The external rectus muscle of the eye. oculomotor muscles

Auxiliary organs of the eye are the muscles of the eyeball, the lacrimal apparatus, the conjunctiva, and the eyelids. eye cavity, in which the eyeball and its auxiliary organs are located, is lined with the periosteum of the orbit, which fuses with the hard shell of the brain in the region of the optic canal and the superior orbital fissure. The eyeball is shrouded in its connective tissue sheath (vagina bulbiTenon's capsule) which is connected to the sclera by loose connective tissue. On the posterior surface of the eyeball, the vagina is fused with the external sheath of the optic nerve, in front it approaches the fornix of the conjunctiva. Vessels, nerves and tendons of the oculomotor muscles pierce the vagina of the eyeball. Between the eyeball and its vagina is a narrow episcleral (Tenon's) space (spatium episclerale). Between the periosteum of the orbit and the vagina of the eyeball lies fat body eye sockets (corpus adiposum orbitae). Anteriorly, the eye socket (and its contents) is partially closed orbital septum (septum orbitale), starting from the periosteum of the upper and lower edges of the orbit and attached to the cartilages of the upper and lower eyelids. In the region of the inner corner of the eye, the ocular septum is connected to the medial ligament of the eyelid. Eyelids(palpebrae) protect the eyeball from the front. They are skin folds that limit the palpebral fissure and close it when the eyelids close (Fig. 125). On the sides of the eyelids are connected by lateral and medial commissures, closing the corresponding corners of the eye. Lateral angle of the eye (angulus oculi lateralis) sharp and medial angle rounded. Due to this, in the region of the medial angle there is a notch - lacrimal lake (lacus lacrimalis). Above upper eyelid limited eyebrow (supercilium) with short coarse hair. The lower eyelid, when the eyes are opened, falls slightly under the influence of gravity. Suitable for the upper eyelid muscle that lifts the upper eyelid(m. levator palpebrae), which begins together with the rectus muscles from a common tendon ring. The muscle runs in the upper part of the orbit and attaches to upper cartilage of the eyelid (tarsus superior)- a plate of dense fibrous connective tissue that performs a supporting function. In the thickness of the lower eyelid there is

