Sports nutrition recommendations for use. What is sports nutrition? Types of sports nutrition? For whom is it needed? And why is it needed? The sports nutrition market is not controlled by the state

Sports nutrition is a complex of various supplements to improve performance, usually in power sports. And most often they talk about sports nutrition, of course, in bodybuilding. Why? Perhaps because in bodybuilding you need to develop many different qualities to get the maximum result - like endurance (cardiovascular system, take care of ligaments and joints), and explosive force (for further progression in results). But another reason is, most likely, the popularity of bodybuilding. Most people go to Gym to keep fit and, of course, pump up muscles.

What is sports nutrition?

Sports nutrition is divided into several types:

1. Protein supplements (protein)

2. Carbohydrate blends (gainers)

3. Amino acids (such as BCAAs)

4. Fat burners

5. Vitamins and minerals

6. Other additives (creatine, extracts of various plants, etc.)

Now let's briefly talk about each point.

1. Protein Supplements needed to make up for the lack of protein (if available) received with food. For example, if you mainly eat only one chicken breast and rarely add other types of meat to the diet, then the amino acid profile that the body receives from protein will always be the same. And, most likely, the body will lack some amino acids, which will eventually lead to slower growth of muscle mass. To maintain a varied amino acid profile, protein supplements (protein) can be consumed, tk. they typically contain a complete profile of all amino acids with a focus on essential amino acids (which are especially important because the body cannot synthesize them on its own, so they are called essential).

2. Carbohydrate blends, or they are also called gainers, are needed mainly for those who have fast metabolism. Such people need to get more energy from food than those who have a slower metabolism. You can take them, for example, between meals. So on the day you get more energy with less consumption total food. However, here you still need to take into account that the gainers mainly consist of fast carbohydrates, so the chance to gain more and excess fat. So, you need to be careful when including carbohydrate mixtures in your diet.

3. Amino acids- they are most often understood as supplements similar to protein (protein blends) with the only difference that amino acids are absorbed much faster than when taking protein. For example, the assimilation time of pure amino acids is almost instantaneous and the entire amino acid profile enters the blood almost simultaneously. Protein is digested more slowly (from 30-40min and longer). That's why amino acids are used mainly before, during and after training, as well as in the morning when you just woke up. Those. they are needed at such moments when the need for amino acids in the body is high and they are needed, so to speak, “here and now”. In other cases, you can take protein, because. there is no point in such a rapid absorption of protein.

4. Fat burners is a complex of substances (caffeine, L-carnitine, guarana, omega-3, etc.), which contribute to more active fat burning. This is achieved different ways: suppression of fat synthesis, decreased appetite, increased overall metabolism in the body. Here you already need to look at the description and composition of each specific fat-burning supplement. Of course, these supplements work provided that you follow proper diet and workouts. For example, if you are gaining mass and taking fat burners at the same time, then there will be no benefit from this.

5. Vitamins and minerals, I think, are familiar to everyone since childhood. By themselves, vitamins are organic substances with a certain composition of molecules that are needed by any living organism. Their function is that they speed up the work of enzymes, with the help of which all chemical processes in the body proceed. Because in training athletes, all metabolic processes are more intense than in ordinary people, then the need for vitamins is also higher. And, in fact, the need for all nutrients in athletes, and especially in bodybuilders, will be much higher than the average person. Therefore, when practicing any sport, you can additionally take vitamins and minerals, because. it is far from always possible to get the required amount from food. Of course, there is nothing fatal in this if you do not take additional vitamins. (I rarely buy any supplements myself), it's just that progress with them can go a little faster, provided, of course, in the first place proper nutrition, workouts and daily routine.

6. Other additives, such as creatine, various plant extracts to increase testosterone, etc. I think the most popular of these is creatine. And, in fact, of all supplements, creatine occupies a leading position in sports nutrition, because. judging by the reviews - it works well for many people. Though I personally haven't used it myself. For many, it helps to increase strength quite well; opinions are ambiguous at the expense of muscle mass - because. creatine retains water in the muscles, then at the time of taking this supplement, body weight increases, but for some, after the end of taking creatine, almost all the weight remains, and for some, everything goes away as it was before taking creatine. Therefore, here it is already necessary to try each individually. About other additives (testosterone boosters and more) I can’t say anything, because I personally have not used it, and the opinions are completely opposite.

