Power differ. Pilates or strength training: which is better for a woman? What is the benefit of strength training

How are power transformers different from voltage transformers? What are the purposes of one and the other? and got the best answer

Answer from Alexander R9AAA Prokudin[guru]
1. Differ in mode. The power transformer (TS) operates at a rated load (current and voltage) Sload~Snom. The voltage transformer (VT) operates in a mode close to idling (Sload is much less than Snom).
2. For HP, the coefficient is more rigidly normalized. transformation and no-load current, since these parameters affect the accuracy of voltage transformation (transformation coefficient errors and phase errors). Compliance with the accuracy class is established.
3. The design of the magnetic circuit. For three-phase VTs, the magnetic circuit is always closed for zero-sequence flows (five-rod circuit), or the VT is made of three separate transformers.
Power transformers are designed to convert electrical energy with one parameters (current and voltage) into electrical energy with other parameters. There are step-up, step-down and autotransformers. All of them are installed at substations. At substations of power plants, mainly step-up transformers and autotransformers are installed. At the nodal (transit) substations, autotransformers are most often installed. Substations have step-down transformers.
Voltage transformers are designed to lower the voltage of the measured circuit to a safe level and galvanic isolation between the measured circuit and measuring instrument circuits.
The rated voltage of the secondary windings of the VT is assumed to be 100 V.
Source: El. part of the stations. 3rd energy course

Answer from Mynda Shvynda[guru]
More like almost the same thing. Power for galvanic separation and obtaining several voltages on the secondary winding, and the voltages may not be power but sound

Answer from Oleg mezhnov[newbie]
current is amps, voltage is volts. Here's how you should be guided by it.

Answer from Alexslav[guru]
The question is a little wrong, the power trance can also be a voltage trance

Answer from Alex Ivan[guru]
these are specialized terms. in fact, both are ordinary transformers. to the voltage transformer VT, serves to power the secondary measuring circuits. similar to a CT current transformer. which is also installed in the secondary measuring circuits.
and the power transformer provides power to the consumer. that is, the main power current flows through it.

Answer from Foxius[guru]
static electromagnetic device having two or more inductively coupled windings and designed to convert, by means of electromagnetic induction, one or more alternating current systems into one or more other alternating current systems
POWER TRANSFORMER - a transformer designed to convert electrical energy in electrical networks and in installations designed to receive and use electrical energy.
voltage transformer, in which one magnetic circuit performs two functions - measuring and protective, such a transformer may have one or more secondary windings.
voltage transformer designed to transmit an information signal to protection and (or) control devices.
voltage transformer designed to transmit an information signal to measuring instruments and meters

During cardio and strength training, the body works differently, respectively, these two types sports activities have different effects. The most winning strategy for losing weight will not be choosing one of the two, but a skillful combination of two types of load. Success in losing weight depends on how much calorie expenditure prevails over their intake. Let's take a look at which workouts make us spend more.

And after an intensive workout, where the main ones were performed by the participants in a circle to failure, the daily calorie consumption increased by 23%. Scientists have concluded that strength training and help burn more calories if they are really hard.

Cardio does not build muscle like strength does, and muscles not only create an attractive figure silhouette, but also help you spend more energy. Who more muscle that burns more calories.

For cardio to be effective, you need to choose a feasible minimum that you can do regularly without gaps in order to ensure stable energy costs for your body. On average, for sustainable weight loss, you need 2-4 strength training sessions per week, do 15-30 minutes of cardio immediately after them, and do 2-3 cardio workouts for 45-60 minutes on separate days.

functional or strength training- what's better?