Rice. 125. Upper and lower eyelids of the right eye, front view: 1 - eyebrow; 2 - upper eyelid; 3 - iris; 4 - fibrous membrane of the eyeball; 5 - lacrimal meat; 6 - medial adhesion of the eyelids; 7 - lacrimal point; 8 - lower eyelid; 9 - eyelashes; 10 - pupil; 11 - lateral commissure of the eyelidsimilar cartilage of the lower eyelid (tdrsus infdrior). In the thickness of the cartilage, branched openings along the edges of the eyelids are laid. cartilaginous glands (gldndulae tarsdles)- Meibomian glands. Closer to the anterior surface in the thickness of the eyelids lies the secular part circular muscle eyes. Along the edges of the eyelids in 2-3 rows are located eyelashes (cdilia). Excretory ducts open into their hair follicles sebaceous glands (gldandulae sebacdeae). The convex front surface of the eyelids is covered with thin skin with short downy hairs. Concave rear surface the eyelids are covered with conjunctiva. Conjunctiva(tdnica conjunctiva)- a thin connective tissue pale pink shell, in which the conjunctiva of the eyelids is isolated, covering the inside of the eyelids, and the conjunctiva of the eyeball (Fig. 126). At the point of transition of one part of the conjunctiva to another, upper And Rice. 126. Building of the century. Frontal section: 1 - conjunctiva; 2 - cartilage of the century; 3 - secular part of the circular muscle of the eye; 4 - ciliary gland; 5 - the edge of the century; 6 - eyelash; 7 - skin inferior fornix of the conjunctiva et fornix conjunctivae inferior). The space located in front of the eyeball and bounded by the conjunctiva forms conjunctival sac (sdccus conjunctivdlis), which closes when the eyelids close. The rounded medial angle of the eye on the medial side limits the lacrimal lake. At the medial corner of the eye there is a slight elevation - lacrimal meat (cardincula lacrimalis). Lateral to the lacrimal caruncle is located semilunar fold of the conjunctiva- a rudiment of the nictitating (third) eyelid found in vertebrates.
The conjunctiva is lined with a three-layer non-keratinized epithelium lying on the basement membrane. Towards the edge of the eyelid, the epithelium becomes stratified squamous. In the epithelium of the conjunctiva lie goblet glandulocytes. The lamina propria of the conjunctiva is formed by loose connective tissue, which contains fibroblasts, macrophages, labrocytes, plasma cells, single melanocytes and lymphocytes. The conjunctival sac is wetted by lacrimal fluid secreted by the lacrimal gland. lacrimal apparatus(apparatus lacrimalis) includes the lacrimal gland and the lacrimal duct system (Fig. 127). Lacrimal gland (glandula lacrimalis), consisting of several alveolar-tubular serous glands, located in the fossa of the lacrimal gland of the frontal bone in the upper lateral part of the orbit. The tendon of the muscle that lifts the upper eyelid divides the gland into two parts: a large upper orbital part and a smaller lower eyelid, lying near the upper fornix of the conjunctiva. In the fornix of the conjunctiva are sometimes found Rice. 127. Lacrimal apparatus of the right eye, front view: 1 - lacrimal gland; 2 - upper eyelid; 3 - lacrimal canaliculus; 4 - lacrimal lake; 5 - lacrimal sac; 6 - nasolacrimal duct of small size additional lacrimal glands. From 5 to 12 excretory tubules of the lacrimal gland open into the upper fornix of the conjunctiva. The tear washes the front of the eyeball and lacrimal stream (rivus lacrimalis)- capillary gap, located near the edges of the eyelids, flows into lacrimal lake (lacus lacrimalis), located in the medial corner of the eye. At the medial corner of the eye, on the edges of the eyelids, where they converge, surrounding the lacrimal lake, are the upper and lower lacrimal papillae. At the top of these papillae there is a narrow opening - lacrimal punctum (punctum lacrimalis). From the lacrimal opening originates narrow lacrimal canaliculus (canaliculus lacrimalis) about 1 cm long and about 0.5 mm in diameter. The superior and inferior tubules empty into lacrimal sac (saccus lacrimalis), which is turned blind end up. The bottom end of the bag goes into nasolacrimal duct (ductus nasolacrimalis), opening into the lower nasal passage. The lacrimal part of the circular muscle of the eye, fused with the wall of the lacrimal sac, contracting, expands it. Due to this, the tear is absorbed into the lacrimal sac through the lacrimal canaliculi.
Muscles of the eyeball. The human eyeball can be rotated so that the visual axes of both eyeballs converge on the object under consideration. The movements of the eyeballs are Rice. 128. Muscles of the eyeball (oculomotor muscles), front view (A) and top (B): 1 - superior rectus muscle; 2 - block; 3 - superior oblique muscle; 4 - medial rectus muscle; 5 - lower oblique muscle; 6 - lower straight muscle; 7 - lateral rectus muscle; 8 - optic nerve; 9 - optic chiasm six striated oculomotor muscles: four straight (superior, inferior, medial, lateralmusculi recti superior, inferior, medialis, lateralis) and two oblique (upper And lowermuscle obliqui superior et inferior)(fig. 128, fig. 129). The lower oblique muscle of the eye begins on the lower wall of the orbit near the opening of the nasolacrimal canal. The rest begin in the depths of the orbit in the circumference of the optic canal and the adjacent part of the superior orbital fissure from common tendon ring (annulus tendineus communis), surrounding the optic nerve and ophthalmic artery. The ring is fixed to the sphenoid bone, periosteum around the optic canal and partially to the edges of the superior orbital fissure. All rectus muscles are directed along the corresponding walls of the orbits, on the sides of the optic nerve, pierce the vagina of the eyeball and attach to the sclera in front of the equator in various places, according to their names. Superior oblique muscle of the eye lies in the upper medial part of the orbit between the superior and medial rectus muscles. Near the trochlear fossa of the orbit, it passes into a thin round tendon wrapped in the synovial sheath. This tendon passes through block (trochlea) in the superior medial corner of the orbit, turns back and sideways
Rice. 129. Superior oblique and other muscles of the eyeball, dorsal view. On the right side of the drawing, the levator levator muscle of the upper eyelid has been cut and partially removed. The upper wall of the right and left eye sockets is removed: 1 - medial rectus muscle; 2 - block (upper oblique muscle); 3 - eyeball; 4 - the muscle that lifts the upper eyelid; 5 - lateral rectus muscle; 6 - common tendon ring; 7 - optic chiasm; 8 - lateral rectus muscle; 9 - the lacrimal gland is attached to the sclera behind the equator of the eye on the upper lateral surface of the eyeball. Inferior oblique muscle attached to the eyeball from the side also behind the equator. Rectus muscles rotate the eyeball in the appropriate direction around two mutually intersecting axes: vertical and horizontal (transverse). The lateral and medial rectus muscles rotate the eyeball outward or inward around the vertical axis, each in its own direction. Accordingly, the pupil also rotates. The superior and inferior rectus muscles rotate the eyeball up or down around the transverse axis. The oblique muscles rotate the eyeball around the sagittal axis: the upper one - down and outward, the lower one - up and outward. Due to the friendly action of these muscles, the movements of both eyeballs are coordinated. Blood supply and innervation of the organ of vision. The eyeball and its accessory organs receive blood from the branches ophthalmic artery(branches internal carotid artery). One of the branches of the ophthalmic artery (the central retinal artery) supplies blood to the retina and part of the optic nerve, the other to the sclera and choroid (Fig. 130). Central retinal artery penetrates into the thickness of the optic nerve inside the eyeball, in the region of the disk gives off the upper and lower branches, which spread within the inner granular and ganglionic layers of the retina. Capillaries surrounded by processes of glial and Mullerian cells are formed by fenestrated endothelium.
In the choroid of the eyeball, short and long branches branch rear And anterior ciliary arteries. The anterior ciliary arteries in the thickness of the iris anastomose with each other and form two arterial circles: a large one, located at the ciliary edge of the iris, and a small one, adjacent to its pupillary edge. The sclera is supplied with blood posterior short ciliary arteries. From the dense venous network of the choroid itself, 4-6 vorticose veins, which pierce the sclera and flow into the ophthalmic veins. IN anterior ciliary veins blood flows from ciliary body, irises and sclera. The eyelids and conjunctiva are supplied with blood from medial And lateral arteries, which, anastomosing, form in the thickness of the eyelids the arcs of the anterior and posterior conjunctive arteries. The veins of the same name flow into the ophthalmic and facial veins. The lacrimal gland receives blood from the artery of the same name. The muscles, fascia and fatty body of the orbit are also supplied with blood by branches ophthalmic artery.Lymphatic vessels from the eyelids and conjunctiva are sent to submandibular, and also to superficial And deep parotid (anterior) lymph nodes.innervation the sensitive contents of the orbit are received from ophthalmic nerve(first branch of the trigeminal nerve). From his branch nasociliary nerve go to the eyeball long ciliary nerves. The lower eyelid is innervated infraorbital nerve(branch of the maxillary nerve). The sphincter of the pupil and the ciliary muscle are innervated by parasympathetic fibers. oculomotor nerve(from the ciliary ganglion as part of the short ciliary nerves). The pupillary dilator receives innervation along the sympathetic fibers of the internal carotid plexus, which approach the eyeball along with the blood vessels. Upper, lower and Rice. 130. Blood vessels and nerves of the eyeball:
1 - venous sinus of the sclera; 2 - circular furrow of the sclera; 3 - anterior ciliary artery; 4 - conjunctival vessels; 5 - whirlpool vein (vein of the own choroid); 6 - sclera (white coat); 7 - short posterior ciliary arteries; 8 — the central artery and veins of a retina; 9 - arterial circle of the optic nerve; 10 - long ciliary nerves; 11 - long posterior ciliary artery; 12 - large arterial circle of the iris; 13 - small arterial circle of the iris; 14 - medial cornea, rectus, inferior oblique muscles of the eye and the muscle that lifts the upper eyelid are innervated by branches oculomotor nerve, lateral straight line diverting, upper oblique - block nerves.The conductive path of the visual analyzer. The light beam passes through the cornea, the aqueous humor of the anterior chamber, the pupil, which expands or contracts depending on the intensity of the light, the aqueous humor of the posterior chamber, the lens, the vitreous body and enters the retina. A beam of light, thanks to light-refracting media, is directed to the yellow spot of the retina - the zone of best vision. An important role in this belongs to the lens, which, with the help of the ciliary muscle, can increase or decrease the curvature during accommodation. oculomotor muscles direct the eyeballs towards the object under consideration, set the axes of both eyes parallel when looking into the distance or bring them closer when looking at an object at close range. When light hits the rods and cones - the processes of the first neurons of the visual pathway - a nerve impulse is generated in them, which is transmitted to bipolar neurocytes , and from them - ganglionic neurocytes (Fig. 131). Ganglion cell axons form the visual Rice. 131. Location of neurons in the retina
(diagram): 1 - cones; 2 - rods; 3 - pigment cells; 4 - bipolar cells; 5 - ganglion cells; 6 - nerve fibers. The arrow shows the direction of the beam of light of the nerves, which exits the orbit through the optic nerve canal. On the lower surface of the brain, the optic nerves form a decussation, but only the fibers coming from the medial part of the retina of each eye intersect. Each optic tract contains fibers that carry nerve impulses from the cells of the medial half of the retina of the opposite eye and the lateral half of the eye of its side. Part of the fibers of the optic tract is sent to the lateral geniculate body, where they end in synapses on the neurons lying here. Another part of the axons of ganglionic neurons, not reaching the lateral geniculate body, is directed through the handles of the superior colliculi of the quadrigemina into their nuclei. From the upper hillocks, nerve impulses follow the nuclei of the oculomotor nerve (motor and accessory vegetative), innervating the muscles of the eye, the muscle that narrows the pupil, and the ciliary muscle. Thus, in response to light waves entering the eye, the pupil constricts, and the eyeballs turn in the direction of the light beam. The axons of the neurons of the lateral geniculate body are sent to the cells of the visual cortex, located in the occipital lobe of the cerebral hemisphere, near the spur groove (field 17) ( Fig. 132).

