Japanese charger. Junan taiso: Japanese exercises for longevity

What is Japanese gymnastics for the face? Sooner or later, every woman notices signs of aging on her face and thinks about a way to solve these problems.

It is not at all necessary to resort to plastic surgery or . An excellent substitute would be asahi - Japanese facial gymnastics, known to many professional cosmetologists.

A special complex eliminates many age-related changes: wrinkles, flakes, sagging. Experts say that it is possible to correct existing shortcomings in 90 days.

What is Japanese gymnastics?

Japanese women have always looked well-groomed and attractive at any age. For lifting and maintaining the clarity of the contours, Japanese women use a special massage “Tsogan”, or “creating a face”. The more well-known name of the technique is asahi.

The creator of Japanese facial gymnastics is Yukoko Tanaka, a professional cosmetologist and stylist. For several years she has been developing effective massage preserving youth and attractiveness.

Yukoko studied in detail the relationship of the skin, the muscular system, the lymph glands and bones. The result of productive activity was asahi gymnastics and a book describing it - "Facial Massage".

The technique consists in influencing certain areas of the face by pressing, smoothing and rubbing biologically active points and activating the outflow of lymph. Massage extends to muscles, bones, connective tissue.

With regular use of the method, you can achieve pronounced facial rejuvenation in a short time. This is evidenced by the numerous reviews of women who have experienced the miraculous properties of gymnastics.

Indications for use

Massage can be carried out in the presence of the following aesthetic defects.


  • loss of skin tone;
  • folds and wrinkles;
  • double chin;
  • body fat.

When conducting gymnastics, it is important to consider age indicators:

  • 20 years. Neutral practices are used to maintain attractive appearance and youth.
  • 30 years. The impact is aimed at eliminating edema in the eye area.
  • 40 years. The emphasis is on reducing facial wrinkles and folds in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle. Special attention given to the chin and cheeks.
  • 50 and 60 years old. It is important to pay attention to the lifting of the cheeks and chin muscles.

According to cosmetologists, Japanese gymnastics for the face from wrinkles allows women at the age of 50 to look 35. This is also confirmed by numerous before and after photos.

10 contraindications

Japanese gymnastics designed to act on the deep layers of the epidermis and muscular system and also has medicinal properties. It is for this reason that cosmetologists, before performing the procedure, clarify the presence of contraindications.


  1. inflammatory processes;
  2. pathology of the lymphatic system;
  3. dermatological diseases:, psoriasis and others;
  4. viral infections;
  5. pathology of the heart and blood vessels;
  6. ailments affecting the throat, auricles, nasal cavity;
  7. elevated body temperature;
  8. malignant neoplasms;
  9. any mechanical injury: burns, ulcers, abrasions, cuts.

Basic exercise options (by zone)

Each technique is done with gentle massage movements, without strong pressure. Fingers should gently slide over the skin.

Each complex begins and ends with a special manipulation. To perform it, the ring, middle and index fingers are placed at a point near the ears.

Area around the eyes

The eyes are closed. The tips of the index fingers are carefully drawn along the border of the lower eyelid, in the direction from the outer to the inner. The fingers return to their original position along the line of eyebrow growth.

The movement seems to surround the eye, inward with ease, outward with slight pressure.


On inner side eyebrows are located fingertips. Next, the skin moves to the bridge of the nose, then back. Reception is performed without haste with little effort.

The area between the eyebrows

The tips of the index fingers are located in the middle of the eyebrow arch. The skin is pulled down, while the muscles resist this movement.

It is necessary to perform the exercise at least 15 times, holding the tension for a couple of seconds.


To correct the cheeks, the following are performed:

  1. Strong retraction and deep breath through the nose. The position is delayed, after a few moments the cheeks relax, an exhalation is made through the mouth.
  2. Cheeks swell as much as possible for a couple of seconds. The air then slowly rolls in the mouth from one cheek to the other, like a gargle.

Nasolabial triangle

To smooth wrinkles in this area, the following exercises are used:

  • The tips of the middle fingers are placed on the wings of the nose. Performed circular motions- 5 times. After execution, the fingers are located on the bridge of the nose, slow up and down manipulations are performed.
  • The fingers are placed below the nose, parallel to the nasal septum. Slowly fingers move along the upper lip. First left, then right.

Lip corners

To strengthen and lift the lowered edges of the lips, you must:

  1. Clench your jaw and smile as you exhale, with effort. The lips are folded into a tube, the air is exhaled through the mouth.
  2. The index fingers are placed along the edges of the lips and evenly move up and down. The final approach is to stretch the lips with your fingers, as if smiling.

