Cardio for weight loss at home. cardio training

Life modern man very saturated. Hard work, travel, parties, shopping and many other events. There is no time left for the gym. But that doesn't mean we should forget about slim figure. An excellent way out is home cardio training for burning fat. A well-thought-out training program will save time and money, lose weight, and get an excellent mood.

Cardio is a physical activity that focuses on the cardiovascular system. This effective method saturation of the body with oxygen. Cardio exercises are practiced professional athletes, and adherents healthy lifestyle life. The convenience of this kind of physical education is that you can do it at home, at any time. free minute. Cardio exercises are very useful for the heart muscle, blood vessels, muscles and bones. They are beneficial for the psyche: they relieve stress, promote a good and restful night's sleep.

There are many types of cardio workouts. This:

  • walking;
  • jogging;
  • ski trips;
  • a ride on the bicycle;
  • swimming in a pond or pool;
  • cardio.

You can choose any type or combine depending on the season and weather conditions.

Benefits of home workouts

Many people think that the gym is the best place for cardio. But the halls have certain disadvantages:

  • many spend time talking instead of sports;
  • not everyone knows how to use the simulators correctly;
  • it is likely that without the basics of execution technique, you can get injured or sprained;
  • a small category of people cannot practice with full dedication in the gym;

The activity on the simulators is more artificial than real. Often a girl leaves the gym with the confidence that she burned 800 calories in 80 minutes, because those were the indicators on the machine screen. In fact, she worked very little. Of course, simulators can be used, but they should complement independent physical activity. Cardio training at home allows you to increase control over your own body, expand the range of motion. Exercise load can be calculated for any level physical training. Aerobic exercise burns more calories because maximum effect is obtained from the repetition of the same action, which is why walking or light running is so good and common among those who strive to keep themselves in shape.

Cardio training program

For best results, a cardio training program should be drawn up. It consists of exercises proper diet. The truth is harsh - cardio training at home should last from 45 minutes. Five or six sessions are required per week.

Here is a short plan:

  • no equipment;
  • warm-up;
  • 45 seconds rest;
  • steps to the side;
  • sliding steps to the side;
  • warm-up of the knee joints;
  • lunges on opposite legs;
  • jumping to the side;
  • twisting on a gymnastic rug;
  • squats;
  • warm-up of the shoulder and elbow joints;
  • body lifts from a lying position;

The Internet offers a lot of examples of exercises, just search for “cardio training at home video”. There are videos of professional trainers that offer options cardiovascular training mountain climbing, strength training for the whole body, interval training. Beginners can choose for themselves a course without jumping, exercises in a lying position, Pilates for the buttocks and thighs. As a special option for weight loss, you can choose cardio training to burn fat. Video courses involve not only weight loss, but also raising the overall tone of the body. The cardio training program includes drinking enough clean water.

Losing weight is not easy, it takes time and effort. Losing more than a pound a week is risky for your health. The best option is to lose weight by 1 kg per week with a daily menu of 1200 calories. With low-calorie diets, the body is deprived of many essential substances, the metabolism slows down. To draw up a specific cardio program, you need to consult a doctor and trainer.

To lose a pound of weight, you need to create a 3,500 calorie deficit. This means you need to burn 3,500 more calories than you eat. A concrete example: a half-hour walk eliminates 120 calories. To lose half a kilo, you need to walk more than two hours every day for a week. For most working people, this is unacceptable. The way out is physical exercises at home and a decrease in calorie intake. For example, replacing mayonnaise with mustard, and sweet fruits with yogurt, can reduce the energy value by 250 calories per day. This would require an hour of walking or half an hour of jogging.

There is an opinion that exercising at a slow pace is more effective for weight loss. Many cardio machines have "fat burn" programs that keep slow pace. But this is a misleading impression. At low intensity exercise, the human body uses fat as a fuel source. But the fast pace of movement allows you to use fat stores from deposits, which contributes to weight loss.

Example: Slow roller skating burns 100 kilocalories. 80% of this amount is fat. If you ride at twice the speed on uneven terrain, you can burn 300 kilocalories, 30% of them are fat. Obviously, fast skating destroys twice as many calories and fat.

Faster and harder is not always better. For beginners, it is difficult to maintain a fast pace for a long time. At the beginning of the weight loss program, it is worth exercising slowly. What activities burn the most calories?

“Increase the load and you will burn 1000 calories per hour!” Such bold appeals can be seen in ads on treadmills, "ladders" and other cardio machines. This is true. It is possible to burn 1000 calories in an hour of exercise by squeezing the maximum out of the machine ... if a biorobot is training. A real person, especially a beginner, can hold out at a similar pace for 30 seconds. 3.8 calories will be eliminated, and then the doctors will carry away the exhausted body on a stretcher.

