15 kg at the time. The negative side of fast diets and contraindications

This article is written by Nate Green, who works with Dr. John Berardi, Nutritional Advisor UFC champion Georges St-Pierre. It describes an extreme experiment on your body. No doping was used. From the article you will learn how to lose 10 kg in a week.

From what has been written, it will become clear exactly how top athletes, such as Georges St-Pierre, quickly lose 5-15 kg before weighing. To confirm the accuracy of the method, Nate tested it on himself, losing 10 kg in 5 days. The unique part: Dr. Berardi and the team measured key physical indicators during the experiment, including the last phase of "rehydration."

As Berardi put it, “We used the exact protocol of Georges St-Pierre with Nate. The idea is that by doing this experiment with a guy who doesn't have to fight the next day, we were able to measure everything. physical parameters, which could never be obtained from a real athlete.

If you're a fan who knows everything about MMA, here's a few things you didn't know: O world class weight shenanigans.

If you do everything right, you can significantly increase the chances of winning. The athlete artificially reduces his weight before weighing, and then finds himself in an actual fight 5, 10 or even 15 kg heavier than the opponent. Correctly and quickly dropping 10 kg can dramatically change the state of things.

If you do something wrong, even the toughest guy will reach the limit of his abilities and probably won't be able to participate in the fight. If you do not adhere to a strict algorithm, there is a risk of damage to internal organs.

Although among boxers and wrestlers, rapid weight loss and the same rapid gain have been a kind of fashion for decades, this is still not very correct.

And while it's legal in MMA, *never* try this at home or without medical supervision. Excessive dehydration can kill you. Such weight loss cannot be used as a regular diet.

This article is NOT about how to lose weight and is NOT about healthy way life. Rather, it is a look at how far athletes and scientists can go to gain an edge over the competition.

And here's how it works.

Getting to know Nate

Picture this: Saturday night, you are a top ranked MMA fighter who has just entered the cage to fight in the welterweight championship.

Question: how much do you weigh?

The answer may seem obvious: a maximum of 77 kg, right? But if you followed the extreme weight loss steps, your actual weight is somewhere between 83 and 86 kg. This is 6-9 kg more than the border 77.

But 24 hours before entering the cage, you actually weighed 77 kg. Friday night was the official weigh-in, where you and your opponent stripped down to their underwear, stood on the scale in front of the judge, and prayed for the scale to read 77 or lower.

But as soon as you stepped off the scale, a massive weight gain race began.

This process seems very interesting. Most regular guys can lose about 2.5 kg under certain conditions.

But top athletes can lose up to 15 kg in just 5 days before the fight. And they can gain almost all of that weight back in the 24 hours between the weigh-in and the fight.

They do this to gain an advantage over the enemy in mass. In other words, the bigger guy, who retains more strength, agility, stamina, is more likely to win. A guy who both weighs in and during the fight weighs 77 kg is likely to lose.

That's why Anderson Silva is perhaps best fighter MMA in the world - usually fights in the category up to 84 kg, although in fact he weighs 97 kg. A few days before the fight, Anderson sheds 13 kg to reach the desired weight, and then gains most of the lost mass in the remaining 24 hours before the fight.

Georges St-Pierre - arguably the 2nd best fighter in the world - typically weighs 88kg. He drops 11kg to reach the 77kg category and then returns 9 of them before the fight.

Cheeky, right?

But how do they do it? And how does weight loss and rapid weight gain affect their performance?

Extreme Weight Experiment

I'm lucky to be friends with Dr. John Berardi and Martin Rooney, two guys who work with UFC athletes.

I recently told them that I would like to know exactly how to lose weight drastically. Can a regular guy like me lose 20 pounds in a few days and then get it back in 24 hours?

And if it were possible, how would I feel? I've heard that drastic weight loss is one of the biggest challenges fighters face in their careers. Can I handle it? Or will I give up when the conditions get tough?

They agreed to help me lose 20 pounds in a week and then put the weight back on in 24 hours.

To say that I was nervous before the start would be an understatement.

