stewed vegetables, steam cutlet, toast.

    Twenty to thirty minutes before breakfast, before meals, a couple of hours before going to bed, you need to drink 300 ml of warm water.


    On the first day:

    • breakfast: scrambled eggs with tomatoes;
    • 2nd meal: jelly;
    • lunch break: vegetable soup, 100 grams of chicken breast or;
    • afternoon tea: melon;
    • dinner: stew, 0.2 l of yogurt without additives.

    2nd day:

    • 1st meal: a couple of toasts, an egg;
    • 2nd breakfast: 30 g of nuts;
    • lunch break: vegetable stew, 100 g of liver;
    • afternoon tea: grapes;
    • dinner: 200 g mushrooms.

    3rd day:

    • breakfast: three spoons of rice, tomato;
    • lunch: raisins;
    • lunch: three cabbage rolls, vegetable mixture;
    • afternoon snack: pear puree;
    • dinner: "summer" salad, low-calorie curd mass.

    4th day: unloading on apples: consume 1.5 kg of fruit per day, 0.3 l of water 20 minutes before and after meals.

    Fifth day:

    • breakfast: oatmeal, cheese;
    • afternoon snack: nectarine;
    • lunch break: cabbage soup; crayfish 0.2 kg;
    • afternoon snack: 2-3 plums;
    • dinner: 200 grams of rabbit, 150 grams of low-calorie cottage cheese, orange.

    A five-day course accelerates the breakdown of fats, cleanses the digestive tract of toxins and toxins. Thanks to this, it will be possible to get rid of 4 to 5 kg.


    A weight loss regimen that lasts a week provides for 2-3 liters of water per day. Dinner should be no later than three hours before a night's rest.

    Sample menu:

    • breakfast: protein foods, such as chicken breast or tuna;
    • lunch: vegetable broth, dietary meat, stewed, boiled, raw vegetables;
    • dinner: meat, fish, vegetables cooked in a double boiler;
    • snacks: fruits, nuts,.

    The seven-day diet allows you to lose up to ten kilograms.


    First days:

    • morning: 2 eggs, a few slices of bread;
    • day: 200 g tuna, bread;
    • snack: cottage cheese mass with herbs;
    • evening: a cocktail of seaweed and carrots.

    Second day:

    • breakfast: scrambled eggs;
    • lunch: mushroom and cabbage soup, stewed squash;
    • snack: dried fruits;
    • dinner: stuffed eggplant.

    Third day:

    • morning meal: oatmeal, two tomatoes;
    • lunch: stew, poultry 150 g;
    • snack: grapefruit and salad;
    • evening: grilled, two toasts.

    Fourth day:

    • morning: 150 grams of cottage cheese;
    • day: a mixture of 4 quail eggs, chicken broth, greens;
    • snack: apple puree;
    • evening: 0.2 kg of baked rabbit, two toasts.

    Fifth day:

    • breakfast: two egg omelet;
    • lunch: chicken soup without potatoes, vegetable salad;
    • afternoon snack: apricots;
    • dinner: zucchini in the sleeve with lemon juice.

    The next five days the menu is repeated.

    The last meal is a few hours before going to bed.

    Diet for 14 days

    1st day:

    • breakfast: egg, bread, cheese;
    • morning snack: pear, half a glass of cherries;
    • lunch: 150 grams of chicken fillet, 250 grams of a mixture of seasonal vegetables with lemon juice, bread;
    • afternoon snack: peach 2 pcs.;
    • dinner: 139 grams of veal, 250 grams of stewed vegetables.

    Second day:

    • breakfast: two crackers, 100 grams of cottage cheese;
    • lunch: bowl of soup, salad, carrots, radishes;
    • afternoon snack: two pears;
    • dinner: 100 g of buckwheat, 150 g of boiled vegetables and half.

    Third day:

    • morning: fruit salad;
    • day: a bowl of quail broth with crackers, 150 g of stewed asparagus;
    • afternoon snack: four pieces of dried apricots;
    • dinner: two potatoes "in uniform", 200 grams.

    4th day:

    • breakfast: two loaves of bread, a few tangerines;
    • lunch: millet, bread, apple;
    • afternoon snack: "summer" salad;
    • dinner: two schnitzels, kelp salad.

    Fifth day:

    • morning: three spoons of buckwheat, two tomatoes;
    • lunch: okroshka, two pieces of bread;
    • afternoon snack: 100 g of frozen berries;
    • dinner: cabbage and carrot salad, 150 g of turkey, peach.

