Revitonika basic complex. Scream: an exercise that will return youth to the face

Our body inevitably changes over the years. But few people really realize how the face and body should look at their age. When we meet blooming, radiant women of forty, fifty and sixty years old, we do not believe our eyes and tell them that they look younger than their years. But it's not about plastic surgery, Botox, hyaluronic acid and expensive creams. All these methods, with varying degrees of success, fight only the external signs of aging, but are not able to restore real youth.

To combat wrinkles, sagging and dull skin, its sagging and loss of facial volume, you need to use a tool that works with the causes of their appearance. And there are only three reasons: incorrect posture, overstrain of the muscles of the face and neck, negative emotional background. We talked with specialists from the school of natural rejuvenation and learned how, with the help of special exercises can act on weakened facial muscles and fight wrinkles.

Anastasia Dubinskaya is the founder and head of the Revitonika school. Psychophysiologist, neuropsychologist. Researcher at the Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for Medical Rehabilitation, Sports and Restorative Medicine under the Moscow Department of Health. One of the leading practitioners of natural rejuvenation and anti-aging face and neck massage.

What is revitonics

Revitonics is a scientifically based system for restoring the architectonics of the face, which has passed medical testing. The scientific development of the method is carried out on the basis of the Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for Medical Rehabilitation, Rehabilitation and sports medicine at the Moscow Department of Health.

In fact, revitonics is a set of techniques and exercises for systematic exercises that start the process of rejuvenation and restoration of impaired body functions. You do not need expensive cosmetic procedures. Moreover, revitonics is a complete and proven alternative to plastic surgery. In some cases, it successfully works where even a scalpel is powerless.

How it works

The human body is anatomically structured by connective tissue - fascia. They envelop muscles, organs, blood vessels, nerves and our entire body under a layer of skin. The fasciae act as the body's communication system.

Due to an imbalance in the neck and facial muscles, front and rear surface body, deterioration of posture and statics of the neck, the entire system of fascia is distorted. And the skin, directly connected with them, is also forced to deform. Thus, any age-related defect originates from a complex fascial disorder and hypertonicity of the muscles of the face and neck.

To anyone who understands this simple anatomy, it will become obvious how ridiculous it is to try to smooth out wrinkles with a cream or salon procedures. The skin itself will recover if the balance of fascia tension is normalized.

Working on the posture and statics of the neck, improving blood and lymph flow, removing old muscle spasms, you give a new impetus to the mechanisms of self-regulation. By doing revitonics, you will improve the statics of the spine and solve many problems of musculoskeletal locomotive system, as a result of which you will return to the face young features and proportions.

Most revitonics techniques give instant results, so you can be sure of its effectiveness right now.

Exercise for the back of the neck

Effect: lengthening and relieving tension from the muscles of the neck, eliminating stoop and swelling of the face.

Execution in two stages:

Stage 1. Bring the shoulder blades to the spine, folding your hands behind your back in the castle. Raise your shoulders as much as possible, slowly tilt your head back and place it on your tucked up and raised shoulders. Freeze in this position for half a minute. To avoid tension in the thyroid gland, you can open your mouth. Then slowly return to the starting position.

Stage 2. Stretch your neck muscles with two different grips. For the first put right hand on the first cervical vertebra, the left - on the seventh. Take your hands to opposite sides. In this case, the position of the head should remain strictly vertical. For the second grip, fold your hands into the castle, tightly clasping the back of your head. Gently pull your neck straight up without tilting your head down.

Exercise to form a high position of the cheekbones

Effect: the formation of the correct position of the cheekbones and the overall tightening of the skin of the face.

Execution in two stages:

Stage 1. Place your cheekbones on the chairs of your palms and tilt your head down. Lock in this position for five seconds. Then begin to push your cheekbones in a springy motion up and to the sides towards your temples, as if you were sculpting a face. Having reached the temporal region, stop in this position for a couple of seconds. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

Stage 2. Put one hand behind your head, put your fingers on your temple, then pull them up and fix the position. Place the fingers of the other hand on the cheekbone and perform ten spiral massage movements in the direction from the outer corner of the eye to the ear.

Exercise to open the eyes from the outside

Effect: helps to raise the height of the eyebrows, eliminates overhanging eyelids and wrinkles around the eyes.

Performance: bring the left hand over the head, and put the right hand parallel to the ear. Gently begin to stretch the fabrics simultaneously in the vertical and horizontal directions towards the temple.

Who benefits from revitonics

Revitonics is an all-age technique aimed at maintaining the normal functioning of the body. Depending on age, it solves different problems: it prevents age-related deformations, maintains or restores the youthfulness of the face and neck. You should pay attention to revitonics if you have poor posture, dull complexion, sagging skin and wrinkles, double chin, drooping eyebrows, drooping eyelids, swelling of the face, fuzzy facial contours, depletion of the fatty layer on the cheeks.

Revitonics is recommended not only for getting rid of problems, but also for their prevention. Premature aging is typical for people with excessively active facial expressions, as well as for professions that involve static being in incorrect postures: a manicurist, masseur or cook. A disastrous position for the neck is also provided by the constant presence in smartphones or computers.

When starting revitonics, be sure to read the list of contraindications.

How to learn

To learn how to properly perform all the exercises and gain access to a large database of techniques, you need to be trained at the Revitonika school of natural rejuvenation. It is not necessary to come to the school itself, there are several options for distance learning.