There is a better way: choose an action that can be sustained for 10-15 minutes. Running burns more calories than walking, but if a person gets tired after a half-hour run, feels pain in the knees, it is better to continue the workout by walking.

Cardio workout at home

Cardio workouts are applied in different ways. They can be used to burn fat or strengthen a specific muscle group. This kind of exercise is a good variety for fairly monotonous strength training. The range of fitness levels is very wide. There are various exercises aimed at the press, oblique abdominal muscles, back muscles. The load can be increased intentionally by wearing a weighted vest or adding dumbbells. You can reduce the intensity - move more slowly than sports videos show, take extra breaks.

Workout structure:

  • Warm up;
  • Multiple groups different exercises, three in each;
  • 40 seconds exercise, 10 seconds rest;
  • Each group of exercises is repeated twice.

If you start with light exercises, then a separate warm-up is not needed. Reloading and stretching is best done at the end.

A cardio training program can spread the increase in exercise intensity. As a rule, in the first week they train for 15 minutes a day, alternating high and low loads, for five minutes. In the second week, you can increase the length of classes up to 20 minutes. The third and fourth weeks involve 25 minutes of classes. Increasing the duration of training every two weeks for 10 minutes, they reach 45-50 minutes. This is the optimal length of cardio workouts.

You can train at intervals. You can define for yourself one interval of work and one - rest. It is permissible to perform a full cycle of exercises or alternate it strength exercises. It is convenient to use a timer here. The big advantage of cardio is that it can be done with little to no equipment, just with body weight. You can independently adjust the intensity of the workout, choose which part of the body you need to work on more.

A full cycle includes jumps in place, push-ups, squat half-jumps and leg swings. An excellent type of home cardio machine can be a regular skipping rope. It is fun to train with a rope, you can come up with your own style, jump with “scissors”.

You should also alternate cardio and strength training. You don't have to do the exercises right away. But fat-burning cardio should be at the top of your weight loss program. Even if a person is very out of a good physical form, exercises that increase the heart rate by 50 percent of the maximum frequency will help him become leaner. The maximum frequency is the difference between 220 and the age of the athlete. For a person of good physical shape, you can calculate the upper and lower limits of the pulse rate. To do this, the maximum frequency is multiplied by 0.65 and 0.85. These numbers are divided by 6, resulting in individual frequency limits.

Possible exercises for cardio training


Sliding steps to the side;

High leg swings.

Jumping in place;

Walking in place with shoulder movement;

Pendulum exercise.

Exercise "pump";

Mahi legs;

Intensive walking in place.

Mahi hands to the sides;

Standing forward bends + squats;

Side jumps.

Raising the knees, alternating with the rotation of the body;

Tilts to the side with a touch to the toes.

These exercises are enough for all major muscle groups. Experts recommend alternating cardio with strength exercises and stretching.

If at first pain in the muscles is felt, you need to slightly reduce the intensity of the exercises. Less stress on the muscles will allow them to quickly restore their tissue.

A common mistake many beginners make after a long break is to “make up for lost time” with long sessions. Another mistake is to take too many “days off” and skip workouts if you feel muscle pain. It is better to convince yourself to endure the pain and do not exercise so vigorously. Slimness is not achieved quickly, it is a long and hard work.

Cardio exercises after strength training

Exercises that are useful for the respiratory and cardiovascular systems are actively used by bodybuilders and weightlifters.

Cardio for strength is:

  • decrease in krepatura (pain in the muscles);
  • active saturation of blood with oxygen;
  • elimination of toxins from the muscles after strength training.

Reasonable bodybuilders prefer to alternate cardio and strength exercises in this way:

  • 5-7 minutes of aerobic warm-up;
  • regular strength exercises
  • 5 minutes of cardio after strength training.

It can be walking on a treadmill, not intensive use of an elliptical or exercise bike. It is also recommended to conduct cardio sessions for half an hour on days free from strength training.

Cardio training at home is the best way to heal the heart, lose weight without losing muscle mass, and increase overall tone. Having defeated physical inactivity, you can greatly increase life expectancy, make your everyday life bright and interesting.

Various food restrictions- a fairly fast method, however, the negative consequences of such fat burning significantly exceed it efficiency. Women know how fast Lost kilos come back after returning to the usual diet. In addition, the flabby muscles previously hidden under the fat layer, combined with sagging skin, do not add attractiveness. It may also develop, and in the case of a low-fat diet, the condition of the hair and skin worsens.