    6th day:

    • breakfast: three spoons of rice and a pear;
    • lunch: 200 g chicken liver, vegetable mixture;
    • afternoon snack: two kiwis;
    • dinner: 150 g of steam pork without fatty layers, vegetable salad.

    Seventh day:

    • morning: fruit salad with cottage cheese;
    • day: soup, hard-boiled egg;
    • snack: kernels of three walnuts;
    • evening: 250 g of cancer, vegetable salad, two toasts.

    On the 2nd week, the menu is repeated.

    Diet for a month

    Sample daily menu:

    • morning: buckwheat, rice or scrambled eggs, vegetables without heat treatment;
    • brunch: fruit;
    • day: soup, meat, vegetable salad;
    • afternoon snack: berries, nuts, dried fruits;
    • evening: boiled vegetables, fish or mushrooms with a slice of bread.

    Liquid intake, as in other types of diets.

    Exit without consequences and secondary use

    Returning to the usual diet, as a rule, passes without problems for the body. After a diet for four days, the amount of fluid consumed is reduced.

    Water can be replaced with green tea, juices.

    When returning to a normal diet, it is advisable to consume fermented milk products, first courses, compotes, fruit drinks, jelly, etc. After a while, the amount of daily fluid should be reduced to 1.5-2 liters. Even after losing weight, it is advisable to drink a glass of warm water before eating. This will improve the functioning of the digestive tract.

    If the weight loss system provided for a significant excess of the daily volume of water, in comparison with the usual one, you can go on a diet again no earlier than three to four weeks. During this period, the kidneys will rest from a strong overload: there will be no problems in the urinary system.

    Adverse reactions

    Slimming on the water has side effects. Abuse can cause:

    • kidney problems, swelling;
    • heavy load on the CCC;
    • slowing down the process of weight loss (excess fluid inhibits the breakdown of fats);
    • water-salt imbalance;
    • calcium leaching: causes cramps, joint pain.

    In the reviews, people who are on a diet talk about the effectiveness of this method of losing weight, while the negative is usually associated with the appearance of adverse reactions, frequent dizziness, and fainting. Experts believe that the point here is in improper adherence to recommendations, too little daily caloric content, for example. As we have said, you need to eat at least 1200 Kcal.

    To prevent undesirable consequences, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the daily volume of liquid indicated in the recommendations. Do not diet for more than half a month.


    The water weight loss system cannot be used for kidney pathologies, diabetes mellitus, and increased intravenous pressure.

    With caution, go on a diet with obesity. Due to the high concentration of insulin in the blood, severe swelling may occur.

    Before losing weight, you need to consult a doctor.

    On the water options


    For those who want to lose excess weight, pregnant women. Compliance with the drinking regime in the first trimester "saves" from toxicosis. In the later stages eliminates swelling in the limbs. While maintaining the regime, the volume of water increases and the amount of salt consumed decreases. Due to this, the liquid does not linger, fat in problem areas resolves. Duration: no more than seven days. During the waiting period for the child, the process should be supervised by a specialist. Leave 2-3 kg. May be repeated after six weeks.

    Water bread-kefir

    Allowed bread with bran or without yeast. 1.5 liters of kefir and 10 glasses of water without gas are drunk per day. Duration - no more than 14 days. During this time, up to 5 kg is dropped. You can go on a diet again after a couple of months.

    Water without milk

    You can use any low-calorie products, except for dairy. The diet should not last more than a week. It will help you lose up to 10 kg. However, such weight loss does not affect health in the best way. You can repeat in a month and a half.

    Tea room

    Based on the five times the use of green tea. The drink should be of high quality, large-leaved. It is brewed with purified water. This diet option should not be chosen for problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Duration - 1-2 weeks. Repeat is allowed in two months. With this system, you can lose 8-10 kg.

    Tea Japanese

    A day you need to drink 1.5 liters of Japanese tea. The rest of the liquid is water and herbal decoctions. A drink from Japan has antioxidant, cleansing properties. It breaks down quickly body fat. This diet option helps to lose 9-11 kg, but it should not be repeated more than once in six months.


    It is considered quite heavy, not everyone can withstand it, it helps to lose 2-5 kg, cleanse the digestive tract. Weight loss lasts three days. The first two days you need to eat only apples in the amount of 2 kg and drink water in a volume of 2.5 liters. On the third day, the diet can be diversified with two tablespoons of oatmeal. Apples contain a large amount of fruit acids. These substances irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa: the feeling of hunger increases. Therefore, it is not recommended to eat fruits before bedtime: the desire to eat will not allow you to fall asleep peacefully. You can return to the diet after three months.


