Exercise cat how to do it correctly. Exercise cat - the best movement for strengthening, preventing and treating the spine

Target physiotherapy exercises: acceleration of rehabilitation after illness, pain relief, restoration of temporarily lost skills, prevention of chronic diseases. Exercises in physiotherapy exercises are prescribed taking into account the patient's condition, based on the clinical picture.

Specially designed complexes help to increase the tone of the body, improve metabolic processes, and raise the level of compensation. They are aimed not only at increasing the mobility of the joints and stretching the muscles.

With their help, the muscles in the problem area are strengthened, and individual segments of the musculoskeletal system are unloaded. They are designed to relieve soreness and reduce weight.

The cat-dog exercise belongs to the group of pain-relieving exercises. It is included in the complex for pregnant women and those suffering from osteochondrosis. It is desirable that a specialist in exercise therapy help develop a methodology for exercising in these states. This technique must be followed throughout the training. Departure from it leads to a deterioration in the general condition.

Features of exercises for pregnant women

IN special exercises for pregnant women, those that help relieve back muscles, strengthen abdominal muscles, to increase - if possible, the volume of the lungs - or to teach the lungs to use to the fullest extent. During their execution, it is taken into account permissible load on the body depending on the time.

What you need to know expectant mother, proceeding to the implementation of the complexes?

  • Before classes, it is necessary to consult a doctor;
  • It is necessary to take into account the specifics of the state - for example, the loads of the first trimester are unacceptable in the third;
  • Intensity training process adjusted depending on the period;
  • If the condition worsens, palpitations and pain occur, training is immediately stopped.

Exercises are performed at a slow pace, the load is increased gradually. Fatigue after exercise and muscle pain should not occur.

Special exercise - "cat"

One of effective exercises for pregnant women, helping to strengthen the muscles of the back, is breathing exercise cat.

In the classic version, it works like this:

  • You need to get on all fours, leaning on a horizontal surface with your knees and palms. The head should be kept straight;
  • Take a deep breath, tilting your head down, arching your back up;
  • Count to yourself up to 8, exhale, return to the starting position, relaxing the back muscles as much as possible.

For the female body, this exercise is extremely useful. During it, all organs that will be involved in labor activity receive a load.

With an increase in the term, the exercise cat for pregnant women is adjusted. Already at the end of the first trimester, it is not recommended to bend much, and by the 20th week it is performed only as a breathing and relaxing one.

Get into the starting position - on all fours. Breathe slowly and evenly, relaxing the muscles of the press and back as much as possible in turn. This exercise is especially recommended for women with increased body weight and, accordingly, with a large load on the spine. Exercise cat reduces stress on the back and kidneys.

"Cat-dog" with osteochondrosis

How is a cat exercise done with lumbar osteochondrosis? After removing the aggravation, it is recommended to add the “dog” pose to the standard position.

Improving the exercise is simple: while inhaling, bending your back, you need to try to lower your stomach as deeply as possible by bending. It is possible to go to the emphasis on the elbows.

Breathing should not be smooth, but jerky, it is enough to fix the positions up to 4-6 seconds, no more. Air is exhaled through relaxed lips. It is advisable to learn when arching the back - in the "cat" stage - to strain the muscles abdominals.

Exercise " cat-dog"With an emphasis on the elbows, it is recommended to do to relieve pain:

  • in the coccyx area;
  • V lumbar- with radiculitis and pyelonephritis;
  • between the shoulder blades;
  • with scoliosis;
  • during bronchitis.

Few people miss an opportunity to improve their physical development. The presence of chronic diseases in the musculoskeletal system limits the possibility of power loads and exercises on simulators.

If you want - despite the degenerative changes in the spine - to show off the cubes on your stomach, the cat exercise with the swing of the press will help to pump them up.

Movement technique:

  • When performing the starting position, it is necessary to clearly follow the rules: the knees should be clearly under the pelvis, and the palms should be slightly shifted towards them, but cover the projection of the shoulders;
  • In the initial position, the stomach is not relaxed, but tightened;
  • The pelvis tilts during the rounding of the back, not due to a deflection in the lower back, but with the help of contraction of the abdominal muscles;
  • Positions are not fixed, movements are performed abruptly.