The oculomotor muscles include four straight muscles - the upper (m. rectus superior), lower (m. rectus inferior), lateral (m. rectus lateralis) and medial (T.rectus medialis) and two oblique - upper and lower (m. obliguus superior et m. obliguus inferior) (Figure 1.14, see insert). All muscles (except the inferior oblique) start from a tendon ring connected to the periosteum of the orbit around the optic nerve canal. They go forward in a divergent bundle, forming a muscle funnel, pierce the wall of the vagina of the eyeball (Tenon's capsule) and attach to the sclera: the internal rectus muscle is at a distance of 5.5 mm from the cornea, the lower one is 6.5 mm, the outer one is 7 mm, the upper - 8 mm. The line of attachment of the tendons of the internal and external rectus muscles runs parallel to the limbus, which causes purely lateral movements. The internal rectus rotates the eye inward, and the external one outward. The line of attachment of the upper and lower rectus muscles is located obliquely: the temporal end is further from the limbus than the nasal. Such an attachment provides a turn not only up and down, but also inside. Consequently, the superior rectus muscle ensures the rotation of the eye upwards and inwards, while the inferior rectus - downwards and inwards. The superior oblique muscle also goes from the tendinous ring of the optic nerve canal, then goes up and inward, is thrown through the bone block of the orbit, turns back to the eyeball, passes under the superior rectus muscle and is attached behind the equator like a fan. The superior oblique muscle turns the eye downward and outward during contraction. The inferior oblique muscle originates from the periosteum of the inferior-inner edge of the orbit, passes under the inferior rectus muscle, and attaches to the sclera behind the equator. When contracted, this muscle turns the eye up and out.