Smart Way to Lose Weight Fast

Photos "before". Full of water and feel happy.

There are many wrong, terribly wrong, ways to lose weight. Even a lot of UFC fighters don't know how to do it smart. Instead, they do real harm to their bodies by doing the wrong things: taking a lot of diuretics, not drinking water, skipping meals, wrapping themselves in cellophane during exercise (sometimes in the sauna), and generally acting stupid.

Of course they lose weight. But they also lose energy and strength. And it does not help them at all during the battle.

With the help of Dr. Berardi and Rooney, I decided to go with a smarter algorithm so as not to put my health in serious danger.

I started with 86 kg and decided to lose 9 kg in 5 days.

Here is the strategy we used - the same one used by Georges St-Pierre and other elite MMA fighters before big fights(remember: we know this because Dr. Berardi is Georges' personal nutritional advisor).


Rapid weight loss is related to water and sodium levels in the body.

For a fighter who wants to cut weight quickly and safely, there is the following water intake schedule for the 5 days prior to the weigh-in:

  • Sunday - 9 l
  • Monday - 4.5 l
  • Tuesday - 4.5 l
  • Wednesday - 2.25 l
  • Thursday - 1.1 l
  • Friday - no water until weigh-in at 5pm

As you can see, the amount of water starts at 9 liters and decreases every day to a minimum on Thursday and Friday. This is necessary to put the body into "flushing mode".

If you drink a lot of water in the beginning, the level of aldosterone, a hormone that stores sodium and removes potassium, will decrease in the body.

And when your mid-week and late-week water intake drops, your body will still be in “flushing mode,” which means more urine will be produced even though water intake will be low.

What happens when you excrete more fluid than you take in? Yes! You are rapidly losing weight.


Since one gram of carbohydrates binds 2.7 grams of water in the body, it is important to consume low carbohydrates. Glycogen stores (an energy source) will also be destroyed, and the body will remain in “flushing mode”.


These carbohydrates should be completely avoided during weight loss.


Soldiers have to eat something. Because they must avoid carbohydrates, Dr. Berardi advises them to eat high-quality protein such as meat, eggs, or vegetarian sources of protein. Also, eat plenty of leafy (spinach) and cruciferous vegetables (like broccoli and cauliflower).

Georges St-Pierre is usually prepared by a personal chef, so he does not have to think about the dishes or draw up a menu for dinner.


Since the body loves sodium (which retains water), reducing salt intake helps the body eliminate fluids.


This step isn't always necessary, but it can help when you've done your best but still need to lose weight. Opt for a natural diuretic such as dandelion root, but only use it for the last 2 days.


We sweat in hot environments. And we sweat the most in hot and humid conditions. Hot water is warm and 100% humidity. Fighters lose water quickly when taking hot baths, submerging completely, except for the tip of their nose, for 10 minutes at a time.


This is the "finishing touch" that will help you get rid of the last kilo of water and is only used in the last few days before the weigh-in.

Weight Loss Plan

If we take into account all of the above and write for a week, it will look like this:


  • No fruit, starch, sugar
  • Water: 9 l
  • Salt: No


  • Carbohydrates: Less than 50 grams per day
  • No fruit, starch, sugar
  • Protein and fat: As much as you want, 3 times a day
  • Water: 4.5 l
  • Salt: No


  • Carbohydrates: Less than 50 grams per day
  • No fruit, starch, sugar
  • Protein and fat: As much as you want, 3 times a day
  • Water: 4.5 l
  • Salt: No


  • Carbohydrates: Less than 50 grams per day
  • No fruit, starch, sugar
  • Protein and fat: As much as you want, 3 times a day
  • Water: 2.25 l
  • Salt: No
  • Sauna in the afternoon


  • Carbohydrates: Less than 50 grams per day
  • No fruit, starch, sugar
  • Protein and fat: As much as you want, 3 times a day
  • Water: 1.1 l
  • Salt: No
  • Sauna in the afternoon for 30 minutes, hot tub at night

FRIDAY (weighing at 17.00)

  • Carbohydrates: Less than 50 grams per day
  • No fruit, starch, sugar
  • Protein and fat: As much as you want, 3 times a day
  • Water: None before weighing
  • Salt: No
  • Sauna to the desired weight

How I felt

Dry as a bone, and absolutely not happy about it.