It is better to start mastering the technique with the basic video course “5 weeks of youth and beauty”. Here you will learn about the reasons age-related changes, and you will also master the heart of the technique - basic exercises for the face and neck.

An alternative or addition to this video course will be the marathon “Youth. Reboot". It is also aimed at those who begin to engage in "Revitonika". In addition to the rejuvenation block, the marathon has areas of nutrition, fitness and psychology, each of which is supervised by a professional expert. "Youth. Reboot” is a complex event and a kind of march to youth.

The course “Youth and radiance of the eyes” will help to work out the eye area more carefully. It is recommended to pass it after mastering the basic complexes on the face and neck.

Having mastered basic techniques within 3-6 months and having received the first results, it will be possible to proceed to the course "Lifting-PRO". This professional technicians adapted for independent development and implementation. The course involves the impact on tissues at deep levels, solves old and hard problems and works ahead of age, preventing age-related destruction of bone tissue.

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Of course, the main female weapon is beauty, which, no matter how sad it may be, disappears over the years. The skin becomes flabby, elasticity is lost, folds, wrinkles appear, the contour of the face loses its shape. However, age is not a sentence, since a beautiful, young appearance is available to every woman if you strive for it. One of the secrets, or even a magic key that opens the door to youth, is revitonics, which has been practiced for several decades. This article is devoted to the description of a specific anti-aging event.

It is necessary to start with the fact that sooner or later the skin of the face becomes soft, flabby, wrinkles and other signs of aging appear, and for this reason every woman seeks to stop degenerative processes. Some use skincare cosmetics for these purposes, applying creams and tonics to the skin, while others visit salons in order to achieve maximum results using physiotherapy procedures. The most desperate even go under the knife, using plastic surgery as an anti-aging tool.

However, few people know that there are more effective and safer methods, not just to improve the condition of the skin and facial contours in general, but stimulating internal, metabolic processes that are responsible for rejuvenation. Revitonics also belongs to such techniques of eternal beauty. In general terms, revitonics is a facial massage, which is a set of special exercises aimed at correcting appearance.

It should be noted that these are not just exercises that make it possible to look good - such a statement would be a delusion. This is a completely unique rejuvenating, and most importantly, healing program, built on the principle of activating the internal potential of the body, as a result of which metabolic processes are normalized, the synthesis of restorative components is improved and the nutrition of the integument is improved.

Revitonics exercises are carried out independently at home, although you can resort to the help of specialists. As part of the procedure, special points are massaged according to the principle of energy centers, and the load is distributed in a special way on certain muscle groups. Only if the muscles of the face and neck are in good shape, the skin has a pleasant tightened contour and color.

It is important to note that such an event as facial fitness revitonics is the "brainchild" of Natalia Osminina, who developed it in the first half of the 90s. At that time, the future innovator was looking for a secret eternal youth, being a specialist in the field of hardware cosmetology. And by the will of fate, Natalia opens her own business and begins a practice that spreads throughout Western Europe, and then comes to Eastern Europe.

Revitonics has taken root with us not so long ago, since the method has been undergoing clinical trials for a long time, in which the benefits of the procedure for the face were studied. It is important to note here that the described procedure is actually harmless, and therefore it is very difficult to meet negative feedback relating to revitonics.

The author argues that the true cause of aging is not skin problems at all, everything is the opposite here, skin problems are a consequence. The root cause is a spasm of muscle tissue, as a result of which kinks, wrinkles and sagging appear on the integument of the face. Thus, if you tone your facial muscles, you can forget about age signs that scare every girl so much.

The basic course that Natalia describes consists of ten classic exercises, each of which has a specific meaning and is aimed at combating specific problems. The main types of massage effects will be described in more detail in the following paragraphs, but it is important to understand which levers Natalya Osminina's system affects.

The first problem that can be solved using revitonics as the main cosmetic and therapeutic tool is fluid stagnation in cells. Due to fluid stagnation, the nutrition of the skin, muscles and other tissues in the body is disturbed, as well as swelling of the face increases, bruises appear under the eyes. The described system is used for fascial traction (damage to the soft surface of the muscles that connect them to each other). And of course, a specific method is most relevant in the fight against muscle spasms.

Revitonics has several directions that can be implemented simultaneously, and therefore this method physiotherapeutic effects can be divided into two types:

Sculptural revitonics is a complex gymnastic exercises, which allow you to concentrate the impact on the muscles of the face and neck. A complex of such processes allows you to use each muscle, first toning it, and then relaxing it, relieving spasm, swelling, swelling and inflammation. These manipulations are designed to stimulate blood flow to the skin and improve cellular respiration of the integument.

The vacuum type of revitonics is instrumental, since its implementation requires special devices that allow creating a vacuum. Using these effects, you can significantly improve the subcutaneous circulation, respectively, stimulate the nutrition of the integument. The peculiarity of these targeted cosmetic processes makes it possible to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, which is characterized by a significant effect.

The main tools of the described type of revitonics are vacuum jars of different sizes, which makes it possible to solve various cosmetic problems. Jars of small size are designed to work out small areas, for example, lips, nose, area around the eyes. Medium therapeutic jars make it possible to restore circular muscle mouth, cheekbones, etc. Accordingly, the largest size of special devices allows you to smooth out wrinkles and stimulate the most big muscles faces.

