How to choose ski poles for Nordic walking. Nordic walking - benefits, technique, rules, equipment, reviews

Most of the activities on fresh air require special equipment and Nordic walking is no exception. Basically, all you need for Nordic walking is the right shoes and .

In this article we will talk about the characteristic features of Finnish walking poles. And you will understand what is the difference scandinavian sticks from trekking and skiing.

They differ from ski poles, which are much longer, and from trekking poles, which are much heavier. And, despite the fact that many walkers assume that (photo 1) and trekking (photos 2 and 3) are similar and interchangeable, they are still different from each other. The first photo shows sticks for northern or nordic walking, on two other sticks for trekking or hiking.

Poles for trekking and hiking are a tool for technically demanding sports physical activity, which includes many turns on the route, descents and ascents of the hills. The use of such sticks is necessary first of all to maintain balance when walking and overcoming obstacles.

Trekking poles have a heavier bottom section to help you navigate difficult terrain and get through thickets along the way. While walking, poles are placed in front of and to the side of the body for safety and stability.

We hope this material will help you.

Nordic walking is a physical activity that requires additional equipment in the form of two special sticks. With the help of them, a uniform load is achieved on the upper sections of the muscles and with imitations of the movements of skiing.

In this article, we examined the differences between the main sticks (ski, tourist and nordik walk), and also tried to collect similar and distinctive characteristics from each other.

But tourist ones, or as they are also called, are designed to provide support during climbs and prevent slipping during descents.

Many people, not knowing the specifics of the equipment, ask - "why do they go with ski poles without skis"? Real Nordic walking involves the use of poles specially designed for it, so it’s not true to say that they walk with ski poles!

Differences of sticks for each sport...

They are selected strictly according to height, there is a special calculation formula: Coefficient 0.68 * Walker height in centimeters.

The material used to make the shaft is very important. Aluminum is considered unsuitable and weakly absorbs vibration.

For Norwegian walking, the design of the lanyard (glove) is especially important, it should not be just a loop, like trekking or ski poles, but a glove of a special design that wraps around thumb with the possibility of quick removal. Such a lanyard allows you to fully open the hand during the return movement, which is very important for correct technique walk.

Thanks to a special lanyard, Finnish walking poles allow you to regular movements smooth and measured. What can not be done using any other types of sticks.

Differences between ski poles

First of all, it is the length. Due to the higher speed of movement, ski poles will be 20-30 cm longer than the Scandinavian ones.

If you take ski poles that are perfect for you skating and start to seriously engage in Nordik Walk with them, then you will at least have overload on the hands, neck, the walking technique will be violated and after a couple of sessions the desire and vigor obtained during training will disappear.

The question of whether ski poles can be used for Nordic walking should fall away once and for all - no you can't use!

A distinctive feature of trekking models

When hiking, the hiker walks on steep or hilly terrain, so the movement of the arms and poles is different: hiking poles help to balance the climbs and prevent slipping during the descents. They are not required for hiking trip, but their use is highly recommended, especially on long climbs.

The main difference between Scandinavian poles and trekking and ski poles is the required length, the special design of the lanyard and the material used.

Trekking poles are needed primarily to simplify the ascent and descent. Therefore, manufacturers do not devote as much time to the problems of choosing a material and eliminating unwanted vibration as they do when creating Nordic walking poles.

It is worth touching on the issue of length, it is not fundamental and may vary depending on the type of hike. If you are going uphill, then shorter sticks will be more convenient, and on the contrary, long ones will be more convenient for descending. That's why telescopic structures are popular in trekking:

For Nordic walking, solid ones are more suitable, they are considered the choice of professionals.

It is worth noting that for ski types two sticks are required for sports and Nordic walking, but one is enough for trekking. And in the sale most often they are sold one by one.

Summary table of characteristics and requirements:

Outcome: trekking, ski and Scandinavian poles cannot be interchanged and they are not the same! If you want to properly practice and enjoy every sport or physical activity, get the equipment that is designed specifically for it.

