Exercises to tighten the skin around the eyes. What can be done at home to lift the upper eyelids? Exercise "Thoughtful Lady"

These useful exercises are aimed at reducing bags under the eyes, preventing and reducing wrinkles around the eyes, making the skin on the temples toned and elastic.

Exercise "On the horizon line"

Place your fingertips on your temples so that your little fingers are at the outer corners of your eyes. Look into the distance and close your eyelids slightly, as if you want to see some very distant object.

Do not strain your eyes and do not squint: only the muscles around the eyes should work. Gradually tighten these muscles, and gently stretch the skin with your fingers

Having reached the maximum tension, linger in this position for 5 seconds, and then relax for 3 seconds. Repeat the exercise 3-5 times.

After 3 weeks, go to an accelerated pace of this exercise: tighten your muscles for 2 seconds, relax for 1 second. Practice in this mode for 2-3 weeks. Next, alternate between fast and regular tempo. Do 5 repetitions. Do the exercise 3 times a week.

This exercise is aimed at reducing the tear sacs under the eyes, as well as the prevention and reduction of wrinkles around the eyes.

Exercise "Tight Collar"

Place the pads of your fingers on your cheeks at the base of your temples. Tighten your chin muscles as if you were trying to loosen a very tight collar. Gradually increase the tension of the temporal muscles and muscles of the neck and chin

Having reached the maximum tension, linger in this position for 4 seconds, and then relax for 2 seconds. Repeat the exercise 5 times. After 3 weeks, start increasing the number of repetitions and gradually bring them up to 10. Then do the exercise every day 7-10 times.
This exercise will help smooth wrinkles around the eyes, reduce bags under the eyes and make the skin on the temples taut and supple.

Exercise "Bye-bye"

Close your eyes with your eyelids closed tightly. Do not close your eyes: the skin on the bridge of your nose should not wrinkle. Gradually increase eyelid tension

Having reached the maximum tension, linger in this position for 5 seconds, and then relax for 3 seconds. Repeat the exercise 5-7 times.

After 2 weeks, go to an accelerated pace of this exercise: tighten your muscles for 2 seconds, relax for 1 second. Practice in this mode for 2-3 weeks. Next, alternate between fast and regular tempo. Do 10 repetitions.

This exercise will make the skin around the eyes more elastic.

Exercise "Eyes wide open"

Open your eyes wide and gradually increase muscle tension

Having reached the maximum tension, linger in this position for 7 seconds, and then relax for 3 seconds. Repeat the exercise 5 times.

After 3 weeks, go to an accelerated pace of this exercise: tighten your muscles for 4 seconds, relax for 2 seconds. Practice in this mode for 2-3 weeks. Next, alternate between fast and regular tempo.

This exercise will strengthen the ring-shaped muscles of the eyes.

Exercise "Day and night"

Position with eyes open. Spread your index and middle fingers in a "V" shape. Attach the pads of the middle fingers to the bridge of the nose at the inner edges of the eyebrows, and the tips of the index fingers to the outer edges of the eyebrows and lightly press on the skin. Look straight ahead and slightly up. Tighten your lower eyelids, as if trying to squint, and then relax. Only the lower eyelids should work, the upper ones should remain relaxed.

The "squinted" position. Continuing to strain the lower eyelids, close your eyes tightly, stay in this position for 40 seconds and relax

Repeat the exercise 10 times.
This exercise is aimed at increasing the size of the eyes.

Exercise "Thoughtful Lady"

Forward facing position. Place the pads of the middle fingers on the bridge of the nose at the inner edges of the eyebrows, and the tips of the index fingers on the outer edges of the eyebrows and lightly press on the skin. Look straight ahead and slightly up. Tighten your lower eyelids, as if trying to squint, and then relax. The upper eyelids should not move.

Repeat the exercise 10 times.
The "gaze is directed upwards" position. Continuing to strain the lower eyelids, roll your eyes as if you are trying to examine some object hanging above your head, linger in this position for 40 seconds and relax

This exercise is aimed at strengthening the lower eyelids.

Exercise "Up and down"

Raise your eyes up as if you want to see your own forehead, and stay in this position for 5 seconds and relax your muscles for 2 seconds. Then lower your eyes down, trying to "see" the chin, tighten the muscles for 5 seconds and relax for 2 seconds. When performing this exercise, only the eyeballs should move. Don't help with your head or neck. Repeat the exercise 5-7 times.

After 2 weeks, go to an accelerated pace of this exercise: tighten your muscles for 2 seconds, relax for 2 seconds. Practice in this mode for 1.5 - 2 weeks. Next, alternate between fast and regular tempo.

