Light yoga for the face. Yoga for the face

No matter how much cream you put on your face, gravity and years take their toll. Wrinkles, nasolabial folds, a second chin, a floating oval ... What should I do? Stab yourself with Botox, flash with "threads" - the last century. A new trend is gaining momentum - antigravity yoga for the face.

Is it possible to rejuvenate the face, overcoming the force of gravity, it is easy to check. But first, let's learn more about the training in order to grimace and soar above the ground with skill.

Anti-Wrinkle Poses: The Benefits of Anti-Gravity Yoga

The fact that the face can be trained by analogy with the body was known three centuries ago. The first written mention of facial aerobics dates back to 1710 and belongs to the pen of Jeanne Sauval, the personal assistant of the French courtesan Ninon de Lanclos.

They say that Ninon had an incredible attractiveness, which she retained until her death. The secrets of her mystical youth, including facial exercises, were shared by Jeanne Sauval in her author's brochure.

Over the following centuries, the idea of ​​facial rejuvenation through exercise gained momentum. By now, it has crystallized into a large number of anti-age techniques.

Facebuilding, faceforming, facial aerobics, anti-gravity yoga - they all declare war on the scalpel and injections. But what is the real effect of applying face-practices?

The anatomical logic is simple - to work with the body in a complex way. And that is why the result of anti-gravity yoga classes is superior to the effects of other face-methods. Holistic approach to rejuvenation! We will talk about the practical side below.

We make faces, stand on our heads: yoga for the face - exercises for correction

There is nothing fundamentally new in rejuvenating yoga. The technique is based on the principles of Dutch spinal yoga therapy, Swiss facial training by Benita Kantieni and Hollywood facial gymnastics. How does this Olivier look like in practice?

No asanas beyond human capabilities will have to be performed. You will master Tarakvasana, Garbha Pindasana and Pincha Mayurasana on your own - there are no such “perversions” in yoga for the face. What is? A complex of face-exercises, which ends with an enchanting headstand. One of the complexes is given below.

Exercise 2. Forehead lift

Benefit: Smoothing the skin of the forehead, reducing the severity of the frown line and horizontal frontal wrinkles.

Position your fingers as follows: index fingers - above the eyebrows, thumbs - under the eyes, as if depicting “pilot glasses”. Forefingers begin to press on the eyebrows, and with the eyebrows - to resist.

Stay in the "asana" for a while. Repeat the following cycle 10 times: "squint - open your eyes wide - press on your eyebrows - close your eyes - open your eyes." Finish - "asana" with pressure on the eyebrow and resistance for half a minute.

Exercise 3. Working with the nasolabial triangle

Benefit: Prevention of formation and smoothing of existing nasolabial folds.

Roll up the gymnastic mat with a roller and place it under your lower back. With your shoulders on the floor, bend your knees. Slowly tilt them to one side and the other. At the end of the approaches, relax the muscles of the face, open your mouth and close your eyes.

What's with the nasolabial folds? In their formation, the incorrect position of the jaws and clamps in their area are directly involved.

The jaws are not set correctly - the bottom of the face sags. The “posture” of the jaws is influenced by the position of the ribs and pelvis, the alignment of which occurs during the exercise.

Aligning the ribs and pelvis means putting the jaws in place, which in turn will pull the bottom of the face. The logic is there, but vague. This is the yoga they say, "before you try it, the theory is useless; after that, the theory is obvious." Just try.

Exercise 4. Lifting the cheeks and lower third of the face

Benefit: Elimination of sunken or sagging cheeks, the effect of seductively rounded, elastic and taut cheeks.

Mentally draw a diagonal across the cheek from the corner of the mouth to the ear. Divide the diagonal with three points: the first is at a distance of a centimeter from the corner of the mouth, the second is in the center of the cheek, the third is closer to the ear.

Having placed the accents, proceed to massaging. Run your finger inside your mouth and work each point by pressing on it for a few seconds.

Exercise 5. Strengthening the muscles near the mouth

Benefit: Smoothing nasolabial folds, eliminating purse-string wrinkles, toning the skin around the mouth.

Place your index fingers over the nasolabial “creases”. Round your mouth by lowering your upper lip. Covering your teeth with your lips, smile broadly.

It looks ridiculous, but the effect justifies the unsightly appearance: the muscles of the cheeks are pushed up at this time, and the nasolabial folds are smoothed out. Perform 10 repetitions, freezing briefly in a smile each time. Hold the last "signature" smile for half a minute.