Nordic walking (Nordic Walking, Finnish, Nordic walking) - popular view physical activity, based on a certain walking technique using special sticks that look like ski sticks. The technique has gained worldwide popularity since the late 90s. The principle of movement is based on summer exercises skiers.

The history of Nordic walking

Walking with sticks appeared a long time ago. Even pilgrims used similar supports, overcoming rough terrain. In methods physiotherapy exercises sticks have been used for a long time to improve health and rehabilitation after illness.

Close to the modern version of Nordic Walking, the form of walking first appeared in 1940 in Finland and was used by professional skiers to keep fit outside of training.

The primacy of the stick walking method as an independent, amateur sport is disputed by Mauri Rapo (his method is described in the article "Hiihdon lajiosa" in 1979) and Mark Kantan (similar article "Sauvakävely" in 1997). However, the name was patented by Mark Kantan, who wrote and published the first Nordic Walking guide.

In the late 90s, the walking technique was transformed into an independent sport and was popularized around the world.

To Russia unusual view sport came relatively recently, but has already become an effective alternative to running. The fact is that the movements involve almost all muscle groups (up to 90%, while normal walking does not exceed 70%), which leads to the strengthening of the body as a whole, the spine and joints in particular. Moreover, the muscles of the back and upper shoulder girdle which does not occur during normal walks. Reliance on inventory allows you to reduce the load on the hip and knee joints and also on the foot.

The benefits of Nordic walking have been proven and undeniable, meanwhile, the technique has its limitations associated with dosing and intensity of loads for various diseases, therefore, it requires a doctor's consultation before starting classes.


Indications for this species there are a lot of amateur sports. For example, in Germany, Nordic walking is an obligatory element of all rehabilitation programs after surgical interventions on the musculoskeletal system. Patients of German clinics who underwent arthroplasty hip joint, already a month after the operation, they return to their usual pace of life thanks to walking with sticks.

The greatest efficiency is observed in the following conditions:

  • excess body weight;
  • mild pathologies of the respiratory system;
  • disorders of the musculoskeletal system: osteochondrosis, scoliosis in adults and children, and is also used as a prevention of osteoporosis;
  • vascular and heart diseases, as well as prevention of hypertension, atherosclerosis;
  • depression, neuroses;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • sleep disorders;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • recovery period after surgery.

According to the load, walking refers to cardio training, i.e., first of all, it strengthens the heart muscle, which means that it requires approval from the doctor for diseases of the lungs and cardiovascular system. The technique has no age indications and is especially popular among people of retirement age.

Features of the choice of equipment and equipment for classes

In order to maximize the effectiveness of classes, you need:

  • comfortable sports uniform according to the weather;
  • shoes for hiking or special for running;
  • sticks.

For winter activities, clothes that are used for ski trips, for example, thin thermal underwear that will warm you in severe frost, and winter ski overalls. In summer, you can wear both a tracksuit and comfortable T-shirts and shorts. As for shoes, sneakers should fix the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe foot well and firmly, have a dense but flexible sole. You should also wear two pairs of cotton socks to avoid blisters.

Selection of sticks

The first special sticks were produced by Exel Oyj in 1997. The length of the sticks is selected individually by multiplying a person's height by a special coefficient of 0.7. All monolithic Nordic walking sticks have standard sizes with a difference of 5 cm. If the resulting number is intermediate, the result should be rounded depending on the person’s physical fitness:

  • a shorter length is preferable for beginners, as well as people with contraindications to significant stress on the spine;
  • longer poles put additional stress on the back and arms, so they are suitable for trained athletes.

Also on sale are special telescopic sticks, which allows them to be used for all family members, and especially for children - the inventory will grow with them. The best material is carbon fiber. Aluminum alloy products are somewhat cheaper.

The inventory is expensive - a set of sticks costs from 3,000 rubles, so they should be bought in accordance with growth and physical capabilities, and treated with care, not transferred to third parties.