The best option weight loss are the so-called cardio - workouts aimed at strengthening the cardiovascular system. This concept includes such physical activity How:

  • run;
  • walking;
  • classes on special simulators;
  • cycling e;
  • stepping;
  • exercises;
  • jumping with a skipping rope.

This diversity allows both attending a specially equipped gym and exercising at home on your own with a minimum of inventory. In order for the result to quickly appear and be preserved for a long time, certain requirements must be strictly observed.


This condition is fundamental for all sports. Classes should be regular: only daily cardio will help you achieve noticeable result in short time and also pin it. Each workout missed for the sake of laziness is a huge step back, leading to the loss of the accumulated form and weakening of the muscles of the heart.


To burn fat and get rid of extra pounds, you need constantly increase the load. Every month you need to increase the pace of classes and complicate the program, because during this period muscles and heart adapt to hard work. If the load remains at the same level, then the weight will stop decreasing, since muscle mass will not grow. Exactly the amount of energy consumption depends on the volume of muscles(expendable subcutaneous fat).

Most effective cyclical system, at which during the month the daily load systematically increases from 15 to 45 minutes, after which a two-week recovery pause is taken (the duration of the workout during this period is reduced to half an hour).

During the next cycle, the duration should be increased to an hour, resetting about ten minutes during the "rest" period. Gradually, alternating a month of activity with a two-week slowdown, you need to bring the time of each lesson to 1.5-2 hours.

Shock therapy

Since the body quickly adapts to any conditions and reduces energy consumption, it needs to arrange periodic "shakes". To burn fat more efficiently, the types of cardio load need to be changed. For example, walking to the beginning of the second cycle change to running or stepping. In addition to activating metabolism, such a replacement will significantly improve general state and functional endurance.

Warm up

Mandatory stage of any training, allowing pre-warm up the muscles and improve blood flow. Increased blood supply activates the fat burning process due to the consumption of large volumes of oxygen. In addition, trained muscles and less prone to injury. IN warm-up complex usually includes exercises for stretching and twisting joints, elements of Pilates:

Heart rate control

Optimal heart rate (HR) - 120 beats per minute. It is this pace of the heart that helps to strengthen its muscles and start the process of burning fat. If the pulse is less than 100, then the training will not bring the desired result, and exceeding the indicator at 135 beats per minute represents a serious health hazard.

Heart rate above acceptable limits leads to rupture muscle fibers heart and replacement by connective tissue. As a result, the volume of the organ (the so-called "sports heart") increases significantly, which leads to malfunctions and a general weakening of the heart muscles. As a result, various pathologies develop, since the process is irreversible.

Important! To control the heart rate, you need to use a heart rate monitor. In accordance with his indications, the rhythm of the heart can be controlled by increasing or decreasing the load. The fitness bracelet has additional useful options.

The nuances of running

Running is one of the most popular and effective types cardio, however. in the morning it is undesirable to do. At the beginning of the day in the body, catabolism processes prevail over anabolic ones, that is, muscle tissue is destroyed. Besides, the heart is not yet able to work at full capacity, which is fraught with rhythm disturbances, insufficiency and more serious complications.


No training will help solve the problem of excess weight if eating habits are violated. Systematic overeating, the predominance of fats and fast carbohydrates in the diet, the lack of vitamins is an insurmountable obstacle on the way to a slim figure. Cardio must be combined with a decrease in the total energy value of the daily menu(approximately 5%).

The amount of protein food(dairy and lean meat products) should be increased by reduction in the share of flour and confectionery products, sugar. Be sure to use fresh vegetables in large quantities- It helps the digestive system.

Vegetable fats, whose presence in the diet is vital, contain valuable fatty acids. They not only speed up metabolism, but also ensure the health of the skin and hair.

Drinking regime

Regular cardio loads involve consumption of large amounts of water. It is necessary to drink during classes, since the fluid reserves in the body are intensively consumed. If the water balance is not replenished, the blood thickens, which can lead to the formation of blood clots. In addition, water is one of the most important components of the fat oxidation reaction. The more fluid in the body, the faster the fat subcutaneous deposits “burn out”.

Varieties of cardio load for burning fat

Subscription to visit sports hall– a great opportunity to exercise regularly on specialized cardio equipment under the supervision of an instructor. However, even those who do not have such an opportunity can at least train effectively on your own. This will require a minimum set of equipment and shells.

