Antigravity exercises. Benefits and Features of Anti-Gravity Yoga

Unlike standard surface workouts, anti-gravity yoga will force your body to adapt to new conditions. How to do it right and not harm your body, you need to know some facts about this direction.

Antigravity is modern look fitness yoga classes, which are held in a silk hammock.

What is antigravity yoga and who invented it?

Anti-gravity yoga is only gaining momentum today. Classes are held in large fitness centers, where there are large rooms with hammock mounts.

Training takes place with the obligatory presence of a trained instructor. With the wrong approach to training, anti-gravity yoga can even do harm - there will be pain in the spine, migraines, even nosebleeds.

Anti-gravity yoga is not entertainment, but a serious burden on different groups muscles. Although everything looks very calm and peaceful, underestimate this kind of sports load will be wrong. In one month of classes, you can bring your body into almost perfect shape. And they say that anti-gravity yoga addictive once and for all. Maybe that's why the number of admirers is growing day by day?!

If initially yoga originated in India, then anti-gravity yoga appeared in America. It was invented by a popular choreographer, eminent dancer and star of Broadway musicals - Christopher Harrison.

He assures that the idea of ​​this type of yoga came to him quite by accident.

A hammock was installed in his house, where he liked to relax after a busy day at work. One day he got bored and on a hammock he began to perform elementary exercises and basic yoga asanas. It turned out surprisingly well. Christopher managed to relax, relieve excess tension from the muscles, find peace of mind, the peace that he had been looking for for so long. The man did not stop there. He came up with new asanas for his yoga and patented the "invention". Harrison's colleagues were the first to appreciate the new anti-gravity yoga. They advised the choreographer to tell the whole world about his “discovery”. It happened in the 90s of the last century. Now the whole wide world knows about such yoga!

What is a hammock?

This is the most popular question asked by those who are just starting their acquaintance with anti-gravity yoga. A hammock is a special device. It is made of dense matter. Mounted on ropes to the ceiling. Lying in such a hammock is impossible. It is designed for sitting positions.
Install hammocks for exercise at home or in fitness centers. Mounted on hooks mounted in the ceiling.

The hammock comes with mounts and carabiners.

Hammocks vary:

  • by material;
  • by fastening;
  • according to the load that they can withstand.

Professional hammocks for anti-gravity yoga are expensive, sometimes it makes no sense to buy a personal one for yourself, it is easier and cheaper to practice in an equipped room. They are designed for frequent use. Homemade hammocks are cheaper. If we talk about those bought on aliexpress, then it’s hard to talk about quality, because. A lot depends on the honesty of the seller.

Problems that may arise when buying a non-original hammock:

  • Strong fabric odor
  • Unreliable mounts
  • Incomplete equipment
  • Loss of fabric color after washing
  • Weak wear resistance

The anti-gravity yoga hammock was also invented by Christopher Harrison. You can buy such equipment only in a specialized store. No other anti-gravity yoga equipment is needed.

Types and training programs

As such, there are no clear distinctions between types in antigravity yoga. We can only highlight:

  • Basic course
  • Stretch
  • For children
  • Recovery program
  • Pilates
  • Dance program
  • Fitness
  • For children and parents

A beginner should not immediately start active training. It is necessary to develop the vestibular apparatus, pump it through full program. The first workouts are usually carried out without a hammock. A man studies asanas under the guidance of a trainer on the floor on a mat. Only when the base is “full” will the athlete be allowed into the hammock. There are no fasteners in the hammock! Therefore, it is so important to observe safety precautions so as not to fall out and not hurt yourself.

Professional level may be available to those who have already practiced yoga before. Such points should be discussed with the coach individually. But it is impossible to allow a person into a hammock without instructions and clear recommendations in order to avoid an emergency.

How are the workouts (poses)

Most of the time, anti-gravity yoga workouts are done upside down. That is why it is so important to develop the vestibular apparatus well so that dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and bleeding do not occur.