That's actually it was short review various kinds sports nutrition. But most importantly, remember that these are only supplements, and first of all, you need to follow the diet, training and recovery (sleep). And supplements ... these are just supplements to the main diet, nothing more.

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The term "sports nutrition" includes preparations and concentrates specially designed for people involved in power types sports. Sports nutrition for beginner athletes aims to increase strength, endurance and muscle mass. Now let's look at the main types of products that beginners need.

The need for sports nutrition

Athletes during periods of intense training and high loads much more energy is required that a regular diet is not able to provide - in order to progress in bodybuilding and powerlifting, athletes require additional sources of calories and building blocks for muscles.

It should be understood that any sports nutrition is only an addition to the main diet, without proper nutrition, sports supplements will not give any result.

Novice athletes are often wary of sports nutrition, confusing nutritional supplements with pharmacological drugs used by experienced and professional bodybuilders. In fact, you should not be afraid of sports nutrition - all supplements and concentrates consist of the same natural substances as ordinary human food, and cannot harm the body, unless, of course, they are stored and used in accordance with the instructions.

The difference between sports nutrition and regular food is its concentration - a property that allows supplements to be absorbed much faster and more completely. In this case, the body does not need to spend additional energy on digestion.

Girls who train in a fitness club will also benefit from sports nutrition. It would be ideal to add whey protein, BCAA and multi-vitamin complexes (for example, Opti-women) to the main diet

The calorie value of one glass of a carbohydrate-protein mixture can be much higher than that of a plate of potatoes with meat: this does not mean that athletes need to stop eating regular food and switch to supplements only. Beginners should understand that sports supplements are only an addition to an athlete's diet and will not work on their own without regular training and a special sports diet.

Classification of sports nutrition

There are several types of sports food additives which are especially necessary for beginners:

  1. Vitamin and mineral supplements;
  2. Whey protein complexes.

Consider the purpose and principles of action of additives in more detail.

1. Gainer. Gainers are protein-carbohydrate mixtures to increase mass and quickly replenish energy costs. The use of gainers allows novice athletes to achieve a significant improvement in strength and weight gain due to the supply of calories and building protein when it is really necessary for the athlete - directly during strength exercises or immediately after training.

Gainer affects the growth and regeneration of muscle tissue through the introduction of easily digestible protein into the body and creates an energy basis for more intense and prolonged training.

Beginners should be aware that the gainer is only suitable for ectomorph athletes (thin physique). Otherwise, carbohydrates will be stored as excess fat.

2. Creatine. Creatine monohydrate is a nitrogen-containing acid involved in the metabolic and energy processes of muscle and nerve cells. Strength athletes use creatine to increase strength and muscle mass.

Creatine allows you to release a large amount of energy in a short period of time, gives relief to the muscles, and contributes to the rapid recovery of athletes after hard training.

3. Amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks from which all protein molecules in the body are formed. Without additional amino acids in bodybuilding, mass gain is impossible. Amino acids are also needed for:

  • Recovery of the body after training;
  • Subcutaneous fat catabolism;
  • Getting energy;
  • Increase in muscle strength.

A special role for athletes is played by 3 amino acids - valine, leucine, isoleucine, united by the general term - BCAA (from English - branched chain amino acids). These amino acids are taken by bodybuilders in the form of separate nutritional complexes. BCAAs in combination with other supplements provide a "quick start" for the athlete.

4. Protein. Proteins are made up of amino acids linked in chains. In bodybuilding, proteins are needed to obtain the amount of protein necessary for growth, as well as for weight loss and "drying".

Especially useful for beginners whey proteins- concentrated mixtures of proteins obtained from whey. These proteins are also called "fast" because they have an increased rate of absorption in gastrointestinal tract. This creates a high concentration of free amino acids in the blood and muscle tissue, which contributes to the productivity and duration of training.

Selection of sports nutrition

Beginners need to choose sports nutrition, taking into account individual morphological characteristics and current sports tasks. The product must be of high quality, produced by a well-known company with an impeccable reputation, balanced and have a reasonable cost.

Do not be afraid of overdoses or any side effects. Sports nutrition is not anabolic steroids, in any case, there are more benefits than harm

If possible, buy sports nutrition from trusted companies and in civilian stores. Sports nutrition is not often faked, but it's still better to play it safe.

The best quality additives are produced by companies such as Optimum Nutrition, BSN, MusclePharm, Universal Nutrition, USPlabs, Dymatize.

