Sports holiday "volleyball player's day". Sports holiday: « Volleyball - show With a bottle - a sports game for adults

Location: gym or sports ground on the street.

Equipment and inventory: balls, whistle, stopwatch, grid, flag.

Musical arrangement: hymn Russian Federation.

Members: 4 teams 10-11's classes of 8 people each (4 boys and 4 girls).

Panel of judges: Zdoroveyka, Ball, Whistle, Submission, Reception, Transfer, Forward blow, Block, Fan.

(To the sounds sportswear, the captain with the name of his team stand in the general formation. Before them is the panel of judges.Zdoroveyka and his assistants.)


Hello guys! The holiday "Volleyball Player's Day" is declared open. Captains! March to raise the flag!

(The captains run to the flagpole. Everyone turns to the flagpole. To the sounds of the Russian anthem, the flag of the Russian Federation rises. At the end of it, the captains become their teams.)


Volleyball means "flying ball". Yes, this name is quite true. After all, in the game volleyball should be only in the air, only for a moment freezing in the hands when serving. What seems easier, took and hit the ball with his hand. But this is apparent simplicity. Anyone who plays volleyball knows that in order to tame the ball in the game, you need to work hard in training. And for success in volleyball, as, of course, in many other games, team cohesion, strong-willed spirit, and emotional upsurge are important. Today, the teams participating in our holiday must show these qualities. I present to you my assistants in conducting our competitions. These are my constant companions in playing sports Ball and Whistle.

I'm flying over the platform

It's like I have wings.

Through the grid I flutter

Many times back and forth.

Get down on the platform

I skillfully do not give.

Eh! I like to break through the block

When they hit hard from the pass.

One-two-three, I'm in the rhythm of the waltz, Reception from below - pass - blow. Hey, player, try not to let me fall down! Twenty-five is the top of the score, And again the game is from scratch, But victory awaits someone, A draw is unfamiliar to me!

Ah, beautiful! How beautiful

You, sports time!

When my clear trill

The game opens.

Ah, lovely! How lovely

Two teams - "physical education hello!"

After them the game is wonderful

I give the green light!

Ah, nice! So glad,

When the game is fair.

So happy after the match

Hear me "physical education-hooray!"


The panel of judges also includes: Serve, Receive, Pass, Attack and Block.

(When introduced, everyone takes a step forward.)

That's what a glorious refereeing team we have. My assistants are eager to start the competition. Yes, and you guys, I see you are eager to fight. Well, let's start.


In the first type of task, 2 boys and 2 girls from each team take part. They pass the ball with both hands from above themselves, without leaving the circle with a diameter of 2 meters. Transmission height of at least 1 m. Until the first error. The execution time is no more than two minutes. The team is credited with the sum of the passes of all four participants.

(After the task is completed, the places of the teams are announced.)

In the second task, the same participants need to alternate the transmission from above with the reception from below in the same circle with the same transmission height. Before the first mistake, no more than 2 minutes. The number of passes and receptions of 4 participants is taken into account.

(After completion, the results of the assignments are summed up.)


The next task is performed by the other four team members. At a distance not closer than 1.5 meters from the wall, alternate passes into the wall from above and below with both hands. The number of ball bounces from the wall before the first mistake is counted, but the time for the task is no more than 2 minutes. The team scores the sum of the results of all 4 participants.

(After the task is completed, the results are announced).


And in this competition, teams participate in full squads. On one side of the net is the captain with the ball, on the other - his team in a column one at a time. The captain passes the ball to the first number, who passes it back and becomes the last one. The captain - to the second, etc. A pass is allowed both from above and from below, but only with two hands. The number of passes is counted.

(A competition is held, and the places of the teams are announced.)

In this type of competition, the teams are also in full squads.

In the second zones of the volleyball court, lines are drawn through the middle of the center line and the side line at a distance of 2 meters from the center. Teams line up in a column one at a time in these opposite zones. The first number passes the ball to the first number of the other team and stands at the end of his column. The first player of the opponent passes the ball to the second player of the other team, etc. If the player does not accept the pass or when the ball after passing it goes out of the marked area, he is out of the game. The task execution time is no more than 3 minutes. The team with the most players left wins. Winners play for 1st-2nd places, losers for 3rd-4th places.


