Handball training. Synchronized swimming

Basics of initial selection

1.1. General basics (initial stage of training)

1.2. Fundamentals of technology

1.3. game tactics

2. The effectiveness of initial training in handball technique

2.1. Ensuring detailed visibility of the implementation of techniques3

2.3. Results of testing young handball players


1. Fundamentals of initial selection

Officially, the recruitment of children to handball schools is carried out in September-October of each year. But in Russia with handball schools such a situation has developed that now they take almost all the children, regardless of physical data. So if you brought a child to a handball coach in winter or spring, then he, in spite of everything, will gladly include the baby in the group.

The most popular age to start a handball career is eight to nine years old. You can bring older children, no one will kick them out of school. But the requirements will be somewhat stricter. After all, already at the age of 10-12, the role of an athlete is determined. As a rule, finally and irrevocably.

First of all, the coordination of the child's movements should be assessed. This is exactly the quality that is emphasized in the group. initial training. Then the physical data are evaluated. In modern handball, height is very important. For example, in our handball team, which is now playing at the world championships, almost everyone is like a selection - a kind of grenadiers: there are only 5 people in the team below 190 centimeters. Height is important in the first place in order to be able to throw from above and from afar. But there is a place for short boys and girls in handball - on the flanks, where the lack of growth and power can be fully compensated by mobility and jumping ability.

Well, the main handball deficit is left-handers. They take them practically with their eyes closed, and they will be carried around with them like with a hand-written sack.

Usually 15-20 children are recruited into one group. Age groups are formed, boys and girls train separately. The child will be engaged in the initial training group 3 times a week for an hour and a half a day. The initial training phase will last a year or two. Usually after this period, a lot of guys just stop classes or drop out. And only the most gifted go to the training group. Here you will have to engage in a special program.

When sending a child to a sports handball school, parents should understand that handball is a traumatic sport. In the same Russian team at the World Cup, a rather difficult situation developed - during the tournament, two players of the main team were injured at once. But children after injuries recover quite quickly. When the athlete gets older, injuries will annoy more often. Broken fingers, sprains and torn ligaments, and concussions are especially common in handball.

Handball develops the heart system, improves coordination of movements. And the lung capacity of handball players is almost the same as that of swimmers!

Balls. Children play with rubber, teenagers already play with leather, adult size.

Sneakers. They are special in handball: slightly stiff, tight-fitting leg, with a fairly solid low sole, which is more like one big callus.

Velcro. This is an affectionate name for an ointment with a peculiar composition, which allows you to better hold a handball. With it, the ball will not slip out of your hands, and the throw will be stronger. True, only very adult guys use it, professionals are five minutes away (otherwise you won’t put the correct throw technique on the children).

school curriculum for physical culture students are introduced to sports games, such as basketball, volleyball, mini-football, handball. But if the first of the three named games are cultivated to one degree or another in school gyms, then handball or, as it is also called, “handball”, undeservedly, in my opinion, is deprived of both attention and time. Being engaged with students in the practical mastery of the technique and tactics of handball, as well as studying the rules of the game, one can not only achieve high sports performance but also to acquire the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities used in many other sports disciplines.

Handball is a universal sports game that has common roots with football and basketball, and is not inferior to rugby in terms of athleticism. The main techniques of handball players are running, accelerating, moving, taking off, jumping on goal, passing and catching the ball with the most different ways, fighting for the ball and position, etc., as well as the game of handball goalkeeper. All of them are closely related to sports such as Athletics, gymnastics, wrestling and acrobatics.

1.1. Initial stage of training

Before you start learning handball in the school hall, you should prepare the hall and purchase the necessary sports equipment.

The standard handball court is a 40x20 m field, but you can conduct classes and teach the game in a 24x12 m hall. You can also use the existing markings for playing basketball or volleyball and, after drawing several lines of a different color, we get a handball court ( Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Scheme of the gym

We start by building a handball goal. They can be made of metal pipes attached to the wall and sides and equipped with nets. You can use a wooden beam by fixing it directly to the wall with screws and painting the rods with black and white stripes.

The standard size of handball goals is 3x2 m. But since the halls in the school, as a rule, have a size of 24x12 m, the goal should be made smaller, for example, 2x1.5 m; 2.5x1.8m etc.

