How to remove a chain on a simple bicycle. Types of locks for a bicycle chain, installation and removal methods

The chain is the main part of the bike drivetrain assembly. Passing through the teeth of the sprocket, the chain transmits torque to the rear wheel. This explains why the bike is moving. The dynamic loads on the assembly are quite large, so the chain mechanism wears out during operation. In this article, we will look at how to remove the chain from the bike and how to put it back.

The working life of the singlespeed chain mechanism is designed for the entire life of the bike. The bike chain runs smoothly, without deviating. The situation is somewhat more complicated with bikes designed for several speeds. The load on the chain mechanism is greater here relative to parallel gears, since the bicycle chain is located at an angle with respect to the bicycle frame. Compared with parallel transmission, the impact on the links is several times greater. To avoid damage to the entire transmission mechanism, the chain must be replaced in a timely manner.

You should not think that you can not remove the bike chain from a single-speed bike. It is removed in order to clean or repair.

When do you need to remove the chain from the bike?

Let's figure out how to know that the chain assembly of a multi-speed bike is faulty. You can estimate the mileage of a two-wheeler, but other factors also affect the health of the bike chain.

  • Correct selection of gears;
  • Road quality;
  • Driving speed.

The appearance of suspicious sounds (provided that the lubrication is in order) and difficulty shifting gears are the first signs of a malfunction of the chain assembly. The simplest way to assess the health of the links is as follows:

  • Bend the bike chain away from the largest sprocket;
  • If it moves away freely from 3 or more teeth, then the bike chain must be replaced. Two prongs are a kind of warning. You can still ride for some time, but it will be removed soon.

The same method works for single speed bikes.

An informative method is measuring the length of the bike chain.

  • 30.5 cm - the best length value;
  • 30.6-30.8 cm - medium wear, high maintainability;
  • More than 30.8 cm - links and sprockets are heavily worn. The entire transmission is damaged.

To correctly measure elongation, the chain must be completely removed from the bike.

Types of bicycle chains

Consider 2 main types of bike chains:

  • keyhole;
  • Solid.

Its peculiarity is that it has a special clamping device. Taking it off the stars, as well as putting it back on, is easy. To do this, just unplug the lock.

The location of the split link can be determined by visual inspection. If the links are clean, finding the connector is easy. As a rule, the brand of the manufacturer is embossed on the connector.


It is impossible to completely remove such a bike chain. If you completely remove it from the sprockets, it just hangs on the frame. Of course, compared to the option equipped with a lock, a solid design is less convenient. However, there are also benefits. The lock can weaken, the connecting tick can be lost. The links are disengaged. With a continuous chain, there are no such problems. If it is torn, then this is exclusively the cost of quality.

It is not difficult. Follow the algorithm.

  • Pry the clip with a screwdriver or a knitting needle. It is important not to break the clamp, since it will not work to connect everything back without it;
  • Disconnect the link.

Now you can freely remove the bike chain and perform the necessary manipulations on it: shorten it, clean it, or, if it is hopelessly damaged, throw it away.

To disconnect a solid structure, you will need a special tool called squeeze. Using this tool will allow you to remove the link without damaging it. The algorithm is the following.

  • Select the link to be disassembled;
  • Put the bike chain in position to press out and press in the link axis, or pin;
  • Tighten the screw and pull the axle towards you.

It is not necessary to completely pull out the pin, as it will not be easy to insert it back into place. Manipulations with squeeze slightly loosen the axis. To re-disengage, select another link. Press the axle in reverse order.

  • Connect adjacent links to each other;
  • Push in the pin with the screw.

Repairing a bicycle chain

The most common defect for a bicycle chain is its sagging due to an increase in length. Of course, you can remove the stretched bike chain and replace it with a new one, but you can try and restore it. Due to the loosening of the axles, the bicycle chain expands in the transverse and longitudinal directions. It is impossible to eliminate the transverse expansion, but with the longitudinal one, perhaps something will work out.

It is necessary to remove the extra links in such a way that the bike chain passes freely, without undue tension, along the large sprocket. When shortening, also use a squeeze. It is important not to overdo it by pulling out the extra links.

It helps to install so-called dampers on a bicycle, which prevent the chain from flying off the sprocket when riding. Of course, if you put a damper as a temporary measure, it’s a good solution, but you shouldn’t forget about replacing the bike chain.