In our competitions there is a short time-out during which the Fan will read his poem to us. Please.


Passion rages again

Match in the school hall.

He got to power


As if magnetized

Eyes riveted.

There are no indifferent people here

Everyone got excited.

Friendly wins

And skillful class. On the court, a friend needs a sure pass. Let them lack Mastery sometimes. My heart caresses the Light of happy eyes!


Thank you. We continue our competition.


Two boys and two girls from each team are invited to conduct the serving competition. Each of them performs 3 serves to the indicated zone. The team is credited with the number of accurate serves of all 4 participants results are announced.)

Forward hit:

I ask the teams to allocate two boys and two girls to perform an attacking blow. Transfer will be the passer for all teams. At first, the boys compete, then we lower the net - and the girls. The essence of the task: an attacker from anywhere on the court gives a pass to a passer, receives a pass to a hit near the net and makes it. The quality of the attacking strike is evaluated by us on a 10-point system. Two attempts are given, the best one counts. The team has the sum of points of all 4 participants.


Thanks guys for a great job. And now the guys will show their theoretical knowledge by answering 5 questions that they will receive from panel of judges. Please.

(The fan distributes envelopes to the teams with questions that are the same for everyone. The teams respond in writing and hand over the envelopes to the panel of judges after 6 minutes.)

Quiz questions:

1. What are the dimensions of the volleyball court and how are substitutions made in the game.

9x18 m. Substitutions are reversed, the number is not limited.

2. Year and place of birth of volleyball.

1895 USA.

3. When did volleyball become olympic view

XVII 1st Games in Tokyo, 1964

4. The first Olympic champions in volleyball.

In menUSSR, womenJapan in 1964

5. When the USSR women's volleyball team

became an Olympic champion?

At the 19th Games in Mexico City, 1968


While the judges sum up the results of the quiz, the support group of one of the teams performs their dance.



Thanks to the girls for the inspirational performance, and we move on to final stage programs of our day. Please, Whistle and Ball, your task.

My assignment is as follows. The team in full force stands behind the front line of the volleyball court. At the signal of the Whistle, the first pair of young men at a distance of 5-7 meters from each other, moving sideways, with side steps, passes the ball to each other. As soon as they reach the opposite end line, the third young man starts moving from the starting point, passing the ball over himself. As soon as he reaches the end line, the boy and girl start, completing the task of the first couple, then the girl performs the movement, making passes over herself. A pair of girls completes the relay, completing the task of the previous pairs. The time of each team is recorded, which compete in turn. In case of an error in the execution of the task - a penalty of 4 seconds. Locations are determined by time.

(After the event, the places of the teams are announced.)

And at the end of the volleyball blitz tournament. Game 2×2 from one game up to 12 points on a court measuring 4 (along the net) x 6 meters. Substitutions are allowed. Boys and girls compete separately, play simultaneously on two halves of the site. Pairs of teams are determined by lot. Winners play in the final for 1st-2nd places, losers for 3rd-4th places.

(A blitz tournament is held, the whistle announces its results.)


That's the end of all the tasks of our holiday. Now the panel of judges will sum up its results, and we will sing our volleyball anthem. The vocal group will help us in this, we will all pick up the chorus together.

(The vocal group begins to perform the song to the motive "March of the Merry Guys". Music by I. Dunaevsky. Lyrics by A. Maltsev.) It's good that there are games in the world, In which the joy of movement with the ball. The ball unites us on the planet And sets our hearts on fire.


And we are not afraid of any submissions.

As a friend, we will meet the ball flying towards us.

We will offer him ways to play

And skill we'll show gear.

We play volleyball with inspiration,

We go through life with volleyball.

We strengthen the spirit and body with the game,

And that's why we're not going anywhere.

Our accurate pass - the ball takes off over the net.

Like a wave in a storm - an attacking shaft,

And our player soars up the crest,

And he scored not such balls.