Exercise 6. Anti-gravity asana

Benefit: Toning the body, increasing blood circulation, improving skin nutrition.

The culmination of the complex. That for which everything was started. Apply your favorite anti-aging cream to your face, go up to the wall and do a headstand. It sounds simple, it is impossible to implement due to inexperience.

At the anti-gravity yoga training, they offer to use a special stand to perform the stance, with the help of which even a beginner can perform an inverted pose without breaking his neck.

The “gadget” looks like a chair, which instead of a seat has shoulder rests and a hole for the head. Three minutes of soaring upside down - and the coefficient of benefit of the cream increases by 30 times. Practice - it's worth it.


You can train in the Yoga Class studio, where, under the strict guidance of Elina Ivanova, once a week, happy season ticket holders make faces and stand on their heads. What should the rest do? Learn to stand on your own and reinforce it with any facial practice, the range of which is large.

Reinhold Benz, Carroll Maggio, Annlize Hagen, Patricia Gorovey, Evgenia Baglyk - the books and trainings of these teachers on physical education for the face are freely available. Buy, download and “sculpt” a face that can look young without fillers and Botox, which has been proven not only by the practice of contemporaries, but also by the experience of ancient courtesans.

Youth is not only the absence of wrinkles, but also a state of inner peace and confidence. Yoga for the face will help to achieve harmony of inner peace and external beauty.

What is facial yoga

Yoga is an Indian practice of self-knowledge and body improvement. Over time, they have found wide application not only in Asia and the East, but throughout the world. Any woman, wishing to regain youth and beauty, can perform a set of special facial exercises.

To ancient practice self-knowledge has not turned into morning exercises for the face, it is worth determining its main differences: concentration, calmness and a complete feeling of relaxation.

You can achieve spiritual harmony through meditation, massage, correct perception of the world around you, and relaxation.

The effect of exercise

Yoga will restore youth to the face, restore the psycho-emotional background, raise self-esteem, will help to achieve a positive cosmetic effect:

  • smooth wrinkles, make a small facelift;
  • eliminate swelling and flabbiness of the skin;
  • remove double chin
  • even out the relief of the skin;
  • correct the contour, improve the oval of the face;
  • cleanse the skin.

What are the merits of Elena Rodicheva

TV presenter, writer Elena Rodicheva developed own methodology facial rejuvenation, the duration of which does not exceed ten minutes. Yoga for the face with Elena Rodicheva requires concentration of thought and calmness of emotions. Ignoring this main rule, the ancient practice turns into a banal gymnastics.

Particular attention is paid to auricles. By massaging the earlobes, the blood circulation of the whole organism is activated. This exercise - perfect way start a good morning. The main part of the set of exercises according to Rodicheva is aimed at tensioning the muscles of the face. The final stage- complete relaxation.

Important! The result of yoga Elena Rodicheva - tightened skin face, the maximum effect of rejuvenation.

Video lessons, in which all the exercises of the Rodicheva facial yoga system are presented in detail, are available to Internet users.

Video: yoga for all facial muscles with Elena Rodicheva.

Preparing for Exercise

The maximum effect of facial rejuvenation can be achieved if all the preparation rules are followed:

  • It is important to relax before yoga. Take a comfortable position for yourself (better lie down), close your eyes and think about something pleasant.
  • Remove makeup from your face. Tip: do not do asanas after the peeling procedure.
  • Wash your hands well. It is strictly forbidden to touch the face with dirty hands.
  • Before starting exercises, apply a rich nourishing cream to the skin of the face.
  • You need to start with the simplest exercises.
  • The minimum time for the first session is five minutes. Gradually, the duration of the exercises increases to fifteen minutes.

Attention! The main condition for the sessions is the absence of external stimuli and a comfortable place to practice. The best time for a yoga session is early in the morning.

Structure of the complex

Rejuvenating yoga for the face is a set of exercises that are consistent in performing.

Conventionally, the session can be divided into three main stages:

  1. Preliminary warm-up. Rotational, abducting and adducting movements are used. Actions are aimed at complete relaxation of the muscles of the face. At the end of the warm-up, you can use some elements of the massage.
  2. Main part. At this stage, the emphasis is on working out each muscle of the face. In order to achieve maximum effect, you need to learn to concentrate on the area being worked out, leaving in a relaxed state unused on this moment muscles. You can help yourself with your fingers, which gently support the relaxed muscles of the face.
  3. The final stage. It consists of exercises, the action of which is aimed at relaxation, with some elements of meditation.