Double chin

To get rid of this shortcoming, you should perform the following tricks:

  • The head is tilted back so that the chin is tensed. Attempts are made to bite the upper lip with the lower teeth and hold the position for 5 seconds. On exhalation, the head returns to its original position.
  • Three fingers of each hand are placed on the chin and massage this area with gentle sliding movements. Reception continues until the fat deposits warm up. It is important not to overdo it, so as not to stretch the skin.

With the right regular performance massage can achieve pronounced rejuvenation in just a few months. The video in Russian will teach you how to properly perform Japanese gymnastics for the asahi face.

Question answer

Vascular asterisks on the skin of the face are not an absolute contraindication to Japanese gymnastics. In some cases, massage will be helpful. You should first consult with a beautician.

For full complex 3 minutes of exercise is enough, some can increase up to 10 minutes.

Getting rid of wrinkles and other signs of aging with the help of Japanese asahi facial gymnastics is possible only if the following rules are followed exactly:

  • the ideal time for classes is morning, but you can devote the evening to taking care of yourself;
  • the skin is cleaned of dirt, dust and particles of decorative cosmetics, wiped with lotion;
  • for 10 minutes, the epidermis is warmed up with a special compress, after which a cream with moisturizing properties is applied;
  • gymnastics, according to tradition, is carried out in a sitting position, but some experts say that it is better to lie down; the back in any case should be flat;
  • receptions are carried out with the death of the fingers or the whole palm;
  • after each exercise, it is maintained for at least 10 - 20 seconds, at this time the fingertips are tapped on the surface of the skin;
  • movements are repeated 3 times, in the presence of pronounced problems, the number rises to 5;
  • all movements are performed slowly, and the fingertips are placed perpendicular to biologically active points;
  • it is important that the fingers do not roll over, this leads to stretching of the skin;
  • you can not press hard on the points so that pain is felt;
  • the thicker the fat deposits under the skin, the more noticeable the impact should be;
  • each movement is performed calmly and evenly, pressure lasts no more than 5 - 7 seconds;
  • after performing, you need to wash with cool water and apply a cream suitable for your skin type on your face.

7 advantages of the complex

Regularly performing suitable exercises allows you to get noticeable positive changes:

  • bags and circles under the eyes disappear, the skin becomes elastic and fresh;
  • wrinkles are reduced or completely disappear, located in problem areas faces;
  • the oval is tightened, sagging disappears;
  • the quality of the skin improves, elasticity and density are restored, the color evens out;
  • facial muscles become toned, and facial expressions become more pronounced;
  • , and at the same time, the number of black dots decreases;
  • the frequency of migraines decreases.

The consequences of performing gymnastics for the face

  1. If there is a rash on the skin, allergic or acne, it is worthwhile to postpone the complex of manipulations for a while. The latter can lead to the spread of rashes to healthy tissues, which aggravates the condition. Sometimes the cause of allergies is hypersensitivity to the components of oils or creams that are used for massage.
  2. Exercise leads to slimming of the face. Slender women, as well as owners of sunken cheeks, need to reduce the frequency of receptions.
  3. If they appear on the skin, you can not use gymnastics in the evenings.
  4. Development risk. When the first signs of a problem appear, it is impossible to carry out movements in places where there are spider veins. Along with this, you will have to abandon the use of scrubs and start using products to combat rosacea.

There is another version of Japanese facial gymnastics called "korugi". It is a correction of problem areas by influencing the bones of the skull, which eventually move in the right direction, and the face acquires relief, retains its youth and beauty.

Japanese gymnastics is very popular among our compatriots. A special technique, simple and affordable, quickly and effectively eliminates wrinkles and creases, models contours. Exercise can be a worthy alternative to plastic surgery.

Expert opinion

Domestic consumers have a special confidence in all products that were manufactured or invented in the Land of the Rising Sun. To reduction systems excess weight this also applies - Japanese gymnastics has acquired its loyal fans in our country. It is tempting that you don’t need to strain yourself when doing the exercises, but the effect the authors of the methods promise is simply amazing.

The concept of "Japanese gymnastics" includes 3 main systems: Tabata, the Fukuji technique and Imabari. All types of exercises are aimed at the general improvement of the body, losing weight here is considered pleasant " side effect". You need to perform very simple manipulations, even a physically unprepared person can handle them. Very little time is spent on classes, which also attracts those who want to become slimmer.