Benefits of Nordic Walking

Doctors have long proven the fact that walking is much more useful and safer for the body than running and strong physical exertion. Moving at the same, calm pace has a positive effect on both health and emotional state.

What hiking gives:

  • blood enrichment and internal organs oxygen;
  • strengthening blood vessels and heart muscle;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • improved digestion;
  • activation of the excretion of toxic substances;
  • lowering cholesterol levels;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • improvement of muscle tone;
  • fat burning;
  • improved balance and coordination;
  • rehabilitation of the joints and spine;
  • great mood and positivity.

The most important thing is the regularity of classes, which can only be skipped for health reasons.


Like any sport, before starting a lesson, you should perform a warm-up - swinging your arms and legs, bending-extension of the body, lifting on tiptoe for 2-3 seconds, neat jumps from foot to foot and on both legs. Can be used special exercises with sticks: right-left tilts with raised hands holding a stick, forward bends with an emphasis on sticks, etc.

So, how to walk Nordic walking:

  • The main element of the lesson is the step.
  • The main rule: the left hand with a stick - right leg(heel), and vice versa: right hand - left foot, i.e. there should be an opposite.
  • The stick is on the side near the leg, slightly at an angle.
  • When the stick touches the ground, a step should be taken: the foot is placed on the heel, then rolled onto the toe. But you should not put your feet on the entire surface of the foot at once.
  • Legs during the step should be slightly bent at the knees.
  • Hands during movement are slightly bent at the elbows and move them up and down when pushing off the surface. The arm rises at an angle of 45 0 in the upper position, and the “lower” arm moves back to the level of the pelvis.
  • It is impossible to rely on sticks with considerable effort! This creates additional stress on the musculoskeletal system.

How to hold sticks

In fact, they themselves are kept on their hands thanks to special, very strong and reliable loops. The loops are similar in appearance to the bells of gloves and with the help of wide bands they cover the bases of the thumbs, which prevents incorrect movements of the hand. You need to keep inventory freely, without straining your hands, parallel to one another. During overcoming a hard surface, rubber tips are put on the sticks for convenience, soft areas are more convenient to pass, simply pushing off with a spike.

So, before class, you need to put your hand through the loop, adjust the diameter with the fastener and fasten the loop so that the wrist area is not pinched. Thus, the sticks will not fall out of your hands.

Contraindications and disadvantages of the technique

The disadvantages of this sport are some dependence on weather conditions. Walking is possible throughout the year, but in reality, heavy rain, blizzard or snowfall makes movement much more difficult and can adversely affect health. Walking in the gym is difficult, and skipping classes is not recommended.

How to walk correctly for maximum effect

It is recommended to find a companion or go with the whole family - this motivates, improves efficiency and mood in general. There are whole schools and clubs of Nordic walking fans who take daily walks.

  • You should eat an hour and a half before class.
  • You need to walk at a fast pace, but do not go for a run. The walk should be comfortable, not accompanied by abdominal pain, shortness of breath and rapid breathing.
  • Increase the load - only gradually.
  • While walking, you should not lower your head down, your shoulders should be relaxed and freely lowered, and your posture should be even. You need to try to think positive and smile.
  • Walks are best organized in ecologically clean places where there is a lot of vegetation and no transport. The best option is hilly paths of parks and squares.
  • The duration of one lesson is at least 40 minutes. How long is the maximum walk? It depends on fitness, but you should definitely not exceed 60-90 minutes.
  • During the walk, you can drink clean water in small sips.
  • After the walk, you should do a couple of leisurely stretching exercises or just take a few deep breaths.

Nordic Walking and weight loss - how it works

Proper Nordic walking, carried out regularly, leads to a gradual loss of extra pounds. When walking at an average or fast pace, about 10 calories are burned in 1 minute. Almost all muscles are also pumped. While walking, you can "work" on problem areas. So, if you walk and keep the abdominal muscles moderately retracted, you can get rid of fat deposits in this area. Overcoming rough terrain with climbs perfectly pumps up the muscles of the legs. If you tighten your buttocks and try to mentally hold a coin between them, they will take on a beautiful shape.