Every day I am asked “how to take sports nutrition?” How to use protein, gainer, amino acids and more. People do not quite understand that this is an additive to the diet, but not as a replacement for it. Therefore, to tell exactly when to consume something, you need to know your lifestyle, your daily routine, etc. Agree, I cannot know this, therefore there cannot be an exact answer for everyone. But I'm giving you the basics so you can figure out when and what supplement to take.

How to take protein for muscle gain

This is a protein supplement and you should only take it if you are unable to gain required amount protein from regular foods. For example, you are an athlete who weighs 80 kg, you need 2 grams of protein per 1 kg of body weight to gain muscle mass, that is, 160 grams of protein. Let's say you ate 500 grams of meat and didn't eat anything else protein. A pound of meat contains approximately 100 gr. squirrel. And you need 160, therefore, you can take 2 servings of protein, 30 grams each.

It should be taken between meals, or when the meal was only carbohydrate. After training, it does not need to be consumed, since after we need carbohydrates, not protein. Multi-component protein between meals is best for this purpose.

How to take a gainer

This is a high-calorie supplement based on carbohydrates. To understand when and how much to drink a gainer, you need to understand how many carbohydrates you ate per day. Each person has his own needs for carbohydrates, they must be calculated by the method of samples. For example, you have determined that during the period of mass gain you need 300 grams of carbohydrates. And you ate today, for example, only 200 grams of rice, and this is 150 grams. carbohydrates. So from the gainer we need to get the remaining 150 gr. Each supplement has its own composition, so you need to read on the back of the jar how much protein and carbohydrates are contained in a serving, based on this, understand whether you should take 1 or 2 servings. Again, if you have eaten the required amount of macronutrients from ordinary foods, then you do not need supplements.

You need to take a gainer either between meals, or an hour before or 30 minutes after a workout.

How to take amino acids

If you are using protein, then there is no need to take amino acids separately, because. protein contains a complete set of amino acids.

You can take them, for example, if you do not get protein from the diet, and food no longer climbs into you, and the protein is tired, then you can take several tablets after each meal. In principle, I don’t see any point in taking them at all, when the protein is the same only cheaper. Moreover, manufacturers often deceive by compressing regular protein into tablets.

BCAA how to take

When gaining muscle mass, this product is generally useless, as well as complex amino acids. Firstly, these are only 3 essential amino acids, and muscles need all 8. Secondly, these 3 amino acids are contained in protein or any protein of animal origin, even in soy, BCAAs are in large quantities. So during the period of mass recruitment, this will be a transfer of money.

They can only be consumed during cutting, then they will serve as an energy source during training through the process of gluconeogenesis (the conversion of amino acids into glucose). Do not take more than 10 grams at a time, because. won't get used to it. Can be taken before strength training and before cardio.

How to take creatine

As I wrote about it, I believe that this supplement is for beginners. For an experienced athlete, it is unlikely to work, because. their creatine stores are already developed to the limit. Suitable for a beginner.

Since insulin transports creatine to the muscles, and carbohydrates cause a large release of insulin, it means that creatine must be taken with fast carbohydrates. I also think that all these downloads are just a marketing ploy so that you spend this supplement faster and come for a new one sooner.

5 grams of creatine per day is enough, taken with sweets, for example, with juice.

How to take l carnitine

Many consider it a fat burner. This is wrong. By itself, it does not burn fats, it only transports them to the mitochondria, and there they are already burned, and then if there is a calorie deficit. L-carnitine is just an "elevator", you can take the elevator, or you can walk up. The elevator is more convenient, a little faster, but you need to walk to it, wait for it, etc. Also with l-carnitine, he is only an assistant.

3 grams half an hour before a strength or cardio load will be enough.

Friends do not need to listen to sports nutrition sellers, as it is in their interest to sell as many as possible. If you are being given protein and amino acids and bcaa are added to it separately, just give me my reasons, and you will see how the seller hesitates. Remember, this is primarily a business, and each supplement should be chosen only as needed.

Now you know how to properly take sports nutrition!

If you think that sports nutrition is steroids and protein in syringes, then you should definitely read this material.

To begin with, what is a sports nutrition - these are sports supplements that supplement your main diet. They include a wide variety of products. I have experienced the following:

  • Protein
  • Amino acids
  • Creatine
  • Fat burners

During the year I have used all these supplements, some (protein and amino acids) of different brands, and now I will try to describe the results they gave.