Throughout the yoga session, you need to keep your posture. The rule of verticality must be observed. Properly performed facial yoga elements will help you cheer up and get a boost of energy for the whole day.

Exercise instructions

List of exercises that contribute to the speedy restoration of elasticity and tone of the muscles of the face:

  • Muzzle of a lion. Open your mouth as wide as possible and stick out your tongue. Maintain this position for sixty seconds. After that you can relax. Then take a deep breath again and tighten your facial muscles. Asan is repeated two or three times.
  • Cat eyes. Putting the pads of your fingers on the corners of the eyes, gently stretch the skin. Then blink your eyes very slowly. Such actions are repeated twenty times.
  • Air kiss. Pull your neck forward. We make an air kiss - we blow air through lips folded into a tube. These steps must be repeated five times. We are resting. Then, covering your lips with your fingers, blow out the air again. We repeat these steps five times.
  • Fish. Pull in your cheeks, pull your lips forward. Fix this position of the facial muscles for ten seconds. Next stage- complete relaxation. Asan is repeated five times.
  • We play with a ball. Mentally imagine that there is a ball of air in your mouth. Move it from the right cheek to the left, from the lower lip to the upper, and so on in a circle.
  • We play with our eyes. Pull the lower eyelid with your fingers. At the same time, it is important to try to close your eyes. Then click on the eyeballs. Important: the movements are extremely accurate, smooth, cautious.
  • We play actress. Alternate between a smile and a sad expression. Such actions are carried out as quickly as possible until you feel tired.
  • Free flow. Allow yourself to relax and make faces at your pleasure. Forget about restrictions. Experiment by creating new facial movements.

Safety regulations

The effect of yoga for the face, as well as the safety of exercises, depends on compliance with specific rules:

  • The time for doing the exercises depends on the degree of mastering yoga. Beginners spend twenty minutes in the morning and evening. With the process of mastering yoga asanas, the time of classes is reduced to ten minutes.
  • morning exercise action antigravity yoga for the face is aimed primarily at toning the skin, eliminating puffiness and swelling after sleep, preparing the face for applying a mask or decorative cosmetics.
  • Yoga in the evening - the best way relax and tune in to a deep, healthy sleep.
  • When doing exercises desired muscle fixed with fingertips. Unfixed muscles are left in a relaxed state.
  • If there is a burning sensation and slight tingling, the exercises are performed correctly.
  • Maximum attention should be paid to three of the seven areas involved in facial yoga.
  • Face training should be regular. The optimal course is twice a week.
  • Do exercises in front of a mirror. Control of actions will help to perform asanas correctly.

Contraindications to facial yoga are vascular pathologies and diseases of the skin.

In order to rejuvenate and improve the condition of the skin of the face, both whole yoga complexes and specialized techniques designed to work out individual facial areas can be used. Having calmed the mind and tuned in to the lesson, with the help of special exercises you can work out even small muscles and get rid of mimic wrinkles. The advantage of the complex lies in the effective relaxation of the facial muscles while improving psychological state through some customization.

A set of yoga exercises specifically for the face zone appeared relatively recently. The development of this direction was carried out by yoga instructor Annlaise Hagen, who created a program of rejuvenating exercises for facial muscles in accordance with the traditions of Eastern practice. Also effective complex yoga to influence this area is presented by Fumiko Takatsu, the author of the Face Yoga Method.

A combination of strengthening and massage exercises from the practice of yoga allows you to quickly tighten the facial muscles and improve blood circulation in this area.

The principle behind yoga for facial area, consists in a simple statement: facial muscles they train in the same way as the muscles of other parts of the body. After all, with insufficient load, the body becomes weak and sagging - the same happens with mimic muscles. The technique allows you to activate and tone all 57 facial and neck muscles while increasing blood circulation in the area.

Yoga exercises differ from regular gymnastics in that they allow you to harmonize your internal state and improve your mood. The complex is performed after preliminary preparation of the body and face in the form of calming the mind and achieving the most relaxed state. The lesson helps to eliminate tension from tired muscles, restore vigor and freshness to them, as well as bring them into tone and tighten the face.

Facial yoga is especially important for busy people who spend most of their time under conditions of increased stress.