It all looks great on paper. But how do you really feel when you go through it?

In a word: hell.

I started on Sunday with a weight of 86 kg. Here summary how everything went.


I carry a water bottle everywhere, which makes me feel ridiculous. But I have to make sure I drink 9 liters of water. In general, I feel great. It just seems to be difficult. I'm sure it won't be hard.

MONDAY - 84.8 KG

I'm starting to miss the taste of salt. All my food is fresh. Now I drink 4.5 liters of water instead of 9 liters. However, not everything is so bad.


I go to the bathroom 13 times in one day. I think this is a new record. And I still drink 4.5 liters of water.


Now I drink 2.25 liters of water a day, which means I have to watch my water intake, which makes me feel weird. I drank a little at breakfast, a little at lunch and a little at dinner. I definitely don't have enough water.

Dry mouth. I feel dehydrated. I drink espresso instead of drip coffee because it contains too much water.

In the evening I take my first hot water bath. Usually I like to sit in the bathroom, but now it's different. The water in the tap is not as hot as Dr. Berardi wants - "hot enough to cause moderate pain, but not burn my hand" - so I fill two pots and a kettle with water, put them on the stove, wait for it to boil, and pour it into bathroom.

I lie down in the water and immediately regret this decision.

10 minutes later, I'm lying naked on the living room floor, trying to catch my breath. My eyes rolled back. My whole body is a giant lump. I want to drink water, but I can't.

It's not as fun anymore.


I am a zombie. Zombie who sits. Mostly in the sauna or on the couch.

In the sauna, I watch the sweat appear on my skin. I see precious water running down my arms, chest, and legs, and I know I won't be able to replenish it when I get outside. I only have 1.1 liters of water for the whole day. I'm waiting for this to end.

FRIDAY - 77 KG at 17.00

I look bad and feel the same.

I spend the last 30 minutes before the weigh-in in the sauna drinking only four sips of water throughout the day...

How Weight Loss Affects Physical Data

I will not give all entries from the journal and will share some physical data.

No one has ever explored how much strength or power a competitive fighter loses when dehydrated (or how much strength and energy they regain after gaining all the weight). So we decided to check.

It turns out that losing 20 pounds in 5 days does not help maintain strength, power, or flexibility (surprise!). I couldn't jump as high, lift as much weight, or run as fast as I had the week before during baseline testing.


  • Baseline: 80.5 cm
  • After dehydration: 70 cm


  • Baseline: 15 reps
  • After dehydration: 5 reps


  • Baseline: 3 minutes and 14 seconds at 12 km/h with 6% incline
  • After dehydration: 1 minute and 28 seconds running at 12 km/h with 3% incline

It's no surprise that guys try to quickly regain their weight right after the weigh-in. They would fall if they didn't.

The Smart Way to Gain Weight Fast

After the UFC athletes lose weight and weigh in, they will not be able to show good results(which is evident from my less-than-stellar performance in gym).

Here's how they do it (and how I did it).


According to Dr. Berardi, the human body can replenish up to 1 liter of water in an hour. Thus, he advises the fighters not to drink anymore. Instead, he asks to drink 1 liter of water per hour in small sips.

However, the water will not be completely preserved. About 25% of it will be excreted in the urine.

So here's some simple math for you:

  • 9 liters of water to return.
  • 11 liters of fluid between Friday's weigh-in and fight to get all the water.
  • 24 hours to do it. 8 of which are reserved for sleep and 3 of which are free time before the fight. This leaves only 13 hours for rehydration.

Therefore, as soon as the athlete leaves the scales, he literally pours a liter of water into himself and carries a bottle with him everywhere, constantly replenishing it until 3 hours remain before the fight (there is no restroom in the cage).