A set of exercises for the cheekbones, lips, skin around the eyes and forehead

There are a number of special exercises that allow you to achieve the desired result. With the help of revitonics, you can raise your cheekbones, lips, eyebrows and how to do it will be discussed Further. The main exercise is stretching the supra- and sublabial folds. To implement it, you will need to put your index fingers above the lip in the center and pull your fingers to the corners of your mouth with pulling movements, stretching the skin. In the same way, the skin under the lower lip is stretched.

Next, use your thumb and forefinger to pull off the skin of the eyebrow, taking it in the center from above and below. The skin should be tightened slightly, holding it in this position for about 30 seconds. The brow is then stretched in reverse and held in the same way for 30 seconds, allowing for a good lift of the skin above the eyes.

The specific video is a demonstration material that is dedicated to Facebook building through exercises. After reviewing the video, you can get a visual aid that allows you to properly perform the exercises, which will make it possible to significantly rejuvenate the skin and tighten the oval of the face.

After reviewing this video, you can get all the necessary information regarding facial rejuvenation with the help of procedures using cosmetic jars. The author describes and demonstrates the process of conducting this event, revealing in detail the essence of the method.

A feature of revitonics, as an effective cosmetic measure, is that these processes cannot cause any harm to the body. On the contrary, the described approach allows solving many clinical problems. However, despite a number of beneficial effects, there are some contraindications that should be considered when resorting to facial fitness:

  • acne and purulent rashes on the face;
  • exacerbation of some dermatological chronic ailments;
  • oncological diseases;
  • ailments associated with injury nervous system and blood circulation;
  • it is not advisable to use revitonics for persons under the age of sixteen.

According to doctors, revitonics is an effective physiotherapeutic method that allows you to solve many cosmetic problems that occur with age in all people. It's the only one effective approach, which is absolutely valid, safe and approved by the health authorities of many countries, which really improves the condition of the skin and face in general. It is for this reason that many cosmetology clinics practice revitonics as a rehabilitation and therapeutic method of exposure.

Using revitonics exercises at home, you can achieve significant changes in appearance. After just a few sessions, wrinkles begin to smooth out, the oval of the face tightens, and skin color improves. It should also be noted that a specific method makes it possible to get rid of bruises under the eyes, tighten the drooping of the corners of the lips and eyes, and of course improve the condition of the skin.

Karina: At the time of my acquaintance with revitonics, I had deep forehead wrinkles, which I completely got rid of after two months of classes.

Marina: My mother practices revitonics and looks 53 to 30. I don’t need such care yet, but I’m sure that over time I will get to know this system better.

Ira: I really like revitonics - completely safe, easy and effective.

The topic of the article is revitonics exercises. We will talk about the main exercises and share the feedback of women who performed revitonics at home. You will find out how effective this system of exercises for rejuvenation and improvement of appearance.

Revitonics is a set of exercises that helps to eliminate age-related changes and improve skin condition. The founder of this technique is Natalia Osminina, who has been engaged in the restoration of facial muscles for a long time.

The revitonics system is based on the knowledge of biohydraulics, theoretical mechanics, etc. The exercises are based on the principles of regulating muscle tension and relaxation.

Advantages of revitonics:

  • maintaining muscle tone, eliminating spasms and tension;
  • tightening sagging skin;
  • restoration of facial contours, reconstruction of the muscular skeleton and reduction in the number of existing wrinkles;
  • elimination of puffiness around the eyes.

Basic revitonics exercises

According to Osminina, revitonics can be performed at any age, but it is better to start doing them from a young age. The full set of exercises is divided into several types:

  • Vacuum fitness - vacuum jars are used for training different size. They help increase muscle tone, improve blood circulation and stabilize the synthesis of collagen and elastin.
  • Sculptural fitness - this technique involves the usual exercises that are aimed at working out the muscles.

Revitonics for the face

The unique facial revitonics method has been designed so that it can be easily performed at home. There are some rules for revitonics for the face:

  • If the muscles are in hypertonicity, then you need to act on them for no more than 30 seconds.
  • To return the muscles to their normal state, stretch, while doing it smoothly and slowly.
  • Start training by preparing your muscles for intense exposure. To do this, slightly stretch the muscles in different sides or towards each other. Hold them in this position until a relaxing reaction appears.
  • To get used to the muscle to a new position in revitonics, fixation is used, which implies a static hold of the muscles in the selected position for 5 seconds.

Revitonics for the eyes

The most common problems that a simple set of exercises will help get rid of. Before doing them, remove makeup from your face, then sit on a chair, keeping your back straight.

Now let's get to the exercises:

  1. To warm up the muscles, begin to sharply close and open your eyes. Breathe in through your nose, at the same time pull your cheeks in, and puff out your cheeks as you exhale.
  2. Now fold your index fingers into an arc and place them near the cheekbones. To increase tension, begin to close your eyes in stages for 10 seconds.
  3. Place your middle fingers on the inner corners of your eyes, then start blinking frequently.
  4. Rest your elbows on your knees, open your palms, put your face on them at eye level. Hold this position for a couple of seconds, then spread your arms and repeat the touch, moving towards the temples.