Common Mistakes

Nordic walking with sticks is not easy for everyone, while some do not see any positive changes in their health status. This may be due to some bugs:

  • Using homemade sticks or equipment from other sports;
  • Incorrect holding of sticks (cross them behind the back);
  • Turning the body while raising the arm to make a repulsive movement;
  • Using the power of the hand, not the elbow, during the push;
  • Use of uncomfortable shoes.

Nordic Walking is a pleasant, accessible sport for everyone that has a positive effect on health, mood and appearance!

Scandinavian (Nordic, Nordic) walking is a sport that is gaining popularity and can be practiced by everyone, regardless of age and physical condition. It is equally suitable for pregnant women, the elderly and children taller than 150 centimeters. But how to choose sticks for Nordic walking so that classes bring maximum results?

This sport puts a strain on various groups muscles that are not involved, for example, when running or riding. Thus, Nordic walking allows you to prepare the body for more serious physical exertion, bring it into tone and maintain it, and even get rid of excess weight.

This sport is not contraindicated for those who, for medical reasons, cannot run, i.e. people suffering:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • obesity;
  • diseases of the respiratory system.

At the same time, its great advantage is its accessibility - from sports equipment Nordic walking requires nothing more than a pair of poles. However, far from any sticks are suitable for classes, choosing the right ones can be quite difficult for an unprepared person.

Due to the growing popularity of Nordic walking, how to choose sticks for it is not yet clear to everyone. In this case, instead of picking up specialized equipment, it is often replaced with a similar one for its intended purpose: ski or trekking poles.

Of course, since these products are not designed for Nordic walking, the effectiveness of training with them will be lower, and their use has a lot of features.

Ski poles can also be used in Nordic walking, however, it should be noted that their use is only allowed on loose surfaces: due to the characteristics of the tip, they can only be used in winter and on snow.

In extreme cases, they are suitable for loose surfaces (sand). It is also impossible to use the same pair of sticks for walking and for riding: they are selected based on different criteria, which means that their length should differ markedly.

Trekking poles (travel poles), in turn, are designed for completely different functions: supporting a tourist on a hike. They are heavy, thick and massive, as they are designed to withstand not only human weight, but also the mass of a backpack.

Trekking poles are almost always telescopic. Their use for Nordic walking is undesirable because a significant muscle overload is created.

Choice of stick length

When choosing sticks, two aspects must be taken into account: the height of a person and the features of the products themselves. The selection of the optimal length is necessary for productive training: this is the only way the load on the body will be distributed correctly, without causing muscle strain.

Sticks of insufficient length will overload the spine, they cannot properly push off the ground. With short sticks, the stride length is also reduced, which reduces training load on back muscles legs. On the contrary, sticks that are too long will not allow you to tilt the body a little forward, which is necessary for proper walking.

The required length of sticks directly depends on the height of a person. It is logical that for a taller person longer sticks are needed. The size of the inventory can vary from 110 to 140 centimeters, the table of possible sizes has a step of 5 centimeters.

To determine the optimal length of sticks for everyday activities and keep the body in good shape, you need to multiply your height by a standard coefficient of 0.7. The result will approximately reflect the appropriate length.

Also, the required length of the sticks is affected by physical state organism. People with a more athletic build can increase it by 5 centimeters, and professional athletes by 10.

Also, instead of wondering how to choose the right sticks for Nordic walking, you can conduct a simple test: pick them up. Ideally, with the body and sticks straight, the elbow should be bent at a right angle.

When choosing the length, it is necessary to take into account not only physical form and growth of a person, but also his individual characteristics. So, people suffering from diseases of the joints cannot take long enough steps, based on which the size of the stick is selected.

In this case, it is better to take shorter guns. It's the same with leg size: long-legged people take wider strides and need longer poles, while people with short legs will be more comfortable with shorter poles.