Protein is a concentrated protein. This is the same protein that is found in everyday products: eggs, chicken, milk. It differs from them only in consistency and concentration. Therefore, all those who shout that the protein is harmful can ... continue to shout about it, since I can hardly convince them. Protein is used to quickly get a serving of protein without cooking any foods.


Protein can easily replace one meal a day. A feeling of satiety immediately comes from it, and if you add a banana to the cocktail, you can safely forget about hunger for several hours.

Amino acids

Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. Muscles are 35% composed of three amino acids:

  • leucine
  • isoleucine
  • valine

This is why amino acids or BCAAs (complex of the 3 most important amino acids) are often consumed in addition to protein, as they complement each other rather than replace. Most often, amino acids are drunk in the morning, before bedtime or during training, since catabolic processes are at their strongest at this time, and amino acids prevent these processes.


Like all sports supplements, amino acids are flavored and pure. Professionals recommend drinking pure amino acids, but this is just wild muck. Seriously, it's much easier for me to force myself to eat a bunch of chicken breasts every day than to drink this disgusting powder. Therefore, I advise you to still take amino acids with taste, so you at least feel the pleasure of the process of taking.

Personally, I did not feel any changes, neither in the growth of muscle mass, nor in my own feelings. It is difficult to say that they did not work, perhaps without them everything would have been even worse. But if the choice is between them and protein, I would leave the protein, as its action is more pronounced than that of amino acids.


Creatine is a special acid that is involved in the process of muscle growth. The main task of creatine is to increase muscle strength. And, as you know, the more strength, the more muscle.


Creatine is perhaps the most effective supplement. Starting to take it, in just a few days you will feel an increase in strength, albeit a small one. This happens due to the fact that during exercise, the muscles consume ATP (adenosine triphosphate) reserves, and creatine replenishes these reserves.

A very common theory is that at the beginning of creatine intake, you need to do a creatine load for several days, taking it in large quantities. I did not dare to do this, and many famous athletes, whose opinion I trust, do not advise doing this. It does not cause any harm to the body (as well as the rest of the supplements listed in this article), but for sensitive people, long-term use may cause digestive problems. You won't know if you don't try :)

Vitamin and mineral complexes

Everyone took them, and everyone knows what it is. But sports vitamin-mineral complexes (VMC) are slightly different from the usual ones that you can buy at any pharmacy. Of the main differences:

  • high concentration of vitamins and minerals
  • a slightly different composition, which is more suitable specifically for sports loads


I really regret that I did not start taking vitamins and minerals at the very beginning of my training. Now I have to put up with the old injuries in the joints that I received when I came to the gym and started lifting huge weights like an idiot. My body didn't forgive me. It seems to me that IUDs could prevent this or at least mitigate the consequences.

There are a huge number of VMCs on the market. The compositions are written for all of them, so carefully go through all of them and compare. The price can turn out to be completely different with the same composition, and it is very easy to overpay for the brand. However, like everywhere else. The only side effect may be the yellow color of the urine at the first doses. This is due to the fact that the complexes contain vitamin B2, which gives this characteristic color.

Fat burners

Fat burners are special drugs that help reduce body fat. Please don't be under any illusion that these drugs will be taken away from you. overweight. They can help you, but only if you add them to your workouts and proper nutrition.

There are two types of fat burners:

  • thermogenics
  • lipotropics

The action of thermogenics is to increase body temperature, and due to this, an increase in calorie consumption. Lipotropics, on the other hand, accelerate the release of fatty acids from cells and thereby contribute to weight loss. Decide for yourself what to choose for yourself, I would recommend not using this product at all, and here's why.


The first time after taking fat burners, you feel incredible euphoria, as if you drank a bunch of cans of energy drinks. In training, you don't think about anything other than working out in the gym, and this concentration is a really cool feeling. By adding fat burners to my diet for a month, I lost about a kilogram more than I lost before without them.

But not everything is so good. Fat burners hit the psyche quite hard. Firstly, the packaging warns that they should not be taken less than 5 hours before bedtime. In fact, I took them in the morning or afternoon, and still very often could not fall asleep all night. Secondly, after a while you can become more aggressive (not in my case). After taking fat burners, I constantly got euphoria, so I can’t confirm this 100%.

