Games and game exercises for the development of fine motor skills of hands. Development of fine motor skills of hands, exercises Gymnastics of fine motor skills of hands

Development fine motor skills in children is of great importance.The development of fine motor skills in children directly determines the quality of life.Scientists have proven a close relationship between the development of fine motor skills and the development of speech in a child.



The development of fine motor skills of the hands. Games and exercises.

Fine motor skills are the ability of a person to perform small and precise movements with the hands and fingers and toes as a result of the coordinated actions of three systems: nervous, muscular and bone.The development of fine motor skills in children is of great importance. Why?

The area of ​​fine motor skills of the hands covers a huge number of very different movements. Fine motor skills help us perform both primitive gestures (for example, picking up objects in our hand) and fairly small and complex movements (for example, writing). The handwriting of a person depends on the degree of development of fine motor skills.

The development of fine motor skills in children directly determines the quality of life. A huge number of everyday activities are connected precisely with fine motor skills: we have to fasten buttons and lace up shoes, thread a needle. In addition, researchers have established a link between the development of fine motor skills of the hands and the development of speech, so that the development of fine motor skills in children helps them speak faster and better.

Scientists have proven a close relationship between the development of fine motor skills and the development of speech in a child. It turns out that the speech center of the brain is located very close to the motor center, which is responsible for the movements of the fingers. If you stimulate the motor center responsible for the movements of the fingers, then the speech center is also activated! Therefore, the development of fine motor skills is necessary for the rapid and correct formation of speech skills.

Unfortunately, in the last decade, the number of children with speech and writing disorders has increased significantly throughout the world. Thirty years ago, the percentage of such children was much less! What is the reason for this phenomenon? Yes, just in the old days there were no shoes and clothes with Velcro. But there were lace-up shoes, clothes with buttons, hooks and ties. Children daily tied shoelaces, fastened buttons and hooks, thus training their fingers! After all, such movements require skill and the development of fine motor skills. And now children are freed from complex process lacing up shoes and neatly fastening buttons. It turns out that before the fine motor skills of children developed due to such everyday actions, but now it suffers. Accordingly, speech skills also suffer, problems with writing appear, because motor skills and speech are closely related.

The development of fine motor skills in children is a natural process, it begins to develop even in infancy on the basis of general motor skills. The child starts with simple grasping gestures, then learns to shift the object from hand to hand, masters the “tweezer grip”. At the age of two, the child is already able to properly hold a spoon and a pencil, and begins to draw.

You need to start working on the development of fine motor skills from an early age. Already a baby can massage fingers ( finger gymnastics), thereby affecting the active points associated with the cerebral cortex. In the early and younger school age need to be done simple exercises, accompanied by a poetic text, do not forget about the development of elementary self-service skills: fasten and unfasten buttons, tie shoelaces, etc.

The task of teachers and child psychologists is to convey to parents the importance of games for the development of fine motor skills. Parents must understand that in order to interest the child and help him master new information, you need to turn learning into a game, do not back down if the tasks seem difficult, do not forget to praise the child. We bring to your attention games for the development of fine motor skills, which can be practiced both in kindergarten, as well as at home.

finger training


  1. Clench your fingers into a fist and circular motions brush to the left, then to the right, 4-5 times.
  2. Forcefully squeeze and unclench your fingers. 5 - 6 times.
  3. Straighten your fingers, take your thumb to the side and make circular movements with it, first to the left, then to the right. 4 - 6 times.
  4. Straighten your fingers, simultaneously bend and unbend the first two phalanges. 5 - 6 times.
  5. Spread straight fingers, sequentially, in a fan-shaped movement, starting with the little finger, bend all fingers into a fist. Then, starting from thumb, return to the starting position. 3 - 4 times.
  6. Clench your fingers into a fist. Try to unbend and bend each finger separately. Seek to keep others focused. Exercises are performed while sitting with your elbows on the table. Gradually increase the number of repetitions to 10-15 times. After finishing the gymnastics, you should shake your relaxed hands and do a massage.

Complexes of exercises (rhymes)

  1. "Friendship"

"Girls and boys are friends in our group."
The fingers of the hands are connected rhythmically in the lock.
"You and I will make friends little fingers."
Rhythmic touch of the fingers of the same name of both hands.
"One two three four five".
Alternately touching the fingers of the same name, starting with the little fingers.
"Start counting again.
One two three four five.
We've finished counting."
Hands down, shake your hands.

  1. "Walk"

When performing this exercise, the children sit in their places and rhythmically, alternately, in jumps, move the straight fingers of both hands along the surface of the table from themselves to its opposite edge.