    Provides a minimum amount of calories, but is easily tolerated. The diet is recommended to be combined with sports training for more efficiency. You need to drink 2.5 liters of water per day. The daily menu consists of foods high in protein. No more than 1,200 kcal is allowed per day. The diet lasts 5 days. Leave 4-5 kg. Re-application: after 1.5 months.

    If, with any diet option, the state of health worsens, malaise appears, weight loss must be stopped. It is advisable to contact a specialist.

    Liquid Volume Table

    The volume of water consumed is individual for people with different weight categories:

    To calculate the daily rate of fluid, the weight must be multiplied by 40. The resulting number indicates how much water you need to drink per day in ml.


    Even though the water diet is meant to include low-calorie foods, that doesn't mean they have to taste bad. There are many recipes that make losing weight enjoyable.

    Watermelon with lime

    For cooking you need:

    • watermelon pulp;
    • a bunch of mint;
    • four limes or lemons.

    Cooking method:

    • divide the berry into four parts;
    • cut into equal slices or make balls;
    • mint mixed with 2 tbsp. l. lime pulp;
    • put the slices on a dish, pour over them with lime juice and sprinkle with a mixture of fruit zest and mint.

    apple salad


    • apple;
    • egg;
    • parsley;
    • basil.

    • boil the egg until fully cooked;
    • eliminate the yolk;
    • pass the protein and the fruit of the apple tree through a coarse grater;
    • put the herbs in the salad.

    The dish is topped with basil.

    fruit curd


    • cottage cheese;
    • apple;
    • lemon juice;
    • 1 tsp honey;
    • 3-4 walnuts.

    Cooking method:

    • cut the apple fruit into cubes and carefully pour over the lemon juice;
    • for impregnation, let stand for ten minutes;
    • mix with honey, nut kernels, cottage cheese.

    The opinions of dietitians about the water diet are generally similar. Experts say that water has a good effect on the activity of all organs and systems, but its excessive use is even more dangerous than dehydration. This adversely affects the CCC and the urinary system. In everything you need to know the measure.

For everyone who needs to lose weight quickly, I want to offer a miracle method called a water diet.

There are many ways to lose weight on the Internet - dozens of different methods and diets. Perhaps many of them are also effective.

But for this diet I vouch for everything 100%.

The water diet is deservedly becoming one of the most popular in recent times!

First advice. Learn to trick your body a little by suppressing your appetite. Then you can afford even a small favorite cake or other dessert. After all, any diet, including water, is stressful for the body, and a little sweetness was in the form of a reward for my stamina and allowed me to relieve stress.

In general, encourage yourself while losing weight with your favorite product. We deceive the body with water, herbal unsweetened tea, kefir. As soon as you feel hungry, drink 1-2 glasses of liquid. Hence the name of the diet - water.

So, let's begin.


A cup of coffee without sugar and 2 toasts or a serving of any whole grain cereal. Bread with only a minimum number of calories (from wholemeal flour, with bran). This allows me to last (periodically drinking water) for several hours.


Another cup of coffee (green tea) and here please yourself with your favorite, “very harmful” product. But, no more than 100 gr. Helps last 3 hours. We continue to drink water.


Allow yourself an apple, citrus fruits, berries or 40 g of low-fat cheese.


Vegetables. Any. Best steamed or grilled.

Everyone who adheres to this diet can count on my moral support and answers to questions that arise.

Little trick:

Simultaneously with the diet, I wore shorts for weight loss. I don't even know what helped me more. Yes, it doesn't matter. The main thing is the result.

water diet. Reviews


Like most girls, I always dreamed of a beautiful slim figure. I tried many diets, some helped to lose weight quickly, others, on the contrary, increased weight and spoiled my mood, and still others, as they say, neither fish nor meat (neither benefit nor harm did not bring). But, since you can’t sit on one diet for a long time, I decided to try the water diet on the advice of my friends.

I must say right away that from the very beginning I made one mistake, however, I corrected it in time by reading advice on the Internet: I drank coffee, although it had a bad effect on me. I just always believed that everything should be done exactly as it is written, without stepping back. I corrected the mistake quickly by replacing coffee with green tea. I confess that the first two days I experienced another difficulty - I try to eat more and more satisfying at lunch (this is because of my work schedule), so I just swapped dinner and lunch. These were the two main problems, and then everything went like clockwork.