Yoga exercises for the face area are shown in the following cases:

  • dryness, swelling and flabbiness of the skin;
  • sagging and sunken cheeks;
  • the appearance of wrinkles in various areas of the face;
  • excessive muscle tension, often associated with a stressful lifestyle;
  • age-related changes in the shape of the face, omission of its lower part;
  • pale or dull complexion.

Since during the classes special attention is paid to the study facial muscles on individual zones and relaxation of the entire face area, then this complex helps to rejuvenate and restore the skin and muscles. During classes, the epidermis is enriched with oxygen, a light massage is performed, the skin becomes elastic and toned. Yoga becomes a kind of lifting procedure that ensures the preservation of the shape of the face in a natural way. A qualitative result can be achieved after 3 weeks of classes.

Preparing for the lesson

Since the complex is designed not only to strengthen the facial muscles, but also to create a relaxed state, it is necessary to prepare for a yoga session. It is recommended to carry out several procedures before starting the lesson:

  • choose evening time for the session;
  • clean your face of excess fat and cosmetics, wash your hands;
  • Apply a soothing cream with a moisturizing effect on the face and hands;
  • calm your thoughts and enter a relaxed state;
  • set your mind to positive and calming vibrations;
  • choose a place where no one will disturb you;
  • the ideal posture is sitting with a straight back;
  • Use a mirror to check if the exercise is done correctly.

Exercise is best done daily. Try to regularly conduct classes, starting with a session of 5 minutes and gradually increasing the duration of facial workouts.

A set of yoga exercises for facial rejuvenation

For convenience, yoga exercises designed for the face area are divided into groups depending on the area being worked out. During one session, you can focus on a particular area, and the next day, perform exercises for another area. You can also work on several areas of the face in one session, if time permits. On average, the duration of the entire complex is about 20 minutes.

In the process of training, follow the alternate work of the muscles: during the tension of one facial muscle, the others should be in a relaxed state.

Exercises for the cheekbones, chin, shoulders and neck

The yoga complex for training the lower face area effectively affects the muscles of the chin and neck area, helps to eliminate sagging skin.

  1. Tilt your head back to your shoulders and press the tip of your tongue against the tubercle of the upper palate. After that, slightly turn your head to the left side and stretch the cervical region as much as possible. Turn to the right side and repeat the action. Do 4 reps left and right.
  2. Pull your lips far to the left, feeling a stretch in the cheek area. Then raise your head and turn it to the left, keeping the elongated shape of the lips. Feel the stretch in your neck. Hold for 3 seconds, relax and then do 3 more reps.
  3. Squeeze all the muscles of the face as much as possible so that it takes the form of pronounced discontent: purse your lips, lowering the corners of your mouth, clench your teeth and squint your eyes. Lock the position for 7 seconds. After that, take the opposite facial expression in the form of a wide-stretched smile with a grin and wide eyes. Complete 6 cycles of the exercise.
  4. Push the lower jaw forward as far as possible and freeze for 30 seconds. After that, perform the opposite movement - push the jaw deeply back also for 30 seconds. Perform similar movements to the sides. The whole cycle is performed 4 times.
  5. Raise your head as high as possible and perform opening and closing movements with your mouth. Try to feel the tension Bottom part chin and neck area. Perform the movement for 1 minute.

Exercises for the mouth and nasolabial folds

Consistent exercise for the mouth area helps to eliminate nasolabial folds, strengthen deep muscles along the line of a smile, raise the lowered areas of the face.

  1. Try to smile only with your lips, without involving other muscles. The eyes are not included in the work in this exercise. Repeat the movement 4 times.
  2. Smile broadly and press your fingertips under your nose. Raising your cheeks with your fingers up, tighten your muscles. Perform the movement 25 times.
  3. Perform 20 mouth movements as if you are exhaling smoke in the form of rings.
  4. Turn your head to the sides, sending air kisses with your lips. Do 15 repetitions.
  5. Bring your palms to your temples and pull your face up and down with your hands. At the same time, fix your lips in a position, as if pronouncing the letter “o”, lowering the lower jaw as far down as possible. Hold the position for 5 seconds and do 5 reps.

Cheek exercises

Strengthening the muscles of the cheeks is the main factor preventing sagging of the middle part of the face. As a result of these exercises, the chin line is also corrected, blood circulation is restored in the cheeks and at the base of the face.