After the gate is made and fixed, you can start marking the site. Using the line of free throws in basketball (in Fig. line No. 1), fixing the twine at the fulcrum of the bar (No. 4), draw a line (No. 3) of the corresponding radius - R with chalk. Then, painting the line (No. 3) in red, we will get a goalkeeper's zone, and the free-throw line in basketball will also serve as a line for penetrating seven-meter handball penalties.

The line (No. 2) of the three-point shots in basketball (usually white, solid or dotted) should be used as the free throw zone in handball.

The side lines (No. 5) can be ignored when playing handball. A ball that touches the side wall can be considered out of bounds, which will increase the field of play.

By purchasing handballs, as well as rubber balls of smaller diameter for training fifth and sixth graders, you can start playing handball both in the classroom and in the school sports section.

Already at the initial training stage it is possible to carry out physical, technical and individual training of players in parallel. The main, basic exercises will be general physical training exercises, as well as game variants of handball according to simplified rules. It is better to build complex exercises on the basis of combining several tasks or techniques into a single system of actions and, as a task, to transfer to the simplest two-sided game. Depending on the age and readiness of the players, the size of the team should also be determined: for example, 5 field players + goalkeeper; 4 + 1 or 3 + 1.

1.2. Fundamentals of technology

The technique of the game is not just a set of techniques specific to a particular sports game. There are also different ways to do it. In turn, the technique of performing a technique is a system of movement elements that allows you to most rationally solve a specific motor task.

According to the nature of game activity, handball technique is divided into two large sections: field player technique and goalkeeper technique.

When I start teaching handball, I try to ensure that everyone involved "try on" the role of an attacker, a defender, and a goalkeeper. Children love to play, and hit-and-catch games, in my opinion, are enjoyed by almost everyone. And although the majority seeks to play in the attack and score goals, something else is more important: to let the children feel the features of a particular game at every point on the court. Since handball is a sports tempo game in which it goes on the attack, and when the ball is lost, the whole team defends, then subsections can be distinguished: attack technique and defense technique. It is more interesting to introduce children to the technical elements of the game in the classroom, and in extracurricular activities. different methods. The teacher's choice, for example, determines what students will learn in class: elements of attack or defense techniques? Or perhaps you would prefer to build a lesson in such a way that one half of the class will practice defensive actions, and the other - attacking.

When performing both, it is possible to distinguish groups of exercises for moving players, which, with rare exceptions, are characteristic of both defense and attack. In addition, the ball possession technique in handball is opposed by the counter ball possession technique.

Techniques used by a handball player in the process of playing in the attack are shown in the diagram (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Techniques used by a handball player during the game

Participation in the game obliges the player to be constantly ready to move, to receive the ball, pass it to a partner or score a goal. This readiness is reflected in the player's posture, which is called the stance.

The main tasks of the game in defense are: the defense of one's goal with legal means, the destruction of an organized attack by the opponent and the possession of the ball. To solve these problems, the defender needs to be able to move quickly around the court, suddenly change the pace and direction, and have a positional instinct to disrupt the opponent's attack. All these methods are shown in Fig. 3.

Handball techniques and techniques

Using the classification of techniques, the trainer will be able to independently develop special preparatory and training exercises, determine the dosage of loads and those techniques that need to be approached with great attention.

The teacher who has chosen handball for physical education lessons, unlike the coach, whose task is to teach only a specific game, has a different goal. From the point of view of professional development of the game, it is minimal: to introduce, show, teach to the extent that children can play on their own. But from the point of view of a physical education teacher with a specialization in handball, I have new opportunities for programmatic training of students in the framework of the subject of physical education. For example, mastering the elements motor activity with an object and without an object. Based on the above schemes, you can come up with more than a dozen exercises that allow you to conduct this training in a non-standard and interesting way.

The technique of playing the goalkeeper is also divided into defense and attack techniques.

The goalkeeper can master the implementation of basic techniques in the general group of field players, but special exercises it is necessary to work out individually or with a group of three or four goalkeepers, since the goalkeeper's technique is much more complicated than that of a field player.

But even more complex goalkeeping techniques can be used in the classroom, for example, when studying a gymnastics program. In this case, I mean that individual training goalkeepers are required stretching, flexibility, coordination exercises, which is also typical for gymnastics.

1.3. game tactics

Having mastered the techniques, it is equally important to be able to apply them with maximum benefit, and this is already a matter of tactics. It is no coincidence that a sign of high coaching skill is the ability to rebuild the team's game along the way, depending on the situation.