The water diet lasted 21 days for me (I like to give myself a week of respite in a month, what can you do?). It was difficult for the first four days because of the above problems, I even wanted to quit. But she overcame herself and was amazed: in a week she lost three kilograms. And, most importantly for me, my mood has not changed (usually because of the “no” it spoils for me, as, I think, for most). In losing weight with water, I found two huge pluses for myself.

Firstly, the opportunity to occasionally pamper yourself with such beloved sweets.

And secondly, getting rid of extra 8 (!!!) kilograms. Now I recommend the water diet to my friends and relatives as an effective and not very rigid diet.

Helena. How I sat on a water diet

My first serious attempt to lose weight through therapeutic fasting ended in failure. I lost weight, but in just the next couple of weeks, he returned safely ...

I drew conclusions and began to study the literature again in search of information about such a diet, which will allow me not only to quickly lose weight, but also not to gain the lost kilograms as quickly.

As a result, I especially liked the water diet.

I prepared thoroughly for it. Since it is contraindicated in my city to drink tap water, I even decided to prepare melted water for my diet in advance, because it is also very important to drink good water. Thus, you can not only quickly lose weight, but also remove toxins and toxins from the body. In one fell swoop - kill two birds with one stone! With such rosy thoughts, I went on a water diet.

The first day was very light, breakfast differed from my usual one only by the absence of sugar in coffee, but then I made a small compromise with myself and added a sweetener to my coffee. So in the future I drank coffee with a sugar substitute. I drank tea without sugar.

The second day was already worse, I wanted to eat very much. The pickled cucumber only whetted my appetite, but the cutlet (my favorite product) that I ate for lunch helped a lot. The stomach from the drunk amount of water was like a mini drum and when walking it was cool so it gurgled inside. Husband just teased all the time because of it.

Apples also stimulated my appetite, I gave them up after the first day. But the boiled vegetables were just right - both satisfying, low-calorie, and tasty.

I slightly modified the diet on the fourth day, I began to eat more often, but in small portions. It very well drowned out appetite, it was not necessary to be filled with water.

So I lasted for ten days, but taught by bitter experience after that I adhered to a more modest diet. As a result, the water diet helped me lose 6 kilograms, and after a couple of weeks I gained 2 kilograms again.

As a result, my whole stable has decreased by 4 kilograms. Very good result for me!

Nina. My weight loss experience

How often do we regret looking at our reflection in the mirror. It does not happen that a woman is always satisfied with everything in her appearance. So I exhausted myself by dieting, because when I see cellulite or stretch marks, I immediately panic, or even worse - I fall into depression.

Many diets have been effective, and many had to be abandoned after a couple of days, as my sick stomach reminded me that I still had it.

But a few months ago I found the best option for myself - a water diet. Why optimal, I think, is clear.

First, the stomach must have a diet.

Secondly, with gastritis and ulcers, steamed vegetables are just what you need.

And thirdly, the amount of water drunk gives the stomach something to work on and muffles the feeling of hunger.

However, nutritionists also advise drinking water at a time when you want to eat. Since with a lack of fluid, our body sends a signal to the brain, similar to a signal of hunger. And here is the result: we start eating instead of drinking! And then we wonder why fat is deposited, and even in the most secluded (for the time being, for the time being secluded) places of our body.

Most women think about correcting their figure, some take it seriously. Various gyms, beauty treatments and, of course, diets come to the rescue.

Among the many choices of diets on the step of the most famous is therapeutic starvation. This type of diet is divided into two types. The first is called dry fasting, the second, on the contrary, water.

Dry fasting consists in eating foods, but the rule of thumb is to drink less liquid in order for excess fluid to leave the body. And fasting on water is a more serious choice and needs to be given special attention.

Fasting on water is called curative, why is it so? This type involves the use of only water and no food. I would like to immediately draw attention to the fact that you can’t immediately start this diet, you need to gradually prepare, moving from several days to weeks of fasting.

Fasting periods are up to 7 to 21 days, this is a fairly long period and stress for the body. The essence of the diet is that the water that the body receives during this time washes away not only unnecessary substances, but also diseases, and, for lack of the ability to get fats from food, the body absorbs its own fats from reserves.

How to apply the water diet - 10 kg per week?

When applying a diet of this kind, you need to have a reserve of not only patience, but also willpower and know that loads during fasting, as well as when leaving, are prohibited. The first day the body begins to cleanse itself of toxins and toxins.