Thus, the upward movement of the eye is carried out by the superior rectus and inferior oblique muscles, and downward movement is carried out by the inferior rectus and superior oblique muscles. The abduction function is performed by the lateral rectus, superior and inferior oblique muscles, the adduction function is performed by the medial superior and inferior rectus muscles of the eye.

The innervation of the muscles of the eye is carried out by the oculomotor, trochlear and abducens nerves. The superior oblique muscle is innervated by the trochlear nerve, and the lateral rectus by the abducens nerve. All other muscles are innervated by the oculomotor nerve. The complex functional relationships of the eye muscles are of great importance in associated eye movements.

49. Binocular vision, the advantages of binocular vision over monocular. Definition methods. Significance in human life.

binocular vision means vision with both eyes, however, the object is seen singly, as if with one eye. The highest degree of binocular vision is deep, relief, spatial, stereoscopic. In addition, with binocular perception of objects, visual acuity increases and the field of view expands. Binocular vision is the most complex physiological function, the highest stage in the evolutionary development of the visual analyzer.

Full depth perception is possible only with two eyes. Vision with one eye - monocular - gives an idea only of the height, width, shape of an object, but does not allow one to judge the relative position of objects in space "in depth". Simultaneous vision is characterized by the fact that with it in the higher visual centers impulses are perceived from one and the other eye at the same time, but there is no merging into a single visual image.

Mechanism of binocular vision. If both eyes fix point A, then its image is focused on the central pits of the retinas (a and a1), and the point is perceived as one. This is due to the fact that the central pits are the corresponding (identical), or corresponding points of the retinas. In addition to the macular zones, the corresponding points include all points of the retinas that will coincide if both eyes are combined into one, superimposing the central fossae, as well as the horizontal and vertical meridians of the retinas, on top of each other.

The remaining points of the retinas that do not coincide with one another are called non-corresponding (non-identical), or disparate. If the object under consideration is focused on disparate points, then its image is transmitted to various sections the cerebral cortex, in connection with which there is no merging into a single visual image and doubling occurs, or diplopia 1 . This is easy to check if you fix an object with both eyes, and then with your finger (outside, through the upper or lower eyelid) move one of the eyeballs from the common point of fixation. Doubling is also possible in case of violation of the functional state of the cortical analyzer, for example, in case of fatigue, intoxication (including alcohol), etc.

To get a visual representation of binocular vision in oneself, one can do Sokolov's experiment with a "hole" in the palm of his hand, as well as experiments with knitting needles and reading with a pencil.

