Men's aerobics. Affordable sports at home for men

As many mistakenly believe, it is impossible to achieve such a result at home as in gym and, as it turns out, there is no desire, no time, no money to go there. Such an excuse is most often heard from many men who simply do not want to practice and look beautiful. home fitness for men is not just possible, it is as effective as possible if you approach it correctly. The proper level of load and intensity can be achieved without costly sports equipment. In this matter, the main thing is desire.

Buying a pair of collapsible dumbbells and installing a horizontal bar in a doorway or in the yard is not so expensive. Much cheaper than an annual gym membership. In addition, it has long been proven that about 70% of success in this activity depends on the diet, and training can be done with improvised means. We have compiled a list of the most popular and effective fitness exercises for men at home.

Home fitness exercises

Dumbbell layout

This exercise can be performed in two popular variations - standing and tilted. In the first case, the middle beam is effectively worked out deltoid muscle, and in the second - rear. These two exercises provide an opportunity to form posture and broad shoulders, which are the basis of the male figure. You can start getting acquainted with them without dumbbells - bottles that are filled with water are perfect for this.

If the dilutions seem too easy, it is not necessary to increase their weight - just increase the number of repetitions, slowly raise the projectile and not completely lower your arms. Oddly enough, this exercise is not found in most home workout programs for men, although it is quite simple in terms of mastering and performing at home.


An excellent exercise for working out the legs and buttocks are lunges. They allow you to equally distribute the load on the front and back of the thighs. But the main muscle involved is the glutes, especially when squatting to the lowest possible level.

In addition, lunges (in particular, static ones, without stepping) perfectly regulate the coordination of movements, as they make the stabilizing muscles work actively. If you hold dumbbells or a barbell on your shoulders, then the lumbar region is also involved.


This exercise (straight or lateral) is one of the fundamental for training the core muscles. main function the latter are the stabilization of the upper body, so they need to be trained in the same way - by holding the body in a certain position. The health of the spine and safety during the performance of various basic exercises (squats, deadlifts, and others) depend on the fitness of this muscle group.

By holding the body in a static position, you can feel how the muscles of the back and shoulders, buttocks, abdominal Press, hips and others. In this case, you need to perform only the basic variation without any weights.

Push ups

Only different variations of this one exercise can replace a whole range of home exercises. Push-ups can be:

  • conventional, where the load is evenly distributed between the chest. triceps and deltoid;
  • wide grip with an emphasis on the chest;
  • narrow grip with an emphasis on triceps;
  • reverse, with an emphasis on deltas;
  • oblique and with many other variations.

You can also push up from any object (fitball, table top, dumbbells) with effort, clapping or weighting - and thus creating new variations. this exercise. When push-ups, almost all the muscles of the upper body are exposed to the load. Along with pulling up from the bar, push-ups can be a complete exercise for the harmonious development of the upper body.

Romanian draft

This exercise has a huge potential for full inclusion of the whole body and belongs to the category of basic exercises. strength exercises, as one of the varieties of deadlift. In the absence of dumbbells in the inventory, the Romanian deadlift can be performed without weights, on one leg. It will also provide an opportunity to train coordination and sense of balance. Deadlift even without weight will be quite difficult, so it is very important to correctly master the necessary technique. An interesting variation of the exercise is the King deadlift.

Romanian deadlift can perfectly complement squats and lunges, providing maximum load to the bottom of the body.


This exercise is a little more difficult than push-ups, since the load in it is significantly higher - a larger percentage of body weight serves as weights. But there are also a huge number of pull-ups, which depend on the type and width of the grip:

  • upper;
  • lower;
  • narrow;
  • wide;
  • neutral and others.

If you pull yourself up not in the house, but on the street, this is also a great opportunity to exercise in the fresh air.


This is one of the most important exercises, which simply has no equal in terms of the number of muscle groups involved. Squats contribute to metabolic processes, prevention of varicose veins, and a general increase in strength data. There is even a saying among bodybuilders: “Do you want to be the owner big hands- swing your legs. This is due to the fact that the peak of hormones that are responsible for growth muscle mass, depends on the general training loads rather than loads on specific muscles.

