Fingerless gloves for training are called. Fingerless gloves - stylish sports and beautiful lace, warm knitted and fashionable leather

Each sport requires special equipment that plays the role of a distinctive uniform and performs protective functions. Fitness is no exception, for which it is designed special clothing, allowing you to exercise as comfortably and with full dedication as possible. One of the details of a sports uniform for fitness is special gloves.

Some fitness and CrossFit people find it unnecessary to wear gloves while exercising.

This is especially true for male beginners, who thereby seek to show their disdain for calluses. However, such an attitude to fitness gloves, as well as to any other item of sports ammunition, is unacceptable.

They are specially designed not only for the convenience of the exercising person, but also to reduce the risk of injury while exercising. In this situation, the refusal of gloves, in its frivolity, is similar to the refusal of a seat belt in a car. To many, they seem like an unnecessary accessory, but in fact they allow you to avoid many troubles.

  • The relief of the palms of the glove, as well as a special anti-slip coating will not let the projectile slip out of the hands of the athlete . During training on the horizontal bar, the athlete does not have to make additional efforts to squeeze the crossbar with his fingers. Gloves with a non-slip surface, as it were, strengthen the grip of the fingers.
  • Perforated surface and special design, make it possible to remove sweat from the surface of the palms.
  • The fabric creates a shock-absorbing pad between the athlete's hand and the steel surface of the sports equipment. Reducing the pressure exerted on the fingers by the bar of the bar or the crossbar of the horizontal bar, allow them to maintain their motor skills and sensitivity . This is especially important for people who, by the nature of their profession, perform delicate work - working at a computer, playing musical instruments, assembling and repairing radio electronics.
  • Protect fingers and palms from blisters. For men, this factor is not so important, but the fair sex pays considerable attention to the beauty of their hands. Also on early stages the appearance of corns cause a lot of discomfort and pain, sometimes becoming the reason for the cancellation of training.

How to choose fitness gloves for a beginner?

All sports gloves are divided primarily into men's and women's.

Men's differ in design, size and shape. Models designed for the strong half have a special overlay on the palm side. Its purpose - increase the strength and reliability of fixing an athletic projectile in the hand, since it is men who are more likely to do strength exercises using barbells, kettlebells and heavy dumbbells.

Play a role in the manufacture of gloves and the anatomical features of the male and female hands. In the weaker sex, the brush is narrower than in men. That's why ladies gloves, with a similar length, there will be several already male ones.

Fitness gloves are also classified according to “professional” categories.

  • Ordinary. Often used by amateur beginners. They are ordinary leather gloves, or made of rubberized fabric, capable of protecting the palm from the formation of corns.
  • "Power". They are designed specifically for people involved in strength exercises. They are highly durable, and some models are equipped with shock-absorbing protective pads with inside. These devices allow you to evenly distribute the pressure of the handle of an athletic projectile over the entire plane of the palm.
  • Professional. The most expensive models made from the highest quality materials using special tailoring technologies. They have a reinforced base that provides additional protection for the joints of the hand. This minimizes the risk of dislocation or sprain of the wrist during sudden movements - for example, when jerking a barbell or juggling kettlebells.

When choosing gloves for fitness Special attention pay attention to the presence of a fabric mesh on the inside. It makes it possible to remove sweat from the palms. Therefore, the hands during exercise will be dry, which will ensure comfort during training.

What to pay attention to

Choosing the right size is important when choosing gloves. To determine, you should measure two parameters of your palm with a flexible meter:

  • the circumference of the hand at a level just above the knuckles of the fist, towards the wrist;
  • palm length from wrist to middle finger.

Compare the results with the table below, and select a glove by size.

When choosing gloves, first of all, be guided by subjective feelings of comfort, since the palm of each person is individual from an anatomical point of view.

Rating of the best manufacturers

Finally, consider the companies that are leaders in the production of sports equipment for fitness, in particular protective gloves.