Sokolov's experiment consists in the fact that the subject looks with one eye into a tube (for example, into a notebook rolled up by a tube), to the end of which, from the side of the second, open eye, he puts his palm. In the presence of binocular vision, the impression of a "hole" in the palm is created, through which the picture seen through the tube is perceived (Figure 16.2). The phenomenon can be explained by the fact that the picture seen through the opening of the tube is superimposed on the image of the palm in the other eye. With simultaneous vision, unlike binocular vision, the “hole” does not coincide with the center of the palm, and with monocular vision, the “hole” phenomenon in the palm does not appear.

Experiment with knitting needles (they can be replaced with ballpoint pens, etc.) is carried out as follows. The needle is strengthened in a vertical position or it is held by the examiner. The task of the subject, who has the second needle in his hand, is to align it along the axis with the first needle. With binocular vision, the task is easily accomplished. In the absence of it, a miss is noted, which can be verified by conducting an experiment with two and one eyes open.

The test with reading with a pencil (or pen) consists in placing a pencil a few centimeters from the reader's nose and 10-15 cm from the text, which naturally covers some of the letters of the text. Reading in the presence of such an obstacle, without moving the head, is possible only with the existence of binocular vision, since the letters covered with a pencil for one eye are visible to the other, and vice versa.

Binocular vision is a very important visual function. Its absence makes it impossible to perform the work of a pilot, fitter, surgeon, etc. qualitatively. Binocular vision is formed by the age of 7-15. However, a child at the age of 6-8 weeks has the ability to fix an object with both eyes and follow it, and a 3-4-month-old has a fairly stable binocular fixation. By 5-6 months, the main reflex mechanism of binocular vision is formed - the fusion reflex - the ability to merge two images from both retinas into a single stereoscopic picture in the cerebral cortex. If a 3- to 4-month-old child still has dissociated eye movements, he or she should be consulted by an ophthalmologist.

For the implementation of binocular vision, which can be considered as a closed dynamic system of connections between the sensitive elements of the retina, subcortical centers and the cerebral cortex (sensory), as well as 12 oculomotor muscles (motor), a number of conditions are necessary: ​​visual acuity in each eye, as a rule, not lower than 0.3-0.4, the parallel position of the eyeballs when looking into the distance and the corresponding convergence when looking at the near, the correct associated eye movements in the direction of the object under consideration, the same size of the image on the retinas, the ability to bifoveal fusion (fusion).

As well as the features of attachment to the eyeball. The work of the muscles is controlled by three cranial nerves: oculomotor, abducent and trochlear. All muscle fibers of this muscle group are rich in nerve endings, which provides a special clarity and accuracy of their movements.

The work of the oculomotor muscles is numerous variants of eye movements, both unidirectional (up, down, right, left) and multidirectional (for example, reducing the eyes to the bridge of the nose). The essence of these movements is the coordinated work of the muscles, due to which the same images of objects fall on the same areas - the area. This provides good vision and gives a sense of depth.

The structure of the muscles of the eye

Humans have 6 oculomotor muscles. Four rectus muscles have a direct direction of movement: internal, external, lower and upper. The two oblique muscles of the eye have an oblique direction of movement and a similar attachment to the eyeball (inferior and superior oblique muscles).

The beginning of all muscles (excluding the inferior oblique) is a dense connective tissue ring surrounding the external opening of the optic canal. At its very beginning, five muscles form a muscle funnel, with blood vessels and nerves passing inside it. In the course of movement, the superior oblique muscle gradually deviates inwards and upwards, following the block, in which it passes into the tendon thrown through the loop of the block. In this place, it changes its direction to an oblique one and is attached in the region of the upper outer quadrant of the eyeball, located under the superior rectus muscle. The path of the inferior oblique muscle begins at the lower inner edge of the orbit and continues outward and backward, being under the inferior rectus muscle, where the muscle fibers attach in the lower outer quadrant of the eyeball.

When approaching the eyeball, a dense capsule appears in the muscles - the Tenon shell, with which they are connected to at different distances from the limbus. Closest to the limb of the rectus muscles is attached to the inner, then the upper rectus. The oblique muscles have a slightly different dislocation, they are attached to the eyeball posterior to the equator, namely in the middle of the length of the eyeball.

The oculomotor nerve is responsible for the work of the superior, internal, inferior rectus and inferior oblique muscles. The work of the external rectus muscle is provided by the abducens nerve, and the superior oblique is provided by the trochlear nerve. The peculiarity of the nervous regulation of the oculomotor muscles is that one branch of the motor nerve is able to control the work of only a small number of muscle fibers, which ensures maximum accuracy of eye movements.

Movements of the eyeball depend, among other things, on the features of muscle attachment. The attachment points of the external and internal rectus muscles are located on the horizontal plane of the eyeball, which makes it possible horizontal movements: turn to the nose - contraction of the internal rectus muscle, turn to the temple - contraction of the external rectus muscle.