This exercise is designed to strengthen eye muscles.

Exercise "Coquette"

Raise your eyes to the right up, hold your gaze on an imaginary point for 5 seconds and relax for 2 seconds

Then lower your eyes to the left down, tighten the eye muscles for 5 seconds and relax for 2 seconds

At the same time, look up to the left and down to the right. During the exercise, the head should remain motionless. Repeat the exercise 5 times.

After 2 weeks, begin to gradually increase the pace of the exercise and increase the number of repetitions. After about 2-3 weeks of training, you should do 20 repetitions, taking 2 seconds to relax and tighten the muscles. Next, alternate between fast and regular tempo.
This exercise strengthens the eye and eye muscles, gives the look fluency and mobility. published

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The delicate skin around the eyelids is the thinnest on the body, so it needs protection and care after the age of 20. The first signs of aging on it are noticeable much earlier than on other parts of the face.

And you need to take care of this area comprehensively, using not only high-quality cosmetics and natural masks, but also performing special exercises from wrinkles around the eyes. There are several complexes, and every woman can choose the most convenient one.

Causes of wrinkles

For some women, the first wrinkles appear much earlier than others.

And these are not individual characteristics of the organism, but the consequences of poor care or specific factors affecting a person:

  • The reluctance to wear glasses is fraught with regular squinting and the appearance of wrinkles in the corners of the eyes;
  • Reading while lying down or in poor/too bright light leads to wrinkles;
  • Ultraviolet, which directly affects the epidermis, also negatively affects it, so it is important to wear sunglasses in summer;
  • The only individual feature that leads to wrinkles, in which even gymnastics may be ineffective, is the severity of facial expressions and emotionality;
  • Daily use of decorative cosmetics;
  • Rubbing and stretching the epidermis after washing;
  • Incorrect application of the cream - it must be lightly driven in with pads at the top from the inner corner to the outer, and at the bottom - vice versa;
  • Often wrinkles appear with a long absence of teeth or in the process of sharp weight loss;
  • Hormonal disorders, infections and problems with the digestive organs, nervous system also lead to this pathology.

Gymnastics against wrinkles around the eyes does not require much time, can be performed in almost any conditions.

Complex of basic gymnastics from wrinkles

With the help of exercises for the muscles of the eyes from wrinkles, you can improve the condition of the skin of the eyelids, relieve fatigue from the eyes, and also get rid of slight puffiness. The skin becomes elastic, and new wrinkles form at a slower rate. You can use special decoctions and oils before exercises that help moisturize and tone.

Consider the exercises that are included in the complex:

  • You will need a pendulum clock or any weight on a string. Without turning your head, follow his movements for 5 minutes.
  • Repeat exercise No. 1 for another 5 minutes, but hang the clock higher and do not raise your head.
  • For a few seconds, they carefully peer at a distant object, then sharply shift their eyes to a close object.
  • At a distance of 25 cm, a small object is hung in front of the eyes, then they begin to move it in different sides, and they follow with their eyes without turning their heads, after which you need to make several circular movements in different directions.
  • Having tightly closed the eyelids, count up to 3, then sharply open the eyelids and again count up to 3. You need to repeat the exercise at least 8 times.
  • They tightly close and sharply open their eyes several times, and the muscles where “crow's feet” are formed are held with the index and middle fingers.
  • Close your eyes, and put 3 fingers on top. The index finger should hold the outer corner, and the middle one - the middle and eyebrows, while the nameless one focuses on the inner corner. They try to squint their closed eyes, and resist with their fingers.
  • They look forward, and with 2 fingers pull the lower eyelid to the upper one, count to 2 and release the eyelid;
  • This exercise will help from light bags around the eyes - the eyelids are closed, the eyes are raised up, the lower eyelids should straighten out.
  • Fingers are placed to the outer corners of the eyes perpendicular to the wrinkles, the skin is pulled back, the palpebral fissure should decrease. Opened and closed several times.
  • The head is kept still and straight, looking forward. Eyes need to be raised up, counting to 5, then look forward and lower their eyes in the same way, counting to 5.
  • Another effective exercise against wrinkles under the eyes - the head is held straight, looking forward, the eyes are very slowly moved to the left, counted to 5 and returned to their place. Repeat to the right side.

To increase the effectiveness of gymnastics for the skin around the eyes from wrinkles, you need to start monitoring your diet. Proper nutrition is very important for general condition skin.

List of folk remedies for massage and gymnastics

Olive oil is perfect for the epidermis. Just apply it before gymnastics. It will improve the skin, increase its elasticity, improve blood circulation and saturate with important minerals. You can also use pure aloe juice, which is deadly for all mimic wrinkles around the eyes. You can make a recipe with aloe juice and olive oil.