The undisputed leader here is Nike. , almost every season presenting new collections of gloves for fitness and weightlifting. The most popular among professionals today are Nike gloves from model range Mance Elite and Destroyer.

"Under Armour" specializes in the production of equipment for athletes for over three decades. During this time, the company managed to take second place in terms of the quantity and quality of its products.

Firm "Harbinger" is engaged in the production of fitness accessories designed for both amateurs and professionals. Gloves from this manufacturer have a wide range of sizes and modifications, which allows you to choose the right option for almost any customer.

Every visitor to the gym knows that for high-quality fitness classes, special uniforms and appropriate shoes are needed. At the same time, few people know that one of the most important accessories are gloves for exercising in the gym.

If men's hands can withstand the load on the fingers without abrasions and calluses, then delicate women's hands simply need such accessories.


For comfortable work with such sports equipment as a neck, special gloves are a must. They allow you to firmly hold it without slipping, making your workout safe. Also, gloves will help reduce the pressure of the simulator on the palm.

Fitness gloves are needed for women's workouts. Very often, calluses, scratches or abrasions from the simulator can form on the delicate female skin of the hands. It is thanks to gloves that such troubles can be avoided.

Special gloves protect the wrists. Quite often, with an increase in weights, the wrist joints suffer, especially if they were not stretched well enough before training. Fitness gloves fix the hands in a natural position, thereby protecting it from injury.

People sweat a lot in the gym - this can lead to injury during training. Gloves absorb moisture, due to this, the risk of injuring yourself is reduced to zero and training becomes comfortable.

And, of course, thanks to such accessories, you can avoid contact with bacteria that somehow remain on the simulators due to the large number of people.


Like most accessories, fitness gloves are divided into men's and women's. Women's gloves are distinguished by a large color palette and smaller sizes; even on such gloves there are no special linings for convenient fixation of the neck. Men's are most often athletic gloves with a special lock for the wrist.

Regular fingerless sports gloves for fitness, which can be found in many sports stores, are most suitable for fitness.

You just need to understand that they can protect the skin of the palms only from a small impact of the simulator. They are not suitable for heavy weight. The same models, but only with fingers, are designed for combat sports.

Gym gloves with a double layer of leather will allow you to do serious strength training. Most often, these gloves have the function of ventilation and moisture removal, they allow you to feel comfortable when lifting large weights. The simulator will not slip off, and you will not be hot.

For serious heavy weight sports and frequent exercise with narrow grip there is a model with a lock for the wrist. It increases the strength of the grip, due to this it becomes possible to lift the bar with a large number of plates.

These gloves are used by professionals, so for a beginner it is better to purchase the simplest fitness gloves.

A completely separate topic is gloves for aqua fitness. The most famous of them are Aqua Glove gloves from the British company Speedo. They are very different from fitness gloves in their shape and material. Pool gloves are made from a special fabric that resists chlorine, dries quickly and is resistant to damage. Such water accessories increase the load on the muscles, making the workout much more effective.

Fitness gloves can be purchased at any sports store and are also sold online. And yet, it is better to choose them in person, so there is an opportunity to try on the model you like and choose the most suitable one.


Almost all well-known sports brands make fitness gloves. The brands Puma, Nike, Adidas and Rebook have these accessories at the highest price point, and they are suitable for men and women who are constantly involved in fitness.

Another thing is gloves from Torneo, Demix, Mad Max and Under Armor. This is a cheap option for beginners who are not yet lifting heavy weights and are not yet sure if they will be doing fitness at all.

  • Nike fitness gloves are not cheap, the amount reaches 1,500 rubles per pair. This brand produces mainly athletic models of women's and men's gloves. Many of them are presented in a unisex version, which allows you to share gloves with your soulmate. Almost all models of Nike gloves have a suede insert inside that absorbs moisture and fixes the hand well. It is important to note the thinness of the gloves, you practically do not feel in them that something is put on your hands.