Let's start right away with the main ideas of the article - this is finding a compromise between the supporters of this or that type of training. I was prompted to this realization among the extremes of the two fronts of the golden mean, which is the way out of this situation. For those interested and choosing the type of training, the main advantages and disadvantages will be analyzed, which will allow you to make an informed choice.
By strength training, we mean standard exercises from powerlifting, bodybuilding. I did not include in strength training weightlifting due to high trauma. The benefits are obvious:
- strengthening of ligaments, bones, tendons, prevention of osteoporosis, osteochondrosis;
- prevention of type 2 diabetes and obesity, improvement of blood counts, stimulation of work internal organs, improving immunity and stress resistance, improving the functioning of the endocrine system and gonads, preventing disorders vascular system, slowing down the aging process;
- improvement of physical qualities, such as strength, strength endurance, coordination, sometimes flexibility;
- correction of fat and muscle mass.
Cons of strength training:
- With an illiterate approach, most of the pluses change their pole to minuses and useful strength training turns into murderous obscurantism! An integrated approach from a bundle is important proper nutrition, recovery, regimen and training;
- with an unbalanced load, a violation of posture is possible (refers to the first paragraph)
- enslavement, muscular krepatura, deterioration of flexibility (decided by the inclusion of stretching).
Now let's take a look functional training. I deliberately cross out pure CrossFit for safety reasons, although I do not exclude the use of physiologically and anatomically based elements of CrossFit.
And so, by functional training, I mean the training of a variety of natural human movements that occur in life. This is typical movement pattern training, where the muscles are activated in the correct sequence to perform the movement. After attending Gary Gray's "Father of Functionality" seminar and getting certified by 3DMaps, I began to have a better understanding of human movement and what functionality is. I will try to formulate a more specific definition of functionality, this is very important.
Functional training takes place in a natural environment (water, empty room, rock, non-gym) with the beneficial use of gravity and ground reaction forces (water, floor, uneven ground), body mass and inertia. Muscles and joints work in three planes, activating as many proprioceptors as possible (various sensors in muscles, joints and tendons that inform the brain). Are used multi-joint exercises from a standing position to engage kinematic chains from multiple joints at once.
What are the benefits of functional training? Oddly enough, all the advantages that were in strength training, with the exception of the development of local strength and decent muscle growth. Due to the features of a less stable support (from a standing position), locally muscle groups receive less load, which reduces the mechano-dependent growth factor compared to strength training. There are some basic exercises from a standing position, which are both strength and functional exercises at the same time, and therefore are able to give all the incentives for muscle growth and strength development with a certain methodological scheme.
It is important to emphasize once again that the functionality implies a wide variety of exercises in all three planes in the joint, which is closer to ordinary life, where there is no control of one plane. This fact was not taken into account by Leonid Alekseevich Ostapenko, respected by me, in his article about the so-called. functional training.
Benefits of functional training that are not found in strength training:
- development of functional strength from a standing position in pulls and jerks (the ability to use a greater percentage of existing strength);
- reducing the risks of injuries in life, strength training, sports through training in three planes (better stabilization of the joints when deviating movement from one plane);
- training of balance, agility, flexibility, mobility, stability;
- strengthening deep muscles, surrounding the spine ( strength exercises, including the basic ones, load mainly the phasic superficial muscles). These exercises even more positively affect the health of the spine and joints;
- a huge variety of different exercises with different equipment, in addition to the use of strength training equipment. It is possible to train in an empty room, but this, in my opinion, is extreme, so it is better to use small equipment, free weights, functional frames and a crossover;
- the use of plyometric exercises for highly trained people;
- the use of metabolic training to speed up metabolism and reduce body fat;
- a combination of many movements in one exercise is possible;
- activation of all proprioceptors when applying 3 planes in all major joints. Thus, more percent of muscle structures can be included in the work.
Cons of functional training compared to strength training:
- harder to increase muscle mass, especially muscles shoulder girdle. At a certain stage, it is impossible to increase compared to strength training, where the potential for growth remains;
- it is difficult to develop the strength of the muscles of the shoulder girdle (stabilizers develop)
- strength is the basis for the development of any other physical quality of a person, the phrase of Lev Pavlovich Matveev, an outstanding Soviet and Russian sports scientist. Perhaps we are taking too literally the quality of strength that is trained in the phosphagenic energy system;
- it is difficult to do technically correct many exercises (require high level control)
Based on all the information, some conclusions can be drawn.
Strength training compares favorably with functional training in that it is easier to increase strength and build muscle mass. Beginners will improve these physical qualities and from functional training in the first few months of classes.
In turn, functional training develops the foundation in the form of stabilizers and deep muscles of the spine, improves flexibility, mobility, stability, and is distinguished by a huge variety of exercises. Using three planes of motion in the joints, reduces the risk of injury in life, strength training and sports.
Now the main idea, which suggests itself. Strength and functional training complement each other! Thus, the effectiveness of training increases.
In the continuation of the article, I would like to tell you how to combine 2 types of training, because the simultaneous use of various exercises and techniques in terms of the physiology of muscle activity and adaptation often contradict each other and reduce the final results.
Shaikin Pavel,
April 2017.