Revitonics - nasolabial folds

The exercises below reduce the nasolabial folds, eliminate the ugly nasolabial ridge, tighten sagging skin and maintain the high position of the cheekbones. Fitness revitonics for nasolabial folds includes the following exercises:

  • Put together the index and middle fingers near the wings of the nose, on top of the cheekbones.
  • Form an elongated oval with your lips. Count to 8, then open your mouth even more, while maintaining an oval. At this time, press your fingers on your cheekbones.

Revitonics for lips

If you want to become the owner of plump lips, it is not necessary to do beauty injections. You can also try simple ways, or perform special gymnastics:

  • Pull your lips forward, then grab the bottom lip with your upper lip, and then vice versa.
  • Pull in the corners of your mouth (this is similar to the movement during the absorption of candy). Then, due to muscle tension, try to raise them.

Revitonics for the forehead

If you don’t like to wear bangs, but there is a way out - revitonics for the forehead. Do the following exercises:

  • Place an open palm on the area slightly above the eyebrows, then fix the muscles with it. Lower and raise your eyebrows.
  • To remove the ugly crease between the eyebrows, fix the corners of the eyebrows near the bridge of the nose with 2 fingers. Try to draw and relax your eyebrows.

Revitonics for the chin

To smooth the muscles on the chin, use the following exercises:

  1. Place your index fingers on the top of the chin, and thumbs under the chin.
  2. Point your fingers towards each other until you feel the first stop.
  3. Wait until the dermis is hydrated, allowing your fingers to slowly reach out until they meet each other.
  4. Take a starting position. Stretch the chin muscle, fix it.

Revitonics for the neck

Performing revitonics for the neck helps relieve spasms from the trapezius muscle. This is due to the fact that tension in this area provokes a deterioration in the blood supply to the face, the formation of cervical osteochondrosis and withers.

The revitonics exercise, which is given below, is called “Frame”:

  • Bend your arms raised up at the elbows, then fold them crosswise to form a frame.
  • Start reaching up, stretching your spine, then tilt your head down while continuing to move your body up. Hold this pose for half a minute.
  • Place one hand above your chest and the other under your chin. Stretch your neck to stretch your muscles. Change hands and repeat the exercise. Duration - half a minute.

Revitonics for the back

If you have severe back pain, then the cause of this discomfort may be poor posture. Do exercises called "Active Standing" to eliminate pain:

  • Take a position so that your feet are directly under your shoulders. Point the tailbone down, tighten the buttocks a little, tighten the press. Your body should take a straight line.
  • During the entire exercise, stretch the top of your head up and open chest. Hold this pose for one to five minutes. By the way, you can perform this exercise not only at home, but also in the subway, for example.

Revitonics exercises on a roller

The use of a roller during exercise helps to enhance the effect, eliminate back pain, improve posture and even lose weight! It is advisable to use a ready-made juniper roller or make it yourself. To do this, put a rolling pin on a towel, then twist it, securing it on both sides with elastic bands. The diameter of the roller must be at least 10 cm.

Then start exercising:

  1. Sit on the floor and place the roller behind your buttocks. Lie on your back and make sure the roller is under your belly button.
  2. Stretch your legs forward and hold them shoulder-width apart, then connect your thumbs.
  3. Lower your palms down and begin to pull your hands up, connecting your little fingers. Freeze in this position for five minutes.
  4. Then roll over on your side and to the side, only after that start to rise without sudden movements.

Revitonika - before and after photos


It is necessary to stop performing revitonics if you suddenly feel pain. Also, you can not do gymnastics if:

  • you are assigned complete rest;
  • you are undergoing treatment;
  • you have a serious injury or disease of the spine;
  • there are purulent rashes and skin diseases;
  • there is oncology, stage 3 hypertension, traumatic brain injury;
  • you suffer from ENT diseases;
  • you are generally unwell.

In all other cases, it will not be superfluous to consult a specialist.

"Time - good doctor but a very bad beautician.” Every disease has its own causes. Knowing these causes is the main key to healing. Old age is no exception. This is also a disease. The path to youth opens by no means expensive cosmetics. It lies through the elimination of the true causes of old age. It is this idea that underlies the concept of the well-known rejuvenation system - Revitonika.

Reasons for aging. Revitonics opinion

Our face is the whole world. For its unique appearance more than 100 muscles, 29 cranial bones are responsible. It is by the type of attachment of the first to the second that the mimic and chewing muscles of the face and neck are distinguished. All muscles shorten with age, worsening the appearance of the face, but each type does it differently.

Mimic muscles connect the skin to bones and other muscles. Shrinking, they pull the skin behind them. And the skin, with age, losing the ability to resist this process, sags. Wrinkles around the mouth, on the forehead, bridge of the nose, chin, nasolabial folds - all these are the consequences of deformations facial muscles.

How to get rid of such consequences? Sculptural fitness Revitonika allows you to independently launch natural rejuvenation. You can restore the correct anatomical shape of the muscular corset. This is possible if you relax the muscles of the face, relieve spasms and clamps. As a result, the oval will acquire a clear contour, wrinkles, nasolabial folds will disappear, and the skin texture will be restored.

A bit of history

The history of the emergence of the Revitonics system is ambiguous. Authorship according to different sources belongs to two different women. But let's try to go through the facts and chronology. Natalya Borisovna Osminina became known for her research in this direction in 1994 in Lithuania. For more than 10 years, the author has conducted various tests, developed developments, working with hundreds of women. The innovative technique has received scientific justification and public recognition. In European countries: Sweden, Germany, Italy, Israel, it has become especially popular.