Claimed effectiveness of exercise:

  • improved blood flow;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • posture improvement;
  • stabilization of all internal organs;
  • acceleration of lymph outflow;
  • prevention of joint and spinal problems.

Weight loss, according to the authors of the methods, occurs precisely due to the acceleration of metabolism and the breakdown of accumulated fats. In just one session of the exercise with a roller from Fukutsuji, you can become 1 cm taller and slimmer by as much as 4 cm!

The result is impressive, but is everything going on so wonderfully, as the Japanese promise us?

Types and their characteristics

The Japanese come up with techniques that do not require the expenditure of effort and energy. At first glance, it may seem that this is just magic. Such a policy is connected with the fact that in the Land of the Rising Sun, neither women nor men like heavy physical exercise, for them, lifting weights is associated with something forbidden. Simple circuits, which do not require large energy costs, on the contrary, cause delight in Asian countries.

Popular gymnastics techniques:

And what's the catch?

All three methods promise very fast and almost time-consuming weight loss. However, it is worth understanding what actually happens when doing exercises.

The famous "recumbent gymnastics" Fukutsuji really helps to reduce the waist, as it uses a yoga technique that allows you to push the pelvic bones and put in correct position the spine, hence the improvement of posture, the addition of growth, harmony. But doing such manipulations on your own is strictly contraindicated, especially if you have problems with the spine. With fat deposits this method fighting doesn't help.

Imabari will also not help you become slimmer, as it simple gymnastics, which can replace morning exercises. With the help of a towel, you will be able to wake up the body and set it up for productive work, but you won’t lose weight.

Tabata involves the use of special combinations of exercises, it can only be effective if the program is compiled by a specialist, and not taken from video tutorials on the Internet. Given that one exercise is performed for only 4 minutes, it would be more appropriate to introduce this technique into fitness programs than to use it as an independent measure for weight loss.

Features of Japanese gymnastics

Copyright for the Japanese is akin to a lotus - it is sacred, therefore it is rather difficult to find exact recommendations on how to properly perform exercises using a particular technique. On the Web, you will be offered to buy special books and CDs with training videos, but it is almost impossible to find valuable information in the public domain.

Therefore, if you still decide to improve your health with the help of Japanese gymnastics, it is best to contact a specialist who will help you create an optimal program and teach correct execution movements.

Remember that the methods themselves do not give any effect of losing weight, they can only become an additional measure for weight loss.

Contraindications for exercise:

  • problems with the spine;
  • injuries of the musculoskeletal system;
  • insufficiently developed supporting muscles of the back;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • some chronic diseases in the period of exacerbation.

Expediency of classes

Exercises All Three Offer Japanese techniques, to some extent effective, but they cannot fight fat on their own. Reviews and results from those who have tried gymnastics on themselves confirm that it can enhance the effectiveness of a balanced diet and active training in the gym.

Lose weight with the help of effective and safe programs for the body and always be healthy!

You don't like to go to GYM's, persistent sports training until a seventh sweat is not for you. Perhaps Japanese gymnastics for weight loss will help you. Of course, you won’t lose fat in this way, but your waist will become thinner, your chest will rise, your posture will improve, and even your height will increase by several centimeters. Static exercises for stretching the spine were developed by the Japanese doctor Fukutsuji. His book, describing this technique, quickly sold millions of copies in Asian countries. So what's so special about it?

The main idea of ​​the author was that the cause of the wide waist is the displacement of the bones of the pelvis and hypochondrium. With age, posture deteriorates, a person stoops, lumbar lordosis decreases as well as the distance between the vertebrae. All this negatively affects not only the figure, but also the condition and functioning of the internal organs.

For a daily workout, it is enough to allocate 5 minutes. Do not exercise before or immediately after a meal. Prepare a large towel and roll it into a wide roll. Please note that the width of the roller should correspond to the waist. For convenience, a folded towel can be wrapped with a thin ribbon or twine, then it will not unfold. At first, the roller can be made with a diameter of 10-12 cm, and when you get used to it a little, increase it to 15 cm. Large people need a larger projectile.

To visually see your progress, measure your height near the wall and waist circumference in a centimeter in advance. Repeat measurements after completing the exercise. Now lie down on a flat hard surface - on a hard couch or on a rug. Put the prepared roller under the lower back. Note that it should lie under the back along a line through the navel and perpendicular to the spine. We relax the back, and stretch the legs and place them shoulder-width apart. The distance between the heels resting on the floor should exceed 20 cm. We tilt the feet towards each other so that the thumbs touch. Do not be discouraged if the first time does not work out, pull your fingers with an elastic band or put them on lower part feet with a small pillow.