The tactics of the game are in constant development. It depends on changing the rules of the game, improving physical ability players, the emergence of new techniques in technology. Modern tactics both in attack and defense are built, firstly, on high individual skill, secondly, on coordinated actions between individual players and, thirdly, on the team as a whole. If the basic principle of performing technical elements is what and how to do, then from the tactical side it is important how and when. This applies to the tactics of the game, not only field players, but also the goalkeeper.

If we again proceed from the fact that we include handball training in the variable part curriculum, then it is clear: we will have a minimum number of lessons for this. It will be necessary to acquaint the children with tactics in the course of the game moments, choosing from a variety of tactical options only a few, so that students can better master them.

As my practice of working at school shows, handball for children is no less interesting than others. game types sports. And when, for example, in a credit lesson on athletics one of the guys shows a result in long jumps that he has never achieved before, then he looks at me inquiringly: how can this be, because he hasn’t specially trained in jumping?

But that's the value sports games that they allow our children not only to learn new things, but also to comprehensively develop their physical qualities. And if, at the same time, the game will give pleasure, fill the children positive emotions, to relieve stress in the course of study, we can assume that you, as a teacher, completed your main task in the lesson.

2. The effectiveness of initial training in handball technique based on the use of modern information technologies

The most detailed study of the effectiveness of primary education was Kozina Zh.L. (Kharkiv State Pedagogical University named after G.S. Skovoroda). She posed the problem of analysis latest research and publications. Modern handball requires high level possession of all techniques, therefore, the training process at all stages of preparation should be based on the possibility of a detailed analysis of the individual technique of athletes. For this, it is no longer enough just to visually analyze the technique of each player due to the fact that the high speed of performing technical techniques of a handball player often does not allow one to accurately capture the individual nuances of their individual performance. Modern handball requires a wider use of information technology at all stages of preparation, especially when teaching technique, which determined the purpose of the study.

On the basis of the data obtained earlier, a methodology was developed for the initial training in the technique of basic techniques in handball using modern information technologies and a pedagogical experiment was conducted, in which the players of the Youth Sports School No. 12 athletes control. The experiment was carried out from September 2002 to May 2003.

To train young athletes of the experimental group, a methodology was developed technical training with an emphasis on the development of speed-strength qualities. The main features of this technique were as follows. Along with training in technical techniques, emphasis was placed on the development of speed-solo abilities. For this they used:

Special exercises for developing strength and explosive power;

Exercises for the development of speed;

When teaching the technique of performing passes and throws, the emphasis was placed on both the accuracy of performing these techniques and the speed-strength aspect of their implementation, while the traditional methodology provides for teaching these techniques without focusing on the speed-strength aspect.

To enhance the learning effect, visual aids were used, similar to those shown in Fig. 1. In addition, at the lessons of computer science, geometry, biology, students watched an educational cartoon in which an analogy was drawn in the rule of adding vectors between the laws of biomechanical addition of forces when passing the ball, the laws of interaction of forces in ants when dragging a burden, and the laws of addition of forces for any collective unidirectional action on the example of the fairy tale "Turnip" (Fig. 2).

The control group trained according to the generally accepted method of mastering techniques without focusing on the speed-strength aspect and without the use of modern computer technologies.

The experiment lasted 1 year. Pedagogical testing was conducted at the beginning and at the end of the pedagogical experiment.

Let's consider each component of this technique separately.

2.1. Ensuring detailed visibility of the implementation of techniques

Explanation of the throwing technique and showing visual aids made independently with the help of video filming and computer processing of materials (Fig. 1), as well as video cassettes recording the throwing technique by professional handball players (produced by the University of California). The video cassette was viewed twice a month. Visual aids (Fig. 1) were issued to each student for detailed study at home for an unlimited period. When preparing a visual aid, athletes were invited higher ranks(not lower than the first), the most successful materials were selected. Figure 1 shows the performance of a throw by an athlete - a student of KhDPU (KMS).

Rice. 1. A visual aid for learning the technique of throwing from a place

2.2. The method of using educational and methodical cartoon to study the technique of passing the ball

At the lessons of computer science, geometry, biology, students watched an educational cartoon in which an analogy was drawn in the rule of adding vectors between the laws of biomechanical addition of forces when passing the ball, the laws of interaction of forces in ants when dragging a burden, and the laws of addition of forces in any collective unidirectional action using the example of a fairy tale "Turnip".