Over the next few days, the body loses not only harmful substances, but also depletes energy reserves. Therefore, the appearance of weakness should not be surprising.

Those who practice this type of fasting claim that at the stage when the body begins to draw fat from its reserves, the feeling of hunger begins to disappear, and health improves due to the fact that all organs that have suspended work with digestion of food rest and recover.

With the active absorption of fluid, we help the body to balance the water balance, all systems and organs begin to work in full force, which leads to the improvement of the body, high-quality food processing and the removal of extra centimeters at the waist.

The most effective and safer is a water diet for 7 days, losing up to 10 kg. What to do daily:

  • after waking up, drink a glass of water, before going to bed - drink a glass of water;
  • before meals, drink another glass of liquid;
  • after a meal, after 1.5 hours, also drink 200 ml of water.

  1. For breakfast, you need to eat 1 egg, a piece of rye bread and cheese, no more than 70 g.
  2. The second breakfast is a pear or plum.
  3. For lunch, boil chicken fillet, 100 g, make a vegetable salad - 300 g, a slice of bread, 25 g.
  4. For a snack - peach.
  5. The first dinner is 100 g of boiled beef, a portion of vegetables stewed without adding oil.
  6. Second dinner - 50 g of yogurt, 50 g of cottage cheese and low-calorie fruits, a few pieces.
  • during meals, as well as after eating, it is forbidden to immediately consume any liquid, no later than or no earlier than 1.5 - 2 hours;
  • during a strong feeling of hunger, you need to drink a glass of water, if you still can’t eat;
  • the daily rate of drinking water should be at least 3-4 liters, 40 ml per 1 kg of weight;
  • the entire dose should be divided over the whole day, 5-6 doses, and more, depending on how much liquid you will drink at a time;
  • water should be drunk slowly, not in one gulp, so that the saturation of the body comes faster;
  • all the liquid used must be replaced with water, if you want to have a snack, you can drink a cup of unsweetened coffee, and after half an hour drink a glass of clean water.

Advantages and disadvantages of the water diet program

In a week, you can lose weight by 10 or more kilograms, bowel function improves, problems with stool are eliminated, nails, hair and skin become better. Energy appears, lightness in the body, good health is observed, especially when extra pounds melt like snow.

There are practically no drawbacks to the diet, it is only worth noting that it is important not to overdo it with fluid intake, so that excessive water consumption does not cause convulsions, swelling, and even a heart attack.

If the body begins to reject water, feels sick, vomiting has appeared, then you need to stop the diet and gradually restore the usual diet, additionally consult a doctor about your well-being.

A water diet for 7 days is not suitable for people who suffer from diseases of the kidneys, urinary tract, high blood pressure, as well as during the period of bearing a baby and breastfeeding.

Attention: fasting days on the water will be an excellent prevention of the occurrence of excess weight and the appearance of cellulite. You can add kefir, green apples, fresh fruits and vegetables to the diet.

A serious stage is the exit from starvation. Pies and sausages will not work. The period of withdrawal from fasting should be equal to the number of days of the diet. The first two days you can drink only juice, but on the first day it should be diluted with water, and only towards the evening of the second day it can be juice without additives.

For the next few days, only fruits and vegetables are consumed, and in conclusion, porridge on the water without adding salt, as well as boiled fish and meat, can be included in the diet. With proper observance of the whole process, not only weight loss is possible, but also the restoration of the correct functioning of the body.

When deciding to start fasting, you should consult with your doctor, as this species diets are not suitable for everyone and the detrimental effect on the body will manifest itself soon. You should not choose a diet on your own, because a specialist will indicate what is right for you.

Lose weight without harm to health and feel 100%!

A water diet for 7 days is harmonious for a person, because the main part of the body consists of water. The effectiveness of the weight loss method lies in cleansing the body of harmful toxins and toxins, forcing the internal organs to work properly. As a result of the establishment of digestive processes, you can easily and effortlessly lose at least 3-7 kg of weight in 7 days. Among nutritionists, this diet is considered lazy, but very effective - in a week the figure returns to normal and health improves.

Water diet for 7 days or how to lose 10 kg in a week

Leading nutritionists have come to the unique conclusion that excess weight accumulates as a result of a lack of clean water in the body. Indeed, with dehydration, natural processes are disrupted, the cycle of cleansing the body of harmful impurities worsens. Improper functioning of the kidneys and liver, plus a passive lifestyle, lead to the accumulation of excess body fat in human tissues. As a result, a person suffers not only from obesity, but also from diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure and cholesterol, arthritis of the joints, and so on. This is especially noticeable in the elderly, in whom the feeling of thirst is dulled.