The first ones focus on cardio training (which we already talked about in the material “What is cardio training?”), And they are perplexed why other girls want to be “jocks”. The latter, fans of strength training, openly laugh at the former, believing that their “jumps” are not sports at all.

To find out which of them is right, we understand what strength training is and why it is needed.

What is strength training?

In short and understandable words, power loads are those loads that are built on working with weight. Such exercises maximally involve the muscles of the body, are aimed at their development, which as a result ensures fat burning.

Strength training can be done in many ways - by working with free weights (dumbbells, barbells), on simulators, or by testing your own body. Yes, you understood correctly, without additional equipment you can also do strength training, you just need to know what exercises and with what intensity to perform. But still with professional equipment it will be much easier and more efficient to do.

Of course, working with free weights or other devices can be traumatic. Therefore, in order to avoid trouble and achieve results, it is important to master the correct execution of the exercises. For beginners, it will not be superfluous to contact a coach, at least at first.

Strength training for weight loss

The advantage of strength training is that it gives a 100% guarantee of weight loss. That is, by doing the right thing three times a week for an hour and observing the simplest rules of proper nutrition, after two months you can see a positive result. In addition, it is strength exercises, unlike all other loads, that will help not only get rid of extra pounds, but also “pump up” the body. So, for example, to make the buttocks round and elastic, the press is embossed, and also to avoid the effect skinny fat It can only be done through strength training.

The main difference between strength training and cardio is that in the first case, the effect of burning calories occurs within 12-24 hours after exercise, when the body is recovering. In the second option, calories are burned exclusively during training. And even if you burn significantly more calories during cardio, after the session the body will try to restore them as quickly as possible by accumulating fat cells. While strength training during exercise consumes carbohydrate reserves, and in order to restore them after exercise, the body will use fat as fuel. Which in the end result will bring a faster result in weight loss.


The most common obstacle for girls on the way to strength training, in addition to laziness, is the fear of “pumping over” and gaining a male figure. Believe me, a bodybuilder's figure can only be achieved through the use of steroids in addition to years of intense training specifically aimed at muscle hypertrophy.

If the loads vary in the range of 3-4 hours a week, they will not be able to turn you into a person, even remotely resembling bikinists on bright posters hung in the rocking chairs. Moreover, the bikinists themselves look so “menacing” only during the competition, when they sit on the “dryer” for several months. The rest of the time, their body does not scold with pronounced musculature and wiryness.

No one can tell you that it is better to focus on cardio training or lean on strength, you must determine this for yourself, depending on what goals you are pursuing.

For healthy and beautiful body experts recommend combining cardio and strength training, alternating them on different days.

If you don’t have the time and opportunity to do so much, and reset overweight you really want to do it as soon as possible, then you should prefer strength training with 10 minutes of cardio immediately after it.

But in all cases, it is worth considering the fact that no training will provide an eternal result, if they are then abandoned. Sports only work when you do them. Therefore, you should not immediately lean on training with excessive pressure if you have not previously been engaged in physical activity. Too active jerk will quickly bore you and exhaust you. It is better to start with small loads that you can handle and only then gradually increase them, whether it be strength, cardio or mixed exercises.

Training is usually divided into anaerobic or otherwise strength and aerobic, which are also called cardio training. In this case, strength means any activity like powerlifting, bodybuilding, arm wrestling, etc., during which the maximum number of muscle fibers is involved (note - not groups!). Anaerobic training is designed to increase strength and gain muscle mass. It is during this kind of occupation that occurs. What is the difference between strength training and cardio, and what effect does it have on the whole body?

What is anaerobic glycolysis?

In order for a person to be able to carry out any physical activity, he needs energy. Its source is always the ATP molecule (adenosine triphosphate). A small amount (approximately 3.5-7.5 mmol / kg) of ATP is found in our muscles, but this reserve is only enough for a few seconds. physical activity. However human body- the system is unique, and it provides for numerous processes that ensure the restoration of this energy. Depending on what kind of exercise is performed (aerobic or anaerobic), ATP recovery processes are different.

Literally translated, "anaerobic" means "without the participation of oxygen", "aerobic" - "with the participation of oxygen." Those. the difference is in its presence or absence. In fact, these are completely different biochemical processes. Since we are now talking about strength training, then we will analyze the first one, which is called anaerobic glycolysis.

