How to knock down a person who is taller than you. How to beat a stronger opponent in a street fight

It is not the size of the dog that matters in a fight, but the size of the fight in the dog. How to beat an opponent in a fight who is taller, bigger, heavier and stronger than you? How to defeat a strong opponent in a fight?

Let's face it, size matters, but that's not all there is to it. Even if you are smaller than your opponent, you can be faster, smarter and smarter than him. Take advantage of everything. The presence of the mind is much more important than animal strength.

Unlike a collision with an equivalent opponent, there are certain difficulties in a fight with a larger opponent. The following steps will help you win the fight, or at least stay alive and unharmed!

1. Be fair about your chances. Do not engage in a fight with a larger opponent if there is an opportunity to avoid a collision. You will find yourself in an unenviable position due to its size.

2. Choose the smartest solution. You have two choices when facing a larger, potentially stronger opponent: fight or flee. Retreat is not a manifestation of cowardice, but a reasonable decision in order to survive. It is foolish to get involved in a fight without confidence in victory.

3. Use the element of surprise. If you're cornered and the situation leaves no other choice, prepare to fight emotionally and physically and don't be too predictable. Pretend not to be ready to attack and suddenly stab at the solar plexus (the soft area on the body between the chest and abdominal muscles). It will more than scare him.

4. Prepare a backup plan. If you can't intimidate him with a surprise attack, get into a fighting stance and follow the instructions:

Always protect your head with your elbows. The bigger guy can headbutt you easily due to his reach advantage.

Consider the capabilities of your opponent: a large reach area and power due to its mass. Keep your distance. To break through his defense and strike, use the right parry tactics (blocking and parrying an attack) or move your foot forward to compensate for the lack of a reach advantage, find an unprotected area and strike. (Dodge and sway to make the enemy miss and lose balance.) This is a rather risky maneuver, but effective when executed correctly.

To compensate for the greater reach: when the opponent makes a direct attack, you need to duck, wait for a time to land a hook to the forearm and continue with a series of blows to the body or to the head, while approaching him. The main thing is to damage his forearm in order to eliminate the attack.

It will be more effective to parry blows than to block an attack. Parrying gives you an opportunity to counterattack, while blocking can result in damage. But without proper timing, effective parrying is impossible.

Never try to fight fair if the advantage is not on your side. Your goal is to use common sense and practicality to defend yourself at all costs. This is not a competition or boasting. This is normal self-defense. IN street fight no rules. If you have a pen, bottle, or rock in your hand, use it in self-defense. Throw a handful of sand in the opponent's eyes or cut his leg with a cutter. By blinding him with hot sauce or pepper, you can disable the enemy for a while and manage to land a series of blows in this time or retreat and avoid a fight. As far as circumstances permit, try not to get involved in a street fight without a weapon. Unlike sports wrestling, in a real battle, everything is not fair. In addition, if the attacker sees a dangerous weapon in your hands that can harm him, it is quite possible that he will retreat or not dare to attack. This will be your victory.

Knowing how to use martial arts tools (sticks, nunchaku, shinai sword, etc.) will help you. Don't expect a short, skinny guy with bare hands beat an opponent twice as heavy and taller than him. While this is possible if the short guy has superior speed and skill, it is very rare. In reality, a larger opponent can be defeated by skill with a weapon or by retreating, instead of launching a blind attack. Weapons are more efficient.

Close combat is suitable for short fighters. Proper synchronization is important, as tall wrestlers prefer open combat due to their greater reach.

Play a dirty game. Do not be afraid to hit him in the groin, in the throat, with your fingers in the eyes, bite on the ear (as Iron Mike did in the battle against the larger rival Holyfield, which was unacceptable in the ring, but can save you in a real strike). Grabbing an enemy by the hair can effectively reduce their ability to move. By pulling his hair down, you can deliver an uppercut or a knee to the face. Tactics not used in wrestling and boxing, can be quite acceptable in a street fight.

There are four ways to break the grip and get out of the clutches of the bigger man. Use a headbutt to the face, a bite ( chewing muscles V human body located in the jaw area have the most power.) But be careful, as your opponent's blood may contain HIV or other infectious viruses. By stepping on your opponent's toes with force, you can end the bear hug. You can also try to twist his fingers to remove the grip.

Use a punching bag in training, it will help you develop strength. Strength, speed, endurance and skill are achievable qualities. Hard work and training will help you achieve this.

