Erotic female legs. About women's legs

Scarlett Madison \ About women's legs.

What part of the body do men pay attention to first of all?
According to all opinion polls, the answer is the same: on your feet.
How this is explained in terms of biology and evolution is completely incomprehensible. Well, okay, breasts - to feed the baby.
Okay, eyes: so that she is not the last fool, at least she passed something on to posterity.
There is nothing to say about the back part, the very act of birth depends on its size and shape.
But the legs ... To run faster and catch up with her was more interesting?
Women, because of such a masculine fad, also have a special love for their legs.
But only to their own, men, of course, are completely crooked and hairy.
So today we’ll talk about our favorite part of the body.

All attempts to conduct surveys among men have shown that the strong half of humanity puts the length of the legs in the first place. But are long legs always beautiful? What if they are crooked or fat or too thin? Perhaps, for slender legs, one length will not be enough, their proportionality and shape are more important.

Consider some national features of the legs. African women have longer legs, longer hips, tapering at the top, a small knee, long calves, and slender ankles. The beauties living on the Mediterranean coast have shorter legs, small feet and pronounced muscles. The women of the East have short legs and the ankle is not so graceful.
It turns out that the length of the legs affects the character of a woman. As pundits have established, a woman with long legs- romantic and dreamy, it is difficult for her to cope with the routine, but she has strict principles. A woman with short legs easily solves current affairs, but her mood also changes easily, and it turns out to be easy to convince her.

The length is long, but gait plays an important role. It turns out to be socks, ladies go inside who find it difficult to establish contact with other people. A “flying” gait is possessed exclusively by lovers. Dr. Garre argued that if a man wants to find his soul mate, he should pay attention to how the heels of his beloved shoe are worn down. The ideal wife and mother tramples the heel evenly. If the heel is worn inward, then a man has a long way to establish contact and discover the deep inner world of his companion, but if a man is looking for a strong, enterprising woman, he should look for heels with a worn outer edge.

Read character by limbs

Take a tailor's tape measure and measure your limbs, if you haven't already done so. That's what psychologists suggest seeing in leg length.
Long legs (more than half the height)
You are in the clouds (of course, with your height, you stood a little on tiptoe - and already in heaven!), You cry and take offense at the most insignificant reasons. A broken cup can ruin your mood for the whole day. Even in a happy marriage you continue to dream, you see childhood dreams until old age, everyone teaches you to live. But on the other hand, in matters of sex, you yourself will advise anyone.

Medium legs (approximately equal in length to the rest of the body)
You are smart and calm, you see people through, but you forgive them their weaknesses. It's hard to piss you off and force you to do what you don't like. At the same time, you are always ready to accept someone else's point of view, if you consider it reasonable. And sex is possible for you only if you appreciate the mental abilities of your partner.

Short legs (smaller in length than the rest of the body)
You are practical and hardworking, and if necessary, cunning like a fox. You find it difficult to meet new people, you are housebound and longing to be left alone. Periods of wild fun are replaced in your life by black longing, when everyone around seems to be enemies and traitors. And sex... It's not that important.

What women's legs can tell
A woman can take a variety of leg postures while standing or sitting. Let's see what the leg postures can say.

1. Stubborn and stubborn nature likes to stand with legs wide apart. Such a woman will never compromise, she loves to achieve her goal. If a woman has thought of something, then she will never give up her thoughts.

2. Balanced persons stand straight and keep their feet together. Such women are patient with people, economic, practical, restrained. Such women make good and loyal friends.

3. One leg is slightly pushed forward, and the girl leans on the other leg, then such a girl has a stable life position, a strong temperament. In most cases, such women are very active in life. The girl always achieves her goal and loves to be the center of attention.

4. Women who want to climb the corporate ladder and are always planning for the future love to stand with their legs crossed. For such women, the family takes a backseat. Women of this type are responsible and love to be the first in everything.

5. If a woman, while sitting, throws one leg over the other, then this indicates that she is confident in herself and her beauty. Such women know exactly what impression they make on others. It will not be difficult for such women to lure a man into their networks. They do everything with pleasure and ease. And they love life.