We stretch our hands behind our heads and put them on the floor, palms down, so that the little fingers touch. Lie in this position for 5 minutes. If discomfort does not allow you to relax, start with a couple of minutes and gradually bring the time to the desired one. Then everything will work itself out.

After you get comfortable with this exercise, you can put a roller under the lower ribs and under the shoulder blades. After the first option, the waist is better defined, and the second method improves posture and lifts the chest. Each type of exercise is also done for 5 minutes.

Remember that after the end of the workout, you can not immediately get up. This can lead to pinching of the nerve roots of the spine. First, turn on your side, lie down for a couple of minutes, then sit down and slowly get up.

This technique is not suitable for people who have at least minor problems with the spine, scoliosis, osteochondrosis and others. If you want to try this technique, it is better to first consult with an orthopedic doctor, and then experiment.

Lose weight with these static exercises stretching the spine will not work, since the fat will definitely not go anywhere, but the royal posture will appear.

Japanese Weight Loss Method by Katsuzo Nishi

He started from the postulate that a person with healthy back has no health problems. Nishi recommended sleeping on a firm mattress, without the use of springs. Under the head at the level of 3-4 cervical vertebrae, a hard roller should lie, and not a voluminous pillow. Only in this position, a back tired during the day can properly recover.

This technique includes exercises aimed not only at weight loss, but also at a comprehensive recovery - they accelerate blood circulation, stimulate metabolism, train all muscle groups, improve the functioning of the intestines, heart, liver, kidneys and other organs.

The first exercise is called gold fish". It normalizes metabolic processes and significantly improves blood circulation. Lie on your back on the mat and put your hands behind your head. Place your feet perpendicular to the floor and assume that your legs are a fish tail. Now make vibrating movements with your tail, passing to the whole body, like a small fish. Start with one minute, and then increase the exercise time to 4-5 minutes.

The second exercise "Joy of the Baby" is more difficult. Lie on your back with a folded towel under your head. Raise your arms and legs at a right angle to the floor and make a vibrating movement with them. Such training not only removes cellulite, but also promotes good lymph renewal.

The third exercise "Closing the palms and feet" is performed slowly, it improves the metabolic processes of the pelvic organs and normalizes blood pressure. Lie on your back and bring your fingertips together over your chest. Spread your legs, bend at the knees, and close your feet. Now, lying in this position, connect the fingertips of both hands. Repeat 5-10 compressions and relaxations. Now do the same amount of reinforced counter pressure with the fingers of both hands.

Next, join your palms and perform 5-10 vertical movements above the body and behind the head. With closed palms, make several movements down from solar plexus to the groin, and then chopping swings from the head and down. Finally, with closed feet, move down and up to the groin. Perform all movements, if possible, more than 5 times. After exercise, rest for 5-7 minutes and restore breathing.

The fourth exercise is called Abdominal Breathing. It develops the muscles that support the spinal column. Throughout the gymnastics, you need to breathe with your stomach, and not chest. Get on your knees and sit with your pelvis on your heels, while straightening your spine, and keep your balance on your tailbone. First, tilt your head back and forth, left and right. Next, stretch your arms forward and hold them parallel to each other. Turn your head to the right and try to see your tailbone over your shoulder, repeat the same with the other shoulder. Do a few reps. Now raise your arms up, bend your elbows at a right angle, and clench your fingers into a fist. Tilt your head back, while the chin should look up. Take your elbows behind your back, as if you want to connect them. Keep pulling your chin up. Swing slightly to the right and left without bending the spine. The exercise is performed for 10 minutes, making leisurely meditative movements.

Charging with a towel - Japanese Imabari system

This gymnastics has no contraindications and will help women lose weight after childbirth and operations. This technique does not create strong tension, but at first it is excellent for restoring health.

As sports equipment you will need a towel that is used as an expander.

Here are some easy exercises:

  1. Take the edges of the towel in your hands and stretch it at chest level. Now firmly pull the fabric in different sides. Exercise helps to develop the muscles of the arms and chest.
  2. Hold the towel in your hands and lift them up, stretching the expander. Make tilts left and right. The systematic implementation of the exercise fights fat collected in the waist area.
  3. Stretch a towel behind your back to improve your posture.
  4. To strengthen the muscles of the thighs and abdominals in the supine position, the towel is stretched over the feet.