  • The Puma brand is not cheap: the gloves of this company in Russian online stores cost from 1,500 rubles. Give this money for the design and silhouette, because these accessories are no different from such sports accessories from other brands. Adjustable clasp plus suede insert inside the glove - all the indicators that are present in other brands.

  • On the official website of the Reebok brand, the cost of fitness gloves starts from 1990 rubles. Almost all gloves are made from natural materials: leather or suede and a mesh upper for protection. Gloves are presented in various options: men's, women's, unisex. Most of them have special silicone inserts for better cushioning and protection, so you can safely lift heavy weights and not be afraid for your hands.

  • At the well-known company Adidas, gloves with weighting agents are considered the most popular, their load is removable and reaches 500 g. An additional load will make training more effective. Ordinary gloves will cost you more than 1500 rubles. Colors and models of gloves are presented in a small volume, the components of the gloves are the same as those of the brands described above.

  • Under Armor gloves are presented in the majority in the male version. Their cost starts from 1500 rubles. They are best used for heavy loads. Durable textiles and HeatGear technology will keep your skin dry even during intense workouts. For additional protection, manufacturers have made special elastic cuffs, and a rubberized palm will improve grip when lifting the barbell.

  • The cost of fitness gloves from Mad Max is no more than 1000 rubles. The advantage of these gloves is that they do not need to be washed by hand, they can be washed in the washing machine after each workout. A special terry insert on the thumb will allow, if necessary, to remove sweat from the forehead.

  • Fitness gloves from Torneo are presented in a large assortment and at an affordable price. For example, in Sportmaster they will cost about 700 rubles. The peculiarity of the gloves of this company is that they have special loops between the fingers that help to quickly take off the gloves, which is very convenient when changing activities in the gym. Such gloves are not designed to work with a lot of weight, when pulling with a weight of 50 kg, calluses can form. Gloves of this brand are most suitable for beginners.

  • Demix fitness gloves are an ideal cheap option for a beginner in fitness: they cost about 600 rubles, even if you quit the gym after a month, you will not be sorry for the money spent. Such gloves are practically no different from Torneo gloves: they are also equipped with special loops, thanks to which this sports accessory can be easily removed. On the back, like most gloves, there is a special mesh that absorbs moisture. The colors of the gloves and the sizes are very diverse, everyone can find what he needs.

  • Some of the cheapest gloves can be found from the Decathlon brand, their cost does not exceed 400 rubles. These gloves can be taken if you are not going to wear them for a long time. The material of most models is not natural, it quickly deteriorates. Better not to use them heavy weight as there is a risk of injury.

Exercise helps you get your body in shape. For those people who work with fine motor skills, it is important to keep your palms tender, and not to rub calluses on them. To do this, you should wear gloves. This is just as important as lightweight running shoes for runners. In them, a person will reduce injury, improve the concentration of the load on the desired muscle group. Therefore, we will tell you how to choose gloves for fitness.

Learn more about training gloves

The athlete himself chooses whether he needs to purchase gloves or not. But models for men have pads on the palms and fingers to reduce discomfort when lifting heavy weights, and they also improve grip on the surface of the projectile. With constant contact with metal, calluses and mechanical damage appear on the hands, for example, abrasions. For men's skin, this is not so important, and women try to keep their hands soft.

The people who raise big weight, there may be problems with the wrists. This makes it difficult to take more weight and develop in sports terms. Gloves allow you to keep your palms in a natural position and not injure your wrists. Classes in them are safer. During exercise, the hands sweat and can slip, which can lead to the barbell falling and injury.

In addition, there are many people in the hall. Inventory is not cleaned properly and bacteria accumulate on it. From it you can "catch" any infection from the flu to a serious skin disease.

Varieties of sports gloves

All models of gloves for fitness rooms are divided into men's and women's.