  1. As you inhale, play the sound that is characteristic of chewing food. As you exhale, make a long “mmm” sound until your lungs are completely empty. The number of repetitions is 4 times. Inhale and exhale through the nose.
  2. Pinch your lips into a bow shape and pull them as far away from your face as possible while pulling in your cheeks. Lock the position for 10 seconds. Relax and repeat 5 more reps.
  3. Having drawn air into the cheeks, inflate them and roll the air from left to right in the cheek area. Do 3 repetitions of the movement.
  4. Vigorously move your tongue over the entire surface inside the mouth. The lips should be compressed, move the tongue from right to left, passing along the lower and upper parts. In accordance with the traditions of yoga, it is necessary to perform 36 repetitions of this movement. Relax after finishing the exercise.

The cheek puff exercise is called Louis Armstrong, after the famous jazz trumpeter. During performances, he also puffed out his cheeks deeply.

Exercises for the forehead and eyebrows

Yoga complex for upper area face allows you to eliminate the interbrow, as well as transverse wrinkles. With its help, horizontal wrinkles in the frontal part are effectively worked out while relieving tension from this area.

  1. Without raising your forehead muscles, open your eyes as wide as possible. Look ahead with open eyes for about 7 seconds, relax and repeat the movement 4 times.
  2. Move the eyebrow area to the bridge of the nose and freeze for 5 seconds. After that, relax and make a surprised look, raising your eyebrows up. The number of repetitions is 5 times.
  3. With the fists of both hands, rest on the central part of the forehead and press with the middle and index fingers. Slowly push the skin in the forehead area with your fists. When you reach the area of ​​the temples, then slightly press on it and lower your hands. Perform the movement 4 times.

Exercises for the area around the eyes

Training the muscles located near the eyes eliminates puffiness, as well as fine wrinkles in this area. At the same time, the eyelids and sagging skin are tightened.

  1. Perform alternate eye winks 10 times.
  2. With your fingertips, lightly press down on the skin near the outer edges of the eyes. With a slight movement, slightly lift the skin up and close your eyes. Wait 20 seconds and release the skin. Repeat the exercise 5 more times.
  3. Slowly move your eyes to the sides, fixing your head in one position. Perform the movement for 30 seconds.
  4. Place your index fingers on upper eyelids. Lightly pull your eyelids up, while resisting the movement of your fingers with your muscles, trying to close your eyes. Hold for 3 seconds and release your eyelids. Repeat the movement 7 times.

Another great exercise to work out the entire surface of the face and activate blood circulation - build grimaces and actively engage the facial muscles for 30 seconds.


Yoga performed for the facial muscles has a minimum of contraindications that are associated with the characteristics of the skin:

  • too close location of the vessels to the epidermis;
  • skin diseases;
  • injuries and open wounds on the face;
  • postoperative period.

If you are in a strong mental stress, then before the session, try to bring yourself into a harmonious state and relax. Take a bath, do breathing exercises, read. This will make the training more effective, since in yoga an important place is occupied by the right attitude.

Types of yoga for facial rejuvenation

In order to tighten and rejuvenate the face, you can perform not only individual exercises aimed at working out this zone, but also a whole yoga complex to tone the whole body. In this case, the body is tuned for healing and high-quality study of all muscles. Improvement of metabolic and regulatory processes in the body will positively affect the health of the person.

During yoga, muscle clamps are eliminated, the body and mind relax, and the mind is tuned to a positive worldview.

There is a wide variety of schools and types of yoga. They are characterized by different approaches to practice, achieved effects and ways of influencing the body. Among the most popular areas that can help get rid of wrinkles and facial rejuvenation, the following stand out:

  1. Hatha. It is a combination of influences of the physical and mental plane to achieve a balanced state. This effective occupation for the study of the whole body, including the face area. Improves blood circulation and regulation of the body, helps to eliminate tension and clamps.
  2. Kriya. It includes a set of cleansing activities through yogic breathing techniques and opening the chakras. Breathing exercises very effective effect on the oxygenation of the body, in particular the face, which helps to get rid of wrinkles and relax the muscles in the facial area.
  3. Kundalini. This type yoga is aimed at increasing the energy concentrated in the lower chakra, and raising it up the spine. This is achieved through meditation, breathing and exercise. Due to the increase in the energy component of the whole body, blood circulation and nutrition of the facial muscles improves, which helps to rejuvenate and tighten sagging skin.
  4. Iyengar. This is a kind of subspecies of the direction of hatha yoga, contributing to the achievement of a hardy and harmonious body through the use of static exercises. As a result, the muscles of the whole body are strengthened, even the smallest mimic muscles, effectively tightens the skin of the face and eliminates wrinkles.
  5. Ashtanga Vinyasa. The main emphasis in this yoga is on the dynamic performance of the exercise, interconnected and smoothly passing one into another. Special attention is paid to breathing and focusing on certain parts of the body for a surge of energy, including the muscles of the face. This allows you to qualitatively work out the facial muscles in the energy and physical sense, improving blood circulation and nerve conduction in the face area.