Izumi Tabata technique

This weight loss method is suitable for physically strong people able to endure great physical exertion, squeezed into a small period of time. 4 min. workouts conclude 8 30-second cycles, where 20 seconds is active work, and 10 is relaxation. You will definitely lose weight if you can withstand this load.

Those who want to lose weight can find among Japanese systems recovery any methods according to their data and physical capabilities. You simultaneously lose weight, meditate, restore metabolism and the proper functioning of internal organs. To achieve a greater effect, exercise must be combined with a special diet.

The main thing is systematic classes without failures and omissions.

Then Japanese gymnastics for weight loss will give good result, and then you can switch to a more complex system.

Japanese gymnastics is a breakthrough in the treatment of diseases of the spine and the fight against overweight. To lose weight, you should no longer mock your body with diets, you do not need to buy expensive back ointments to relieve pain in the spine. Gymnastics for weight loss helps not only to reduce excess weight, but also to improve the health of the whole body. Such exercises for the back from various Japanese scientists will allow you to never go to the doctor again.

Two golden principles of health

Gymnastics from the Land of the Rising Sun is based not only on performing exercises for the back, but also on the observance of two principles. Observing them, you can not only further strengthen the entire body, but also reanimate lost health.

First principle

The first principle is a firm and even bed. Man is created in such a way that he has the gift of upright walking - this makes the spine vulnerable. With subluxation of at least one part of the spine, this gift can be lost, which leads to a number of different diseases. That is why the spine must be treated with special care. It is very difficult to help your spine relax during the day, but it can be done at night. People who have spinal subluxation (this is not uncommon nowadays) do not allow their spine to relax sufficiently while sleeping on a soft mattress. From such a night's sleep is destroyed nervous system so it atrophies and becomes paralyzed. Also, during sleep on a soft mattress, the intervertebral discs warm up, as a result of which they are easily displaced, and the circulatory circle is disturbed.

For a good night's sleep you need:

  • Avoid soft spring mattresses. Need to sleep on solid flat surface. Ideally, this should be a floor, a wide board or a sheet of plywood.
  • When choosing a blanket, pay attention to a thinner one, since, having covered yourself with a blanket at night, you should not expose your body to overheating.
  • During the night's rest, the spine should be straight. This will allow you to distribute body weight evenly, allows all muscles to rest, and return the vertebra to its previous position, thereby removing the negative impact of the loads that the spine has received throughout the working day.

Thanks to sleeping on a hard surface, you can correct minor subluxations of the vertebrae that were acquired during the working day. During sleep on a hard bed, the spine is stretched into a line, and it returns to the correct state. This allows not only to avoid some disorders, but also to cure other complex diseases of the spine.

Advantages of a hard bed:

  • It is a good support for the entire spine.
  • During sleep on a hard bed, blood circulates better throughout the body, thereby improving all metabolic processes in the body. During sleep, the blood and blood vessels are cleansed.
  • Such a bed allows you to relax all the motor nerves and eliminate their overstrain.
  • Allows intestinal tract restore work during sleep. On a firm bed, in an even position, spasms in the intestines and constipation disappear.
  • Improves and restores the activity of the nervous system.
  • Gives the body complete relaxation and provides sound sleep.
  • Leads to good posture.

Second principle

The second principle is a solid pillow, it is needed to create favorable conditions for the spine to rest. The ideal pillow is a roll pillow, which will be a good support for the cervical vertebrae.

Advantages of a hard pillow:

  • Sleeping on a pillow-roller allows the nasal septum to be in the optimal position - this will help to avoid the occurrence of various diseases.
  • Allows you to correct subluxation of the cervical vertebrae, which lead to pain in the neck and in the back of the head.
  • Sleeping with a firm pillow stimulates blood circulation in the brain.
  • It helps to improve and restore vision, as blood circulation in the eye capillaries improves.

A pillow with a roller can be made of various materials (even wood), stuffed tightly with cotton wool or pebbles. If you are unable to make or purchase a roll pillow, you can use a tightly rolled towel.

It is important to know: the pillow with a roller is selected personally. It should be of a shape that corresponds to the depression between the back of the head and the shoulder blades. Leaning on it, the spinal column should remain straight.