Men's gloves on the palms have pads that help fix the hand on the bar. The product is designed in such a way that it is easier for a man to cope with strength exercise. There are no overlays on female models, its width itself is already adapted to the size of the female palm.

Plain gloves are made of leather and can only keep the palms from chafing blisters on the hands. Models designed for strength training are made of durable materials. Some of them have soft pads so that there is less pressure on the palm when exercising. The lifted weight is distributed evenly over the arm.

The highest quality gloves are professional. Such models are created using new technologies. The gloves have a reinforced base to protect the wrist from possible injuries. In them, you can not be afraid to dislocate your arms when moving to a new weight. They are the most expensive of all the listed categories, but their quality is the best.

The product should not be heavy so that the hands do not get tired too quickly. You should ask the consultant for gloves that are made of airtight fabric so that the palms “breathe”. With frequent training, it is recommended to buy two or three pairs of gloves to change them while one is in the wash.

Fitness gloves are not machine washable. They are recommended to be washed by hand in soapy water. Do not dry the product in the battery or the sun. This deteriorates the density of the threads and the gloves may shrink. Laundered equipment is hung up and allowed to dry without strong wringing.

Selection by material

Models come from different materials. Cotton products are natural. At the same time, bodybuilding is not recommended in them. They should be used for fitness. They are poorly ventilated, quickly lose their appearance and wear out.

Neoprene products are better ventilated. The surface of the gloves has a good grip on sports equipment and shells. Neoprene absorbs sweat and can be used for activities power types sports. There are products with neoprene and leather. They are also recommended for use in athletics.

Leather and nubuck have a rough coating structure and adhere well to inventory. Their products are durable. They are easy to handle with a large rod weight, but they are expensive and poorly breathable. Such gloves are recommended to be purchased for sports, including weightlifting.

Models made of leatherette are cheaper than real leather. These gloves are not very durable. Equipment is chosen from a good substitute, otherwise, it will be uncomfortable to wear them.

Less often in stores you can see nylon fitness gloves. They are not recommended to buy, because the hands sweat quickly in them and begin to slip. When training using such models, it is easy to get injured.

How to determine size

To understand the size sports gloves measure the circumference of the arm. They usually measure right hand for right-handers and left for left-handers. The measurement is taken across the back of the hand. The place is taken below the joint. Not taken into account when measuring thumb.

If the number of centimeters is uneven, then the size is intermediate. It is better to choose a glove one size larger, then it will not be difficult to put on. If a tight fit to the palms is necessary, the product is bought a size smaller than the desired one. Leather products stretch and after a couple of sessions they can become large.

Price and manufacturers

In sports stores and on their websites, you can find training gloves of any cost and variety. Here you can find products of both widely known to the consumer firms and unfamiliar brands.

Considered one of the cheapest sports equipment manufacturers Torneo and Mad Max. Usually the price of such gloves does not exceed 400 rubles. In stores you can find models and more expensive, for example, leather products for 600 rubles.

The most expensive gloves are well-known sports brands, such as Reebok, Nike, Harbinger, etc. They can cost 1000-1500 rubles. Some models are multifunctional. They are recommended not only for gym classes, but also for cycling.

You can buy such equipment in any shopping center that has a sports department. You can buy a model on the Internet, but you won’t be able to try on a glove and you will have to buy blindly. Athletes often choose a product in a store, try it on, inspect it, and buy it on a site where the price is often decently lower.

* * * * * Hello! * * * * *

* * * * * I'm glad to welcome you!* * * * *

If you decide to work out in the gym, you probably thought about sportswear, bought good running shoes, pants, a T-shirt ... Someone got confused and spent money on a fitness bracelet, a special bottle for water and other devices. All this, of course, is good. But if you plan to engage seriously, are not afraid of iron, then the most useful acquisition will be a pair good gloves for fitness.

To power training become more efficient, you need to develop grip strength. The carpal expander Torneo Power line will help with this.

