Devices for the treatment of bones in the legs. How to choose corrector for toes

With a valgus curvature of the feet, a deformation of a small bone located under the thumb appears. The finger gradually deviates, the bone on the foot begins to visibly stick out. A person with a similar pathology experiences aesthetic and physical discomfort.

The selection and wearing of shoes become torture, against the background of hallux valgus, flat feet and pain in the joints develop. This change is age-related, it affects people over 35 years old. To straighten a deviated toe, a brace for the leg bone is used - an invention with a corrective action.

The fixators for the bones on the legs work on the basis of the gradual mechanical reduction of the bone that has moved away from the correct position. Depending on the degree of deformation, the features of the acquired pathology, various designs are used. Wearing a bunion corrector on the leg will work if the valgus deformity is at the initial or intermediate stage.

The device is put on the leg for a certain time. The departed bone has some mobility.

By regular pressure, the opposite effect is achieved: the finger assumes a physiological position, and with it the bone that disturbs the person falls into place.

Types of clamps

On the modern market, various fixators for the bones on the legs have been released. They differ in the severity of the impact, material, time and duration of wear.

Night and day

The design of orthopedic devices for the bone on the leg varies. According to the recommended time for wearing retainers, there are:

Fasteners from different materials

Bone fixators on the legs are produced from several types of material:

There are also combined orthopedic fixators for the correction of bones in the legs. Products combine the ability to adjust the pressure on the pathological area of ​​the foot, suitable for wearing during the daytime.

Indications and contraindications for the use of fixatives

Overlays on the big toes from the bones are recommended for several diseases:

At risk are women who regularly use shoes with heels, people with overweight and flat feet. The appearance of hallux valgus is a slow process, which manifests itself gradually. The first signs of curvature may not even be noticed during a visual inspection of the foot.

As a preventive measure, you can use fabric or silicone pads on the toes from the bones without rigid fixation several times a week.


Even healthy people before selecting and applying a corrector for thumb feet from the bone, you must consult with an orthopedist.

Fixtures must not be worn:

The doctor will help not only determine whether it is possible to wear a retainer, but also choose the right option.

Where to buy a quality product

Corsets for bones on the leg are sold everywhere. On the Internet, hundreds of non-existent stores trade in fixatives of dubious quality. Most of these products come from China, products do not pass safety tests, are made from materials that can be toxic.

High-quality fixators of the bones on the leg can cost about 1.5 - 3 thousand rubles. You can buy a certified product at a pharmacy or make an individual corrector to order in an orthopedic clinic.

How to use the retainer

All correctors for the bones on the leg, sold in pharmacies, are equipped with detailed instructions for use. Additional advice can be obtained from an orthopedic doctor.

For the first time using the device, you should carefully consider several important nuances:

At the initial stage of using the corrector for bumps on the legs, the sensations will be unusual. Attention should be paid only to discomfort or slight pain - this is a signal that the product is not worn correctly. The duration of wearing the device for beginners is 6 - 8 hours a day, after a week of use, the time can be increased to 10 - 13 hours.

If a big toe bunion corrector made of plastic is indicated for use, you should pay more attention to the wearing technology. These products are distinguished by the markings "L" and "R", corresponding to the left and right legs.

Put on the plastic device carefully and carefully:

  • Pass the big toe into the structure and combine the inner pillow with the protruding bone;
  • Using the fixing strap, secure the foot in the fixator in the position indicated above;
  • Fasten the corrector at the desired angle and in the required volume.

Even in rigid plastic retainers made using hinges, there should be no pain. The bunion splint applies gentle pressure to the desired area without becoming a torture tool.

5 reasons to use a thumb brace

It is possible to use bandages for the bone on the big toe at any stage of hallux valgus, as well as concomitant diseases. This tool will help:

Will a leg corrector help?

After buying a product of dubious quality without consulting an orthopedist, there is a high risk for a person not to notice the result of wearing a leg bandage on a bone.

If the device is purchased from a licensed manufacturer and selected correctly, the effect will become obvious:

A positive effect occurs at different intervals, depending on the stage of deformation at the time of the start of using the device for correcting the bunion on the leg.

How to speed up healing

Regular wear of the big toe bunion won't have an immediate effect, but it will.

The desired effect when using the fixator of the big toe bone is achieved due to the forced reduction of the bones to the correct place. It is important to understand that only regular and long-term use of a quality device will lead to the elimination of deformation.

At an advanced stage, valgus curvature is cured only by surgery. In order not to lead to surgery, it is recommended to consult an orthopedist and start treatment after the first signs of the disease are detected.

Advertising various means to get rid of bumps on the toes is replete with the entire Internet. Along with dubious folk recipes, there are also quite adequate proposals - to purchase a bandage for a bone on the big toe. What types of such products can be found on sale? Do they really help get rid of the problem? And what do those who have already tried “finger corsets” on their legs say?