Running and walking

To practice the most popular view cardio loads, you must first purchase sports shoes with cushioning effect. High-quality running shoes significantly reduce the impact force of the foot on the ground and prevent joint problems. As for clothing, it should be comfortable and appropriate for the weather.

Important! Running is not suitable for people whose weight exceeds 120 kg. Such a significant body weight in the process of training repeatedly increases the load on the joints, contributing to their deformation. At overweight it is recommended to start with another type of cardio.

It is desirable to run in the afternoon, no more than 40 minutes to start. At the same time, there is no need to strive for records - 6-7 km / h is quite enough. When the heart gets stronger, the intensity of the run increases due to the increase in speed, and the time remains the same. If such a load is not enough (the pulse does not quicken to the desired indicators), cross-country running or special equipment will help. For example, high knees significantly increase performance.

You can start with walking. In this case, the load on the joints is reduced, especially if you practice the now popular Scandinavian variety (based on ski poles). Shock-absorbing walking shoes are also essential, and The duration of the first workout should not exceed 20 minutes. When you need to increase the load, you can increase the duration of the lesson or replace walking with a run.

Stepping and stairs

Training using a special low platform, which can be replaced with a bench or sofa at home, strengthens not only the heart, but also muscles of the legs, thighs,. The execution technique is extremely simple. You need to climb the hill and descend from it, keeping the correct one. First, the ascent is done on a low bench in moderate pace(with simultaneous pulse control). When you need to increase the intensity, you need to increase the speed or increase the height of the projectile.

ordinary staircase in an apartment building - an excellent projectile for cardio loads. Regular climbing to the upper floors on foot helps to strengthen the heart muscle and burn fat. To increase efficiency, you can step through the step. Descent Same gives the heart and muscles a good load especially on the ankle. In addition, the skills to overcome several flights of stairs on foot will be very useful in the event of an elevator breakdown.

A set of step exercises for beginners (video)


This two-wheeled transport is not only the most environmentally friendly means of transportation, but also a wonderful cardio machine. By adjusting the speed and time, you can maintain optimal frequency heart rate, while saturating the tissues with oxygen (if you drive outside the city). For muscles, a bicycle is also indispensable. The rotation of the pedals makes the muscles of the press, buttocks and legs work rhythmically.

jumping rope

If you absolutely do not want to leave the house, you can buy a rope and jump. enough to start 5 minute session, and then the load increases due to increasing the duration of the workout or complicating the technique. In the latter case, you can cross your arms, do double jumps, etc.

Rope used professional boxers to strengthen the heart and blood vessels. In addition, it develops the muscles of the legs, abs and shoulder girdle.

Rope exercises (video)

Exercise (video)

Cardio is and basic complex exercises for the whole body, performed at an accelerated pace with minimal pauses. To support optimal heart rate, a 30-minute lesson is enough, where each element is performed in two approaches. For example, intense squats for a minute, then a 10 second break and again a minute of squats. After another 10 seconds, lunges are made (2 sets of a minute with a pause), then leg swings and so on.

It is necessary to monitor the readings of the heart rate monitor or fitness bracelet. Heart rate is regulated by reducing the pace of training or increasing pauses between sets. To work intensively and not be distracted by hours, it is desirable use a timer. Nice complex exercises, designed for one lesson, are presented in the video.


Any self-training is better to start after consultation with the doctor, especially if there are contraindications. You need to do it carefully and with restrictions if you are diagnosed with:

  • pathology of blood vessels and heart;
  • digestive problems (,);
  • arterial hypo- or hypertension;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

In all these cases, consultation with a specialist and professional selection of a training scheme are vital.

Absolute contraindications are recent surgeries, muscle and bone injuries, as well as infectious diseases accompanied by intoxication of the body.

Subject to all the conditions of cardio load for burning fat and strengthening the heart muscle at home, you will achieve a noticeable result in a month.

Crazy pace modern life not everyone is allowed to go to the gym regularly or group classes for many reasons, but absolutely everyone wants to look attractive and have a great figure.

It is in this case that cardio training for women is indispensable. This dynamic loads that burn calories, contribute to weight loss and are aimed at developing the endurance of the cardiovascular system.

Advantages and disadvantages of cardio training at home

pros activities at home:

  • Saving time. At home, you can study at any convenient time.
  • Classes can be done with family. This is true for young mothers who cannot leave the baby for a long time.

And also, buying a subscription to the gym, everyone risks skip part of the class due to illness of children, or other circumstances.