Do not forget that this is a rather strong load on the body, and the fact that your body will constantly maintain a temperature of 1-2 degrees above the norm will definitely not have a positive effect on it. To say that they should not be taken is hypocrisy, because I took them and do not particularly regret it, but if you have any health problems, then be sure to consult your doctor.


I hope you understand that the stories that sports nutrition is harmful are just a myth. Sports nutrition is more of a convenience than a necessity. If you have the opportunity to eat right and get all the necessary elements from ordinary food, then you may not even look in the direction of sports nutrition.

How do you feel about sports nutrition? Do you think it harms the body?

Importance healthy lifestyle life, regular training and a balanced diet is understandable without further ado. But not everyone manages to deal with some subtleties. For example, with those related to sports nutrition - not many people understand what it is, and therefore they often treat it negatively. Is sports nutrition for you steroids and chemical additives? Protein - an incomprehensible powder? Our guide will help you figure this out.

Sports nutrition - what is it?

Contrary to popular belief, sports nutrition is not limited to products for quickly gaining muscle mass and achieving superhuman results in competitions. First of all, sports nutrition is the same substances that we get with food, but in a more accessible form.

For example, to get 24 g of protein, you need to eat 100 g of chicken breast, while meat protein will only be absorbed by 80%. On the other hand, the same dose of protein can be obtained from a portion of a protein shake, which is absorbed by 90-95%.

Of course, with a balanced diet, absolutely all the substances necessary for the body can be obtained from ordinary food. However, for those who exercise frequently and intensely, nutrient requirements increase. In particular, they need more protein for muscle recovery and growth, more vitamins and minerals, protein, fiber. It is difficult for an athlete to gain the right amount of nutrients from traditional dishes without exceeding the daily allowance of calories and fat. Moreover, a person, even with excellent appetite, is not able to consume, for example, 7 kg of food, which contains the substances he needs!

Sports nutrition is divided into several main categories:

  • protein and carbohydrate mixtures;
  • amino acids;
  • fat burning drugs;
  • vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • special preparations.

Let's consider each of them in more detail.

Protein and carbohydrate mixtures

Protein shakes

Protein is the most deficient nutrient in our diet: over 80% of the population is deficient in it! It turns out that getting the norm of protein intake is not easy even for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle. To do this, it is necessary to significantly increase the proportion of lean meat and fish, dairy products, low-calorie cheese and legumes in the diet. And for those who are actively involved in sports, the need for protein increases, so protein mixtures or cocktails come to their aid.

The most common type of sports protein is whey. It is made from whey and this moment in terms of amino acid composition is the best protein to restore and gain muscle mass and fat burning. Soy protein is also used in sports nutrition. By properties, it is similar to meat, but does not contain cholesterol, fat, growth hormones and is rich in cholines, which are necessary for the renewal and restoration of brain cells and regeneration of the body.

Ideal for muscle recovery after intense exercise Protein cocktail Formula 1. It is recommended to drink a cocktail of it after 10 minutes and no later than an hour after the end of the workout. In this case, proteins will quickly go to muscle recovery and growth, preventing catabolism (the process of muscle tissue destruction), and in the case of cardio training, they will also contribute to the fat burning process.

It should be borne in mind that the maximum single dose of protein intake is 30 grams. In addition, in order to avoid problems with the kidneys, it is important not to exceed the daily allowance: on average, it ranges from 1 to 1.5 grams per kilogram of weight, and for athletes when gaining muscle mass - 2 grams per 1 kg of weight.


Protein-carb mixtures are suitable for those who want to build muscle and quickly restore energy reserves after intense strength training. For example, Herbalife24 Strength Shake provides 25g of protein and 18g of carbs for fast recovery and muscle building, as well as 45% of your daily iron requirement for better tissue oxygenation. Gainers are high in calories, so those who just keep fit and do not intend to increase muscle mass should not include them in their diet.

carbohydrate energy

Fats and proteins are completely removed from these energy drinks. They consist of pure carbohydrates that are instantly absorbed into the bloodstream and provide a quick burst of energy. However, like gainers, carbohydrate energy drinks are very high in calories and without heavy strength training, they will only replenish fat reserves. By the way, such carbohydrate mixtures should not be confused with widely advertised energy drinks, which are based on caffeine and other central nervous system stimulants.

Amino acids

Proteins are made up of amino acids, and accordingly, in the process of digestion, they are also broken down into amino acid organic compounds.