In 2009, Natalia Osminina began to cooperate with Russian expert in the field of anti-aging massage Anastasia Dmitrievna Dubinskaya. Together with her, they created a whole trend, a school with a rich methodological base. Russian women already recognized this technique under the name "Revitonika" in 2010. During this period, the technique was distributed as a set teaching aids, atlases, packed in an elegant box.

The first school was opened in 2012 in Moscow, on Prospekt Mira. The founder of the school is Anastasia Dubinskaya. The first coaches were trained here, the main complexes and exercises were worked out and adapted.

The Revitonika system appeared in the format of electronic video courses in 2013. These were not yet online courses, but users already had considerable freedom in the implementation of the methodology. In the same year, the school entered into a partnership with the beauty institute on the Arbat.

From 2013 to 2015, branches and representative offices began to open throughout the country. Instructors, trainers, as well as masters in beauty salons were trained everywhere.

2015 to present main office Revitonika School is located at 30, Leninsky Prospekt, Moscow.

At the same time, Dubinskaya and Osminina ceased to cooperate. Anastasia remains the head and founder of the Revitonics school. Natalya Borisovna leaves school completely and continues to develop her methodology, giving it the name Osmionika.

School official website

Revitonics. Tasks, principles, results

Revitonika Natalya Osminina - as a rejuvenation system, is based on the scientific and practical principles of biohydraulics, biomechanics, theoretical mechanics, quantum physics, etc. Revitonika considers the elimination of the causes of old age to be the principle of natural rejuvenation.


  1. The tension balance of mimic and chewing muscles;
  2. Stimulation of natural lymphatic drainage;
  3. Relaxation of the muscles of the face and neck by improving the psycho-emotional state;
  4. The complex affects the entire body, improving both its external and internal condition.

Self-modeling of the body and face in revitonics gives amazing results:

For body:

  • Restoration of balance;
  • Posture alignment.

For face shape:

  • Restoration of the oval;
  • Reconstruction of the chin contour;
  • Puffiness reduction;
  • The return of young devils.

For the neck:

  • Length increase;
  • Elimination of the “double chin” defect;
  • Reducing fat deposits on the chin;
  • Elimination of the "withers";
  • Reducing the symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis.

For skin:

  • Reduction or complete elimination of wrinkles;
  • Restoration of blood circulation;
  • Improving the color and texture of the skin;
  • Restoration of collagen fibers.


Revitonics is scientifically substantiated and brings undeniable benefits. But despite this, there are a number of factors that impose serious restrictions on its use.

In order to find out, consult with the appropriate doctor if you have:

  1. autoimmune diseases;
  2. thyroid problems (hypothyroidism);
  3. skin diseases;
  4. Diseases respiratory system, chronic including;
  5. Other systemic diseases.
  6. Revitonics cannot eliminate external deficiencies caused by the disease of the body.
  7. For example, edema caused by kidney failure. Manipulations with such areas can cause deterioration of their condition.

Physical effects on the skin are strictly prohibited if there are the following health problems:

  1. Hypertension;
  2. Diseases of the blood and blood vessels;
  3. Head, neck, back injuries;
  4. warts, eczema, psoriasis;
  5. Osteoporosis;
  6. Oncology, diabetes mellitus, diseases of the immune system;
  7. Inflammation of the facial nerve;
  8. Mental illness.

Rules for performing Revitonics techniques

Gymnastics for the face and neck is organized so that some of the techniques can be performed at home ( basic complex). They are available on online courses, marathons. And some of the methods included in full complex, it is permissible to practice strictly in the presence of specialists and this is possible only at full-time trainings.

Execution order.

Where to start? Despite the fact that the Revitonics technique has many types of exercises, they all have common patterns:

  1. 30-second muscle contraction to relax them;
  2. Uniform work with internal muscles to return them to their original length;
  3. The system of manual self-modeling is completed by fixing the muscles in correct position for 2-5 seconds.

Revitonics - a basic set of exercises

Osminina's technique, available to perform independently at home, consists of:

  • Alignment exercises for the spine, neck, back;
  • sculptural;
  • lymphatic drainage technique;
  • vacuum massage.

An integrated approach to performing exercises will ensure the rejuvenation of the whole body, relieve visible body defects. Following the recommendations of the author of the Revitonik method N. B. Osminina, we will proceed to consider basic exercises this rejuvenating complex.

We straighten our shoulders: Revitonics for the spine, neck, back

The condition of the spine and neck directly affects the appearance of a person, and the youth of our face. Slouching, we lower our shoulders forward and down. The back muscles become weaker. In addition, we stretch the skin on the back. And in front, respectively, the skin sags. Correct posture is the first thing to start with.

The neck is the bridge that connects the head to the body. Through it, the face receives everything it needs: nutrients, air. Spasms of the neck, its shortening, wrong fit reduce the quality of skin nutrition, worsen lymphatic drainage. As a result, the appearance of the face deteriorates, puffiness appears.

Exercises for the neck and back are the main ones in the Revitonics complex. This stage is very important, because without it, further facial practices do not make sense.
By correcting your posture, straightening your shoulders, restoring tone neck muscles, you tighten the skin on the whole body. Appearance will change better side. The process of natural rejuvenation will start.

Revitonics for posture

To correct posture, open the thoracic spine, there are different techniques. In this article, we will walk through two of them step by step.