The work of large muscle groups gives an excellent calorie expenditure, which is also a key factor for everyone who wants to lose weight. excess weight. Without developed legs it is impossible to run fast and jump high. Hip mobility and stability knee joint will make it possible to prevent accidental household injuries. The back, which maintains a static position when squatting, also receives a high level of load, the core muscles are strengthened.

Thus, fitness for men at home is possible with minimal equipment costs. Everything depends on you. One of the most popular supplements, which contains a complete set of amino acids, vitamins and other useful substances, is "". This is a revolutionary development that allows you to achieve maximum results in the shortest possible time.

Many of you think that training at home is not possible to pump up decent muscles, since it is believed that without heavy basic exercises (bench press, squats, deadlift) it is impossible to achieve more or less impressive results. If you want to do powerlifting, then this statement is true, but we have a different goal, and therefore gaining quality mass and strength by training at home is quite realistic. Let's see what we need for this and how much it will cost.

And so, at least we need a horizontal bar, bars and dumbbells, this is a must-have equipment for practicing at home, which will replace your gym and take up very little space, which is important for an apartment. Horizontal bars with bars are mounted and floor, the first ones will not cause a significant blow to your budget (1500-3000 rubles), outdoor ones are more expensive, but also more reliable (8000-15000 rubles). We take dumbbells, the more weight the better (after all, we are going to progress), but not less than 25 kg each. The cost of dumbbells varies quite significantly depending on the models (I bought mine, 30 kg each, for 4000 rubles). Well, in principle, we have the necessary minimum in order to become big and strong.

The first day. Back, biceps

  • Wide grip pull-ups 4 sets of 10-15 reps. (if you can more - we cling to weighting, if less - we put a chair and help with our feet)
  • pull up reverse grip 3 x 10-15 times
  • One arm dumbbell row 3 sets each arm 12-15 reps
  • Lifting dumbbells for biceps while standing 4 x 10-12 times

Second day. Chest, triceps.

  • Push-ups from the uneven bars 5 sets of 10-15 times (if you can more - we cling to weighting, if less - we put a chair and help with our feet)
  • Push-ups from the floor 3 x 15-20 times (you can between chairs or on dumbbells for better stretch chest, you can also put a weight on your back)
  • Breeding dumbbells to the side lying 4 x 12-15 times (a bench can be built from two chairs and a board)
  • French dumbbell press from behind the head sitting or lying 4 x 12-15 times (can be alternated every other week)

Day three. Rest

Day four. Legs

  • Squats with dumbbells 4 x 12-15 reps
  • Squats on one leg 3 x 10-12 times
  • Lunges with dumbbells 3 x 12-15 times for each leg
  • Or squats with dumbbells in (3-4 series will replace all the exercises above)
  • Deadlift with dumbbells with an emphasis on the biceps of the thigh 4 x 10-12 times
  • Single leg calf raise 4 sets to failure.

Day five. Shoulders

  • Lifting dumbbells sitting up 4-5 x 10-15 times
  • Breeding dumbbells to the sides 4 x 10-15 times
  • Lifting dumbbells in front of you 3 x 10-15 times

We try in each approach (except for warm-ups) to achieve burning sensation and muscle failure. Rest between sets is 2-5 minutes, according to well-being, the average duration of a workout is 1-1.5 hours. Also, do not forget that for muscle growth, you need to eat 1.5-2 grams of protein per 1 kg of your weight per day, if you don’t gain it, buy protein and drink a shake after a workout ( protein cocktail does not replace natural food but only supplements it). Remember, without proper nutrition there will be no growth.

Many sooner or later think about the fact that their physical form leaves much to be desired. The desire of men to build muscle at home is huge, but not everyone imagines how hard it is. Often after the first wrong workouts at home, a man throws sports.