6. For hesitant women, the following posture is characteristic while sitting. The knees are slightly closed, but the feet, on the contrary, are widely separated. Such women love to communicate with men and at the same time are a little afraid of them.

7. A girl who, while sitting, crosses her legs and pushes them forward a little, has a tough and domineering character. Often these girls want to be in charge. In addition, such women are very jealous.

Such an erotic influence is not due to the freethinking of our society, half-naked singers on TV screens or miniskirts. Regardless of sexual morality, culture and fashion, women's legs have always fascinated the male half of the population, increasing their hormone levels in their blood. Why does a woman's legs in men excite such an attraction? The answer is simple, a woman's legs are fundamentally different from men's legs. In women, the knees are softer, the hips are more rounded, the shins are slimmer, the skin is smooth as silk (in perfect condition). But most exciting is the triangle located at the very top of the legs. This triangle is the pinnacle of sexuality, which is also hidden from prying eyes.

Morris Desmond wrote that men subconsciously in their imagination draw this hidden part (we are talking about the place where the hips meet) of the female body and the image they draw is so powerful that it is often difficult to cope with the rules of politeness. Beautiful female legs better than any hypnosis, they catch the eye of the opposite sex. But not only Beautiful legs by themselves, they awaken the male fantasy, the movements of the legs also affect the male fantasy. For example, the cross-leg position exposes part of the thigh, and the man takes the swaying of the hips as a hint of sex.

The legs are close to the genitals, which is why for centuries it was taboo in relation to them. Women's legs covered long dresses to the toes, and underwear was frilled. Back in the 19th century, girls weren't even allowed to bare their ankles, so they wore high lace-up boots.

Fear of the unforeseen influence of women's legs sometimes manifested itself in a rather grotesque way. For example, in Victorian England, even the legs of pianos and furniture were covered with covers so that men would not have dubious fantasies. Among the highest circles of society there was censorship of the language - in England, for example, chicken legs were called "dark meat", in Kaiser's Germany, underwear and stockings were called "inexpressible things."

However, no prohibitions could eradicate the craving for peeping in men, on the contrary, the charm of women can never be completely hidden. The outlines of the legs that men guess under long trousers or a skirt, the ankle exposed for a moment, ignite the fantasy of most men, regardless of culture, even if the culture strictly adheres to moral laws. Every man knows this, because as soon as spring comes, men immediately notice that women have become noticeably more beautiful.

Long legs usually attract more attention, why? Extra-long legs can be attributed to the vagaries of nature, because this is not a common occurrence. Fashion experts believe that only 1 in 100,000 women can be considered a "barbino". Could this be the reason why extra long legs are considered more attractive? Scientists have found explanations for this. Some argue that long legs indicate good health owners, and this is an essential argument in relations between opposite sexes. Biologists say that men instinctively want to share their genes with a strong and healthy woman. The owners of long legs, as a rule, tall which indicates a strong immune system.

In Bristol, scientists from the University found that women whose legs were longer than 74 cm had a healthier heart. In addition, such women are less prone to heart attack.

Long legs have another explanation, for example, long legs indicate a girl's sexual maturity. Slender and long legs mark a girl's adolescence and her sexual maturity, while short ones refer to childhood. In addition, fast-growing girls show unusual child-female sex appeal.

Researchers have spent much less time studying the reason for the attraction of men to the legs of women than the average representative of the stronger sex, while on the street, devotes his gaze to slender limbs. Perhaps the man is simply fascinated by the legs and cannot tear himself away, but, in any case, this only applies to heterosexuals. So what's so special about girls' legs?

Principal Investigator

Before reaching a final verdict, psychologist Leon W. Seltzer conducted his own research, during which he studied all the work of biologists involved in human evolution. But the specialist came to the conclusion that all theories are unconvincing, limited and unexplored. That is why Dr. L. V. Seltzer decided to find the true answer on his own.

First experience

The scientist during his work made two unexpected discoveries that fully answer the question of why men prefer women with long legs. The findings confirm that most men act intuitively. Studies have shown: the first half of men who prefer women with longer legs than are observed in the fair sex, whose height reaches 160-165 centimeters; the second half of men prefer those ladies who have a higher leg length in relation to their body.