Be constantly on the move. As Ali said, "flutter like a butterfly, pity like a bee." Move forward, backward, sideways, in a circle. Footwork is a very significant factor applied with the ability to strike at the right moment. Never stand in one place and on straight feet, a big opponent will easily take over the situation if you let him.

It is worth developing efficient technique like sliding, crouching and swinging before throwing a vigorous punch. Being smaller than your opponent, you are more likely to outperform him in speed. Use the lightness of your weight and practice the basics of evasive combat. Bruce Lee (birth name Li Xiaolong, which means "Dragon Li" in Chinese) said that "the main technique of evasion is to hit, while avoiding the opponent's blow." In a fight against a big opponent, you have to behave like a bullfighter in a fight with a bull, dodging his attacks and flirting with his power.

Leaving aside and searching for corners that are inconvenient for the enemy - good method compensate for the difference in reach. Dodging attacks gives you the opportunity to find an open area in his defense and makes you less predictable. However, it takes a lot of practice and training to master this skill.

Close combat with a larger opponent can be too risky. In this case, it is very important, among others, to use the technique of evasion. Run away if you get the chance.

Use your speed, ease and agility. Capacious strikes are preferred for smaller fighters. Training with a punching bag will help you develop your speed and swiftness of punches.

Low Manny Pacquiao nicknamed "Pacman" after defeating the "golden boy" Oscar de la Hoya said: "Speed ​​is the key to defeating him."

By speed is meant not only the swiftness of the blows, but also the dexterous and quick footwork. This means mastering the art of smoothly moving in and out of a fight with ease.

Learn to strike back. Prevent an enemy attack or strike back after dodging.

Combine blows to confuse the enemy. Do not use the same attack more than twice in the same combo.

Bluff. Pretend you want to strike and then attack for real. Use a feint to pretend you are going to strike from the left, then strike from the right to the solar plexus. Experiment with punch combinations. Deceptive maneuvers are aimed at diverting the attention of the enemy, disrupting his coordination and concentration. Bruce Lee said: "When two equal fighters collide, the one who is better at bluffing wins."

When you're out of range, don't try to punch in the face unless you're sure you can knock out your opponent. The advantage in reach will allow him to easily counter-punch you, and a failed knockout attempt will only piss him off. This would be unwise given your disadvantageous position. Instead, attack with side kicks to the nearest available target: the knee or groin. You can only punch an opponent in the face if they are stunned or writhing in pain. A blow to the head is best applied when approaching.

It is much more effective to strike at more vulnerable parts of the body, such as knee joints, groin, eyes, bridge of the nose, kidney and heart areas, neck and solar plexus. These areas are most sensitive to pain.

Regardless of the size of a man, a blow to the crotch will cause unbearable pain. Even world-class heavyweight boxers double over in pain after an accidental or deliberate blow to the groin with sufficient force. It may be considered a foul play, but it is effective. A powerful uppercut to the groin (you can use it unexpectedly) is one of the most powerful moves against a larger opponent. Practice the uppercut with the punching bag to develop a powerful punch to the groin.

Calculate the time to get close. When you are in range, use techniques that are effective in close combat, such as a headbutt to the face, a hook to the jaw, a knee to the groin and an elbow to the solar plexus.

How many times have you watched a boxer get hurt during a match from a headbutt to the face by an opponent? A headbutt to the face can easily cause bleeding. Use it during close combat whenever possible.

Hitting the back of your opponent's head with the edge of your hand after you've pulled his head down by the hair can be life threatening. This is an extremely dangerous technique that can cause instant death or lifelong paralysis due to possible damage to the spine. Never use this technique unless you are in a life-threatening situation.

A blow to the temple with the “cutting part” of the fist can stun and discoordinate your enemy. Hitting this area of ​​the head with a weapon can kill him, so be careful and only attack if you or someone else's life is in danger.

A blow to the ears can cause the opponent to lose balance or even consciousness. The ears are the center of our balance.

Master the art of lying combat. In such a position, success depends on the ability to use the leverage system to pin down and subdue the opponent, or on the knowledge of techniques that can damage the joints. In a lying fight, you can use such techniques as wringing your fingers, punching in the eyes, pushing in the throat and groin. Many pay Special attention jiu-jitsu techniques, and although the use of hands and feet in this context is quite effective, do not forget that the opponent's grip can be removed with a simple twisting of the fingers. In lying combat, it is not the size of the enemy that is important, but the skill and capture techniques.