  • Workout without hesitation. The presence of strangers can cause embarrassment and make you worry, which will be a big problem for the productivity of your workout.
  • Lack of a well-designed training program.
  • Wrong technique performing exercises. Indeed, without a coach it is very difficult to assess the correctness of the exercises, which can adversely affect the results.
  • The need to focus on training. At home, the atmosphere is conducive to relaxation, and thoughts about various household chores can be distracting.
  • Lack of motivation.

Cardio at home without exercise machines for women

As a result of cardio increases the rate of blood circulation, blood flow to all muscle groups improves, metabolic processes are accelerated, the body gives off a large amount of water.

The last aspect very important for weight loss, since fats begin to break down only after it processes carbohydrates, the breakdown product of which is water.

Reference! During first 20 minutes Aerobic training consumes only blood sugar and glycogen.


It is important to correct duration and intensity of classes, take into account individual characteristics and the presence of contraindications:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • lactation;
  • pregnancy.

Intensity selection and heart rate control

Cardio comes first. Heart rate (HR) is an indicator that must be considered when choosing a training program.

Individual heart rate norms are determined simply:

  • 220 - age - maximum heart rate for men;
  • 214 - age - maximum heart rate for women.

The optimal values ​​for the number of heartbeats are 75-95% of the upper limit of indicators.

In the presence of heart disease and other contraindications to intense exercise, the heart rate should be 60-70% of the upper limit.

These standards will ensure the effectiveness and safety of training.

Attention! Calculate your heart rate before training, and indicators must be constantly monitored to ensure the effectiveness of the training.

Optimal training regimen 3-4 times a week for 30-45 minutes.

Aerobic exercise for beginners

For those just starting out there a few tips which will help to avoid mistakes and ensure the quality of classes.

Do not immediately start overly intense loads. This may cause body overload and discourage the desire to engage.

You will also be interested in:

Warm up

  • Rotations and tilts of the head in all directions;
  • swing with straight arms forward and backward;
  • circular motions forearms away from you and towards you;
  • torso to the left, right, forward and backward;
  • circular movements of the pelvis in both directions;
  • swing your legs in all directions.

The number of repetitions of each exercise in this block varies 10 to 18 times, depending on the state of health and physical form.

Running in place

  1. Bend your knees at an angle of 90 degrees;
  2. gradually increase the pace of the exercise;
  3. movements should be soft, while trying to keep the body in one position;
  4. hands can be kept on the waist or make them movements characteristic of running, you can also substitute your palms and reach them with your knees.

Number of repetitions 2-3 sets of 15-20 reps(one time is considered alternate lifting both legs).

Photo 1. Running in place at a fast pace with a straight back, high rise and bending of the knees.

Jumping legs and arms

  1. Starting position of the hand below, legs together;
  2. once arms up with a clap and synchronously breeding legs is performed(feet slightly wider than shoulders);
  3. two return to the starting position.

repeat about 15-20 times in one approach.

Squat with backbend and leg curl

  1. A shallow squat is performed at once, the arms are bent at the elbows;
  2. for two, one leg comes off the floor and bends at the knee so that the heel stretches to the buttocks, while it is necessary to bend a little in the back, change the legs one by one.

Performed in one set 15-20 reps per leg.

Photo 2. Shallow squats with trunk deflection and leg bending, in each hand a dumbbell.

Stepping on the sofa

  1. Need to face the sofa, bench or any other flat surface which is at the height about 30 cm;
  2. stepping is performed first with one foot, then with the other;
  3. downward movement starts with the opposite leg(up on the right, down on the left).

You need to repeat about 15-20 lifts.

Stepping over in an emphasis lying

  1. Starting position - plank(smooth arms shoulder-width apart, a straight line of the torso, socks rest on the floor);
  2. step with one foot to the side and put the other to it;
  3. return to the starting point and continue walking in the other direction.

Performed 12-15 full steps in each direction.

Photo 3. The starting position of the girl is the plank, steps are taken from her in one direction, then in the other direction.

Plank on the forearms with a rise on even hands

Pregnant plank hands first stand on the forearms, and then rise to the hands.

Number of repetitions 10-13 times.

Lifting the pelvis up from a lying position

  1. Exercise start lying on the floor with bent knees;
  2. heels are placed as close to the hips as possible;
  3. head and shoulder blades firmly pressed to the floor;
  4. pelvic lifts are performed, as high as possible with an explosive accent at the top;
  5. hips fully lowered and repeat the exercise.

Repeat at least 15 times.

Photo 4. The girl performs a pelvic lift, while lying down with bent knees.