Whichever direction of yoga you choose to rejuvenate the facial area, the exercises will effectively affect the entire body. Some types of yoga, such as hatha, iyengar and ashtanga vinyasa, are more focused on the physical development of the body and strengthening the muscles, which will tighten the shape of the face and strengthen the muscles. Others, like kundalini and kriya, primarily involve energetic and respiratory effects on the body to improve blood circulation, nerve conduction, eliminate clamps and, as a result, get rid of wrinkles and relax the face.

Inverted yoga poses, such as the shoulder stand, are very effective for facial rejuvenation. They should be performed with caution, after strengthening the whole body. They prevent ptosis and reverse the aging process.

Everyone famous yoga for the body - an ancient Indian spiritual practice. But what is yoga for the face? Is it true that it can replace Botox procedures and restore youth? And is it really true that wrinkles on the face will be smoothed out from regular exercises and the condition of the skin will improve?
Let's try to figure it out.

What it is?

Previously, yoga (not only for the body, but also for the face) was practiced only in India, but now it has spread throughout the world. This was largely due to the American Annliese Hagen, who brought facial yoga to the masses. Now women different ages resort to exercises in order to tighten aging skin, correct the oval of the face, or simply improve the condition of the dermis.

But what is the meaning of the concept of "yoga for the face"?

First you need to define the difference between yoga and ordinary facial gymnastics. Yoga for the face involves a special state of mind. You need to focus on the lesson, calm down and relax. Yoga should not be practiced while thinking about everyday issues or being upset.

The complex of this Indian practice includes the following procedures:

  • Meditation;
  • Massage;
  • Correct self-perception;
  • Relaxation.

Performing all the steps one by one, you can achieve tremendous results. Classes will not only give a second youth to your face, but also improve your mental state and raise self-esteem.

Efficacy and contraindications

Facial muscle training, coupled with relaxation and proper awareness of one's own "I", gives amazing results. Many Hollywood stars have already tested the miraculous effect of Indian practice. Jennifer Aniston and many of her colleagues "in the shop" became fans of yoga and forgot about any surgical procedures to preserve youth.

Yoga for the face, no doubt, has a very beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and facial muscles.

  1. Smoothes fine wrinkles.
  2. Eliminates puffiness, flabbiness of the skin.
  3. Removes double chin.
  4. Evens out the relief of the skin.
  5. Corrects the contour of the face.
  6. Leaves skin firm & clear.
  7. It is the prevention of eye diseases.
  8. Positive effect on hair growth.

All this happens due to the training of the small muscles of the face. Their regular tension gives an excellent result, because on the face the muscles are attached to the skin, and not to the bone.
It is enough to allocate 10-15 minutes a day for exercises (or 20-25 minutes 2-3 times a week), and after a couple of weeks you will not recognize your face - it will become so fresh and fit.

Another advantage of facial yoga is that it has almost no contraindications. It is not recommended to deal with it only for those who have skin diseases or a vascular network on the face.

Exercise "Fish"

Basic exercises

From the outside, performing facial yoga asanas may seem like a strange exercise. Exercises are more like grimaces than serious actions. That is why it is worth practicing in such a way that no one sees you, because yoga for the face is a rather intimate process. It is best to do this in the evening before going to bed after an evening shower.

Exercise 1. The face of a lion

Action: You need to open your mouth wide and stick out your tongue. The eyes are looking up. Hold this position for a minute, and then relax and rest. Then inhale through your nose and tighten your face, stick out your tongue. Repeat the exercises several times.

Result: this exercise is designed to relax the muscles of the face and strengthen them comprehensively.

Exercise 2

Action: Place three fingers of each hand to the outer corner of the eye and slightly stretch the skin. Try to avoid excessive tension. Now slowly open and close your eyes. Repeat the procedure 15-20 times.

