Tabata protocol: burns fat in minutes. What is Tabata? Four minutes and you are free

Tabata workout. Tabata workout
or tabata protocol. Why tabata
fat burning workout. What programs
work, what are the secrets and chips.
Well, tabata workout videos, of course.

Tabata workout is named after its creator, Japanese sports doctor Itsumi Tabata. Back in 1994, Dr. Tabata had the task of preparing the Japanese national speed skating. The doctor coped with the task and found out in the course of research that the most effective training regimen for increasing aerobic and anaerobic endurance would be alternating high-intensity exercise with short rest.

The scheme was so successful that 10 years later, Itsumi Tabata patented his scheme and protocol, and it became known as Tabata training. But first, as always

tabata workout video

Tabata workout

this is a special case of high-intensity interval training— VIT. Or, in English HIIT - high-intensity interval training. You can see the link in detail about it, and now I will briefly summarize what is there:

the meaning of HIIT is that such training

  1. Increases calorie intake for a long time after its end due to the so-called delayed oxygen consumption. E.P.O.C - Excess post-exercise oxygen consumption
  2. Increases sensitivity muscle tissue to insulin, which facilitates fat burning

As you understand, there are a lot of varieties of these same HIIT workouts - and Tabata training is one of them.

Tabata training is the essence

So, since Tabata training is a special case of high-intensity interval training, it would be nice to know what it is. And the essence of fat-burning training according to the Tabata system fits into three lines:

  • rest 10 seconds
  • repeat this 8 times
  • All. Nothing else appears in the tabata protocol. So it's good to know that tabata training is just a patented brand of these three items. Nothing more. And, of course, the effectiveness of this particular tabata protocol has been documented by research by a doctor from Japan.

    pros and cons of tabata

    The pros and cons of the tabata protocol are exactly the same as for any HIIT workouts. Namely:

    • Takes no more than 20 minutes
    • does not require a gym
    • a wide range of exercises
    • Suitable for trained athletes only
    • Traumatic
    • Doesn't grow muscle mass
    • not suitable for people with heart disease or atherosclerosis.
    Tabata training program

    As I said, any exercise is suitable for performing tabata workouts. So here are three examples work program tabata workouts

    Great selection of Tabata exercises! A new popular direction that trains the body as much as possible, comprehensively, without spending a lot of time.

    Regular practice of the Tabata protocol can significantly increase the body's anaerobic and aerobic endurance, that is, increase the maximum amount of oxygen consumed during training or any physical activity.

    Maximum anaerobic capacity also means the maximum amount of energy that can be obtained by the body in the absence of oxygen. This anaerobic energy is produced by burning carbohydrates in the absence of oxygen in the blood.

    Dr. Tabata's research showed that if you exercised according to his method five days a week for six weeks, you can increase the body's aerobic endurance by 14 percent, and increase its anaerobic capacity by 28 percent. Both provide a significant increase in the overall endurance of the body.

    However, given the intensity of Tabata training, the average untrained person needs to be very careful with this type of exercise.

    Can be performed using cardio equipment, barbells, resistance bands, and fitballs - large balls for gymnastic exercises. And you can train without using additional equipment. Any shape will do exercise, which allows you to train at intervals regulated by the Tabata system.

    Do these exercises at least several times a week, the result will come very soon! We think that if you are diligent enough and follow the execution technique, then your appearance literally transformed!

    Tabata training has existed since 1996 and belongs to the so-called high-intensity interval training, in which intense anaerobic work alternates with relaxed rest intervals. The inventor of the technique, Izumi Tabata, suggested combining 20 seconds of work with 10 seconds of rest. This choice of intervals is explained simply: it is 20 seconds that the muscles can work in anaerobic mode at maximum power and exactly 10 seconds is enough for them to recover. This approach ensures maximum effectiveness of training. According to studies, after 6 weeks of Tabata training, the body's anaerobic capacity increases by 28%, and oxygen consumption by 14%. There is also an increase in loss subcutaneous fat 9 times compared to those who are used to exercising in a 45-minute aerobic format.

    Here are examples of similar interval workouts

    We present you an updated translation of an article from a popular English-language site on fitness and weight loss. Before we start reviewing the workouts, you…

    In order to fully load your body and start burning calories intensively, you do not need to train for 2, 3 or 4 hours, just enough ...