The "grab and punch" strategy (a la Ricky Hatton) suits small-sized fighters. By clinging to the opponent, reducing the distance between you (entering the clinch), you prevent him from using long-range strikes, while you can use your advantage with short, powerful strikes up close.

5. Remember your benefits. Do you have them

Smaller people tend to be lighter and leaner, which is essential when dodging and avoiding attacks in combat. Most of them have excellent footwork when moving.

They are also more agile, which adds to the swiftness of their strikes. Although their attack is weaker in strength, they make up for it with speed and more hits.

They are generally more hardy than their larger opponents.

They are in a better position to deliver a devastating uppercut to the jaw, solar plexus, or kidney area of ​​a tall opponent.

During prone combat, they are more difficult to pin or grab because their center of gravity is closer.

Although short arm length is a disadvantage during ranged combat, it can be an advantage in close combat. The short length of the arms makes it easier to implement short hooks and uppercuts.

Psychologically, undersized fighters, as a rule, are more motivated due to a deeper understanding of the task at hand when meeting with a large opponent. While the latter often underestimate the former, which leads to overconfidence.


In a fight against a taller opponent, you must be able to properly use your reach. This is about approach and distance. You must be able to determine when it is best to get out of range of the enemy, and when to get close to him. Take advantage of your small reach, neutralize its lift by reducing the distance. Never be in his reach.

Keep your eyes on the enemy. If you're trying to throw, do it quickly before he gets ahead of you.

In practical self-defense, as Bruce Lee argued, the line of defense should begin with side impact leg to the knee. This is very effective due to the relatively static and unstable position of the knee, besides the kick has the largest attack zone. A kick to the knee does not require a long range of impact, and this is one of the most easily accessible and vulnerable areas of the body. But you need to develop the power of the blow in order to be able to deal high enough damage.

Sam Langford, boxing champion heavyweight early 20th century, popularized the statement "Hit the torso and the head will fall." He was only 170 cm tall, but he defeated almost every taller opponent in the ring. In a fight with a tall opponent, short fighters should try to hit the body, as, given the difference in height, this is more acceptable for them. A blow to the head can be followed by a powerful direct blow or an uppercut to the solar plexus or kidneys.

Training sparring with a larger and taller opponent will serve as a good practice for developing and comprehending skill and technique.

Rely mostly on kicks (especially if your larger opponent only uses fists) because the legs are longer than the arms. This will help compensate for the lack of reach. Punches can be used in close combat or at medium range.

There is nothing wrong with living in constant expectation of a fight. The statement "Foresight - the best part valor" means that there are things that even a brave person will not talk about: running away is not a reason for complacency, but sometimes it is the only way a fight will end favorably.

The top kick with the back hand is performed roundabout from top to bottom towards the opponent's head. This is a very clever counterattack technique used to hit the "blind spot" of a larger opponent.

Always remember that dimensions do matter. A large opponent can deal more damage due to the strength of their blows. But the presence of strategy and brains is much more important. There is an old boxing saying: "A good big boxer will always beat a good little boxer." Following this rule, if you are smaller than your opponent, then you should not be as good as him, but much better. If he is bigger than you, you must be smarter. The main condition for victory is the confidence that you surpass him in skill and have the best technique fight. Having an equal level of skill is not enough, as it has an advantage.

Scream. A loud, high-pitched and unexpected cry will not only surprise the enemy, but also become a signal for passers-by who can come to your aid.

Solar plexus is the vital center of the body. An uppercut to the solar plexus can cause excruciating pain or even death. Due to the fact that the impact is directed from the bottom up, high sensitivity internal organs to pain leads to severe shock. When bruised, a pain signal enters the brain, causing partial paralysis, rapid breathing and unbearable suffering.

Thai Muay Thai boxers practice the devastating shin kick. The best way master this technique - training with a punching bag.

Let's face it - size matters. When faced with a larger opponent, knowing how to attack and defend will come in handy in order to neutralize his advantage in height and weight. If a fight is unavoidable, you will have to move quickly and act correctly. While facing a larger opponent can seem quite intimidating, if you keep your cool and act correctly, you can win the fight.


Part 1

self defense

    Don't get into a fight unless absolutely necessary. When facing a larger opponent, you will have a lower chance of success. Try to avoid a fight by any means. Do your best to make up or leave. There is nothing to be ashamed of avoiding conflict, especially if you don't know what it might become. Your opponent may have a weapon, or his comrades may come to his aid. Every effort should be made to avoid a fight.