Let the fingers go for a walk
the fingers are clenched into fists, the thumbs are lowered down and, as it were, jumping around the table.
And the second - to catch up,
rhythmic movements of the index fingers on the table.
Third fingers - run,
movement of the middle fingers at a fast pace.
And the fourth - on foot.
slow movement of the ring fingers on the surface of the table.
Fifth finger jumped
rhythmic touch of the surface of the table with the little fingers.
And at the end of the road he fell.
pounding on the table with fists.

  1. "Little Men"

They ran along the river.
movement of the index and middle fingers on the surface of the table from oneself to the edge
Race kids.
Repeat several times.

  1. "Visiting"

On a visit to the thumb
thumbs up on both hands
Came straight to the house
Palms together, fingers of the same name touching
Index and middle
alternately called fingers are connected to the thumbs on both hands at the same time.
Nameless and last
Little finger itself
fingers are clenched into a fist, only the little fingers are exposed up
Knocked on the threshold.
fists banging against each other
Together fingers are friends
rhythmic clenching of fingers into fists
They cannot live without each other.

  1. "Come on, brothers, get to work!"

"Come on, brothers, get to work!
Show your passion.
The big one is to chop wood.
All stoves - you heat.
And you - to carry water,
And you - cook dinner,
And sing songs to the baby,
Songs to sing and dance
To amuse the siblings."

Children turn to the right hand, bent into a fist, alternately unbend all fingers.

  1. "Scarlet Flowers"

"Our scarlet flowers
open the petals,
The wind breathes a little
The petals sway.
Our scarlet flowers
Close the petals
Sleeping quietly
They shake their heads."

The palms are joined in the shape of a tulip, the fingers slowly open, then smooth swaying of the hands is made, then slowly closed, acquiring the shape of a flower, the head of the flower is swayed.

  1. " Orange"

"We shared an orange,
There is only one orange.
This slice is for the cat
This hedgehog slice
This slice is for the snail
This slice is for a siskin,
Well, the peel to the wolf!"

Start with the little finger, bend all fingers alternately.

  1. "Hide and Seek"

"Fingers played hide and seek
And the heads were removed.
Like this, like this
So the heads were removed.

Squeezing and unclenching fingers.

Relaxing (self-massage of hands and fingers)

  1. Pressing with strongly compressed four fingers of one hand on the base of the thumb, the middle of the palm, the base of the fingers of the other hand. Then the position of the hands changes.
  2. Rubbing the palms with a hexagonal pencil with a gradual increase in effort.
  3. Rubbing the palms with up and down movements.
  4. Rubbing the lateral surfaces of interlocked fingers.
  5. Kneading, then rubbing each finger lengthwise, then across.
  6. Put the walnut between the palms, make circular movements, gradually increasing the pressure and pace. You can do the exercise with two walnuts, rolling one over the other, with one hand, then the other.
  7. Pressing with an unsharpened pencil pain points palms, then rotate the pencil to the right, to the left.
  8. Kneading the brush right hand fingers of the left and vice versa, then alternately rubbing.
  9. Now on sale there are many games that purposefully develop the relevant skills. But there is nothing easier than using the tools at hand that are in any home. So, a few exercises for the development of fine motor skills:
  10. "Rubber" . For this exercise, you can use an elastic band for hair with a diameter of 4-5 centimeters. Fingers are inserted into the gum. The task is to move the elastic band 360%, first in one direction and then in the other direction, with the movements of all fingers. It is performed first with one, then with the other hand.
  11. "Kalyaki-malaki ". We take a tray and scatter small cereals (for example, semolina) on it. You can’t imagine a better drawing board. First, an adult draws lines on the “board”, and the kid repeats. Let it be very simple shapes: squares, circles, zigzags. Snowman , house, sun.
  12. " The sun smiles. Exercise by Maria Montessori. We cut out a circle from thick paper and draw a smiling sun on it. We buy a large number of colored paper clips and attach them around the perimeter. You can play with colors: for example, string a yellow paper clip first, then green, then red. Or 3 yellow, 3 green, and so on. Here, an account is added to the exercise. Explain to the child why the sun smiles: it is pretty, because they play with it.
  13. " Mosaic ". Collect buttons of different colors and sizes. Firstly, they can be sorted by diameter, color and texture (smooth-rough). Secondly, you can make pictures from them, lay them out on a sheet of paper different figures. It turns out a button mosaic. Boys can be interested in purely "male" games.
  14. For example, screw nuts on bolts or press the buttons of an impromptu remote control (you can take an old, already outdated TV remote control without batteries). If you want, imagine that you are a driver, if you want - an airplane pilot or a tanker.
  15. Very useful games, accompanied by short rhythmic poems. For example:
  16. We pull the rope at the level of the child’s shoulders and give him a few clothespins. For each stressed syllable, the child hooks a clothespin to the rope: "I will deftly pin the clothespins to my mother's rope."
  17. We take the grate for the sink, which consists of many "cells". The child walks with his index and middle fingers, like legs, along these cells, trying to take steps on each stressed syllable. You can “walk” alternately with one or the other hand, or you can use both at the same time, saying: “We wandered in the zoo, We approached each cage, And looked at everyone in a row: Bear cubs, wolf cubs, beavers.”
  18. A special place in games for the development of motor skills is occupied by drawing and modeling. A small artist can start his creative activity by painting with oil pastels. If you do not find it on sale, wax crayons will do. They will help the baby learn to hold the chalk with two fingers (and there it is a stone's throw to hold the pencil).
  19. Draw various shapes: lines (straight and wavy), circles, ovals, squares and triangles, paint over them. If it doesn’t work, first take the baby’s hand in yours and help him. The paper should be quite large, say A3, so that the baby does not miss. Over time, you will switch to felt-tip pens and paints.
  20. You can sculpt from plasticine, or you can - from dough. Dough is definitely much safer. At first you can sculpt unintelligible "lumps", then - simple figures, letters. Over time, learn to touch the molded letters. You can stick various small objects into the dough: grains, peas, the same buttons.
  21. In the development of fine motor skills, the same rule applies as in the development of other skills: more game, less coercion. And regularity. Do not indulge the capricious "I do not want, I will not." We'll have to show diplomatic skills. Be patient, persistent and wise.