    Tabata workout only lasts 4 minutes. The time is divided into 8 intense loads of 20 seconds each and a 10-second rest in between. During the period of activity, you need to work to the limit, making the maximum number of repetitions. It may not work right away. In this case, try another exercise. Tabata interval training is designed for a short time: 4 to 16 minutes a day. The break between sets should not exceed 3-4 minutes.

    Schedule your Tabata fat burning workout 3-4 hours before meals.

    Just work out the required 4 minutes will not work. As in any sport and fitness, start with a warm-up, warming up all muscle groups. Finish the protocol with a 10-minute slow walk (if you're exercising outside) or a cool down to stretch.

    The variety of Tabata is up to you: pay attention to all muscle groups. The hardest thing is to do the same workouts eight times in a row. Therefore, it is better to combine several (but not more than four) in one complex. Fortunately, there are plenty to choose from:


    The secret of Tabata training is in breathing, on which the acceleration of metabolism depends.

    We learn to breathe correctly: at the moment of greatest effort we inhale through the nose, relaxing, exhale through the mouth. We breathe in the same rhythm, trying not to stray. Thanks to this, the body gets an increased amount of oxygen, the metabolism accelerates and the breakdown of subcutaneous fat starts. By the end of the workout (that is, after only 4 minutes), blood sugar levels drop, and the fat burning process continues for another 48 hours.

    Apps to help

    Rhythm is important in interval training. In order not to stray from it, use the special Tabata timer. It can be downloaded for free as an app for smartphones and smartwatches on iOS and Android.

    It is possible to lose weight and pump up in 4 minutes a day with the help of Dr. Izumi's system. However, prior fitness training is indispensable. You should start with less intense endurance loads, gradually adding Tabata. Keyword "gradually": too frisky start, overwork, muscle pain, a drop in blood sugar levels can discourage the desire to become a supporter of a healthy lifestyle. Start with those same 4 minutes per week, then add another cycle and so on, bringing the protocol up to five times a week. The results will be noticeable after a month and a half of regular classes.

    How to track progress

    Tracking your progress during a Tabata workout is very easy. To do this, you need to use a Tabata account. If you do the same exercise over and over in a 4-minute cycle, write down the number of reps you did in each set. For example, like this: exercise burpee, the number of repetitions is 10-8-8-7-7-6-6-5. If the sum of these numbers grows from week to week, then progress is evident. If the last figure grows, the progress is doubly obvious.

    If you have any health problems, we strongly recommend that you consult your doctor, especially if you have problems with the cardiovascular system. Remember that such workouts involve quite serious loads, this applies not only to Tabata, but to all interval training.

    Gym trainer
    2015-07-02 Views: 22 495 Grade: 5.0 Interval training is a workout designed to burn fat and sculpt your body. I would say these are the most effective workouts if target reset overweight. There are many different exercises and techniques for burning fat. And one of these is the unique Tabata system (Tabata protocol). The beauty of this system is that the workout only takes 4 minutes and is great for those who are not ready to exhaust themselves for hours on cardio machines. As mentioned above, ideally one round of training takes 4 minutes - 20 seconds of maximum intensity work and 10 seconds of rest. And such 8 approaches in a row. From one to three such circles, depending on your fitness and your goal. Rest between rounds is 1 minute.

    How to make a workout?

    A circle in a workout can consist of one or more exercises. We select exercises so that in 20 seconds you can perform 8-10 repetitions. At the same time, the exercise should not be difficult to coordinate, so as not to get injured during execution. Especially at the end of the workout, when it becomes difficult to control the quality of the exercise.
    Example #1: Example #2:
    1. -20 sec. 8-10 times 1. - 20 sec.
    Rest - 10 sec. Rest - 10 sec.
    2. Squats -20 sec. 8-10 times 2. Burpee - 20 sec.
    Rest - 10 sec. Rest - 10 sec.
    3. Squats -20 sec. 8-10 times 3. Jumping Jack - 20 sec.
    Rest - 10 sec. Rest - 10 sec.
    4. Squats -20 sec. 8-10 times 4. Lunges - 20 sec.
    Rest - 10 sec. Rest - 10 sec.
    5. Squats -20 sec. 8-10 times 5. Burpee - 20 sec.
    Rest - 10 sec. Rest - 10 sec.
    6. Squats -20 sec. 8-10 times 6. Jumping Jack - 20 sec.
    Rest - 10 sec. Rest - 10 sec.
    7. Squats -20 sec. 8-10 times 7. Lunges - 20 sec.
    Rest - 10 sec. Rest - 10 sec.
    8. Squats -20 sec. 8-10 times 8. Burpee - 20 sec.