    • If you manage to avoid a collision, it will be a victory.
    • If a collision is unavoidable, remain calm. Do not panic, as this will negatively affect your reaction and ability to adequately act.
  1. Take care of protection. Raise your hands and cover your head with them. In this case, the forearms should be vertical and parallel to each other, so that the palms are directed to your cheeks. Lightly clench your palms into a fist to be ready to strike back. Bend slightly and lower your elbows to the middle of your body to protect your ribs and stomach from an unexpected blow.

    • Do not relax and do not weaken the protection, even if you are tired. If you lower your hands, the enemy will be able to deliver a decisive blow to you.
    • Maintain a defensive position from which you can quickly attack and strike with your fist or elbow.
  2. Try not to block blows, but dodge them. It is likely that a larger opponent will be stronger than you, so it is better not to try to block his attack directly. Instead, try to constantly move and dodge punches. Chasing will exhaust your opponent, with each unsuccessful blow he will waste his energy. If there is no way to retreat to a safe distance, move your head away from the blows. After each unsuccessful attack from the enemy, try to immediately strike a surprise blow.

    Do not engage in contact fighting with the enemy. In such a struggle, the advantage is always on the side of a larger and stronger opponent. Don't put yourself at unnecessary risk and don't let your opponent grab you. Keep at such a distance that he could not grab you, if possible, attack and again retreat to a safe distance. If you and the enemy find yourself on the ground, then you will be less able to control the course of the fight and lose such advantages as speed, freedom of maneuver and accuracy.

    Get ready to hit. It is unlikely that you will be able to get out of a fight with a larger opponent without a single scratch. You may not have time to react in time and miss a few hits. Get ready for it. Taking a hit is bad, but it's even worse being caught off guard.

    Part 2

    Leveling the difference in size
    1. Dodge hits. Move continuously so that the enemy cannot grab you or knock you to the ground. Lean on the balls of your feet - this will allow you to move quickly and confuse the enemy. Because he has more Long hands, stay clear and approach only to hit or grab.

      Get closer to the enemy. Close the distance between you and the enemy when he least expects it. In this way, you will deprive your larger opponent of the advantage and be able to land one or more targeted strikes. For success, you must choose the right moment and correctly approach the enemy in order to prevent him from striking back.

      • When reducing the distance between you and a larger enemy, the first thing to remember is to stay outside the “danger zone”. This is the area where you can't reach your opponent, but he can hit you with his longer arms.
      • Move in suddenly after you dodge or pretend to hit, or follow your opponent's hand as he pulls it away after a hit.
    2. Wear down the enemy. One of the disadvantages tall and more weight is that more effort is required for movements, and as a result, a larger person gets tired faster. Take advantage of this. Defend yourself with dodges and dives and keep moving until your opponent starts to slow down. After that, you can use your advantage in speed, get close to the enemy and deal a few blows to him.

    Part 3

    Causing harm to the enemy

      Use the element of surprise. If you feel that a fight is brewing, attack first. If an impact is unavoidable, deliver a sudden, well-timed blow to the jaw or solar plexus (the soft outer edge of the diaphragm under the sternum). Put all your strength into the blow to end the collision immediately. If successful, your opponent will fall and be unable to continue the fight. If you're unlucky, at least you won't be taken by surprise.

      • Before launching a surprise attack, try to assess the situation as accurately as possible. Often you can limit yourself to a verbal skirmish and not bring the matter to a physical confrontation. Make sure you've exhausted all options before engaging in a fight.
      • Be careful with sudden strikes. If you miss or your opponent blocks, you won't be able to avoid a real fight.
    1. Wait for the right moment and move on. It’s worth repeating once again: when facing a larger opponent, you need to constantly move, and not stand still and wait for you to be hit. You will not be able to block powerful blows properly. Dodge and wait for the enemy to open up, then immediately take advantage of the opportunity and land a hard blow. Move from defense to fast explosive attacks, and in the end you will wear down the enemy.