Result: unpleasant ray wrinkles will be smoothed out very soon, and the skin around the eyes will become elastic and smooth.

Exercise 3. Air kiss

Action: stretch the neck forward and tighten the muscles. Fold your lips "duck", imitating an air kiss. Blow out the air, straining your face. Repeat the action 5 times. Now let's complicate the task. Attach two fingers to the lips, creating a slight resistance. Again, stretch your lips and blow. Repeat this exercise 5 times as well.

Result: these manipulations help to strengthen the muscles of the lips and remove the double chin.

Exercise 4. Fish

Action: Pull your lips forward, and, on the contrary, pull your cheeks inward. Hold the pose for 10 seconds and relax. Repeat the asana 5 times.

Result: This exercise is designed to strengthen the muscles of the cheeks and lips.

Exercise 5. Ball game

Action: Imagine you have a ball of air in your mouth. Alternately move it clockwise and counterclockwise, that is, from the left cheek up, then to the right cheek, then to the lower lip and again in a circle in opposite directions. Repeat 5 times.

Result: thanks to these manipulations, you will quickly get rid of double chin and strengthen the muscles of the nasolabial triangle.

Exercise 6. We strain the cheeks

Action: Squeeze your lips and teeth so that the muscles of your cheeks tense up. Your facial expression will look like a displeased grimace. Stay in this position for a few seconds, and then relax all the muscles. You need to repeat the exercise several times.

Result: regular performance of this asana will improve blood flow in the face and neck, as a result of which skin color will even out and facial muscles will strengthen.

Exercise 7. Playing with the eyes

Action: put your fingers under your eyes and gently pull the skin lower eyelids down. At the same time, try to close your eyes, pulling your eyelids with muscles. Next, lightly press on the eyeballs from below. All movements must be extremely careful.

Result: puffiness under the eyes will decrease and the muscles of the eyelids will become stronger.

Exercise 8. Motor

Action: With your lips, try to make a sound similar to the sound of a running motor. If you're doing everything right, your lips should vibrate slightly. Do the exercise until you feel itching around the lips.

Result: thanks to the exercise, the color of the lips will improve, and small wrinkles will be smoothed out.

Exercise 9. Actress

Action: quickly alternate between a smile and complete relaxation. You need to do this with maximum speed until you feel tired.

Result: the asana improves the overall tone of the muscles of the face, and also tightens the contour.

Exercise 10. Improvisation

Action: Stand in front of a mirror and make faces. Change quickly from one facial expression to another. Try to portray fear, joy, surprise, anger. Or you can just make funny faces.

Result: all facial muscles are strengthened, facial expressions become more expressive, wrinkles are smoothed out.

If you are not related to acting and do not like to shock the audience, facial exercises are best done alone.

  1. Cleanse your skin before doing yoga. Wash off cosmetics and dirt accumulated during the day with cosmetic milk or gel.
  2. Perform the procedure when you are completely relaxed. Remember: nothing should distract you.
  3. Control the time of classes yourself: as soon as you feel tired or bored, it is better to end the lesson.
  4. Some fitness centers offer instructor-led facial yoga classes. It may be worth attending several sessions in order to better understand the features of the exercises, as well as gain experience.
  5. Do the exercises 2-3 times a week, but do it regularly. Determine the days (for example, Monday, Wednesday, Saturday) on which you will devote a certain time to doing facial yoga. Don't miss a single day.


How to avoid surgery, but keep beautiful smooth skin? The answer is simple - do facial yoga! It will tighten the muscles of the face, relieve wrinkles, strengthen the skin, give it an even shade. Many Hollywood divas have already tested the effectiveness of such classes for themselves.

By secret

A younger face in just 11 days!

Even at 40, you can look 21 if you smear your face at night ...

Dieting and regular exercise help to tighten the body and tidy up its shape. But most often the contours of the face do not feel these changes: chubby cheeks and a second chin still do not want to leave. In continuation of a series of articles about yoga for health, we will talk about this in more detail.

Today, yoga is very popular to bring the body in order, but few people know that there is also yoga for the face. Complexes of exercises give tremendous results after a month of classes with a minimum expenditure of time and effort. In addition, I would like to note that yoga for the face can be practiced not only at home, but also at work.

Features of exercises for the face

Yoga for the face originated in India. The practice owes its popularity to Annliese Hagen all over the world. It was this American instructor who introduced Western civilization to her.