Criterias of choice

Answering further the question of how to choose sticks for Nordic walking, you need to consider their features. They are made from different materials and have different designs. Their choice is determined by the available amount of money and personal preferences.

Ideally, the selected inventory should:

  • have sufficient rigidity;
  • be non-traumatic;
  • have a small weight;
  • have high strength;
  • dampen vibrations and shocks;
  • have a comfortable handle;
  • match in length.


The design of the sticks can be fixed or telescopic. Telescopic poles allow you to fine-tune the height. They consist of two or three sections and are equipped with a twist lock. These poles are easy to transport and can be adjusted for walking on various surfaces. Telescopic Scandinavian walking poles are recommended:

  • beginners who select the most comfortable parameters for themselves;
  • people involved in walking with different loads and in different conditions.

For those who rarely change their load (and, accordingly, do not feel the need to adjust the height of the poles) and walk on homogeneous terrain, it is recommended to choose solid poles: they are safer and more durable.

Scandinavian walking sticks consist of four elements: a shaft, a tip, a lanyard and a handle. Each of these elements can have different quality parameters, be produced from different materials and influence overall performance.

The shaft (shaft) is made of aluminum, carbon fiber, fiberglass, carbon fiber and composite. The first option is the cheapest, but at the same time the least preferable: aluminum poles very poorly dampen the impacts on the ground and vibrations that occur during walking, creating an additional load on the joints.

More professional poles made of aluminum are equipped with a special anti-shock anti-vibration system that increases the elasticity of the poles. More preferred options are products with the addition of carbon. The more of this material in the design - the less weight of the sticks.

Carbon perfectly absorbs vibration and impact energy. Its addition increases the stiffness, flexibility and strength of the poles. Professionals prefer to use composite or carbon fiber poles: they show the best qualities.

The main difference between Nordic walking sticks and ski or trekking sticks is the handle. Their handle has a special ergonomic shape and a small diameter.

Handles are made from various materials. The least preferred among them is plastic: while walking, the hand is constantly unclenched and compressed, which causes sweating.

Excess moisture accumulates and causes discomfort. The material of the handle should at least partially absorb excess moisture, plastic does not have such qualities. Therefore, in most inexpensive models, rubber inclusions are introduced into the plastic handle. Cork handles are considered the highest quality: they not only perfectly absorb moisture, but also sit comfortably in the hand.

A lanyard is a special belt around the hand, resembling a glove. In simpler models, the strap is wrapped around the wrist, similar to a ski lanyard.

The task of the lanyard is to support the hand and wrist, to provide the ability to release the stick after it hits the ground. Lanyards vary in size, which must be taken into account when choosing. Not every lanyard can be adjusted in size to a specific hand, however, there are some, buying sticks with a lanyard of this kind will obviously be better.

More primitive lanyards are not divided by hand, but are identical, as a result of which some discomfort may occur when using such sticks.

The accuracy of the trajectory of a stick with a universal lanyard also suffers. In more advanced models, a division into left and right appears. Professional lanyards are made taking into account the anatomical features of the owner, they use special moisture-absorbing materials.

An extremely convenient solution is a removable lanyard, which can be unfastened from the stick at any time. This design allows you to save time when you need to answer a phone call, take a drink and in other similar situations.

The length of the lanyard also matters. In the case of a short strap, it is sometimes better to choose a shorter stick, since there will simply not be enough time to complete a full arm movement. In turn, with a long belt, it is also better to choose a longer stick.

Nordic walking poles are equipped with a Pobedite tip, hard and durable. This tip is ideal for soft and slippery surfaces.

Separately, there are tips to walk on asphalt paths or dense earth. As a rule, these shoe tips are removable and detach when not needed. They are made from rubber. Their function: to protect the hard tip of the stick itself, while providing additional shock absorption when walking.