The lower and upper rectus muscles provide vertical eye movements, however, due to the fact that the line of attachment of the muscles is located slightly obliquely with respect to the limbus, simultaneously with the vertical movement of the eye, an inward movement also occurs.

The contraction of the oblique muscles causes rather complex movements, which is associated with the peculiarities of their location and attachment to the sclera. Thus, the superior oblique muscle can lower the eye and turn it outward, while the inferior oblique muscle raises the eye and takes it outward.

Also, the lower and upper rectus muscles of the eye, together with the oblique muscles, provide small turns of the eyes clockwise and counterclockwise. Good nervous regulation and well-coordinated work of the eye muscles makes complex movements possible, due to which the volume and binocularity of vision is ensured, and its quality increases.

Methods for diagnosing the state of the oculomotor muscles

Determination of eye mobility with an assessment of the completeness of movements when tracking a moving object.

Strabometry - an assessment of the degree or angle of deviation from the midline of the eyeball at.

Testing with alternately covering one and the other eye to determine the latent form of strabismus - heterophoria, and in case of obvious strabismus, determining its type.

Ultrasound diagnostics - detection of changes in the oculomotor muscles in close proximity to the eyeball.

Magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography - are used to detect changes in the oculomotor muscles throughout.

Symptoms of diseases of the muscles of the eye

- occurs with obvious strabismus or pronounced strabismus of a latent form.

- occurs when the ability of the eyes to fix objects is impaired.

The eye is a very delicate instrument of vision, which consists of a huge number of elements - vessels, nerves and, of course, muscles. eye muscles, if classified by type, are quite diverse, each of them is responsible for its own area, but at the same time they work in a complex way.

Anatomy of the eye

The muscles of the eye are commonly referred to as oculomotor muscles. A person has a total of 6 of them: 4 straight and 2 oblique. They were given a similar name for a reason - everything directly depends on their course inside the eye socket. In addition, various features of how they are attached to are also taken into account.

Several cranial nerves are responsible for the work of the muscles of vision:

  1. oculomotor;
  2. diverting;
  3. side.

All muscle fibers are literally filled with nerve endings, which allows you to make their movements and actions as coordinated and more accurate as possible. In essence, their work is the most diverse and numerous eye movements. These can be options to the right-left, up-down, to the side, to the corner, etc. As a result of such well-established work of the muscles of vision, the same images can fall on the same areas of the retina, which allows a person to see significantly better and gives a great sense of deeper space.

The structure of these muscles

The muscles of the eye have as their beginning a dense connecting ring - it surrounds the holelocated inside. The optic nerve, blood vessels and nerves pass through this opening. From how the eye moves, the muscles of the eye are quite capable of changing direction. The oculomotor muscles are superior, internal, inferior rectus and oblique. The movements of the eyeball are determined in large part by how the muscles of the eye are attached. The place where the outer and inner straight options are attached to the horizontal surface of the apple determines its more correct movement in the horizontal direction.

Eye movements in the vertical direction are provided by the lower and upper oculomotor muscles. But due to the fact that these are attached a little obliquely, not only up and down movement is ensured, but also inward movement.

The oblique muscles of the eye are responsible for more complex movements of the apple. Doctors attribute this to the peculiarities of their location. For example, the upper oblique is responsible for lowering the eye and turning it outward, etc.

Symptoms of violations

If the muscles of the eyes hurt, you must definitely look for the cause. Violations of eye activity turns into a rather serious problem.

Moreover, it is enough that only one muscle fails for a person to feel serious discomfort.

At the same time, if the muscles of the eye fail, in most cases it will be noticeable to the naked eye.

One of these symptoms can be strabismus. Also, when the oculomotor muscles “break”, a problem may develop with focusing two eyes at once on one or another one object.

If you have problems with your eyesight, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Indeed, with age, the muscles of the eye become less pliable, and it will become almost impossible to correct the situation. And as a result, seeing normally will become quite problematic, and by old age you can generally go blind.

How is the problem diagnosed?

Today, there are many options for diagnosing problems with the muscles of the eyes. The final diagnosis is made on the basis of a visual examination and a number of fairly simple tasks. An important point is to determine the level of deviation of the eyeball from a symmetrical position.

Often for diagnosis, methods such as ultrasound, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging are used. It is these options that allow you to accurately and clearly determine the nature of the existing damage and deviations.

How to train your eyes?

In order for the eyes to work normally, it is necessary to engage in their general strengthening and healing.

And to do this is not so difficult. General strengthening classes should become a daily habit. Then the eyes will be healthier.