But even without extra spending, you can arrange the necessary training for the child. All improvised means will be used:

  1. Cereals (it’s so nice to put your hands in a bowl of beans! And if some kind of toy is waiting for the baby at the bottom, it’s even doubly so! Preschoolers can be instructed to sort and sort through various cereals)
  2. Natural materials: acorns, chestnuts, cones, pebbles, shells, sticks
  3. Kitchenware
  4. Various containers, vials, boxes
  5. Zippers, laces, ties, threads, ropes, fasteners, buttons, fabrics of various sizes, shapes, colors and textures
  6. Beads and rings are very interesting to string on a braid
  7. From matches, cotton swabs and toothpicks, you can lay out various drawings (of course, under the supervision of parents)
  8. Boys will especially appreciate bolts and nuts, as well as broken technical devices (ordinary and cell phones, calculators). And the girls will benefit from dressing and undressing their favorite dolls.

And what kid doesn't love sticking and unsticking fridge magnets? This activity can be varied according to your desire and possibilities. Allow also to eat with your hands “small food” (peas, corn, berries), peel boiled eggs, jacket potatoes, tangerines. It will be very entertaining to put paper clips on cardboard or clothespins on a rope. In general, it is useful to introduce children to household chores and teach them to help with cleaning around the house:

  1. Sweep and pick up trash and mop floors.
  2. Collect motes from the floor, help collect objects scattered on the floor (buttons, cloves, beans, beads).
  3. Dismantle split walnuts (kernels from shells), peel pistachios, peel off the film from roasted nuts.
  4. Sculpt cookies and decorations for the pie from the dough.
  5. Open a mailbox or front door with a key.
  6. Try to put on your own shoes, dress, and take off your shoes and undress. To do this, some of the shoes and clothes should be available to the child so that he can dress up whenever he wants. Learn to put on your own gloves. Try lacing up your sneakers.
  7. Help winding threads or rope into a ball (this activity also has a beneficial effect onvision) .
  8. Hang clothes (you need to pull the rope for the child).
  9. Help parents unscrew various plugs - from water canisters, bath foam, toothpaste, etc.
  10. Gather berries in the country or in the forest.
  11. Get something out of a narrow gap under the cabinet, sofa, between furniture.
  12. Look for the edge of the tape. Peel and stick stickers.
  13. Flip through the pages of a book.
  14. Sharpen pencils (sharpener) and erase drawn with an eraser.