The male sex does not want to go to the gym because of the ridicule from the “jocks”, or because of the lack of enough time and money. Few people know how to organize a quality workout at home. Naturally, you are unlikely to achieve huge positive results, but it is quite possible to put your figure in order.

Home conditions are a great place to start your workout

Fighters ancient greece every day they started their morning by lifting a weighty bull… The more the man trained, the greater was the mass of the animal. We will not exploit animals, to start training you will need a portfolio with weight in the form of bricks or thick books and a horizontal bar.

Let's start with exercises on the horizontal bar. You need to put a heavy briefcase on your back, hang your hands on the horizontal bar, placing your palms towards you (hands should be shoulder-width apart).

Try to do pull-ups as rhythmically as possible.

Do not make sharp jerks and long breaks.

It is better to do the exercise slowly, but at the same interval. Breathe in as you rise and breathe out as you lower your body.

Now let's complicate the task. We grab the horizontal bar from above and continue training.

The minimum number of lifts for 1 approach is 3-4 times, the maximum number for each individually. When you learn how to perform these two exercises without any problems, try to add the same ones to them, just spread your arms wider and wider over time.

Again we change the position of the hands, clasping the horizontal bar with all fingers from above. Now we pull ourselves up and put our head under the horizontal bar (and not the chin above it), as a result of such a training, you pump not only your arms, but also your back.

Men prefer push-ups. For men, strength exercises are more preferable, because with their help the results are felt earlier. Regular push ups- Great workout at home. Starting position on the floor, hands shoulder-width apart. For maximum efficiency, put a heavy backpack on your back, and try to lean on clenched fists. Inhale as you lower your torso, exhale as you rise to the starting position.

Start push-ups with 5-7 times in one set. If your back starts to break, then rest lying on your stomach, putting your hands under your chin. Mentally distribute the load, as in the first case.

Let's move on to ways to pump the press at home for men

Pumping the abdominal muscles is a rather difficult task. But let's start with the most simple and well-known exercises for training at home.

We put our legs under the chair / sofa / bed, bend our knees (90 degrees) in a sitting position. We lower upper part torso to the floor, then we do smooth lifting of the torso, alternately turning left and right.

On the back, if desired, you can hang a backpack with a load. When performing the exercise, take your time, try to lower yourself more smoothly, without “flopping” on the floor. Start with 5-6 sets so that your muscles do not hurt the next day. It is better to spend a week warming up, and then you can perform 100-200 repetitions at a time.

To pump your back, you need to change the starting position (turn over on your stomach). Legs remain under a chair or sofa. Put your hands behind your head and begin to arch your back as much as possible. As a result of raising and lowering the upper body, you will form a small relief on the back. We start the exercise with 5-7 repetitions per approach.

We finish the men's workout with squats

When performing this exercise, you can significantly increase the mass of the backpack on your back in order to quickly achieve the desired effect. Additionally, you can take a small load in your hands (its mass should not exceed the mass of the backpack on your back). Starting position - legs apart shoulder-width apart, arms with a load stretched forward. Slowly, rhythmically we perform "male" squats with weighting.

There are two ways to squat: regular squats and deep squats. For normal squats for men, you should imagine that you are sitting on a chair that is behind you (pulling back a little lower part torso back). Thus you will pump gluteal muscles. For deep squats, the buttocks should touch the calves. Throughout the exercises, make sure that your back is as straight as possible. To begin with, you can do 10 regular squats and the same number of deep ones.

After training, be sure to rest, but just do not fall asleep. After an hour, you can eat, giving preference to food that is rich in protein. These products include: meat, soybeans, pumpkin seeds, milk powder, nuts, cheese, peas, tuna, beans, cottage cheese, etc. They are also useful for the entire male body.

Do not try to achieve tangible results in a short time, it is better to train 3-4 times a week. Make it a ritual, just like washing your face in the morning. This set of exercises does not take much time, you can perform them at any time of the day in the house or on the street. These exercises will pump the main muscles and make your figure taut.

dream to have beautiful body, the outlined muscles are easy to translate into reality. Intention, basic knowledge of anatomy, regular workouts give excellent results. Endurance, strength will appear, muscles and health will be strengthened. The complexes consist of cardio and strength exercises, designed for all muscle groups. These exercises are performed on a regular basis and are suitable as home and street workouts.