      • Be patient. Otherwise, you will start making mistakes, which can lead to disastrous results.
      • If you can't hit the head, hit the body. The solar plexus is a sensitive place, upon impact on which a person exhales all the air and begins to suffocate. Another weak point is the ribs - they can break at a pressure of less than one kilogram per square centimeter.
    2. Hit sensitive areas. Unlike a boxing match, in which the rules forbid hitting certain places, there are no such restrictions in a street fight. Try to hit the most sensitive places to inflict maximum damage on the enemy. One well-placed hit can take him out of action. Usually such blows are quite unexpected, and people are not always ready to defend themselves from them.

      • Despite the difference in size and height, our bodies share the same weaknesses.
      • Hitting sensitive spots for a while will discourage your opponent, giving you time to retreat or continue your attack.
      • An open-handed blow to the ear throws a person off balance and is just as effective, if not more effective, than a left or right hook. After a blow to the nose, the eyes fill with tears, which allows you to temporarily blind the enemy and buy time for a decisive attack. A blow to the groin limits mobility and deprives the opponent of the determination to continue the fight.
    3. Use painful techniques. Suppose the enemy still knocked you to the ground, and you can not get to your feet. In this case, resort to a painful hold: pinch or twist some part of the opponent’s body so that he cannot continue the fight. Grab a joint, twist your arm, or choke. In this way, you will inflict severe pain on the enemy and be able to end the fight. Even a giant cannot continue the fight if he is knocked unconscious or his arm is broken.

      Don't skimp on dirty tricks. Forget about nobility: a street fight is devoid of any rules. You don't know what kind of damage and injuries you will receive in case of defeat, so you should not be shy and refuse dirty tricks. Bite, hit in the eyes, grab the enemy by the hair, squeeze his neck, kick in the groin and do everything to survive.

    • Keep your eyes on the enemy. Constantly watch him in order to dodge his blows in time and, if necessary, hit back.
    • When striking, always consider the distance between you and your opponent. If you are at a distance, kick the knee, groin or middle of the body; at an average distance, punch in the head and body; on short distance strike with the head, knees and elbows.
    • If possible, spar with someone bigger than you and practice attacking and defending techniques on your partner.
    • Tilt your head forward and tuck your chin in case your opponent throws an uppercut.

Even if you former champion district, city, region, country, finally, in karate, judo, sambo and so on - this is not yet a guarantee of your victory in a fight on the street. Fight with hooligans and demonstration performances before the judges - it's heaven and earth. Hand-to-hand fighting on the street has no rules and laws. There is only one rule here: there must be a winner and there must be a loser.

It is regrettable, but none of us is immune from attack. Not only money, respect, health, but also life can be at stake. There will be no time to think about how to win a fight, there will only be a choice - win or lose.


1. Many people think that tactics, strength, skills are important in a fight. Actually this is not true. All this is, of course, a necessary condition, but far from being the main one. And such has always been and will be psychological readiness and fortitude.
How to win a street fight? How to become psychologically prepared?

Here are some tips:
- keep an eye on everyone who is in and soberly assess the ability of a person to attack you. This way you will always be prepared. And the attack will not come as a surprise to you;
- if you feel threatened, do not panic, but rather mentally scroll through the action plan in your head;
- evaluate the situation immediately. Consider whether it is possible to talk your opponents;
- if a truce fails, attack first. Your goal is to disable your opponent in the first two hits.

Principles of victory in street fighting:
- the attack should be as hard as possible;
- use the most effective techniques from your arsenal. Hit the places that are most vulnerable and use the means of protection;
- your opponent must be defeated from the first or second blow;
- try to neutralize the attacker at all costs, otherwise, if he turns out to be the winner, you will not have to wait for mercy.

2. There is a special algorithm of actions that tells you how to win in a fight: assessing the situation - developing an action plan - seizing the initiative - striking - fleeing from the battlefield.

3. Attacking you will always be stronger, otherwise he would be afraid to attack. How to win in a fight when the forces are unequal? A special training system will help you with this. It is better to exercise two to three times a week to be in good shape.
Please note that you should never, under any circumstances, allow

Helpful Hints

If you want to win street fights, you need the following:
- Constantly practice tricks. You can choose at first about five, but they must be honed to automatism. In the future, you can learn new tricks;
- you should learn to use blows in conjunction;
- include endurance exercises in training;
- exercises should be simple, but suitable only for you;
- it is better to train on simulators that imitate the figures of opponents;
- train with friends or join the hand-to-hand combat section.

Note: physical strength And good hit- it's not the same thing. The blow must be delivered correctly. Even an unremarkable person can possess such a technique. In any strike, the main thing is the skill that needs to be worked on, and the physical form is simply attached. If you want to know how to win a fight, you need to work on yourself and your body, then all questions will disappear.