Important rules in the development of fine motor skills in children

  1. Classes should resemble a game, not lessons at school. Can you come up with something along the way? funny story or even a fairy tale.
  2. Games and activities should be systematic. Even while walking, you can massage your baby's hand or collect beautiful pebbles and leaves.
  3. During the game, talk more with the baby, conduct a dialogue, act out scenes.
  4. It is important that the child likes both toys and the process itself - take care of this. And also sincerely show that it also brings you incredible pleasure.
  5. You can't force a little student. Give him a choice. Perhaps he wants to draw, not sculpt - listen to his wishes.
  6. Choose games and activities that are age and developmentally appropriate for your child.
  7. Try as many as you can various ways development of fine motor skills.
  8. But by no means do everything at once.
  9. Do not forget to praise the child for every success - criticism in this matter is absolutely inappropriate!
  10. Control the time - it is for each child individually. Don't overstay or overwork him.
  11. And do not limit children in showing initiative and imagination!

Try to ensure that your child can confidently do the following as a preschooler:

  1. draw using small details in images;
  2. paint without going beyond the outline and leaving no gaps;
  3. cut out large polygonal shapes;
  4. sculpt small parts from plasticine;
  5. fasten and unfasten buttons;
  6. to dress and put on shoes;
  7. lace up shoes and tie shoelaces, fasten zippers;
  8. pour milk from a bag into a cup;
  9. wash and brush your teeth.

Remember that any learning process requires a lot of patience and work. Be wise, considerate and loving parents. Do not neglect forever passing time - use it rationally. It's such a joy to watch your child grow and develop! And take part in this exciting process!

Reading 14 min.

Researchers have confirmed the close connection between the development of the muscles of the child's hand and the development of his speech and thinking. High level The formation of fine motor skills of children's fingers provides a sufficient level of memory, attention and prepares the hand for writing.

Fine motor skills of the hands are associated with the development of the left temporal and left frontal areas of the brain, which are responsible for the formation of many mental functions.

V. Sukhomlinsky rightly stated: "The mind of a child is at the tips of his fingers." The hand gives rise to the development of thinking. In the process of activity, the muscles of the hands perform three main functions: organs of movement, organs of cognition, energy accumulators (both for the muscles themselves and for other organs).

If a child touches a certain object, then the muscles and skin of the hands at that time “teach” the eyes and brain to see, touch, distinguish, remember.

The hand cognizes, and the brain captures sensation and perception, combining them with visual, auditory and olfactory into complex integrated images and representations.

The process of mental development occurs under conditions of high motor activity children. At regular performance cross movements, a large number of nerve fibers are formed that connect the hemispheres of the brain and contribute to the development of higher mental functions.

For the development of interhemispheric interaction, you can perform exercises involving the muscles of the hands.

What is necessary for the development of motor skills and speech

The level of speech development depends on the degree of formation of small movements of the fingers. Based on the examination of children, a pattern was revealed: if the development of finger movements corresponds to age, then speech development is within the normal range, if the development of finger movements lags behind, then speech development is also delayed, although general motor skills may be normal and even higher than normal.

Training the movements of the fingers and hands is the most important factor stimulating the speech development of the child, contributing to the improvement of articulatory movements, preparing the hand for writing, which is no less important, is a powerful tool that stimulates the performance of the cerebral cortex, and therefore the development of the child's thinking.

Age features of the development of fine motor skills of the hands

There are certain age-related features of the development of fine motor skills of the hands:

1-2 years. The child holds two objects in one hand; draws with a pencil, turns the pages of a book. Places 2 to 6 dice on top of each other.

2-3 years. Opens the drawer and topples its contents. Plays with sand and clay. Opens lids, uses scissors, paints with a finger. Strings beads.

3-4 years. Holds pencil with fingers, copies shapes with a few strokes. Collects and builds buildings from 9 cubes.

4-5 years. Draws with pencils or crayons. Builds buildings with more than 9 cubes. Folds paper more than 1 time. Identifies objects in a bag by touch, molds from plasticine (from 2 to 3 parts), laces up shoes.

finger games

Finger games will help children:

  • make a breakthrough in the development of speech - improve pronunciation and enrich vocabulary;
  • prepare your hand for writing;
  • develop attention, patience, the so-called internal brake - the ability to restrain yourself exactly when it is needed;
  • stimulate imagination, show creativity;
  • learn to control your body, feel confident in the system of "body coordinates", which will eliminate the possibility of neurosis.

Period from 2 to 3 years

The period from 2 to 3 years is an extremely important stage in the life of a child, in particular, in intellectual and cognitive development.

As you know, the organ of thinking, the organ of all human mental activity is the brain. In the process of child development, when the growth of brain cells occurs, their formation, when they grow rapidly nerve fibers- pathways that connect the brain with the sense organs and with muscles, during the contraction of which various movements occur, the increase in brain mass is of great importance.

The most intensive increase in the brain in early and younger preschool age indicates that it is at this time that children develop especially rapidly. Indeed, how much knowledge and skills a child acquires during the first three years of his life!