To determine how much clean water each person needs to drink per day, there is a certain calculation formula:

  • for every kilogram of weight you need at least 30 ml of water per day, that is, a person weighing 50 kg needs to drink at least 1.5 liters, and a person weighing 100 kg - 3 liters.

If a person is not accustomed to drinking water at all or in very small quantities, you need to properly prepare for a water diet for 7 days without overloading the kidney system. So that the water way of nutrition gives effective results, it is necessary to adjust the diet in advance. Namely, exclude the following products:

  • fatty meat, fish;
  • flour products, especially yeast;
  • pastries, cakes, chocolate;
  • sweet sodas.

Since the water diet, designed for 7 days using pure water, it helps to cleanse the body and reduce weight, therefore, it is necessary not to overload it with excess fatty acids and calories, so the menu must be properly balanced.

In addition to the positive factors of the universal water method to get rid of extra pounds, there are contraindications:

  • persistent hypertension;
  • pathology of the kidneys and bladder;
  • problems with cardiac activity.

weekly diet rules

How to lose weight in 7 days by 10 kg? For a water diet to help cope with extra pounds in just 7 days, you need to know for sure: drink water before or after meals?

This question worries not only those who are losing weight, but also world nutritionists and endocrinologists. After many studies, it was found that drink clean water on an empty stomach and before meals, but not immediately after a meal, as the principle of rapid digestion of food is violated. You can drink after an hour after a meal.

Many people from childhood are not accustomed to drinking clean water, replacing it with tea, coffee, compote or other liquid. And until the age of 30, the body copes with this deficiency on its own, but after this age the saddest thing begins - metabolism slows down, tissues dry out, dryness appears, stones form and cholesterol rises, and most importantly, a person does not feel the need for clean water. To make a decision to switch to a water 7-day diet, you need to gradually drink at least one glass each in the morning and after dinner a week before it starts.

You can learn more about the water diet for the lazy. By the way, 1 cup in the morning makes it possible to lose up to 2 kg per day!

The essence of the water diet for 7 days is simple rules:

  • drink a glass of pure non-carbonated water on an empty stomach in a warm form;
  • drink a glass before each meal for 20-30 minutes;
  • limit the use of fatty, sweet, starchy foods these days and reduce their number in the future.

Using the right balanced menu really good to lose weight without debilitating diets. From the first days of using the water method of the diet, you should get used to a different schedule for visiting the toilet, as the urinary tract begins to work actively. In addition, remember that an excessive amount of water removes not only harmful substances, but also useful ones, so an additional intake of vitamins and microelements is simply necessary during this period.

Menu by day

Sample menu for 7 days for a water diet:

Monday Thursday

  • breakfast - oatmeal with water or low-fat milk, green tea;
  • lunch - low-fat soup (zucchini, broccoli, onions, carrots), boiled chicken breast, apple juice;
  • dinner - egg, cottage cheese, kefir.

Tuesday Friday

  • boiled vegetables (Brussels sprouts, celery, zucchini and eggplant with onion dressing), a slice of unleavened bread, green tea;
  • borscht, freshly squeezed orange juice;
  • boiled pollock fish, lettuce (carrot, cauliflower and apple), compote.

Wednesday Saturday

  • buckwheat porridge with raisins, green tea;
  • vegetable stew (without potatoes), juice, steamed chicken cutlets;
  • cottage cheese, tea with lemon.


  • cottage cheese casserole, raisins, green tea;
  • buckwheat soup, a slice of black bread, juice;
  • seabass with grilled vegetables (zucchini, eggplant, pepper), kefir.

With a water diet designed for 7 days, it is necessary to focus on buckwheat porridge, beets in any form, lemons, apples and juices, as they additionally contribute to the soft disposal of extra pounds in weight. With the right approach, a water diet in combination with a properly composed menu helps not only to lose weight, but also to improve the complexion and general state skin by saturating each cell.

Numerous reviews that have tried the water method of losing weight on themselves testify to different results. For some, in 7 days this figure is only minus one kilogram, for others - minus 5-7 kg of weight. It all depends on the individuality of the body, slagging and related diseases, especially the urinary system. In any case, it is worth trying a universal water diet for 7 days, which will not do any harm, but will only positively affect the functioning of internal organs.