Head in the position " dog"You should try to stretch as far as possible and bend your back more. Do not go to the elbows.

By performing the universal “cat” exercise using various methods, you can not only relieve lower back pain and relieve muscle stress, but also restore the performance of the back muscles and pump up the cubes on the press.

The materials posted on this page are for informational purposes and are intended for educational purposes. Site visitors should not use them as medical advice. Determination of the diagnosis and choice of treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician.

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It's hard to keep fit when you have a lot to do and worries. And with age appears backache, the stomach begins to gradually turn into a lifeline, constant fatigue worries. But it is enough to do just one exercise that works out the muscles that support the spine and strengthens the press. It also makes the body more flexible and improves posture.

Editorial "So simple!" advises you to do the "Cat" exercise every morning. It came to the world of fitness and exercise therapy from yoga and allows you to safely and effectively affect the entire central part of the body. Therefore, you need to know all the subtleties of this exercise.

Exercise "Cat"

The indisputable advantage of this exercise is its complex effect on the body. It not only relieves pain and discomfort in the back caused by scoliosis and a sedentary lifestyle, but also supports the functioning of the respiratory system. Therefore, it is especially recommended for those who often suffer from bronchitis and want to increase immunity.


We recommend doing back muscle strengthening exercise and abdomen daily, combining it with physical activity to other muscle groups. The time of training does not play a fundamental role, but it is still not advisable to conduct it immediately after eating. Ideally, about 2 hours should elapse between eating and exercising.

The exercise should be repeated 10-15 times. At the same time, linger in each position for 7-10 seconds. Note that there should be no pain. For the best back arch in the lumbar region, try to pull your head as high as possible. Also, make sure that your palms are directly under your shoulders. Just a few months daily execution guaranteed to improve your health and appearance.

cat pose

Although it is called a cat exercise for the back, it not only strengthens the muscles of the lower back and back, but also tightens the stomach well and makes the spine flexible.

It is believed that this static exercise, which creates internal muscle tension, came to us from yoga.

I won’t argue, but I know and remember well that as a child we did in physical education classes in elementary grades, these arching of the back, kneeling. But no one practiced yoga so widely at that time.

Exercise Cat for the back

However, there is not much difference where this exercise came from, it is important that it has a complex effect on the entire body. And especially, the benefits of exercise are manifested with a long sedentary work, because it is productive:

  • for the muscular frame of the back, relieves tension and fatigue;
  • for the abdomen, since muscle contractions activate the metabolism in cells, which leads to the resorption of fat deposits;
  • for the spine, gives a certain load, setting the vertebrae in motion and stretching the intervertebral discs;
  • for the prevention of respiratory diseases, develops rhythmic breathing, providing a new flow of oxygen to all cells and tissues of the body.

Exercise helps develop correct posture, because the back muscles are strengthened and after a while, they will no longer get tired during prolonged sitting.

Watch the video from which you will learn how to treat back pain with the Cat exercise:

It is no coincidence that athletes include this exercise in their complexes, programs and workouts in order to strengthen the back muscles well. It effectively works out the muscular frame of the middle part of the body.

What muscles are involved and how to perform the exercise

Strengthen in exercise latissimus dorsi backs that go from the waist to the armpit area and cover the area of ​​​​the back. This muscle takes on some of the load on the spine and helps him keep his back straight.

From shoulder joints the trapezius muscle goes to the spine, which is responsible for the movement of the arms, shoulder joints, neck, and shoulder blades. The development and training of this muscle improves posture, relieves pain in the neck, strengthens vision.