In nature or in a park, you can often meet a group of people, or people walking one after another, who look like skiers. Most of them are pensioners, but there are representatives of young people and even professional athletes. This useful practice is widely gaining popularity. When you first meet her, the question often arises - how to choose sticks for Nordic walking. Given that in other countries, such a walk is equated to a separate sport, beginners do not have difficulties with the selection of equipment. It is not so popular with us, in many respects its usefulness and correctness depend on the competent selection of equipment. How to do this - we will tell in this article.

How to choose Nordic walking poles

To begin with, the usual broken branches and ski accessories are categorically not suitable for classes.

The sports equipment has clear parameters and its own design, developed taking into account the specifics of the process - handles and tips of a certain shape (Figure 1), the pole is made of a special metal alloy. Before buying, you must consider the general recommendations. Figure 1. Options for different sticks for Nordic walking

How to choose Nordic walking poles:

  1. The presence of a replaceable tip - a pointed cap is suitable for loose soil and slippery roads, a rubber pad is suitable for asphalt pavement, which will absorb the impact of hard contact, it is better for beginners to opt for a rubber boot;
  2. Comfortable ergonomic handle - it should be easily and tightly covered with a brush and not slip out of it;
  3. A loop under the arm or a lanyard - it is necessary that it be wide enough to fit tightly to the hand and not put pressure on blood vessels, joints and soft tissues.

The next step in how to choose the right Nordic walking sticks is to measure their length:

  • According to the formula, where height is multiplied by a factor of 0.68, while the product is adjusted to the person wearing the shoes in which he will train;
  • With incorrect parameters, your back will feel a traumatic load, which will affect your posture and discomfort for the internal organs.

For those who are far from such training, their essence, which consists in skiing without ski tracks, causes a lot of bewilderment. But, if you approach the exercises from the side of physical therapy, then Nordic walking sticks, the benefits and harms, have a positive general strengthening effect on the body.

Figure 2. Positive effect on the body of Nordic walking

Effect on the body (Figure 2):

  1. Support muscle tone of the whole body;
  2. Helps burn 1.5 times more calories than regular hiking
  3. Improve and straighten posture and sense of balance;
  4. Helps relieve symptoms of high blood pressure.

But negative consequences are also possible.

Therefore, Finnish walks are undesirable for those who:

  1. Has serious chronic diseases - renal failure, progressive thrombophlebitis, hemophilia, the last stages of arthritis, complex forms of diabetes;
  2. Suffers from regular exacerbations of heart failure, high arterial hypertension, the consequences of a recent heart attack, a decrease in lung capacity by more than 50%;
  3. Is in late pregnancy, has had a physical injury or surgery that has not fully healed, is at risk for glaucoma (Figure 3).

Figure 3. If available certain contraindications classes are prohibited

To achieve the desired effect, you have to try. The same Nordic walking with sticks for the elderly has its own nuances, which relate not only to the choice of equipment, but also to the approach to it.

Features of Nordic walking for the elderly:

  1. It is worth giving preference to shorter poles so that they do not create an excessive load on the hands and do not contribute to early fatigue;
  2. It is obligatory to take into account the distance traveled and its speed - you should increase the distance gradually, adhering to the rhythm that will be optimal for your pressure surges, the speed should not exceed 6 km / h;
  3. The right pace will help to equalize the cardiovascular pressure, and the rhythmic movement is stored in the memory of the body and develops the vestibular apparatus.

Telescopic poles

Practice poles come in two types - solid and telescopic (Figure 4). The second option is usually recommended, as it is lighter in weight and easier to transport. They are cheaper than monolithic ones and are made of aluminum alloy.

Some of them have a built-in anti-shock system - inside the projectile there is a special shock absorber spring that softens the shock load. Telescopic options with a composite-carbon shaft are much more expensive.

Figure 4. Solid (left) and telescopic (right) poles

Consider the pros and cons of folding inventory:

  1. Easily adjust to the height of any person, optimal for growing children;
  2. Convenient and practical when traveling - when folded they are placed in a special case;
  3. Clamps - sensitive to sand and water ingress, can develop or freeze at the most inopportune moment;
  4. Durability - over time, vibration and bounce appear, so the model must be replaced and it is rarely advised by experienced instructors;
  5. Professional and high class - do not provide for a folding design due to the reasons described above.