Putting a bike chain on a singlespiel is quite simple:

  • Hang the bike chain on both sprockets;
  • Snap the lock (as an option - press the pin).

So speed bike will take a little longer.

As I already wrote, bicycle chain - consumable to be replaced in a timely manner. You can extend its life by regular maintenance. By the way, when installing a new system and cassette, be sure not to save on a new chain - it will come out more expensive!

If you still have a question: “Why do I need to change the chain?” Read about and why it is necessary. If there are no more questions, let's get started.

Bicycle chain with lock

Often, special locks for the chain are installed on the chain, designed for its quick removal / installation. Locks are produced by almost all chain manufacturers and differ only in chain width (depending on the number of stars in the cassette). Using a chain lock has its pros and cons.

+ Advantages of a chain lock

  • Removal / installation of the chain does not require an additional tool;
  • Easier chain cleaning

    Easier to rinse removed chain than mounted on a bicycle. This is especially critical for those who like to paraffin the chain instead of lubrication;

  • Spare lock

    It's good to have a spare chain lock on the road in case the existing one breaks as the weakest link;

  • No repair pin needed

    Manufacturers of some chains (for example, shimano) explicitly indicate in the instructions that after removing the chain, the pulled out pin cannot be reused for installation. You need to use special repair pins, which cost a lot and are not sold everywhere in Russia;

  • - Cons of a chain lock

    • Tight movement of multi-speed locks

      Not every lock in reality can be removed by hand, without pliers or a special tool for removing the lock. This is especially true for 10- and 11-speed locks;

    • Lock breakage

      The strength of the lock is usually inferior to the strength of conventional links, and therefore there is a risk of breaking the chain exactly at the place where the lock is installed;

    • Broken chain links

      Unfortunately, the chain will not always break at the lock, and even in this case, adjacent links may be damaged. In this case, it is no longer possible to do without squeezing the chain or artisanal methods;

    • A certain number of removal / installation of the lock

      So, in the instructions for the KMC lock, it is directly written that it needs to be changed after three installations / removals.

    • By the way! It makes sense to do any operation with the chain, especially on the road, in disposable rubber / latex gloves. To change the chain and not get dirty - it will not work, unless you boil it in paraffin.

      Bicycle chain without lock

      The main tool for changing the chain is a bicycle chain squeeze. It is a simple device designed to disconnect and connect chain links by squeezing / pressing the pin.

      How to remove the chain with a pry bar

      Everything is very simple. Recently I did this operation in just a few minutes with a simple squeeze as part of a multitool. For some reason, the native KMC chain on the bike was without a lock, although the new similar KMC X9-73 came with a lock.

      By the way, before installing a new chain, I had to remove 4 extra links, for which, in any case, a squeeze is needed. The remaining links should be left as spares or make such a thing.

  1. To disconnect the circuit, it is necessary to press out one selected pin using a squeeze. In this case, it should be noted that it is impossible to press out the connecting pin, which is available in some circuits. The connecting pin is different from the rest - so it's quite easy to distinguish it.

    Insert the chain link into the tool and secure with the screw. Please note that in some chain squeezes there are two seats, one place for pressing the axle (it is closer to the fixing screw), and the second place is used only for adjusting the axle. The chain should be laid close to the adjusting screw. Tighten the squeeze screw carefully, thereby squeezing out the pin.

  2. In the process of pressing out, it is worth checking the alignment: does the adjusting screw allow the link to bend, and the squeeze tip presses on the pin, and not on the link.

    In this case, there should be no distortions or any strange positions of the chain in the squeeze.

  3. Do not push the pin all the way out if you want to assemble a link with it, otherwise it will be difficult to install it back!
  4. The chain has been removed.

    Remember that each time a new pin should be selected for pressing out, since the strength of the disconnected and reassembled link is significantly reduced!

  5. How to install a squeeze chain

    1. The chain to be installed must be suitable in length and width.

      The width of the chain depends on the number of stars on the cassette: the more stars, the narrower the chain. Therefore, be careful not to buy a 10-speed chain for a 7-speed cassette!

      Length adjustment is carried out by removing extra links from the chain in the manner described above. Please note: if you are going to use a chain lock, you need to remove 1 more link.

      If a repair pin was included with the chain, or you bought it separately, use it. Otherwise, we press in the existing pin.