He learns to look and listen, talk, grasp objects and act with them, stand, walk, run, jump, go down and up stairs. And the child masters numerous skills - to use a spoon, brush, pencil and many other items.

The memory of the child is enriched with a huge amount of knowledge about colors and sounds, about the phenomena and objects of nature, the properties of various objects and products of people's labor. The kid learns space and time, masters speech, learns to communicate with adults and peers, learns the basic rules of behavior.

Conditions and organization of children's activities

For the full development of the baby and for the development of the child's motor skills, the conditions and organization of the child's activities are essential. In this regard, children's toys play a significant role. They should be varied, bright, interesting.

Children improve motor coordination and vision, learn to concentrate their attention largely thanks to toys: kids choose toys for themselves to play on their own, perform various actions with them, including at the request of an adult.

This contributes to the development and improvement of speech and thinking of children.

In games - classes, an adult introduces the child to objects, their features and characteristics, teaches them to act with them and name them.

The game is an amazing activity that many scientists have worked on studying. Despite the fact that the game does seem to be quite a free pastime, it is an extremely valuable activity for children.

In the life of a baby, play is of extreme importance, which cannot be compared with anything. A child who does not play cannot develop well and quickly.

Games in kindergarten and at home

In the nursery preschool children usually have a place and time to play. These necessary for the mental development of the baby in speech should be taken care of by the parents of the child at home. It is useful when a father or mother encourages the child to play, tell and show him exactly how to play with a particular toy.

The game is a kind of school of life and a path to the development of children's creativity, independence, the acquisition of communication skills, and the like.

Listening to poems and fairy tales, the child learns a lot of new and interesting things about the world around him, trees and flowers, people and animals, fantastic heroes, their amazing adventures, and so on.

Naturally, 2-3-year-old kids cannot immediately understand what an adult told them about. Therefore, children often require repeated repetition of the same fairy tales, stories, nursery rhymes, songs, poems.

Such repetition plays an important role: it enables the child to think about the plot of what he heard. If a child is offered more and more new books, from childhood he gets used to a superficial acquaintance with them.

The main thing is that the child learns to understand what he has heard. To do this, it is important to ask questions: what (or whom) is the rhyme or fairy tale about?

Sometimes, after reading, it is useful for an adult to ask a child: who did we read about today?”, “What did he do?”, “What happened to him?”, “How did the fairy tale end?” questions like these make the child think about what they have read.

Similar work can be carried out on pictures, when children look at illustrations in books or individual pictures with a certain plot. Junior child preschool age it is advisable to ask: “What is this?”, “What is drawn here?”.

An important means of not only understanding the world around us, but also the communication of children with each other is the assimilation of speech. Therefore, it is necessary to develop in the child not only his understanding of adult speech (passive speech), but also his own, active conversational speech.

There are many opportunities for adults to do this. It is imperative to monitor the purity of children's speech, the correct use of words by the child and the construction of sentences.

Means for the development of motor skills

It is equally important to worry about the development of fine motor skills, which are improved in a variety of activities - drawing, coloring, modeling, and the like.

The hand for a child is an organ not only of labor, but also of knowledge. Parents often stop the baby, forbidding him to touch unnecessary, in their opinion, things. And absolutely in vain!

After all, in this way they retard his mental development, since a child cannot yet understand much only on the basis of his own judgment. This role of physical action is retained for long years and manifests itself in working with new and unfamiliar objects to the child. It has been established that intellectual action is gradually formed only on the basis of practical action.

The mental development of a preschool child occurs and improves in a variety of games and activities, creative and educational. The kid, with the necessary help from adults, learns to observe and gets a lot of vivid impressions about the world around him, gradually acquiring the ability to practically act and comprehend what he sees and hears thanks to the mastery of speech.

If at the same time the child also learns the basic rules of behavior, communication skills, the ability to handle things, we can say that she is usefully going through this period of her life.

How is motor skills related to speech?

One of the indicators of a child’s readiness for schooling is the level of development of fine motor skills, because the level of speech development directly depends on how well the fine movements of the fingers are formed.

As domestic scientists have revealed, if finger movements are developed in accordance with age, then speech development is within the age norm. If the development of finger movements lags behind, then the development of the motor side of speech is also delayed, although general motor skills may correspond to the norm.

Unfortunately, not all parents are aware of this interdependence, and therefore often lose the opportunity to help the child avoid problems in speech development in time.

Motility problems

Many parents understand the need for the development of the baby from birth and are very interested in working with children. But in order for the classes to be effective, and the baby to enjoy them, they should always be interesting, fun and must be appropriate for the age of the baby.