    Oddly enough, but the effect of these exercises occurs after training, and lasts about 3-4 days. The human metabolism is accelerated, as a result of which we lose weight.

    A bit of history

    The Tabata protocol appeared in 1996 in Japan and its author is the Japanese scientist Izumi Tabata. Through research with the National Institute of Fitness and Sports, collecting and reviewing all research materials, Izumi Tabata compiled a training system that was first published in the journal Medicine and Science in Sports and Training. An experiment was conducted on two groups of athletes, one of which was engaged in a standard program (70% intensity) for 6 weeks 5 times a week for 1 hour. The second group trained on a high-intensity interval program: 4 times a week for 6 weeks, 4 minutes in two sessions - 20 seconds of high intensity (170%) and 10 seconds of rest. Athletes doing Tabata interval training showed nine times more body fat loss! High interval training not suitable for everyone. There are contraindications:
    • and heart disease
    Benefits of Tabata training:
    • Can be done at home
    • It does not require time, as we spend only 4 minutes for one circle
    • Heart training
    • Endurance develops
    • Subcutaneous fat is burned
    Requirements for Tabata training:
    • Before training, be sure to warm up.
    • Break between circles 1 minute.
    • The number of exercises depending on the goal.
    • All exercises should be multi-joint, but simple.
    • Breath control, do not hold, breathe intensively.
    • Train no earlier than two hours after eating.
    The training was successful if at the end your heart rate is 70-80% of the maximum allowable value. You can calculate by the formula: 220 - your age. Example: (220-30 years) * (0.7-0.8) = 133-152 beats per minute. Train effectively, save your time.

    The effectiveness of intense and short-term weight loss was discovered in 1996 by a doctor named Izumi Tabata. It was in his honor that the new training method was named - “Protoсol Tabata”. The Tabata system helps to both lose weight and make the body more sculpted by strengthening the muscles. Tabata is a fat burning workout that is highly effective. But it is important to know how to do it right.

    Tabata is a kind of intense sports load four minutes long. Each minute includes two load cycles of 20 seconds and two rest cycles of 10 seconds, alternating with each other. With an intensive cycle, the body is maximally loaded, and during rest, it is used to restore breathing.

    There are the following types of fat burning workouts according to the Tabata system:

    • Interval training. Alternate time between activity and rest. In the classic version, 20 seconds of active load alternates with 10 seconds of rest. But beginners can reduce exercise time and increase rest time.
    • Power training. Tabata exercises can be made more difficult by using a ball or dumbbells.
    • cardio. Like any cardio exercise, Tabata exercises help improve endurance and strengthen the heart muscle. But if you compare them with traditional classes, then the advantage will be in much less time.
    • Workouts for the buttocks. Regular exercises for the buttocks on the tabata system can be very effective. You can perform squats until a right angle is formed between the hips and back, perform alternating lunges with your feet forward, and swing from a position on all fours. Thanks to regular classes your buttocks will become elastic and attractive.
    • Home workouts. It is very convenient to engage in the Tabata system at home. It is enough to devote 20 minutes to training, and without any additional devices, it will help to get an effective load.

    Without proper nutrition physical activity may not give the desired result.

    Keep in mind that the Tabata fat burning workout is very intense and has contraindications. These include the following:

    • no minimum level physical training- in this case, intense workouts, albeit short ones, may be too difficult for you;
    • heart disease;
    • diseases of the musculoskeletal system, especially the spine;
    • chronic diseases at the stage of exacerbation.

    How many calories does tabata burn? In four minutes, depending on the selected exercises, you will spend at least 55 kilocalories. A twenty-minute workout, respectively, is at least 250 kcal burned. But even this is not important, but the fact that such activities improve your metabolism by as much as 15 times, and the body will continue to burn calories even when you are at rest.

    Fat Burning Tabata Workout

    Dr. Tabata has proven the effectiveness of the weight loss system. Intense training in a short period of time contributes to more rapid burning body fat than long, but less intense. Active loads qualitatively work out the muscles, contribute to the active burning of body fat. Russian experts also confirm the effect of such training.

    For classes, they usually choose simple exercises which can be repeated many times and adjust their intensity. You can choose from the following:

    • squats;
    • push ups;
    • lifts on the press;
    • "bike";
    • jumping rope;
    • pull-ups;
    • running in place with high knees.