Of course, a person does not spend the entire workout in a head-down position. In this yoga, a large number of asanas. They are performed vertically, horizontally, sitting, standing, on outstretched and bent arms and legs, with the head tilted back and forth. All positions are worked out slowly, often without a hammock. So that a person understands how to perform the exercise correctly.

You need to start antigravity yoga classes only with experienced coach. It is difficult to master this technique on your own. Wrong execution exercises can lead to injury to the head, neck, spine, and other parts of the body. If in the process of training there are sharp and strong pain sensations, the training should be stopped immediately. Anti-gravity yoga does not allow pain in the process of performing asanas.

Pros and merits

  • fight against excess weight;
  • study of one's own body;
  • victory over depression, stress;
  • stimulation of blood metabolism;
  • compensation of stiffness in the vertebral regions;
  • bringing muscles into tone;
  • removal of pain, irritation during PMS;
  • attitude in a positive way;
  • getting rid of bad thoughts;
  • purification of the aura and karma.

Disadvantages and contraindications

Anti-gravity yoga is not for everyone. You can not deal with those who:

  • has displacements in the discs of the vertebrae;
  • has weak vessel walls in the eyes, nose;
  • recently suffered a head injury;
  • suffering from thyroid disease;
  • is ill with thrombosis or suffers from hypertension.

Many asanas are performed upside down. For people with a weak vestibular apparatus, such exercises are not recommended in order to avoid serious health problems.

If there are no contraindications, feel free to discover the world of anti-gravity yoga. This is an amazing world that will save you from stress, bad thoughts, black envy. This is a world where everything is simple and clear, clear and to the point. Classes are suitable for people of all sizes. It is important that anti-gravity yoga helps to quickly lose weight!

Be sure to read about it

Anti-gravity yoga was created by famous dancer and choreographer Christopher Harrison. They say that initially he had very prosaic goals - with the help of training to help the dancers relieve the load from the spine. It turned out for creative individuals who are oppressed by the earthiness of the modern world.

Host of the program "Summer Fresh" Katya Lopareva regularly goes in for sports, and takes great interest in yoga.

Ekaterina Lopareva

radio and TV presenter, host of the program "Summer Fresh" (heading "Beauty and Health")

I think this is a supersport, especially for women who don't want to build muscle, but just want to keep themselves in good shape and have a straight back. I once practiced yoga, then I had to lose weight and get in shape. If you visit often, it is not tiring and works to calm down, those muscles work that cannot be used in any other training.

The first and main difference between "air yoga" and traditional- Lack of ground under your feet. There is no floor, no rug - only a hammock. It sways with any movement and gives a feeling of floating above the ground. It is in it that you do the exercises given by the trainer and learn to use the capabilities of your body to the maximum.

Antigravity From the side it seems that people in hammocks are at least acrobats. But professional trainers I was explained that antigravity does not require any special training, even those who have never played sports will be able to perform the exercises.

Now main question- where to begin? It is right to take the first step. Do not jump into a hammock, like in the summer in the country, but smoothly go into it. Do not be afraid! With all the mobility and lightness, the hammock is very durable, it can withstand weight up to 450 kilograms! And even if you feel like a feather on it. Just listen and repeat the movements of the trainer.


Anti-gravity yoga classes allow you to get rid of cardiovascular diseases, strengthens the muscles of the back. A person feels lightness, flexibility, joint mobility, and inverted postures even have some rejuvenating effect.