We play volleyball with inspiration,

We go through life with volleyball.

We strengthen the spirit and body with the game,

And that's why we're not going anywhere.

Volleyball will reveal its secrets to us.

The feeling of the ball will become familiar to us.

We will conquer everyone with a beautiful game,

Let's prove that we train not in vain.

We play volleyball with inspiration,

We go through life with volleyball. We strengthen the spirit and body with the game, And therefore we will not disappear anywhere. Our team spirit will rise higher, We will understand each other with a half-gesture. The ball will breathe our inspiration, We will breathe our emotions into it. We play volleyball with inspiration, We go through life with volleyball. We strengthen the spirit and body with the game, And therefore we will not disappear anywhere!


It worked out well for us. Please, panel of judges, your floor.

(The results of the sports festival are announced. The teams and participants in the individual competition are awarded.)


Team captains! March to the flagpole!

(Captains stand at the flagpole. Everyone turns in that direction. To the sounds of the Russian anthem, the flag of the Russian Federation descends.)


Goodbye! See you soon!

Suitable scenarios for the holiday:

  • Venue: stadium, sports ground. Equipment and supplies: throwing balls, racks, stopwatch, tennis…
  • Goals and objectives. Providing students with knowledge about Russian symbols, instilling a sense of respect for ...
  • Regulation on holding. Goals and objectives: 1. Raising interest in physical education ...
  • Venue: assembly and sports halls. Equipment and inventory: balls, stopwatch, baton,…

sports holiday:

"Volleyball Show"

The hall is festively decorated (balls, flags are stretched along the gymnastic ladders, musical arrangement, wall newspapers from each team on topics, the history of the game of volleyball, the rules of the game, famous athletes - volleyball players, famous Russian sports clubs.)

Sports festival for high school students.

Before the start of the holiday, the presenter introduces the teams, the refereeing team, guests and his assistants.

Building teams. Greetings from the Head of School. Presentation of the competition program.

Competition "Representation of the team"

taken into account appearance team, name, motto.

Competition "Volleyball juggling"

Team members perform juggling in different ways:

Juggling with the right, then the left hand with one ball;

Juggling with two hands with one ball;

Juggling with two hands (hands up) with two balls;

Juggling with the lower reception;

Exercises for speed of reaction;

Juggling in pairs with one ball from above;

Juggling in pairs with two balls from above.

The technique and accuracy of the exercises are taken into account. For each exercise, two points are given, the time taken to complete the task by all players of the team is taken into account.

Between competitions, you can show amateur performances or musical pauses (1-2 minutes).

Competition "Motor activity"

Participants prepared homemade preparations to the music in advance demonstration performance with balls (performance time 2 minutes)

Wall newspaper competition

Colorful design, the presence of text on the topic that the teams chose in advance are taken into account.

Musical pause.

Competition "Snipers"

There are circles drawn in chalk on the wall of the gym. Teams play volleyball for accuracy. Teams stand in a column one at a time, facing the wall with drawn circles. The first player of the team throws the ball into the circle and goes to the end of the column, the second at this time catches the ball, and then throws it into the circle, and so on. For the loss of the ball, the team receives a penalty point. The winning team is determined by the difference between the number of accurate hits in the circle and the number of penalty points.

Quiz for the audience.

Fans with their correct answers earn extra points for their teams!

1. How is the word "volleyball" translated? Flying ball over the net.

2. Since what year has volleyball been an Olympic sport?

(1853, 2000, 1934, 1964 )

3. How long does a volleyball match last?

(30, 40, time is not limited, 60)

The growth of the Russian volleyball player Ekaterina Gammava?

(1.99, 2.06, 1.96, 2.02 )

5. What does a binder do?

(serves, receives the serve, gives valuable advice to the players, strikes the second ball after receiving)

6. Mesh height for women? 2.24

7. Mesh height for men? 2.43

8. Who is the modern inventor of volleyball?

(William John Morgan American physical education teacher)

Competition "Volleyball plus acrobatics"

Teams line up in two lines facing each other. Gymnastic mats are placed between the two lines. The first player performs a forward roll and immediately passes the ball to a player from the opposite team. He catches the pass and does the same, passing the ball to the next player. The team with the most accurate passes wins.