Beginners perform with straight legs, "oldies" with bent knees. In this position, the abdominal muscles contract more strongly.


  1. we tear off the shoulders from the floor;
  2. we twist to the maximum, trying to reach our knees with our foreheads.

With a deep backward movement, the shoulder blades touch the floor, which allows lower press relax. To thoroughly work abdominal muscles, we do not take our shoulders far back. In this position, the iliopsoas muscle will also receive a load.

Disk, dumbbells (weight from 8 kg) are allowed to be held on the chest or hands behind the head (15 x 2).

Oblique twists:

  1. we settle down on the left side;
  2. legs bent, pressed, right wrist behind the head;
  3. as high as possible at the same time raise the body and legs.

Repeat for each side 12 x 4.

Lunges for elastic buttocks and thighs

  1. For balance, we spread our legs wide with our toes turned inward.
  2. The hind limb is set back, resting on the fingers.
  3. The fulcrum is a flat foot.
  4. We lower the body down, allowing a slight tilt forward.
  5. We do not bring the knee out further than the toe.
  6. Freeze in lowest point 2 seconds back

Weighting. We put the dominant foot on the encyclopedia. When moving down, they will stretch more biceps hips. We take dumbbells of 7 kg. Raise them up while moving the torso down.

From 13 repetitions on each leg in 2 sets.

french press

This exercise develops 3 bundles of delta, triceps.

  1. lie down on a bench (couch);
  2. pull the arms with the load vertically upwards;
  3. on bent elbows, lower the dumbbells to the shoulders;
  4. pause, return to the starting position.

Bench press on triceps:

  1. sit down on a bench;
  2. hold the load with both hands;
  3. lift them up, keeping the elbows immobile;
  4. we start the weight behind the head;
  5. we linger for a second, we return to the base position.

We take the weight based on 10 - 12 repetitions.

Horizontal bar

Exercises great stretch muscles, builds mass. Pull-ups with arms 25 cm wider than shoulders are ideal for the back, core, chest, and deltas.

  1. On the inhale we raise the chest to the crossbar, on the exhale we go down.
  2. Elbows are static.

16 x 3.


  1. We cling to the support with a neutral grip.
  2. Hold the ankles on the bottom support.
  3. We hang on straight arms, pull ourselves up.

13 x 3.


boxer movement, waving your arms will warm up the body.

Jump lunges

Exercise develops strength, loads the buttocks, quadriceps.

  1. We put our legs in a position for a lunge: with the left we lean on the foot, we bring the right back, put it on the fingers.
  2. In the process of execution, we bend both limbs at an even angle.
  3. Jumping high, quickly change the position of the legs - the right one dominates, the left one on the toe.
  4. We land softly.

15 x 3.

sumo squat

Work: inner thigh, lower leg, abs.

  1. We become in the rack of sumo wrestlers - 30-40 cm wider than the shoulders. The feet are maximally turned outward, static.
  2. With a straight body, we squat to the parallel with the floor, rise up.

For greater effectiveness, we grab a dumbbell of 5 kg with our hands.

Triceps push-ups

  1. We become point-blank lying down.
  2. Bending your arms, lower your body to a comfortable position.
  3. With pressed elbows, smoothly return, repeat.

20 x 4.
After the first set, add a load on the back. Weight depends on the level of muscle pumping.

Incline dumbbell row

We load the upper back, rear deltas, forearm muscles, brachialis.

  1. We grab the load from the floor with the right hand.
  2. We pull it up along the path of the arc, touching the pelvis.
  3. Forearms static throughout the set.
  4. We freeze at the top point, trying to bring both shoulder blades together.
  5. We return to the starting point.

Raise 12 times, change hands. We perform in 3 approaches.