A lot of literature has been written about the methods of properly conducting a fight in street conditions. Masters various martial arts they try to pass on their knowledge to students and suggest how to behave in a fight. But all recommendations will be meaningless if a passerby who gets into trouble is afraid of a fight and is afraid.

Many people wonder what to do if I am afraid to fight. Don't be afraid to feel fear. This is a normal feeling that you can work with and overcome it.

Reasons for fear of fighting

Fear of a fight is not something shameful, since its consequences can be very different: from minor bruises to injury or even death.

Fear of aggressive actions is a common problem of young men and teenagers. The reason for fear lies in inexperience, as well as fear of blood, pain and defeat.

For girls, in addition to such varieties of fear, fear is added for their appearance, which can suffer in a fight. This fear is present at the subconscious level.

It is believed that men with a visual vector are more afraid of a fight and pain. These are the properties of the psyche, in which there is increased sensitivity and emotionality.

During a fight, a person is not always aware of the possible consequences and realistically assesses the situation.

Fear and aggressive actions provoke the production of certain hormones that dull brain function. But there is a hormonal surge to the legs and arms, which gives them the command: "fight or flight." In this situation, you need to decide what to do and act. Otherwise, there will be a panic attack.

Why is there fear of fighting? All fears are social and genetic in nature. Parents and their children have the same fears due to the similarity of psychological properties. Certain personality traits are influenced by fears. The level of anxiety, addiction, as well as the speed of the flow of emotions depend on temperament and accentuation.

There are main reasons why there is a fear of a fight:

  1. Neurotic anxiety raises doubts about personal safety. When this occurs, an attack of fear or a feeling of anxiety. There is a desire to surround yourself with care against the backdrop of self-doubt.
  2. Children's fears appear after the first negative experience. They also arise from the fear of punishment. A lot of people can't fight because of their upbringing.
  3. Biological motivation is designed to protect health and life. This creates fear of pain, death, or injury. Sometimes people are afraid not only to get hurt, but also to hurt others.
  4. The fear of speaking in public works if there are spectators. A person is afraid to seem ridiculous and embarrassed. People have an unconscious fear of public condemnation.

A common cause of fear of a fight is the inability to fight.

Fear may appear in kindergarten when punishment was received from parents or a rebuff from a stronger baby. Negative memories can haunt you for the rest of your life.

Children with a soft character and intelligent upbringing avoid conflict situations and fights.

How to stop being afraid of a fight?

Having decided on the causes of fear, you can try to overcome your fear. The question is often asked on the Internet: I am afraid to fight, what to do about it or how to overcome fear?

You should not get involved in fights, but there are circumstances when there is no other way out. For example, if the opponent is really threatening and attacks himself. Also, if you need to protect your loved ones.

It is worth analyzing your motives. Often we get offended because we ourselves think up resentments about the actions of another person.

Resentment can be overcome. There are many psychological solutions to conflict situations.

Do not think that if you refuse to fight, everyone will think that you are a coward. Even in the case of consent to a fight, people will not think anything good. Don't worry about the opinions of others.

If the situation with a fight is inevitable, then you need to cope with shyness and take action.

Some methods to help overcome fear:

  1. Psychophysical relaxation and meditation help reduce anxiety and fear. Even one meditation has a positive result. With the constant use of meditative techniques, a cumulative effect is formed. Relaxation allows you to eliminate muscle stiffness and relieve stress.
  2. You can learn certain psychotechnical techniques. Don't overthink things before a fight. Professional wrestlers and boxers plunge into states of emotional outburst and cheer themselves up with loud shouts, aggressive gestures and combative postures.
  3. If there is uncertainty, then you need to work on your self-esteem. This is where training for personal growth comes into play.
  4. Breathing techniques are used to help calm down and resist surging emotions. Rebirthing, yoga gymnastics and Strelnikova gymnastics are recommended.
  5. If the fear is in the inability to fight, then you should go to self-defense courses. You need to exercise and exercise regularly.

Mastering self-defense techniques helps to get rid of fears and gain self-confidence.

An important point is the psychological attitude, which will tell you what to do.

There is a psychological method of setting up for a fight, which is based on the “substitution phantom”. To stop waiting for pain, a fighter identifies himself with an animal: a tiger, a monkey or a crane. As if entrusting himself to the spirit of the beast.