Katsuzo Niche Method

Japanese gymnastics is a whole range of exercises for improving not only the spine, but the entire human body. It was developed by the Japanese Katsuzo Nishe, who not only formed a whole set of exercises for the back, but also proved that they are effective, by example. Niche has been painful since childhood. According to his diagnoses, many doctors predicted that he would not be able to live even to the age of 20, as he was frail and sickly. Nishe Katsuzo did not give up, he began to study various medical methods and philosophies of various countries. As a result of his research and experiments, he realized that the body is one whole. So Niche created a set of exercises that allow not only to improve the body, but also to rid it of extra pounds. After all, many who performed exercises according to the Katsuzo Nishe system claim that this is not only a healing technique, but also gymnastics for weight loss.

Physical activity according to the Katsuzo Nishe method

Gymnastics consists of a set of exercises that must be done daily. They will prevent bodily and psychological diseases. Exercises are recommended not only for sick people, but also for those who do not complain about their health. For people who do not have health problems, these exercises will not only strengthen it even more, but also make it possible to live a long, disease-free life. For people with any disease, back exercises will be the initial step towards recovery.

Improving posture - the "fish" technique

This exercise is specially designed to eliminate spinal deformity. In people who lead an almost immobile lifestyle, over time, the spine becomes stiff and deformed. Over the years, the cartilage and discs in the spine begin to break down. People with deficiency physical activity by the age of 50, they experience pain in the back. Exercise helps not only straighten all the curvature of the ridge, it further improves heart function, blood circulation, and bowel function.


  1. Lie flat on the floor or on a hard bed, face up.
  2. Bend your arms into elbow joint, while closing the fingers under the cervical vertebrae.
  3. The legs should be evenly extended and pressed against each other.
  4. Then begin to pull your toes towards you, while vibrating with your whole body from right to left.

The vibration of the body should resemble the movements of a fish, but the spine should be motionless. Such exercises for the back must be done every day for 1-2 minutes.

Improving blood circulation in the body - the "joy of the baby" technique

Exercise "Joy of the baby" is aimed specifically at improving the body. This exercise not only has a beneficial effect on the spine, but also improves blood circulation throughout the body. As a result, the lymphatic fluid in the body is updated, and not only cellulite is fought, but also overweight. The Joy of the Baby exercise is a kind of Japanese gymnastics for weight loss.


  • Lie on your back on the floor or on a hard surface.
  • Place a firm pillow or rolled towel under your head.
  • Raise up the straightened upper and lower limbs until they form a right angle with the body.
  • Raising your arms and legs, begin to make trembling movements with them (newborns do such movements when they are happy).
  • Continue to do the exercise for 2 minutes, and then lower your legs and arms.

When performing the Joy of the Baby exercise, all 4 billion capillaries that are in the limbs will begin to contract even more actively. This will improve blood circulation and speed up all metabolic processes in the body.

Fukuji technique

Based on the research of the Japanese doctor Fukuji, a breakthrough has been made in the treatment of diseases such as scoliosis, sciatica, osteochondrosis and other diseases of the spine. Also, a Japanese scientist, after lengthy research, made another discovery. He came to the conclusion that the divergence of the costal, pelvic bones and the curvature of the spine greatly affect the volume of the body. Such violations of the structure of the human skeleton greatly affect the functioning of internal organs. Japanese scientist developed special exercise, which allows not only to return all displaced bones to their place, to improve the functioning of internal organs, but also to get rid of excess weight. Currently, it is about the Fukuji technique that they say that this is Japanese gymnastics for losing weight and improving the whole body.

Physical activity according to the Fukuji method

Thanks to the Japanese scientist and his unique exercise for the back, all organs take the correct position, and at the same time begin to function well. All metabolic processes in the body are improved, which contributes not only to the restoration and strengthening of the spine, but also to a significant weight loss. In order to strengthen your health and get rid of extra centimeters at the waist, you will need a terry towel (which will need to be rolled up), comfortable clothes and 5 minutes of free time.

Exercise technique:

  • Roll up the towel. Its thickness should be 8-10 cm. Take the twisted roller in your hand and sit on a hard horizontal surface.
  • Gently lower yourself onto your back, taking horizontal position, put the roller under your back. It should be exactly under the waist.
  • Spread your outstretched, even legs to the sides, but so that when you tilt your feet inward, you can connect your thumbs together.
  • Stretch your arms behind your head, while turning your palms down and closing your little fingers with each other.
  • For the first time, you must remain in this position for 2 minutes, over time, increase the duration of the exercise to 5 minutes.