And ordinary ice helps to cope with swelling and unpleasant wrinkles around the eyes. You can freeze not only plain water, but also useful decoctions of herbs - chamomile, calendula and others. Use ice after gymnastics, applying for 3 minutes around the eyes.

Special complex from bags

If dark circles and swelling constantly appear under the eyes, then this can also be eliminated with the help of special gymnastics from wrinkles around the eyes. However, first you need to determine the cause of edema and eliminate it, otherwise no exercise will be effective enough:

  • Edema appears due to alcohol abuse or excessive fluid intake before bedtime;
  • Bad cosmetics often lead to darkening of the skin and the formation of bags;
  • Too much salty foods in food inevitably leads to this pathology after 30-35 years;
  • Excess weight also causes strong bags, and many other problems leading to fluid accumulation are added here;
  • Heart disease, kidney disease, and allergies often lead to pouches.

If all the symptoms of violations are eliminated, you can use a small set of exercises that will remove the bags and help smooth out the wrinkles that have formed:

  1. In the morning, you need to cleanse the skin, and then apply a special cream that matches your type. Within 2-3 minutes, it is driven in with fingertips. The procedure helps to dissolve edema.
  2. Squinting exercise. Close your eyes tightly to tighten the muscles under the eyes, hold for up to 10 seconds and relax. You can repeat 12-15 times.
  3. This exercise is best done on fresh air. Spread your legs wide and relax completely, straightening your shoulders. The palms need to be rubbed against each other, and the brushes should be kneaded. Then, while inhaling, the palms are placed on the face and begin to rub it intensively until it turns red. You need to repeat 2 times. Don't forget to wash your hands well before class!
  4. Sitting on a chair, rest your hands on the table. The palms should be pressed to the temples, stretching the skin near the eyes, count to 10 and release the skin. Repeat 3-4 times.
  5. Again, sitting on a chair, put your palms on your cheekbones, count to 10. Repeat 3-4 times.
  6. Standing, straighten your shoulders and relax your arms well. Open your eyes as much as possible to feel the tension. Count to ten, then close and relax your eyelids.
  7. Fingers should be attached to the lower eyelids and press the skin. Close your eyes and count to 5. Repeat 4 times.
  8. The lips are stretched in a smile, trying to put the muscles of the face into tension as much as possible. Count to 10 and relax. Repeat about 10 times.

The effect of exercises from wrinkles around the eyes will be noticeable after 7-10 days, but only when regular performance gymnastics can achieve significant results.

The complex against edema, when used correctly, gives a noticeable decrease in bags with the exclusion of other adverse factors as early as 3-4 days.

The area around the eyes is prone to the formation of wrinkles and sagging skin. This is an unpleasant picture that indicates age-related changes in a woman. Can the aging process be reversed? According to the trainers of special gymnastics - facebuilding for the eyelids - it is not only possible, but necessary. Exercises for the eyelids and skin around the eyes will smooth mimic wrinkles and bring the skin in order.

Problems inherent in centuries

Often women after 40 years of age are faced with the problem of the impending century- the skin from under the eyebrows seems to slide down, making the eyes narrower and unattractive, and the look heavy and dejected. This happens due to:

  • lack of muscle tone and atrophied ligaments;
  • improper water balance of the skin;
  • poor collagen production;
  • frequent use of matting tonal products and BB cream;
  • regular exposure to UV rays;
  • abuse of alcohol, coffee and cigarettes.

Interesting to know! The problem of a drooping eyelid can be solved with the help of blepharoplasty, which costs about 5 thousand dollars. The surgeon makes an incision and removes the loose skin. But due to atrophy of the ligaments, after a certain time, the impending eyelid may reappear. Cosmetologists offer less expensive hardware procedures: radiolifting, laser facelift, photorejuvenation, costing 1-1.5 thousand dollars per course.

In addition, after 25 years, small wrinkles begin to appear in the area under the eyes. This happens due to all of the above factors. The fact is that a woman blinks very often, smiles and squints in the sun. Consequently, the skin around the eyes is subjected to intense physical stress. If you are not a supporter of surgery and Botox injections, then special exercises for the eyelids will help to delay the aging process. They allow:

  • normalize lymph flow;
  • improve blood circulation;
  • remove the fat layer;
  • strengthen individual muscles;
  • make the skin supple and uniform.

On the lower eyelid, due to fatigue, a large amount of water drunk, muscle weakness and frequent exposure to the sun, appear:

  • puffiness;
  • a large number of facial wrinkles;
  • "crow's feet";
  • bruises under the eyes.

These problems are easily eliminated with the help of a properly performed massage.