Jump Squats

  1. Legs are placed slightly wider than shoulders, arms are bent at the elbows and kept next to the body;
  2. doing a deep squat the coccyx at the same time stretches back, forming a slight deflection in the lower back in the extreme lowest point;
  3. a high jump is made and return to the squat.

Repeat 15 times.

You can increase the number of approaches as needed. up to 2-3 times.

Photo 5. The girl does deep squats with high bouncing. When performed, a slight deflection should appear in the lower back.

Intermediate Cardio

Aerobic training can be made more productive and effective if you apply circuit training technique.

Running in place with high knees

  1. The knees are raised very high;
  2. execution speed varies - 10 steps fast, 10 steps fast.

3 sets of 40 reps.

Deep plies with raising one foot to the toe

3 sets of 15 reps.

Double lunges

  1. Put your hands on your waist, legs together;
  2. take a deep lunge forward with one foot, bending the supporting leg 90 degrees;
  3. make a springy downward movement, raise the front leg and put it to the supporting one;
  4. repeat the action with the other leg.

3 sets of 15 reps.

Jumping on the couch

  1. Become facing the sofa or other surface at a height of 30 cm;
  2. do a deep squat and from this position jump onto the sofa;
  3. get off the surface and repeat the exercise.

2 sets of 15 reps.

Raising the body with bent legs

Repeat 3 sets of 15-20 reps.

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  1. Improving the functioning of the heart. The heart muscle should be tensed in the same way as the others. A regular and controlled increase in the load leads to an improvement in the process of pumping blood and a decrease in the heart rate at rest.
  2. Lung Health. Thanks to cardio loads, the muscles involved in the breathing process are strengthened. As a result, the work of the lungs is simplified - it becomes easier to breathe.
  3. Improvement blood pressure . Aerobic training increases the number of red blood cells that provide oxygen transportation. Exercise lowers cholesterol levels, helps burn calories and keep blood vessels in good condition.
  4. Improvement. Exercise increases the metabolic rate. This responds by quickly melting accumulated body fat and preventing the appearance of new reserves.
  5. Improvement of the hormonal background. Aerobic training promotes the production of hormones that prevent the appearance of depressive states. Psychologically, life becomes easier - it is easier for a trained person to endure stress.
  6. Deep sleep. People who practice regular cardio fall asleep faster. In addition, their sleep is deeper and better - thanks to the balance of sleep phases, the body is fully restored.
  7. Improved bone health. Half an hour of cardio several times a week increases bone density. This is especially true for older people. A very common cause of hospitalization is a hip fracture. Strong bones improve sad statistics.
  8. Prevention of diabetes. Aerobic exercise improves the ability of muscle tissue to process glucose. Thanks to the exercises, the blood sugar level is maintained at the proper level - the number and amplitude of its jumps are reduced.
  9. Stamina Boost. For many athletes, this is the main reason. Cardio training increases the body's ability to store energy and use it sparingly.

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When losing weight

The mechanism of losing weight is based primarily on the body's ability to store quickly available energy. The body takes such energy from carbohydrates, and stores it in the form. To begin to melt fat, you must first use up glycogen, which is stored in the muscles and liver.

For this reason effective cardio workout should be either long or intense (interval). In a fat burning context, it is best to give yourself an aerobic load immediately after an anaerobic one - after strength training, where glycogen is depleted. Another a good option- in the morning on an empty stomach, when glycogen stores are also depleted.

Example. Many run regularly. But their run lasts 20-30 minutes. The intensity when jogging is low. During this time, the body manages to deplete glycogen stores, but does not have time to get to fat. With the first meal, glycogen stores are replenished. To get a fat burning effect, you need to jog for at least 40-50 minutes.

With any cardio load, it is imperative to eat right. Can't get without slender body. Yes, a deficiency is theoretically possible with an illiterate diet. But at the same time, it will be quite difficult to count, and a constant feeling of hunger is also very likely, since if the entire diet consists of fast food or sweets, it will not be large. Eating the right foods with plenty of protein and complex carbohydrates will keep you full all day long and full of energy.

Important! Cardio training and proper nutrition go hand in hand.

What does science say?

What is more effective - cardio or strength training? A group of researchers gathered test subjects and divided them into 4 groups:

  • control;
  • performing 30 minutes of walking 5 days a week;
  • training for half an hour on simulators 5 days a week;
  • mixed - those who practiced 15 minutes of strength training and 15 minutes of aerobic training (also 5 days a week).

The experiment lasted 12 weeks. top scores showed 4 and 3 groups - minus 4.4% and 3% fat, respectively. Strength and combination training proved to be more effective than pure cardio. You can read more about the study.