With the help of antigravity, you can improve your posture. There is a program that helps to fully stretch the lumbar back


No preparation for classes is required, it can be a beginner who has never played sports. Each hammock is installed individually for a person. If you repeat all the movements after the coach, then it is impossible to fall out of the hammock


Anti-gravity yoga includes about three thousand postures and asanas. There are few contraindications for practicing such yoga: glaucoma, pregnancy, Botox at the initial stage. For everyone else, regardless of gender and age, it is available


Anti-gravity yoga is usually practiced barefoot. The first workouts are preparatory, you just get used to the hammock, swing, learn flips and just enjoy the pleasant sensations

Anti-gravity yoga includes about three thousand poses. Trapeze hammock allows you to practice already known asanas and breathing techniques in a new way. A hammock helps you gradually transition to inverted yoga poses that are difficult to perform on a regular mat. Thanks to a variety of postures and transitions, “aerial” gymnastics trains the cardiovascular and respiratory system, promotes flexibility. And strength training helps to strengthen all muscle groups.

Yoga By the way, many Hollywood stars call this technique the secret of their youth. Gwyneth Paltrow, for example, believes that this best view fitness, allowing you to simultaneously strengthen the body and relieve accumulated fatigue.
For beginners, I do not advise doing anti-gravity on your own. It's still science, not amateur performance.

Can you relax by hanging upside down in a hammock? Find out Masha and Lena K.
“Anti-gravity yoga” or “yoga in hammocks” is such a new trend that it has an author and is even still alive. His name is Christopher Harrison, and in 2007 he developed a wellness program in which all exercises are performed in a hammock: sitting, lying, hanging and twisting in bizarre poses. The exercises are based on yoga, Pilates and choreography.

Should I trust any Harrison? Rather, yes. Christopher has been involved in acrobatics since childhood and at the age of 17 he took 4th place in the World Games (competitions in sports not included in the program Olympic Games). Then he became interested in dancing, also seriously - he performed on Broadway. In 1990 he founded his own troupe of aerial acrobats Antigravity. With her, he staged numbers for Broadway, traveled the world with the show, and even performed at the 80th Oscars. Initially, training in a hammock was intended for the acrobats of the troupe, and then turned into a full-fledged program for everyone.

The technique was invented and patented by Harrison. Therefore, its distribution is impossible without buying a franchise: all trainers must be trained, and fitness centers must purchase equipment.

What do the classes promise?

Muscular development- the hammock sways, the body sways with it and seeks balance, and the muscles work more actively due to this.

Improvement of blood supply and anti-stress. The main feature of training is upside down flips, they are also called decompression. During such coups, blood rushes to the head, and this has a positive effect on brain function: sleep, concentration, memory and general emotional state improve.

Spinal traction- due to the support of the hammock in inverted poses, there is no pressure on the spine, so it is extended by about half a centimeter, and for special lucky ones - up to 3 centimeters.

Development of flexibility and stretching- elements classical yoga, Pilates and dancing contribute to this. They promise that some asanas in a hammock are easier to perform than on the floor. Therefore, anti-gravity yoga is even simpler than ordinary yoga.

I won't fall?

The main thing Christopher rests on is safety. He assures that it is impossible to fall out of a hammock, and to damage something under the supervision of a coach is also impossible.

In Moscow, there are hammocks in the studio plasticine, where we went to the coach Alexandra Grigorieva. Sasha is one of the leading teachers of the school, in addition to anti-gravity, he also conducts stretching on the twine.


“I am one of those happy children who had a sports wall at home with rings, rope and other things. Do I need to say that I often hung on it? Therefore, the hammock in me caused only childish delight. Although the word “yoga” in the title was a little alarming: here you need to be calm, relaxed, thoughtful - that’s all. Not quite for me, although it would be necessary too. Would it work right here? The atmosphere is suitable: high ceilings, huge windows and a lot of light, calm music in the background.

The first surprise - classes are held barefoot - feet should not slip. It is worth putting on a sweater with sleeves upstairs, because the fabric can burn the skin when slipping (Lena did well, and I, as always).

First, there is a light warm-up in the program: turn your head, arms, bend your back, slightly stretch your legs. And then they begin - hammocks!

The first sensations are unusual and unfamiliar - the hammock, as expected, swings, and you need to at least sit down in it first. And yes, it will continue to rock the rest of the time!