Exercise "Sail"

What will you achieve:

  • The thoracic spine will open up.
  • Correction of posture and elimination of stoop.
  • The muscles of the hands will tone up.
  • Natural lymphatic drainage will start.

Zero Gravity Exercise

In order for the face to stop sagging, it is necessary to reduce the effect of gravity. In the absence of defects in the locomotor apparatus and while maintaining correct posture- it's possible.

What will you achieve:

  • Reducing the forces of gravity;
  • Correct posture.

Exercise with a special roller

A useful technique that reduces back pain, reduces swelling, helps to lose weight. You can make a roller yourself or purchase a special one at a pharmacy.

Revitonics for the neck

Posterolateral surface. Exercise "Hanger"

What will you achieve:

  1. Neck extension;
  2. Beautiful transition line to the shoulder;
  3. Improvement of blood circulation;
  4. Reducing pain in osteochondrosis.

Exercise for the neck "Frame"

The frame relieves spasms of the anterior surface of the neck. Tension in this area of ​​the spinal column impedes blood flow and natural lymphatic drainage in the facial area.

You will achieve:

  1. Elongation of the front surface of the neck;
  2. Reducing the depth of transverse wrinkles on the neck, lifting the oval of the face;
  3. Release of the lymph ducts, activation of the outflow of excess fluid from the tissues;
  4. Elimination of a double chin.

Exercise to get rid of the effect of "computer neck"

People who work a lot at the computer often encounter the problem of a protruding neck (computer neck). Symptoms of this defect are pain in the shoulders, back and neck. In addition, due to the displacement of the skull, the load on the spinal column increases: 5 kg is added for every 2.5 cm. This leads to facial deformity. It is necessary to perform an exercise every day that aligns the neck.

Exercise "Perfect Neck"

You will achieve:

  • Increasing the angle of rotation of the head;
  • Relaxation of the neck muscles.

Revitonics: exercises for the face

Revitonika restores youth, working comprehensively with the entire face. The technique helps to relax, stretch the entire facial muscles.

How to smooth your forehead

The brow wrinkle will disappear from your face. Exercise will help not only smooth the skin, but also improve sleep. You will fall asleep and wake up easier, sleep will become stronger. As a result, you will get a better quality rest.

Self-massage is convenient to perform in the morning, lying in bed, and also in the evening - before going to bed.

You can also continue gymnastics while lying down.

Revitonics for the eyes

The eyes are the part of the face that shows age in the first place. To slow down aging, it is necessary to rehabilitate this zone. For this it is necessary regular execution eye exercises.

Enlargement of the orbit at the inner corner of the eye

Perform the technique for each eye separately, starting with the left.

Effect: youthfulness, radiance of the eyes.

Effect: wide eyes.

Revitonics for lips

It is the desire to have beautiful lips that pushes women most of all to go for injections. But injections are not the only way out. Appropriate Revitonics techniques will help turn back the clock and make this part of the face younger and more beautiful.

The technique will help lift the corners of the lips, make their shape more expressive and attractive.

Sculptural correction of the face, or revitonics. developed over 20 years ago. Its author, Natalya Osminina, a design engineer by initial education, approached the causes of aging with the professionalism of a physicist. Her method of biological facial rejuvenation considers the processes of skin aging not only from the point of view of cosmetology, but also from a bioengineering perspective.

Simple tricks sculptural fitness for the face will help to correct many problems. Unlike other similar methods, revitonics places particular emphasis on correcting posture, as it sees in it the causes of poor blood supply, muscle clamps, and sagging.

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    What is revitonics?

    Revitonics is a face reconstruction with the help of special exercises and massage. This system is considered one of the most effective non-surgical face and neck lifts. The author of the technique carefully studied the anatomy of the facial muscles, looking for the biomechanical causes of age-related deformities. She noticed that due to spasms, the face does not open, the muscles of the cheekbones tighten, preventing the apple from forming, the beautiful angle of the lower jaw disappears, the volume of the lips and the size of the eyes decrease.

    After a rich practical experience in 2007, the book "Anatomy of Aging or Myths in Cosmetology" was published, which outlined the basic postulates underlying revitonics.

    Natalya Osminina at the beginning of her career used hardware techniques to relax facial muscles. Unfortunately, this was not enough for a lasting rejuvenating effect, since the patients did not correct their own facial habits. Overstrained muscles required constant relaxation, and people, experiencing negative emotions and stress, spasmed muscles constantly. Such muscle memory could be corrected only thanks to the client's independent work.

    Revitonics anti-aging face and neck

    With the help of revitonics, you can give the face freshness, make the skin elastic, elastic, eliminate creases and reduce deep wrinkles, tighten the muscles of the neck and remove the double chin. In addition to external positive changes, improving general health and well-being. It has long been known that the external problems of the face are not only an aesthetic problem, but also a “bell” about problems inside.

    Facial fitness "Revitonika" will help eliminate another noticeable problem of an aging face - swelling. They not only give an unaesthetic appearance to the face, but also interfere with the metabolism in the skin, disrupt blood circulation. A set of exercises normalizes lymph flow and eliminates excess fluid.

    An interesting fact: spasms of chewing muscles negatively affect the condition of the teeth and periodontium. By normalizing their work, you can improve oral hygiene and dental health.