A set of exercises

Cosmetologists have been struggling with the problem of sagging skin around the eyelids and wrinkles for a long time, and successfully. A whole set of exercises for the eyes has been developed, which, in symbiosis with lymphatic drainage massage, can improve the condition of muscles and skin. But there is one thing in this case: if you decide to become beautiful, then the procedures should be carried out several times a day.

To lift drooping eyelids

The problem of sagging eyelids is observed in every fourth representative of the weaker sex after 45 years. In most cases, it occurs due to improper care and weakening of the muscles. How to remove hanging eyelid? You need to regularly carry out exercises for lifting the eyelids, start eating right and give up bad habits.

A set of exercises to maintain facial muscles in good shape, aimed at lifting the eyelids:

  1. Warm up. Open your eyes, and now go through the pupils, first to the left, then to the right. Describe a few circles like this. You can relax. The preparatory phase has been completed.
  2. Open your eyes as wide as possible and hold this position for 7 counts. Now slowly close your eyelids, while tensing your muscles. Lock in this position also for 7 seconds. Do this 10 times.
  3. Now put your index finger on the protruding point of the eyebrows and try to bring them to the bridge of the nose, overcoming the effort. We do 10 times.
  4. Open your eyes wide and raise your eyebrows up, as if you are very surprised at something. At the same time, place the fingers of the whole hand on the forehead and move them towards the temples, trying to smooth out all the forehead wrinkles. Start blinking for 4 counts, imagining that there is a barrier in front of you. Again, we carry out the movement 10 times.

Important! It is not necessary to carry out the procedure at home. If you have a free minute at work, try just blinking for 30 seconds with your head thrown back and your mouth wide open. Even such a simple exercise can strengthen the muscles around the eyes and provoke the production of collagen.

To eliminate drooping eyelids, it is recommended to carry out massage together with gymnastics. It is quite simple and does not require special skills. Technique:

  1. Pre-prepare a decoction of chamomile. Take 2 cotton pads and soak them in liquid at room temperature. Apply a compress to the eyelid for a few minutes.
  2. Apply a cream to the upper and lower eyelids, which will provide better gliding of the fingers.
  3. Place your middle or ring finger near the bridge of your nose upper eyelid. With the pads of your fingers, lightly tap, moving towards the outer tip of the eye. Move down to the lower eyelid and move in the opposite direction. Walk like this 20 times.
  4. Do patting movements along the above trajectory (20 times).
  5. Put thumb at the beginning of the eyebrow and hold the skin forefinger. Go to the outer tip of the superciliary arch, making small pinching (10 times).
  6. The final stage should be aimed at relaxing the muscles. Rub your palms together and apply for a few minutes warm hands to closed eyes. Try to feel relaxed.

Beautician advice! Girls after 25 years of age who do not have visible changes in the skin around the eyes should begin to exercise regularly and massage. Such preventive measures will help to avoid negative manifestations in the future.

For tightening and rejuvenation

To strengthen the lower eyelid, Facebook building coaches recommend doing the “Thoughtful Lady” exercise. You need:

  1. Use your fingers (middle and index). Attach the pad of the middle finger to the inner tip of the eye at the bridge of the nose, and the index finger to the area where the eyebrow ends.
  2. Look straight ahead.
  3. Now tighten your lower eyelid with all your might (start squinting).
  4. Count a few seconds and relax. Do this 10 times.
  5. At the end of the exercise, roll your eyes up, as if trying to examine the object hanging above you. Tighten the muscles at the bottom of the eyelid and lock in this position for as much as 30 seconds.
  6. You need to do this exercise every day.

Very often we would like to have large expressive eyes, but with age their section begins to narrow. To improve the situation, we recommend regularly doing gymnastics, which has received the interesting name "Day and Night".


  1. Place your fingers at the outer and inner corners of the eye, creating the Latin letter "V".
  2. Lightly press the pads on the area.
  3. First, tighten the lower eyelid, looking forward. Top part the eyes must be still.
  4. Close your eyes and stay in this position for 30 seconds.
  5. At the end of these manipulations, relax.
  6. For one approach you need to do 10 times. You should work on yourself regularly - at least once a day.

To pull the outer corner of the eye up, We recommend resorting to the exercise "Geisha":

  1. Close your eyes.
  2. Put your index fingers in the corners of your eyes and pull them up, making an incision like a Chinese woman.
  3. Now try to lift your eyelids as high as possible.
  4. Lock in for 5 seconds.
  5. Relax.
  6. Do the procedure 7 times.

After such simple manipulations, rejuvenation is ensured.