Competition "Group - support!"

Fans have prepared in advance "chants - call" to victory for their team. It is taken into account (appearance, originality of costumes, poetic genre.)

Competition "Passing the balls in a circle"

Each team is built in a circle. Each player has a volleyball in their hands. On a signal from the leader, each player passes the ball to the right and receives the ball from the left side. Loss of the ball by the team is considered a loss. The game is played in five halves.

Competition "Strength"

Within thirty seconds, all team members perform the exercise

"pistol" on the push leg. The team with the most total number of squats wins.

Competition "Submission"

All players of each team alternately serve to zones 5, 6, 1, that is, each player makes three serves. An accurate hit in the zone earns the team two points. The team with the most points wins.

Competition "Double-sided game in pairs"

Team players become pairs from two sides of the net (three pairs from each team). On the whistle of the host, the couples play volleyball. The loss of the ball is considered a defeat - the couple leaves the court. The team whose pair remains on the court wins.

The winning team of the Volleyball Show is determined based on the results of all eleven contests.

Summing up the results of the competition.

Building teams.

Awards and prizes.

Goals and objectives:

  1. Make this day a sports holiday.
  2. To give students the opportunity to analyze the skills and abilities of those taught in the lessons physical education, sports sections.
  3. To instill in students a love for systematic physical education and sports.
  4. Cultivate a friendly team, a sense of camaraderie.
  5. Show physical fitness students and performance.

Venue: Gym or Playground.

Equipment: volleyballs, whistle, stopwatch, volleyball court.

Participants of the holiday: students of 3 teams: 1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year. For 6 people.

Time: 18.00.

Panel of judges: 3 people.

Event progress

The sports festival "Volleyball Player's Day" takes place in gym schools all the teams, judges, fans and already at the starting point. The signal for the beginning of the holiday sounds.

Presenter 1. Good evening, dear friends! The sports holiday "Volleyball Player's Day" is declared open. The word is given to the panel of judges, they take an oath that they will judge fairly, honestly. The words are given to the head teacher for educational work. The head teacher of all participants of the holiday gives parting words to win and the strongest team will win.

Presenter 2. Volleyball means “flying ball”. Yes, this name is quite true, because in the game of volleyball, the volleyball should only be in the air, only for a moment freezing in the hands when serving, passing, hitting. What seems easier is to hit the ball with his hand. But this is apparent simplicity. Anyone who plays volleyball knows how to tame the ball in the game, you need to work hard in training. And for success in volleyball, as, of course, in many other games, team cohesion, strong-willed spirit, and emotional uplift are important. Today we will see the preparation of the participants. Teams are participants of our holiday and must show these qualities. Today we will sum up the results of the champions of the volleyball school. We will identify the best volleyball players of the school.

Lead 1.

The ball flies over the court
It's like he has wings.
The ball flutters through the net
Many times there-court
I go down to the platform
I skillfully do not give.
Eh! I like to break through the block
When the rescue hits hard
One-two-three ball in the rhythm of the waltz,
Hey player try hard
Don't let the ball fall down!
Twenty-five is the top of the count
And again the game from scratch,
But victory awaits someone
Stranger to me draw

Lead 2.

Ah, beautiful! How beautiful!
You, sports time!
When my clear trill
The game opens
Ah, lovely! How lovely!
Two teams - “physical education hello!”
After them the game is wonderful
I give the green light!
Ah, nice! So glad!
Koda fair game
So happy after the match
Hear me “physical education-hooray!”

Presenter 1. Yes, and you are friends, I see you are eager to fight. That we start contests. The captains approach the judges. We conduct a draw, whose team has dropped out the number 1 begins to carry out the competition.

Contest “Submission”

All team players alternately serve in calls 1, 5, 6, and 2, 3, 4. That is, each player makes three serves. An accurate hit in the zone brings the team a point. The team with the most points wins.