How to do the exercise

I.P. To perform the exercise, you should take the starting position, for which you need:

  • get on your knees
  • lean forward and rest your hands on the floor, palms facing forward,
  • make sure you get it correct position, which means: the arms are straight, the knees are bent at a right angle, in relation to the body, the back is even.
  1. While inhaling, start moving from the coccyx, squeeze the muscles of the buttocks and direct the pelvis forward, then gradually begin to round your back, feeling how the spine is stretched, and the abdominal muscles contract and tighten, pulling the stomach to the spine .. Bend as much as possible, lowering your head down. As you exhale, slowly return to the starting position.
  2. Now, as you inhale, arch your back in the opposite direction, pulling your pelvic bones up. Bend your body down as much as possible. All the back muscles tense and contract, and the abdominal muscles stretch. Raise your head up. As you exhale, slowly return to the starting position.

Only four movements that must be repeated 6-10 times. In the starting position, linger for 6-8 counts, allowing the muscles to relax. Don't share.

execution technique

The cat is in emphasis on the elbows. There is another variation of this exercise. When exhaling, lower your hands to your elbows. This technique is called: exercise Cat in emphasis on the elbows.

Don't make mistakes

At first glance, the exercise seems simple and easy. And in an effort to quickly repeat, beginners make a number of mistakes. What you need to pay attention to:

☀ Do not try to squeeze the impossible out of yourself and do not hurt yourself. It's about the spine.

☀ Movements should be slow and smooth.

Note,… that there should be a right angle between the knees and the torso, as well as between the arms and shoulders. Hands are located directly under the shoulders.

☀ Keep your stomach taut while rounding your back and while arching your spine.

☀ When tilting your head down, do not press your chin to your chest, and when raising your head, do not try to touch your back with the back of your head. This is not true, with such diligence, the fifth and third vertebrae will be clamped.

Exercise Cat for Pregnancy

exercise for pregnant women
  • eliminate back pain, relieve at least a little, the load on the spine,
  • prevent swelling and constipation,
  • strengthen the abdominal muscles.

Very important… During pregnancy, the “evil cat” pose is performed, which relieves tension from the upper spine.

In no case do not perform the exercise if you have the slightest threat of termination of pregnancy or any complications. And it is better if you consult with your doctor.

How to do the exercise. Take a starting position, standing on your knees and hands, your back should be straight. Lower your head down and round your back into an angry cat pose. Hold this position for 6-8 seconds and slowly return to the starting position.

For the little ones, it can be beaten. Tell the child how a kind cat behaves when she is in good mood. She stretches sweetly arching her back, and when she gets angry or sees danger, the cat is angry. Tightens and arches the back in an arc.

exercise cat for children

As an afterword

Everyone knows that health is almost 80% dependent on the condition of the spine. It happens that already after 40 years there are painful sensations in the spine, which is a consequence of various diseases: curvature, pinching of the nerve plexuses and blood vessels, intervertebral hernia, scoliosis.

All these diseases make themselves felt by the manifestation of various symptoms, sometimes there is numbness of the limbs, headaches, vascular diseases, decreased visual acuity ... Exercise cat can be a good prevention of all of the above diseases.

This exercise is available to everyone, it is performed in combination with other exercises of their yoga or Pilates. It does not require much time, but it definitely brings benefits. It tidies up the abdominal muscles and deep vertebral bodies will also be in good shape.

It is advisable to do it daily, only the application of the system gives visible results, and doing it occasionally will lead you to disappointment. The exercise begins with 2-3 repetitions, gradually increasing the load to about 10 full complexes.

Exercise can be performed at any time of the day, adhering to general requirements. That is, it is undesirable to practice before bedtime and immediately after eating. After eating, it should take about 2 hours.

Be healthy, dear readers!

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The spine is the backbone of our health. In this opinion, both domestic doctors and adherents of Japanese, Indian, Tibetan technicians recovery.

What does the Kitty give us?

I mean, of course, exercise. Although the pet gives us a lot, in addition to purely physical joy. But more on that sometime later.

So, the famous "Kitty" is capable of much. In particular:

✅ getting rid of back pain;

✅ return of flexibility;

✅ improved posture;

✅ reduction in waist and abdomen;

✅ strengthening the muscles of the press and back;

✅ acceleration of metabolism;

✅ improving the functioning of the digestive tract and breathing;

✅ increased blood and lymph circulation;

✅ removal of fatigue of the whole body and heaviness in the back - in particular;

✅ Emotional uplift.