Now it's time for the fighters to “load” on carbs and get all the water back into the muscles. It improves well-being and appearance(and I experienced this during my super-hydration phase).

Dr. Berardi allows his fighters to eat well right after the weigh-in, and he doesn't restrict calories. Its athletes can eat as much healthy food as they want: lean meats, potatoes, rice and vegetables (fatty and unhealthy foods are not suitable).

On Saturday (fight day), Dr. Berardi allows fighters to eat healthy food until they feel full in several small meals.


Because sodium helps the body retain water, fighters are encouraged to add salt to their food.

This is what my super rehydration schedule looked like.

Weight Gain Plan


Carbohydrates: Eat as much as you want in one meal after weighing and testing

Protein and fat: Eat as much as you want in one meal after weighing and testing

Rehydration: Drink 1 liter of water mixed with 1/2 scoop of carbohydrate or protein shake every hour while you are awake

Salt: Salt food


  • Carbohydrates: Eat the right amount of food in four meals before weighing
  • Protein: Eat the right amount of food in four meals before weighing
  • Rehydration: Drink 1 liter of water mixed with 1/2 scoop of carbohydrate or protein shake every hour while awake, but stop 3 hours before testing

How Weight Gain Affects Physical Data

First things first: Personally, I ended up gaining 7.6 kg in 24 hours. Not bad.

Question: How much strength and energy do you get when you restore the right level of water in the body?

When you need to lose 15 kg in a month, they usually resort to fast diets and other express weight loss methods. But soon they notice that the weight is coming back. Therefore, it is worth thinking about finding a more correct weight loss strategy.

  • The calorie content of food should decrease slowly;
  • also carried out gradually;
  • The frequency of meals per day - 6 times;
  • You need to choose low-calorie foods;
  • Water consumption - up to 3 l / day;
  • In the daily norm, the ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates should be observed: 30:30:40 (% kcal);
  • Need to sleep.

At home, it is very useful to lead, where all moments of nutrition, sleep, additional funds weight loss. Record every calorie eaten and every kilogram lost. This will help to account for misses and allow you to quickly find the cause in case of failure.

We often hear: “Help! How to lose 15 kg in a month? Getting rid of this amount of fat is not easy, but real. Weight loss systems developed by nutritionists from different countries will help you lose weight quickly, but this is only half the way, the results achieved have yet to be consolidated and maintained.

Diet Kim Protasov

Atkins Diet

When eating dishes with tomatoes, cabbage, eggplant, spinach, onions, green peas, sour cream, be sure to keep a record of carbohydrates and not exceed the norm.

The first phase puts a taboo on bakery products, sweets, cooking oils and all kinds of foods containing carbohydrates, as well as alcohol.

Intermediate - you can increase the amount of carbohydrates in the diet by 20-150 grams per day, depending on your individual daily allowance, which can be determined experimentally, or using a calculator. The intermediate phase lasts about two weeks. If, after moving to the second phase, you notice that the weight has stopped decreasing, then return to the diet of the first phase for another week.

Each week, the amount of carbohydrates is increased by 10 grams until the balance of bju is 40% -35% -25%. For many it can become a normal way of life. Perhaps, having felt the effectiveness of the diet, you will not want to return to your previous diet. If the weight begins to increase again, it is recommended to return to the stimulating phase.

How not to "break"?

The question of how to lose weight by 15 kg per month is much less important than the problem of breakdowns. After all, once having broken off the diet, you can eat everything that you dumped with such difficulty. Diet - Fast passage to new attitudes, rules, a new way of thinking and behavior. To mitigate this process and adapt to it faster, special rules have been developed.

  • You need to buy products that are low-fat, on a full stomach, after making a list.
  • Do not buy sweet or starchy foods, even for relatives and friends.
  • Carry some food with you to resist the temptation of fast food.
  • Train yourself to eat in one place (room).
  • After eating, the table should be empty (no bowls of sweets or cookies).
  • If the portion seems small, you can “increase” it by spreading it on a plate.
  • Food should look attractive and appetizing.
  • You need to eat very slowly: put small pieces in your mouth; chew for a long time; swallow before putting the food back in.