Wrinkles in the eye area are frequent guests, because we regularly strain the muscles of this zone. To eliminate them The following set of exercises is recommended:

  1. Stretch the skin a little at the tips of the eyes, close your eyes and in this position perform circular rotations of the pupils (5-6 times clockwise and the same counterclockwise).
  2. Press your fingers on the upper eyelid, then lift your eyes up and close your eyes. This manipulation is done several times, alternating with relaxation.
  3. In conclusion, you need to open your eyes 5-6 times and close your eyes the same amount.

To eliminate small mimic wrinkles, you will need regular training.

Follow the advice of experts:

  1. Put your fingers at inside century.
  2. Move them along the nasolacrimal groove 5-7 times, returning to the starting position.
  3. Do the exercise regularly (2-3 times a day), and small wrinkles will no longer remind you of yourself.
  4. Focus your gaze on an object located at a distance of 1.5–2 meters. After 10 seconds, without turning your head, direct your gaze to an object located closer to you.

Important! It is quite difficult to remove existing wrinkles with the help of gymnastics, but it is quite possible to prevent new ones. Therefore, after 25 years, begin to strengthen the muscles around the eyes.

Cosmetologists and face-building practitioners give the following recommendations for improving the condition of the upper eyelid:

  • Before the procedure, it is important to cleanse the skin of cosmetics. You can use herbal decoctions and cold ice cubes, which contribute to the production of collagen. Castor oil is also suitable, as well as an extract from grape seeds.
  • During the massage, you can not press hard on the thin skin of the eyelids. Movements must be done smoothly.
  • When your muscles get very tired while working on pumping, and your eyes begin to water, look elsewhere for just a few seconds. Resume gymnastics.
  • It is best to do a set of exercises aimed at different groups muscles, while devoting 10 minutes a day. Exercises are done in the morning and in the evening.
  • Watch your posture while doing it. Try not to lift your shoulders up.
  • To eliminate wrinkles, attention should be paid to the corners of the eyes, lower eyelid and a bridge. In case of a problem with the overhang of the upper eyelid, they work with it most of all.

The lowered corners of the eyes can be easily masked with cosmetics. To do this, try to always lift the arrow at the tip of the lower and upper eyelids up, making " cat eye". Apply white shadows under the eyebrows. A pastel eyeshadow palette will visually expand the eyes, but it is not recommended to apply shadows on the lower eyelids.

When to expect results

The first visible results will not appear so quickly. Only after 2 months of active work on your face you will notice how wrinkles began to smooth out, and the skin of the eyelids tightened.

The effect of gymnastics for the upper eyelids depends on the degree of drooping. If your eyelid is only slightly puffed up, then in a month you will be able to observe a positive trend.

For severe violations the best option there will be a surgical intervention, since Facebook building is powerless in this case.


Before conducting exercises from the Facebook building series, you need to determine whether you are at risk. Classes are contraindicated:

  • hypertensive patients;
  • people with serious disorders in the neck;
  • with pathologies of nerve endings and a tendency to form blood clots;
  • with injections of botulinum toxin;
  • in the presence of dermatological rashes in the eye area, injuries and fresh scars.

The face-building technique allows you to eliminate problem areas on the face. Through regular exercise, you can eliminate the problem of the impending eyelid, lift the corner of the eye, remove crow's feet and minimize expression lines. Gymnastics is mandatory for women at the age of 40. For girls after 25 years of age, a course of exercises and massage is recommended as a preventive measure for early aging.

Useful videos

We remove wrinkles around the eyes and on the forehead with Galina Dubinina.

Facebook building with Evgenia Baglyk will help to visually enlarge the eyes, restore elasticity to the upper eyelids.

Plastic surgery is effective and fast way return to the skin of the eyelids of natural beauty.

However, not all people who have discovered age-related changes who have various eyelid defects can and want to use this remedy.

Is there an alternative, is blepharoplasty possible at home?

Causes of problems

"Crow's feet", excess skin on the eyelids, "falling" of the outer corners of the eyes, overhanging upper eyelids, fatty hernia - all these manifestations are primarily associated with aging.

Subcutaneous fatty tissue becomes thinner, elasticity decreases, age-related changes develop.

There are other factors that negatively affect the condition of the eyelids:

  1. Active expression. The more often a person laughs, squints, blinks, the faster fine wrinkles form in him.
  2. Bad habits. The destructive effect is produced by alcoholic beverages, cigarettes.
  3. Dehydration. An insufficient amount of fluid is detrimental to the skin of the eyelids.
  4. Improper nutrition, vitamin deficiency.
  5. Lack of proper sleep.
  6. Frequent stress.

Blepharoplasty is not the only solution to problems associated with the skin of the eyelids.