Each of us had to meet children of four or five years old who hold a spoon in their fist, do not know how to properly hold a brush or pencil, use scissors, sometimes they cannot fasten buttons, lace up shoes, tie a scarf and the like.

It's no secret that some parents find it easier to put their child in front of the TV or at the computer by turning on a full-length cartoon or putting the game on for an hour so that the child does not distract from talking on the phone with a friend or other adult activities.

Only a few parents admit the fact that it is difficult for them to calmly wait until their child laces up his shoes on his own, fastens all the small buttons on his shirt, finishes his porridge and the like.

Therefore, instead of shoes with laces, they buy Velcro shoes, instead of a shirt - a sweater with a zipper, they feed the child themselves in order to free up time for other things. Few parents think about the fact that such time saving deprives their child of the opportunity to develop finger movements, and, consequently, improve the quality of broadcasting.

The effect of fine motor skills on a child's ability to learn

The results of research by scientists, the practical experience of defectologists, speech therapists show that recently the level of development of fine finger movements in children has noticeably decreased and, unfortunately, the number of children with delayed speech and mental development has increased.

Experts have found that in most children with general underdevelopment of speech, the fingers are inactive, their movements are inaccurate, inconsistent, uncoordinated. It is difficult for such children to switch from performing one movement to another.

Unfortunately, parents learn about problems with coordination of movements and fine motor skills in a child only during the period of preparing the child for school or already at school age, when the child begins to lag behind his peers during his studies and does not keep up with the program.

At the same time, the load on the child increases significantly, because, in addition to assimilating new information, one also has to learn to hold the pen in naughty fingers. But such problems can be prevented if a lag in the development of coordination of movements and fine motor skills in a child is detected in time. With properly planned corrective work, you can correct the situation even at preschool age.

Fine motor skills as a factor in the elimination of speech disorders

It is worth remembering that the speech areas in the cerebral cortex are formed under the influence of an increase in impulses that intensely come from the fingers.

Fine motor skills are directly related to speech and affect not only its development, but also help to prevent and eliminate possible speech disorders.

In addition, it directly affects the child's ability to learn - the "smarter" the hands, the smarter the baby. It's all in the brain. Or rather, in the centers responsible for the movements of the fingers and speech.

These centers are located very close to each other. Thus, by developing fine motor skills, we thereby stimulate the corresponding parts of the brain, and activate neighboring parts responsible for speech.

According to the doctor of medical sciences, professor, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Education M. Koltsova, there is every reason to consider the hand as an organ of speech.

The importance of early age for the development of motor skills of the future personality

Hands are a thin instrument, and they are “tuned” for a long time. Therefore, it is necessary to start work on the development of baby hand movements from birth. After all, a child is at the age of a baby, and especially at early age, has a huge potential for the formation of a future personality, in particular its intellectual development.

It is at an early age that a baby can gain a lot, but also lose a lot. It should be noted that the losses of this period are more difficult to compensate with age, and the gains remain for life.

Do not forget that it is in the first three years of life that the brain develops most intensively: by seven months, the child's brain doubles, at one and a half years - three, and up to three years it is already 3/4 of the mass of the brain of an adult.

Effective conditions for the development of motor skills in preschool children

It is necessary to use all fingers on both hands. Compression, stretching and relaxation movements must be combined. Exercises should be based on the use of isolated movements of each finger.

For the development of motor skills of the child's hands, it is important to train both hands. It is also important in games to develop subtle movements of the fingers of both hands, and in everyday life to strive to distribute various actions between the right and left hands.

The value of games for the development of fine motor skills of hands

Games and exercises for the development of motor skills are a powerful means of maintaining the tone and performance of the cerebral cortex, a means of its interaction with lower structures.

At the same time, attention, memory, auditory and visual perception improve in children, perseverance, playing and educational and practical activities are formed.

Systematic exercises also help to develop the skills of self-control and self-regulation of hand movements not only under visual control, but also with the participation of touch, tactile-motor sensations.

Games from improvised materials

To strengthen and develop the child's hand, coordination of movements, various exercises and actions with objects are recommended:

Lacing game

You can buy a ready-made “lacing”, or you can make it yourself. I am sure that the child will play with even greater pleasure if the father or mother makes the basis on their own, especially for him. You will need a piece of linoleum, plywood, plastic, etc. with holes made and lace.

Fasteners game

Fastening of buttons, buttons, flypapers, snakes. You need fabric, buttons and thread.