At the same time, the rule for adding forces along vectors was explained in detail to the students (grades 6-7 of a comprehensive school). After that, examples of the addition of forces by vectors were given. Among these examples was a demonstration correct technique passing the ball in handball, in which all muscles should work, and first of all, the legs, since this is the largest vector component in the sum of the acting forces in this movement. Thus, the muscles, correctly included in the movement, create a force that contributes to the accurate and strong sending of the ball to the target (Fig. 2). This force is the result of the addition of all force vectors that provide a given movement. Therefore, when passing the ball, all muscles must work. This is relevant from the point of view that the most common mistake among beginner handball players is standing on straight legs when passing and throwing the ball. In this case, the possibility of not only the speed-strength component of the movement is lost, but also the possibility of a strong and accurate transmission.

As an analogy from wildlife, an example of the joint dragging of burdens by ants was given, when the vectors of the action forces of all ants are added (Fig. 2). How can ants quickly drag a burden into Right place only by combining their efforts, so the muscles can perform a strong and precise action, working in concert. From this point of view, it is also advisable to bend the legs when passing the ball, since in this case the largest muscles are included in the action, which are the muscles lower extremities, which provides a speed-strength aspect when performing this technique.

As an analogy, an example was also given from the fairy tale "Turnip", in which, when the action vectors of all forces were formed, i.e. "grandfathers", "grandmothers", "granddaughters", etc., "the turnip pulled out." When passing the ball, the muscles of the legs are, as it were, the “grandfather” in the fairy tale “Turnip”, the muscles of the torso, shoulder, forearm are the “grandmother”, “granddaughter”, “Bug”, etc., and the muscles of the hand are the “mouse” ". Therefore, in order for the transfer to be strong and accurate (for the turnip to pull out), all muscles must work in concert.

This material was presented in the form of a cartoon, which combined the material of geometry, physics, biology and physical education, which mutually strengthened its understanding by students, both athletes and non-athletes.

Rice. 2. Fragments of an educational and methodical cartoon for substantiation based on the rules for the addition of forces according to the vectors of the ball passing technique

The results of the pedagogical experiment showed the effectiveness of this technique in primary education handball players. So, in the athletes of the experimental group, according to the results of the control tests, it was significant (at p<0,05; р<0,01) улучшились показатели не только скоростно-силовой подготовленности, но качество выполнения технических приемов (броска и передачи мяча). В то время как в контрольной группе достоверный прирост результатов тестирования наблюдался в трех тестах из пяти с меньшим уровнем значимости по сравнению в экспериментальной группой (р<0,05) (табл. 1, 2).

2.3. The results of testing young handball players in the control group before and after the experiment

Table 1

The data obtained allow us to conclude that it is expedient to use the developed methodology in the initial training of handball players.

table 2

The results of testing young handball players of the experimental group before and after the experiment

Conclusions. 1. The study showed the feasibility of using the developed methodology for teaching the basic techniques of young handball players with an emphasis on the speed-strength aspect of performing these techniques and using a wide range of visual aids created using modern information technologies.

2. Improvement of test indicators in the experimental group, with a greater significance than in the control group, confirms the effectiveness of this technique.

Further research involves the development of the scientific and methodological direction of the use of information technologies in the educational and training process in sports games.

The selection of children to handball schools is carried out in September-October of each year. The best age to start a handball career is eight or nine years old.

First of all, the coordination of the child's movements should be assessed. This is exactly the quality that is emphasized in the initial training group. Then the physical data are evaluated. In modern handball, height is very important. For example, in our handball team, which is now playing at the Asian Championships, almost all athletes are tall. Height is important in the first place in order to be able to throw from above and from afar. But there is a place for short boys and girls in handball - on the flanks, where the lack of growth and power can be fully compensated for by mobility and jumping ability.

Age groups are formed, boys and girls train separately. Engage in a group of initial training will be 3 times a week for an hour and a half a day. The initial training phase will last a year or two. Usually, after this period, many children simply stop classes or drop out. And only the most gifted go to the training group. Here you will have to engage in a special program.

When sending a child to a sports handball school, parents should understand that handball is a traumatic sport. Broken fingers, sprains and torn ligaments, and concussions are especially common in handball.