Selection of pens and tips

The specificity of Finnish walks implies a constant capture and release of the projectile - opening and closing the palms of the hands, which leads to their rapid moistening. Therefore, it is important that the handles absorb moisture well and do not slip.

Figure 5. Three main types of walking pole handles

Handles are divided into three classes (Figure 5):

  1. Rubber - consist of a rubber-cork mixture, have good absorbent properties, are used by professional athletes;
  2. Cork - also effective in absorbing sweat, made of natural material, but fail with prolonged use, can peel off;
  3. Plastic - do not absorb moisture, are uncomfortable and slip strongly, which can only be compensated for with a high-quality lanyard.

The difference between rubberized and cork-like materials is not fundamental, both types belong to the middle price category. When choosing them, it is worth giving preference to models with a thin handle that fits easily into the brush and does not rub the palm.

Regarding the tips, they should be selected depending on the type of coverage on which you are going to walk, taking into account the fact that they take on the main load.

Figure 6 Tip Example

Choice of tips (Figure 6):

  1. Metal claw or spikes - must be very strong, made of tungsten carbide, most often they are removable and come with various options, designed for soft soil, dirt roads and sand;
  2. For asphalt and other hard surfaces - carbide ones are made in the form of a claw or peak, rubber ones are a kind of slipper;
  3. Carbon or all-terrain vehicles - universal for any terrain, consist of a mixture of rubber and carbon, which improves grip and dampens the sound of hitting the ground, has special grooves that make it easier to walk on sand and grass, sliding ground;
  4. Kevlar - outwardly similar to the previous ones, their body is made of para-aramid fiber, and the pillow itself is made of rubber-carbon mass, they are distinguished by increased strength and low speed.


The locking system that allows the pole to return to the palm after it is released is a tricky fingerless glove that keeps your hand snug against the handle. Depending on the manufacturer, it may have a different appearance(Figure 7).

Figure 7. Lanyard different types

There are three main types in total:

  1. Basic - not fitted to a specific hand, which affects the accuracy of movements, therefore, when it returns to the hand, some discomfort may occur, on this moment gloves without distinction, left or right, are practically not found on sale;
  2. Fitted for each hand - have marks where left and right are used most often, guarantee good grip with the projectile, some models are conveniently adjustable in length, allowing you to put another mitten under them;
  3. Professional - also adjustable for greater convenience of the athlete, they look like a piece of fabric located between the index and thumb, they absorb sweat well.

Good retainers are available in sizes S to L, equipped with the QLS quick release system (Figure 8). It allows you to quickly detach the pole, take a photo and talk on the phone without removing your gloves.

Please note that in order to choose the right lanyard, you need to measure the palm of your hand.

With a circumference of 12-20cm, the fixing material should be 5-8cm, with 20-30cm - 9-12cm.
Figure 8. QLS quick release system

Choosing the length of sticks for Nordic walking according to height

The calculation formula is quite simple, but has its own nuances. Your body height is multiplied by a certain factor, which varies depending on the purpose of the exercise and general condition health.

Consider what length of Nordic walking sticks is needed for each of the options:

  1. To facilitate training - an indicator of 0.66, it is optimal for those who are recovering from an injury, are engaged in a measured pace;
  2. Healthy and active - 0.68, suitable for more trained people who adhere to medium intensity and work out in a company;
  3. With an increased load - 0.7, it is chosen by athletes and those who wish to maintain muscle tone for high level, exercising at a fast pace.

You should also pay attention to the fact that the length of Nordic walking sticks:

  • Will be about 25-30cm shorter than the ski accessories that suit you;
  • When using elongated models will increase physical activity on the torso, but will lower it to the calf muscles;
  • In shortened versions, it will act on the opposite principle - the legs are tensed more than the shoulders and arms.

The right way to choose the right height of the projectile is the table of sticks for Nordic walking:

Man's height

Suitable Height