Laying out, sorting out the bones

You need: a plate, bones, preferably different (for example, from apricots, peaches, cherries). But if the child is still small, it is better to take large bones.

Creating a necklace from buttons, straw particles, large beads

To develop motor skills by creating a necklace, you will need: lace, buttons with large holes, several multi-colored straws for a cocktail (cut into pieces 1-3 cm long), beads, scissors.

Clothespin games

You will need clothespins and cardboard.

Unscrewing and screwing caps

You will need necks and caps from plastic bottles, a shoe box, glue.

Twisting tapes

Magic bag game

Guessing objects by touch. You will need a bag with a variety of small toys and objects.

Pencil rolling

Rolling a pencil or pen in the palms helps to stimulate biologically active points, tones the body as a whole.

Stroke stencils

To develop motor skills in this game you will need plastic bottle with a flat wall (a shampoo bottle will do), scissors.

Applications from cereals

For the development of motor skills through the application, you will need: cardboard, plasticine, glue, cereals, seeds, pasta and the like.

Transferring seeds, chestnuts, cereals, beans, shells, coins, etc. from one container to another.

Need: two or more bowls (you can use one plastic and the other metal, then we also develop hearing), “loose”. To complicate it, you can combine all the "loose" and ask the child to decompose them into different containers.

Drawing on sand or semolina

What you need: a flat plate or tray, semolina or sand.

Finger painting

Needed: paper, you can blank for coloring, finger paints, water, wet wipes.

Salt dough molding

Needed: salt dough (can be multi-colored), rolling pin, various molds for squeezing.

Each of these techniques for the development of motor skills is also aimed at the comprehensive development of the child: his musculoskeletal system, sensory sensitivity, hand-eye coordination, voluntary attention, psychoregulation skills.

Enjoy your games and communication!

IN modern pedagogy Much attention is paid to the development of fine motor skills. Regular practice of fine motor skills has a positive effect on general development child. In addition, today children especially need such games, as they are less and less faced with the opportunity to train the dexterity of their fingers in everyday life. For the same reason, experts advise parents to give children the opportunity to dress themselves and fasten various fasteners, help their mothers with cleaning, start holding a spoon on their own as early as possible and develop self-care skills.

A few tips for parents to make fine motor skills more effective:

  • to interest the baby, turn classes into fun game, involve fairy-tale characters in your game, invent stories, plot for games;
  • start with simple, gradually moving to more complex tasks;
  • but remember: if the child easily copes with the exercise, do not dwell on it, move on to the next games;
  • it is also worth paying attention to those tasks that the child does not succeed in, and then move on to new games;
  • everything that a child can do about housework and self-care - best exercises for the development of fine motor skills;
  • the exercises themselves do not develop the speech and thinking of the child if the parent is not involved in the process and does not communicate with the child. Try to select for the child new and interesting tasks for him, something new and unusual for him, which he has not yet encountered;
  • games should be short, but regular.

Ideas for activities and games to develop fine motor skills

Stringing rings on a rod. It can be a classic pyramid, or maybe just such an impromptu game. You can use a box with old discs.

Such exercises train well the tweezer grip and the grip of an object with three fingers.

Sorting of any small items. First, it is better with fingers, then with tweezers.

You can take an ordinary medical pear or a plastic bottle. A jet of air can blow off cotton pads, leaves, paper snowflakes, etc.

Oversleeping and transfusions perfectly train manual dexterity and coordination of movements.

Paper games: tear into small pieces, stripes, just crumple. You can lay out various shapes or letters and numbers.

Frames with various fasteners.

Work with plasticine or dough: knead with hands, sculpt figures, press objects into plasticine. You can see more details here “?”

Cutting lines, shapes and embroidery.

What's happened fine motor skills of fingers ? So scientists call the movements of the small muscles of the hands and fingers and believe that the improvement of these movements improves attention, memory, coordination and speech. At least in children. We, adults, do not often play Lego, and we sculpt from plasticine even less often, but we also need fine motor skills. Because the warm-up, which helps to get rid of fatigue in the fingers, returns youth to the hands, the fingers from the exercises acquire an elegant shape, and the skin, thanks to improved blood circulation, becomes more elastic and wrinkles appear on it less.

If do regularly, at least once a day, taking a minute break during work, putting down the pen or pushing the computer keyboard to the side, you will feel cheerful and energetic owner of flexible and beautiful fingers. Hands should be given no less attention than everything else ... And recently it was discovered that those who work with their fingers grow their nails faster.

Exercise for the development of fine motor skills of the fingers No. 1. "Fingers Together"

This is a record-breaking exercise in the fight against wrinkles in the areas of the joints of the fingers, and also good stretch for hands that are engaged in monotonous work.