And this is only the main benefit of the exercise.

Why I do "Kitty" every day

Because doing this exercise:

👍 Just! You don't need any equipment at all, you don't need to achieve the zen of (crossed out) complex techniques.

👍 Nice! Stretching is generally a very useful and enjoyable activity, especially for women. And this exercise is doubly! All the muscles stretch: back, chest, buttocks, and arms.

👍 Easily! The exercise does not require any physical preparation at all.

👍 Fast! A minute of time can always be allocated to a cat. Fluffy or in the form of exercise.)

👍 Effective! Read below why.

I am currently regaining youthful flexibility in my spine. About 5 years ago I got up on the bridge, bent into a fish and did other simple steps from my gymnastic past. And then I forgot / scored (underline the desired letter).

And what would you think?

The Steadfast Tin Soldier is at your service! Or wooden Pinocchio. Where is my ideal crease? And the fish has retrained into a straight field lazily floating on the water? And what is this wobbly bridge? You won't get far like this!

Oh, and I used to be like that too

When I began to do “Kitty” every day, even without other stretching exercises, memories of how it was began to return to the spine. Well, finally, I'm approaching the crease on the floor (when you need to sit in line with your feet). And I can make a bridge for at least a few seconds.

Exercise "Kitty". Peeped from nature, applied to man

Everything is completely licked from the cats! Copyright belongs to them)

How to do "Kitty" correctly. Basic exercise

If you think that it is enough to get on all fours and bend your back up and down, then I have to disappoint you:

- No, not enough!

Well, really, if you want to get the most out of this exercise. Let's squeeze everything we can!

Starting position

We're getting on all fours. But not like:

✅ Hands should be exactly under the shoulders, fingers forward (and not like the girl in the b/w picture above).

✅ Legs bent at an angle of 90%. Knees - clearly under the pelvis.

✅ The stomach is tightened throughout the exercise.

Here everything is correct in terms of positions

The nuances of the exercise

✅ Bending in the lower back and arching the back up always starts from the coccyx. Not from the neck.

✅ Do not press your chin to your chest and do not press the back of your head to your back.

✅ We breathe evenly. It is recommended to do backbends in both directions on the exhale. And inhale only when returning to the starting position. But opinions differ. Listen to your body. It is easier for me to inhale when arching the lower back, and exhale when “hunching”. This is not a standard.

Let's move on to the basic exercise:

1. Take a starting position. I'm on all fours. For nuances, see the point above about the starting position.

2. Breathe in and out.

3. Inhale again. As you exhale, round your back from the tailbone to the neck to the maximum. To do this, you need to tighten your buttocks and push your pelvis forward. Lower your head down, stretching rear surface neck.

4. On inspiration, we return to the starting position

5. We exhale and bend in the lower back as much as possible. We raise the head (but do not lift it up!), The chest muscles stretch. The pelvis is raised up. We feel the muscles stretch.

6. Return to the starting position while inhaling.

When the exercise is mastered, the deflection and arching replace each other only with a short return to the starting position.

Versions of the Kitty

1. The cat twists its tail. TO basic exercise movements of the pelvis to the sides are added.

2. Sphinx cat (not to be confused with the classic Sphinx!). It is performed as a basic one, but the elbows are on the floor (i.e., the hands are on the forearms).

Completion of the exercise

A very pleasant pose at the end: the muscles relax and stretch

It is most pleasant to complete the exercise in the “child's pose”. From a position on all fours, sit with your buttocks on your heels, fold. Arms remain extended on the floor, head between arms, pull upper muscles back behind the shoulders.

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This yoga spine exercise is included in warm-up complex before starting kinesiotherapy. We recommend doing the "cat" regularly at home. "Cat" is a very simple exercise for the back at home, but it is not always performed correctly. A few tips on how to make a "cat" to get the most out of it.

Initial position

  • stand on the mat on all fours so that your hands are under your shoulders;
  • place your palms firmly on the floor, point your fingers forward;
  • make sure that the arms are straight, the legs are bent at a right angle, and the center of gravity is evenly distributed between the knees and palms.