The first time to lean back and let go of the canvas is especially scary. Relax your back - maybe. The neck - it is doubtful, it has been clamped in general for me lately. The hammock is attached somewhere under the ceiling. Will it fall off? But as soon as I get used to it, the feeling of fear passes, and it becomes interesting.

In a suspended state, the back straightens and stretches - and this is directly felt. With the head thrown back, the body becomes slightly alien, as if the control joystick is stuck. Although, it would seem, to lift a leg - what is easier?

It is important that after every 20 seconds of hanging upside down, we will definitely sit and come to our senses. Hallelujah! Without such breaks, I would not have survived: already in the middle of the lesson, my head began to spin, and my stomach reminded me that I had to have lunch.

I am surprised to learn that the canvas of the hammock is so wide that I can fit there in full height and there will still be about a meter left! That is, this thing can be packed entirely! For example, like this. Asana "sleeping Batman")

In the middle of the lesson, we climb into the hammock entirely - this is a form of meditation. I like to hang in a cocoon, he tightly hugs and lulls.

After getting used to it a little, I twisted into a couple of more difficult poses:

It’s a little pity that I ended up in the position of “both want and prick.” I would love to spin somehow else, but the body said its firm "not now."

Hanging upside down is like trying sushi for the first time: at first it’s somehow not very good, and then I would still eat it. And yes, my neck and back have finally let go! In general, swinging in a hammock at least once a week is now on the list of my sports wishlist.

Lena K.

“I honestly tried to start doing yoga: I remembered the names of asanas, opened the chakras, sniffed incense, repeated after the trainer “Mmmm-mmm-mmm”. I convinced myself it wasn't boring. But no, it didn't work.

Antigravity is a different story. You won't fall asleep on this yoga:

Although if you close your eyes in a swinging hammock ... who knows, who knows :)

It is not required to release the spirit from its connection with the finite or manifested existence - for this special thanks.

Most of the poses begin with the fact that you need to jump on the hammock, like on a swing. And this swing from a piece of hanging fabric still needs to be assembled: “Which edge are you talking about taking? Oh, with the wrong hand! But by the end of the lesson, the right hands are remembered by themselves, the left one is on top. (Or is it right?)

Sasha continues to show: raise one leg here, throw the other one there. Roll over - fix - smile. Hanging upside down is strange and unpleasant. 15-20 seconds last forever. The blood rushes to the head, the temples throb. I doubt that it is so useful and physiological.

The hammock sways, the floor moves before my eyes, in my thoughts - am I well wrapped in cloth? If I relax my leg, will I lose my balance? and fall down

It's actually impossible to fall. That is, I'm sure it's impossible) But "inverted poses" are given at the first lesson with excitement, you need to be ready for this.

Two beginner mistakes: try to stretch to the limit and abruptly exit the fixed poses. I did both :) What my lower back told me by the end of the lesson. So it's better without heroics, really.

But the next day, my back didn't hurt at all. Even where I used to get sick all the time. So I have to hang upside down (and grumble about this topic) more than once: I bought a subscription to antigravity yoga. Not in Plastilin, however, but in the nearest yoga studio from home.

And there, who knows, maybe enlightenment will come.”

5 hammock yoga facts you need to know

1. A hammock from a summer residence will not suit you. I need a Harrison hammock.

      It is made of construction fabric, so it can withstand a load of at least 450 kilograms. The AntyGravity troupe works with the same ones, but at a height of 12 and even 120 meters. A country hammock is better to use for its intended purpose.

2. Why is it yoga? It also looks like acrobatics. Yes, it seems. But the program has a lot of poses from yoga and Pilates. And antigravity is positioned as a comprehensive fitness technique for improving health.

3. Who should not practice? Contraindications - pregnancy, heart disease, high or low blood pressure, recent head injury, glaucoma. And after injections of Botox, you must wait at least 6 hours.