Energy is generated as a result of the splitting of the ATP molecule into ADP (adenosine diphosphate) and phosphate. This process is accompanied for the most part by the release of heat and about a third in the form of energy production for mechanical work. Since this energy lasts only a few seconds, ATP recovery is necessary, i.e. reverse connection of ADP and phosphate, and this also requires resources. And here it is customary to distinguish between alactate and lactate cleavage. In the first case, we are talking about creatine phosphate, which is found in small amounts in the muscles. This resource is developed when a sudden very intense load is needed, for example, a jerk of a barbell. Creatine Phosphate also depletes quickly and lasts for 15-30 seconds of hard work or 5-7 seconds of extreme hard work. For longer work at medium intensity, such an energy carrier as glycogen is more suitable.

Glycogen is the body's main carbohydrate store. It is the result of the breakdown of glucose and is deposited in the liver and muscles.

Provided that oxygen does not take part in this process, glycogen is broken down into lactic acid (lactate), which ensures the restoration of ATP. This is what we begin to feel when the muscles, as they say, “burn”. Clearly in the video below.

Why is lactic acid dangerous?

Why can we do aerobic exercises for quite a long time without a break - run, jump, jump for hours, and we can perform power loads only by making approaches (sets) with a break for rest? The thing is that the anaerobic training regime depletes all energy reserves, and the lactate (lactic acid) released during such glycolysis "clogs" the muscles and prevents further work. It reaches the so-called threshold - when the formation of lactate already exceeds its decay.

Lactic acid is produced very rapidly during anaerobic work and cannot be compensated, decomposed or eliminated by blood or respiration. With a prolonged power load, acidic decomposition products will lead to an increased concentration of lactate in the muscles and blood, which in turn will prevent further breakdown of glycogen and the restoration of ATP. Here it is important to note the following:

ATP is necessary not only to ensure muscle work, but also for the subsequent relaxation of the muscle.

Therefore, in order for such training to be effective and safe, it is necessary to follow the regime, take breaks between sets. During this time, part of the lactic acid will leave muscle fibers, ATP will recover and you will be able to continue working. But, this does not mean that you can do an infinite number of approaches. As already mentioned, ATP is quickly restored due to glycogen, but it itself is restored much longer. Therefore, with each approach, even with a break for rest, there will be less and less strength to complete the exercise. This is why the duration of strength training rarely exceeds 1 hour.

The restoration of all energy reserves and the breakdown of lactate occur only during aerobic processes, so it is recommended to accompany the breaks between power sets with a low-intensity load, for example, light running, aerobics, swimming or stretching, the main thing is not to stand idle. Those. It is desirable to always combine both modes. A mixed format of classes is optimal.

Of course, everything is very individual. The processes and speed of recovery, glycogen and creatine phosphate reserves largely depend on the level of training of a person and third-party factors - nutrition, sleep, supplements, etc.

What is the benefit of strength training?

The main goal of strength training is most often to increase strength. However, this is not all the advantages. Anaerobic training allows:

  • Make bones stronger;
  • Strengthen the cardiovascular system;
  • Reduce the risk of developing diabetes;
  • Fight depression;
  • Improve mood;
  • Get rid of excess weight(very well contributes to weight loss and fat burning, especially in combination with cardio);
  • Overcome insomnia;
  • Increase endurance;
  • Cleanse the body of toxins, etc.

Strength training is also indicated for people with VVD (vegetative-vascular dystonia), as it significantly alleviates symptoms.

Who shouldn't do strength training?

This type of training has a lot of contraindications. First of all, this should include high blood pressure, asthma, arrhythmia, atherosclerosis, heart disease. Careful training should be approached in case of problems with ODA, during critical days, during pregnancy and thyroid pathologies - here it is imperative to consult a doctor before starting classes. If you have never done such things, then you should not start at home, first practice in gym under the supervision of a specialist who can control your pulse. But you should not give up on yourself in advance, you can always adjust the training program to your health, eliminating certain exercises.

Materials used:

  • Vadim Protasenko "Think or super training without delusions"
  • Mike Mentzer "Supertraining"
  • Hartman J., Thunnemann H. “Modern strength training. Theory and practice"
  • Seluyanov V. N. "Technology of health-improving physical culture"

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