Fitness gloves are designed to make intense workouts safe and comfortable. After all, during training, a person sweats (if it works well, and not phylonite), the projectile begins to slide, and it is likely that you will not be able to hold it. Also, fitness gloves will help to avoid the appearance of blisters.

The price of this item varies. I saw for 5 thousand. I bought my gloves in the Sportmaster store at a very affordable price - 599 rubles.

Manufacturer: Demix

Manufacturer country: Pakistan

They are cool! The most important thing in such gloves is that the patches are correctly positioned. Then the gloves will not rub and you will not get blisters.

It is also important to choose the right size. Size S fit me perfectly. In the store, each size has its own color. True size S was presented in two colors: yellow-orange and pink. Of course, I chose pink gloves, besides, they match the color of my pants.

Gloves fix the wrist with Velcro. Do not unfasten during training. Gloves sit on the hand tightly, securely.

The gloves come off easily. They have special loops that you need to pull, and your hands are free.

Hands don't sweat.

And the thumb absorbs moisture.

Composition of gloves:

nylon 40%, polyester 30%, genuine leather 20%, elastane 10%, Lining - (PPU 100%)

I really liked the gloves!

By the way, when you put on gloves, you immediately feel cooler. I recommend!

And after training, it’s so good to stretch your feet with this massager and relax.

In order to effectively and safely engage in any sport, you need the right equipment. For example, running shoes require high-quality, durable and comfortable running shoes. They help to avoid overloading the joints and contribute to the rational distribution of the load. A similar situation with hands. Gloves for training in the gym are an important accessory that affects the reduction of injuries and increase the concentration of loads on certain muscle groups.

Why do you need gloves for fitness

Whether seals are needed in the gym, each athlete decides for himself. There are a number of reasons that speak in favor of their use:

  • Most men's glove models are equipped with overlays on the palms and fingers. They improve grip with the bar, and also eliminate the feeling of discomfort from its pressure on the palms when working with large weights;
  • Gloves protect the skin of the palms. From constant contact with metal, scratches, abrasions or calluses appear on them. This is not critical for all men, but it is important for women;
  • Many athletes who train in the gym are familiar with the problems with wrist joints. They can become a limitation when increasing weights during training. Gloves made using a special technology allow the hand to remain in a natural position and not be injured;
  • Such accessories increase the safety of classes. It's no secret that during training, the hands sweat, and this can lead to them slipping off the simulator or the barbell. Gloves reduce the risk of such situations and injury to a minimum;
  • In gyms, as a rule, a large number of people work out. As a result, on sports equipment pathogenic bacteria accumulate. Gloves help to avoid skin infections.

Existing types of gloves

Fitness gloves are divided primarily into men's and women's. Women's are smaller and often brightly colored. Men prefer athletic gloves with a wrist rest and overlays. These accessories are made of neoprene, polyester or leather. To remove moisture and improve air circulation, they are supplied with a mesh or perforated.

When practicing or use gloves with cut fingers. Models with a wrist lock will be needed when working with large weights or performing exercises with a narrow grip. In this case, the clamps can be rigid or extensible. Separately, gloves with weighting agents should be highlighted. These are produced, for example, by Adidas. Average weight cargo is approximately 0.5 kg. For ease of use, they can be removable.

What to Look for When Choosing Fitness Gloves

To understand which gloves are needed for gym, you should pay attention to some points when choosing them:

  • It is desirable that the material of the products contribute to their good adhesion to the metal. The best option– leather or neoprene;
  • When working with heavy weights, gloves should tightly fix the wrists. This will help avoid injury;
  • So that gloves do not cause inconvenience during training, they must be optimal in size and fit tightly around the hands;
  • It is preferable to have perforations on the back of the products;
  • It is desirable to complete the gloves with internal pads. They increase the strength of such accessories and reduce the feeling of discomfort.

The last thing you should pay attention to is the design. However, to get the most out of your gloves, you really have to like them.