At home, it is proposed to use a whole range of classes at once, incl. And breathing exercises. This will saturate the tissues with oxygen and significantly improve vision. The exercise must necessarily include exercises for training both external and internal muscles eyes. So, for example, you can use different rotations of the eyes in one direction or another. For training internal options, an excellent solution would be an exercise in focusing the eyes.

  • 1. Muscles and fasciae of the shoulder: their anatomy, topography, functions, blood supply and innervation.
  • 1.Stop as a whole. Arches of the foot. Passive and active tightening of the arches of the foot. The concept of flat feet. submetric index.
  • 3. The mesenteric part of the small intestine (jejunum and ileum), wall structure, blood supply, innervation, regional lymphatic vessels.
  • 4. Cerebral circulation: the structure and functions of the vessels of the brain. The concept of the hematoencephalic barrier.
  • 1. Mimic muscles. Their features. Blood supply, innervation, lymphatic drainage.
  • 2. Large intestine: sections, topography, structure, relation to the peritoneum, blood supply, innervation, regional lymph nodes.
  • 3. Central organs of the immune system: bone marrow, thymus gland: development, structure, topography, function.
  • 4. Lumbar and sacral sections of the sympathetic trunk, sympathetic innervation of the abdominal cavity and small pelvis.
  • 1. Ankle and subtalar joints: structure, shape. Muscles acting on the joints, their blood supply, innervation.
  • 2. Spinal cord: topography, external and internal structure, localization of nuclei and pathways in the spinal cord.
  • 3. The main anomalies in the development of the heart and large arteries. congenital defects.
  • 4.Cervical part of the sympathetic trunk, innervation of organs: head, neck, heart.
  • 4.III, IV, VI pairs of cranial nerves and areas of their innervation. Pupillary reflex pathways.
  • 1. Diaphragm: position, parts, function, blood supply, innervation.
  • 2. Spleen: development, topography, structure, function, blood supply, innervation.
  • 3. Organs of the immune system: classification, general patterns of the anatomical organization of the immune organs.
  • 4. The third branch of the trigeminal nerve and the areas of its innervation.
  • 1. Connections of the spinal column with the skull; atlantooccipital joint. Joints between the atlas and the axial vertebra.
  • 2. Aorta and its departments. Branches of the aortic arch and its thoracic part (parietal and visceral).
  • 3. Branchiogenic endocrine glands: thyroid, parathyroid, thymus, their topography, structure, blood supply, innervation.
  • 4.Cervical plexus: structure, topography, nerves and areas of their innervation.
  • 1. Axillary cavity: its structure, contents. The canal of the radial nerve.
  • 2. Muscles of the foot: their functions, blood supply, innervation, lymphatic drainage.
  • 3. Inner ear: bony membranous labyrinths. Spiral (Korti) organ. The conductive path of the auditory analyzer.
  • 4. The facial nerve and its component - the intermediate (Vrizberg) nerve, branches, areas of innervation.
  • 1. Medial and posterior thigh muscle groups, their functions, blood supply, innervation.
  • 2. Topography of the lower floor of the peritoneum, "pockets", canals, mesenteric sinuses, depressions.
  • 4. Brachial plexus: structure, topography, long nerves of the plexus and areas of innervation.
  • 1. The femoral canal of its walls and rings: deep and subcutaneous. Fascia of the thigh, hidden (oval) fossa.
  • 3. Anatomy of the middle ear: walls of the tympanic cavity, holes, auditory ossicles, auditory tube. Blood supply and innervation of the middle ear.
  • 4. Morphological differences between somatic and autonomic reflex arcs. Gray and white connecting branches
  • 3. Auxiliary apparatus of the eye: muscles of the eyeball, conjunctiva, eyelids, lacrimal apparatus, their blood supply, innervation.
  • 4. Extrapyramidal system, its nuclei and main pathways. Formation of motor automatism.
  • 2. The oral cavity, the diaphragm of the mouth, the palate, the pharynx, the vestibule and, accordingly, the oral cavity. Lips, cheeks, gums.
  • 3. Lymphatic bed and regional lymph nodes of the uterus and rectum.
  • 4. Vegetative plexus of the chest and abdominal cavities.
  • 1. Development of the digestive system. General patterns of the structure of the alimentary canal. Developmental defects.
  • 2. Muscles and fascia of the male, female perineum: their topography, functions, sexual characteristics, blood supply, innervation, regional lymph nodes.
  • 4. Reticular formation of the brain, its structure, position in various parts of the brain, connections, function.
  • 1. Characteristics of the internal base of the skull: openings of their purpose.
  • 2. Characteristics of the peritoneum in the cavity of the male and female pelvis. Its relation to the rectum, bladder, uterus.
  • 3. Superficial and deep veins of the upper limb, their anatomy, topography, anastomoses.
  • 4. Classification and characteristics of the sense organs. Morphofunctional features of the body's sensory systems.
  • 1. Anatomy of the gluteal region: muscle topography, their function, arterial supply, innervation.
  • 2. Uterus: development, topography, structure, blood supply, regional lymph nodes, innervation.
  • 3. Chambers of the heart, their anatomy: valvular apparatus, their structure. The mechanism of regulation of blood flow in the heart.
  • 4. Olfactory and gustatory sensory systems.
  • 1. External base of the skull: holes and their meaning.
  • 3. Teeth - milk and permanent, their structure, change of teeth. The dentition, the formula of milk and permanent teeth, their blood supply and innervation.
  • 3. Auxiliary apparatus of the eye: muscles of the eyeball, conjunctiva, eyelids, lacrimal apparatus, their blood supply, innervation.