And the most important rule is not to engage in self-discipline in case of any mistake or omission. We need to calmly move on, given the mistakes made.

What will help you lose weight faster?

Since “destroying” 15 kilograms is not an easy task, additional methods of influence can come to the aid of the diet. Of great importance is self-hypnosis, internal orientation to the result, a sufficient amount of vitamins and physical activity.

  • Even a slight increase physical activity will speed up weight loss. To do this, there is no need to sign up for a gym or get up at 5 am (to be in time before work). At home, it is enough to jump from 15 to 20 minutes a day and another 200 kcal will go away. And if you jump in the morning and in the evening, then twice as much!
  • The combination of diet and massage also contributes to the loss of extra pounds. To achieve the result, massage procedures can be carried out in the bath, sauna. Activates blood flow, lymph movement; the released sweat will remove the decay products of substances and toxins.
  • In shops sports nutrition there are drugs to help fight. In addition to fat burners, there are blockers of fats and carbohydrates, appetite suppressants, etc.

A diet for a month is a shock to the body. The menu is (most often) monotonous. Lack of vitamins and nutrients can subsequently worsen the condition of the skin, hair, etc. It is recommended to use a vitamin-mineral complex.

How to keep weight?

There are a number of rules that allow you not to gain weight again. The main thing is to adhere to them constantly so that the efforts that you put into losing weight do not become in vain.

  • Use only natural products;
  • Cook cereals only with complex carbohydrates (,);
  • Use a minimum of oil for cooking;
  • For garnish - vegetables;
  • Broths - from vegetables, mushrooms or lean meat;
  • Avoid long breaks in food, snack, fruit, etc .;
  • It is necessary to get enough sleep so that the satiety hormone is produced;
  • Set aside time every day for aerobic exercise, the best way burning fat - jumping, running.

In a month, you can lose 15 kilograms. Although the body will not like this “speed” too much, in the absence of contraindications, a strict diet is not fatal.

Every woman wants to be slim and look great. And if there is overweight and there are not so few of them gathered on the stomach and thighs? What to do when you need to lose not 3-5 kilograms, but 10-15, and it is also desirable that they do not return later? And now women face the problem of finding a suitable diet that will quickly and effectively get rid of excess weight. But do not forget that you can lose 15 kg with the help of a diet, but how healthy will it be, and will such a diet bring new difficulties, instead of getting rid of existing ones?

Consider diets that allow you to lose weight by 15 kg, designed for different periods, and we will try to figure out how effective they are, what underlies them and what menu they consist of.

Diet "minus 15 kg" for 20 days

This diet is quite famous and popular. It makes it quite easy to lose those extra pounds and, most importantly, they go away for a long time. Diet "minus 15 kg" is not difficult to follow if you follow the rules. It includes all the necessary ingredients needed human body, and therefore hunger will not bother you. The most difficult will be only the first two days, hungry days, but certain foods are included in them, so you will not be left without food at all. Subsequently fasting days much easier to carry.

Diet rules provide for the rejection of certain foods:

  • All alcoholic and carbonated drinks,
  • All types of sweets: both caramel and chocolate,
  • Sweet and sugar should be replaced with honey,
  • starch-containing products,
  • Flour products.

Diet "Minus 15 kg" - menu by day

1-2 days of unloading, we adjust the body to a diet:

  • Breakfast - 2 slices of black bread and a glass of yogurt,
  • During the day - drink up to two liters of kefir,
  • Dinner - a glass of tomato juice.

3-4 days - protein:

  • Breakfast - coffee with milk, a slice of black bread with butter, 1 teaspoon of honey.
  • Lunch - 1 glass of broth, 150 grams of boiled meat or fish, 1 slice of black bread, 2 tablespoons of green peas.
  • Snack - 1 glass of milk or tea with honey.
  • Dinner - 1 glass of kefir, 2 boiled eggs, 50 grams of fat-free cheese.