Why do you need a bone fixator

A bump on the finger will not only limit the choice of shoes (you will most likely have to forget about elegant stiletto pumps), but will also “give” a lot of unpleasant, and sometimes painful sensations. The reasons for its appearance are different. This is wearing high-heeled shoes for too long, as well as:

  • flat feet;
  • overweight;
  • lack of calcium during pregnancy;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • urinary tract dysfunction;
  • physiological predisposition (for example, excessively wide foot);
  • regular hypothermia of the legs;
  • curvature of the ankle joint;
  • disorders of the nervous system.

It is a mistake to believe that the bump is formed due to salt deposits or that it is some kind of transformation of a large callus. As a result of hallux valgus, the metatarsal bone of the thumb deviates, while the finger itself arches in the opposite direction. It is to return the finger to its original position that the retainer of the bone of the big toe is used.. Also, special orthopedic insoles are often used for this purpose.

Depending on the stage of the disease, the period of wearing a retainer can be from several weeks to two months or even six months.

Manufacturers of orthopedic products are trying to satisfy consumer demand as much as possible, so a variety of models of retainers can be found on sale.

  • The most popular is a silicone or elastic plastic corrector. Such products are very comfortable, as they are hardly noticeable on the leg, which means that they can be used even when wearing open shoes during the day.
  • Separately, it should be said about models with a latch, which is located between the first and second fingers.
  • You can perfectly fit the bandage on your leg if you buy models with adjustable rail and clasp fastening. And even if this option does not look too elegant, but in it the foot will feel as comfortable as possible, and the result will be achieved faster.

One of the classifications is based on the time of use of the bandage - day or night.

Indications and contraindications for use

Wearing a corrector may be recommended by your doctor in the following cases:

  • in the presence of transverse flat feet;
  • with hallux valgus deformity;
  • with arthrosis, arthritis, bursitis;
  • with hammer-shaped fingers, when fingers 2-5 are bent at the joints upwards.

In the West, a bone fixator has long been successfully used to prevent hallux valgus.

There are no general contraindications to the use of a fixative, but in specific cases, the doctor may refuse this method treatment in the presence of a particular disease, especially when it comes to complex or chronic cases.

Does a bone bandage help?

The effect of wearing a leg bandage on a bone in some cases will not take long. If the disease is running, then you have to be patient. And as in all other cases, the use of orthopedic accessories requires a doctor's consultation.

As an alternative method of treating hallux valgus and other foot disorders, wearing a valgus splint has a number of advantages that do not go unnoticed by patients:

  • relieves discomfort and pain;
  • eliminates the occurrence of corns and calluses;
  • Can be worn with any footwear easy to choose an aesthetically attractive model;
  • affordable cost;
  • elastic silicone, from which the bandage is made, does not cause allergies.

Doctors also note the following advantages of fixators:

  • effective support of the finger in the correct anatomical position;
  • due to a decrease in the load on the joint, the skin does not turn red, which eliminates the occurrence of complications;
  • reduces the risk of developing flat feet due to the location of the joint in correct position;
  • lowering the load on the front arch of the foot eliminates the possibility of its flattening;
  • suitable for the treatment of hallux valgus at any stage;
  • has no relapses and does not cause complications.

How to wear a brace correctly

If you follow the simple rules of wearing an orthopedic bandage for the bones on your legs and the recommendations of your doctor, it will not be difficult to achieve the desired result, and you will not have to make excessive efforts, because the miracle pad will take care of everything.

  • The silicone retainer is attached to the thumb and pressed tightly. More complex models are accompanied by instructions in which steps are described step by step to help you put on and fasten the bandage correctly.
  • The maximum time for wearing a bandage during the day is 10 hours, the average allowable is 6 hours.
  • Night correctors can be left on all night.

If you use the fixatives only at night, then remember that the treatment may take a long time.

Reviews about the fixator for the bone on the big toe

Have you often seen on the net a phrase like: “A miracle fixer will get rid of bones in a month!”? But is it worth trusting such promises and what do those who bought them and tried them on themselves say about bone fixators?

Sergey Mechnik, 32 years old
bone fixator "Hallux Valgus"

If you do not know about Valgus Pro, then you never go online. It is simply impossible to miss his ad - it flickers with every click. But I decided to make sure of the wonderfulness of the product on my own, especially since my father also urgently needed the same one. I came across a forum of “deceived valgus”, who were sold under a well-known brand for big money, complete crap.

In general, I decided to choose something else. After two days of surfing the Internet, I stumbled upon Hallux Valgus and found a site that a) had a return address b) there was no prepayment c) the purchase could be returned if it did not suit d) courier delivery in my city. It was possible to pay online, but I did not do this, so that I could simply not pay the courier if he handed me junk. While waiting for delivery, I watched a bunch of videos to learn how to distinguish a fake. I bought two clamps at once, so it turned out cheaper (a little more than 1300 rubles for each), plus they took delivery.

To my surprise, the courier delivered what I ordered. The latch is made of high-quality plastic and silicone, it is easy to attach, it does not restrict movements. I must say right away that I rarely wore it. After a month of wearing it, I did not have a hint that the bump began to decrease. Father, on the contrary, was very pleased with the result - his lump on one leg became noticeably smaller. I gave him my retainer and he continued the treatment. So once again I was convinced that miracles do not happen, if you decide to be treated, then you need not to give up what you have planned. Although in a good way, of course, you need to go to the doctor, and not experiment on your body.