Push-ups with a wide grip

We train thoracic region, frontal delta, triceps.

  1. Legs, back, pelvis form a straight line.
  2. We go down on arms wide apart.

Over time, the exercise becomes more difficult.

  • Claps in front or behind the head.
  • The hardest thing is “applause” behind your back.
  • We rely on stands (skirts, boards, books). The height will allow lowering the body below, stretching the muscles.
  • To enhance the effect, we put a load on the back (pancakes, kettlebell).

12 x 2-3 sets.

Bending the arm to the shoulder

The shoulders are involved, a triangular relief of the biceps is formed.

  1. We sit on the edge of the chair.
  2. When performed without emphasis, we put 1 brush on our knees, lower the load down.
  3. Bending the arm at the elbow, bring it to the opposite shoulder.
  4. We touch the collarbone, we feel the contraction of the biceps.
  5. Lower the hand along the trajectory of movement to the basic position.

13 x 4.


We train the heart muscle.


This exercise activates the deltas, back, chest, internal muscles:

  1. we go down on all limbs, we raise our left hand.
  2. turn the body to the left, twisting the body. We do it at the pace.


  1. Feet together, fingers clasped at the back of the head.
  2. We push the hips forward, we become in a semi-squat.
  3. Keeping the posture, jump with legs apart.


  1. We squat, knees touch the chest.
  2. We jump back to point-blank prone.
  3. We return to the starting position, pushing off with our heels, we fly up.

Rock climber on discs

Work: deltas, chest, abdominal, thigh muscles, triceps.

  1. We stand on our toes at point-blank range.
  2. We put computer disks under our fingers.
  3. With their help, we make sliding movements to the chest.
  4. Straining the press, we connect both knees near the chest.

Push up running

  1. We take an identical position with an emphasis on medicine ball, bench.
  2. Hands are strictly under the shoulders.
  3. Straining the abdominal muscles, we tear off 1 leg from the floor, pull the knee forward.
  4. The body is evenly elongated.

We repeat for the other side.

Exercises are best repeated in a circle (20 x 5).

We train legs

Squat with a load

Work: quadriceps, calves, buttocks, lower back,

  1. Feet hip-width apart, heels fixed.
  2. We take dumbbells (10-15 kg each).
  3. The palms are turned to the hips.
  4. On bent knees, we slowly lower ourselves down. The body is flat.
  5. We squat to the parallel of the pelvis with the floor.
  6. On the exhale, we push off with the heels, we return to the basic position.

15 x 2.

Exercise for the calf muscles

  1. We sit on a chair, put a container of water on our knees (5 kg is enough for beginners).
  2. We raise our feet on our toes.

If after 20 repetitions the calves are burning, the weight is right.

Horizontal bar

Hanging leg raise

We train the press, the front delta.

  1. We cling to the crossbar with a direct grip, hang.
  2. We bend our knees, pull them to the chest with muscle tension, lower them. We do not swing the body.

We complicate the task.

  • We pull bent legs to the crossbar.
  • If you turn your knees to the sides, the oblique muscles are involved.

We pull up with a narrow grip.

  1. The exercise is designed for all bundles of the delta, triceps.
  2. We grab the crossbar, distancing the palms by 10 cm.
  3. We touch the stick with the lower part of the chest.

The men's home workout program is ideal for beginner athletes. With its help, you can prepare the body, set the rhythm for working on yourself, improve strength and endurance.

Taking care of your body and your own health is important not only for women, but also for men. Among the guys there is an opinion that without iron and daily strength training in the gym, it will not be possible to give the muscles the desired volume and keep the body in good shape. In fact, this is a myth, exercising at home from scratch, you can put your figure in order, the main thing is to choose the right effective exercises.

To compose effective complex activities, you need to take into account the capabilities of your body, physiological features, level physical training. Only if the training is individual in nature, you will be able to achieve noticeable result in a short time. An equally important condition is motivation and desire, a responsible approach and willingness to work.