Now you can start the exercise:

  1. Take a deep breath, twist the pelvis inward. Pull your stomach in so that your back arches upward, lower your head. The abdominal muscles in this position are tense, and the back is stretched up. Stretch your back up as high as possible.
  2. Count mentally to eight and slowly return to the starting position while inhaling, relax.
  3. Inhale again and arch your back in the opposite direction, lifting your head and pelvis up. Stretch your belly pectoral muscles.
  4. The exercise ends with a return to the starting position while inhaling. If you wish, you can go into the “pose of a child”, but this is not necessary. In the pose, the back muscles are additionally stretched - the arms stretch forward, and the pelvis to the heels.

The entire described cycle should be repeated 5-10 times. In intermediate positions - above and below - linger on 8-10 accounts.

It is good to do a cat daily, combining it with exercises for other muscle groups.

The main rules for doing the exercise

When doing any back exercises, avoid jerking and stick to slow pace, transitions from one position to another should be smooth. Avoid severe pain in the back and neck during the movements.

Pay attention to the following points:

  1. The correct starting position assumes that the knees are located strictly under the pelvis, and the palms are under the shoulders.
  2. Make sure that the stomach is tucked up throughout the exercise.
  3. For the best deflection, try to raise your head as high as possible.
  4. It is advisable to do a cat on an empty stomach.

Another version of the cat:

Get on all fours, resting on your hands and knees. Arch your lower back up, lowering your head and pelvis down. Count to 10. Then lower your pelvis down onto your heels, arms remaining outstretched in front of you on the floor, resting your head on your hands and relaxing as much as you want. Repeat 2-3 times.

The benefits of exercise

"Cat" helps to stretch the spine, gently stretch deep muscles back, so the exercise helps relieve back pain, remove heaviness in the lower back without the use of drugs. In the long term, the "cat" helps to improve posture. When performing the exercise, the pectoral muscles are also actively involved (they are stretched, the body is intensively supplied with oxygen), the rectus abdominis muscle. At regular workouts can improve the flexibility of the neck, shoulders and back.

With the "cat" we recommend starting and finishing more active sets of exercises, because by sipping we awaken our muscles and prepare them for work. When the body slightly tenses almost everything skeletal muscles, capillaries open, blood flow throughout the body increases, lymph work is activated, toxins are removed from the body, and lactic acid leaves the muscles.

Take a cue from cats! Stretch more often!

If there were Olympic Games by sipping, the cats would take all the gold. Cats constantly stretch their muscles. Why do they do it?

Scientists reasonably explain: this way they immediately feel better, blood circulation improves, the body prepares for activity after rest - sleep or a long sedentary position. Modern man it is worth taking an example from animals, whose instincts have not yet been crushed by civilization! Sipping in the morning is especially pleasant and useful.

Exercises for the back at the Kazan Kinesitherapy Center

Our center hosts functional training according to the program, which include a set of exercises to increase muscle tone, strengthening the muscles-stabilizers of the spine and the ligamentous apparatus of the joints, for stretching and developing a sense of balance (balance), coordination of movements.

In addition to rehabilitation simulators, during classes it is used optional equipment: Fitballs (Fit Ball), Bosu (BOSU) - balancing platforms,.

A strong muscular corset is the basis beautiful posture And healthy spine, since it is the deep muscles-stabilizers of the back and abdominal press that support and nourish the intervertebral discs, thereby preventing the development of hernias, protrusions, and curvature of the spine. And strengthening and increasing the elasticity of the ligaments, balance exercises are the best prevention of arthrosis and arthritis of the joints, as well as sports injuries under heavy loads and accidental injuries when falling.

Exercises are indicated for people with sore joints, the spine, are useful for high blood pressure, tachycardia, since they are aimed, among other things, at strengthening the cardiovascular, respiratory system increase overall stamina.

Classes are held under the guidance and active participation of an experienced instructor.

Details and registration by phone. (843) 570-55-25 . Kazan kinesitherapy center on Saydasheva, house 11. Call us! Our specialists will gladly answer all your questions.

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