    2. To install the chain, move the front and rear derailleurs to the smallest sprockets.

      Then thread the chain through the derailleur frame. Be careful not to confuse the directions: the top roller of the chain runs on the right, and the bottom one on the left.

    3. We connect the open links, set the pin.

      We insert the link into the squeeze of the chain and fix it with a fixing screw. Turn the chain release knob to press the pin into place, it should line up with the edges of the chain. Remove the chain from the squeeze, if necessary, break off the end of the repair pin.

    4. Check that this chain link is free to bend.

      If it goes tight, you need to adjust the link with a squeeze. Insert the link into the second squeeze seat (farthest from the adjusting screw) and push the pin back a little. If there is no second seat in the squeeze, just knead the link with your hands.

Replacement bicycle chain is an essential skill for every home "mechanic". The chain is a consumable material for a bicycle transmission. Over time, it tends to stretch and wear out. So sooner or later it will be time for a replacement.

The video below shows the process of installing a new chain on a bike. The instructions are suitable for both mountain bikes and road bikes.

How to install a chain - video

Tools for the job

  • Squeezing the chain;
  • Chain wear indicator (chain stretch tester);
  • Bicycle spoke;
  • Pliers;

Step-by-step instruction

Bicycle transmission elements of most manufacturers, with rare exceptions, are compatible with each other. It is only necessary to choose the same number of transmission and chain speeds. For example, for a transmission with nine gears, you need a chain designed for the same number of speeds.

1. Removing the old chain

Using a chain squeezer, squeeze out one of the rollers (the pin that connects the chain links) in the lower chain passage. If there is a lock link, then get it. After removing the roller, carefully remove the chain from the bike.

If you use one chain for a long time without replacement, you may need to replace the cassette as well.

2. Installing a new chain

Shift reverse and forward gears to the most big stars. If the bike has a clutch mechanism, then loosen it.

Put the chain on the front sprocket, pull the end through the front shifter. Rotate the pedals so that the end of the chain hangs down from the sprocket about 10 centimeters. Pull the other end through the rear fork of the bike frame and over the largest sprocket of the cassette. Lower the rear shifter down.

Throw the chain over the idler roller, pull it through the legs of the mechanism, wrap it around the tensioner roller. Carefully release the shift mechanism.

3. Chain measurement

You need to make sure that the chain will behave properly when shifting into any gear without damaging other parts of the bike. To check the chain must be installed on the two largest sprockets, front and rear. Even if you never ride in such a gear.

Align the two ends of the chain and determine the extra links that need to be removed. To fix the chain in this position, use a piece of a bicycle spoke.

When using Shimano chains, a link with inner plates should remain at one end, with outer ones at the other. Chains made by SRAM and KMC must have links with inner plates at both ends.

After the required chain length is determined, remove unnecessary links. Throw the chain back onto the smallest sprockets.

Attention! In full-suspended mountain biking you need to make sure that the length of the chain is enough when the suspension is compressed.

4. Chain connection

For Shimano chains, it is necessary to connect both ends with a roller. After installation, the excess part of the roller is broken off with pliers.

For SRAM and KMC, a special locking link is inserted between the ends of the chain, then the plates snap into place. For a complete connection, special pliers are used, but you can use the following method.

Scroll the pedals so that the lock link is in the middle of the upper passage. Then hold rear wheel so that it doesn't scroll. Press down on the pedals, and the locking link will finally sit in its place. Make sure the chain is installed correctly. Pedal the bike using all gears.

Chain care

Regular cleaning and lubrication - The best way prolong chain life. Use a special lubricant designed for bicycle chains. Lubricate each roller. Lubricate the chain only from the inside, there should be no lubricant on the outside.

You should not scroll the chain in the opposite direction and apply lubricant in a hurry. In addition to the increased consumption of funds, you can overload the links. Always remove excess grease with a rag. After riding in wet weather, wipe the chain dry and re-lubricate. This will prevent rust and chain stretch.

Worn links

There is an opinion that the chain is stretched due to incorrect driving. In fact, the effect of chain elongation is a consequence of the wear of the rollers and rollers. As the chain wears, it damages the teeth of the sprocket, causing the chain to slip. There are special tools for determining chain wear.