Handball develops the heart system, improves coordination of movements, high speed abilities.

Children play with rubber balls, teenagers play with adult-sized leather balls.

The school program on physical education provides for the acquaintance of students with sports games, such as basketball, volleyball, mini-football, handball. But if the first of the three named games are cultivated to one degree or another in school gyms, then handball or, as it is also called, “handball”, is undeservedly, in my opinion, deprived of both attention and time. Being engaged with students in practical mastery of handball techniques and tactics, as well as studying the rules of the game, one can not only achieve high sports performance, but also acquire the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities used in many other sports disciplines.

Handball is a universal sports game that has common roots with football and basketball, and is not inferior to rugby in terms of athleticism. The main techniques of handball players are acceleration, running, moving, breaking off, passing and catching the ball in a variety of ways, vaulting jumps on goal, fighting for the ball and position, etc., as well as playing a handball goalkeeper. All of them are closely related to sports such as athletics, gymnastics, wrestling and acrobatics.

Verbatim handball translated as “hand-ball”: according to the rules, it is with your hands that you need to score balls into the opponents' goal in this game - a kind of opposition to football, where, as you know, field players are strictly forbidden not only to score, but also to touch the ball with their hands. The goal, by the way, in handball is small - 2 × 3 meters, so in some cases the goalkeeper will be able to save the team even if the scorer goes one on one.

Surprisingly, handball in its modern form was invented not by someone, but by the Danes - a people that not everyone associates with sports. Quite quickly, this occupation "covered" nearby and distant countries, including Russia. In our country, there are many handball organizations that unite both professionals and those who take their first steps in this game. In the clubs and sections of our city, children can get acquainted with the rules of handball, tactics and features of this game.

Handball allows you to bring up a harmoniously developed personality, because its philosophy is aimed not only at the physical component. In addition to the fact that this sport is good for health, it also plays a big role in psychological terms, develops the personal qualities of the younger generation.

What can and cannot be done in the game

The main goal of the game of handball is to throw the ball into the opponent's goal with your hand. But after all, you also need to get to a convenient position - in accordance with all the rules, without violations. For example, you can touch the ball only with parts of the body above the knee. Otherwise, the referee will call a foul with his whistle. The player who receives the ball must quickly decide what to do with it: if he stands with it in his hands for more than three seconds, it will be considered a violation. Also, the rules forbid an athlete, if he is running, to take more than three steps with the ball. He made a violation - it means that the ball will go to the opponent. It is also not allowed to bring the ball into the goalkeeper's possessions, screen the gate and attack the players against the rules. All this has been studied in children's volleyball sections for quite a long time.

Handball for children: pros and cons

In some handball sections, children are accepted from the age of 7-8, but the most suitable age is considered to be 9-12 years. Older children run faster and have better ball control. With age, when taking more requirements are placed on the preparation of the child. A beginner handball player must have developed physical data and coordination of movements. The growth of an athlete is also important for playing handball, but in childhood this is not the most important thing, since the characteristics may change. It should be understood that the loads in handball, as in many other sports, are considerable. Therefore, even minor health problems can become a barrier to sports. You should consult a doctor in advance and find out whether handball is suitable for a child or not, which physical culture regimen to choose. Recommendations can be given by both a pediatrician and a sports doctor. Unfortunately, a child will not be able to play handball with vision problems, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, heart disorders and shortness of breath. Many schoolchildren today wear glasses, but this does not mean that sports should be abandoned. An ophthalmologist will help you choose a direction and talk about the prevention of visual impairment.

Handball is one of the team sports. There are seven people on the field from each of the two teams, including goalkeepers from both sides. For the most part, it resembles football, only they play with their hands and the more balls will be scored into the opponent's goal, 3 by 2 meters in size, the better. Anyone who is interested in this sport can apply to one of the handball sports sections in their city.

Institutions (schools, clubs) in Handball for kids in Moscow

Here is a list of all handball sections, handball clubs and sports schools for children 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 years old, for boys and girls. The search for a suitable place for handball in Moscow can be done directly on the map or according to the list of sports organizations represented. You can choose a suitable sports section near your children's home, work or school for their subsequent enrollment. For each of the sports sections available: phone numbers, addresses, prices, photos, descriptions and conditions to sign up for a section or clarify other information that interests you.