Competition “Volleyball plus gymnastics”

All players take turns completing tasks.
The player performs a low pass with both hands above himself, after which he lies down on his chest, gets up and, having moved to the ball that has bounced off the floor, performs a low pass with two hands above him. This task must be done by the whole team in turn in 3 minutes. Whoever does the most right will score points.

Competition "Passing the ball"

The captains of the team performs the task without leaving the circle D 2 meters. Pass over yourself with both hands from above at the same time. Who will complete the most passes in one minute , you can't catch the ball without touching the floor. If the ball is dropped or caught, the captain is eliminated from the competition. The winner is the captain who saddles the task correctly.

Competition "Volleyball-sniper"

There are circles drawn with colored chalk on the wall of the gym. Teams play volleyball for accuracy. The teams stand in a column one by one, facing the wall with drawn circles. The distance from the wall is 1.5 meters. The first player performs a two-handed pass from above into the circle and goes to the end of the column, while the second player receives the ball, passes into the circle, and so on. For the loss of the ball, the team receives a penalty point. The winning team is determined by the difference between the number of accurate passes in the circle and the number of penalty points. Time for tasks 2 minutes ( shown in the picture).

Volleyball juggling competition

Option 1

One girl and one boy from each team take part in the competition.

The player with the ball, passes with two hands from below, two hands from above, alternately moving diagonally across the volleyball court (as shown in the figure). The winner is the one who does the task correctly and faster for a while.

Option 2

The whole team stands in a circle with a diameter of 3-4 meters at an equal distance from each other. Moving in a circle by running, each of the students alternately performs a pass over himself and accelerates forward; the partner following him takes his place and receives the ball. That team wins, performs without errors, and keeps the ball in flight for a while.

Competition “Two-sided game in pairs”

game two teams play Beach volleyball score up to 10 points in a round robin system. The team that wins will take first place and get 5 points.

Presenter 1. Thank you for the beautiful performance of tasks. And now, when the referee fails, we will hold a theoretical quiz with the fans.

Quiz questions:

  1. What are the dimensions of the volleyball court and how many times can a change be made in a game. (28x9. Substitutions inverse number is unlimited.
  2. Year and place of birth of volleyball. (1895 USA)
  3. When volleyball became an Olympic sport (18th Games in Tokyo, 1964)
  4. The first Olympic champions in volleyball (for men - the USSR, for women - Japan in 1964)
  5. When did the USSR women's volleyball team become Olympic champions(at 19 games 1968)

Presenter 2. So the end of the sports festival “Volleyball Player's Day” is coming, we are summing up which team takes the places. The judges announce the results of the teams and award the winning team with a prize. Rewarding the best players. music sounds, the holiday continues, a disco is announced.

(Conducting and organizing volleyball tournaments in Moscow and the Moscow region).


1. Judge.

2. Prizes. (3 cups + certificates)

Cost: 6000 rubles.


1. Judge.

2. Prizes. (3 cups + certificates)

5. Reportage photo shooting. (50 processed photos).

Cost: 25,000 rubles.


1. Chief referee and assistant.

2. Prizes. (3 cups + certificates)

3.DJ with complete set musical equipment.

6.Reportage photography. (50 edited photos).

Cost: 40,000 rubles.

VIP: from 150,000 rubles.

1. Chief referee and assistant.

2. Prizes. (3 cups + certificates)

3. DJ with a full set of musical equipment.

5. Development of the concept of the tournament and the timing of the event.

6.Reportage photo shooting. (100 processed photos).

7. Video shooting of the event. (Music video about all the main events at the holiday).

8.Order and preparation of uniforms for teams.

9. Preparation and ordering of artists for the holiday.

10.Organization of catering. (Offsite catering).

11.Organization of the solemn rewarding and salute.

The cost of this service package is calculated after the request.

The agency commission is 10%.

We are very glad to see you on this page!

This means that you have decided to hold a volleyball tournament for children at school, summer camp or training camp. Organizing a children's volleyball tournament is not so difficult.