There are gentle techniques that restore beauty and youth to the eyes.

Exercise as an alternative to blepharoplasty

Special gymnastics for the eyelids will help eliminate puffiness and "bags", tighten the skin, give expressiveness to the look.

In order for the exercises to provide a result comparable to blepharoplasty, you need to do it daily.

A three-minute warm-up is required before class. circular motions eyes, slow and smooth.

The direction of movement is constantly changing - right, left.

The correctness of the exercises will help control the mirror, you need to look into it when doing:

  1. The pads of the middle and index fingers are placed on the outer corner of the eye. Eyes close tightly at first, then fully open. The goal is to strengthen the circular muscles.
  2. The eyelids (right, left) alternately rise, the actions are repeated 5-10 times. This is followed by a simultaneous lifting of the eyelids and eyebrows. The goal is to strengthen the weakened muscles of the upper eyelid.
  3. Open eyes rise sharply. Then they move down, while you need to look at the tip of the nose.
  4. The head remains in the same position. The gaze moves to the right, then shifts to the left. Movements should be slow and careful.
  5. Next exercise especially useful in the presence of small wrinkles in the corners of the eyes. You need to blink with your eyes closed.
  6. The index finger moves to the outer corner of the eye, the ring finger to the inner corner, and the middle finger to the eyebrow. The eyes are carefully squinted, while the eyelid is slightly squeezed by the fingers.

Gymnastics must end with relaxation.

You need to lie down a little, covering your eyes with your palms.

The tightening effect, comparable to blepharoplasty, occurs after a couple of weeks if you do it regularly.

Video: How to remove hanging eyelids


Lymphatic drainage massage is an effective alternative to blepharoplasty.

In particular, the procedure is indicated for those who have just begun to deteriorate the condition of the eyelids.

It is optimal to repeat the "treatment" twice a day.

The use of a cream containing vitamin E, aloe extract will help improve the result.

Massage technique:

  1. The massage begins with a thorough cleansing of the skin and applying cream to problem areas.
  2. Then you need to pay attention to "warming up".
  3. The scalp is massaged for a minute. The nature of the movements is circular, small, the direction is counterclockwise.
  4. The final stage of preparation is gently pulling the hair up. To do this, the strands collected in a bundle are collected at the roots.

Lymphatic drainage massage includes the following actions:

  1. The palms are placed on the forehead, the tips of the fingers touch approximately in its center. The forehead is gently massaged towards the edges. The action is carried out five times, the movements should not be sharp.
  2. Fingers are placed on the temples, slightly squeezing them. The position is maintained for about 5 seconds, followed by relaxation. Five repetitions are enough.
  3. The fingers are distributed over the face, affecting the area of ​​the cheeks, the area under the eyes and eyebrows. Captured zones are compressed for 5 seconds, then released. The number of repetitions is 5.
  4. Fingers move to the cheeks, gently squeeze them for 5 seconds.
  5. The tips of the fingers are placed on the face, passed through the corners of the eyes, the areas around them, touching the temples. Careful "tapping" continues for about 2 minutes.
  6. The face is compressed by the palms for 5 seconds, then the hands relax. The action is repeated 5 times.

Lymphatic drainage massage activates the supply of cells with oxygen, improves blood circulation.

With its help, shallow wrinkles are smoothed out, puffiness disappears, "bags" and bruises under the eyes are eliminated, the corners of the eyes are lifted.

Masks and creams

Eye creams and masks are an economical alternative to blepharoplasty.

Regardless of the condition of the skin, their use will provide quick and noticeable results.

Mask recipes:

  1. Strawberry mask effectively refreshes the delicate skin of the eyelids, smoothes and nourishes it. Strawberries are kneaded with a spoon, mixed with cream to the consistency of a thick mass. Ready "cream" is wrapped in gauze, kept on the eyelids for half an hour. The addition of honey will enhance the result. When removing the mask, it is recommended to use milk.
  2. Oatmeal mask– Powerful lifting for the eyelids. The flakes are carefully crushed, poured with hot cream. The time required for the composition to cool is waited, then it is mixed with olive oil (just a few drops). The finished mask is applied to the skin of the eyelids for 20-30 minutes.
  3. nettle mask saturate the skin of the eyelids with valuable elements. The leaves are crushed with a mixer or manually, poured with boiling water, aged for half an hour. The resulting mass is carefully filtered, a small amount of starch and honey is added. The mask is laid out in gauze, applied to the face for half an hour. It is best to wash it off with cool water.
  4. Protein mask restores elasticity to the skin of the eyelids, tightens it. For cooking, take half a small cucumber. The vegetable is finely rubbed, juice is squeezed out of its mass. Whipped protein is mixed with juice, a teaspoon of flour is added (wheat is best). The maximum exposure time is 15 minutes, the mask is removed until completely dry.