When doing sports at home or in the gym, you need to understand that there are a number of important rules, which should be followed, because the outcome of the training and the final result of your work on yourself depends on it. Listening to simple advice, you can avoid injuries and common mistakes:

  • Determine the purpose of the training. It is important to understand whether you are exercising for weight loss or for relief and voluminous muscles, because the whole future path depends on it.
  • Start practicing without equipment, hone your technique, work with your own weight, and only then proceed to classes with dumbbells and a barbell.
  • Always start with light cardio to help warm up your muscles and joints and raise your heart rate to 120 beats per minute. before training and after - the most important elements that cannot be neglected.
  • Be sure to plan your workouts. You need to do 3-4 times a week. The duration of the lesson should not exceed 60-90 minutes. Take time to rest, muscles need time to recover.
  • - the best start to the day. Do exercises, this will allow the body to be more alert and more resilient. Just 10-15 minutes of warm-up in the morning will help prepare the foundation for more serious workouts.

When the body adapts to a given rhythm, you can gradually increase the load - start exercising with equipment, add weight, number of repetitions, increase the speed of work. Try to diversify the training, change the exercises and alternate them every 10-15 days. If earlier you worked out without a horizontal bar, then after a while you should include exercises on the crossbar in your program. Of course, the most important thing in working on your body is constancy. You can not skip training, each session should be held with maximum dedication.

Before compiling a training program for a week, it is important to understand the basic principles of nutrition. If your weight is normal, and the thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer is minimal, you should work on the mass, that is, you first need to build muscle, and then switch to drying to emphasize the relief. If you understand that you are suffering overweight So first you need to lose weight. Crossfit, fitness and other types of aerobic exercise will help you with this.

Sports activities will not bring results if you do not eat properly. In pursuit of toned body and pumped up muscles, the first thing to do is adjust the diet. Get ready to count calories. At first, you may need a strict diet, then you can just stick to the main principles.

Gaining mass, which you will pump into the muscles, you need to eat with an excess of calories. This does not mean that you need to eat sweets or other similar foods. It is necessary to give preference to proteins, because they are a building material for muscles, as well as complex carbohydrates (durum pasta, cereals). Do not forget about vegetables and fruits, they should also be on the menu.

When exercising at home or in the gym, you must adhere to the drinking regimen. Water is part of every cell in our body, without it it will not be possible to build beautiful muscles. Every day you need to drink 1.5-2 liters of clean water without gas. Even if you are in the drying phase, you should not reduce the amount of fluid you consume, because this will lead to dehydration and poor health. The essence of drying is to remove fat, outline muscles, and not bring you to a loss of consciousness.

Training and its features

male training must necessarily include basic exercises- pull-ups on the horizontal bar, push-ups, twisting. Mass workouts can be structured so that every time you train different groups muscles, for example, on Monday you work out on the legs and shoulders, on Wednesday - on the press and pectoral muscles, Friday - back and arms.

Watch the video:

However, no less effective and popular are circular exercises. Their essence is that you need to perform the exercises one after the other with a minimum interval for rest. The occupation is characterized high level intensity. It can be easily burned excess fat and strengthen the cardiovascular system.

It is necessary to perform several exercises one after another, as it were, in a circle. In addition, each exercise will be aimed at different muscle groups. In one set, you can combine movements for the press, legs and arms. This will allow you to harmoniously and simultaneously pump all parts of the body. IN circuit training can be combined the following exercises:

  • squats;
  • push ups;
  • dumbbell traction;
  • bar;
  • lunges;
  • breeding hands with dumbbells standing or sitting;
  • pull-ups.

To increase the load during classes, you can train with an expander. Elastic band is inexpensive, and is freely available from any sports store. It creates additional resistance necessary for better muscle development. It is necessary to increase the load only when the body is ready for changes.

Home training is an affordable solution for men who are just starting to play sports. Experienced athletes also do not exclude it from their schedule, because only an integrated comprehensive approach guarantees a quality result. Get inspired and in a good mood!