AntiGravity® is a comprehensive fitness technique using unique equipment - the Harrison hammock, a combination of exercises aimed at decompressing the spine and leveling the body while stretching and strengthening the muscles.

There are forces in life that pull us down, but they also contain an energy that can lift us up!

You have a unique chance to try the most fashionable trend in fitness - an exercise using a silk hammock suspended from the ceiling. In addition, you can easily fulfill your dream of flying - an activity antigravity will allow you to feel the state of weightlessness and lightness!

A sedentary lifestyle requires regular unloading of the neck, chest, lumbar and sacrum, as well as traction of the spine. With the Harrison hammock, you can do inverted poses without spinal compression. As a result, the intervertebral space increases, which restores the mobility of the discs, the spine becomes young and healthy.

Classes are conducted by highly qualified certified specialists who have undergone professional training and have experience in teaching yoga, Pilates and other sports disciplines.

The effects of classes AntiGravity®

Versatile development of muscles

Unlike conventional training on a hard surface, antigravity makes your body adapt to new conditions. The hammock swings, and you swing with it, thanks to which all the muscles of the body begin to work more actively, trying to maintain balance. Thanks to this, all the muscles develop, and there are no undeveloped areas on your body.

Effective Recovery

Classes AntiGravity- one of the most effective ways recover from strength training or a hard day. Slow, rhythmic, repetitive movements in a comfortable hammock have a calming effect on nervous system, relieve stress, help in awareness of your body, its relaxation and self-control.

Spinal traction

The central element of the methodology AntiGravity are inverted poses led by a decompression coup, which improves blood circulation in the brain, strengthens individual parts of the body, normalizes sleep, increases concentration, fills the body with strength and energy.

Development of flexibility

Muscle stretching with the Harrison hammock occurs during the relaxation phase. This technique AntiGravity learned from yoga, where, being in one position for a long time, the body gets used to the pose and makes the stretch stable and stable. However, thanks to the hammock, the complex AntiGravity, unlike yoga, it helps to easily increase the range of motion and makes the lesson as effective as possible.

Coordination and balance training

Classes AntiGravity train the vestibular apparatus, playing leading role in maintaining human balance. Positions "upside down" improve blood circulation, providing more oxygen to the brain. And this, in turn, affects the mental functioning, concentration, memory and emotions of a person.

Anti-aging effect

AntiGravity- This best workout slowing down the aging process. Along with improving your posture, you will improve your condition. spinal cord, which is directly responsible for well-being and is an indicator of age. In addition, training in the air perfectly relieves stress, which is one of the main factors in the aging of the body. When you are upside down, your brain gets a very good blood supply, which means it is oxygenated. This has a positive rejuvenating effect on all body systems, cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine systems, and also improves concentration and long-term memory.

Antigravity is a new direction in yoga. A special feature is the use of a hammock suspended from the ceiling in training.

History of Antigravity

This direction in yoga appeared relatively recently. The United States is his home. The program was developed by the famous American choreographer, dancer and gymnast Christopher Harrison. He was able to combine gymnastics and physical activity with elements of dance. Thanks to a unique technique that allows you to relax as much as possible and feel your body during training, AntiGravity has quickly become popular all over the world. Today, the training program is rapidly evolving and includes more than three thousand different poses.

What is the feature of antigravity

The main feature of this direction is not only the improvement of one's physical form, but also spiritual development. Anti-gravity classes will improve health, get in perfect shape, develop dexterity and coordination. This innovative program combines elements of traditional yoga, Pilates, acrobatic yoga, ballet barre. Unlike other areas of fitness, during training, special equipment is used - hammocks. Breath control allows you to learn to relax, to feel your body. Unlike classical trends in fitness, anti-gravity consists of exercises that are performed in an inverted body position. To date, this is the only training program that includes a decompression coup.