Handball is one of the most popular team sports in Russia. Despite the fact that fans follow handball championships less than football or hockey battles, this type of competition has its own strong fan base. Where can handball fans watch competitions in Moscow? What is the state of development of this sport in the capital at the moment?

The state of handball in Moscow during the USSR.

The Soviet school of handball has always been known in the world. Many athletes from the capital of our country were the best at various international championships. Handball in Moscow has always had good bases for training, and high-quality specialists that brought up more than one generation of athletes. During the USSR, many children were sent to sports sections. In the Soviet period, many more children were engaged in this type of team competition. At the same time, more than a hundred schools worked, among them the lion's share was just in Moscow. Some of these bases have been given the status of Olympic reserve sections.

Among the most famous Soviet teams from the capital are:

- Kuntsevo.

Handball in Moscow today.

At the present time in Moscow continues to live and develop. A number of children's and youth sports schools of the Soviet era operate in the capital, as well as more and more new sections are opening.

You can send your child to a number of sports schools that specialize in this sport. Now there are about twenty of them. These sports schools may offer classes in other sports as well. Children of different ages or adults train in different sections. On the positive side, boys and girls can even study for free, just like in Soviet times. Schools are located in many districts of the capital.

Professional athletes of our capital are preparing for the matches at the bases of their clubs. Modern handball in Moscow has a number of professional teams available. So, the metropolitan team UOR No. 2 plays in the men's super league. The representative of the Moscow region are the Chekhov Bears.

Women's handball in Moscow is also well developed. In the super league of the championship of Russia, the Luch team was honored to represent the capital. The history of this club is one of the most significant among all handball teams.

Where to watch handball in the capital?

To watch the games of the Russian national handball team in Moscow, you can visit a number of stadiums where competitions are held, or watch matches on TV. Competitions take place at the most popular stadiums in the capital, as well as at the home arenas of Moscow teams.

Some state TV channels show games of the country's main team live. There are also broadcasts of handball in a number of sports bars. Internet broadcasts of champion club games are available on specialized sites.

It can be noted that USC CSKA recently hosted the first gala match in the history of Russian handball, which was dedicated to the victory of our women's team in the Olympiad, which took place in Brazil.

Handball for children in Moscow:

Sports and recreation complex "Dynamics", Moscow, m. Schukinskaya, 1st Infantry lane, 8

· Moscow Secondary Special School of the Olympic Reserve No. 1, Moscow, Izmailovsky Boulevard, 75, bldg. 17

· KDYUSSH, Sports club "Luch", Moscow, m. Perovo, st. 1st Vladimirskaya, st. 10b

· GBOU secondary school No. 1020, Moscow, m. Yasenevo, st. Vilniusskaya, 12

· Sports complex "Krylatskoe", Moscow, m. Krylatskoe, st. Krylatskaya, 16

Sports school "Kuntsevo", Sports complex "Kuntsevo", Moscow, m. Kuntsevskaya, Mozhayskoe shosse, 7

Handball for children and teenagers in Moscow:

· GOU SOSH No. 281, Moscow, m. Babushkinskaya, st. Raduzhnaya, 7

· SDUSHOR No. 53, Specialized children's and youth sports school of the Olympic reserve No. 53, Moscow, m. Vykhino, st. Moldagulova, 20a

· Children's and Youth Sports School No. 47, Children's and Youth Sports School No. 47, Moscow, metro station Domodedavskaya, Kashirskoye sh., 94, bldg. 1

· SDUSHOR No. 1, Specialized Children's and Youth Sports School of the Olympic Reserve No. 1, Moscow, m. Sparrow Hills, st. Kosygina, d. 17, building. 8

· Children's and Youth Sports School No. 80, Children's and Youth Sports School No. 80 "Bibirevo", Moscow, m. Biberevo, st. Korneichuk, 28, bldg. 2

· UOR them. AND I. Gomelsky, Olympic reserve school named after. AND I. Gomelsky, Moscow, m. Biberevo

Educational and sports complex "October", Moscow, m. Schukinskaya, st. Picturesque 21.

Handball for children and adults in Moscow:

· Sports Palace "Krasnoarmeyets", Moscow region, Krasnoarmeysk, st. Academician Yangelya, 35

· SDUSHOR No. 101 "Tushino", Moscow, m. Planernaya, st. Vilisa Latsisa, 20