    Thorough knowledge of the processes of facial aging, the author's development of aesthetic modeling, plus hardware methods of muscle recovery make revitonics the most effective and safe method of rejuvenation available to everyone. To date, gymnastics for the face and neck has about 40 exercises and allows you to achieve stunning results.

    Types of exercises

    In revitonics, all exercises are divided according to the method of therapeutic effect:

    • sculptural;
    • vacuum.

    The sculptural method is the gymnastics of the muscles of the face and neck. In the classes, the facial and neck muscles are worked out, and then they relax. So spasms pass, swelling decreases. This method stimulates metabolism, improves blood circulation and oxygen supply to the tissues.

    Vacuum method in the form cupping massage mechanically affects the surface and subcutaneous fat layer. It increases the production of collagen and elastin, loosens the fibers, improves skin elasticity. Facial skin heals, softens, sebaceous plugs are mechanically removed.

    Execution technique

    Proper exercise technique will help you achieve high results.Unlike other facial gymnastics, revitonics has its own characteristics:

    1. 1. The 30 second rule. Tighten and hold a muscle or muscle block for only 30 seconds. Maximum load on a spasmodic area brings him out of an adapted state to which a person has already adapted, and leads to subsequent relaxation. The hypertonicity of mimic muscles is relieved not so much by the muscles as by their tension at the level of the fascial areas.
    2. 2. Muscle stretch. After overstressing, you need to gently stretch the working area. Being in a spasmodic state, the muscle has become shorter and stretching returns to its original size. At this stage, you need to work slowly, without sudden movements, so as not to damage the connective sheaths - fascia.
    3. 3. Tension. Often this stage is a preparation for the implementation of other techniques. The tissues are shifted towards each other or in opposite directions until they stop and are held until the muscle relaxes.
    4. 4. Fixation. Holding on to a certain position is necessary to develop a new muscle memory pattern. The position is held in the correct position for 2–5 seconds.
    5. 5. Pressing. The force of fixation should be minimal. The load on the tissue when pressed should be about 5-10 grams. For example, imagine holding a small coin. Although there is no strong pressure, but the immersion of the fingers should be felt as deep. The fingers seem to be glued to the place, there is a feeling that the skin parted a little.

    Basic sculpting exercises

    You should start doing revitonics with exercises for posture and neck muscles. Because of bad posture, clamps of the cervical muscles, the face begins to deform, the metabolism worsens. For example, if the neck is pushed forward significantly and is at an angle, the second chin will not disappear until the defect in the statics of the cervical region is corrected.

    The Zero Gravity exercise will help improve your posture. Its implementation is very simple: we imagine that we lay down with our chest on the surface big ball, twist the spine, exhale. On inspiration, we bend the spine in the opposite direction, stretching in an arc, as if lying with our backs on the ball. You can perform this exercise with a fitball on the floor.

    Complex for the neck

    The correct execution technique will make the neck thinner and more elegant, relieve the second chin. Skin tone will improve, wrinkles in the décolleté area will even out. When congestion disappears - as a result, headaches can disappear, osteochondrosis will disappear. All this serves as an excellent prevention of various diseases. Training consists of exercises for muscle development, relaxation, self-massage. They start the lesson with a warm-up - such a warm-up will save the muscles from microtrauma.

    Warm-up exercise:

    1. 1. The chin is strictly parallel to the floor. Stretch your neck forward.
    2. 2. The head is pulled back until it feels crunchy in cervical region. Do not lower your chin, keep it horizontal to the floor.
    3. 3. Repeat 10 times.
    4. 4. After doing it, you need to relax your back and shoulders. You can shake them without tension.
    5. 5. Head turns to the sides, chin horizontally, pull to the shoulder.
    6. 6. Run 10 times in each direction.

    We relieve spasm of the trapezius muscles. Their overvoltage leads to a deterioration in the blood supply to the face, the formation of withers and cervical osteochondrosis. If the muscle is constantly in hypertonicity, visually the shoulders rise from behind the back. This shortens the neck, leads to shrinkage of the cervical vertebrae.

    Exercise to improve the blood supply to the face:

    1. 1. From a sitting position, raise one shoulder as high as possible.
    2. 2. Holding the position, take the shoulder back to the stop, pull the shoulder blade to the spine.
    3. 3. The hand is placed on its side to stop and fix the position.
    4. 4. The head is slightly turned in the opposite direction.
    5. 5. The occiput is pressed against the raised shoulder.
    6. 7. Slowly return to the starting position.

    After completion, the muscle is stretched.


    1. 1. One hand is thrown behind the head and placed on the neck in the hairline.
    2. 2. The other hand is placed on the shoulder of the same name.
    3. 3. Without lowering your head, stretch the muscle in opposite directions with your hands.

    For a lasting result, repeat this exercise daily.

    Exercise for the occipital muscle group:

    1. 1. Shoulders are pulled back as much as possible, hands are clasped into the lock.
    2. 2. Trying to connect the shoulder blades.
    3. 3. The head is laid on raised shoulders.
    4. 6. Hold the position for 30 seconds.
    5. 5. Return to the starting position and start stretching.

    If you feel a strong tension in the neck in front, you can open your mouth. You can stretch the occipital muscles like this: clasping your fingers into the lock, place them under the occipital tubercles. Then you should easily and smoothly stretch your neck vertically upwards without slipping your hands.

    Face without wrinkles

    Facial exercises are also very simple.