5-6 days - fruit and vegetable:

  • Breakfast - 2 apples or 2 oranges.
  • Lunch - vegetable soup, vegetable stew, 1 slice of black bread.
  • Snack - 2 apples or 2 oranges.
  • Dinner - fresh vegetable salad, 1 slice of black bread, tea with honey.

In the future, again there are 2 unloading, 2 protein and 2 fruit and vegetable days. And so all 20 days of the diet.

Diet for a month

A diet that allows you to lose 15 kg per month is best done in the fall, when fruits are in abundance and contain a maximum of nutrients. The main condition for this diet is to drink plenty of fluids - at least two liters per day.

Diet menu "15 kg per month":

  • 1st day - watermelon. On the day you need to eat 1.5 kilograms of watermelon divided into five doses.
  • 2nd day - apple. In five doses, you need to eat two kilograms of apples.
  • 3rd day - grape. Eat 300 grams of grapes every three hours for a total of five meals.
  • 4th day - melon. A medium-sized melon is divided into five parts and eaten during the day.
  • 5th day - vegetable. Any vegetables (with the exception of potatoes) are boiled, stewed or baked, without sugar, salt and oil. You can also eat raw vegetables.

In the 15 kg diet for a month, five days of a strict diet alternate with a week off.

Is it possible to lose 15 kg per week on a diet?

There is also a diet that allows you to quickly lose weight. Its components were very carefully thought out by experts and all for one purpose - the fight against extra pounds. The diet "15 kg per week" is based on the principle separate power supply, and in order to achieve results, one should strictly follow the rules, and not engage in amateur activities and make convenient amendments. Our task is to lose weight by 15 kg and the diet copes with it and excellently fights against subcutaneous fat located in problem areas.

The main requirements of the diet:

  • Completely eliminate alcohol, salt and sugar from your diet.
  • Do not torture your body and do not resort to serious physical activity.
  • It is allowed to do a little gymnastics in the morning for cheerfulness.
  • It is advisable to make small runs in the morning, and during the day to move and walk more actively.

Diet menu "15 kg per week"

The first day:

  • Breakfast - 50 grams of boiled fish, a glass of 1% kefir, green salad leaves, in unlimited quantities.
  • Lunch - 100 grams of chicken breast, 2 slices of wholemeal bread and 1 boiled egg.

Second day:

  • Breakfast - 80-90 grams of boiled veal, one boiled carrot and one potato, a cup of tea, celery in large quantities.
  • Lunch - 1 cup fat-free yogurt, dates 5-7 pieces, oatmeal or a glass of bran, 50 grams of non-fat cottage cheese.

Day three:

  • Breakfast - 250 grams of meat or chicken broth without salt and spices, 50 grams of boiled chicken fillet, 2 loaves.
  • Lunch - 50 grams of boiled veal, 1 orange or 1 apple, spinach (as well as any other greens) in any quantities.

Day four:

  • Breakfast - a small portion of buckwheat boiled in water, 1 glass of kefir, tomato salad.
  • Lunch - a small portion of boiled rice, a glass of unsweetened fruit juice, 30 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, 60 grams of prunes, 1 kiwi.

Day five:

  • Breakfast - 60 grams of lean boiled meat, a salad of two peppers and 1 cucumber, 1 boiled egg.
  • Lunch - 50 grams of boiled fillet, boiled asparagus beans, 1 apple, 3 pieces of dried apricots.

Day six: 4.2

4.2 out of 5 (5 Votes)

50% of the female population sooner or later begin to ask themselves the question: how to lose weight? Some try to lose 5 kg, some 10, but there are girls who try to lose more, especially before holidays or important events. They are looking for effective, quick ways to lose weight, trying to create their own diet menu. But unlike amateurs, smart girls try to learn from professionals how to lose 15 kg in a week. But it should be taken into account that very fast loss weight threatens to worsen the condition, problems with the kidneys, liver.