Yoga for facial rejuvenation presents many techniques and exercises to tighten the oval and strengthen the muscles of the face. The exercises are very simple, but require regular execution. You can practice in specialized groups by training for 2-3 hours a week. You can also do gymnastics every day for only 5-10 minutes.

Do not overdo it with facial muscle training. This can lead to quite the opposite effect of expectations. Special attention should be given to people who have weak and fragile vessels of the skin of the face.

Face Lift Exercises

It is better to start acquaintance with yoga for the face with a basic set of exercises. It will help you find out what facial massage is in practice and prepare for acquaintance with more complex complexes.

During classes, you need to feel comfortable and not be constrained. During training, the face can take on various grimaces that look a little strange from the outside. Therefore, some prefer to study alone.

    Gymnastics should start with an introductory exercise Buddha face. Correct execution helps to smooth the skin of the face, relax the muscles and prepare for the next lesson:

    1. close your eyes;

      feel the point between the eyebrows;

      imagine a rainbow circle;

      eyelids are closed all the time;

    Free language- the exercise stimulates blood circulation and trains the facial muscles. Tears may come out during the execution. This speaks of correct execution:

    1. open your mouth very wide;

      do it within a minute.

    Simple exercise surprise me helps to get rid of wrinkles on the forehead and folds in the region of the nose:

    1. open your eyes wide;

      do not wrinkle your forehead;

      imagine a point in front of you for ten seconds;

      repeat several times.

    Basic complex also contains training for eye muscles. Dancer's eyes strengthen the corresponding muscle group, prevent and relieve swelling:

    1. look left;

      look up;

      look right;

      look down;

      the head does not move;

      repeat for a minute.

    An exercise with an interesting name smiling fish aimed at restoring the tone of the lips, facial contours and getting rid of sagging cheeks:

    1. smile;

      compress your lips in the shape of a bow and pull them forward;

      retract your cheeks;

      try to smile, straining the corners of your mouth;

      do 5 reps for 10 seconds.

    Exercise Trumpeter strengthens and restores the shape of the cheeks. Trumpeter also helps to smooth the skin of the face and refresh its appearance:

    1. draw maximum air into the cheeks;

      roll the air from one cheek to the other;

      roll the air from the lower lip to the upper;

      3 times in each direction.

    You need to finish the course with initial exercise Buddha face. It will help to relax the face after class.

Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the face

Performing this set of exercises every day, after a week you can see significant changes. So, to strengthen the facial muscles will help the following exercises.

    hot ball- this exercise is aimed at preventing and correcting sagging cheeks, it also helps to smooth out the wrinkles of the nasolabial triangle and correct the chin line:

    1. take air into your mouth;

      move this "ball" of air clockwise, then against;

      repeat 5-7 times.

    Remove the second chin and improve the shape of the lower part of the face will help the movement of the chin in different sides:

    1. push the chin as far as possible and fix it for a few seconds;

      retract the chin as much as possible and press it to the chest, fix it for a few seconds;

      then moving first to the left, then to the right, with a short fixation in each position;

      5 - 7 times repeat the cycle.

    Charging for the cheeks in the form of muscle tension with closed lips and teeth, they improve blood circulation, help strengthen the muscles of the neck and correct the oval of the face:

    1. as you exhale, squeeze your lips and teeth, tensing your cheek muscles, fix for a few seconds;

      on the inhale, relax completely;

      repeat 5 - 7 times.

    Helps lift the cheeks and chin and improve complexion Air kiss:

    1. stretch your lips forward and fix for 10 - 20 seconds;

      then relax your muscles;

      repeat 5 - 7 times.

    From bags and bruises under the eyes, an exercise such as fake wink:

    1. tighten the muscles with which you wink, but at the same time, leaving your eye open, fix the position for a short while;

      repeat 5-7 times with each eye.

Regular classes yoga helps to correct the situation even in cases where the only solution may seem to be plastic surgery. Do not rush to sign up for an operation with a surgeon. Try at least a week to work out, and then decide on the need for surgical intervention. In addition, yoga is not just gymnastics, but the desire to become better not only externally, but also spiritually.

Being successful, healthy and beautiful is a lifestyle that is in trend today. To keep not only the body in good shape, but also the face will help the practice, known for a long time to Indian ancestors. Regular exercises will help restore the contours of the face, remove wrinkles and refresh its color.