- a solution for those who do not want to spend time preparing home remedies.

Their composition allows them to effectively eliminate age-related changes affecting the eyelids, saturate the skin with valuable substances.

What cream to choose?

The right cream is also able to deal with problems that are eliminated by:

  1. If the skin of the eyelids loses its natural elasticity, is weakened, creams containing fruit acids can be recommended. Means activate the production of collagen.
  2. If a woman is fond of tanning and this negatively affects the condition of the eyelids, it is worth trying anti-oxidizing creams. They not only protect the skin, but also refresh it, fight wrinkles.
  3. After 35 years, you can pay attention to creams containing vitamin A. The products are effective against deep wrinkles, "revive" the eyes.
  4. "Bags" and swelling are eliminated with the help of creams, which include hyaluronic acid, caffeine, seaweed.

Cosmetologists do not advise focusing on one cream.

Means it is useful to alternate, using one in the morning, the other in the evening.

How to apply cream?

When applying the cream, do not apply the cream directly to the eyelids, because during the night the cream will “get” to the lash line and get into the eyes, which will lead to irritation, red eyes, and swelling.

Apply eye cream not on the eyelids, but around the eyelids, then overnight the cream will be on the eyelids, and not in the eyes.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine is a strong competitor to blepharoplasty.

There are recipes that allow you to achieve a lifting effect, eliminate "bags" and bruises, "refresh" the look:

  1. Potato compress gives the eyelids elasticity, moisturizes the skin. The mashed potatoes are placed in cheesecloth, folded in half. The compress is distributed over the eyelids, lasts a quarter of an hour. After that, be sure to wash with cold water.
  2. cucumber juice provides a similar result. Fresh slices of the product are applied to the eyes, the compress is kept for about 10 minutes.
  3. banana pulp thoroughly kneaded, mixed with butter. The compress is applied for 10 minutes. The result is a powerful lifting effect.
  4. Parsley decoction useful in hernia of the eyelids. The tool slows down its growth, restores skin turgor. A small amount of parsley is carefully chopped, poured with boiling water, boiled over low heat for three minutes. The cooled broth is filtered, cotton swabs soaked in it are kept on the eyelids for 10 minutes.
  5. Clay mixed with rose oil, inhibits age-related changes in the eyelids. The mixture is thoroughly mixed, kept for 5 minutes in front of the eyes. After washing, be sure to use a cream.
  6. Eye defects helps to eliminate (soften) pumpkin. The boiled pulp is kept on the eyelids for several minutes. The skin is saturated with vitamins, puffiness is removed.

Video: Non-surgical eyelid lift

To save the natural beauty of the eyes from disappearing, to slow down the aging of the skin of the eyelids, following the simplest recommendations helps:

  • the pillow for sleep should be flat, a high product guarantees morning “bags” under the eyes due to impaired blood flow;
  • sleep on your back or on your side, avoiding turning over on your stomach and contacting your face with a pillow4
  • eye itching is removed with a decoction of St. John's wort. You can not often rub your eyes;
  • when choosing a cream, it is best to stop at a special eyelid product, its composition is optimal for sensitive skin, the cream is applied with smooth, patting movements, stretching of the skin is not allowed. direction - from the outer corner to the inner;
  • Sunglasses - reliable protection from the damaging effects of ultraviolet rays.

Most effective way preservation of the natural beauty of the eyelids - quality sleep. He needs to devote at least 7-8 hours.

As sad as it is, but this moment the question is “how to tighten the eyelids?” worries a lot of the fair sex.

The eyes are the most important part of the face, they largely determine the first impression that others have about us. Every woman tries to choose makeup in such a way that her eyes seem even larger and more expressive.
But, unfortunately, the skin on our eyelids is very thin and delicate, and does not contain fat at all. It is on her that the first wrinkles appear, and often by the age of 25, and if a teenager clumsily uses cosmetics, then even earlier.

By the age of 40, the ligaments connecting the upper eyelids with the levators also weaken.(the muscles that lift them), all the muscles of the eyes dry out, begin to atrophy. As a result, the wrinkled skin of the upper eyelids hangs over the eyes, visually reducing them. The look becomes gloomy and tired, sometimes very heavy.

A rare woman can come to terms with the loss of beauty, most are looking for a way to preserve or return it.

How to tighten the upper eyelids? Plastic surgeons in this case offer their patients an operation - blepharoplasty. During its implementation, an incision is made along the line of the natural fold, through which excess skin and fiber are removed. Only now, not everyone's health and financial well-being allow to go under the knife, and, in addition, the result of plastic surgery is not always predictable.