Polina Stupkina, 42 years old
night bandage "Hav Splint"

The bones on the thumbs had already become so large that it was no longer possible to ignore them. And on both legs. Went to the clinic. Along with other treatment, the doctor recommended the use of a special bandage at night. After searching the Internet, I found "Hav Splint". Decided to buy and was very pleased.

There are two tires in the box - on the left and right leg. It is put on simply and is very securely fastened, so there has never been a bandage that fell off in a dream or at least moved. A very rigid fixation forces the finger back into place night after night. I looked at silicone models in a pharmacy - they are not so hard. Eventually, after two months of “shackled” sleep, my bumps began to shrink, and my finger really kind of started to move back to its normal position. The doctor was also pleased with the result and told me to continue. I didn’t say how long it would last, but I’m already used to putting them on before going to bed, so I don’t forget. I hope that I can get rid of this ugliness.

Maria Ivanovna Klipkina, 56 years old
corrective bandage "Ortmann DANS"

She went to the hospital in time, and the doctor diagnosed her with moderate valgus deformity. He reassured me that so far nothing terrible had happened, sent me to take all the tests to establish the cause, and prescribed to put on a bandage for the night. I honestly admit that I chose the most expensive one in the pharmacy. I’ve been putting it on for more than six months now and I understand that I made the right decision without starting to save money.

It can only be worn at night and removed before getting out of bed. The brace itself is stiff and strongly secures the foot and toe.. In the box - very clear step by step instructions how to put it on correctly. I quickly got along with her. True, then I clarified with the doctor: am I doing everything right? He praised me. The first days were unusual, but now the bandage does not bother me at all. No inconvenience, while I see the result - the legs began to look more like healthy ones. I am satisfied and advise everyone not to spare money for quality products.

The bones on the legs are a characteristic symptom of transverse flat feet. With such a problem, the foot flattens out, the thumb is deformed, a bump forms on it, although in fact it is a protruding joint. Mostly women suffer from protruding bones on their legs due to wearing the wrong shoes. One of effective ways prevention of transverse flat feet is the wearing of special orthopedic devices for the bones on the leg.

The use of a bandage from the bone on the leg with flat feet

To prevent the progression of flat feet and bulging of the bone on the big toe, orthopedists have developed a special device for the feet - a therapeutic bandage. Put it on before bed and sleep with it all night.

A bandage is a plastic frame with special pads that pull the thumb inward.

How to use a bandage?

It is necessary to put the device on the first toe. The heel counter should tightly grip the heel, so that the bandage will keep the toe in the correct position all night.

Benefits of an overnight therapeutic bandage

  1. The problem joint is well fixed in the correct position;
  2. The therapeutic effect is achieved during a night's rest;
  3. The inflammatory process is eliminated due to the bandage;
  4. The device does not rub the diseased bone;
  5. The angle of deviation of the finger can be adjusted, so it is believed that such a bandage is a universal device;
  6. The device does not need special care;
  7. Unlike other orthopedic devices, a night brace is inexpensive.

But this device also has its drawbacks. So, such a bandage cannot be used while in the active state: walking, running, jumping is prohibited. Also, some people note some discomfort when falling asleep with a bandage. But such sensations soon pass, because a person gets used to falling asleep with this device.

Silicone valgus splint for permanent wear

If the bone sticks out strongly, then it is necessary to use an orthopedic fixator not only at night, but also during the day. A silicone splint is suitable for daytime wear. This is a soft pad with a thumb seal. Such a tire is put on the first and second toe, while the protruding bone is closed with a special “petal”. If you constantly wear such a retainer, then the patient will stop experiencing pain when walking, will be able to properly distribute the load and stop rubbing the problem joint.

Advantages of a silicone splint for the prevention of protruding bones on the leg:

  • Safety of use - silicone does not rub, does not cause allergic reactions in the form of a rash, redness, etc .;
  • Invisibility when worn - the latch is almost invisible under the shoes, it is not striking;
  • Universal size - the corrector is suitable for people with different leg insteps, different degrees of protrusion of the bone, etc.;
  • Ease of use - putting on and wearing a silicone corrector is very simple and convenient.

Despite all the advantages of the latch, it also has its drawbacks:

  • The thumb is not securely fixed, unlike a bandage for night wear;
  • The injured joint does not straighten;
  • The silicone overlay requires special care: it must be washed and wiped regularly.

Before buying an orthopedic device for the treatment of bones, it is necessary to undergo an examination and consultation with an orthopedist. If the problem is running and the bone sticks out strongly, then no tires, correctors and insoles will help to cope with it. In this case, the patient is offered to undergo surgery.

Another type of orthopedic devices for the treatment of bones on the leg is a hinged corrector. It consists of two parts fastened with a special hinge, which tightly fixes the foot, limiting its mobility as much as possible. The articulated retainer is equally suitable for both left and right legs.