Equally interesting is a study comparing the effectiveness of aerobic exercise and diet. More than 400 women participated in this experiment, which lasted about a year. As in the previous case, the participants were divided into 4 groups:

  • practicing diet;
  • doing 45 minutes of light cardio 5 days a week;
  • combined;
  • control.

Results: a year later, fat loss in the 1st group - 8.5%, in the 2nd - 2.5%, in the 3rd - 10.8%. That is, the most effective strategies were diet and a combination of proper nutrition and aerobic exercise. But what gives cardio training in its purest form? Cardio in itself leads to minimal loss of adipose tissue. If at the same time you have a calorie surplus during the day, you can completely forget about losing weight in the long term.

Let us make a reservation that the experimental loads were moderate. If the training had been less gentle, the results would certainly have been different. But in any case, research shows a greater effectiveness of combining training with diet. More about the experiment.

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Types of cardio training

There are a lot of types of aerobic training - from running to dancing and fussing in the garden. Most popular options:

  • walking including;
  • low and medium intensity running;
  • swimming;
  • a ride on the bicycle;
  • circuit training;
  • step aerobics;
  • jumping rope;
  • orbitrek training.

Do not forget to make sure that the pulse does not go into the anaerobic zone (over 80% of the MHR). This indicator is quite easy to achieve for poorly trained people with, for example, intensive circuit training.

Relationship various kinds calorie loss cardio is shown in the table (indicators in kcal burned in 30 minutes):

Type of cardio With an athlete weighing 55 kg With an athlete weighing 70 kg With an athlete weighing 85 kg
Running (10 km/h) 375 465 555
jump rope 300 372 444
exercise bike 210 260 311
Step aerobics 210 260 311
Ellipsoid 270 335 400
rowing machine 210 260 311
Swimming 300 372 444
slow aerobics 165 205 244
Intensive aerobics 210 260 311
crossfit 240 298 355
water aerobics 120 149 178
Hatha yoga 120 149 178
Walking at a leisurely pace (4 km/h) 83 105 127
Walking at a brisk pace (6 km/h) 121 154 187
Circuit training 220 280 340

Which workout to choose?

The choice depends on the initial state of the person and the tasks that he sets for himself. The most popular option is running. But it is not suitable for those who suffer from too pronounced fullness. Big weight creates pressure on the knees - after a while there is a high probability of serious problems.

Regardless of potential problems, you need to choose based on the effectiveness of training, which the table above demonstrates. Most effective options of those given are jogging, elliptical, swimming and jumping rope.

The choice is also tied to the abilities of those involved. visit gym or running in the park different reasons not available to everyone. In this case, home workouts are preferable.

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What is important to consider when doing cardio at home? The same aspects as in other cases - tracking the pulse, accounting for lost calories, taking care of the joints. If there is no heart rate monitor at hand, you can focus on breathing. When too high load it will go astray - it will be difficult to talk.

There are a lot of exercises in the arsenal of a home athlete. For example:

  • Running in place is a good alternative to regular running. “Run” with intensive trampling from foot to foot, with alternate knee raises, with heels touching the buttocks - diversify the training.
  • Jumping in place - Alternate fast, shallow jumps with squat movements.
  • - crossfit exercise.
  • Elements and dances.

It's great if you have an exercise bike at home. Without taking up much space, it will help to cope with overweight and other problems that fall within the "competence" of cardio. The abundance of aerobic exercises leaves no reason to refuse cardio loads - you can do it in any conditions.


Cardio training is contraindicated in people who have had a stroke or heart attack. You can not load the heart and those who suffer from high blood pressure. In their case, only light gymnastics.

Before you start training, be sure to take into account the condition of the joints. Herniated discs, sore knees, recent surgeries or fractures are reasons to approach the issue very carefully. Asthmatics and people suffering from obesity should also consult a doctor.

You can not train with:

  • SARS;
  • acute allergies;
  • menses;
  • stomach ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases.

In addition, the intensity with which experienced athletes work is contraindicated for beginners. You need to start with light loads, gradually increasing them and your level. In this case, you need to remember the range of heart rate.

The benefits of cardio training have long been known. Many people think that exercise equipment is a must for such activities, but in fact, any intense exercise that increases the heart rate can be called cardio training.

Physical activity to strengthen the cardiovascular and respiratory systems must be planned and thought out. Exercises are selected individually and require regularity.

Cardio training: what is it and when is it needed?

Cardio training is intense exercise that speeds up the heart rate, strengthens the heart muscle and respiratory system.