An easier way to determine chain wear is to measure 12 links. If the number is 308mm or higher, then the chain and cassette need to be replaced. In the new chain, the length of 12 links is exactly 304.8 mm.

Wringer and chain wear indicator

There is a wide variety of pomace different size from various manufacturers. It is worth noting that this tool is definitely a must for those who want to change the chain themselves. Chain wear can be determined using a straightedge. But for constant monitoring, it is better to purchase a special tool - a chain wear indicator.

With proper preparation, repairing a bicycle chain on the road is no more difficult than.

What do you need to repair a bicycle chain.

To repair a damaged chain on a bicycle, you only need a chain fitting tool. It is compact and usually included in many. Perhaps such a tool is included in one of your multifunctional tools and you just did not know what it was for!

At home, repairing a bicycle chain can be done with a hammer and pliers, but you won’t take them with you on the road. On a trip, you will have to repair the chain only with the help of a light chain assembly tool.

How does a chain usually break?

More often than not, the chain breaks when you are cranking at full power and at the same time on the front derailleur. Other causes of chain failures are very rare, at best one in a million. You have a chance to meet them only if you ride a bike a lot. For example, once a nail flew out from under my front wheel, which landed right in the chain and hit the sprocket. Who would have thought that this could happen?

How does a bicycle chain work?

The chain links are connected to each other with a steel pin. To remove or install the link, the pin must be removed or hammered in using a chain mounting tool (or hammer). To repair the chain, you simply need to remove the damaged links and connect the ends of the chain to the undamaged links. On bikes with classic derailleurs, the chain is slightly larger than it needs to work, so you can painlessly remove a few links. On and links that can be painlessly removed, most likely will not be. So in this case, you will have to bring a new chain with you, or an old chain from which you can remove the missing links.

Is it even worth repairing a bicycle chain on the road?

It is best not to repair the chain directly on the road. Chain repair is one of the dirtiest jobs. If you are wearing new clothes, then after repairing the chain, you will most likely be able to say goodbye to it. Probably the best solution would be to call a taxi or attach a bicycle to and go home by public transport - come back later in old clothes and calmly repair the chain.

Where to start repairing a bicycle chain.

Suppose you have already changed into old clothes and are ready to get to work. To make it easier for you to inspect the chain, turn the bike over.

Inspect the two broken ends of the chain: one end (or possibly two) is damaged and needs to be replaced. From the damaged end of the chain, you will have to remove two chain links. Why do you need to remove two links, and not one - you probably ask? Since the chain consists of two types of links, if you remove only one link, you will not be able to connect two links of the same type.

At the point where the chain needs to be broken, place it in the groove of the chain fitting tool (see photo). The same procedure for repairing a worn chain.

Disconnecting a chain with or without a chain fitting tool.

To start pushing the pin out of the chain, turn the knob on the chain mounting tool (see photo). Try to align the axle on the chain fitting tool with the pin on the chain (sometimes it slips a little).

Don't push the pin all the way - push it just enough to break the chain (see photo). The remaining length of the pin must be left in the chain so that it can be easily pushed through later.

If you don't have a chain mounting tool, you will have to find a piece of wood and drill a small hole in it. Position the pin to be removed over the drilled hole. Find a small machine screw about the same size as the pin and use it as a stud. Hit it with a hammer to knock the pin out of the chain to the required distance. Hit very carefully so as not to knock him completely out of the chain.

Attaching links.

Before connecting both ends of the chain, put it back on the sprockets. It would be great if a friend could help you hold the two ends of the chain in place while you put them together.

Using the chain tool, insert the pin back into place (see photo). This is the most difficult part of the job, as it is necessary to keep the tool in line with the pin. If you're just installing a new chain, most chains come with a special link (lock) that allows you to remove and install the chain without having to remove the pins.

Adjust the newly installed link.

Once the pin is in place, the attached link will not bend well. Move the link back and forth (see photo) until it bends well so that it can easily pass around the gears.

Look at your hands - now you can feel like a real bike mechanic.

Using an old chain

If you just installed a new chain in the comfort of your own home, then don't throw away the old chain - you can use it as a supplier of spare links! Since you have already learned how to remove and install links, you can use the old chain as a saddle lock. now it is very expensive and an additional one will not hurt him in any way.

In addition, you can independently make a bracelet or earring from the chain. But you have to make a rather large hole in the ear and the ear itself must withstand the weight of such an earring.