Advantages of the articulated brace:

  • Reliable fixation - the joint in such a bandage is fixed better than in a silicone device;
  • Versatility - fits any foot;
  • Lack of additional care;
  • Helps to return the joint to its original position;
  • Such a retainer can be worn permanently.

The disadvantages of this treatment and prophylactic device are also available:

  • The hinged retainer is visible under the shoe, it is much larger in volume than the silicone patch;
  • The angle of inclination in the retainer cannot be adjusted, so this device is not suitable for patients whose thumb is strongly deviated to the side;
  • When worn for a long time, the retainer may rub the finger;
  • A hinged retainer costs more than a silicone splint or night bandage.

Orthopedic magnetic plaster from the bones on the legs

The latest scientific development of scientists and physicians is a magnetic patch for transverse flat feet. Its peculiarity is that it works in dual mode due to the therapeutic effect of the magnetic field, as well as a special medicinal impregnation, which is impregnated with the patch. This is a Chinese device, with its help the following results are achieved in the treatment of a protruding bone:

  • Inflammation goes away
  • The pain subsides;
  • Improves blood microcirculation;
  • Bone and cartilage tissue of the joint returns to normal.

In order for the magnetic patch to work on a sore leg, you need to know how to use it:

  1. Remove the protective film;
  2. Stick the fixative on the problem area;
  3. After 2 days, remove the patch and wipe the place where it was installed;
  4. Make a daily break, then repeat the procedure, but with a new patch.

One treatment course takes from 16 to 20 patches.

This orthopedic device has disadvantages:

  • The presence of contraindications - when using a fixative, the patient may experience an allergic reaction in the form of a rash or itching;
  • The cost of a magnetic corrector is high;
  • The retainer is intended for short-term wear - after 2 days it will have to be thrown away;
  • Unproven effectiveness - the magnetic patch is an innovative tool that has not yet earned attention among orthopedic doctors. This device causes them a lot of doubts and fears.

Orthopedic inserts between the toes from the bone

They are also called separators, interdigital partitions. These retainers can be worn throughout the day, thanks to them physical activity is maintained. They do not require special rules for use. They are convenient, affordable and easy to use. Such orthopedic inserts are made of silicone, so the patient will not experience any friction while wearing them. In addition to the fact that these inserts are an excellent prevention against a growing bone, they also prevent the appearance of scuffs and calluses while wearing shoes.

The principle of this corrective device is to reduce pain by maintaining the deformed toe in the correct position. The interdigital septum reduces pressure, reduces pain in the forefoot. Such inserts do not slip, do not fall out, a person easily adapts to wearing these corrective separators.

The orthopedic insert is fixed between the first and second toe. It is recommended for long-term wear with deformities of the big toes. It is also often prescribed by orthopedists after surgical treatment in the rehabilitation period.

Low cost and ease of use are the main advantages of orthopedic inserts.

Orthopedic shoes for the treatment and prevention of bunion on the leg

One of the main treatments for a bump is to wear the right shoes. Orthopedic shoes must meet the following characteristics:

  1. It should be made of leather or nubuck.
  2. The height of the heel should be no more than 3-4 cm. There are models without a heel, but on a wedge or with a raised heel.
  3. In medical shoes, an orthopedic insole must be present. It gives the joint a normal position and distributes the load on the legs in the process of walking.
  4. Orthopedic shoes and sandals must be with a hard back. It allows you to fix the joints and prevents the development of deformity of the thumb.
  5. Boots and boots should have lacing or Velcro so that the foot is tightly fixed in them.

Other orthopedic remedies for bunions on the legs

In addition to orthopedic devices in the form of bandages, splints and patches, it is useful for patients with the problem of a protruding bone on the leg to resort to other means of treating the disease:

  • The simulator for training the joints of the big toes is an interdigital expander designed to adjust the position of the big toes. Thanks to regular workouts with the help of such a simulator, you can strengthen the ligaments, improve the mobility of the joints, and adjust the position of the thumb. The simulator is an elastic band with a demarcation in the middle. Using such a device is easy: you need to put it on your big toes and start to gradually move your fingers away from each other. The longer and more often the patient will use such a simulator, the sooner the desired effect will be achieved.
  • Orthopedic massage mat - with regular walking on it in the patient's feet, the outflow of lymphatic fluid improves, ligaments and muscles become stronger, pain decreases, leg cramps disappear. Such rugs are canvases on which pebbles are placed. different size and forms. It is recommended to massage on the mat 2-3 times daily. The total duration of the massage should be at least 20 minutes.
  • Orthopedic insoles are the basis for the treatment of flat feet and hallux valgus. To correct the correct position of the finger, you need to use special arch support insoles with support for the affected finger. These insoles should be worn regularly with any footwear. Their peculiarity is that the frame of the insole is slightly extended so that the first toe feels good. Thanks to this extension, a person ceases to feel pain when walking. These insoles can be worn over regular insoles, under shoes, or as a replacement for regular insoles. They don't move out and hold up well. For the problem of a protruding bone on the leg, it is necessary to take full-fledged insoles that fit the entire foot, and not half-insoles or mini-insoles.