In sports nutrition, amino acids perform the following functions:

  • serve as an additional source of energy;
  • stimulate the production of the hormone insulin, thus accelerating the synthesis of proteins;
  • prevent catabolic processes, that is, the destruction of muscle tissue.

Basically, such additives serve the purpose of preventing catabolism. This is due to the fact that protein can only be synthesized if there are free amino acids in the muscles. At rest and strength training lasting up to 40-60 minutes to meet the need for them, it is enough to take protein, which is gradually broken down in the body to the necessary amino acids. However, during and after a very intense workout, the amino acid supply is depleted, and the body has nothing to synthesize new proteins from. Then amino acids come to the rescue, ready for synthesis - for example, BCAAs. They contain 3 amino acids - leucine, isoleucine and valine, which make up 35% of our muscles.

Fat burning drugs

This type of sports nutrition helps to reduce body fat. There is a huge variety of fat burning drugs on the market with different principles of action.


They accelerate the lipolysis of fats, that is, their breakdown first to fatty acids, and then to glucose, which is subsequently used by the body as an energy source. It is necessary to take such drugs only before cardio or strength training, during which you will use this additional amount of glucose. Otherwise, that is, without physical exertion, glucose will circulate through the body for some time and then replenish body fat again.

The most effective and safe lipotropic to date is L-carnitine. It is a natural substance that is synthesized in our body. However, it is not recommended to take it for a long time, so that the liver and kidneys do not stop producing their own carnitine.


This is another common type of sports supplement, accounting for a third of the money people spend on sports nutrition in the US. Thermogenics increase body temperature by 0.5-2 degrees, resulting in increased calorie consumption. The basic elements in thermogenics - for example, ephedrine or phenylethylamine - act on the central nervous system, increasing arousal and performance. They also increase muscle contraction, which leads to an increase in calorie consumption, that is, to a fat burning effect.

However, you need to stay away from such drugs. The fact is that ephedrine and phenylethylamine are psychostimulating substances that lead to overexcitation, sleep disturbance, and their derivatives generally belong to psychedelics. In Russia, ephedrine and phenylethylamine are classified as narcotic substances and are prohibited for distribution.

The effectiveness of other thermogenics - for example, based on caffeine - has not been scientifically proven. At best, they simply do not promote fat burning, and at worst, they are unsafe for health.

Fat Blockers

This group of sports supplements prevents the body from absorbing fat molecules. In particular, supplements based on orlistat suppress the production of lipase, an enzyme responsible for the breakdown of fats. Without a sufficient amount of lipase, fats are not absorbed and are excreted from the body in its entirety.

In preparations based on chitosan, the active substance binds to fat molecules and thereby interferes with their absorption. It is better to use these fat burning drugs after consulting a doctor, as they can cause a number of side effects - for example, flatulence or poor absorption of calcium.

Carbohydrate Blockers

They work exactly on the same principle as fat blockers.

Vitamin and mineral complexes

In the process of intense training, the athlete, along with sweat, releases a lot of essential vitamins and minerals. Besides, physical exercise require more than usual intake of these substances (the need for some of them can increase up to 100%), so most athletes take vitamins and minerals periodically. One of the most complete courses is the Formula 2 Multivitamin Complex, which contains 39 substances necessary for the body.

Vitamins and minerals are selected depending on the type of training, diet, local conditions and, of course, individual characteristics. It is important to ensure that you do not exceed the daily intake of certain substances.

Special preparations

This group includes supplements that are used in bodybuilding and other sports disciplines. The most common of them is creatine, which increases endurance and strength, helps to increase muscle mass during intense anaerobic exercise. beta-alanineprotects muscle tissue from destruction, increases endurance and training intensity. There are also testosterone hormone stimulants and many other sports drugs that affect the results of strength training. However, keep in mind that many of them may have side effects so you should consult your doctor before using them.

We looked at the main categories of sports nutrition. Of course, most of them are relevant only for those who build muscle mass and want to improve sports performance. However, some types of sports nutrition are also suitable for those who simply want to keep fit and effectively reduce weight. For example, these are protein mixtures, L-carnitine, vitamin-mineral complexes. To include them in your diet or not - everyone decides on their own, but in any case, the main thing is to combine sports nutrition with regular workouts and a balanced diet. Only then will they give the desired effect and allow you to quickly achieve ideal forms!