The way out of the situation could be doing exercises for the eyelids. After all, if any muscles of the body are weakened, they should be strengthened with the help of physical activity, eyelid muscles are no exception. True, the effect of ongoing gymnastics for the eyelids will not be noticeable quickly. But still, with its help, with the desire and patience, very significant achievements can be achieved.

Do exercises for the eyelids several times daily, and in a couple of months you will see noticeable result. The eyes will become more expressive and open, their puffiness will decrease, visual acuity will increase.

Moreover, it is not at all necessary to wait for the moment when you need to tighten your eyelids. Train them constantly from a young age, do not neglect cosmetic procedures, get enough sleep - and the look of your eyes will delight you for a very long time.

A complex of firming and tightening exercises for the eyelids

It is better to do preventive and rejuvenating gymnastics while sitting on a chair in front of a mirror in order to see which muscles are working.

1. To warm up, do an exercise that strengthens the muscles of the eyes and increases their mobility:

- Look ahead for a few seconds, then slowly move your eyes to the left until failure, after a few seconds - up, after - to the right and after a short pause - down. The eyes gradually turn clockwise. In each position, the gaze is fixed for a couple of seconds.
Do this for 5 circles and repeat everything in reverse order, moving your eyes counterclockwise.

2. Exercise for the upper eyelids "quick blink"

- Raise your head up, look up at the ceiling, open your mouth and blink rapidly for at least half a minute.

3. Exercise "on duty"

-Close your eyes tightly, count to three in your mind, then open them wide to failure, looking into the distance. Then close your eyelids tightly again. The forehead and eyebrows remain motionless, only the upper ones work.
Repeat 5 times in a row.

4. - Open your eyes, put your fingertips to your temples. Pull the skin back slightly, being careful not to stretch it too much. Close and open your eyes quickly for about half a minute. Make sure that the fingers do not move, only the eyelids move.

5. The next exercise to help tighten the eyelids is called "Geisha"

- Close your eyes. Use the pads of your index fingers to hold the skin over the outer corners of your eyes, pressing lightly on it. Overcoming the pressure of the fingers, try to raise the upper eyelids as high as possible, hold them in this position for a couple of seconds, then lower and relax.

6. - We repeat the previous exercise, putting the pads of the index fingers just above the inner corners of the eyes.

7. The “butterfly wings” exercise helps to remove overhanging eyelids.

- Close your eyes and place your index fingers on your upper eyelids perpendicular to the line of your nose or at an angle of 45 degrees to it. Overcoming the resistance of your fingers, open your eyes as wide as possible, and after a couple of seconds close them again. Eyebrows should not move.

8. Exercise for the upper eyelids "see your nose"

- Tilt your head up as far as you can, and lower your eyelids as low as possible and stay in this position for about 5 seconds. Then relax.

9. - To relax the eye muscles, rub your palms together to warm them up. Close your eyes, but don't squint. Form your palms into a boat shape and cover the eye area with them without touching the eyelids. Sit in this position until you feel that your eyes and eyelids are sufficiently rested.

Such simple gymnastics for the eyelids is recommended to be performed twice a day, doing each exercise (except for the last one) 5-6 times.
It can be carried out at home, allocating only 15 minutes of time in the morning and evening for this, or even at work, especially if it is associated with many hours of sitting at the computer. Thus, you will get a double benefit - tighten the eyelids (or prevent them from falling) and eliminate visual fatigue.

Each person is able to maintain external attractiveness for a long time and without significant financial costs. Of course, everyone is aging, this is a natural process, but it can be considerably slowed down by physical activity.
Professional athletes and just supporters of an active lifestyle maintain a toned and sculpted body for a long time, thanks to constant training.
Similarly, as a result of appropriate gymnastics, the atrophied muscles of the eyelids are strengthened and tightened.

And even if you remove the hanging eyelids with the help of blepharoplasty, the doctor will still recommend doing exercises for the eyelids in the future. There is nothing surprising in this, doctors remove only the consequence, but the cause still remains, muscle atrophy and skin aging continue, and regular charging- is the only effective method their suspensions.

Home tightening masks and lifting creams
Compositions based on simple foods, vegetable and essential oils that increase the elasticity of weakened skin.

Is it possible to prevent the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes?
The skin in the eye area is the thinnest, so wrinkles appear on it earlier, but you can try to delay this process as much as possible.

Relieving tension and fatigue exercises for the eyes
complexes simple exercises to help prevent pain, watery eyes, and other signs of eye fatigue long work at the computer, knitting.