Bandages-fixators, tires, rollers, partitions, orthopedic shoes, massage mats - all these devices are designed to prevent hallux valgus and flat feet. Thanks to these remedies, you can prevent the curvature of the big toe, stop the growth of the bump, get rid of the pain. But remember that all of the above bone devices are intended solely for the prevention of the problem. And its treatment consists in a complex of various measures: physiotherapy exercises, taking special anti-inflammatory drugs, diet, etc.

Valgus deformity of the big toe (bump or bone on the leg) is the most common deformity of the foot, which at the initial stage of development can be treated conservatively, but in a neglected state requires surgical intervention.

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Regardless of the cause of the origin of the pathology in the first stage of the disease, when the angle of deviation of the thumb to the side does not exceed 15 degrees, it is recommended to use fixators and correctors for foot correction as the most effective and versatile orthopedic products.

Types of orthopedic products for the treatment of bones on the leg

All orthopedic products for foot correction are fixators and correctors, as they fix the toes in the correct position and correct the resulting deformity.

The fixator for the bone on the leg can be:

  • soft (gel-fabric, silicone);
  • semi-rigid articulated;
  • hard (night).

Articulated brace thanks to the design can be worn in the daytime.

The choice of a particular orthopedic product depends on the individual characteristics of the patient.

For the correction of the big toe are used:

  • Bursoprotector. It is a silicone pad that protects the thumb joint suffering from pathology from further damage. It is located in the area of ​​​​the joint (protruding bone), held in place thanks to the ring, which is worn on the thumb.
  • Clamp for the big toe with interdigital emphasis. Refers to spacers that take the thumb to its normal position and prevent it from deviating.
  • A plastic bandage that is used exclusively at night, as it is incompatible with shoes and it is inconvenient to walk in it. This spacer allows you to fix displaced fingers in the desired position, restores the normal tone of the muscles and ligaments of the foot.
  • Fabric bandage, which is comfortable when walking. This orthopedic product looks like a sock, inside of which there are tabs and toe separators.
  • Combined bandage. This orthopedic design consists of a plastic frame and soft silicone inserts, so this brace can be worn throughout the day. It is distinguished by the ability to adjust the angle of abduction of the finger and adjust the design to the leg.
  • Gel silicone corrector for big toe. Such a corrector may look like a bursoprotector with an interdigital wedge (fixed with two rings that are put on the first and second toes) or as a separate interdigital septum.
  • Special orthopedic insoles that abduct the big toe (frame and frameless).

Bursoprotector is the most common type of orthopedic products that are used to treat bumps on the leg.

Principle of treatment

Since the bone on the leg is the result of an increase in the angle between the I and II metatarsal bones and the displacement of the big toe to the outside, the use of orthopedic products is aimed at:

  • protection of the joint of the thumb from damage when walking;
  • abduction of the big toe and keeping it in the correct anatomical position;
  • fixing all toes of the foot in the correct position;
  • reducing the load on the foot;
  • maintaining the arch of the foot;
  • elimination of pain when walking;
  • preventing the appearance of corns and corns;
  • preventing the development of further deformity of the thumb.


Bursoprotectors by type of construction are divided into:

  • Normal, it is fixed only on the big toe with the help of a ring with a thickening (a slight thickening of the ring moves the big toe away from the second toe). Allows you to protect the formed bone from friction and damage, prevents the development of bursitis (inflammation of the articular bag), but does not help return the thumb to the correct anatomical position. It is effective for the prevention of the disease and the elimination of pain in the area of ​​​​the bone when wearing shoes.
  • Protector with interdigital separator and additional fastening on the second finger (bursoprotector and retainer at the same time). Thanks to additional fixation and a sufficiently dense partition between the rings, it not only protects the joint from damage, but also holds the fingers more securely in the correct position. Effective for the prevention of hallux valgus and for the treatment of the initial stage of the disease (before the onset of severe symptoms).
  • Protector with a separator of the first and second toe and a soft screed forefoot. Protects the joint of the big toe from damage, allows the first and second toes to separate and holds them in the correct position, maintains the arched shape of the front of the foot and helps to properly distribute the load on the foot. In addition, soft Bottom part The tread allows you to protect the foot from shock loading, which reduces the risk of corns.

Depending on the material used, the bursoprotector can be:

  • Gel-tissue. This protector protects the bone from increased pressure and friction, eliminates pain when walking and reduces the risk of calluses and corns. Due to the anatomical design and elasticity of the material, the fabric bursoprotector is well held in the joint area and fixes it, but does not return the first finger to its normal position. The advantages of a gel-tissue bursoprotector include the presence of a gel, which consists of mineral oils that have an anti-inflammatory effect, as well as the use of a “breathable” fabric (reduces sweating).
  • Silicone. Made of hypoallergenic silicone, bursoprotectors easily take the required shape, are less noticeable when worn, and better fix the joint and fingers.

Gel-tissue bursoprotector prevents the development of hallux valgus. helps relieve pain and relieve tired legs.

All bursoprotectors are comfortable to wear, discreet and hygienic (they can be washed with soap and disinfected).