This method helps to turn off logical thinking. Instead, the reflex qualities that are characteristic of a particular animal begin to function.

If there is a fear of pain, then you can choose the image of the tank. This is a steel machine that knows no pain and demolishes everything in its path.

To make it easier to adjust yourself to a certain state, you need to think over the key to transition to the desired image. The clue can be mental, verbal, or kinesthetic. A certain sound will help some enter the image, and tension will help others. individual muscles or representation of an image.

The wrestling or boxing section will help you place and feel your punch.

It is worth remembering that the lack of confidence in own forces the opponent can easily feel it, which will give him strength.

Many varieties martial arts not only teach self-defense, but also build morale and resilience.

The human subconscious does not distinguish real event and fictional. This fact will help to recreate a situation where a fight cannot be avoided and lose it in your head.

If a fight cannot be avoided, then the following recommendations should be used:

  1. You need to come to the place of the fight with the look of a winner. It is necessary to behave confidently and look down.
  2. It will give strength and confidence to enter a pre-thought-out image.
  3. Worth learning ahead of time effective methods and practice.
  4. Good physical training is a big advantage. Sometimes fast feet are the best solution.
  5. To understand how to stop being afraid of a fight, you need to understand the psychology of the enemy. He may also experience fear and worry.

Victory consists of two components of the psychological attitude and physical fitness.

The ability to protect yourself is the most important quality. This does not mean that all conflict situations should be resolved with the help of fists. But there are situations when there is a threat own life or the lives of your loved ones. In this case, it is simply necessary to fight.

Every guy and man in life there are situations when you need to get into a fight. Even if you sometimes train and have a good physical form, it does not guarantee victory. You must take advantage of the enemy's weak points and inflict crushing blows on him.

How to defeat the enemy in a fight?

Many guys are interested in this question, but if there is a chance to defeat a strong opponent or should you immediately give up? In fact, it is not the one with big fists or biceps that wins the fight, but the one who is braver, faster and smarter. Today we want to present you with some simple tricks, using which you can become a winner and show your opponent what you are worth.

Here are the top secrets that will help you avoid calling the ambulance and a hospital bed:

Wake up! When someone threatens you, you must concentrate all your attention on the enemy and track all his movements. If you do not look both ways, he will attack you and deal a crushing blow. You also need to quickly look around and look around with your eyes for items that can be used instead of weapons. It does not hurt to find an exit into which you can escape if necessary, if there are several opponents.

Try to lighten the mood. How to defeat the enemy in a fight? Talk to the enemy and calm him down, no need to climb on the rampage. After all, your health and life is much more important than arguing with some stupid idiot. There is nothing wrong with the fact that you admit that you are to blame for the situation and apologize. Your main goal is to avoid fighting. In no case do not show the enemy that you are afraid of him.

Take a fighting stance. If a fight cannot be avoided, you must be on your guard. Never turn your back to the enemy, only face. Use your hands to protect your belly, jaw and chest, clench your fingers into fists, legs wider than shoulders for stability. The goal is to maintain balance, you should not end up on the ground. Most often in a fight, the jaw and ribs are damaged, so try not to give up.

Protect yourself. You must protect yourself from violence and unjustified aggression, so do not be afraid and strike. Bay to those places that are not protected. If you have any object that can be used as a weapon, do so. It can be anything, like a chair or a bottle.

Knee to the groin.
No explanation is needed, you already know why it works. Throw kicks to the groin, knee, or stomach. They will disable the attacker for a long time, and you will have time to get away. It also does not hurt to hit the face, you can hit it with your forehead. Hit him in the nose, it's effective and it hurts.

Hit effectively. Do not waste your energy in vain and try to hit weak spots as accurately as possible. One good hit will replace 10 bad ones, but you will save your strength to continue the fight.

Battle cry. Do not be silent, you must tear and throw! Your battle roar should hit the enemy and intimidate him. Many even the most courageous men are frightened when they hear the loud exclamation of the enemy, this is a sign that he is not afraid to join the fight. Intimidate the enemy and distract him, so you will have a much better chance of getting away. Another reason is to attract attention, it is quite possible that one of the passers-by or local residents will hear you and call the police.

Run away. If you have tried all the tips above and they didn't work desired result, there is only one thing left - you must run from there as fast as you can! Don't ask for trouble and get away as quickly as possible.