Types of Antigravity

Today, there are three areas of antigravity:

  • aerial yoga;
  • antigravity Pilates;
  • restorative fly yoga.

The first direction combines the plasticity of aerial gymnastics, inner peace and harmony. At the same time, the body trains and acquires an ideal shape due to physical activity, and meditation normalizes the functioning of the nervous system. The basis of anti-gravity yoga are elements of Pilates and aerial yoga. Such a set of exercises allows you to form relief muscles, give the figure beautiful shapes. The restorative fly yoga complex is recommended for people with disabilities.

How does the Antigravity training work?

Antigravity yoga is a new trend in traditional yoga. Each workout is led by an experienced trainer. In a specially prepared room there is a separate hammock for everyone, suspended from the ceiling. The uniqueness of this direction is that classes can reduce the load on the spine, relax all the muscles. A hammock is a tool that helps to master asanas performed only by masters with rich experience and practice. On average, one lesson can last from 45 to 70 minutes. The training is accompanied by calm and pleasant music. Antigravity is a mixture of several areas of yoga at once. Regular workouts allow you to relax and escape from everyday worries and problems. Any activity has a goal - to learn how to control your body, feel it and control it.

Every workout starts with a warm-up. Muscles are warmed up, ligaments are stretched. Only having prepared your body for stress, you can begin to perform exercises in a hammock. A novice athlete will have to insure himself with his feet. A hammock supports the body, however, in the first workouts it is important to learn how to balance. If you do not learn to keep a balance, achieve high results it will be very difficult, because even simple asanas will not work. In addition to balance, you need to get used to weightlessness, and only after that move on to next step workouts.

After a warm-up, which usually takes 20 minutes, more complex poses are performed, aimed at developing flexibility. Dynamic exercises complete movements that allow you to restore breathing, relax muscles after exercise. The last part, allowing you to relax after an intense workout, is mandatory, it allows you to cheer up, fills the body with strength.

Those who have already tried anti-gravity know that such training is truly unique. Those asanas that are difficult to perform on the ground are very easy to do in a hammock, which allows you to overcome the force of gravity. You can get used to weightlessness very quickly. Each workout brings completely new sensations, the body not only completely relaxes, but is also able to reveal new abilities.

Is it dangerous to exercise in a hammock

Many are interested in whether it is dangerous to exercise in a hammock? Since hammocks are made using durable materials, they can easily support several times the weight of large people. Following all the recommendations and instructions of the trainer, it will be very difficult to fall out of the hammock. Its use for exercise allows you to reduce the load on the spine and joints, to prevent injuries to the ligaments.

Benefits of Antigravity

Despite the fact that antiGravity is a relatively young direction, today there are a large number of poses that have different effects on the body. Asanas were developed by ancient yoga practitioners and are a set of exercises that allow not only to relax and calm down, but also to control your mental balance. In antigravity, asanas are performed slowly. It is important that the breathing is deep. The alternation of deep and shallow breathing allows you to relax the nervous system and muscles of the body.

In antigravity, unlike classical yoga, inverted postures are used, which can have a unique effect on the human body as a whole. In an inverted position, when the body is upside down, the organs can rest from the action of gravity. The advantages of antigravity are:

  • The work of all muscle groups. Since the training is carried out in a hammock, deep muscles are involved in the exercise;
  • Gentle training regimen for the spine and joints. In the inverted position, all exercises are less dangerous; when they are performed, there is no load on the spinal discs. Using a hammock allows you to fix the body, concentrating on the exercise and working out the desired muscle group.
  • Antigravity provides more effective stretching, which is less dangerous for the joints.
  • A hammock allows you to perform high-quality exercises of the final, aimed at relaxing part of the workout. At the same time, the fabric of the hammock envelops the body, the pleasant swaying has a calming effect on the nervous system.
  • Performing anti-gravity exercises can improve brain function. By improving the functioning of the organs of the circulatory system, mental ability improves. It also improves memory significantly.
  • In an inverted position, the pituitary gland receives enhanced nutrition, this stimulates the endocrine system, which allows you to normalize metabolism.
  • Oxygenated blood rushes to the extremities. At the same time, the arms and legs completely relax and rest, puffiness, cold fingers syndrome, numbness, and other problems caused by impaired circulation of the limbs go away.
  • In the upside down position, the outflow of blood occurs, which significantly improves the blood supply to the blood, contributing to its natural cleansing. Such an effect is exerted by exercises performed upside down on a hammock, and on the intestines, and on the organs of the genitourinary system. Due to the circulation, the blood does not stagnate, the body's nutrition with oxygen improves, and toxins are removed.
  • Smooth movements relieve tension from the intervertebral discs, stoop, muscle stiffness go away cervical spine.

During training, which must be regular to achieve results, the risk is minimal. Performing backbends, the spine, intervertebral discs are not compressed, which allows you to get rid of constant lumbar pain. Performing aerial yoga exercises, your body acquires an ideal physical form becomes slim, fit and flexible.

Who benefits from Antigravity classes

Every day, antigravity classes are becoming more popular in our country. Although today there are not so many halls equipped for antiGravity classes, you can join the world of yoga at the Casablanca Dance School. Classes at home due to the specifics of the equipment used are not possible. You can try to fix a hammock at home, and even do it, however, each workout must take place under the close attention of a professional instructor. At first glance, all the exercises performed during the antiGravity workout are simple. However, this is not the case and each of them requires attention from the coach.

Looking at a light hammock, one might get the impression that anti-gravity is completely unsuitable for people seeking to get rid of excess weight. This is definitely not true! Made of durable material, hammocks can withstand very big weight athlete. In addition, anti-gravity is perfect for improving physical training, increase endurance. By improving blood circulation, training restores metabolic processes, which allows you to lose weight.

Anti-gravity classes may be indicated for certain diseases. So, exercises performed in the upside down position will allow the body to recover after serious illnesses. In addition, this type of exercise helps well in the treatment of cerebral palsy, diabetes mellitus and its complications, and rehabilitation after injuries. The modern fast-paced lifestyle often causes chronic fatigue. Attending classes on anti-gravity allows you to relax and learn how to deal with daily stresses.

How to dress for a workout

When choosing anti-gravity training, you should choose sportswear adjacent to the body. It is worth giving preference to those clothes that will not hinder movements during training. A T-shirt that covers the shoulders with a ¾ sleeve will eliminate discomfort during the first lessons when tightening the body with a hammock. Such clothes will make training more enjoyable, without causing discomfort or discomfort.

Gloves that protect the skin of the hands and a headband may also come in handy. You should not wear jewelry for training, which will not only distract, but also cause discomfort during the exercises. You don't need special shoes to practice anti-gravity. As a rule, training takes place barefoot. If this is uncomfortable, you can wear yoga socks on your feet. They have a heel and toe opening.


Like any other kind physical activity antigravity has certain contraindications. Before signing up for the anti-gravity hall, it would be useful to visit a doctor for a consultation. Among the contraindications for anti-gravity classes:

  • hypertension, performing exercises in a position upside down can provoke an increase blood pressure, cause a hypertensive crisis;
  • previous strokes, cerebrovascular accident;
  • thrombosis;
  • transferred severe injuries, diseases of the joints, musculoskeletal system, herniated discs;
  • glaucoma;
  • mental illness.

A professional instructor necessarily warns about those diseases and conditions that are a direct contraindication for antigravity classes. If there are no contraindications, antigravity can be practiced by everyone, starting with childhood ending with older people

The frequency of training is a very important component of successful classes. So, for beginners, the frequency of classes should be at least twice a week. The optimal number of workouts is 2-3 times a week. Workouts should be even. This will allow the body not only to get used to the loads, which will gradually increase, but also to recover after each session.