Correction of valgus deformity is facilitated only by a bursoprotector for the big toe with an interdigital corrector, but it is also effective only at the earliest stage of pathology development.

To reduce the degree of deformation, the bursoprotector must have a partition between the first and second toes of the foot.


The big toe corrector can:

  • Be silicone. The most commonly used fixators are Valgus Pro, which can be fixed with a ring for one finger or rings for two fingers. Between the first and second fingers there is a silicone insert-partition, the one-finger model always has a “petal” protecting the joint, and the two-finger model does not always have such a part. Such a fixator for the bone on the leg reduces the load on the joint, in the presence of a “petal” it protects the bone from friction and inflammation (it is a bursoprotector), reduces the symptoms of the disease (pain, calluses), is practically invisible from the side, does not cause allergies, allows you to wear any shoes . However, the elasticity of silicone does not provide rigid fixation, therefore, these clamps are not able to correct the deformation. The main purpose of these orthopedic products is to prevent further development of the disease and eliminate pain. Products are sold as a set (for the right and left feet). When used for hygienic purposes, they require daily washing and the use of talcum powder.

Silicone retainers hold well on the foot and retain their shape even with prolonged use.
  • Be articulate. The frame of such a corrector consists of a large and small bandage, which are made of relatively soft material with Velcro. A large bandage is put on and fixed on the foot at the point of elevation, a small bandage is put on the thumb. A hinge with a pad is attached to both bandages, which allows the construction to remain mobile, fit snugly to the bone and fix it well. The arch of the foot under the metatarsal bone during walking is supported by a teardrop-shaped pad. The tire-bandage is fastened with elastic fasteners and Velcro. The design of the product allows it to be used both on the left and on the right leg, but with frequent assembly / disassembly, the articulated brace wears out faster. To use such a retainer, you need to choose wider shoes. This orthopedic product is intended mainly for postoperative rehabilitation, since the design does not provide for a change in the degree of deviation of the thumb.
  • Be tissue. This elastic bandage Made from neoprene (synthetic rubber) and lined with breathable fabric. It consists of a cuff around the foot, a cover with a shock-absorbing pad for abducting the thumb and a strap for fixing. For fastening, a textile Velcro fastener is used, which does not pinch the foot. The belt securely fixes the cuff on the foot, allows you to give the thumb the correct position and correct the degree of deviation. Universal (suitable for both legs), easy to wash, not noticeable when worn, used both for the prevention of hallux valgus, and for the treatment and rehabilitation after surgery.
  • Be tough. A rigid fixator for the bone on the leg (valgus splint) is the most effective and at the initial stage of the disease helps to correct the deformity that has appeared. Thanks to a solid construction made of durable hypoallergenic plastic, this orthopedic product provides the most rigid fixation, which, in the absence of stress on the joint, muscles and ligaments of the foot, helps to change the angle of the thumb and gradually return to its normal position. It is impossible to walk in such a retainer, so it is used at night. The anatomical shape of the dense frame also helps to restore the normal arch of the foot (with hallux valgus, it is broken). Soft tabs prevent chafing of parts of the foot and virtually eliminate the feeling of discomfort. It is not necessary to assemble the structure on your own - the diverting night bandage is sold in a set of 2 pieces, the corresponding designations are applied to the right and left latch. Before use, the bandage is adjusted in size to the specific parameters of the foot, the angle of deviation of the thumb is adjusted, and then the design is fixed on the foot with soft elastic fasteners. For a positive result during the treatment, the tension of the bandage must be gradually increased. Due to the absence of individual parts and mechanisms, the latch cannot break, the absence of load eliminates the abrasion of soft elements, so it is more durable than its fabric and hinge counterparts. Rigid retainer for hygienic purposes should be periodically washed with warm water and baby soap. Drying the bandage near heaters and in direct sunlight is contraindicated.

A valgus splint at an early stage of the development of the disease allows you to return the big toe to a normal anatomical position.

A gel toe brace in the form of a separate interdigital septum is used to prevent further deformity of the toes (usually inserted between the first and second toe, helping to move the big toe outward). It can also be used to prevent friction of other toes. The retainer is made of thermoplastic molding material (orthogel) or Foot Care mineral oil based gel, easy to use, reduces pain, but does not allow correcting the existing deformity.

Gel interdigital septa are used to prevent hallux valgus.

If there is a hammer toe deformity, silicone separators or ComfortGel hypoallergenic gel separators are used, which look like three rings connected in one design, with a pillow located under them. The partition, put on with a pillow down, allows you to straighten your fingers and place them correctly in the shoe. It is also possible to use protective rings, which are essentially a gel pad covered with an elastic, wear-resistant knitted coating.

Protective rings help prevent hammer toe deformity that develops when there is a bone in the foot.

The Pedi Soft 107630 silicone interdigital corrector and similar orthopedic products do not differ in function from the previous ones, but are attached to the 2nd finger with a soft silicone loop.

Orthopedic insoles

Treating a bunion in the foot often involves wearing orthotic insoles that help keep the feet in an anatomically correct position while walking, which helps the big toe to return to its place.