Russia is a great sports power and in all game sports we have something to be proud of! The last Olympics in London showed that Russia has the best men's team on the planet! Under the leadership of Vladimir Alekno, our team won gold Olympic medals. Moreover, today our professional volleyball league is considered the best club league in the world! In Belgorod, Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Kaliningrad and many other cities, the whole color of world volleyball plays!

This sport is very dynamic. Children who play volleyball grow up to be real giants and athletes. It is great for both boys and girls school age. Technically, playing volleyball is quite difficult. Appropriate preparation is needed, but we can assure you that children who love volleyball will never part with it. For younger athletes, an excellent analogue of this game has been invented - “Pioneerball”! This game has been and remains one of the most popular games at kids summer camps!

To organize a children's volleyball tournament you need a specially equipped volleyball court with a net stretched at a certain height (this depends on the age of the athletes). Of course, a real judge will be invited, who will take a place on the tower near the net.

And then the referee's whistle and the match began! The game consists of five sets, but will end earlier. This happens when one of the teams has won in three sets.

The rules for playing volleyball are as follows:

Two teams of two to six people play five sets until one of the teams wins three. The score in the first four sets is up to 25 points, and in the fifth decisive set up to 15. After each set, the teams change platforms, and in the fifth set the transition is carried out after , as one of the teams scores 8 points.

In professional volleyball, up to 14 players from one team can take part in the game, but no more than 6 player substitutions are allowed in each of the sets (not including the libero).

The referee in volleyball is located on the tower near the net. The players of the teams serve by the whistle and the command of the referee. According to the new volleyball rules, the teams score points in each draw. In the attack, three touches of the team are possible, not including touches on the block. Front row players may attack from anywhere on the court, while back row players must push off behind the three meter line.

The transition in the team is carried out clockwise at the moment of filing.

The most common mistakes made by players are touching the net and stepping on the opponent's court. Volleyball is the most technically difficult game view. Holding the ball, double touching, transferring hands to the opponent's court are common even among professionals.

Our scriptwriters will come up with an interesting concept for such a tournament. Various competitions will accompany the game during breaks. Participants will receive memorable prizes and gifts!

In children, volleyball develops such qualities as coordination, endurance, agility and strength, as well as excellent reaction and jumping ability!

Our professional specialists will take care of the design of the site, as well as photography and video support!

And if you want to celebrate the victory in nature, then we will help with catering!

baby sport's event will take place on high level!
Order an inexpensive organization of a children's volleyball tournament in the Ocean of Holidays event agency!

Those who want to play (6 people) need to be divided into two teams. Give each of them big ball, very well pumped up. On command, the players must reach their destination as quickly as possible. Moreover, one of the team must move on the ball, seeding on it with their feet, and the other two players of the team must support it to maintain balance.


The place for the game turns into a field for hunting. On both sides of it, border stripes are drawn at the ends of the site. From each team you need one person - a hunter. The rest will be objects for hunting. Hunters should become in the center of the playing space, turning to the "game". At the sign of the leader, all "game" leaves the place behind the line where it was previously and runs behind the line on the opposite side of the field of play. Hunters, holding hands, should catch in their "snares" as much "game" as possible, closing their arms around it. Whoever is caught must work for the benefit of the hunters. He joins them, thus increasing the size of the "snares" and catching the rest of the "game" together with the hunters. If the hands of the hunters open, the caught has the right to run away. The game continues until there is a circle of all players holding hands.

deliver water

This fun game requires a clean floor or grassy area. First you need to mark the boundaries of the game (start and finish): make two chalk strips (or lay two ropes), placing them 10 meters apart. Participants stand before the start, leaning on their knees and hands ("dog-like"). On the backs of the players you need to put small containers of water. It is better, of course, to fill them only 1/2 of the volume. On command, the participants must reach the finish line as quickly as possible, and then back to the start. The winner is the one who returns faster than others without spilling the contents of the container.

Ball boxing

The game is noisy and exciting. Participants should wear something bulky on their hands, ideally boxing gloves. On command, the players should burst small balloons. Whoever slammed the greater number of them, he won. Game time should be limited to 1-2 minutes.