    From total you can choose specific techniques to correct external defects and perform them every day.

    Nasolabial folds

    With muscle hypertonicity, a displacement of the central part of the face occurs, nasolabial folds are formed.

    Actions against the nasolabial fold:

    1. 1. Fix with one finger the beginning of the muscle at the wing of the nose in the dimple, the other finger forms a fold parallel upwards 1 cm under the eye.
    2. 2. Raise the lower finger up to form a crease, press a little.
    3. 6. Hold the position for 30 seconds.
    4. 4. Stretch the muscle by stretching the fingers in opposite directions.
    5. 5. Repeat the exercise on the second side.

    The zygomatic muscles are attached to the zygomatic bone and are woven into the corner of the mouth. With their hypertonicity, they shorten and tighten the tissues. The resulting excess skin sags in nasolabial folds.

    Relieve spasm in this area:

    1. 1. Fingers bring the beginning and end together zygomatic muscles hold the voltage for 30 seconds.
    2. 2. After the end, stretch the muscle without sudden movements.
    3. 3. Fixation of a relaxed position for 1-2 seconds.
    4. 4. Repeat several times.

    The purpose of revitonics is rejuvenation by balancing the muscles of the face.

    Cheekbone exercises:

    1. 1. In the sitting position, the elbows rest on the knees, the chin is located on the palms.
    2. 2. Strong tension is held for 30 seconds.
    3. 3. Repeat this technique two or three times.

    forehead area

    With wrinkles on the forehead, the following option will help: open your eyes as wide as possible, while not wrinkling your forehead. Hold the position and look into the distance for about 5-7 seconds. The number of repetitions can be determined independently, up to a feeling of slight fatigue.

    Wrinkles and creases between the eyebrows give an angry look. To eliminate brow wrinkles, apply the following method:

    1. 1. The thumbs fix the base of the eyebrows, the index fingers are set 2 cm higher.
    2. 2. Squeezing fingers, form a fold.
    3. 6. Hold the position for 30 seconds.
    4. 4. Stretch, pulling the tissues between the eyebrows in opposite directions.

    Expressive eyes

    Lifting the temporal region will remove the effect of overhanging eyelids, reduce "crow's feet", "open" the eyes, give them an attractive shape.

    Exercise for the skin around the eyes:

    1. 1. The palms are placed on the temporal fossae, their base is placed on the outer ends of the eyebrows.
    2. 2. The fingers are laid like a fan over the head and pull the tissues towards the back of the head, sliding along the temporalis muscle.
    3. 3. Move the hands back to the stop. In this way, stubborn areas return to the point of tension.
    4. 4. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat the reception.

    Beautiful lips

    Special revitonics techniques will help improve color, increase the fullness of the lips, and reduce wrinkles in this area.

    For lips:

    1. 1. Open your mouth with the letter "O", while lower jaw maximally omitted.
    2. 2. Index fingers press on the corners of the lips, the circular muscle is tense and resists pressure.
    3. 3. The voltage is held for 30 seconds.
    4. 4. Proceed to the relaxation phase.

    Relaxation of the circular muscles of the mouth:

    1. 1. Circular movements of the tongue under the lips clockwise and back.
    2. 2. If hardening, spasmodic places are felt with the tongue, then the tongue rests on them and hold for 30 seconds.
    3. 3. Pass along the inner border, resting on the edge of the lips and pulling them away.

    These techniques will also help tighten the chin and improve the functioning of the chin lymph nodes.

    Perfect neckline

    Reception is aimed at eliminating transverse wrinkles on the neck:

    1. 1. The palms are placed on the sternum.
    2. 2. Keeping your hands still, pull the fabrics up.
    3. 3. Press the chin to the neck, hold for 30 seconds.

    After completion, it is necessary to straighten up and proceed to stretching the working area.


    1. 1. One hand fixes the sternum, the other under the chin with the palm down.
    2. 2. The hand under the chin gently pulls the head up to the stop.
    3. 3. The position is held for a few seconds.

    On the chest, wrinkles are formed due to the contraction of the thoracic region, from the habit of sleeping on the side. The skin in this area is not rich in sebaceous glands, thin and delicate. Simple tricks will provide her with nutrition and improve blood circulation.

    Ideal neckline:

    1. 1. The fingers of one hand are held on the hollow between the breasts, the second hand - under the collarbone.
    2. 2. Bring your fingers together so that a crease forms.
    3. 3. Hold for 30 seconds.
    4. 4. With fingers set in the same position, stretch the tissues in opposite directions.
    5. 5. Fix the position for a few seconds.
    6. 6. Repeat the reception in a vertical version.


    The main advantage of this technique is that it is scientifically proven. For a more in-depth study, you can read the special literature. The founder of the method, Natalia Osminina, published the following books: "Anatomy of Aging, or Myths in Cosmetology", "Fitness for the Revitonika System", "Revitonika - Turn Back Time", "Resurrection of the Face or an Ordinary Miracle". Most of them are freely available for download. Natalia offers video courses, seminars, and also actively leads a forum where she answers questions from practitioners of rejuvenation in her way.

    A significant improvement in appearance can be independently detected by photographing the face before and after several months. regular classes. An even distribution of tissues across the face, restoration of the “corner of youth”, good blood flow and lymphatic drainage, and a decrease in muscle hypertonicity will definitely slow down for several years, or even a whole dozen.