Orthopedic insoles help to reduce the load on the foot and prevent the progression of deformity of the big toe.

Orthopedic insoles for thumb correction can be made of natural leather, wool, fleece, velor or cork, but combined orthopedic insoles are most often used. Due to the combination of materials, such an insole not only provides the necessary orthopedic effect, but also has breathability, antibacterial and retains heat.

Orthopedic insoles for hallux valgus correction can be:

  • Frame. They are more effective than frameless ones, but they cause leg fatigue when worn for a long time. The recommended time of use is from 4 to 6 hours, therefore, with an active lifestyle, their use is not desirable.
  • Frameless. Usually used for foot correction in men, athletes and actively moving people. Soften the bearing load on the foot and reduce pressure on the joint of the big toe.

The shape of orthopedic insoles can be:

  • Drop-shaped. They are placed under the metatarsus and prevent the growth of the metatarsal bone, help get rid of flat feet of the 1st degree (may be the cause of valgus deformity of the thumb).
  • Half insoles designed to support the transverse arch. They look narrower than usual, in the upper part there is an insert-cushion for unloading the metatarsal section.
  • Half insoles for high heels. The shape is similar to ordinary half-insoles.

With bones on the legs, the insoles are selected individually by the orthopedist.

Where to buy clamps and correctors

In the presence of bones on the legs, many people self-medicate up to the invention of bandages and fixators from improvised means. Most often, patients, bypassing the orthopedist, turn to the Internet, which advertises a variety of gel and silicone correctors. Those who believed the reviews of the miraculous deliverance from big bone Patients purchase orthopedic products intended primarily for the prevention of hallux valgus and, having not received the expected effect, consider conservative treatment useless.

Since the effectiveness of treatment depends on the degree of deformity in a particular patient, the doctor should select correctors. Gel and silicone correctors can be used with a slight degree of deformity, for the treatment of an already protruding bone, hinged and rigid fixators should be used.

You can buy high-quality orthopedic products in pharmacies, orthopedic salons or from trusted online representatives.

The most affordable are bursoprotectors and interdigital separators, and the most expensive are combined and rigid bandages.

Important: Effective conservative treatment is a complex treatment, including the use of orthopedic products, wearing the right shoes and regular execution therapeutic exercises.

Big toe braces are very popular. They are quite effective and can significantly alleviate suffering, especially in the early stages of the disease.

Such devices protect the bone well and keep the affected joint in the correct anatomical position. In addition, they are perfectly combined with medical treatment and physiotherapy procedures. For best results, you can combine different kinds bandages.

The earlier the use of the device is started, the more likely it is to stop the progression of the disease.

The toe corrector is a simple device that can be used throughout the day. There are also special varieties for day and night use. Their sizes are typical, so they are ideal for people of different sexes and ages. The brace can be worn on one leg or both lower limbs simultaneously.

The scope of fixators is extensive. Devices are often used to prevent and treat the following pathological conditions:

  • bursitis, gout, arthrosis and arthritis of the joints of the first toe;
  • calluses and corns in the area of ​​​​the bone;
  • various foot injuries (hematomas, bruises, fractures);
  • postoperative period for interventions in the area of ​​the thumb and sole.

The main indication for the use of orthoses is a protruding bone in the area of ​​the metatarsophalangeal joint.

There are no special restrictions on the use of these protective equipment. They are suitable for everyone and, when used correctly, do not cause inconvenience. However, pregnant women should consult their doctor. During the period of bearing a child, the legs constantly swell, so the use of hard correctors can be dangerous and traumatic.

Do not wear braces for broken skin. The device reduces the access of oxygen to the wound, as a result, local metabolism is disturbed, the onset of purulent-necrotic processes is possible. It is undesirable to use bandages for dermatoses accompanied by itching and local skin irritation.

When putting on an orthosis, it must be remembered that even the most perfect corrector is not able to eliminate the bone on the first finger. The device will only make life easier for the patient and prevent further deformation of the joint.

Therapeutic effect

What gives the use of a bandage? The protective device eliminates pressure on the bone, reduces pain and discomfort, increases physical activity patient. The corrector makes walking much easier. A person's quality of life improves, mood and efficiency rise.

In addition, regular use of the fixative allows you to achieve the following results:

  • correction of minor curvature of the first toe and other bones of the foot;
  • stabilization of the joint.

As a result of the use of valgus splints, small curvatures disappear

Finger correctors are effective tool in the early stages of the disease. Rigid fixation helps to stop further curvature and destruction of bone and joint structures.

In addition, orthoses are able to restore blood circulation and stop the inflammatory process in the joint, so they are advised to be used in the postoperative period.

Today, a large number of different devices are produced for correcting curvature of the first toe. Internet pages and advertising publications are literally full of inviting pictures. Each manufacturer promotes its product, promising the consumer a quick and reliable relief from a painful problem. But choosing the right orthosis on your own is quite difficult, so you need to consult a specialist before buying.

In medical practice, valgus splints are usually divided into 3 types:

  • therapeutic devices;
  • preventive orthoses;
  • devices to improve the quality of life.