    Muscles of the eyeball - 6 striated muscles: 4 straight - upper, lower, lateral and medial, and two oblique - upper and lower.

    M muscle that lifts the upper eyelidT.levator palpebrae superi­ oris. R located in the orbit above the superior rectus muscle of the eyeball, and ends in the thickness of the upper eyelid. The rectus muscles rotate the eyeball around the vertical and horizontal axes.

    Lateral and medial rectus muscles,tt. recti late­ ralis et medialis, turn the eyeball outward and inward around the vertical axis, the pupil rotates.

    Upper and lower rectus muscles,tt. recti superior et inferior, rotate the eyeball around the transverse axis. The pupil, under the action of the superior rectus muscle, is directed upward and somewhat outward, and during the operation of the inferior rectus muscle, downward and inward.

    superior oblique muscle,T.obliquus superior, lies in the superomedial part of the orbit between the superior and medial rectus muscles, turns the eyeball and pupil down and laterally.

    inferior oblique muscle,T.obliquus inferior, starts from the orbital surface of the upper jaw near the opening of the nasolacrimal canal, on the lower wall of the orbit, goes between it and the lower rectus muscle obliquely upwards and backwards, turns the eyeball upwards and laterally.

    eyelids.Upper eyelid, palpebra superior , And lower eyelid, palpebra inferior , - formations that lie in front of the eyeball and cover it from above and below, and when the eyelids close, completely cover it.

    The anterior surface of the eyelid, facies anterior palpebra, is convex, covered with thin skin with short vellus hair, sebaceous and sweat glands. The posterior surface of the eyelid, facies posterior palpebrae, faces the eyeball, concave. This surface of the eyelid is covered conjunctivatunica conjuctiva.

    Conjunctiva, tunica conjunctiva , connective tissue sheath. It distinguishes eyelid conjunctiva,tunica conjunativa palpebrarum , covering the inside of the eyelids, and conjunctiva of the eyeball,tunica conjunctiva bulbAris, which on the cornea is represented by a thin epithelial cover. . The entire space in front of the eyeball, bounded by the conjunctiva, is called conjunctival sac,saccus conjunctivae

    lacrimal apparatus, Apparatus lacrimalis , includes the lacrimal gland with its excretory tubules opening into the conjunctival sac and the lacrimal ducts. lacrimal gland,glAndula lAcrimAlis, - a complex alveolar-tubular gland, lies in the fossa of the same name in the lateral corner, at top wall eye sockets. excretory ducts of the lacrimal gland,duxuli excretorii open into the conjunctival sac in the lateral part of the superior fornix of the conjunctiva.

    blood supply: Branches of the ophthalmic artery, which is a branch of the internal carotid artery. Venous blood - through the eye veins into the cavernous sinus. The retina is supplied with blood central retinal artery,a. centerAlis retinae, Two arterial circles: big,circulus arteriosus iridis major, at the ciliary edge of the iris and small,cir­ culus arteridsus iridis minor, at the pupillary edge. The sclera is supplied with blood by the posterior short ciliary arteries.

    Eyelids and conjunctiva - from the medial and lateral arteries of the eyelids, the anastomoses between which form in the thickness of the eyelids the arch of the upper eyelid and the arch of the lower eyelid, and the anterior conjunctival arteries. The veins of the same name flow into the ophthalmic and facial veins. Goes to the lacrimal gland lacrimal artery,a. lacrimalis.

    Innervation: Sensitive innervation - from the first branch of the trigeminal nerve - the ophthalmic nerve. From its branch - the nasociliary nerve, long ciliary nerves depart, suitable for the eyeball. The lower eyelid is innervated by the infraorbital nerve, which is a branch of the second branch of the trigeminal nerve. The upper, lower, medial rectus, inferior oblique muscles of the eye and the muscle that lifts the upper eyelid receive motor innervation from the oculomotor nerve, the lateral rectus from the abducens nerve, and the superior oblique from the trochlear nerve.