How much can you lose 15 kg

The answer to this question is ambiguous, it depends on the input, which includes a person’s desire to reduce weight, his diet and menu, physical activity, etc. Some people can easily lose up to 10 kg per month, for others it will be a very difficult test and overwhelming load. It is also worth considering general state health of a person who is trying to lose weight. Rapid weight loss can adversely affect a person's health.

It takes about two months for a prepared body to burn 10 kg excess weight. It is possible to achieve brighter positive results only with a rational approach to this process. To do this, you must adhere to proper nutrition, study exercise and follow a balanced diet. The main thing is the right motivation, and the mono-diet is considered the most effective.

How to lose 15 kg

Before starting the process, you should set yourself a task with full responsibility and honesty and answer the question: what result do you want to see in the end? If you have recovered after the holidays or want to lose some extra pounds, you should not go on a strict diet - you just need to slightly adjust your weight with light diet. In the case when you weigh 60 kg and want to lose 15 kg, then this can be dangerous for your health (such weight loss can cause serious diseases in the future, it will not create a beautiful figure for you).

It is worth taking the problem of excess weight very seriously, and especially how to lose 15 kg in a short time. Basic Rules proper weight loss are: a set of actions that can provide a healthy approach, proper nutrition, exercise, morale for quick and harmless weight loss. So, to achieve your goals, you need two main components:

  • proper nutrition;
  • sport.

Proper nutrition

To start proper nutrition, you need to completely revise your diet: the body should not be deprived of nutrients, but you should not overload it with unnecessary ones. There must be a restriction in food, especially fatty. The number of meals should be increased up to 6 times a day: in this case, fat will not be deposited, and metabolic processes will work much better and faster. When losing weight try to eat up to 3 times a day - this is very harmful and detrimental to the body.

With a traditional diet, you should not completely forbid yourself all sweets, you just have to reduce their consumption to a minimum. But if you set yourself the goal of losing 15 kilograms in a month, then you will have to completely abandon some products, change the usual way of heat treatment. Diet for quick weight loss by 15 kg allows the use of sugar substitutes. Once a week, you should spend a fasting day for the body: during this day you can eat fruits, vegetables, herbs, and drink water much more than normal.

So, do not fry or smoke food in a large amount of oil, it is better to boil or bake food. With such a diet, it is forbidden to eat the following types of food:

  • fried;
  • smoked;
  • salty;
  • confectionery;
  • protein;
  • flour and pasta;
  • ketchup, mayonnaise and other sauces;
  • fast food;
  • dairy and sour-milk products of high fat content;
  • sweet drinks with gas;
  • energy and alcohol;
  • coffee;
  • sugar;
  • soda;
  • cigarettes (even electronic);
  • sausage, ham, bacon.


For the period of the diet Special attention should be given to physical activity and gymnastics. Moreover, you can not only work out in the gym and fitness center, but create your own workouts in Everyday life. For example, these types of exercises can be:

  1. If you live in a high-rise building, it is not necessary to use the elevator - go up the stairs to your floor.
  2. At least twice a week walk to or from work(this will help in creating slim figure).
  3. After waking up, do not immediately jump out of bed, but do a few basic exercises for warm-up(sipping, lifting the pelvis, legs, warming up the hands, etc.).
  4. If you have sedentary work, try to use it for weight loss - at least a couple of hours a day work standing, periodically stretching on tiptoe.

Effective diet for losing weight by 15 kg

How to lose weight by 15 kg? There are many ways to lose weight, they all have their taboos. But when you start choosing the most effective diet for yourself, it is worth remembering that debilitating hunger strikes will by no means be useful in this matter either for your body or for your moral state. Naturally, this method will help to lose those extra pounds, but after a while they will return. Starvation will simply slow down the metabolic processes of the body. There are several time intervals for a diet: a week, a month, 3 months, half a year, etc.

For a week

You can distribute meals at your discretion. The main rule is that you can eat no more than 500 calories per day. At this time, it is strictly forbidden to eat foods such as salt, sugar, fatty foods. Daily menu might look something like this.