Proofreaders are therapeutic and prophylactic purposes

In the postoperative period or after injury, therapeutic correctors are used. With the help of a bandage for the bone, patients with a chronic course of the disease are prevented from relapsing the disease. Proofreaders are very popular to improve the quality of life, making walking easier.

On the shelves of pharmacies and medical equipment stores, the following therapeutic and prophylactic types of products are most often found:

  • gel protective pads;
  • silicone interdigital rollers;
  • tissue products;
  • swivel clamps and tires.

Each of the considered devices has strictly defined indications, its pros and cons, which the specialist will tell the patient about.

Rigid fixatives perform the same functions as the gypsum splint, but, unlike it, do not lead to the formation of contracture. Semi-rigid tires immobilize the finger and take on the maximum load. Soft (silicone) devices reduce pressure on the tissues of the foot and protect them from damage.

Corrective devices should be purchased only after consulting with your doctor and carefully reading the instructions. The specialist, giving advice, necessarily takes into account the etiology of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient.

Comparative characteristics

Orthopedic correctors are designed to fix the first finger in the correct position, but they are all arranged in different ways. In addition, products differ in the material from which they are made. Consider the most popular species goods and compare them.

Table of comparative analysis of known correctors

Gel Fixatives (Valgus Pro)Silicone finger separatorsBursoprotectors with interdigital correctorTissue fixatives (Valgulex)Hinged retainer (Valgus splint Valufix)MaterialThe base is made of soft and elastic gel, reminiscent of silicone.Made from medical gel.Made from medical gelMade from thick fabricSynthesized from neoprene and plasticDesign featuresThe device is simple. They consist of an interdigital roller and a side lobe that protects the bone from injury.They consist of one or more interdigital ridges.The device securely fixes the first two toes, protects the bone from abrasions and gradually corrects the position of the first toe.They cover almost half of the foot, so they can only be worn with closed shoesConsists of plastic elements and Velcro fasteners. One of them is attached to the thumb, the other - on the soleJoint protectionProtects the joint of the first finger from injuries, abrasions and callusesNoProtects the skin over the finger joint from abrasions, articular structures from various injuriesProtects the thumb joint from abrasionsProtects the joint from injuryApplicationIdeal for use at the beginning of an ailment. They do not eliminate the causes of the disease, but alleviate the patient's condition and stop further deformation.Increase interdigital spaces, restore the normal position of the toes. They have a massage effect. Recommended as an addition to wearing splints and bandages. Often used to prevent the development of valgusCorrects the position of the thumb, reduces pain and improves blood circulation in the affected jointThey have a weak corrective effect and are only suitable for the prevention of hallux valgus. In rare cases, the bandage is worn at the onset of the disease, but is more often prescribed as an adjunct to other devices.The product produces a double effect. The transverse arch support on the foot restores the metatarsal arch of the foot and does not allow the heel to move outward. The thumb corrector stabilizes the load on the jointThumb Angle AdjustmentNo. The latch has one widthNo. The divider has one widthNo. Bursoprotector has one widthNo. Bandage has one widthThe angle of abduction is adjustable with VelcroThe main advantage of the modelCan be worn at home and worn with shoesAllowed to wear all day, but only with loose shoesIt is permissible to wear indoor free shoesThey are used throughout the working day, but you have to use closed shoe modelsCorrection of the location of the first finger. More secure fixation speeds up recoveryPurposePrevention and stage 1 of the diseaseWarning or 1 stage deformationinitial stages diseases" data-order="Prevention of the curvature of the finger or the initial stages of the disease"> Prevention of the curvature of the finger or the initial stages of the diseasePreventive roleTherapeutic effect

Each of the listed means has certain advantages and disadvantages, and such correctors must be selected individually, given the neglect of the disease. If at an early stage of the disease it is possible to use rollers and gel shock absorbers, then with a neglected form, therapeutic day or night orthoses are used.

How to use

The use of a valgus splint is not difficult. Each model comes with detailed instructions. The duration of use of the bandage during the day depends on its type. Soft silicone daytime correctors can be worn for 8-12 hours.

Night braces are worn all night. If this causes inconvenience to the patient, orthopedists recommend using the device during the day for 5-6 hours.

You can’t walk in the corrector for a long time, you need to periodically remove it. Any design, especially if squeezed by shoes, impairs nutrition and blood circulation in the tissues.

The period of use of the corrector is determined by the doctor. Usually it is at least 6 months. Soft devices are worn for a year or more, as they do not have a significant effect on tissues.

How much do braces cost

Today the question - where to buy a latch - is easily solved. Advertising of online stores selling low-cost devices is widespread on the network. It is better to buy valgus correctors in pharmacies, specialized centers or salons. There you can always get competent advice, employees will help you choose the best option and teach you how to use it.

The price depends on the manufacturer and purpose of the device. The cheapest are silicone pads from Chinese suppliers. A complex hinged model with angle adjustment will cost between 2000-3000 rubles. An orthopedic tire of a well-known brand is valued even more expensively. For example, products of the German manufacturers Hallufix AG or Ortmann cannot be bought cheaper than 4 thousand rubles.