    The selected exercise must be performed at the peak of your capabilities. To increase the load on different groups muscles, the exercise can be complicated, for example, doing squats with bouncing and so on.

    The classic four-minute Tabata workout goes like this:

    • Warm up. Initially, you need to prepare the muscles and the whole body for the upcoming load. To do this, run simple exercises, including stretching.
    • intensive phase- for 20 seconds, perform the selected exercise at the maximum pace and intensity.
    • rest phase- within 10 seconds, walk a little, let your breath recover.
    • Alternate intense phases and rest phases for 4 minutes. Thus, you will get 8 sets of rest and load.
    • At the end of the main workout do simple stretching exercises.

    In the Tabata complex, it is very important to control time. To track intervals, you can use special applications on your phone or timers.

    Before starting classes, it is important to draw up for yourself the right program. Try to keep a diary, writing down the number of repetitions of the selected exercise, gradually increasing this number. As an indicator, use the number of repetitions that you did during the last, eighth phase of the four-minute training. It is by the growth of this indicator that you can determine your progress. It's called a tabata account. Start classes with one four-minute cycle, gradually increasing the number of cycles in a row.

    Possible training example

    Fat burning training without equipment according to the tabata regimen can be carried out as follows:

    • You can take regular jump rope and turn it into a Tabata workout. Set a timer in front of your eyes, pick up a jump rope. First you need to warm up a little, do stretching exercises. Then start intensive training. For 20 seconds, jump rope as fast as possible, then rest for ten seconds and repeat again. Thus, in four minutes you will get eight sets of active load. Thus, alternate periods of stress and rest. After finishing the exercise, carry out a light load again.
    • Can be used in one workout different kinds exercises. Start with a warm up. Then do squats for the first interval. Rest for ten seconds. Dedicate the second approach to push-ups from the floor, rest again. The third approach is the swing of the press, lying on your back. Then rest. The fourth approach is this: lie on your stomach, stretch your arms forward. Raise both your legs and arms at the same time. Take a breather and rest. The fifth approach will be devoted to push-ups lying on your side on right hand. Take a rest. The sixth interval is the same push-ups, but lying on the other side. Let the seventh exercise be an intense run in place with the knees raised as high as possible. Take a rest. Then, lying on your back, bend your knees, lift your pelvis up and down. Finish the cycle with stretching exercises. Please note that this option is quite complex, and it is better to use it if you already have some preparation.

    One round, as you already know, is four minutes long. Then you need to rest for 1-2 minutes and start the next approach. How many of them there will be in total is determined by your endurance. Average for a full workout, 3-5 approaches are enough, which take 15-25 minutes.

    At the same time, you can make tabata workouts long, devoting 40-50 minutes to them. Then the lesson should be built as follows: alternate one ultra-intensive approach with a less intense one. For example, for four minutes we do active burpees, and for the next four - power push-ups or a plank. With these exercises, you will be able to restore your breath, which will help you give your best in the next round.

    How often to practice?

    If your goal is to lose weight, then it is recommended to exercise 3-4 times a week for 15-30 minutes or 2-3 times for 40-45 minutes. Do not engage in intense workouts daily, as they can lead to overtraining, which also has its negative consequences.

    Whether you're just keeping fit or want to add Tabata workouts to your strength training, then it is enough to practice twice a week for 15-30 minutes. You can also use high-intensity interval training instead of classic cardio. If you are doing Tabata exercises along with strength training, then wish them after. By the way, they can be very useful in case of stagnation in the growth of muscle mass. By themselves, tabata exercises do not build muscle mass, but they contribute to the exit from stagnation in the growth of strength indicators.

    At what time to practice - in the morning or in the evening, it's up to you, this does not particularly affect the results. Here it is worth focusing on your biorhythms and personal preferences. The only moment Do not exercise on an empty stomach and right before bed. Tabata training is exhausting, and at first you will feel very tired. But this is just a testament to their effectiveness.

    To increase the effectiveness of training, it is recommended to periodically change the set of exercises. The body gets used to the loads, so with the same workouts, their effectiveness will gradually decrease. You can change the order of exercises, add new ones. But remember that the main key to success in tabata is to give everything as hard as you can.

    We offer you to watch several videos with tabata exercises for beginners and not only.

    fat burning tabata video