Put your elbows on the table, put your fingers on the one shown in the photo. And now spread tense fingers to the sides as far as possible, without taking one hand away from the other. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Exercise for the development of fine motor skills of the fingers №2. "Question with an edge"

That is, we do not pose any questions point-blank. On the contrary, we try to reduce tension in the hands and fingers, and at the same time calm down.

One hand is held horizontally, palm up. Lightly tap on it with the edge of the other palm for 30 seconds. Keep the fingers of the upper hand relaxed. We change hands and massage the phalanges of the fingers for another half a minute.

Exercise for the development of fine motor skills of the fingers №3. "Here's a turn"

And now an exercise that helps strengthen the joints and muscles of the wrists . It will be especially useful for those whose hands work in a canopy position, for example, over a computer keyboard.

Fold your arms into a lock and, bending them at the hands, begin to slowly rotate them in a circle, first clockwise and then counterclockwise. You can change the rhythm and rotate it slower, then faster for a minute.

Exercise for the development of fine motor skills of the fingers №4. "Flexibility - 90 degrees"

Fold your arms as shown in the picture, placing them horizontally at chest level. Rest the palm of your right hand on the back of your left hand and push, but not very hard. Change hands. Repeat 5 times. The exercise trains and stretches the muscles and ligaments of the wrist, and, by the way, strengthens the muscles of the chest.

Exercise for the development of fine motor skills of the fingers №5. "On the pillows"

We use the desktop as a simulator without getting up. Grasp the table top and, resting your fingertips on the bottom surface of the tabletop, try to raise the table. pectoral muscles do not turn it on, otherwise you can accidentally knock it over ... Repeat 5 times.

Exercise for the development of fine motor skills of the fingers №6. "Hand Comb"

The fingers of one hand are straightened and separated, the fingers of the other are bent in the “comb” position. We put our hands on the table and with the bent fingers of one hand we make “combing” movements from the tips to the base of the straightened fingers of the other. This good massage, which improves blood circulation and prevents the deposition of salts. Make 10-12 up and down movements and change the position of the hands.

These are not difficult exercises for the development of fine motor skills of the fingers Everyone will master, do them regularly to achieve the desired effect. Be healthy!!!

Valentina Fufaeva

Almost every parent with children under the age of 7 knows that the physical development children must comply age characteristics. Everyone knows what it takes develop fine motor skills but not everyone understands how to do it. From a physiological point of view, fine motor skills it's work small muscles, which are located in the hands. The development of fine motor skills of the hands is very important, since the center responsible for active speech is located in the head, in close proximity to the center that is responsible for the movements of the limb of the hand. At development hands improves thinking, speech, memory. In addition, on how fine motor skills developed, depends on how quickly the child learns to hold a brush, pencil, pen in his hands. But develop fine motor skills of hands without development speech is not enough for a complete child development. So for two years I younger age did group work "Talented Fingers". When playing games and game exercises my children and I learned poems, nursery rhymes, tongue twisters. And in the second junior group children told tales, stretching the laces through the hole, stringing beads on the fishing line. We got "little get-togethers" with jokes and jokes.

A game "Button up the buttons"

Mushrooms, boats, butterflies, flowers are sewn from fabric. Children learn to fasten. At the same time, we pronounce the words of nursery rhymes.

A game "Sew Holes"

Children should stretch the lace beautifully without missing a single hole.

We pronounce the poems of A. Barto.

A game "Let's treat the Katya doll with juice".

Who will open more bottles.

A game "Chamomile"

It is necessary to do everything correctly, without missing Velcro, rivets, zippers, fasteners.

"Magic Eggs"

Open eggs, find stickers, small toys.

"Collect the beads"

We string caps with holes on a thick fishing line.

"Multicolored Figures"

We twist the caps on the neck of the bottles, which are inserted into geometric shapes.


We attach clothespins to plastic figures of apples, tomatoes, carrots.

"Soft, hard, smooth"

Exercise for tactile sensation.


Children on the carpet collect a picture (streams, clouds, house, etc.) with the help of Velcro, curlers.


Sort buckwheat, rice, peas. Children tell stories.

"Wonders of nature".

What is the sea to us, what is the forest to us,

They brought many miracles.


Children tear paper small pieces.


You need to divide the apple into slices. Treat friends.

"Colorful Rings"

Correctly and quickly assemble the pyramid.


Our dolls are good

Have fun from the heart.

"Close the windows"

"Fold the Square"

"Put the picture out of the puzzles"

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