The main task of such training is to accelerate the heart to a certain frequency. Cardio training includes both regular morning running and exercises on some simulators ( treadmill, exercise bike, ellipsoid), and swimming, and skiing.

Trainers are not prerequisite, you can do cardio at home without exercise equipment. It is only important to monitor your condition and heart rate.

Important! Strong overvoltage and overload will not lead to the desired result.

Cardio training performs several functions at once:

  1. Strengthen the heart and blood vessels. Properly selected exercises strengthen the heart muscle, have a beneficial effect on the walls of blood vessels. However, only a healthy heart can be strengthened with intensive training. The presence of heart disease limits the choice of exercise.
  2. Promote fast and effective weight loss. Cardio training is considered the best way to lose weight quickly. They are also called "drying" the body. Intense workouts burn calories faster than weight training. However, for effective result they need to be combined with the diet.
  3. Allow to train the respiratory system. With the help of cardio training, you can develop your respiratory system, learn to withstand prolonged stress without shortness of breath.
  4. Increase the endurance of the body. No better way increase endurance than intense training. Regular classes used as preparation for long hikes and travels.
  5. Strengthen muscles. It is impossible to pump up with cardio training, but muscle tissue they strengthen. During exercise, blood actively rushes to the muscles, the legs and abs are especially well strengthened. When combined with strength exercises, you can achieve a beautiful relief.

Cardio classes do not always require the presence of a trainer, but before intense loads it is better to make sure that your health is in order, and the body will pull such loads.

Conditions and rules of cardio training

Cardio isn't just chaotic quick exercises in random order. Workouts and loads are selected individually and planned in such a way that the load goes to various groups muscles.

There are practically no contraindications for such activities, if the load is correctly calculated. Special care is needed only for cores and people with vascular diseases.

If there is no trainer, before starting classes, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the rules for conducting cardio training:

  • First you need to determine the purpose of the training. If you want to get a beautiful body shape, then you need to combine cardio training with strength exercises. For active weight loss only cardio training will be enough, but lasting at least an hour. For a general strengthening of the body and maintaining health, half an hour is enough.
  • Not all cardio workouts are beneficial. During classes, you need to monitor the pulse so that the heart rate does not increase more than the required level. Exercises that cause severe shortness of breath and are not useful, they only tire. Slow exercises do not allow the heart to accelerate.
  • When losing weight, it is worth remembering the joints. Cardio workouts help strengthen the heart and blood vessels, if excess weight impressive, the joints will begin to suffer.
  • Any training starts gradually. It is impossible to bring the body to a fainting state. Ready-made weight loss programs already imply some preparation. To begin with, you can reduce the specified load by half, and then gradually increase it with each lesson.
  • Cardio doesn't start and end abruptly. You definitely need a warm-up to warm up the muscles, and a hitch to put the pulse in order. Approximately 20% of the entire workout is spent on warm-up and cool-down. This ensures maximum efficiency.
  • We must not forget about nutrition. Increased loads require proper nutrition and drinking regimen, otherwise you can harm the body and bring it to exhaustion.

The most effective exercises

When choosing effective exercises, you need to rely solely on your feelings. They are selected individually and should bring pleasure.

If during some exercises there is severe pain, fatigue, discomfort, they should be abandoned, even if they are recognized as very effective.

  1. Run in place. For maximum efficiency, you need to run in place with the removal of the hip forward. To do this, a person stands up straight and spreads his arms to the sides. When the right knee rises (as high as possible), right hand moves forward. Then left leg and left arm. You need to perform the exercises intensively for a minute.
  2. Rock climber. Pretty complicated but effective exercise. It is necessary to take an emphasis lying down, do push-ups and at the same time throw your knees alternately forward, to the chest. If this is difficult, you can perform the climbing exercise without push-ups.
  3. Plie jumps. You need to stand up straight, put your heels together, and spread your socks to the sides. Put your hands on your hips and sit down, spreading your knees to the sides. When climbing, you need to jump up. The exercise is performed 20 times, and then you need to repeat the jumps, but put your feet wider than your shoulders.
  4. Burpee. The person gets on all fours so that the knees are pressed to the chest, and the hands rest on the floor. Then, with a sharp jump, it goes to the prone position, again to the starting position and jumps up to the maximum height from it. There must be at least 20 such jumps.
  5. Sumo squats. You need to stand straight with a flat back, spread your legs shoulder-width apart, then sit down so that your hands rest on the floor, but are between your knees. After that, the legs are pushed back to assume a prone position. You need to return to the starting position by doing the exercise in reverse order.

Useful video - Three levels of burpee exercises.